)t piattsmoutl) Dailn Ueralb IX 25T O T T S BEOS. Publishers & Proprietors. ' A Hallnbury Dcntlsi, In Kock- wood Building. Hilly's daddy bought him a .sled to slida, '" Aud out lie went to coaat on the hill. lie ran ngalnst the fence and peeled his side And now daddy pays a doctor hill. Tonight it regular council meeting. One week of clouds and now we have sunshine. Conductor Ballingcr is still confined to his with home tonsilitis. -i-Thc sidewalks along Fifth and Sixth streets ore greatly in need of repair. The day at court was occupied in the case of B. & M. vs. Cuss county. Acms skates" only one dollar at i - Johnson Bros. d 2 w A. Madolc occupied the M. E. pulpit yesterday in the absence of Rev. W.J3. Alexander. A little boy of Joseph Johnson's, corner of 7th and Elm streets, is alHicttd with scarlet ina. County Judge Russell today issued a marriage license to Mr. John Urish and Miss Mary Sporr. The amount of drunkenness on the 'street Saturday night aud yesterday was a disgrace to the city. The glandcred horse which was sold in this city last week was today shot and buried out on the sand bar. Saturday cveninjr the iurv in the case of W. S. Wise vs. Joseph Newatery returned a verdict in favor of plaintiff. Hans Frahm, the carpenter, has just completed two neat residences just west of the stand pipe, between Eighth and Ninth streets. The Christian church will give a to- ciablc Friday evening at the residence of John Tutt, in South Park. A cordial in vitation is extended to all. All members of the Y. L, R. R. A. are requested to meet at the reading ioojii Tuesday Dec. " 1 3 at four o'clock P.M. Business of importance to be transact ed. T. II. Phillips is sole agent for the justly celebrated Bed Cross school shees. They cost no more than other brands and will out wear two pair of any other school shoes made, The last block of water mains of the 3.000 foot extension "was laid today. It gives good fire protection not only to the shops but a large number of resi dences west of the shops. The ladies of the M. E. church are requested to meet at the home of Mrs. Stephen Davis on Pearl, between 8th and 0th streets, Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock also the young ladies after school. The ladies of the Episcopal church known as the St. Luke's Guild Society will meet tomorrow afternoon at 3 p. m. at the residence of Mrs. Dr. B. B. Liv ingston. A full attendance is reiim stcd. On account of a change of a couple of our carrier boys Saturday it is prob able some of our subscribers failed to get the Herald. The reporting of such cases to this office would be considered, a favor. Rjgular meeting of .the fire depart ment at the council chamber to-morrow night. It is desirous that those com panies which have not yet made appoint ments for the convention would do so bofore the meeting. Mr. E. J. Mougey, of Mt. Pleasant, wa3 in town to-day setting up the cigars to his friends. The occasion was in honor of his wedding. He was married Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock to Miss Maggie Bird of Mt. Pleasant. Chas. L. Blazer, of Omaha, manu facturer and dealer in hard wood lumber is in the city. He contemplates starting a saw mill near Plattsmouth, which would be a worthy enterprise and The Herald hopes it will be established. The revival services still continue at the M. E. church with increasing interest and attendance. In this work Rev. Alexander deserves the hearty co-operation of every Christian in Plattsmouth. Those whe wish to see the meetings a success should attend regularly and in fluence their friends to attend with them. Died. Ada Mary Craig at the home of James Barker in Eight Mile Grove, on Saturday last. Deceased was born in Cass county and was aged IS. The fu neral services were held yesterday morn ing at 11 o'clock at the home of Mr. Barker from which the body was brought to Oak Hill cemetry for interment, Bev. W. B. Alexander officiating. The hospitable home of Dr. Ii. R. Livingston was the scene of a very plens ant eucre pirty Sa'.u d y tvening. Among those present besides the doctor ail wife and the Messrs. and Misses. Liv ingston, there were present the. Misses Latroos, Wise, Shepherd, Donovan, Lath am, and Fulmer and Messrs. Burges?, Shepherd, Moort, and Boot. The entire party consisted of eighteen, who played at three tables of six hands each, Re f redimcctswere seryed and the guesls were Jiighly pleased with the entertainment A RARE BIRD. Engineer O'Connor Captures a Fine Canadian Coose. Engineer Con O'Connor is the happy possessor of an exceedingly rare bird, for this section of the country. It is a Ca nadian goose and the the manner by which lie became its possessor is very odd. Yesterday morning while on his regular passenger run between here and Lincoln the bird was scared up along the track and in some manner ia its at tempt to escape Hew against the drive wheel, injuring one of its wings so that it could not fly. Mr. O'Connor saw the bird and knowing its rareness stopped the train and caught it, taking it on board witlt him and bringing it home in the eveninjj. When its feet were untied at Mr. O Connor's house the bird showed fight and thus displayed its beautiful figure to the admirers. The head, bill, tail and neck, except a spot just under ana next the head which is win re, are jet black. The breast U a beautiful light brown being almost white, while the back and wings arc a quite dark brown; the back feathers adjoining the ftil are of a pure white. The goose is about as large as as a medium sized tur key and is of very graceful appearance, Other than the wings the bird hasgno in? jury and Mrs. O'Connor will attempt to t une it. Mr. O'Connor thinks that pos sibly the bird had one wing injured be fore he met it, and in attempting to fly and get from the path of the train it- struck the other wing against the drive wheel. AMUSEMENTS. Tna tporar-Wlllard Comyany the People's. at It was designed to change the bill at the People's theatre for the three last nights of the week, but so great was the success of "Eloped" that it was decided to rnu it through the engftcement, with a mighty change of specialities. The houses have been growing each night, and the satisfaction given fs great. The company is undoubtedly the bet that has been at this theatre this season. people's theater tonight. There is no end to the fun in "Eloped" as given by the Scorer-Willard company, and the management have decided to keep it on the boards, chauging the songs and specialties. This is the List two nights of thix meiitorious company. See them. Prices as u'tuuI, The above was copied from Fridays' State journal, a newspaper that wiH not give a dramatic couiany a fayorable notice unless they are really deserving of same. This should satisfy our theatre going public that the company is first class, and the play one that will please all, and deserving cf your patronage to-night. B. Jc M. Shops. Saturday was our first visit to the ex tenfeiye railroad shops located in the southeast part of the city, where between six and seven hundred men are kept busy constantly building, re-ouiluing and re modeling every conceivable piece of mh chincry with all attachments that it takes to make a first-class equipped railroad The renowned record that the C, B. & Q. and B. & M. companies have attained by their fair dealing is universally com mented upon throughout the length and breadth of the country. Go where you will and the B. & 31. has more notoriety than any other company in existence Tiiis is not flattery but a positive fact t int they have as many accommodat ii:g men in their employ a3 any other railroad company can boaAt of. Oece in the yards we go direct to the office of S. W. Dutton who receives us kindly and giv-'S us encouragement in our new field of labor. We next call on superintend ent over all the departments D. II. llawksworth, who we find to be a very pleasant and sociable man. Then we enter the machinests department! tnd meet with the foreman Mr. E. S. Greusel who rs one of thj most accommodating men we have ever met, showing us through ind introducing us to his thorough and splei.did disciplined men.'In Mr. Gr.'usel's department we met with many warm friends of Tire Herald, We feel in debted to Mr. W. B. Short for being at the head of seven te order the daily. It will be impossible to do justice to the suops until we visit them again. We intend taking each department separately and make mention of any point that we deem of interest. Continued tomorrow. The Quaker Medicine Company Bespect fully ask some very plain quec tion: Can Consumption be cured or even benefitted? Can a Cold be cured or even stopped? Can you expect to le even re lieved by any medicine or physician? No you cannot, if you simply change the temperature of ycur body three or four times a day for every change you add to your cold Mothers, your chil dreu's hea th and your happiness de mands of you consistant love. Shall vauicy make your life miserable, ending only in death? Dr. Watson's New Spe cific Cough Cure is the result of science. Price 50c and $1. It is warranted by the following druggist. W. J. Warrick Ladles Hair Dressing. Wigs, waves, watch chain?, switches and all work pertaining to ladies hair dressing, done by F. E. Loekwood, at Ed Morley's barber shop. Ira TilE 'iAiLV 11 ERA LB, RATTSAlQUTli, PERSONAL. Dr. Hall was in Omaha to-day. -Mrs. May Kennedy was in Omaha today. Bev. Hirt was a Lincoln passenger this morning. F. E. White was a South Bend pas senger this luontScg. Charley Grassman was up from South Bend yesterday. Fred Gorder was in Omaha and Council Bluff u today. W. II. Pickens and H. C. Schmidt were in Omaha today. W. II. Pool was out to Weeping Water and Wabash today. Elmer Drummond, of . Arapohoe, visited in the city yesterday. Mr. and Mm. II. C, Collins, of Omaha, are visiting in the city. Fred Gorder, jr., of Weeping Water, visited in the city over Sunday. Willis Horton, of Muskegon, Mich., is visiting his brpthcr L. J. Horton and cousin 9. Buzzell, Mr. A. C. White of DeWitt, Neb., Sundayed with his family, returning home this morning. Chaplain Wright has been confined to the house during the winter with sciatic rheumatism.. -Ucn. ueo. . Diniwi, or umalia was in town to-day attending court, being attorney for plaintiff in the case of Hobbs vs. Janeway. A fine assortment of Christmas cards from lc to $3 at Warrick's. d6tw2t f 900 Reward We wil pay" the ibjjye reward for any case of liver complaint, dyspepsia, sick ucauaclic, indigestion, constipation or costiveness we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when the directions aits sfrjcjly complied with. 1 uey are purely yegetaoie, ana never ' fail to give satisfaction. Large boxes containing 30 sugar coated pills, 25c. For sale by ll druggists. Beware of counterfeits and imitations, The genu ine manufactured only by John P. Well & Co., 663 W, Madison St. Chicago, Its Sold byW. .J Warrick. m A Milliner's Great Luck. A well known Cincinnatlan wag over In Kansas City opening his eyes to the al most fabulous stones of accumulated. wealth ft'bieb. are there on everybody' tonsue. He tells formerly a milliner in Alaysville, Ky., and migrated to Kansas' City ten or fifteen rears ago, She began in Kansas City the business sne nau followed n Kentucky, and was more or less successful until an old Wild hole on one of the streets of the city fell to her in liquidation of a $2,500 debt. This the lady accepted with a great deal of reluctance And with the shedding of many tears, since she did not believe the property to be worth ball the money it had cost her. She, however, finally lajljed from the discouragement and re fused f PAsb oner for the property, an offer which amounted to a little over half tbe About a year ago tho New York Mntual Lite Insurance company began casting about Kansas City for a site on which to locate a 3,1WU,0U0 building, The proper ty owned by the milliner, once a mud hole, was on a corner seventy feet on one street and eighty feet on the other. 1 hey pur chased lots on each Side of this corner and then had a lot in the shape of a capital L. They wanted her lot and offered her $125,- 000 for it. She refused, and they Kept raising the offer until they reached the enormous sum of laU.UUU. bull she re fused, and then she supplemented the re fusal with the statement: "Gentlemen, you go ahead and put up your building, and no matter how high you go I'll build on my lot one story higher than you do. I'm going to raise a monument to myself right on that corner." And, It Is said, next summer she will keep her word. The $2,000,000 building is now about com plete and is ten stories high. The little two story building which the milliner owns on the corner and which she will tear dowp to build greater nets her an annual income in rentals of $21,000. Cincinnati Times-Star. Pauperism In Paris. In order to be entitled to outdoor relief a Frenchman must have lived in Paris at least one year and be registered on the books of the bureau; for foreigners the minimum of residence is ten years. More over, to be inscribed on the register it is necessary to produce a certificate of birth and civil papers, to wait first for the audience day of the administrator who presents the petition, and then for the meeting pf the committee wmcn nas to decide on its valkiity. These delays and formalities fam heavily on the workmen suddenly deprived of their work or struck down by accident and illness. The inconvenience and fallacy of the system were made painfully evident at the time of the conflagration of the Opera Condone and the panic which followed and caused so many theatres to close. A number of machinists, supernumeraries, box openers, musicians and ballet girls were abruptly informed at 8 o'clock in the evening, when they came to fill their parts, that they would be without work for an uncertain time. Many families were in consequence utterly destitute, but not being at the time registered at the Bureau de Beinfaisance they remained literally without bread. The organisation no arfcta a Tin1rtTiitwl1ir wIbm anrl a1- I mirable in many respects, but it does not provide sufficiently lor tbe casual, or, so to speak, accidental sufferer, while it cares with paternu soncituue ior me chronic pauper, who knows too welj how to take advantage of it. Paris Cor. New "VorkSun. . Alpnonse Danders lvue. Alphonse Daudet, the popular French novelist, whose books are read in this country almost as much as in France, always reads his manuscripts to his wife before they ore sent to the publisher, and he declares that she is bis best critic. Mine. Daudet is Raid to be a women of rare intellectual endowments, and ner salon is one of the most attractive in Paris. There one is always sure of meet ing interesting people, or hearing come s range ierformance by musicians from jar olf countries. JJarnpr e NEilKAlRA, OXDaV, DECEMlJEf: 12, 187, BARGAIN" COLUMN. jrinesi uispi.iy ot ;uuMers, from 23? to $3.50. Bison, The One Pi ice Clothier. Everybody ?.ty we have the best line Photograph Albums lit the city and at the low est price. Don't buy an Album until you wee- our ht;ck and prices. dCtw'Jt WILL J. WA KTICK- Call for Michigan eating apples also j Michigan and New York cider at Phillip Krnuse'1 Warrick's is the place to buy toys ank uoiuIsTiike He has a large stock and at low prices. dGtn2t A finely furnished loom for rent. Ap ply at Mrs. Johnson's, corner .1th and Pearl streets. Od u'cN Rheumatic Cure and throw ayav 1 r your cano and crutches. For sale by Smith & Black. A fine full blood Birkshirc boar for sale. For further particulars call at this office. We show the best assortment of low priced Corah awl brush sets. Call aud I see them. ilGwS WILL J. WAUKICK. We call your attention to the fact that the Vic-na bakery keeps constantly on hand a line line of nice frc6li bread cukes and pit s. Tliey have just received a new stock of fancy candies- for the holiday trade. fid If yon are looking for bargains,in dolla, don't inif3 secinsr what we have. We will save you money. dCtw2t Will J. Waiuiick. Eldredgc sewing machines only $30 I on the installment plau at Johnson Bros. d 2 w The larges-t, best and cheapest, stock of autograph, photojyrpph and scrap albums in the city are at Warrick.. dCtwSt Mens Overcoats $2.00. Boys " 1.50. Children " 1.75. At Elsoiii's t lie One Price Clothier. Parties attending court should bear in mind thnt the piae to get a good square ment is at the restaurant of J. P. Antill. . Id Moie bargiiins on our 5" 10, 25, 50 and 99 cent counters than ever. Try us for barcains. Cd5tw2t) Will J. Warrick. Pick out the piect of Ileal Estate you want and thea call for i rice nnd terms upon Winh iiii &..Dayi s. Over Bank of Cass Co. IStf. Cups and saucers, mugs, vases etc., at bargain prices on our cheap counters, dGtw2t Wit x J. WAitmoK. Hard dry wood $4.50 per cord Leave orders with John Tutt at L. D. Bennett's store. Hon. H. W. Grady. The Statesman, Scholar and True American, set an example worthy of re flection for all True Americans. Healing wounds tuat no methods except those used by Heaps' Camphorated Arnica Salye whicn is sold on its merits Icr any use that a salve can be used. No cure, no pay. for sale ly the following druj 2ist. Price 25c per box. W, J. Wa ERICK I have plenty of hard coal also Mis souri, Iowa and Illinois coal at my yards, formerly' Whitebrest. Everything Screen ed that needs ir. Stove wood ready pre pared. Orders taken at M. B. Murphy's store and Central Telephone office. Telepone Xo. i3 Timothy Clark. Balyeat's Fig Tonic- .uaiyeat s i ig J onic cures ciironic in digestion. Balyeat's Fig Tonic is especially for weak and delicate women. Balyeat's Fig Tonic, not only relieves, but cures. uaiyeat n i ig ionic removes all im T 1 A TT m m m purities of hie blood. Balyeat's Fig Tonic is a mild and cren- i tie laxative; with its use, strength and ambition will return and a healthy glow will brighten the complexion. Price 50c and 1. Moiicy cheerfully' refunded if the above is not substantiated by trial. For sale by W. J. Warrick. fif,L. BROWNE, LAW OFFICE. Personal rittentloa to all Business. Eutrust- So my care. XOTARY IX OFFICE. Titles Ei!i!i;u tl. Abitaicts roniDlled. In surance nr iccen, i cai .i!ue &oia. Belter Facilities fr inakinz Farm Loans than Jnr tS i ll tZ l ASTK-nKV- " " Platl us o ;?:, Dr. C. b Marshall. 15 IS :mbsi IS TP I Preservation f natural teeth a ppeclalty. eeth extracted icithoul rafn by use of Laughing Ga. All work v. arr;tnled. Trices reasonable. flTZOKBALD Bl-OCK. 1 1 ATTSMO CTHKB. OT- PRICES - IN-HOLIDAY -SLIPPERS, Nothing- will make a better present. All other goods, must go at a Men's Embroidered Slippers for only 75c., sold all over fer $1,25. Men's Fine Opera Slippers for only 1. 00, sold all over foi 1.50. Men's Fine Chcnilled Embroidered Slipper for only I.jO, Sold all Over for $2.00. Call and you will be convinced that you can get the best "CASH"-BARGAINS Our line of Holiday Novelties is would advise Good? Useful, Common Sense Presents to look over our assortment before pnroha.siii. For your Wives, Daughter., line vrould be suitable gilts; A sett ot Table Linen, we have Ilium lrom $5 to $10 a sett. A beautiful Cloak at our Kedi.eed Price. A Combination Dress Pattern at $10, reduced from 13.50. Party Fans from 75c to $85.00 each; tho largest line in the City. Kid Gloves, Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs, Silk Manicure Sets, Plush Work Poxes, Plush Handkerchief Poxes, Plush Gloye Boxes, Plush Papatevjp?. Prass Crumb Set, Pja.ss Mirrors Brass Plaques, Leather Hand Bag, Leather Pnrses, Leather Music Rolls, etc., etc., etc. .Lj TJ A For your Husband, Sons, Levers, Mufflers lrom 25c to $3,00. Silk less variety Kid Gloves, Silk limb: Broom Holders, Brass Ash Receive:, Wells, Brass Thermometers. Bra?s PLUSH CUFF l f i it- fit i": Plush Hand Mirrors, aiu Initial - if F. HERRPAWW QQ iii p nisi St 0 irc?. ft rs I J u W W S a fe' w Si- V2 vfi V WWlocWwelry, Eellow faie, Di-ioiH Jewelry, bULLi i-iN iDs uHCAL GOODS And everything m the way of Jewelry can be found in our well-seV-rt-rl w have purchased a large .lock cf the above named gooMhe . holiday trade, which we propose io sdl at re.ifonable i rici -and will endeavor to discount Omaha prices 20- t- it Our Steels of WTC32 And can not be excelled. We of the finest makes, r uch c.s the Howard, Waltham, Springfield, Columbus, Aurora, And many other makes, encased in the brj-t silveiore, silveride and Myer id. We silyer and plated spoons, etc., which will be sold at low piicrtt" jqgTXow is the time to select 3-0111- Christinas niPQrnta - biv:i. jo bu tyuipcic. gwia iuu GAULT & VASS, South Side Main Street Hard dry wood f-i.oG per cord. L. D. Leave orders with John Tutt at Bennett's store. Real estate and abstracts. dtf WS. Wise. -MenV velvet slippiri 75c at T. H I kiilips'. RSD"t7GTSOST s ism kbelils Ed now ready fur inspection and we those in search of Sweetheart, Sisters, the following MtifSere, Plush Toilet Sets, PI nth J agreed Brothers, Cashmere, and Siik I.inyii Handkerchiefs, an end- and i if!.-;. Knit Scarfs Brass Whisk h-A- i Safes, Braes Ink Pl. - rm FKUJ1&3, .1 -9 M tidies anclkeroli-i Afs va' Kit- jfs f.fi en. is Cc have in ft;rV wrdch liiOMiiifnts Elgin, Hampden. of rold, rC ;n siiyu- nVI d id'okef p in stork Y. 1 ' rV ' Tnnc un new and 01 latest d tiesi JEWELERS, DOVEY BLOCK Radiant ITniurt l.oo.. 1 ly reduced i rices at Johnson Bros. d 2 xr -O. P. Smith & Co. have an cle in and varied stock of r:hrian... K,n should net fr.il to call there. 5 X .:!' .J t ..I