The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, December 13, 1887, Image 4

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ti;k-.y, dkcemiski? v issr.
gljc' yiattjinoutij Pailn itcraii)
Publishers & Proprietors.
A Sallnburj- Dentist, in Ilork
Hood Hulldlii?.
la the vault my monies rest.
But they're longing. to be free ;
Bo I'm going to luvcxt
Tlicia la I'hittf mouth vroperty.
C. R. Woosley is in the city.
Jedry Farthing was in Omaha to-day.
U. W. Covell was in Omaha lait
Timothy Clark spent the day in
Win. Neville was in Lincoln last
S. TVaugH wis an Omaha passenger
this morning.
Thos. B. Gordon arrived in the city
this morning.
J. IJ. Strode came in from Lincoln
this morning.
John Cagney was in from Green
wood last night.
Phil. Krausc was on Omaha passen
ger this morning.
- -C. II. Collins and wife returned to
Omaha last evening.
Wave Allen, the Ashland miller,
was in town yesterday
Mr. Kate Olive and Annie Gorder
were in Omaha to-day.
County Clerk elect Bird Critchfield
waa a morning arrival.
Mrs. C. Cole went up to Omaha this
morning to spend the day.
Thos. C. Brainard, who has been
suiting his uncle C. S. Twiss, left for
Kearnoy thu morning. Mr. Brainard is
fitting up "The Midway" hotel at Kearney.
J. M. Anderson, of the Indianola, Ia.f
Herald was a very welcome caller on
Tiik IIekald last evening. He came in
on the 4:25 and left on the 7:30 train
and was on his way home from Lincoln.
What Shall I buy?
This is a question now puzzling a great
many of our readers who are desirous of
showing their appreciation to their rela
tives and friends by sending them a
valuable, yet not extravagant present.
We have a gift for $6 and another for
$1.50 either of which would be highly
appreciated by the receiver, and before
buying something that is only valuable
to your friend as a keepsake we invite
you to consider the idea of paying $(i for
the Daily Herald sent from Christmas
to Jan. 1, 18S9 to a rela'ive or friend
whom you wish to please, or if your
friend does not live in or near Platts
moutli pay $1.50 for the Weekly Her
ald sent them from Christmas till Jan. 1,
'80, which will not only be interesting
and appreciated but will advertise the
city and help to induce those seeking n
prosperous and lively city to locate here.
The Daily and Weekly Herald for
1888 are the best Christmas gifts in the
market and would be received with
pleasure by any ' person interested in
Plattsmouth'or her people.
District court was to-day occupied
in the case of Hobbs vs. Janeway & Co.
E. G. Dovey & Son contemplate
heating their entire building with steam.
City Atty. Clark is making a good
record in behalf of the city of Platts
mouth. Friday a number of Omaha police
men bring suit to obtain their over due
The city council could not raise a
quourn last cyening but they raised
conips and took in "Eloped."
Sunday night a young man in Lin
coln named Chas. Morris, recently from
Wapelo, la., committed suicide.
County Judge Russell last evening
issued a marriage license to Edward E.
Howell and Miss Annie L. Gilbert.
A young negro boy aged 8 years
was up before the Omaha police judge
yesterday charged with drunkenness.
"Eloped" was played to a fair aud
ience at the opera house last night. It
proved a very satisfactory entertainment.
The case of the boy from Weeping
Water charged with selling a glandered
horse was to-day coutinued till the ICth
of January.
The Christian church will j;ive a so
ciable Friday evening at the rtsidencc of
John Tntt, in South Park. A cordial in
vitation is extended to all.
The ball and literary entertainment
to be given at the opera house Eext Mon
day night by the Odd Fellows promises
to be a very fine succes?.
A case was filed to-day in the district
court of A. C. Sodcr as 'guardian of
of Maggie Twiiiger vs. Twiliger, to have
a marriage set aside and made void.
Another horrible fatal accident oc
curred in Omaha yesterday on account
of the fateful switch-frog. A new
switchman .named James Holland at
tempted to cross the track in front of an
engine, but caught his foot in a frog and
his right leg was crushed. From the
shock and loss of blood the man soon
died. .
Tha C, L3. .Q vs Cass C3untyv
In the case tried yesterday wherein the
C. B. & Q. R. R. was plaintiff and Cass
county was defendant, spoken of hereto
fore in these columns, the testimony
showed that the bridge was operated as
a bridge and not os a part of the main
line, that while the state law of Iowa and
Nebraska makes the maximum charge of
three ecu's per mile for passenger traffic
yet more than 20 cents' per mile was
charged for riding over the bridge, the
testimony further showed that the bridge
property for a part of the time incontro
versy, was listed to the assessor by Mr,
I). E. Thompson, Supt. At Mr. Hoi
drege's request, Mr. Thompson personal
ly signed the assessment roll; it was
further shown that the R. R. Co. failed
to appear before the board of equaliza
tion and make any complaint of a double
assessment at the June meeting of the
board, as other tax payers are compelled
to do. , It was further shown that the
auditor of state had by letter (the letter
being produced) shown that the state
board for one of the years in controversy
and the county had failed to assess the
bridge; whereupon the county clerk list
ed the bridge property as he was by law
compelled to do. A great many other
points on behalf of the county were
proven and not controverted by the rail
road company. The railroad company
claiming that the bridge was a part of
fie main lino and as such, was assessed
by the state board.
The case was given to the jury about
nine o'clock last night with instructions
from the court, that in the opinion of the
bystanders, was about all that the rail
road company could ask for; yet the jury
were out all night and a majority refused
to briug in a verdict under the testimony
in favor of the railroad. The court this
morning then called the jury in and
charged them to bring in a verdict for
the plaintiff which was done, thus taking
the question of fact entirely out of the
hands of the jury, a proceeding very
much to be regretted by the taxpayers of
this county.
B. & M. Shops.
The geniu3 and invention of man,
his ingenuity in the arrangement of 1 . in nnl .ilit wia rt n1 tntf til ft
regulating and controlling it, is a won
der of wonders? Have you been at the
shops when the whistle blew, and
watched the men rush to their posts of
duty, every man to his place, and with
one turn of a crew, tap or thumb-screw,
or the throwing on of a belt, or the joint
ing of , coy wheels, all properly adjusted,
each start off as regularly as clock work,
with its seperate mission to perform.
Hundreds and thousands of belts, coy
wheels, pistions, yes, from the minutest
instrument to the most powerful, all pro
pelle d and regulated by an enormous
engine of two hundred horse-power.
Imagine two hundred horses, four abrest
drawing with all their might, and you
then have some idea of the magnitude of
the engine. But a second thought. Let
us again gaze arourd. and think who put
all this machinery in order. It did not
come by chance, by no means; but on
the other hand it has been moulded and
invented through the instrumentality of
the mind of man; hard study and close
application has brought this about. One
cannot help being almost dumb-founded
to behold the many wonders at the im
mense machine shops. We find there are
eight different departments. Under Mr.
Grcuscl, the foreman of the machinests
department, there are one hundred and
thirty men, of usual tact and abil ty.
Our time was so limited yesterday that
we did not get but few notes. Contin
ued to-morrow.
The Next Ball.
Next Monday night Dec. 19th, the I.
O. O. F. give a ball and literary iuter-
linment at the opera house. The pre
parations have been going on for some
time and are quite extensive. A large
number of invitations have been sent out
and the programs are beautiful. Tickets
for the evening are selling rapidly and
the attendance will no doubt be large,
making the evening a pleasant one for all
present. The literary exercise will open
the evening, after which supper will be
served on the stage. Following the sup
per will be the dancing. The following
is the
commencing at 8 o'clock:
M;iter of Ceremonies M. A . Bart lean.
AdJres of Welcome to Caw Lodge I. O. O. F.,
US, Hon. K. K. Livingston.
Response. Dr. A. Shlpmaa.
Sonp Glee Club.
Address S. P. Vanatta.
Recitation. -The World all thought he was
Odd." Katheren ilartlgan
Song Glee Club.
Heading Miss Laura Twiss.
Closing Address M. A. Hartigaa
$500 Reward.
We will pay the above reward for any
case of liver complaint, dyspepsia, sick
headache, indigestion, constipation or
costivencss we cannot cure with
West's Vegetable Li yer Pills, when the
lirections are strictly complied with.
They are purely vegetable, and never
fail to give satisfaction. Large boxes
containing 30 sugar coated pills, 23c.
For sale by all druggists. Beware of
counterfeits and imitations. The genu-
ine manufactured only by John O. Well
& Co., 862 W. Madison St. Chicago, Its
Sold byW. .J Warrick.
Around Town.
We called at the Perkins House, the
principal hotel in the city. Mr. Ander
son is no novice in the hotel business,
but is an old timer and knows how to
treat his guests. First-class accommo
dation in every respect can be had at the
Perkins. The Fred. Goos House is a
popular resort centrally located and
draws a good trade. B. A. McElwain,
the accommodating jewelry man, we
found in best of spirits. He is ready at
all times to do first-class work, and keeps
as fine an assortment of watches, clocks
jewelry and silverware ever brought to
the city. Give him a call and bo con
vinced. In the extensive establishment
of Solomon & Nathan a force of ten are
kept busy handling dry goods, carpets,
millinery and cloaks. Messrs. Solomon
& Nathan began business a few
years ago with a few hundred dollars
and by honest dealing they now carry an
immense stock costing thousands of
dollars. They also run a large store at
No Gentleman.
"Sir" said a Tucson girl to her eastern
escort at a ball' you are no gentleman."
"Why. I I don't understand you;
really I don't."
"Oh, no, Ipresums not," she haughtily
"Indeed, miss, I am really at a los to
know how I have offended you."
"I suppose so," was th3 cold ami
sneering reply, "but a fell.iw don't in
sult me twice."
"I must insist upon an explanation.
What have I dope?"
"Done? I'd ask! Here I've danced
three sets with you and waltzed till I'm
ready to drop, and you ain't bought me
so much as a stick of gum, and all the
other girls' fellows have escorted them
over to that grocery across the street
and bought 'em peppermint drops and
sweet crackers and prunes and cider.
Good night, sir; 1 will return to my
gentlemen friends." Ex
Balyeat's Fig Tonic-
Balyeat's Fig Tonic Cures chronic in
digestion. Balyeat's Fig Tonic is especially for
weak and delicate women.
Balyeat's Fig Tonic, not only relieves,
but cures.
Balyeat's Fig Tonic removes all im
purities of the blood.
Bal yeat'8 Fig Tonic is a mild and gen
tle laxative; with its u?e, strength and
ambition will return and a healthy glow
will brighten the complexion. Price 50c
and $1. Money cheerfully refunded if
the above is not substantiated by trial.
For sale by W. J. Warrick.
The Quaker Medicine Company
Respectfully ask some very plain ques
tion: Can Consumption be cured or even
benefitted? Can a Cold be cured or even
stopped? Can you expect to be even re
lieved by any medicine or physician?
No you cannot, if you simply change
the temperature of ycur body three or
four times a day for every change you
add to your cold Mothers, your chil
dren's hea'th and your happiness de
mands of you consistant love. Shall
vanity make your life miserable, ending
only in death? Dr. Watson's New Spe
cific Cough Cure is the result of science.
Price 30c and $1. It is warranted by the
following druggist. W. J. Warrick
Plattsmouth Markets.
furnished by w. n. newell & co.
December, 10 1887
Wheat No. 2, 53.
" " 3 50.
Corn, 2 36.
Oats, 3 22.
Rye, 2 40.
Barley, 35.
Hogs, $4.70$5.
Cattle, $3.004.00.
Hon. H. W. Crady.
The Statesman, Scholar and True
American, set an example worthy of re
flection for all True Americans. Healing
wounds that no methods except those
used by Heaps' Camphorated Arnica Salye
which is sold on its merits for any use
that a salve can be used. No cure, no
pay. For sale by the following drug
gist Price 25c per box.
W. J. Warrick
P 'rsonal attention to all Business Entrust-
to my care.
Titles Examined. Abstarcts Comniied. In
surance Written, eal Estate Sold.
Better Facilities for making Farm Loans than
Any QttiQP Agency
IMatcsmoutii, - Nebraska.
Dr. C. A. Marshall.
Preservation of natural teeth a specialty.
Teeth extracted without pain hy ue of Laughing
All work warranted. Prices reasonable.
Fitzgerald Block. rLATTsaiorTn.N b.
Finest i"! is; 1.; v of Mulller.-, from 25c?
to $:$.50. K'-on, The Ono. Price Clothier.
Call f. r Mulii.u! t : 1 1 i 1 1 7 apples also
Michigan ::i;d ,V.v York cid-r at Pliilli
WarricK's i tl:.; t-!,.-o t b:y toy
a;nk no Hilstitl! II? h.-rs a lare stock
ai!(I at l( -,v j,ik;-:-. d;ir2t
A iiii'ly furnished loom for rent. Ap
ply at Mr. -J )!iiisin's. emmr 5th and
Pearl str : t -. Gd
'J ?!)-. ' i ; Rheumatic Cure and
throw aw iv your (mm and crutches
For sale by Smilh t'c ilack.
A fine lull blood 11:: khire boar for
sale. For 1'urlht.r p;itticiil:::s call ht this
Weshov.- csxtirtmeitt of low
priced Uvwh :-:h! bn:!i s.-ts. Call and
sec them
We r::!l jour :.ttenliufi to the fac
that the Vi na bakery k."eps constantly
on hand a ii;i line of nice fresh bread
cakes and p: s. They have jut recciyed
.a new stock v 1' fanry camlies for the
holiday tia;-. (Jd
If you looking for bargainsin
dolls, don't mi -is seeing what we have
We will save you money.
dtw2t Will J. Warrick.
Acms s-katcs
Johnson Rios.
onlv out
dollar at
d 2 w
Eldredge sewing tnachiiu-s only $30
on the instilment plan at Johnson Rros,
d 2 w
Dr. )i!:!ck3 Rheumatic Cure has
cured mo:c cases of Rheumatism in the
last ten ye u s in this -ity and county than
any and all oilier medicines put together.
For sale bv Smith & Ulack.
The Bon 'J on bakery have j'iit received
and will o; en Friday morning the finest
line of Chi i.- ti -as cand y, sugar toys and
sugar fruit- ever brought to the city of
Plattsmouth. Don't fail to call and see
The lar
Hers, ever
-t and finrt Stock of Muf-
iowii iii this town, at S. fc C.
The lar:, v
iu the titv ar
A, best and chcapeit stock of
io i Jh and .-crap albums
at Wai n. k,. dGtw2t
Mens Overcoats. . .
Childrciis "
At Els r..--- the On;
Price Clothier.
A fine i:
from lc to
ilnt nt of Christmas cards
j at Warrick's. dGtwSt
The standard remedy for liver com
plaint is V-. l's Liver PiiN; they never
disappoint you. :;0 pills At War
rick's dru ; -i--:
The Bon Ten Christmas linr? of candies
is the large;; l, best and cheapest f-tock
eycr brought to lha city.
Ask for Mayer's Laundii. :d Shirts only
$1, such as you would pay $1.25 for
elsewhere. Call mi S. L C. Mayer and
satisfy youjelvt?.
T. II. Phillips is sole agent for the
justly celebrated Red Cro.-? school shoes
They cost no more than other brands and
will out wear two pair of r.ny other
school shoes made,
Overcoi t-; Reduced in Prices as fol
lows: Men's Oyercoats formerly $14 re
duced to 1 0. Men's Overcoats formerly
$10 reduced lo$). Men,s Overcoats for-
ui?rly $2 reduced to s? 1.50, at S. fc C
Mayer's the Leading Clothiers.
For Kent.
A good, Vrv.rm, six-room dwelling
house. For particulars enquire at this
otlice. dlw
Eyoryboily v.e hnyo thp best line
Photograph Albums i? Ihe city and at
the lowest prices. D;m't hny au Album
until yous, our stuck rn-I prices.
d6tw2 r W ILL J. W. RTICK-
Moie bargains on our 5, 10, 5, 50 and
99 cent counters than ever. Try us for
bargains. (d5tu'2t) Will J. Warkick.
Use Dr. Black's Rheumatic Cure if
it don't do you any good come in and
we will give you your money back. For
sale by Smith & Black.
Don't forget that M. B. Murphy & Co.
now handle the "Bon Ton bread.
Pick out the piece of Real Estate you
want and then call for j rice nnd terms
upon Wiidiam fc Davi s. Over Bank
of Cass Co. IStf.
Cups and saucers, mugs, vases, etc., at
bargain prices on our cheap counters.
dCtw2t Wn.f. J. Warrick.
Hard dry wood $4.50 per cord
Leave orders with John Tutt at L. D.
Bennett's store.
Lamias Hair Dressing
Wigs, waves, watch chains, switches
and all work pertaining to ladies hair
dressing, dono by F. E. Lock wood, at
Ed Morley". baiber simp. lm
. I have pi' n:y of hard foil also Mis
souri, Iowa and Illinois c. al atmyj'ards,
formerly'Whitebrest. Everything Screen
ed that need.! ir. Stove wood ready pre
pared. Orde.s lakeu at M. B. Murphy's
6tore and Central Telephone office.
Telepone Xo. 13 . TiMoniy Ci.ak.
Nothing will make
All other goods must go at a
Men's Embroidered Slippers for only 75c , sold all over
Men's Fine Opera Slippers for onlv 1. 00, sold all over
foi 1.50.
Men's Fine Chenillcd Embroidered Slipper for only
$1.50, sold all over for 2.00.
Call and you will be convinced that 3'ou can get
t lie best
Our line of Holiday Novelties is now ready for inspection and we
would advise those in search of
Good Useful, Common Sense Presents
to look over our assortment before purchasing.
For your Wives, Daughters, Sweethearts, Sisters, the following
line would he suitable gilts: A sttt ot Table Linen, we have them
from $5 to $10 a sett. A beautiful Cloak at our deduced Price. A
Combination Dress Pattern at 10, reduced from 13.50. Party Fans
from 75c to $35.00 each; tho largest line in the City. Kid Glovee,
Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs, Silk JiiiMers, Plush Toilet Sets, Plush
Manicure Sets, PI i;sh Work Poxes, Plush Handkerchief Poxes, Plush
Glove Poxes, Plush Papateries, LVas Crumb Set, Prass Mirrors
Brass Plaques, Leather Hand Pg, Leather Purses, Leather Music
Rolls, etc., etc., etc.
For your Husband, Sons, L .vers, Brothers, Cashmere and Silk
Mufflers irom 25c to $3,00. Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs, an end
less variety Kid Gloves, Silk T-mbivlIa, Knit Scarfs, Bras. Whisk
Broom Holders, Brass Ash Receivers, Brass Match Safes, Brass Ink
Wells, Prass Thermometers, Brass Picture Frame-;,
Plush Hand Mirrors, and full line of Ladies raid Gents
up-i own
VV"atcliBsaClocE:s,Jewelry, Hollow Ware, I120M Jewelry
nd everything in the way of Jewelry cau be found in our well-selected Kftr -n-have
purchased n large stock of the above floods for the com St
holiday trade, which we to sell nt reasonable i,iices g
and will endeavor to dL-couat Omaha prices 20.
Our Stools cf WATCHS3 is Complete,
And can not he exeellec!. V, e have in stock watch movements
of the finest makes, fuch as the
Howard, Waltham,
Sprmglield, Columbus, Aurora
ninny other makes, encased in the best of jiold, coin silver irckel iU.
Eilverore, silveride and fcilycroicl. W- nlso'kwp in Muck a lim- f ioliT
silver and mated snoous. etc.. v.Iiirh will l. e-,ii ... 1
S3-Nov is the time to select your Christmas presents while our
tock is so complete. Our goods arc all new and of latest design?.
South Side Main Street
uatc uiuna Willi .juim 1 nil lit 1, 'I
Bennett's store.
Real estate and abstracts.
dtf TV. S. -JVise.
Men' 8 velvet si i oners 75c at T. IT
a better present.
mm & co.
imp cm
Elqin. Hmr.,
..... ai l'jiv pi ices.
-Radiant Home base burner at great
ly reduced prices at Join son Bros.
d 2 n-
O. P Smith & Co. have 1.11 eleeant
nnd van,d stock of Christmas and New
Ws cards. Pu-chasen should not
fail to call there.
. i.