The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, January 21, 1888, Image 3

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    ifiE DAILY JIKRAL1), ) LATJMoi' l H. Nttt'.KASK A. SATITUDA V. JAN f'AUV 21. 138.
Tin-: raicminoN house.
VJi:t Is ''..I I or !.; l"r fit ron IIf.rtiri
Ori;;n Si. :'-' I'setl In i:iris f ''luriic-
- i .! A- of lite J'crtlicriiii Trc atiucnt
i" f ill' I tt'--C.
.11 till
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lien: oi i
Cui'd f
In- I. aide
world fm
li. i. ,
i" i:
I ';.!:ri T, of Michig".!l. i' it!! tn
i the I'i n heron hoi.--e. and quilo
i-' cam- i l :1 v. illi his love for
( 1 ' ; !..-r i:i , lie ever taw
! .m ,t.-.'i I Ley -rinci 1 a. jinrt
.01. he. i !:...ed j At ;::, "Tho
',' .. :( v..'-; i;;iii'.;in in .
ar: ':.;' g:d!try lit
x. .' : i v.i ii j
. !
:-.-.-- i wit ii t
. : ,.i! :.n ir ii.ira' icr ana
y t V ranee tn jtick out
' I !' I:;. . now .sixty of
ranging in value from
(.;i!t. i ti l he is t he prcsi-
e 1 : r. tn rn;i i;iiii'Mint'iy 01 tne
.!'..: . . 1 1 - - in France last ;.t-nr
;i :i to 11- i'orekeroii J!i,::-e
M'cifly of l'"r:t !!-. and lip thinks
l.i H-.--I- is tin- best breed in the
l't :.' l-iil jn imvs.
' In-, "the horse for the
!.t- cm lake it from Hie lumber
v.;,.;i.ii and 1 1 --c- it i:i liis carriage, and I
hac l,crii loM of instances v. here l'er
f heron horses weighing l,10d ,ounii.s have
gone n mile in l hrce minutes. They are,
.m know, n !--ii;;c t. type, m. 1 nre ..,up
il tn In . t re.inuKd by ii cross of the
.r.:l';:;;i hor.-c upon t hi- heavy horse of
iN't.i mui'dy. 'l in y crime from La 1'crthe,
:i ! imv ::!:nt:t miles square, in
N'tn m.-ii.-ly. IJiTf the 1 -- I h:is attained
iis y f.u j.i'! li : io.'i, iiii.l it is ln-iv Hint
tin.- l:or.-i' v. ts iis iii-nn'. llow th; Aralii.'jJ.,
r.t into Krani'i' 1 i!o ift. know, hut I sup
J. it -.MiU- t l.t-ri-fit lit-r through the Sar
i't ii':; wiit-ii tlit-y hi re whipped by 'iiaclva
ilarii I .-it 'I'fiiis. i r it may hi- that tho
('iisiiis of ,";.. lit !i' i.i 1 'ol nut
thiiii hack li'ui:: l'altstiii'- thiriiitx the
I 'ru. ::il.' . i'ut 1 ht iv is ii' !ouhi that the
.i::h h'ooil is tlicif, am! in inixlcrn,
r.T. r e.t ci!t identity of type luul
':. -.-a ri ' i., ;!i;--.',il. i his h!-.i. (I wa.j re-t-iiforccd
f.o :ii tint'- t.. tiii'e f:-.iu the royal and
national si.-'hli-.; of j'l'iinee.
'!'hc hor.-es have h;-eii noted for yoaXS
in r
:iait- lior.-es, and ttiey
:is ii;;i, ia L-eneral use
i.i.iM -t that time
i-;:::c'.- as i'ik t- a i
ill S'.t:.-; a iiMUiii.i!
si tciiit l' v.oitM t.:'.:- :! ;t t!:ose
Ja-jr. y 'i.r.scs vl:li Mats hot !i inside and
on li." n.'.'l' and Idled wit ii passi nyers, and
t'.ra.M it a!-.i!'-C at. the rate of eii;ht miles iin
hour over the an-ha!:. Durinji my trip
to I'nivs la-t f:j:rin I noticed a decided
deli . rita-ati'-ii i:i the ch;t rat-t er tf the horses
-. used, and I found that, li:e 1 'ercherocs
.i.-id keep repi;:e!.l by oIIkw.-:. I" poll
ii:;rv J was lol'l i:i:ti llie i.:i-e:it (ieii'.anil
roll hcrse in A merit" a had
from x:loO to froia N'HiO to
i r the i't it !u
t i-.i t?ie pi ice
i,' 1. ':):., tiius iTiakin:: them tio expensive
for oH' r.- e. The liorst ; now usetl ia
IV-ris eiriail'f:-. are the J'i!.".!;.n?ils, the
vs tA N r
e i:o inlil'
:;':r.-:-- and ' !: r heavy in.;
::.- siTitl i"i:-!i !-rs w!:ih h
; : :s of t V.t i t .i k'.ood.
A-; I.) l'eivin, ikere are million
:!!. is ii'.r.a.-.'.y iiive.-ied in '.he 1'nited
i.s, and tli 'io is L.-.-nt h::ia:i n:;i::etl
li'.ta:.; v. ! o I;:'--. i-i.-id;- it i rllloe out of
m. lie i:d:-::t . eai!: d the Pert-heron
i:- ::- l.a.d as many as oOU
oil Lis :;.:;! at o-.-c time. His
a i:N i . :!:i at 'v.'ayie. forty miic.-j
. . ;';-.T!i u. AhtKKt-ford in
il is iit:::; witli oM
fr.,!-.: C
i; ; :
t v. .
: i i'.
of Kosa
!,.'; cxi.-Ls lie-?.!:-.
pony it r her
it :.(rcis i lie
" t karaeU-ris-
tics ef
. i
i'.re n.
r.e.-s. .
to i:..'
ti'.eai :
il '. v. r
:.! v a
the 1"'- '
u:. l li .
f,c t s.-i.
tLcm i;
I key h.i
ioet ri"
the i:-.:
;. : .ire .. :a :-.!i:y t f a tlapflo
:.i:-.'h tkey i. . y " 1 !::ek. r.'.id now
. i ay o.- (. . ::.::. 'i"!-.ey ;iro
wt ' l.loJ poniuis ar.d
',. y i: .'.,' :. k:-.e r.elioa. a Line
r ; ; . rea. : ;;. ttils and j:reat
: . i r v. '.k s:i -I li'!. 'i key
,i : ; ;k-:: i' -..-iiity an.! iTclakle
,i n:::y I j ruid to hi I torn Lrekcn
It:.;-:-.--.-, i l:i::'.e:-sed a team of
r il. - dr-t t on: laorniiisc at. 8
A: !' t !:'' vire '.i::v. :u ii idow
?.? : well k:-; '.en teari, and were
i;i! ' a v, k-.. ; r.k Ykt y --loweil in
i .-.11 :a y, t !dy '':;'.; rented now
;i ir sko-.:hlers i:diit not-v::-.-
i:e.t oay my i":;rmer drove
Lo the t-l'.y i i' Detroit, and though
i it;-, i i- r-;-. a a i i'owd t,t people, an
ear. a e::r or .-U-iiin ear, or
: t.k -. t'te objects displayed in a
; e..y, they showed no fear only
a ki.ul of iaudable curiosity. They would
t-i-aell of a team euine. and while I was
kit, win -c up .-ramps with dynamite this
Mi'.i-.mer '.:-.ey .sttKitl hy and watched the
jjieces Mow a up into the air wit hout more
i lian !e ii".: lia-ii- eyes at the sound. I
ncf.Ii i ie ia!.i fact to their remarkable in-telii.'o-iice.
ia i he lirst place, aud ngain to
-.'tie i'act that Th.ese horses had never heard
u cress v. cm or keen struck."'
t::i:atmkxt of iiokscs.
4iVhat is your theory for the treatment
ct hoivc-s:' ilo.v should they he man-
".V horse sh.ou'.d be treated just as yoa
woukl :i r.a;n or a hoy. My carriage
Jitir.-t-s fared better at the hands of an old
ln::s::!i:::u. who knew nothing about a
kor-e. than with any other driver I have
t-vt r had. V.'hea this man asked me how
he slioah! trt at the:n he was told to treat
them just a- l.e did kim-tlf, only a little
better. He was methodical in his ways,
aial Lo always f-.-d the hoifcs before ho
Jul kim-t if. In warm weather he watered
i hem whenever he ot the chance, and i:i
winter three times, a day. Inasmuch as
.he l tir-is t-.'t'L.i not scraich themselves,
)a pave tk. ::i a yood bru.-him? every anil i: is iaj- ie.!e in driving a
horse that wher.evcr I l'etl that I want a
drink myself J ak-. feel that the horse
may l;e siitVerinp in llie fame direction.
'1 he IVrchcroii horse." irenator Palmer
jveni o-.a ' k::.; ureat powers of endurance.
"ll. has a line knee action, and he 13 so full
: i ;i::ciii.
at mm treat him better
ri::u c:t v uo ;l toi.iei itvtisc. itt; xia
jrot.ti -xv-nd aial has all the r.imblencss and
speed f the iln'-rH-h caach hore. Last
vcar more than S.llV-'Of) wortli of theso
iii.rsc; were imported, ami I believe that
thev are ;?-iuii tt; prevail as the American
draft horse."
I paid a visit to Senator Talmer's farm,
mar Detroit, last summer. It contains
.GTatre-. ai d the improvements upon it
have tost the senator over KlCO.OOO. .He
l.p.s v.i::e miks of drives through its
V.'oods. t : -!.tv miles of undenlrairdng,
n!,lu min atm-e Jake wkiih was dug by
hand and v.hlh is kept full of water by ii
steam c re:::.e. 1 !e Las a lo,r cabin which
cost $12,U:e, r.r.d hl:5 aimil hobbies are
Pc.-ckeroa k, ..e.;, Jerrey covrs and Elen-
i F':n!els. l.orscs are naiuol
r.Li r France. Frank G.
tWoeulcr hi Is'tff York Ys'orlvL
Hit'.v Severitt llmiilretl Ilrooklyti .Aozit't
Mul.n a. 1'alr Living I.lltt on
lutluntriul Iiisuraiut; in lt'n City,
lukln u l'roiit.
A day or two iif;o tlio writi-r was intro
li!'t:d to ii well fed unil fa!iii,iiakly thv .seil
tnaa tif alHtut -lo in a prominent eufe. Th'i
C:iy- met tuiee siii'o the iiiti'otlueti'iii. On
this last tx-easion tho gciitlcmau of -!0 was
cleanly but very xhabbily attii'L-.l. H-j
smiled upon shaking hands aatl Ljoking down
the front of un ulster four siztsj too large for
him, said: "This is my business suit.1'
Tho writer is highly endowed with curios
ity, but as it woulJ be manifestly pronounced
bin I taste to arsk a quest ioii relative to the
gentleman's reasons for getting himself up s
shabbily, he limited his curiosity to throwing
an inquiring glance at his new acquaintance.
Tho iinpiiriiig glance, did tho business.
"When wo met tho other night," said tho
other, shoving his hands deep in tho inx:kt-ts
of his ul.stcr, "I was togged up, but it wouldu't
suit me to wear such clothing in my business.
I don't wish to upjx-ar prosperous before the
jteoplo I mostly do business with. It might
injure trade and thou again it might not.
I'm not disposed, however, to tuko auy
"Might I ask your lino of business"
"I am a collector and agent for one of tho
large lifo insurance companies," and he
chuckled ver3r softly.
The writer could not see how shabby
clothes could help an insurance agent along
and said so.
"Tlio great majority of the peoplo with
whom I do business arc quite ioor and it
would not pay to appear too prosperous; not
that I do tho poverty act in endeavoring to my business. I am connected with
what is called tho industrial branch of our
company. That is, we issue policies as low
as 5 cents per week. You would like to
know, eh, how money can bo made on so
small a margin where tho expense of running
tho machinery of so largo a business must
necessarily be great.' If tho people were to
koep up their payments in the long run tho
company would lose heavily. Now that's
exactly where profit comes in. Say, for in
stance, a child of 2 years is insured at the
rate of 10 cents per week and lives. You can
safely wager that the ioliey will bo allowed1
to lapse beforo the young one i.s 7."
'Even so, I can't see how a man can mako
a living climbing tho stairs of a tenement
here, there and everywhere, sometimes to
find tho iarties out, just to collect a nickle
or a dime"
"My boy," remarked tho agent, with a
broad smile, "it is nothing when you get
used to it. I should say there aro about .000
Icrsons employed in this business right hero
ia Brooklyn, tho largo majority of whom
make a fair living. I cleared over 52.000
last year and havo that sum made this. You
can judge of the magnitude this industrial
insurance business has grown to whea I as
sure you that our company employs 170
agents and collectors in this city alone. I
should judge about three times as many are
engaged over in New York. As to what I
make o:i collecting, that would barely sup
port me. I have Iteen ten j-ears at this occu
lta! ioa and have made by collecting about
?r ier week on an average.
"I never canvass for new risks. I find it
unnecessary. I am given tho ease of Mrs.
John Doe, who has herself, husband and
ihroo children insured at the rate of 5 cents
a week. I go there and collect 'Si cents weekly.
Tho chances aro large that before I havo
made fivo visits Mrs. Doe has for me tho
pleasing intelligence that her sister, J.Irs,
itichurd Roe, wishes to have her family in
sured o:i the weekly plan. I m-ako a note of
Mrs. Hoe's address and call UT'oa her. Sho
insures her family on an aggregate payment
i f 50 cents weekly. I collect the first pay
ment and the office pays me S3 ten for one
for securing the new risks. If the amount
of the payments were to be la it 10 cents, then
I sLould receive but Sk For collecting i re
ceive 15 per cent., which, 1 think, is about
tho rate paid by tho other liffj insurance com
panies engaged in this busim-ss."
"Now suppose, after mating two or threo
jmymcuts, Mrs. Roo should discontinue;
would j'ou be required to return to the com
pany tho premium paid you"
"Yes, I would havo to make it good; but
an old agent like myself could t ako lii3 own
time about it. There is very lit tie chance of
a person lapsing before paying what the
agent's commission amounted to aud more.
Do I have much traveling to do? Well, yes.
I havo two wards to collect in and have
1,001 names on my book. Itlcn'tmtan to
say that I have to visit 1,001 di 9"crent par
ties. It is almost universally the case that
where one member of the family takes out a
policy the others do likewise. I have, how
ever, called at over sixty different residences
i:i one day. The rates paid vary according
to age, as you can easily understand. It is
seldom a person insures and pays as high as
50 cents a week. Say a young man of CI
years paid that amount and diet! at the end
of a year; his heirs would receive S9LK). If
a person dies by suicido crcardtal punish
ment the amount of policy will not be paid.
When a person is insured thai in case of
death $'M0 or over has to be paid, then they
are examined by one of the doctors em
ployed by company. For less
amounts we take chances in nearly every
case." Brooklyn Eagle.
An Object Lesson in Politeness.
Judge Lorin C. Collins taught tho proprie
tor of a high toned Clark street restaurant a
wholesome lesson in common politeness the
other day. The judge, after lunching,
stepped to the desk to pay his check. The
proprietor himself happened to be behind
the desk. The judge who, by tho way, was
unknown to the restaurauteur laid down a
S3 gold piece. The restaurauteur took it up,
looked at it as if he suspected it to be bogus,
dropped it twice on tho desk to make it ring,
and then handed out tho change, which con
sisted of threo silver dollars and somo little
stuff. The judge, without a word or a
change of expression, took up the three silver
dollars pno at a time, looked at them care
fully on one side, then on the other, and
rang each of them on the desk heavily.
Then, as if he were quite satisfied of their
genuineness, he dropped thcra into hi3 pocket
and walked out, remarking as he opened the
door: "He might have examined it some
where besides under my very nose.r Chi
cago News.
Gordon Memorial Window.
The Gordon Memorial window presented to
Manchester cathedral consists of five lights
and tracery, and is in memory of Gordon's
last days at Khartoum. Gordon is the cen
tral figure of tho composition, and is sui
rounded by his fellow sufferers, who look ap
pealingly to him, whilo his own gaze is
turned to the desert and the Nile, seeking
vainly a sign of human aid. . Above aud
around are angels bearing palms aud crowiii
Chicago Herald.
The Dent ruction of tlio Housutoiiic ly ( !fl I
'onr'tliTat'K A Thi'illim; INcape livtin I
Heath An Incident of the I.ale Ci-.ll j
.'":iir:iodor ( '. W. i'i'-kerili'r. "f t lie Ucieed
l-i-de i i.avy, cow u-. r.-. 1. 1, vva ; v. il.u-.i: ;
oHiecr da.i'il!-.; the civii war, and had one i
the nto.l tinii::;., c-eai.t fn 'in deal h re
corded ia ike atil::iisol' li.e l.aV. !a lit"
wint.. r ho lives is l St.. AupiMmc. F!.i. ii
was while mii'.'ting to i.i.: wiiu r pi.u '.ei'S
that Ins vt as mi'i. by a rciioi'ier : t li e ''.Vimi-
sor hott I. T'ie co:;:i: : . l:!.e :i
Frenchman of Napoleon's ud 'a;.i-l. lii;
hair und ii.'.istaeiie a!'-' :.iv.. v. 1 . i ; and ia
Kti-oiig co.-;:ra.--1 to hi. M-.vr'.hy "!::,.! xvm.
One of his legs is i.-u aiy:'. '! and ( iel 1 !' leu
of his ribs have keen !.:.;"'. ii:-. -.. (.-
from death when he was l.etv.n n; a lit
war ves el Ilousatonic was llli lu .'.hurl of tho
miraculous, liis own account it is as fol
lows: The blockade runners du "ing the war would
pass almost under the sh.'idv.v of a. ivar ship,
with the chances of lieing sunk by a f-ew
shells. 1 had command the i'ousator.ic,
aimed with -Oij-jmuaiiei-v, smallercanu'ia ami
howitzers, and was stationed at the mouth ol'
Charleston harbor. One ui.nht in rubrna ".',
1H(M, wo were on the lookout for blockade
i miners. It was a leauti!'ul night at t hues,
the sb if ting clouds now aud th-u revealing
the stars and the ocean for miles to sea wart!.
Fort Sumter was near, black and frov. ning,
and Charleston in the tlistanc", v. iilt its dim
lights, mat le us long to ho ashore. When the
hour grew late I gave instructions to l he
ollieers on deck ami went below. We were
anchored, but had everything ready to get
under way in a few minutes' time. No
blockade runners were expected that niglir,
but tjiey were liable to como nt any time,
hence my constant precaution. I was taihiug
to my clerk, Charles O. Muzzey, of Boston,
when I heard the alarm gong sounding on
deck. 'Ihe gong, instead of a bell or a can
non report, was our signal to prepare for
action at night. I seized my double barreled
gun and rushed on deck, my clerk following
me. My idea was to shoot tho man at the
wheel on the blockade runner while it was
passing. One of the officers sung out: "Ji; is
a torpedo boat !"
But I did not hear him, and still thinking
a blockade runner was going by, I looked
around. Then the ollicer in loud tones sung
out again: "Torpedo boat;"
I gave the order then to slip the chain of
the anchor, that tbe vessel might swing
around and possibly escape the lorjiedo b tat..
To my surprise, I did not hear tiie chains
rattle. I asked why and the oilk-cr replied:
"The chain is gone." lie had cut it on the
instant, and the vessel was swinging around.
Then I saw the torpedo boat, or rat her a
small glass roundhouse, large enough iar one
man to stick his head in anil look over the
surface of the water. I knew that .i.'sti a. -tion
awaited us unless I co.ild stop that hi tie
submarine monster moving swiitly toward
the stem of tho Ilousatonic.
I aimed at tho glass above tho water and
fired bolii barrels of my .qua. Tk a I :; :::-
out orders for our vessel to go astern fast. .-.
It was too lato. There was a smother, o
suia'tik like a howitzer explodm;; under wale.-,
and I felt myself going -a-.i :::t- tho air. !'".
at least a second or two I v as convei-'us aatl
tlvjii everything grew ttark. ;i eight; ana
ule.i from tho time of the- cr.-pJot-ioii 1 re
gained coi:scious:ic:.s and i".:::u i.iy.;eii' i. the
water, floating o:i tl:o debris of lus v"vl. I
was bleeding from M-verai woua.l-i, hat. :-t'.t
I resolved to eseape i:: v::::.g it p. t. ' . A
small boat showed itself a!. ovo water. :.::d i
E.'.-rarabled to it, but it and 1 ahaa
doned it. I saw that part of the lN".so.t..;:ie
wa-o not gone, and swam for it. cat"k!':g kelti
of nAiui ropes. An oHicer and a m-.'.riae v.v-v
ia ii email boat hanging on ti;eti:;.:. :
managed to get into the boat v.-it h 1 1 .-.- i
gave orders to cut the ropes. The ''iieer h-.d
no knife, a'nl jast at that momei.;. the ves
sel, or rather that part of it. le; Y, l ti'.ied uo.'
and wo fell into tl'.o sea. The if: leer .-.eve.
came up again. I sank tw;e., and ii::;:d;
caught an oar from the boat and man:.;.! d . .
reach the wreck again, where ike ma -h es ;,.
tho fore rigging of the vessel insist. . .'. ri ..
The list of killed and drowned was o.-.!-
When the Housatoaie bea.i Xj s.-tii. the
men in tho fore rigging rusi-.etl to the stcrri
and mauagetl to save those who
struggling to extricate themselve-i.
clerk, Mr. Muzzey, who came on di ek wi; !
me, must have lieen blown ail to ph.-.-e for
we never saw his body. I think I mu;.i have
gone at least thirty feet into tiie air, and my
impression is that 1 did not lose consciousness
until I reached the ioiut whore I began to
descent!. What became of the submarine
torpedo boat? I sank it when I fired into it.
or a very few minutes utterward. The glass
lookout, you see, was water tight, and my
discharge of buckshot broke it, and the
water rushing in finally sank it. There were
six in the torpedo lioataudail were drowned.
I had several ribs broken and was paralyzed.
New York Mail and Express.
The CIsar Man's Trick.
Give me tho best cigar v-ou've got in your
place. Me and my friend nevti- smoke an3--thiug
but the best," said an individual con
siderably elevated by sundry smiles over an
adjoining bar. "I don't care for the ex
pense. Give mo the best." A box was pot
out, three cigars were taken from it, yl laid
on the cose anil swept into the drawer. The
"best" purchaser looked a little blank but as
the attendant's face did not change, nor was
change seen on the counter, he turned away
with an uncertain smile. The reporter was
turning over in his mind what a good thing
it was to be rich, when the cigar man with a
frieudJy nod said, "llave one? That up coun
try jay is firing off his boodle to make a
show, and I've given him something to talk
of for the balance of his life. lie has bee i
smoking two for fivo country store stogies all
his life. He's come to town to see sport, and
when ho goes home he'll tell of smoking cig
ars worth SI apiece. This is the bo:; it came
out of . Take one." And lo and ltchoid. the
reporter viewed his favorite live-center re
posing snugly before him. Verily the guile
of tho deceiver is amusing. Philadelphia
Tiie Italians of Gotham.
There is no shrewder class of business jtco
ple in New York than the Italians who have
been swarming in here during the past ten
years. They have taken up hundreds of
small undustries. and are prosecuting them
with marked success. Thev are a most in
dustrious class of jieoplo, very economical,
and full of hard sense. New York Sun.
They ZlZeel as Strangers.
Miss Blanche Have you made any con
quests this summer?
Miss Lillian Oil, yea; 3Ir. Joaes proposed
VmO day before wo came away.
Miss Blaneho Doecn'i ho pop the question
In tho most awkward ma.-ric-r imaginable
They meet as strangers. Life.
What l i-.i-.v -Are .i;:i.In of a:i.l 11. jv. '! ! .
Are to !e l iltttt illtti tl'ei .
Tl." I: taut' and credit f toirn ! .
lif-lieik ' f "hlS -s !Ii aid of delect I. e , ,i i -
1 1 1 I; ,.-r t. who liv ed ii r. ' : :
IV.'..'. S; erne! ,, :.:;! .li.' : . :
ld."ii tV ... ::.' !:-'' -. !.. ai.d C-ri.. :
v. . fe ia. .! pr. ".';.. u ; to tl.c y.-.-ir I l :
lat.: t : :''!:.. t Ihis !. :
si:. '- .'!'": I 'ii:: :t.:'v w : . !--.."i 'r ' r ..... . .
n:-i:il- oi I'i -., v. ' d.'-l in i::i'i.
I i t'i -:.!! p;.' -e .. of ti.
t a : i . : we.c i-.: ! a: i i '
;i i - v. . r.: n a; a. 1 'n 1 ' .
;. r. .ii ..i't t'i t !.e ;:::i' -let!. At ih
t :: ..- .. !.;.;". .'..' ;.:' .-: I e:: ;:. I . .
t : ' , i , . - - '. 'j. -;t ' '.t i
i ! ' t '. . . a :.i I I . ;. ; : .-'; i. i . a I i '
t ;::' w . : ' so ll.e . i..h! ! .
!:i..a .:: t-;,c ::,!,!:-; .her : r.'
of pTI--! t ; t ... 'i'::e. j . r t
lii. :: :.s .f a : ! . d:i" to the t-v.
lil'd I '.v. :.' ' :. i tk. ill- lid, oi i
Dr. ft-!.-::.!-. 'Mi !'!.:.. r . i. :" .-: ;
gated t!i itiea. a:; 1 lk" iaitt r pl'iteii ,
the tie ..- in op. : a.
One .f the .fit t -I i ' io-:, i it ,!:;.-. o ' . ,
e:r::' ' h! ; vv:i I.'-. e..'hi..d ;i It:
Vo' I. ft f l't l!.1.' fi l; I ifitutll
who was eeo. ;::,. ;t:i ::U -1 ! y tin- .
chtireh of A::istei-ii;ii.'i ft. I what lb- .
termed his k i t-: ii s. There is i:t e:. .
it which either meii t.r women inav ' '
u-e ! sji: etiieles, but a man usually . ! ..- . .i
some aid to his natural isioa after ; ...:.
nl' 4, and ii wouiaa after the ae i si" .
A mistake commonly made by i.. a :
p'-ople is hi wt ari'-i the same gh.- : - .;;
j.u:-poses. Ti;:.' can teitl. in In .lone -! ' ;;i
strailli.'lg the e.Ve. Two sets of ;!:, . ..j-,-ltb-..ihlt"ly
lie" cadi ti'l'eii: v; w i. !
t lie ot her 1 . . . . . . . .
is in the c:iivles!ic.-s with whii-a tin p-i-is
me put iiijon the face. To obtain it; -l.tll
beuelit of glasses they mii'-t beso- i e;.o:i
the fa'';, that t lie center of the glas . co::cs
tlii'i'et y j;i fi-oiit tf l !u-j.upil of ti:e ;.i. It
is very curious that pen; tie who ure i'. ,'ii
ious as to the eaet lit of a tat or .ir.-.-;
should be so careless of the appear::!!- . :' r.
glass on the eye when the effects of the lat'.i r
are of so much greater importance.
Glasses art. commonly j;tiu;ii1 v.
ipial curve on both sides. The nriit t i:.! !-u'
t heir mamifa'-turo is ; i;iss, nuide : s; .-.;
I'or tht! )Ui-lose, and. ii rook cryr.la1 ;ti!.-tl
Ih'aziiiun pebble. The latter is l '- ; a:t U.
be.aue scratched or iliuiiii";i by the f..imo
j here whea going from n cold i'i: !::;. a
w1::'i!ii'i- n.'i.'. if cannot, be tltni.vt i ka. . ;lie
in.e'atioa of siieet:i''ies one of tic :..'
u;;: ful to the human family. Th'-v hi.-, e e ly
vi'.ted more im':ery tiiaii iiil oil;.-. i.a.a. ai
itgenclt s, Ivans.- t!ie''e is no tu ritv,- or -:':i:c-;i.:!
tu be compared to t he lose, of .si-, i , :: "d
j.'.'opoi-lio'iately th-' iiiipaii ing of si-:::. Vi;e
Ke vstoue.
A t'liiriese )i !;csi r:t.
Three or four Chinamen conct i vet', i ,
of eii'ertainin".- t ho visit ors , ith 'u.u
e!:.e t iioiight t hey wouM drive theai
making a dt'iife.iiiig- iin v. iii.'h v. o.i!
ma.le evi ii a cor;ise rise t:p in pro:; . :
-,.enil d from the eeilh.g b.t' a pice of
j.inrliae v. as a st'.rt of lut'Cil tli'um, :.
ti it k ..!i: rt co.iiper. It. was .-iboat 1
cir; un:!': reiit-e .ind a r.'m a'.oiit
kreati. Vii's one of the .lokiis j-o'.ui.-!--a
siiiall hammer. A i.-.t her o ;. ,;r
the i:i:e :,:::e ii:: l ii;-.e ;i t; .il '; -of
ti:ar .-t.r::m.".::sl:ii. oi' I'.iurs.- .vri
a: ; e
o i-. er-:t
; inei; i
k.'-a-l ' tat kedou with a 'ioiikie r.... a
'tf.ii-;, aii.i v:t - t i 't'aet.e-i !i.. tl. i . i: ;
iv.t.d iiiitt. r the etlv of th" herd :;-: 1 :
-! i.': i- i:, .-E . a !: u i ; t !cf 1 1 v
I .:: s tk -iiuun. i- i ;i" a : I i.rehc . t, :e ; hi- : a
A:- tool: a u. :.::;, i:ei'h- of p!. . : .' tr.cke,! on a s'.i.o.etl iike a !';
:.'.:' ot' bi'ea-!, and j i a i i. oa a ;
.-ii. port, he l.ei:-;..i poinding, It;:.. A
'.-i- -.1 a h';:ie t.; ::. .a ,. ah .i; f ;..
lit i:i-eil.:ii'.-l--rlec, l.l.iii.- like the la.'
- t . -.. i ... i . a - c, : t : . a
i! i. a ik' ie k-.:a;.:er.
I'..i- :.. re .:.!... !!a w.,:-.-; f
e a.e ae.l f-c;:d Tueeaaa-! s. .'::' a . .
;. --.;--.::-a : i;:!'.:e as ii;-' he:'.! I ot .
!.....". i k ., ;,. 1 tiie.t, i.,.e..-!:;. .
-.ii.-iit.a -.v..:-t!:y ..f a ke.te;- c:i:: :.
cat 1---1 to tk lirtims la:.. .i :- i.eia.v : - -
-:. tl '.'.-i t."'.'.h..-! ii: t.'i dt-s. r;l.-. '.
.'.":. : :,-i'.i j: p.ii.i.ig made t.-:a-. :
i-a .-:.. 'i'liis v.-a.-i I.i-:-:; i-;t ftu" sua: .
' . tin V.-.;.r'.i;;As;.rw !. "Oi!. :,: .. .
.::.::.; ;:.;!. '.vM-:i .v; :e -.( the i; .
.I:-.. t-:t ot'Ciie .tr.: had v.oi; -..i--i r.'e t I
i a: ! :-ii:..; t -ie 1 .-A-::. NV.v York
V."..rn.'!vy il." -ro-iguly ;ii-.--iate.l ti .
;:o.tii:.'e" of good ctx-kery. It a ma-ie .: '
..lii: of his skiil as a caterer, and ho ;
.oi.s tt I'aiis to bet-tki''::!ed under the
-hefs there. I see thi.t his mei ii .d of i.
ee' f t. al::ts beet! pa'.eiitttk and this ca.
: he ear of th.- pubiic during Cue sit k: . ;'
tiiriieitl. Wormloy furni he.l nil lit I
tvbicli (larlield ate ditriug his siekn- -Washington,
ami the dying preside.. .:;
:lIe to retain this beef tea when h" .hi
a-" not hing el..i! upon his stomach. Vo ... I ,
.nade it by taking the best of tend; : : u
steak cut thick ami freed from bones. .This
he broiled siightly owr a hot lire, an i ! ! a
put it into a steel pre;s. which, by means :'
a lever, si;uee:ed all the juice out of it. T;,j.'
juice was the pure nutrinient of the ht-.f.
and seasoned and heat?! I il made bi'i ;::
appetizing and a nourishing footk
Garlie'tl. by the v.ay, was some.. It .
troubled by dyspepsia, a:id he had a f:: .'. .:
way of eating potatixs. lie liked ih ::i
bake. I to a turn, and had them brought up -:i
the table with their r.kin.. burst ed. T ;':;.
them hoi t:-o;:i t!:t k-h !: moiiI.1 :!;:.:-.- V-
mealy insid .'s u;kh his jtkite. add a ; k a
cf salt ant a f light shake of pepper ano "
ti:e mir'ttire lie would pour the rick.--, t ;
Jersey cream, mixing this together so t !.... it
farmed a thick paste. Ho ate it with ifr-:.&
zusto, calling it a dish lit 'or the : .'..:.
Ika.ik G. Cas v -iit-er in New ork o."i i.
V.:::1 eil l Ht uiixt; o:i Values.
Johnnie, a bright boy of li years, w'.i: i e
ink'xeiliip for school, o'js-rving his kvifj much tiie worse for wear, an i Lav
ing more meii'deti places than lieaii-:.'.'. i,
turnetl quickly to his mother and asked u.-r:
"Ma, is pa rich.'"
'"Yes: ve!-;.' rich, Johnnie, llo is v.rth
two mi'.lioiis and a half.""
"What in. ma:'"
"Oil. he va!.i. s y.i'.i ai oil.' million, me v.i a
million, and baby at half a million."
Joiiil.lie, aftt'l thkikkog a moulei.t, s:i i:
"M i, teil .a to sell the baby and buy us st.ia
clo'.he-.." New York livt.-mug '"tti-M.
..Sealt-kiiis Vi.lav. fully Taken.
i-t'tt ci:d A :--nt Tin-.;!", in charge ol' t!i .
i.LmJj of Ai ika. estimates thai. ' J ;
skins have L.- :i ui.iav. fuliy taken duri::.
past year, ;:.i-.l on tho lieisis of f a
lolled or liiarl-.dly wound..!.! by the.-.e :.
l .Hitlers for at h !,ki.ti they secure, the i.e.
Icr of iioais kiiletl by i!:ei:i dai i::;; th-- ;
;x-ar is placet I ai .'liid.'tV). Chicago Tiui"..
California - Evaporated - Silver - Prune
isr id
i - 1
Apple Butter and Sweet Cic
Lin Du Bennett.
There tiro ;iii 1 to Lo only foar in
Alaska, throe at Juucitu and ouo at Sitka.
ttsmo uth
.Is G zi joying aSoomin both, its
UiV SHJ& itttd WM BImUB UUB UM W " " -"-"
I lie
Will bo ouo ilm-itio- wliii li the . tii-ji t I.- .'
iiiitittiiiil i:ilcrc.-r .-itiii iiiii;-f .: iifi: will li!
stroiio-lv noititdd jtii(ltl:i' i-lt-ft in ui'.-i
l'l-csident will t:tkc jtliicc. 'llie i.ct.jile ol
C:i (.'oittitv wli-i v.'ui:!i liki' In li iiiii nf
Political, Commercial
and Social Transaef.ons
oi' tliis veil! inn v.'u;;il kct-ji :ii.:i- willi
1 lie tiiiirs .-hoiiM
lot: i t: i.i: mm: -
ot Weekly Herald
"now while we h.'ivo tho siil'joct lie fore 1 h-l-o!i'
w will vi i i t 1 1 ii to speak oi our
u n m s
Whieli is 1:r.-t-elas.5 in till re?jeets and
from wliieli otir joI jdiuters are turniucr
':nt limch Ptitisfaetorv M"ork.