The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, January 10, 1888, Image 3

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XYh-n tiiou c-t near the vurvn which on mo prey.
And him-iii my vt-rjr koiiI to oviTwelgh,
Vutiisii us ie.vift cs nijdit'n dark cloud, which
it. at
Across I skies iiml ln'.vn'f plu'J portaj seal,
lilown f-ip am I ivi.le ly wiii!.-iof new born day.
Sciiih- liii!-ii nr'uf, now lmg reiui'tnlx-nil, may
Jtcniniii. I it I lii'I.i.-!li not that i;wroitfn nway
f your.; by- for peaco and joy 1 feel
V Ii -n tlx in ml n.-ur.
Arii I, iii-ir i:n-, if, while living fur away,
l'lmii i'ii- K...U.- iiiil.imv. ii s ii tiiw come and lay
Ilv IT hard i it iiiv lirnrl, lin n I would ki:-d
Ai'd r. y (. ! mi l.i tint- ln-.i-l; t- lii-id
'J !n- v.i-ui -ls w l ii h ji::iu ium, Inn n-, I.niigr stay,
V.'luii ! Iron m l in :ir.
".'lii.ii.i Ilarlli lt Tyler.
rid'HT with timTdi-vil
Ol.l Fundy was a well digger. The
greater ii.ii i,r Ids j;f,. was spent in the . id' tin- earth, ;i i,1 when hi- whs (.11
its r.i.rfa. e l.c went .ilnillt v.'ii It his head
bowed .!::! bis i s ti.-d mi t!,,r ground.
:i ;
r ' :
:s . !!: ihg a hole hi:'
r.; i into and burrow
natural pn peusit y sitg
was digging a uell he
'. -ii i..r. a . :i lv i;i tiie.
".'j.'i 1 1 -r !
: Ii iii-, ,i i tii
h, -II I.-
1 1 ; i- : i ; i
s':: il.-; I
!. ,r: .
Willi Mi;.:
H-..V, f -
! ll i' S -9 I i
-l a Ii!
ii-; I i - die';, r wli h iiiiii unl
i- It-ned, grim nlil,
li!. ! !i;.ii-. si n-.-ikfil wi.i
; ;-i i i- l i. i i- wi: Ii Hi l !c 1,h;o
'! -. I i'.-.- i-;t.i:iI ui;-i-.i)lu--
.1,.! I i-h i; i -.-! l iiat S!.'cii!(-;1
i I. Ill'i- nf I'i'.Il'l-.' is l!--t.
.mi I i
II. -v.- 1:
ii.. i: ivi !;.
I - !'.: til
!::( V h.l
.! v.. -is :n:t h:S
I i -1 1 t ii- i i j V 1 1
i. '
-: : :il v :.'. who. in
i :i. ( li ri -r ; i n-; 1 tii t
illii:- f( ii'
lit' I i f m ::t ! i , .
I'iliirii-- t- i !il ,1a!
'ili'" in- -s : :
i'iu' niii' ".. !i::t a
!-.": l
t I.,..
I '.-iii f li 'irlcni'd lo
,;! ii- ri::i!v.
ini.-! liiM wit Ii ri I"f'l
n l?i awe, avf -rj-inv: I hat
1..- h::! a-' u.'l!
li-.ii a lice:) i'U'.j sala-.ii;;
:i-ii. ; ii 1 llit-3- ,vcrc wi::l
t'la jr-! y I - r -1 i
Vt s:: in a - ii i
:rl 'il i -i .!( i
v. I!i-;;i.--: ""IK- It-ii-iy
ii alicrs a li ;
! ii" Kit i!i';'n-r it
;l'! tniuf ik'sc ia' s
.) a mi', a i
il' i';' !-. i1' I'r
;ui Ihi' I . ":' in !:;!!. :-!.i."
'i'l'i-- i'i: a v. u-i r.ii'tff tifOttfj';l hy l;e
fat t that lir-dli! iiian. wi.o rcMuta liail a
wiT.i say in ;::: Ixuly whrii lie wa.s
aicivo ::r.i:iiiii. i- t j l t:j) ;i 'ot!s!:int lMt'.!
t E-i j i v; f:t' r.w I: i't'i", iiilt-rininli'd wish
i:ni Ii ;r:!'.:iii'y, win !i l:o ;ot ;i iVw ft-ct
I.l ilea! ii !!; carl h's surface, mid t lie
iivj.rr he "'I. tise ii!in tr:;rni!ins ;:nd jiro
fatie he In'ca!:"", v.iiicli hd the snper.-! i
tioi; darkies lo hi'lu-v thiA i;e lield ton-vi-rse
v.'ii it tiic lniss !: vil liiniselt'.
'iie:i ii" had si well to sink he s pent il
day s ::;'!! in.: over 1 lie ground for ji spat
thai, he dit'ii.t 1 I'.i v ifithl;? for tli j:xir;oso,
iicvrr iiili : in'-C I he i.ia:;y tricks that will
";i ---,ors j:ei i-. rally lvsoit io to find water.
j:-; t'lK'V say. and while lie paced slowly
;mr.i:ul, si-.i..piii'c now and then mid mut
iriu'.; to hiinsilf. the licirroos, who wore
w.-it::!'.;;: : him from a little tlistance,
would tr.y: "-De oh' hiack man (devil)
ri;rht ondcr 'ini now; lie talkin' ter "ini;
- woiitior v. 'y h.e doii't tell "irn riilit fl
whar de I'Or-'i.i' water; reikon dey hef
ler I'leh'' .". har:;"in fits'."
'i'l .. y d'.ihi't speak to the old man
niii!'.1 he was thus esia'i-d, atrl when he
had selieUd a spot suitable lor his pnr-;o:-e.
ii- woii'sl niaric it with a stake .".ml
: away, and the-t tii. y would ;o and lay
t heir cars on the round ami latu-y they
-;.t;l 1 hear tin- ifisml uf rushing water
lii'iy or sixty feet below.
r.eiph!"" they would say. "do dehble
lie know all "l;i;:t ii. en he t.-Il 'ini w'en
lie done i.'"fke 'ii.i sv";:r soiiu'ii'ii dat
v.::'l i; is. i)e lehiei liilon. ter dat ole
IstTnIviinw, h'lt bi'.neiy ho belong ter de
debt;. 1. fur sho."
I 'xactly three days later the well di
cer .oi:!d reinrn ;ii dav'orealc ami hi'
T.ori.. i's:ir;:t!i oil a square ;tml setting
-to with pick and as if he were going
to penetrate the very center of the globe.
This exact period of three days inter
vening 1 ciween the choice of ground and
the lie-i'ining of labor was another cause
of supcr.-tiiious conjecture among the ne
groes. Datv. tts part tiv de l.argin. Ef lie
hergiu any sooner ur any later sonicp'n
irwine ter happ'ii ter 'ii;1.. Dat de reasin
he wr.s I. lowed up onct he din'n' keep
ter de bart-in."
Fnndy would vork a'.vay by himself,
grunibling and gmwlingas he went tiown.
. in. t il he got too deep to thrown out the
y.-il wiih Ids spade, and thc-ii he would
ri.. his v. !::':! - s and a'o-iipanyitig ropo
i-.-.i-l t::b. atrl "Uie ia.ia Sclo!tgi!g the
'i-,(-e where lie v. a.- v.V'i-kixig would assist
He hrA sunk st v.-.-ll n the plantation
of a griiiU titaii living souie miles from
A i-Vrty ! ct ciiiv.n he l:;-:d struck
a vent of ;,"". 1 v. aier. iiuii was preparing
i-','gi:t Hi- c t:rbi::g. tlte brieks used for
thr.t '..!!!. lvi!'g '.btntt i'i pil-s ;;mo:ig
f (!
aad. other ilebris
:,i the tub.
-.;-l:!:4him came,
n hauled t
i i.
ao v
aTier dawn, s-iul was
thai the old man was
I v..:tricr wlinr dat ole Fotidy tVs
ij:ori::.i.-- s--:ih! h-oking r-vnuid. '-Wat
hit.-" l:is earn h.r.d canglit a peculiar
tt::r. l iS'M'i:!'-;. ai. parent iy. from t lie well,
iiiid I..' v.-.'ii-. urA leaned over it. placing
his hands on the windki.-s to ; up; oit him
self. After 'i 1" minutes' listening. 'O.Iy
;r".vdcrini.;hty :" he exclaimed. l'de delj
i!.l done !:.. 'im fh's time, sho!" and then
be ran o!i i - toe negro iUi:rters. whenre
i'ri liitk- wh.ile lie returned, accompanied,
do;vn or mure other negroes, all talk
ing 1 ebeliie:'.' 1 .
J (ell ycr de debi.el done got 'ini," saitl
h.e who hiV-l made the discocry; "T hoeretl
'um dov.m dar jis' a-tight in'. Ole l-'undy
w' s- n cu:--in' en tie bebbel v. us jis' a-say-in'
"I low ycr know de debbel talk dat
r.Witv:" as!:ti one of liis comrades.
:Ca.Te I knows ho tloes; ain't he got
Jtovits :i huir. '-"
That : een.ed to set tie ihf oucstion, and
they all Approached this well, (umii ;f
thein leaning over it.
'Von hear dat!" paid the same speaker;
'jis list' I anybody uver hear Birli
ctissin'? Kir jiv Jist'ii ter de debbtl. He
don' User nuttitt' 'bout lie eussin"; reckin
lie like 'um mcke 'um tote easy."
Mv Iruthrin." F.iil one of thedarkie?,
Th. was a. sort oi preacher, ' how of'n lies
I tol' ver yer iietter putt a brid'e on yer
tongue lir a halter 'round yer nick v'eu
I' so Iiear;l yer a takin' ther Iawd's name
in vain. Now tuck varum' by dis here
'sample dis here ole man, w'at's do or
fulles' ciissin' man es nvcr m De deb
bel done got 'im now, cu' he'll git all oir
yer some dese days, sho's yer don' rerpent
ther evil nv yer ways."
Just thin a prolonged cry of distress
came from the bottom of the well.
"Dum it!" said the negro who had
brought the others there, 4'I b'lieve ole
Fuudy gwiao ter whip de debbel dis
''Par yer go, Br'er Istim," said the
preacher, "ft cussiu' an' a sw'arin' at sich
a time es dis, w'en de farder uv lies an'
cussin's a druggia' a sinful mortul dom
ter hell. ITe'll comb arter yoa rex time,
IJr'er Isum I don' 'spec nuthin' else."
"I wun't a cussiu', Ilr'er Jitn," said
Isatn. "I ji.V said duru it, en dat ain't
"Wat is it, den, ef 'tain't cussing"
"1 diinno," wild Isam, "but 'taint cuss
In', I knows dat."
"Well, go on, go on," said the preacher;
"go on tin' see w'at Sat'n '11 call it w'en
he come to git ycr; ef 'tain't cussiu' it's
foli.shucss, fit' tint's jes' es bud."
In the ineuiitime the noise at the bot
tom of the well had ceased and the negroes
stood i;i .silent awe listening intently.
I ley's gone," said one under his breath;
"de debbel done drug 'in down wid 'im."
"O, my brttthrin," said the preacher,
"ain't yer gwine ter tuck warnin' by dis
here sample! How does ycr know but
some on yer'll Ijc called ter follow 'im',
en' den whar'll yer le wh.-ir I say? Does
yer know X, yer don't. Rut I does.
Yer'll be wlmr ther fire ain't niiver
sijtiinchcd; whar yer'll heve ter eat brim
stone en' drink bilin' pitch; yer'll lie in
t.h.-r claws u v satan en' he'll tramp on yer
will 'is hull's, en' he'll butt yer wid 'is
h. i.-as, en' he'll pitch yer wid 'is pitchfo'k.
Yes, my brui !n in, yer kin cuss den, en'
! n:o" yer :i--.s de better he'll like it en'
mo' he'll hitiudi. Ain't yer gwine ter
;.ip dis lyi.t' en' cussiu' en' stealin' 'fo'
it's loo late!-"'
"Wat dat yer says 'bout stealin', Iir'er
Jimi'" said Iyant. " Who b'en ti-stealin':-"
IJoii't yer know, Hr'er Isutii:-" asked
lint san-ast ically. "Who was it went
inter ole masser's million patch en tuck 'is
"1 diiiiiio who luck um," said Isam;
' but who eat um? tell medal."
"i-!'s anuddcr lintr," replied Jim.
'T'.f a man steal u boss, is it I'urbid dat I
siiill ride "im?"'
"I dunao 'bout dat," paid Isam; "but ef
dc man w'at dat hos". b'long ler fin' yer
m he back I reckin he gwin tell yersome
I'n 'bout if."
"Ugh!" ejaculated Jim just here his
frt'-e was turned toward the well "w'at
tie debbel dat?"
His little congregation looked round to
see what it was that seemed to have
frightened Jim.
".My gawdt rniiimty !" cried Isam; "ole
l'uiidy done fowt tie debbel en' whip'im."
and then the negroes till ran away, scat
tering in every direction.
(Jhl l-'umiy';; head and shoulders ap
peared just above the Mirfaco of the
ground, he having climbed up by the rope
attached to the windlass. I lis hands were
covered with blond, of which there were
glottts on his grim, weather beaten face
anil his llanncl shirt. Climbing high
enough to step on to the solid earth he
limped to a pile of bricks and sat down,
1 1 - 1 I - 1 - .A - . , .
I ruouiug ms less, mmiering curses io mm-
seir. ljyami iy lie got up, anil picking
up a piece of rope lying near, wound it
around his body and descended into the
well, from which, after a little while, lie
emerged again and began to turn the
windlass. It seemed to task his strength
somewhat to wind the rope up, as if there
were a heavy burden attached to it, but
in time the big dirt fltb appeared, and in
it, tied tightly, lest it should fall out, was
a goat a big billy goat, only half of
which was in the tub, the hind truarlers
hanging over the sitle. Holding the wind
lass with one hand while he landed his
load with the other, t!e old well digger,
with :i few imprecations scarce mete for
ears polite, proceeded to unfasten the car
cass and drag it out of the way, after
which he sat down to recover his breath
Tiie old man had come at daybreak to
his work, and while awaiting the arrival
of his assistant, Isam, had busied himself
selecting bricks for the lirst corners of the
curbing. He then examined the windlass
and its appurtenances to see that the con
stant friction had done no damage, for a
load of bricks on a man's head is no pleas
tint reminder of his own carelessness.
There was an old biily goat roving about
the lot, a veteran with the beard of a
prophet, but Fumly hadn't noticed him,
ami while he was stooping over making the
knot, that attached the tub to the rope
more secure, the goat, as if curious to see
what he was alout, had come close up be
hind him. Whether he suddenly took it in to
his head that the old man, who in that
position appeared to be a tpaadruped, was
another goat, or whether lfe was moved by
the natural desire to butt when there was
a fair target te butt at, it is impossible to
decide, but certain it is his "rambunk
sious" instincts brought him up on
his hind legs in a belligerent atti
tude, from which lie came down
with a vim that sent the old
man down to the bottom of the well.
I'oriunuU'ly Fundy lauded on his feet, h
hnving, with that impulse which prompts
us to grasp anything within reach to save
ourselves, ctuight the rope and gone
down clinging to it, the tub pressed cut
in front of him and dragging against the
side of the well, acting as a break.
I Jul he had hardly reached the end of
his rapid downward journey when his as
sailant, like that famous heroine of Mother
(.oo.-o. memory, came tumbling after; for
t l-e impetus of the blow laid carried the
giver as veil as the receiver into the trap,
as fequently happens iu more important
The water in the well was not as yet
very deep, and standing' in it he and the
old goat fought it out old Fundy, wirh
the aid of a clasp knife that he had in his
pockc-i, coming out victorious. Robert
15o'i-s in Times-Democrat.
Georgian and Circassian.
The Georgian has a beauty quite differ
ent from that ef the Circassian. The Cir
cassian is dazzling, queenlike and stately.
tSh.e has a fair skin. She is elegant in
form. She is kindly and gentle iu voice,
but lazy in movement and without spirit.
One i f her own sct has said; "There is
no soul hi a Circassian beauty; and as shi.
pillows her pure, pale check upon
Miiali dimpled hand j'oufeel no inclination
to arouse her into exertion; you arc con
tuned to look upoa her and to contem
plate her loveliness." The Georgian is a
creature with eyes like meteors and teeth
almost as dazzling as her eyes. Her
mouth do.js not v?a; the sweet and up
ceasing smile of hep less Vivacious rival.
Hut tlie proud expression that sits upon
her finely arched lips accords so well with
her stately form and lofty brow that you.
do not seek to change its character. "The
Isles of the l'rinces .'
Flirtation as a Stud'.
A Harvard senior ha3 "thirty handker
chiefs with lace on the edges nailed tip
conspicuously in his room, each thu sou
venir of tv distinct summer flirtation.''
Although flirtation is, so to speak, an
elective study at Harvard, it is evident,
that the young men prosecute it with
vigor. New York Tribune.
"Ragged" Snmlay School.
Loudon's Ragged ijunday Schools,''
which are declared to be the great means
of reaching and improving the poor chil
dren of that city, are" increasing fast in
numbers and influence. " They now have
40. DUO scholar and -4,000 teachers. 2fev
York Sun.
Journalist ruHnf ion '.f SI.III in
If yinmlKiH Suy;e.:..l Itu rotary oin-
mitted !y a "SiiiHlt Iv." Not So Sue-
ce,f,.l with .V, it Si.bJ.-et.
AY. A. Croirut has recent ly taken upth"
vtudy of mesmerism, or h piiorism, as the
tcienti-ts pr-fer lo call il. Mr. ( '."oil'iit
has develnped eon-iderable skill in tin's
direction, and the other night gave an ex
hibition at iiis house before a noteworthy
audience. Among others present were
Postmaster leneral 'ilasand his family,
Senator Ingalls, Senator Piatt, of Con
necticut; (Jen. A. W. Grecly ami l's wife,
Admiral and Mrs. IJussell, Mr. Coleman,
tiie commi.-'Moiif r of agrii-ult lire: Col.
Nicolay, marshal of the Cniied Slates s'.l
j preiue court; Jen. Hrvaai. assistant at-
j torney general: Professor Thou, p -on. of
I the. geological survev. and a iitimiief of
other scii nt ilie gen.; lemeii anl phv.-i.-ians.
jseiore i.iginiinig ms cxpei'iruo:. .'.jr.
Croi'.ut explained that he ha.', been ry
l.iueli iittereslt'Tl in reading, iu Paris let
tirs, of the egperimeii: s coudiicied l.y I Irs.
Charcot aucl i.uys in i'.isropc.
ViCAI;tot'S t i;lM!N.I.t'l V.
Mr. Cn strut ren.arkeil that t!ir c:;jieri
iiicr.taiiou with ibi'igcrous drugs and
medicated compounds under scientific
conditions would lie postponed to another
evening, but he would immediately make
tcr.ts as to the vicarious commi. io:i of
crime. After performing so.:i" minor ex
periments and getting his subjects into a,
good condition. Mr. Croii'iit nttemplcd tin;
feat of compelling a fellow being' to com
mit a. crime by tiie force of his own will,
acting upon the will f that fellow being.
One of the subjects, a young woman ( m
ployed in the government printing
was told to go into the audience mid pick
the ladies' pockets. She manifested great
horror of the act and refused, but by an
impend ive command the mesmerizer in
tlritedhirto comply, and without much
display of ingenuity she go! a phantom
purse, not a real one, from- Mrs. John C.
Fremont. The experiment was not satis
factory as to the practical employment of
an agent.
Another sensitive, a clerk in a depart
ment, was mesmeri.ed, and Mr. Crohn i,
explained to him that in a house t.f one
of the neighbors, in an upper chamber, in
ii certain corner and a certain drawer iu
the dressing case was: a pocket hook which
contained x.YODO. He described the situ
ation tif the house minutely, the way to
go there, the arrangement of the dressing
case and so on, repeating it over several
times until the subject had the geography
impressed upon his mind. Then handing
him two keys he said:
"The larger key will open the front
uocr of the house and tiie smaller key will
open the drawer of Cue tire-sing caf-e in
which the pocket book will be found."
He told the young man that if he would
steal that pocketbonk ho would give him
the money. There was a. good ileal of dis
cussion between the mesmerist and his
subject concerning the liability of discov
ery and arrest, but when assured that
there was nor, the slighto.-t- possibility of
imyltody interfering with him, and t hat
there were no dogs about the place, he
consent etl to undertake the burglary.
Four or five gentlemen in the mom were
asked to follow the subject-mi his trip.
Due arrangements had previously been
made with a neighbor to place the pocket
book in the situation described. The
young mail ran out into the street, turned
the corner, and when he came to the
house described by Mr. Croff nt recognized
it at once by the description. He then
began to show the greatest degree of agi
tation, looking nervously behind till the
tree boxes and around the corners, and
finally jumped over the fence, saying to
those who accompanied him -as "pals"
of whose presence he seemed only half
conscious that he did so lest the gate
should make a noise.
Envoi's axd cvrriors.
When he reached the porch his nor von
ness seemed to increase, as well h:3
caution; but he unlocked and opened the
door quietly, crept into ihL haliway.
lt Hiked round all the corners and into :.ll
the rooms, found his way up stairs iu'o
the apartment described, drew out the
key, unlocked the drawer indicated a i d
found the pocket book." He was starting
away with it. when one of thoe v. li..- a.:
conipa'iiod him called his attention to the
fact that he had left the drawer open. : i: 1
that he had better restore tilings g -. h
found them. He replied that that was a
good idea, and doing so, put the hey iu
iiis pocket. He then crept around the
room, looking into other places, and when
asked why he did so, replied iha.t he was
looking for something else heSrould sterl.
One of the party suggested to him that it
was a bad phice t- steal ;. isytlnng trtt
money, for jewelry could, be traced while
money could not. This seemed to strike
hii.i as sensible, and he remarked that the
packet book wasill of bills, and he had
better be satisfied with what he had got.
Then he crept down stairs with great
caution, shut and locked the front door
carefully after him, and reaching the
street, started to run like a f: ighteue 1
deer. One of his attendant"- caught i:r.:i
by the arm and asked him where he was
going, lie said lie was going hisniy, b'li
the attendant suggested' ho must return
to Mr. Crotfut:s house and' give him his
share of the money. The mesmerized
thief stopped a moment ami said.: "Yes,
it would be mean not to give him his
share; he put us on to the job; we v ill go
back and deal square with him."
lie returned to Mr. Croiiufs nor. so,
handed that gentleman the pocket book
end counting out $3,000 in imaginary
money, divided it equally between the
two. 1
This experiment seemed to demons! rats !
that, proner conditions existing, crime I
may be committed second hand through
mesmeric influences,.
V"ith another' subject Mr. Croirut was
not so successful. lie convinced a young
man that his brother had boon killed by
an Indian, whom he was advised to mur
der in revenge, and was told thtit he could
find him on the Capitol stop,;, TI ffcitsl.- ' er b:-d :.:-!'.-ts. t :n the r; ig. rary. it is a
tivc, though generailjr vbedient Under ' Usea--e t I the g'.o; t highly eivdi.-.b ;ho
mesmeric ' influences, refused to believe i i.iost cultttred, the weaUhy, s:!.d of lo.-;-,'st-sucli
an absurd story, and after a long ! ties winch :.r; the i:ost ."tiU.b: io,.-.. ,)oe
argument with iMr. Croffut, in which the , f the chat::. 'esi' t:s yi e.-iig-er is t'tgg,
subject showed as ninph abrewdness ; i.idu.-s ih L-r,d:t i; involved, it leaves iu
the operator, declined to attenipe the dued ' Teiioctual p-tiwer and fort e uniu. paired.
l;o was urged, to commit. Cor. New Y'o"k ; N-sy, it soetns that in sotno ca.-es it almost
Tribune. ' j increases thcie qujilitic-s. New York
Puzzled Custom! Officers. I .
English customs officers are puzzled ! .t :-.t.!i-.-a,ny starl.u
what to do about good- mad?; in Germany ' '"The r.ia:i v. ho stop.j suddenly oti n
and France with English marks put on
them, sent to England and then reshipyed
toother countries as English goods. If
they permit the troods to pass through,
t v . ' i " 7"
discredit is cast upon English manufac-
tnres, and if they stop piem -English ves-
sclij lose the job ot earryiny tho goods.
J.'ew York Sua.
Tite!c .f ?,V".v YorU I)re- r.ialtort.
TVemnkm.: in i: ; higher branches H n
ITS'; njzu'i: ii" :'b.':,,,;:;;:
; it, :Pid fori.Uiic-1 n.-it of ita , :
I women an; Liu; be t die., ed and !
i'ii-:, i
!:;o I
i cact in g in 1 1 : : t t.-rs f dre.-s in th" wi-rM.
' 'J'hev '. i.ol grudge t:oil price tothou
,.,,,,,,.,. ,!u.:.. t,,.,,;. ,'.. ,,.,.
1 The !;real i!r.-- -crs o,' New Yoi k soeiet ','
' -e imalnd t . mil over to 1 .p.. ,.
I ' lVlV;,;,L "' !ir"nW,i,!"
'.vo'idi rl id ere.: of N oi l h or his ri ,;!,
imaiiii d t i run over l ii
' l'iii',at, t.. v..itid. r from Felix to .M.-mgus ,
! l'-H'onne and to in-j.cct H;o late-1 thing!
oui at Mint'. I. ate: rierres'. j
The truth is, however, tint', the IitvI- !
Somest tb'e. -'.s ill tiie Weil 1 are made i:i i
ihis tot.airy. Some gowns uhieh liair
Weafers h Uppo. e to have been iligiol'ted !
tiie in better la-le than if t hey had '
ero-'-'.-d t he oi ean. i
A lady whoM gowns are ui;e of 1 st. i; '
attractions at th" box show of the Metro
poiiian Opera house on opening night- j
stepped inlo the show rooms of a .il J
known moiliio and importer of I'a.i- :
I roV( s no long time since. ri:e va
! '""' "eon feet ion" i a t !e : im- ,f a r.
j ion dr ;-. fn-.m V. orth if po.-.-ible.
;i;o.!"!.t ..!,.. e.,i:!.l ::o I
y,. i liai. :.. d thai gi.-. n ar.d 1 i.
(omen;.:! log.' was tie- q;;e.-t:.u ' e i'' ng
at. her head d -ma kcr a minute ;. ;'g ;.
breathless v.h.'i a l.a.-ty rim i,; sieir-..
"Yes." Wed, put a Wi ::h l . i: i:,Vi it
ami bring it down s!.;ir-j r-: soon
ean." That Worth bvli tlre.--..--:i;akei's
k.-ep stani; e l In !;.-; in stock from ail ti e
i. Iter known Paris ho:i:-t soi l i' e
gown to a. woman '. !. . '.. ..uld not. lag. e
looked at it if she had Hot :; po-ed j! v. gs
imported, and made it i'enh s.:."m. ia-ie.
as the product of hom talent, it mi :.t
have brought !'T ':"' '-
whose work t '.e
never Keen Worth or Paris, told i..e the
tale and vouched for its accuracy; in
truth the trick is not an uncommon one.
1 .iiladelnl.i l Pre:,s.
Ti'jii'H oi iv:i-it:i i:':n:ly.
As is the case with the sex iu all trop
ical countries, Mexican womanhood comes
early. As ilie age it' Pi the . enori i.g
is very knowing. At 11 she is i;g.f.:re.
,i hi she is ready to take up t he ti'i: i- -a'
n.arried life. .t 'i'i she begins lo be t. .
plump. At .y she fo.-ls tin- neei'i f art. '.o
as si I n.tiure. At I!') she has ceased to he
interesting for her beauty. Too moth
tlesh, with coiisoquer.t ct;arsen- s, is the
usual trouble. An anti-fat remedy ought
to have a great run in the laud of the
Maya, of the Portal de Moreadoros, is
the leading photographer t.f tiie City of
Mexico. lie has an artistic eye as well rej
mechanical skill, and he is an obliging
fellow. Yv'iien it was explained to him
that a small cslh ction of types of .Mexican
beauty was desired, he muled ami said
he would have to think about it. "Call
again to-morrow." Something like a
wool: t f to-morrows -,v??:i by before Maya
said "All right." li'.it thru he coupled
his ncquies.euee with a condition "no
names." The terms were n'-cptod. and
from his large stock of negatives were se
lected the types of Me ;. can giii'.oo i ;g.d
womanhood. They include rei,ie.-e:uat ies
of the best families at the Mexican rap
if.l. There are seuoriias throe, from Ig
to Pk and there are si-uoras thiee two of
them are still in tiie twenties, dark, flash
ing e;. ed. i Mil lipped and already, in; limn ,
to tiie bane of lite sex iu t lit ir ou'
ton much weight. The la-1 i - older am"
fairer than aii the others, ami the Com
plexion and features to get her a pro
portion of Cast iiian blood in t!.:s cu -e f ir
above the average. Mexico Cor. Globo
Democrat. Had lleal:';i Vcrstis ::.!.
The fact is, the. advantages of poor
health have never been rated at half their
worth.. What a deluge of books has beet,
1 e.u red out to how people how to get and
keep- health, and never a one to i- ;s )i
them how to lo e it. Take, for er-.'an. s
the c;ise of a physical
e or.
simply t!;e ruin m him. tuh euoras.
dinners he t:ouid eat, deluged with
oce.'ius of wine and brandy, and sgeh t:n
iniigensi' amount tC onidoor gunning ami
fishing did he have to resort to to tlig;.i
these that lh ret fourths of 'he time his
powerful brain was as tolp:.' as that i.' a
gorged ."inaci.n.ia.
Ah 1' had. V.'ebster oniy Tieen a lifelong
inva.i'i, tr;e : iexanoer it. r-.teptions. ii
Georgia, what mi ititeih-ctual .r,.::i;-v
Atg.e.ica Dowemi wiih
only ti.gv-1 -on t-g' Ug:i lo ;,(.. hah ;
on, and '!!v Inn:; ;.-,! i :g ; i t g.
f-'i- ?s '. -i.-.:"-.'.iv" .alk.v
: g el! - . -:'iy -v ig; the;, ;!;,v,. 1
driven for refuge n the habitual e.v
of his vast ititt lleeinal titt.d inagci.:,:
iiowers, an.! ;o l.T. e jr..dti..-etl sotue 1.
vork that would i;; enriched the v
lA't him. therefore, servo as a .
warning to all big, hulking ft ihws.
i'lg up their noses at invalhls. (g, I ;';
hgc tiieir siitrs that ihev are good ;gr
for ten c :r: -. ! a o
clarc-t, hock and b
'. v.-
Vi oi'in:. i
: :is.S;j-.on Cor
;as a far h:
gggsim-ed v. -:
1.. i v.- i ig r i a
to::o that
o-le m.t
than t:s re t-erf
"d before the 1.: kt e. I
ke:-ji i;pv.'i;!i li-e !
1 literatur.'. ;g:-i '
it would be u'tpard. ualde for a i j
v.-orum i:i Y.i!sh;::..-:to!i r ..;;:, y jy-t to !..:.- !
what is goin-j on i:s gg:-gss and a:--eg ;
the vhi;e ii- ue. The n-..i u.'-.te "t c'.::s-. j
actors in tiie .;.:;: ry tg.e- hi eve: y i
vitd vr. :.v.i 1 . rv';i:ires v. Mo h'l' !
or j.i.hlk- l.i: it and m;g'e!s t-,-.... !
vt-l.t one's making ;i fooj of himr-o
prete:"''iig to km. that which 1:
not. The kg-.v.le.ige of the French l;
more cotninon tiian it lias ever been bj- j
fore, and Ikeucii phrases are uttered in1
manv ooi: vcr.-at ions. The 'Itplotnats r.--..
to talk I'rer.vli rtither than I'.oe'j...;, ;,e ;
some of them are .ggu.lg o e:ir;-'- no n I
good fogWlgetii.g iii iho IhigU: 'A 1 Dgg;0. 1
Frank ij. Cargenter iti New York '
AYorhl. '
Affo;iis::a ing ltijrb Civiiiz.Mion.
Cancer is not a d:sea.';e d.a t.nid-g'r., .
bad .-an:;, try tgirroujiiiog.-,. io tgnor.ugo
crowge i M;icg; without looking back
to p-0 ii" - ' ; ' anybody's way is a dun-
dcrhead' tahl a geetleman who aUvtiy.
.als u a l.uvrv. '"if he :.t u ,-'Mi!itt-v-
tv .r,,,,. ii., i :
L l! '' v. usohim, tor .-' doe ti t t.;. w
any t;t;tg:r-.!ie i.-n t u-ed to rush i,r ,
the city, but a city ma:i who does that is
intolerably Ktupi .L" PLiladelobJa Time ', -
U H A?- f$W
! - i&
li i .? a ; i r
. It'll. I..' Al l:
: 8 k 1 7 ' ' 5 TfS
! L'Ji'J 4 y ? t 2.
Mtosr i iln
;:'!! nio'i t!.e
;c 1
'! -"i: .'. ri, - ::' n;i 1 i
um, : t ' i ' ! i'.' if! !'ti ii.v ;-niieii
a:;l r 1 v tin
! i i;c .- it H.e- ijiiiilnv - . I'o'is III i'l' t
m- . i- - :. ill );.- t ; .
p .X' -1 u
4jlt . d-
: 1' I - - (...
wswuip t
r ii
( K )
si -iz nf .g-
Whcrt' :i iiKuritl iicont stock
y; 55
w f -y . -V
V? yr- fc. -is'. -T- r irv ir - C-t" - v
'1 V-'ij ' --. v,5 Oi r" i' i
V V VWf vJ Aii .i.iiu -.t-d jjj
rOIMC PACK!;ilS an: to ,m.!.::s -n l5UTTi:i: AND FCCS.
T5t "I?
, 1 iJAK:-X9 ifS.
r Cured Alod, :Ia;rs. Baco -ri, izrd, &c., 5c.
oi our
Tiie g.;s di
W ! I f.rSA l.i.'.
- S C3
-e- li 3
'7 n tt r j iv r. t- f, as j ;-'g.
( -.
Ztavjj -
X ii t'.ii J Li. I o . ! . i 1 U -. fi
mt t
XiOWCSt ip2?tCCS tllO CitT. CS.I1 a Sid.
, f3' r'
t53 f& TJ TMyF T
W l:OI.!'.s.I.r: AM) I!
Oovi" Pork, Mattoii,
Z izivito all to
Sugar Cntv.l ..ret.t. Hams, llacrn. fg.r.l.
. , , ,. . - ,x ,
at lowest 1 1 mg prices. Do not
" '
A "S3 A r fcf C-
A a km&nlfc b .
II 3 i 1 i n :
AMI lit I All. KIM 1.
l'n. i " f ' f, i 1 "f M T f fllf "
xUiS , ijliy I OH Mil SI 1.
l'"-t vnritlv ii" S.-nisuo-u fu'iiitl in
1 1 : 1 ki-i.
- -1 iigirhct in llio ('ilv nii'l I I I y
v!;i' tint ruitiiff.
Xcviil"'s r.i..cK, bill stlVl-t.
. i f-i
.hi. en. :i i t i .; ;i :: ii v i i i- i I t,t
t all U I . ! Is I'l ; t ! V I 1 : 1 1 I .
e ' .1
- 3 acru aors
nrrfl T' 4
1?? .i ?r. ffn?
r V --
Li rh
''( ..... .
-V- r V
i ' l a ttsm o i ; t n . m : i , i : a s ;: a
M A ICTill-i.
r. - -- - --i i
J -J. .'1. Jj.
o 's.r tyi a 'e
Tuoii; W
liTJ 4 "F T f W I. 5"
U 2- X -'ixl If V Llli.
i.f Oi'S'ili:
in cans ami bulk.
, r t .
' -i S
Voal and Poultry.
.ivo mo s. trial.
etc.. etc. J rosli OvsUis in in 15
, .. , .
full to ii vc me vour iiattouMgo.
- c
s! r- -r- o
' -A