THE DAILY HERALD, ri.ATiBou s :a. i , i j in SKA, Tt'KSDAY, .TANllAliY 17, 1S68. The Plattsmouth Daily Herald. K'lT'OTTS 23 12, O S., Publishers & Proprietors. B.&.M. Time Table. 0010 WKT. No. 1. a -.s a in--No, i-V p, m. No. 6.-9 uft a. in. No. 7.--" :45 . in. No. . C :11 . in. No. II. 0 :0i a, in. ;oin; KAsr. No, 2.-4 ;25 p. III. No. 4. 10 : a. III. No. 8.-7 :30 p. 111. No. 8. 9 -.50 a. in. No. 10. :-M a. in. No. 12. - r. All train run daily by wav of Omalia. except No. 1 iiml x whicii run to and from Hcliujler daily except Sunday. No. :ui is a ftuti to Pacini: Junction at ft an.a in. No. l'J tt a tub from l'acilic Junction at II a.m. A SnllNbury Dentist, 111 Rock vruod llulldini?. The weather is mellowing down. Let Pluttsmouth prepare a boom. We are ready to receive your spring add. Our list still continues to "row each day. Get ready to plant yourspring "ads" early. The firemen's banquet promises to be a grand success. The Firemen's convention will close tomorrow night with a grand ball. Mr. John Bauer intends selling out his entire interest and returning to CJcr many. A freight train come uncoupled on tlio bridge this morning and delayed No. ." one hour. The visiting deb-gates and visitor were taken out to the city watt-rwork this afternoon. If the party that borrowed a diction ftry from the oflice of Brown fc Strcigh will return the same, he will oblige them Remember our daily subscription hap increase. I over 150 the past few week and therefore it pays'you the more to ad vertiae. Sheriff Eikcnbary leaves in tin morning to take "Willie Campbell tt Kearney where he will be placed in the reform school. From there Mr. Kiki n bary intends taking a trip" down the R-. publican Valley. The firemen from Kearney represent one hose team and one hook and ladder company. W. L." Cook is foreman of No. 1, "Wide-Awake,' and represents twenty-five men. "W. F. Pickering is foreman of the "Protection I look an Ladder Co., No. 1 , and represents fifty men. A bill was introduced in the sonar yesterday by Mr. Mauderson requiring all government securities, postage stamps. etc., to be printed on hand roller press: s in the highest style of the printing art; also that the chief and assistant chief of bureau of engraving and printing shall be practical engravers and printers. Seldom our people are favored with an opera. Through the efforts of Mr J. P. Young the Gypsy Baron was indue ed to come to Pluttsmouth, and appeared last night at the opera house. They were greeted with a good audience, and the characteristics of the play are far above the average. The uniformed drill and the singing were excellent. The commencement exercises of the high school in the opera house on Friday night and the tickets will be on sale at Phil Young'e store on "Wednesday, (to morrow) morning. Children's tick, ts can be had at the superintendent's oflice all at the usual prices. Reserved scats can be procured only at Young's store. W. W. Duummond, Supt. The Lincoln, Bed Oak & Des Moin -s railroad will be built. This is practical ly settled. The projectors prefer to build and operate it as an independent line. with this end in view the v are now negotiating for the necessary copit il. Should they fail to float the bonds, a strong company stands ready to build the road and fulfil the agreement concerning rates. It will be known as the "Lincoln, route." Lincoln Journal. Rock Bluff. The cold weather of last week stopprd the mail carrier so that we onlv got mail twice last week The very foolish and popular evening coasting mania has struck this commun ity, and last Tuesday night up at Bock Creek one young girl was so badly hurt she had to be taken home. Putting up ice to be used next summer is getting to be quite a business among the farmers, and if all put up ice that intend to there will be something over two hundred loads taken out of the river at this place. The mercury in our thermometer froze up solid last Saturday night, and remain ed so until 8 o'clock this morning. This leads us to inquire where we can get a spirit thermometer, so that we can keep our weather record complete. Tell Jimmie to not be too hard on us. we have not said anything about the prospects of a new railroad at this place for the simple reason that we did not know anything about it, and that when we know something we will have some thing to say about it. We hear all the talk and tiie surmises that are afloat, and to our own satisfaction can figure out that this is the most practical route for the new road, but what we want to see is the man who knows something about that new railroad. Tim Shateb. PERSONAL. (5. Langer wa3 in Omaha to-day. . J. B. Filburt of Kencsaw is in the city. J. A. Conner was in Greenwood to-day. Miss Belle Wendell went to Omaha tc day. W. L. Brown was in Lincoln today on business. C. C. Wright was in from Glenwood yesterday. Major Davis from Wahoo, was in the city to-day. Mr. Mike Morsey was Lincoln bound this morning. Mrs. M. Waybright was an Omaha pnss CDger this morning. John II. Beckner, of Light Mile Grove, was in the city today. li. W. Cunningham of Greenwood was in the city today. K. Kneutson and B. A. Darnell, of Lincoln, arc at the Perkins. Mrs. Geo. Nilcs accompanied her moth er as far as Omaha to-day. Misses Ilattie Latham and Cora Way man were passengers to Omaha this morn ing. Mr. Chas. Harris left this morning for Bed Oak, Iowa, where he goes on busi ness. Mrs. Thomas Wiles returned from Hills dale, Iowa, last night, where she ha been to visit with her mother. C. L McLntcc left today for Sherimn county, Kansas, to look after some inter tercsts pertaining to his ranch in that county. Mrs. 1J. F. Pago, who has been visiting with her daughter, s-rs. Geo. F. Niles, left f-r her home at Sioux City, Iowa, this morning. C. II. Smith representing the Gutta Ptrcha fc liubber Manufacturing Co., of Chicaga 13 in the city and w ill be present at the firemen's convention. Mr. Fred Gorder, president of the agri cultural society of this place, took the train this morning for Lincoln to attend the state agricultural society now in sls si on there. Court Concludings. The adjourned session of the December term of the distrjet court opened yester day morning in the oflice of the clerk of the district court. In the case of Frank P. Hull vs. C. W Laney et al, defendant accepted leave to amend petition. la the matter of the Win. G'Neil estate sale was ordered. Nathan G. Douge vs. Geo. L. Nicholls et al, default wa3 entered against defend ants. In the case of Flora Butler, vs. Lewis Butler, default was entered against de fendant and custody of minor children given to plaintiff. In the case of A. E. Alexander vs. city of Plattsmouth, plaintiff was given 30 days to file amended petition. In the case of James M. Craig vs. Jos eph Kerr, et al, decree quieting title in plaintiff. James M. Craig vs. Solomon Burton etal, decree quieting title in plaintiff. In the case of Jolm Reich vs. T. W. Xewraau, the court found in favor of Frank Carruth defendant on his cross bill. Decree of foreclosure and order sale of mortgaged premises. In the case of John Fitzgerald vs. city of Plattsmouth, judgment in favor plain tiff in the sum of $3000 as per stipula tion on file. Judgment for costs against defendant. In the case of Ella Metzgjr vs. G. Metzer, execution ordered forthwith. In the matter of W. II. Anderson vs. G. C. Hicks ct al, plaintiff dismissed action against all debts but M. D. Polk and wife. Defendant to answer today. In the case of John M. Carter vs. Robt. Wilkinson, judgment on mandate from supreme court. Case of David May vs. school district No. 22. Cass Co., judgment on mandate from supreme court. Case of M. Penn ct al. vs. J. C. Noel and Maggie Noel, sale coufirmed, deed ordered . Case of Geo. E. Dovey as administra tor for estate of E. G. Dovey fc Son, vs. M. L. B.-aver, sale confirmed, deed ordered. In the case of J. N. Stoddard S Co., vs. ii. U. Hoover, et at. ra e connrmea. deid ordered. In case of D. M. Steel & Co. vs. J. S. Duke, D. II. Campbell and W. S. Wise appeared in open court anl made answer as raruishecs in said cause. In case of John Newham vs. Elizabeth M. Maltas and S. Maltas. Motion to set aside temporary order of injunction leretofore issued, overruled, and retained n full force until final hearing of said cause. Bed Oak and adjoining townships in Iowa offer 75,000 in bonds and right of way to aid the Lincoln, Red Oak and Des Moines Railroad. The apponintment of L. Q. C. Lamar for the supreme bench was confirmed yesterday by the senate in secret session. The rate is understood to be 32 Id 28 in his favor. COUNTY LEGISLATION. Proceedings of tho County Com missioners of Cass County. CLAIMS Al.LOWKl. Jacob C Cofi'man guard at jail. . W 00 F S White goods to paupers.... 10 00 T Clark coal 15 10 P 1) Bate work at regis oflice. . . 10 50 Poisell fc Spencer goods to pauper 5 00 Ptattsmouth gas and E L Co gas 1 ?5 Gazette Journal couuty books . . 21 00 Weckback fc Co goods to pauper 4 00 II Boeck inquest at South Bend 10 00 W II Malick boardig Co prisoner 110 50 city " .. M McElwain papering Registers oflice Martha Ilurbt boarding A Kuler F Stadelman boarding jury .... R S Gordon taking care T Phillips R B Windham wood A Beeson salary, office rent c . . T E Wibiams gasoline and oil . . F F Everett lumber 7 00 a oo 20 00 3D 00 25 0 i) 00 275 ao 1(! 00 5 40 Wessel & Kohn goods to John Gordon 10 00 Mayuard Spink sal and cxp acct 105 00 Ell Sampson boarding pauper. . 97 11 Abhlaud Lumber Co. lumber. ... 40 33 Plattsmouth Journal Co. print'g 17 25 J C Eikcnbary guarding prisu'rs Oil 50 bailiffs 252 00 Ed Jeary collecting del. taxe3.. C3 55 W J Warrick paper for register's oflice 5 Gil Ashland Lumber Co lumber.... G 05 South Platte same 30 0 Chicago Lumber Co same 5 32 W C Showulter fees 31) 05 Geo E Co veil fees B. & M. vs Cass county 100 00 Jury fees for district term .". . . .107 30 Costs State vs Elmer Wart 53 03 " " w Nortfao :i la January 4, 188S. Claims of Mercer Bros wood 3 50 J SKirkpatrick bdg Cora Strate 18 50 1JONM APPROVED. II D Barr J. P "Weeping Water pr. D A Campbell Treasurer. J W McMurray assessor Weeping Water, OV KI'.SKER SKTTI.EM ENT. John Wucha, district No 30 30 50 W Pankonin, district No 22 40 50 Geo W Woodruff district No 31 34 00 The following estimate of expences were made for the year 1888 and ordered published: Court expences 10000 Per diem and expences of Co. Commissioners 1800 Assessing Co and making rtturp.3 3,000 Salary Co. Supt, and expences. . 1,500 Books, blanks, stationary & adv 1,000 Making tax list 1,200 Election expences 1,500 Fuel for court house, jail and poor house 1,200 Jail expence including jailor fee 2,500 Clerk salary 4Q0 Incidental expences 6,500 Co. Attorney's salary and expense of office 1,200 B & M R C bonds pi in and int. 18.000 Bridges 18,000 Roads 15,000 Insane 3,000 Total $ 84,300 Board adjourned to meet to-morrow. Louis Foltz, ) A. B. Todd, V Co. Com. A. B. Dickson, ) Attest : J. M. Robinson, County Clerk. State Firemen's Convention. The State Firemen's convention will convene this evening in Fitzgerald hall. The outlook is splendid for an enjoyable time. A number of guests arrived this morning from abroad and more are coming. The convention will meet in kranz hull at 7 o'clock, appoint com mittees on credentials and organization then adjourn to Fitzgerald hall where a banquet will be in readiness. The Lc-i-derkranz baud and gle club will be present and furnish excellent music and will enliven all during the evening. Among the invited guests in the city are Dr. 11. R. Livingstone, M. A., D. II. Ilawksworth, A. N. Sullivan. J. A. Connor, J. W. Johnso n mostly old vet eran firemen. Following are djlegatrs and visitors from abroad. Kearney taking the lead in numbers: W. A. Howard. Ira Johnson, M. A. Hoover, E. A. Miller, F. Pickering, J. T. O'Brien, W. L. Cook, C.J- Strand, Chas. Mott, Frank McCum, Alix Yoder. Fremont, W. Frahm. Wa hoo, F. F. Kncutzeu. Grand Island, Fritz Kruse. Who is Your Best Friend? Your stomach of course. Why? Be cause if it is out of order you are one of the most miserable creatures living. Give it a fair chance and see if it is not the best friend you have in the end. Don't smoke in the morning. Don.t drink in the morning. If you must smoke and drink wait until your stomach is through with breekfast. You can drink more . and smoke more in the evening and it will tell on you less. If your food ferments and does not digest right- if you are troubl ed with Heartburn, Dizzniess of the head, coming up of the food after eating, bil iousness, indigestion, or any other trouble of the stomach, you had best use Green's August Flower, as no person can use it without immediate relief. - home a ; ::vs. Flro Insurance .writt3n in the Etna, Phoenix and Hartford by Windham & Oavies. We desire to purchase $20,000 worth of good notes secured by mortgage on real estate. Mom y ready when deal is closed. Browne fc Stkeigiit. Win. Ilerold will c lose; out his entire stock of cloaks woolen goods, blankets and comforts, at cost, und below cost to make room for the spring stock of goods. tf Try O. P. Smith & Go's Damask Rose for Chapped Hands and Lips. tf Real estate and abstracts. dtf W. S. Wise. Wm. Hcrold will close out his entire stock of cloaks, woolen goods, blankets and comforts, at cost, and below cost to make room for the spring stock of goods. tf Try O. P. Smith & Go's Damask Roae for Salt Rheum, Scrofulous sores, fetters External Erysepclas, Rash, Itch, chafing of Infants fco., a complete Household Remedy. No household should be with out it. tf The best insurance the only good ab tacts, are to be had of Browne & Streioht. Call on Threlkeld & Burlcy for fine cigars. d-lm Go to the Monarch Restrurant for a good dish ofovsters. d-lm Hay for Sale. Three hundred tons of hay for sale for cash, either delivered or-on the ground. Leave ord; is at Henry AVeckbach's store. Jan. 3 m3d&w L. Stum.. Damask Rose the Great Skin Cure and Toilet article. Mfg. and sold by O. P. Smith & Co. " tf 17; rs. Bannister Has opened a cutting school in connec tion with her dress-ma king, where ladies may procure the latest improved tailor system, said to be the bt-st in use. Booms over Solomon Nathan's store. dl2t Just Arrived. I. Pearlman has just received a i'.ar load of furniture from rU. Louis which lie will sell at bed rock prices. tf For Sale On reasonable terms my residence on the N. W. corner of Elm and 11th streets. Said property consists of i block with a good story and a half house of six rooms, two wardrobes and one pantry; good vrtlj :;;d city water; twenty-seyen beating apple tree:', and an abundance of small fruit of all kinds. tf P. D. Bates. Call for Michigan eating apples also Michigan and New York cider at Phillip Krause 4 N. SULLIVAN. Attorney ;U Law. WiH give pr.'Mjit At "f-iitioc to lMiKiness trusteri to Mm. Oilier in Union Lloek, East side, riattsa.oath, IScb. P L. Sir.filNS, M. P., riiy-loian and .ur gecn. One door iet of J-tunnct-'s s'ore. office hours from 10 to 12 a. in. ai'd from 3 to 5 and 7 too p. m. Residence, coiner Ninth i!id Kim Mri'ots Mij. Lcviugs- house-. Telephone oflice ai:d house. C. F. SMIT H, Merchant Tailor. Keeps constantly on hand ampii?" or the best, goods to be procured. Is prepared to ma5:e pants f.r $l.w and upwards and tui:s for ? 10.00. XeatJy and promptly done at 'he lowest prices. Over IYtt-r McrjrcV store, North Side J.iaia Street. K. E. Windham, John A. Da vies. Notary 1'ublie. Notary Fublic. 1V1X03IA.M & JAVIKS, attorneys - at - Law. Office over Hank of Cass County. Plattsmouth, - - Nebraska. stj-st THE GENUINE :-: SINGER with high arm and vibrating shuttle, sold on time. Easy payments or cash F. J. BICKNELL, Manager Wattsmouth Branch Dr. C. A Marshall. Preservation f natural tf-eth a specialty. feclH e.circclc: icithiml pain Ity U"S of LMii'jhiiig (j'ij. All work warranted. Prices reasonable. Fitzgerald's Clock. pL-rrsMoUTir, WHEN YOU WANT -OF- .iL 10.37- IESL:ooL CALL ON IDs. Xssois, Cor. 12th and Granite Streets. Contractor and Builder Sept 12-6m. Tliits SpaoD Kosorv.'jd for- &-CJL T VASS, JEWSLEBS. CLOSNG $4,700 "Worth ol Must Ie sold in the As I have to leave to take charge of 1113- Father's business in Ottum wa, 011 account of his continued ill health. Now is the time to lav in a suyply of HOOTS ami SIIOKS at Ladies'' Ladies' Ladies' Ladies' Ladies' Ladies' Ladies' Ladies' Ladies' Ladies' Ladies' Ladies' Ladies' French Kid hand-turned sho; French Kid common sense s!i Curacoa Kid common sense- s-1 Donj.ola hand-sewed shoe. . Gl:ze donyola fchsies ?itr:iijiit yoat shoos Hvst joat button times Hand -sewed button shoes. Calf button shoes Oil grain button shots Glove calf button shoe Donola foxed button shoe?:. Grain button shpeu ocs Red Cross School Shoe Reduced 25c apr. Misses best Kid and Goat Spring heel Men's best hand sewed shoes. ....... Men's best Calf sewed sV.:c Men's best KaV-S-r0 sewed shoe Mtin s Wst calf sewed shoe Men's best congress or button shoe. . . Men's calf boots Men's best kip boots Men's Gooel kip boots J$ll Goods 23. will fhd it to yovis? interest to call oo.vly. si SOUTH SIDE MAIN r i Lureka T. J. iviUcU WHOI.KSAMi .?; Beef, Pork, Mutkn, Veal and Poultry. I iavito all to giro sn. a trial. Sugar Cured Meats, Hams, Bacon, Lnr.l, etc., etc. Fresh Ovsters in Can and Bulk at lowest liying prices. Do not fail to irivc me yciir patronage. AND ALL HOUSEHOLD GOODS. ni ninr. v. it ri tt t rriTT r. n 1 pi-O-.- - - - Lo-sst Prices iii tb.o City. Call and be OozLviiiced, " 2. JLiISITSilSvr SIXTH STREET, BET. MAIN AND VINE Jonathan JIatt PORK PACKERS A-'.u dealkus ix BUTTER AND EGGS BEEF, PORK, MUTTON AND VEAL. THE EEST THE MARKET AFFORDS ALWAYS ONT HAND. Sugar Cured Meats, Harris. Bacon, Lard, &c., &c. of our own make. The best brands of OYSTERS, in cans and bulk- m WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ' at OUT AT COST. the Bust Makes of AMD sn:ois . 00 reduced to Jf l 3. 5 00 " " 4 2r, 7 " " :j 25 4 50 " " :$ 25 : 25 ' " 2 70 : 00 " " 2 r( .-. 20 " " 2 7.k 2 75 " 2 :J0 5 25 " " 1 85 2 00 " " 1 75 1 05 ' " 1 25 2 00 " " 1 4. 1 25 " "1 CO 2 50 now $2 25 7 00 " 0 00 5 00 4 ' 4 25 5 00 " 4 25 3 00 " 2 75 2 50 " 1 85 2 75 " 1 75 1 50 75 50 " 2 CQ ;old at once. "STcix 3 i IP t 3 a Lb e CARRUTH BLOCK. irKet I;F.T.U, UKAI.KK IN KINDS OF FURNITURE FOR . - HALLWAY?, OFFICES. PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. j. y. Iai.this. m THOMAS,