THE DAILY HERALD, Pl.ATjTSSJttur; Hhl.UnSK A, FRIDAY, JANUARY 0, The Plattsn?outh Daily Herald. KJSTOTTS BROS., Publishers & Proprietors. B. M. Time Table. GOINO WRIT. NO. 1. 5 :20 a. III. No, 3. :40 p. m. No. 6.-9 :8ft a. in. No. 7.-7 :46 . in. No. . 6 :ll p. in. No. II. (J :05 a, in. (JOiNtt itAsr. No, 3.-4 ;'a p. in. No. 4. H :S0 a. in. No. 7 :30 p. in. No. K. 9 :50 a. in. No. 10. 0 :45 a. in. No. IX -a :3i p. an. All train run daily by wavof Omaha, except No. 7 and x which run to and from fcchujler daily xcept .Sunday. No. .to Is atub tt Pacille .1 unction at s :(0.a m. No. l'j Is a st lib from Pacilie Junction at II a. in. A MallMlmi y I nllcl, In Hock wooii liuiidiiir. Dr. Nunn, na experienced ear and eye physician will be at the Perkins house the 7th and 8th inst. W. H. Pool had Vi instruments to file on r;cord yesterday which is good for the first day's work. The Plattsmouth building and loan association will meet in the J. A. H. hull next Monday night, Jan. !Hh. The sheriiT of Sarpy county rccciyed a bullet in the leg yesterday as he came out of a house to stop a disturbance. Jas. Carlisle a leading pedagogue of Friend and an old time friend of ye re porter passed through on No. 7 last even ing. Capt. L D. Ilonnett and W. S. Wise indulged in an afternoon's recreation yes terday by going rabbit hunting over on the Iowa bottoms. Little Hattie Brown, daughter of Wm Brown, fell from a sled yesterday while coasting, severely cutting her lip and bruuing her face. In the case of Liley vs. Lindsay at Pacific Junction yesterday, an action was brought by Liley to recover a note and guarnishce $148, of Lindsay's wages. We have received a new magazine, the title is Woman. Vol. 1, No. 2. pub lished in New York. It treats on many important subjects of especial interest to ladies. . The parties who emptied the hay and litter from a freisht car at the end of Main street should be made move it as it not only looks bad to the eye of the public, but is an inconvenience to those passing back and forth across the yards By invitation the members of the board of commissioners. Messcrs Dickson and Foltz together with Mrs. L. A. Plumb and Clerk J. M. Robinson took dinner to-day at the pleasant home of Chairman A. B. Todd, where all enjoyed a delicious dinner prepared by Mrs. Todd. A proud father in Duquconse, Pcnn. has named his first son Thomas Benton Schuatterly Boyle Cleveland Genius of Liberty Flemming. Glenwood Opinion. Another man we heard of named his first son Oditormus Christopher Holmes Dan iel Cadwalace David Carleton Jones Mm of Destiney Cleveland. Next. The Anheuser Bush Brewing Co., of be&Louis, haye decided to erect a fine pre'4ing 44x100 in the coming year on tlicccSrner of fourth alid Main St. No longer will the old frame lirery barn grace Main street. Work will commence as soon as the weather wil permit. The arcnitict, Jir. Louis v oss. of Omaha, was in the city yesterday with plans and spec ihcations. The building is to be two stories above the basement and after the same lashion of the Cass countv bank and will probably cost f 3:3,000. Society's Latest Fad. The Rainbow Party is a new holiday diversion which lias just been introduced into society circles of St. Louis from New York. The hostess invites an equal num ber of young ladies and gentlemen, and they select their partners for the even ing by lot. Then the hostess produces a number of aprons, cut out but not sew ed, and gives one to each couple, with the needle, thread, thimble and rjbbon or tape needed for their completion. The gentleman then puts on the thimble and makes the apron, the lady assisting him oy uer an vice. When all ttie aprons are finished a committee, previously appoint ed, examines them and decides which is the best and which the worst, two prizes beirfg tiven to the makers. The aprons Income the property of the couple who Jiave sewed them. Another amusement for the long win. ter eyenings which is a novelty in St, Louss, is the manufacture of Bible al liums. A Bible album is simply a col lection of pictures in a large scrap-book, each picture illustrating a text from the Bible, which is written beneath it, but in making one there is infinite room for the display of ingenuity and wit and the expenditure of money. The pictures can be picket up and made to cost nothing at all, or they jean be bought in hook and at stirea and su made to cost a large amount of money. One of these album, richly illustrated, with the text done in colors by a good penman, is a very hand some ornament for a center table, and some very entertaining and unique ones can be made by the use merely of news paper and magazine cuts. A Sliakppearc alburn is a variation of the Bible album anuHJie pictures to illustrate the quota tions are more easily found. PERSONAL. J. L. Farthing was in Omaha to-day. O. M. Straight made a trip to Omaha to-day. D. II. Hawkins of Lincoln, is iu the city to-day. Chas. Wchrer was an Omaha passenger last evening. Sam'l Ilinkle took a run over to the Junction to-day. F. P. Trouccr was an Ashland bonnd passenger last night. Daniel Carey got aboard the train this morning for Lincoln. II. II. O'Kourk, of Lincoln was at the hotel Perkins to-day. II. W. Maver was a Lincoln bound passenger this morning. I). M. llanna, of Lincoln, registered at the Perkins this morning. Mr. Henry Weckbach was called by a telegram to Omaha this. morning. Misses Nellie and flattie Holmes were passengers to Cedar Creek last evening Mrs. Amanda Johnson of Fort Nio brara is visitins the family of George Pine. Kev. J I. li. liurgess went to umaua moruincr to meet witn tne uaiuearai Chapter. M. D. Polk returned from Des Moines last ni"ht. and went to Lincoln this 0 , morning. John Sholtz, of Casey, Iowa, was in the city yesterday evening enroute for Louisville. Mr. B. K. Windham, of brother of R. B. Windham, city to-day. Glenwood, was iu the Nick Cunningham of South Bend, was in the city yesterday and returned home in the evening. F. N. Hall, of Hastings, was in the city yesterday and went over t Pacific Junction in the evening. J. P. Kuhney and wife returned home from Corning, la., last night where they had been to visit friends. Mrs. B. A. Pine and family, of Lin coln, arrived last night on a visit to her brother-in-law, Mr. Geo. Pine. Mrs. C. J. Hinehart who has been in the city visiting her sifter, Mrs. J. W. Bridge, left his morning for Peru L. D. Bennett has received some genu ine New Orleans sujiar, with a stalk of the cane it was made from, in the Hogs- I head. Mrs. Napp of Pacific Junction, who has been visiting with her daughters, Mrs.R. Doveyand Mrs. Will Fox return ed home last evening. Miss Mary Standish, who has been in the city the past few days visiting with Mrs. B. S. Ramsre returned to her home at Louisville last evening. The Misses Mary Goldsmith and Katie Dean visited with friends in the cityyes terdav and returned to their home at Louisville in the evening. W. P. Keeler. a former citizen of Plattsmonth, came in this morning from Anderson, Iowa, and will remain here in the employ of Mr.. J. R. Cox. Mrs. M. C. Birdsall, of Richmond, Ind., who ha3 been in Omaha for some weeks uast came in this morninj to look after some business interests in connection with the store of Boeck & Birdsall. Mrs. L. A. Plumb who has been work ing the past two years on a set of abstact books for the Midland Guarntee and Trust Co., of Omaha, expects t have them completed one year from date. Board of Trade Meeting- The Plattsmouth Board of Trade will hold their annual meeting for the election of officers at the office of County Judge Russell, on next Tuesday evening. A full attendance is requested. List of Letters. Remaining unclaimed, in the Postoffice at Plattsmouth. Nebraska, Jan. 4, 1888 for the week ended Dec. 24. 1887: Alberts. John bishop, K Barker. Miss Pearl Uorge, Mis Mary i 'arn c. Mrs Mary Carper. James Dowe, K Drurv. Kev M S litre. Charles Hridwll. David A Kridyell. KuRuel. Fred Caie. fc Call. Frank llufour. & Co Deedy, 1 Filby. E Hopkins. Willie Jones. Emmett (2) liadlint;, M lolinaon. Miss Nell a 00 Kunzniaa, Ida A I.owd. Frank Leonard. J Leny, John (J Locker. Miss Pearl Mitchell. M Mante, John Niece. Miss Kattie Reynolds. Kin Itainey. John Lewis. Richard Moore. Mrs Nancy I) MeCnllob. Phillip Nickle. Cbsrley Perry. Miss ElU Richardson, James KinD, J 8 Thomas, J D Wei ton. Matt WeltOD. M W Stiles. Bennett V anderoool. Mr Wiles, Mrs Jennie Persons calling for any of the above letters will please say "advertised." J. JN. WISK. 1. M. A Dangerous Editor. From the Arizona Kicker. That refined and cultured reptile, Bill Bosworth. whose chief occupation is swilling down 40 rod whisky and lying about his betters, is circulating the story that he gave us a licking last Sunday . . . ., . i- . , .1 night, ovr, tne iruin oi me matter is that" Bill has been mashed on our eldest I daughter and lie called at our house on Sunday evening to ask our permission to spark her. We promptly and indignant- y showed him the door, while our wife stood ready with a horsewhip. Bill dared us to come out, and we went. We I hit him threu times that we know of, and we kept count of five kicks we got in on him, and in two minutes he was begging for mtrcy. We don't pretend to be any fighter, but if we can't lick bill Bosworth with one hand tied behind us, we will go out of the newspaper business. Our friends have advised us to shoot him, and if it wasn't for our wife we'd do it. Bill, don't you come fooling around us no more! What Is a Clam? From the Van l'rancif-co Examiner, Noah Li Hop Wee, with a 'smile upon his moon-like coutenanee, stood up in Judge llornblowcr's court yesterday and said: "Me no peddle clams. Me work for Hook cut, 81'J Sacramento. Go long bleach, get clam, carry 'ein to man who buy. He keeps restaurant on Sixth ttrect. He says he no want clams that time." The Mongolian was charged with ped ding clams without a license. "Please ,your,honor, I move to dismiss," said his attorney. "The ordinance says, 'meat, fish, game or vegetables.' Clams is not a vegetable, a game, a meat or a fish." It isn't, eh?" said the iudce. with a puzzled look. .what is it then,., "It is a bialve, your honor," was the reply, with a look of learned triumph. "Well, they eat clams on Fridays, any way," interposed the learned Mr. Coffery. "That don't make it a fish, and Wcb- ster's dictionary say's it ain't." Well, who's Webster, I,d like to know? I run this court," said his honor, "and I decide that clams is a fish, and find defendant guiity. To-morrow for sentence. " Who is Your Best Friend? Your stomach of course. Why? Be cause it it is out ot order you are one of the most miserable crea tures living. Give it a fair, honorable chance and see if it is not the best friend you have in the end. Dont't smoke in the morning. Don't drink in the morn ing, lr you must smoKe ana arink wait until your stomache is through with breakfast. You con drink more and smoke more in the evening and it will tell on you less. If your food ferments and does not digest right if you arc troubled with Heartburn, Dizziness of the head, coming up of the food after eating, Biliousness, Indigestion, or any other trouble of the stomach, you had best use Green's August Flower, as no person can use it without immediate re- lief. HOME JSEWS. I Need Moneyi All persons indebted to me are request ed to call and settle as I need money to meet my obligations. d6t-wlt. Wili, J. Warrick. Here's a Chance to Invest. The east half of the south-east quarter of sec. 19, T-12 R-14, one-half mile south of Plattesmouth, belonging to the Win. O'Neill estate will be sold to the highest bidder, Saturday at on o'clock p. m., at the court house by the administrator. Terms, cash, J in one year's time and in two years. Good title. Joiix Baruour, Administrator. C. C Wmoirr, A . f Bykox Clark s T. II. Phillips is sole agent for the justly celebrated Red Cross school shoes. They cost no more than other brands and will out wear two pair of any other school shoes made, Wm. Ilerold will closa out his entire stock of cloaks, woolen goods, blankets and comforts, at cost, and below cost to make room for the spring stock of goods. tf Threlkeld & Burley are remodeling the old Turner restaurant preparatory to furnishing the people with everything that is delicious in the way of cakes, pies, oysters, candies, cigars, etc. d-lm Ladies Hair Dressing Wigs, waves, watch chains, switches and all work pertaining to ladies hair dressing, done by F. E. Lockwood, at Ed Morley's barber shop. lm Try O. P. Smith & Co's Damask Rose for Chapped Hands and Lips. tf Wm. Herold will close out his entire stock of cloaks, woolen goods, blankets jj and comforts, at cost, and below cost to make room for the spring stock of goods. tf Try O. P. Smith & Co's Damask Rose for Salt Rheam, Scrofulous sores, fetters li External Erysepelas, Rash, Itch, chafing of Infants &c, a complete Household Remedy. No household should be with out it. tf Call on Threlkeld & Burley for fine cigars. d-lDi Real estate and abstracts. dtf W. S. Wise. Go to Timothy Clark's Coal Yard, South 3rd St., telephone 13, for hard coa1'. 10-50 Per toD als IHinola and Mis- snnri rnnl rAnmi1 tip lirippc All Bmnnnrl - that needs screcnin&- . Whitebreast lump A A rw-W A A. 1 . f. . coai Perion; "imeoreasi sou nur, 2.50 per ton. This price means cash. Y'ou musl rememuer uiau uruers UKen at central telephone ana Murpny sstore.jj 3t Go to the Monarch Re,trurant for a good dish of oysters. d-Jm Ivnowing Hi .t this is the dull season of the year and the people will appreciate a bargain, I nave decided to reduce the price on u number of my goods. Ladies kid button shoes $2.00, Ladies kid button shoes worth. $2 50. il.7.1, worth $2.2.". Ladies Dongolu Foxed button shoes $1.."0, worth j2.00. Ladies Ger man Hand sewed doniola walkinir shoes regular price I. (), reduced to $:5.2.7 PlllI.LU'S. Dr. Black's Rheumatic ('are has cured more rases oi Kiieumatism in tne T -f t . A 1 last ten years in this city and county than any and all other medicines put together For sale by Smith &i Black. Foil Sam-: At a bargain, 1 pr. match ed mules, weight from 1000 to 1100 lbs each; aired S and 0 years. Lnonire at the blacksmith shop of J. A. Campbell d-w 1 mo. Use Dr. Black's Rheumatic Cure and throw away your cane and crutches For sale by Smith fc Black. Eggs, Eggs, Eggs! Lots of eggs and no sick, drooping chickens where Will J. Warrick's Im proved Poultry Powder is used. Just the thing to make hens lay and keep them in rood health. Try one pound, it will only cost vou cents, and it you are not satisfied he will refund the money. Also Ground Bone and Oyster Shell, 41ls for 25c at Wn.i. J. Warrick's. jG 3m d&w-th. Here's a Chance to Invest. The east half of the sout-east quarter of sec. 10, T-12 R-14, one-half mile south of Plattesmouth. belonging to the Win. O'Neill estate, will be sold to the highest bidder, Saturday at one o'clock p. in. at the court house by the administrator. Terms, cash, tin one year's time and j in two years. Good title. John Bar hour, Administrator. C. C. Wright ) . . f .. . Btron Clark Att 3 tGI 'stHte' Indescretion Has filled many a graye. If an invalid suffering with Consumption will use Dr. Watson's New Specific Jough Cure and follow his directions it will cost him nothing if lie is not benefitted. Price 50c and $1. For sale by the following druggist: W. J. Warrick. Hay for Sale Three hundred tons of hay for sale for cash, either delivered or on the ground. Leave orders at Henry Weckbach's store. Jan. 3 m3d&w L. Stum,. Threlkeld & Burlcy can furnish you with a good meal for 2oc. at the .old Turner stand. d-lm For Sale On reasonable terms my residence on the N. W. corner of Elm and 11th streets. Said property consists of i block with a good story and a half house of six rooms, two wardrobes and one pantry; good well and city water; twenty-seyen bearing apple trees, and an abundance of small fruit of all kinds. tf P. D. Batks. Call for Miehi&an eating apples also Michigan and New York cider at Phillip IvrauseV EL, KH JO INS, M . Physician and Siir- Kcon. One door west of IJennet''s store. Ollice liours from 10 to 12 a. m. and from 3 to 5 aud7to9p. in. Kesidence. coiner Ninth and Klin etroiHs iurs. lcvuikv House, lciepnoiie orace aart House. r Up-Town -' Jeivelery - Store. WatcliBs.CloCaS.JBwelry, Hollow Ware, DiameDtl Jewelry, GOLD PENS, OPTICAL. GOODS, And everything in the way of Jewelry can be found in our well-selected slock. We have purchased a large stock of the nJo;e named goods for the coming holiday trade, which we propose to sell at reasonable prices . and will endeavor to discount Omaha priccH 20'. Our Stools of WATCHES is Complete?, And can not be excelled. We have in tock watch movements of the finest makes, such as thu Howard, Waltham, Elgin, Hampden, Springfield, Columbus, Aurora, And many other makes, ein-ased in the best of gold, coin silver, nickel, silvfline, silverore, silveride and silycroid. We also keep iu stock a line of solid silver and plated spoons, etc., which will be sold at low juices. Now is the time to select stock s .so complete. Our ool.s GAULT & VASS, JEWELERS, South Side Main Street TJTssfu.1 sad ornamental, you slioiild go to . C. DOVSY SOFT'S, We have an &MAML AND Snort Wraps, Sills Eland And a great variety of X3?ir O ueensware We have a beautilul line of Fancy Ciips Children O . i. - Mtigs and Kaucy TEA - AND - DINNER - SETS Damabk Rose the Great Skin Cure and Toilet article, Mfg. and sold by O. P. Smith & Co. tf C. F. SMITH, Merchant Tailor. Keeps constantly on hand san:i'!M of tlie best goods to he procured. Is piepared to inakf pants fur H (utand upwards and Fiii or 10.00. Repairing & Cleaning; Xeatly and promptly done at he lowest prices. Over I'etM-Merge.' store, Nt.rih Side Main Street. ETJY THE GENUINE :-: SINGER with Inch arm and vibrating slmtib. sold on time. Easy payments or cash F. J. BICKNELL, Manager Plattsmouth Branch Dr. C. A. Marshall. IE ISM TIST ! Preservation t.f natural teeth a uneciallv feeth extracted without pain hy imc of Laughing Gas. All work warranted. Prices reasonable. tiTZGrBALD'e Block Flattsmocth, Neb your Christmas reents while our are all new ami of latent Iks igns. DOVEY BLOCK olegrant line of Sills Iulrs, Toboggans, Isor chiefs. stuff suitable for presents. epartrnent, - Saucers (ilasswarc, French and China 23 tc.. Xto Dissolution Notice. 1'I.A TIMOLTII. Neb.. Xnlice to whom it rn.ii content: Jan. 2, !. l lie fi rm know it as Mnrcer Hros. Co.. U this day disolved by mutual c msent. -j'tie bu-'noss will hereafter be conducted by W. ,v 1,. c. Mercer, known as Mereer liro-. Dr. R. Nunn, M. D.,B Ch Thimtv;k. Di lii.ix, OCULIST, - AURIST, - THROAT DISEASBS. i le Surgeon at Western Ophthalmic and t at Uoyal Ophthalmic Hospita', London, A a Otliee, Kooin l, P.arker Ulock : 10 a. m. to 4 p.m Omahi. Nebraska. I'KKKI.NS HOUSE. JA. 7 a-m 8 1SSS. it. r.. U IXMIAM, JiHI.V A. DAVIKS. Notary I'ubi:c. Notary Public. V I X I Jl A M A l A V I KH. Attorneys - at - Law. Cilice over Utiik f ( a t. County. Pl.ATrPMOlTII, - - Xkiikaska. WHEN YOU WANT R -OF- we DOI CALL ON Xa. sr. Larson, Cor. 12th and Granite Streets. Contractor and Builder Sept. l2-6m.