The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, January 10, 1888, Image 4

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    THE bAlLV HEKaLIJ, RAlovu, afftttASKA, TTKSDAV, JANUAitV Mi, is.
t Daily Herald.
1 1,
Publishers & Proprietors.
O. A. M. Time Table.
No. J, 5 :20 U. 111.
No, 'J. C -AO i, lit.
No. ft. :3r ii. III.
No. A" . lu.
No. ;.- t; :ii p. 111.
No. II. :0.. a, 111.
(I.Vi KAsr.
No, i.. I ;i;5 p. in.
No. 4. lo :.',o a. in.
No. I 7 ::ui ji. in.
No. H.--0 :M ;i. in.
No. 10. -! -ah a. in.
No. . u :m f. ki.
All train run daily by way of Omaha, except
Noi. 7 hikI h which run to anil from .Schuyler
dally ctxee-pt .Sunday.
No. .TO is a i-tiih to I'ae-ilie- .luiirtion at H .'.(. a in.
No. I'j Is a st ub from I'mcIIIc .Junction at 1 1 am.
A SaliMliury 11 en I 1st, in KocK
noud ISulldliiK.
The imy car arrived to-day at
and the hoys re happy.
The installation of the Odd Fellows
will not take place to-night until '.l-.'-W.
Meeting of the I'lattsinouth Hoard
of Trade to night at the ollie-e of County
Judge liussell.
There were 80 deaths during the
year 187 in the city of Plattsmouth as
reported hy city clerk C. II. Smith.
A. Ilird has resigned as superinten
dent of the I'lattsinouth canning fac tory.
His plncc will he tilled at a meeting to
night. In the Hon Ton attachment cases
nothing has yet heen done, though the
IIkkai.u learns the matter is up for hear
ing hrfore Justice lottenger.
County Judge Russell issued nsar
mge licenses yesterday evening to Mr.
George II. Patterson and Miss ' Anna I!.
Keeler, hoth of Weeping Water.
In the glanelereel case he fore
Judge Kussell to-cla-. William Dunn
w1U fined 10 and costs and Doc. Lewis'
case was dismissed from the docket.
Geo. Dodge who has hetn confined
to the house from injuries sustained at
the shops some six weeks ago, hy the use
of crutches, is ahle to le around again.
The hoard of directors of Uic Piatt
mouth Street Railway Company held a
meeting at the otliee of Mercer liros. this
morning. At 4 o'clock occurred t; e
stock-holder's meeting.
Will Chamhers. who has heen a
fireman in the yards in Plattsmouth for
some time, leaves this evening for Oma
ha where he takes charge of a switch en
gine in the switch yards in that city.
-. A pleasant surprise parly was given
in honor of Miss Llattie Shaffer at the re
sidence of her mother last evening. Qu'te
a large crowd of friends were present. md
an eti5le evening was spent in. social
Parties from Cedar Creole n-tre hc
fore the county commission ?s to-day en
deavoring to ohtain alr-ee for a saloon,
hut for the good of Vh:U village and to
the credit of our commissioners, and the
people of Cedar Creek who brought in
the remonstruiiicv, the license was refused.
Timothy. Todd, the young lad who
was so sgVerely injured several weeks
ago by the discharge of a shot gun, which
tore away a portion of the calf of his
left leg, is getting along nicely and Dr.
Schildknecht, the attending physician, is
confident that the boy will recover with
good use of the limb.
A meeting was held last night p.l
Cobweb Hall and President axvs Secretary
elected pro tern. ). P. .s-.iitU in the
chair, F. A. Murphy . St'Ck-ctnry. Th-j bus
incss was dispensed ia short order, com
mittees appointed and steps takcM to ef
fect a ppiinaucnt organization. Members
Will be notified of n meeting soon.
O. P. y,,i ir Pres.
F. A. MLitrnv, Sec. 1
Dikd. Mrs. Joliunta-c.i Ileckner of
phelimonia, passed it aray. this morning at
5 o'clock. DeeocJti wa-: at years of age,
a member of tLj c'hrucTuu. c hurch, was
born in Iudvwva, removed to this place in
1872, vbcie alio has since, resided. The
funeral; will occur tonorrow afternoon
at- 2; o'clock, from the residence of her
ion-in-Iavr, Frank Camith.
John "Williajns, living north of tl.e
stand pipe, haiY tweuty-iive chickens kill
ed by the dogs yesterday. This morning
John proceeded without ceremony to
take his double-barrelled shot-gun from
its accustomed place, w hich he loaded
and started on the war path. It was not
many minutes till John slaved two of the
' yile curs, which he found meandering
- around his hen coop. John says he has
sworn vcngcncc on the dogs of Plat s
mouth, and we can't blame hiui. as there
is altogether too many dogs in Platts
mouth, anyway.
The Xcw York Hnal'l .-ays, in speak
ing of "Around the World in Eighty
Days:" "A more perfect representation
than seen at the Academy last nidit h is
never hceii witnessed on any stage in th.
city. "Around the World in Eighty
Day" is without doubt the bc&t attract
ion of the kind ever Seen on our hoard-.
Til Company throughout is a very
strong one. The scnery, mcchanic-l Mid
spectacular effects are most beautiful and
original. J-nee does not permit us to
co into any details, hut suilke it to say,
it was a grand roduction, worthy of
the liberal patronage received so far.
Waterman's Opera House
night, Jan. 13.
It is Liable to Reach Nebraska Be
fore Many More Days
JlaftiUK CJaette Journal. Jan. 7.
According to Chicago papers the war
between the; Illinois roads is beginning
to get more intrrestiug, and the indica
tions are that before the end of the week
it will reac h the western limits of Kan
sas and Nebraska. Several moves were
made yesterday which bring the light
beyond t lie Missouri river. The Mis
souri Pacific, smarting from the reduc
tion in Missouri rates, commenced Sun
day to take iron, pipes and castings, for
whic h there is at present a great demand
in the west, from St. Louis to Kansas
City at a rate of nine cents per hundred
pounds, the regular rate being fifteen
c ents. When the Alton hcai-d of this
it at once told Chairman Micbgley, of the
Southwestern association that it would
make a reduction in rates of IJUJ percent
from Chicago and St. Louis lo Kansas
City on all articles in class C, that being
the c lass in which irou pipe Jind cast
nigs belong. This will force a reduc
tion in classes I) and E. In fact it will
c ut down the rates on the most impor
tint articles of freight. The nervy rates
have not yet been promulgated, as
Chairman Midgley is corresponding
with the Missouri Pacific people trying
io Hieiuce inein to wiitieiraw Lies cut on
iron pipes to avoid a general reduction
Serious trouble has arisen rejrarding
rates on live stock. The Keck Island,
it is stated, has made a contract with
the Kurton palace stock car company to
take live stock from Kansjitv if their
cars are so constructed that, they can
take dead freight on the return trip, at
the same rates as in common -.p.-s. The
Ruck Island claims in justifitution of its
action that competing liitesT both from
the west and northwest, lmva hetn tak
ing live stork in cars of the Street Stock
Car company at the same; rates as in
common cars, thus diverting much of
its traffic: b'till th e Kurlingtoir. objects
to the Kock Isla ncl's action, unci has
notified Chaiiw.n Midgley ami IFaithorn
that unless the latter road annuals its
contract will, the IJurton company it
will make : reduction of 25 per cent in
rates of b' yc stock from all 3Iissouri
river ijo'ints. Affairs have assumed such
shape that no hopes are entertained of
iiny. amicable settlement. Still further
'.rouble has been caused by the- St. Louis
eV. "San Francisco road making a sate on
gvain from southern Kansas points of 5
cents less than the agreed tariff. The
other roails in the southwestcj n associa
tion have directeel Chairman Midgley to
make a corresponding reduction from
Kansas City to Chicago, which will re
duce the rates from 20 cents
jiouuds to 15 cents from all
per 1 00
j! river points to Chicago.
A. Eird was in Omaha today.
J. A. Connor was in Omaha to-day.
W. A. Eoeck was in Omaha last night.
JDayid Miller took a trip to Greenwood
ie-t lay.
AW J. I lesser went to Lincoln last
II is j May Yates was an Omaha passei.
gjr last evening.
Mrs. J. Napp was a Pacific Junction
passenger last night.
Mr?. J. II. Keaty was an Omaha pas
senger this morning.
Miss May Cranmer was an Omaha pas
senger this morning.
Miss Alma Waterman was an Omaha
passenger this morning.
J. F. Kitter started this morning for
Ilunuingtouburg, Ind.
M. A. Ilartigan took a trip to Omaha
ji business this morning.
Mr. Samuel Barker took tha Lincoln
' Iound train this morning.
Attorney W. L. Brown went to Ceelar
f Creek last night on business.
O. H. Ballou and Dr. Mercer, of Om
jvha, were in the city to-pa.
Mr. Ernest Newell left to-elay for Kan
sas City, where he will make his future
Miss Anna Wcckhaeh went to Omaha
this morning where she will visit several
days with friends.
W. D. Ambler and B. F. Huffncr, of
Fairmount, were in the city to-elaj.
Mr. ami Mrs. E. J. Jennings left last
night fer Lincoln, where they will make
their future home.
Mrs. Ernest Newell went to Omaha
this morning, where she will remain a
few days visiting frienels.
Chas. H. Gutherie, of Des Moiues.
was in the city yesterday, and took the
Omaha train in the evening.
Mrs. Kate Oliver and daughter, Miss
Katie, went to Bellevue this morning
where they will visit friends.
Mrs. M. B. Kurtz was called to Omaha
last night, on account of the illness of
he-r daugh'er, Mrs. Dr. Hartnian.
Miss Anna Van Buskirk, after a pleas
ant visit with Miss Helen Owens, return
ed to her home at Lincoln this morning.
Rev. Foglestrum and daughter, Miss
Ella, who have heen attending the Sweed
ish Church prayer meetiugs the past week,
took the train for Louisville last n'ght.
Cou.icil Mooting
Petition to have J. A. Conner's corn
crib moved, was referred back by the
hoard of health. It was referred back be
lieving that as far asthe health of the city
is concerned it is not a uuisance.On mo
tion of Mr. Greuscl the petition was
placed on file.
Thr following elected officers of fire
department were confirmed by council:
President, L E. Skinner; vice president,
Geo. P. Weidman; secretary, II. C.
Kitchie; treasurer, John Sexton; chief, S.
C. Green; assistant chief, M. O'Connor.
Communication of G. E. Dovcy, in re
gard to amount due on Dovey judgment
of the sum of $200 recpuesting a speedy
payment of same, was referred to finance
Petition of C. M. Wead to have side
walk built, north side of Vine between
oiel and 4th streets, west of the Episco
pal church, was referred to streets, alleys
and bridge committee.
The following claims were referred to
finance committee: 1'. Merges, rent to
Dec. 27, $10; J. li. Strode, legal services
in settling Fitzgerald bond case, $50;
Win. Osborne, work on hose house, $2.00;
A. Madole, surveying, $5.00; Platts
mouth Gas Co., gas and lamps, $28.50;
Kyron Clark, salary, 02.50; W. II. Ma
lick, salary, $50; J. O'Neal, salary, $40;
John Fitzpatrick, salary $45.
Keport of city marshal and police
judge referred to police committee.
Keport of city clerk and treasurer,
referred to finance committee.
The following claims were allowed:
Cass county, boarding prisoners, $10s.25:
Gas Co., Dec. $77.50; eleven street lamps
197.00; removing lamps, $5; P. Merges,
rent $10; W. H. Malick, salay $50; John
Fitzpatrick, salary $10; J. O'Neal, salary
The following sums were transferred
to the high school bond frnd: Andrews
judgment 05 cents; Uabcock fund $10.0-1;
interest on indebtedness $J.14; highways
$3.o0; grading boiiel $1.82; ferry bond
$7.00; redemption bond $20.04; adver
tising $'.).S0; interest loss treasurers fees
J for collection $511. HI ; carpenter jiulg-
mcnt $77.1 1.
Mr. MeCallan spoke in regard to the
printing of the ordinances, and urgeel
that they be completed at once.
The discussion of licensing the ice;
haulers was taken up, but decided that
fees could not be collected, as it was dif
ficult to ascertain where the city limits
are; some claiming that the limits
arc at the bank, and others that it is in
the center of the channel.
The city attorney, Byron Clark, was
instructed to bring action against the
village of Ogallala, to recover $:300 for
Water Witch sold them some time ago.
Tno School Program.
The following is the program for the
examinations which commence to-morrow
in the High School Building, and on
Monday in the wards:
Wednesday Arithmetic, geometry.
Thursday Oral arithmetic, oral geog
raphy, compositicn.-
Friday Grammar, rhetoric, chemistry,
Monday Intellectual arithmetic, oral
grammar, oral rhetoric, oral chemistry.
Tuesday History, orthography, spell
ing, philosophy, civil government.
Wednesday Geography, physiology,
Thursday Object lessons, oral philos
ophy, oral history.
Friday Drawing, writing, reading.
Friday evening, Jan. 20th Graduating
cxrecises at Waterman's opera house.
Monday Arithmetic, orthography,
Tuesday Oral arithmetic, geography,
object lessons.
Wednesday Reading, writing, com
position, drawing.
A Nis'it For Coasting.
To morrow evening Main street will be
the scene of a grand coasting carnival.
Last evening a large number of Platts
mouth young men met at Kichey Bios,
office for the purpose of inaugurating the
movement, audja strong interest was man
ifested to push the enterprise through,
and it will surely proye a brilliant affair.
For preparations for the evening the fol
lowing committees were appointed :
Committee on finance, Guy Livingston,
Tom Panuele, Chas. Murphy. Commit
tee on track and illumination, J. L. Mi
nor, H. C. Kitchie, L. E. Skinner, J. C
Ilartigan, Frank Kichev. Committee on
general arrangements, Frank McCoy,
Chas. Dabb. Will Leach, Frank Clark.
Committee on advertising, J. E. Marshall,
J. W. Cutright. M. N. Griffith.
Destroyed by Fire.
The Green House of W. J. Hesser, five
miles south-west of the city was destroy
by fire Sunday morning about 4 o'clock.
The loss on the building is f WO, and on
the plants, flowers, fruits and vegetables
together with his hooks, tools, stationary
etc. there is no certain estimate. Mr.
Hesser has no elefinit.e idea as to the to
tal loss, only that it is very heavy. The
cause of tho fire is unknown, anel as
companies will not carry a risk on prop
erty of that kind, there was no insurance.
It is Mr. Ilesser's intention, however, of
rebuilding in the spring, though not so
extensive as before.
Lojn and Uullding Association
The annual meeting of the stock-holders
of the Plattsmouth Loan and Kuildiug
Association was held in the G. A. It. hall
last night. The meeting was called to
order hy the President, Mr. C. M. Wta 1,
who spoke at h-ngth on the past, present
and future success of the Association.
Interesting speeches were also delivered
hy Messrs. H. li. Windham and L. E
Skinner. The Audit Committee's re
port on the books of the Association was
received, and commented upon for be-ing
so well kept. The; Association next pro
ceeded to the election of nine directors
for the ensuing year, who were chosen as
follows: C. M. Wead.. D. 1 Iawksworth,
William Hayes, 11. I J. Windham, I). A.
Campbell, L. E. Skinner, II. N. Dove r,
.las. Kitchie and C. L. Heinple. The- As
sociation has now been running thirty
four months, and has loaned in that time
$21,000, which hits all becu u-ed in the
city, improving and building homes.
The number of applications on file speak
well for the future improvement of the
city. The Association i; in a splendid
condition in every way to be of great
benefit to the city in the coming year.
A Strong Firm.
Among the 1st of January changes the
1Ii:k.u.i notes the advent of the law
firm of Covell, Polk A; P.eeson. Mr. Allen
Deeson th" present County Attorney re
tires from the well-known firm of Uecson
fc Sullivan and joins his fortunes with
the old firm of Covell & Polk, thus
making one of the strongest law firms in
this part of the state. The law practice
of Covell et Polk has heen very large,
anel with the addition of Mr. Ileeson's
well known legal attainments to the
firm, there will be no question as lo the
Meeting of Band of Hope at Metho
dist church on Thuisday at 4 o'clock.
A ,-ood meeting is desired.
T. II. Phillips is sole agent for the
justly celebrated Keel Cross school shot s.
They cost no more than other brands anel
will out wear two pair of any other
school shoes made,
Win. Ih rold will close- out his entire
stock of cloaks, woolen gooels, blankets
and comforts, at cost, anel below cest to
make room for the spring stock of
goods. tf
T. H. Phillips expects to leave the city
for Ottumwa, la., where he goes to take
charge of his father's store on account
of the hitter's illness. He will begin at
cnoe closing out his entire stock of boots
and shoes at cost. dir.
Ladies Hair Dressing
Wigs, waves, watch chains, switches
and all work pertaining to ladies hair
dressing, clone by F. E. Lockwood, at
Ed Men-ley's barber shop. lm
Try O. P. Smith & Co's Damask
for Chapped Hands and Lips. tf out his entire
stock of cloaks, woolen goods, blankets
and comforts, at cost, and below cost to
make room for the spring stock of
goods. tf
Try O. P. Smith eV Co's Damask Rose
for Salt Rheum, Scrofulous sores, fetters
External Erysepelas, Rash. Itch, chafing
of Infants &c, a complete Household
Remedy. No household should be with
out it. If
Threlkelel et Burley for fine
Just Arrived.
I. Pcarlman has just received
load of furniture from St. Louis
he will sell at bed rock price-s.
a cflr
Call for Michigan eating apples also
Michigan anel New York cider at Phillip
Go to the Monarch
good dish of oysters.
for a
Knowing th it this is the dull season of
the year and the pele will appreciate a
bargain, I nave decided to reduce tht
price on a number of my goods. Ladies
kiel button shoes 2.00, worth $2.50.
Ladies kid button shoes $1.75, worth
$2.25. Ladies Donirola Foxed button
shoes $1.50, worth $2.00. liiidics Ger
man Hand sewed dongola walking sheos
regular price $1.50, reduced te $:).25.
Fon Salk On reasonable terms my
residence on the N. AV. corner of Elm and
11th streets. Said property consists of
i block with a good story and a half
house of six rooms, two wardrobes find
one pantry; good well and city wat-u-;
twenty-seven bearing apple trees, and an
abundance of small fruit of all kinds.
tf ' P. D. Bates.
Damask Rose the Great Skin Cure and
Toilet article. Mfg. and sold by O. P.
Smith & Co. tf
Mrs. Bannister
Has opened a cuttinir school in connec
tion with her dress-making, where hielics
may procure the latest improved tailor
system, saiel to he the best in use-. Rooms
over Solomon Nathan's store. dl2t
Hay for Sale
Three hundred tons of hay for sale for
cash, either delivered or on the ground.
Leave orders at Henry A Veck bach's store.
Jan. :$ in 3d Jew L. Sni.r..
Use Dr. Black's Rheumatic Cure and
throw awav your cane and crutches.
For sale bv Smith fc Black.
Ton Sale At a bargain, 1 pr. match
ed mules, weight from 1000 to 1100 lbs.
each; aged 8 ami !) years. Enquire? at
the blacksmith simp of J. A. Campbell.
d-w 1 mo.
I 'eed Money.
All persons indebted to me are request
ed to call and settle as I need money to
meet my obligations.
dOt-wlt. AVn.i. J. Wariuck.
Town Jeivelery - Store;
Walclcs.Clocks.JfiWfilry, Hollow Ware, Diamond Jewelry,
And everything in the way of Jewelry c an be found in our well pchctcd slock. AVc
have purchased a large stoc k of the above- named goods for the coming
holiday trade, which we propose to sell at re asonable prices
anel will endeavor to disc ount Omaha prices. 20?.
Our Stools of WATCHES is Coraploto,
And can not be excelled. AVe-hare in stoc k M ate h movements
of the finest makes, such as the
Howard, Waltham, Elgin, Hampden,
Springfield, Columbus, Aurora,
And many other makes, encased in the best of gold, coin silver, nicke l, sil vciiue,
silverore, silvcride anel silye roid. AVe- also keep in slock a line of solid
silver anel plated spoons, etc., which will be sold at low prices.
jT.Xov i.s the time to solt e-t vour Christmas presents while our
Ftoek is h compk-to. Our art; all now anel of late nt design.
South Siele Main Street
"U"squ.1 sad ornamontal, yoxx. ch.o-u.ld
go "to
"We have an
Sliort Wraus, Sills Mufflers,
Sand Sags, Toboggans,
Sills Handlrorcliiofs,
Anl a u;rt'at variety 'of stufi' suitable for present:?.
"We have a beautiful line of
Fancy CupssEs: Saucers
Children's Sets, Mugs -and Eauey Glassware, French and China
Hanging, Etc., Xtto.
n T.. KlelciNS. M. !.. riiy-ic" 'l
J Keen), c (in- door we-s-t ef l;t-nne-t s :;.
Oilic.-liMius Jiom lo to 12 a. in. ami from :; to
and 7 to:l !' " i-'esi:fm:;-. eon.i-r .Mntls i'.-iel
Kim ftri-e-ts .Mis. Le-viugs' lioua 'iV!eliene'
fifilce ami house.
Merchant Tailor. I
Keeps constantly en lianel sumjile ef t;e
be-st irooel tf) I mvctiieu. is i-rc-min-ei i
liiakt- pants for t-l.eiii am! upwards and ;
ISepsiiriiigcfc CI vsmiug
?c-aily i'.ml primi pi ly ehme at l.i- lo'.ve-t
l iices er IV tcr Jrergeb" store, North Siele
!:iin Stic. t.
with liiyh arm ami vil rating sli'.ittlo, !
solel on time. E;iy payments or cash j
Manager Plattsmouth IJianch !
Dr.-C7A. Marshall, j
Preservation natural teeth a ppecialty.
Teeth extracted without pain ly ugc of Lauuhiug
All work warranted. Prices reasonable.
Fitzgerald's Block Flattsmoutii, Neb
eleranl line of
ATTS.MO! T!l . Nf-ll..
JV"f..' o vltftii i' Hi'tlf roarrt u ;
Ji ll.
Tile- linn known a .'.I.-re:er ilros. ..v Ce , is this
elay elisolvrl liy mutual e- .nse-nt. Tlie lei-iin:ss
will heivaiu-r lte c :uluctf I l.-y W. c; . V I,. ('.
Mi-rcer Known as M'-ie-e-r l;r.
Dr. R. Nunn.M. D.,B Ch
TlilNITV CaiS.IA.C.K, Dl.lil.IX,
I.ate' Sunrr o'i nt Westc-ra C);litia!iuic anel
Af-ii-t at lioyal Ophthalmic llo-pita', London.
Ohicv, lloom I, ihirker liiouk : lo a. in. to 4 p.m
Oi.ih i. Nebraska.
Cinesnilci:ce Punctually Answered.
j j:. ij. in piiam.
JoIIX A. Davikh,
Ne tary Pu! lie.
.o:aiv rum.
Attorneys - at - Law,
Cfile:e" Civt'l il.l; e f Ca-i C'olltity.
Ea. r. ILarson,
Cor. 12th and Granite Streets.
Contractor and Builder
Sept. 12-Cm.