The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, December 12, 1887, Image 1

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    Prank Ciirruth lias tho largest, llnet and most Complete stock of Diamond, Gold Watches, Chain, C'Iiarm8,Sllv3f Varc,SiMictacics,Faiicy Holiday Good to hcIccI from
in tho City. It will pay yon to call ami see our diHplay,ancl our prices are Hitch as will sell the goods. Don't fail to call. Everybody Invited. , FICANK CAItltUTJI
first yi:au
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osoii t the following ti:m
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Amfiican Central-S . Lou's, As.-ets ?1.2f,00l
Coaxmerciiil Union-England,
Fire A-s'if'aUo:!-Pnii.ideipUla,
y Jlorae-X.-w York.
2,.".W.CU ;
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Xrwli-t !J:)ioa-EarJan-I,
tfr!!i:;S.t ?. & M.-S-jr:a;asl.l,
3.0 H. 5' 5
Total A ?s its. $41. 113,t.l
v ii i
ci Aijafelaaa Paidat
lutes! by Telegraph
no;:KOWJ-.i anu stoi.ks.
3ovonty Two Persons Drowned.
London, lXe. 1 1. Sjventy-txvo per
s . : xvere droxvned in tho recent hurri
cane off the; Orkney islands.
A$lG,OOOFiro in McCook.
. McCoou, Neli., D r. 11. A lire oc
curred in the implement establishment of
V. I Uinkcr at Vi o'clock last night,
causing;! total Ions of about $10,000;
insurance (,000.
Thinks Fort Omaha Should Bo
Washington, Dec. 10 General SheridtD
saia jo-day that he xvould not expend
any more money on tort uuiana. me
general Iiuh reached the linn and itn-mox-able
conclmion that the grounds nt
Fort Omaha are too small and that their
close proximity to the city is demoraliz
ing to the soldiers. Ha thinks th?? fort
should !' located so far axx-ay from the
city that the soldiers will keep out of the
rabble and make their own a-, ciety. He
said that he intends to urg.? congress to
m ike an impropriation for the purchase of
a section of land to !3 situated about
ten miles from O.nahi, and to ba occu
pied by the new fort.
Mo yins A Oig Hotel
Nkw Yoiik, D:'c. 10. Hrighton Ueath
hotel, Coney Island, has an attraction
for 1 lie sea npparcntiy, for although
some years ago there X7as a stretch of
sand between the hotel and tho ocean,
no xx' th1 waves xxa-.h tho front wall.
Tin: hotel xvill be moved back this xvinter.
and this is the first time that a five
thousand ton houe xxill be moved. A
novel plan xxill bo brought into play.
The building xvill be cut up ler.gthxvise
into thti'e sections, a triple-track ele
X'ated raii ;o il xvill be built under euch
section, I it cars run in, and a dozen en
gines coupled tandem convey the build
ing to the desired sp it. The hotel has
a frontage of 4'jQ feet, and an average
depth of 150 feet, three stories high, sur
mounted by fr.'j toxvers. The bathing
pavilion, 4 7.1 feet long by 7 feet deep,
is to be moved in the same manner.
w . . i m I
House CcntCitofi Elections.
Wasiiixoton, Dec. 11. The seven cr
eigl.t i ontested elections in the house,
and the filmy grounds upon xvliich some
of them are brought, hax'e led to the con
clusion amomg many members that there
should be curtailment of expense in con-
! tests, it has been the custom of th house
tor many years to alloxy a very reasonable
I estimate of the expenses in securing tes
timony, preparing and printing bri- fs,
an l making arguments in contested elec
tions xvhether th?re wa3, any real basis
for the contest or not. In sonic instances
advantage has been t..ken of the practice
and liability, and politicians have made
a great ado, for the purpose of manufact
uring sentiment in their districts and ad
vertising heni3elv'.s, xvhen n fact there
xvas no hope whatever of success. If the
allowance xvere cut down or there xvas a
rule established to g:ye nothing uidess
the ground of contest was as reasonable
as xvould be entertained by a cou.-t and
as could stand against a motion to de
mur, the number of contents; would ma
terially deprecate. The original idea in
the existing libvrality xxas to purify elec
tions by paying the contest expenses of
defeated candidates throuuh fraud.
Democratic Senatorial Committee
men. Washington, Dec 11. The caucus
of the democratic senators xvTll be held
to morroxv morning. The folloxv"ng is a
j correct list of the senators who xvill rep-
j rest-nt the democratic party on the com
mitters named, except that one or txvo
chinges may lie made in the committees
of minor importance, such as revision of
the laxvs:
Appropriations Beck, C'ockrell, Call,
Agriculture (i rorge. Ciiljson, Jon:3.
Civil Si rviec aul 11 trenchnient Voor
h'e.''. Walthall, Wilson, Berry.
Education and Labor Call, Pugh,
Payne, Walthall.
Common Engrossed Bill; Saul'sbury.
ch urman; Call.
Enrolled Bills Colquitt.
Examine Civil Seryice-IIanipton.
Epidemic Diseases (;:o change) Har
ris, Hampton, East;-? and Berry..
Finance Voorli'es, Bjck, ilcPherson,
j Harris, Vance.
Judiciary Pug'i. C.
Vest. G3org-j.
Library Voorliees.
Military AITars Cockrell, Hampton,
Naval Affairs jlePhcrson,
Blackburn -
TheJollet Steal Mills Closed on
Account of His Message
Joi.iet, III., Dec. 10. The Joliet Steel
company have, bincc tho issuing of
President Cleveland's message, posted
up notices that their rolling uills xxill
close on Dec. 2-i indefinitely. Superin
tendent H. S. Smith, xvheb spoken to by
the Journal correspondent, said he could
not tell xvhen the mills xvould atart.
lie said that one year ago today the
mills had orders for tr'0, 000 tons of rails
for 1887 delivery, but to-day they have
not orders for a single ton of rails for
1838 delivery. He did not know the rea
son; he thought perhaps the railroads
xvere waiting to see xvhat congress xvould
do. He judged from President Cleve
land's message that an attempt xvould b
made to reduce the tariff to u basis of
revenue ouly; that xvould cheapen the
price of rails to such a degree that the
railroads xvould save a good deal of
money by waiting
The Musket Was Loaded.
Dks Moineh, la., December 0. This
afternoon Frank Moore, son of Manager
Moore, of the Grand, and Olive Davis,
one of the stage attaches, xvent to the
state arsenal to secure muskets for the
presentation of Michael Strogoff. John
Hume, chief clerk to the adjutant general,
assisted them in selecting suitable xveap-
ons and providing them with bayonets.
One bayonet xvas hard to fix, and Hume,
placing his hand over Ihe muzzle to hold
thf bayonet in place, brought the stock
of the musket on the floor heavily. There
xvas a sudden deafning report and Hash.
"My God," exclaimed Hume, jumping
back and catching his left wrist. At the
same moment .xir. Aioorc piacea noii:
hands to his eyes with a cry of pain, and
reeled backxrards. It xvas subsiijuectly
found that ft poifion of Mr. Huniu's hand
had been bloxvn axvay endangering his
thumb and making an ugly wound. Some
of the powder entered Mr. Moore's eyes,
causing the most intense pain, but it is
not thought that any serious results xvill
be caused. Neither of the injured men
had any idea the musket was loadi d un
til the concussion caused by the blow
brought the discharge.
An Attempt Mads to Assaninate
Ferry In tne Chamber
of Bspuiies.
Pakis, Dep., 1Q. Ferry xvas shot by a
man named Auberton. Aubertou appear
ed in the hall of the chamber of deputies,
and asked to see both Ferry and Goblet.
Goblet did not respond, but Ferry did,
uul on his npperance Auberton drexv si
a revolver and fired three times at him.
It is reported that one of the balls stru.-k
Ferry in the chest. The xvound apparent
ly is not serious, as Ferry xvas able to walk
to the hospital supported by his friends. In
reply to inquiries by- friends as to tht
severity of his wound, he responded, "it
is nothing."
Auberton has been arrested. It has
been ascertained thft X'vrry's wound
was slight, the. shots only grazing
the skin after piercing his clothes. By
standers tried to lynch Auberton after he
h id fired the shots, but xveye prevented
xvith difficulty from currying out their
A medical examination at tho hospital
revealed the fact that txvo bullets struck
Fjrry. The first past around tlia chest,
slightly penetrating the flesh, and the
second xxent through the fleshy part or
the thitrh.
Ferry's wounds are of the slightest
The red rame of his assailant is
Beickein. He is 20 years of age and
states he is one of a band-of twenty revo
lutionists. The baml drew lots and it
fell to him to commit the first crime.
Berckein declares he swore to kill Ferry.
After his injuries had been attende 1 to
Ferry leturned to his home on foot.
In consequence of the attempt upon
the life of Ferry today there rrvc runny
heated quarrels . ihe chamber of depu
ties between moderates and redicals.
Rouvicr joined in the discussion,
accusing th radicals in provoking
weak-minded persons to, deed a of vio
lence. Several scufilcs ensued, and it is
expected they will lead to duds.
Renewed Shocks of Earthquake
Nogalrs, A, T-. December 10, Meagre
details of seismic dixturbauces which
were geno al along th Pacific Slope of
Mexico have been received hers. At
5 o" c'oc'i Thur;day mornuig'earthquake
shocks, varyiug from one to two minutes
in durafon,. xvere felt at S..n B.3 r.d
Tepic. Siidoa. At Mazatlan, at the
same hour, a rumbliug noise xvas heard
and was folloxvcd l y a slight fchock.
Throughout the State of Sonora at near- (
ly every point shocks were felt. Shocks j
have also been felt here. '
Exterminating tho Bandits
Matamokos, Miix.,Djcem'er !). Gn
Vela returned yesterday to Matamors,
from Camargo. He brought doxvn under
escort Secunda Canta and Irno KnmieTC7,
txvo more of the Barrer.i abductors, xxho
arc in the Matamors jail. The Mexican
authorities are hotly pursuing the bandit
element all through this section. Fran
cisco Flores, one of the abductors, who
xvanted to murder old Barrera, xvas cap
ured at Ga'eana and shot at Montery
last Friday. Esiqui.o Hancon, another,
xvas captured at Camargo Sunday, and
xvill be sent to Matamoros,
Nine Persons Burned to Death
Near Huron Dak.
IIi:noN,Dak.,Dcc 11 The report reached
Huron to day that the farmhouse of
Michael Hmris, fourteen miles from xves
Mngton, burned last night, and that the
entire family, of nino persons, were
burned -to death. Auother report says
that Mis. Harris and six ot her sex'en
children perished, and that Mr. Harris
and the oldest child, a daughtet, es
cayed severely burned.
New (iamo for X'ornig Ijidien.
Bean bag parties tire all the rage In
Washington and society bells are becom
ing; very expert, at tho nexv name. At one
end of the parlor or hall is placed an In
clined board xvith :i square hole In it.
Stamling ut tho other end and the
further away from the board the more
fun there is in the game the players
pitch ten beau bags toward the hole. A
regular score is kept, and if the ten bags
fall in the hole it counts 100, or ten for
each bag. Another bag, double the usual
size, is also provided, and if this also ia
thrown into the square opening it adds
twenty, making 120, the highest possiblo
score. Should any of the bags re:.iain on
the board they count five points apiece,
but for every bag that is throxvn upon or
falls to the lloor llx'e points aro sub
tracted. The big bag, t.r Jumbo, counts
double, or ten in each case.
Many young society ladies have become
yiiite expert at pitching tho little Lags,
and show excellent skill in uccuriitel
gauging the distance nun the strength
necessary to be exerted. In most cases
the bags arc made of gaj'ly colored ticking,
Jumbo being individualized by material
cf a different pattern, but a fexv j'oung
ladies have taken pains to have hand
fcomcly embroidered receptacles for the
beans. The board is generally ci plain
wood, polished, about txvo feet xvide cud
three feet long and nino or ten inches high
r.t its greatest distance from the cround.
The hole is about lix-e inches square, and
the smaller bags a little larger. Jumbc
"ontaius a pint of bcr.ns I'.nd the other
bags half that quantity. In many houses
wheis; the game ia played handsome
prizes are axx arded to those making the
highest scores. The sport is full of inter
est, ai:;i bean bag boards are now found
in every household xvhieh expects to be
considered up to tho times. Washington
. Two xx cll diggers in Washington town
ship. In., found at a depth of fourteen
feet hickory nuts well preserved, and S3
.hoy dug down collected about half :i
l;:.-;licl. Then they came upon a log ef
wood nr.d a pair of deer's horns, which
xvere soft, but soon hardened. The well
xvas Jug in n timbered coui.iry, but tliex'd
is not a hickorv tree in the coantv.
TIio Kcet Sufjay Wiiess.
Claus Sp;'ccklcs, the California sugar
king, recently addressed COO farmers on
the question of raising sugar bec-ta. He
said that they could net from $50 to $7.1
an acre for beets; that ho xvould put up
a factory to make beet sugar that xvould
consume SoO tons of beets each twenty
four hours, providing tho farmers guar
anteed to cultivate a certain number of
acres in boots eacli year. If one factory
xvasn't enough, he'd build another, or
give $100,000 toward one if tho farmers
wanted to build it themselves. lie said
in con lusie;n : "I r.m now in my COth
year, acd it would ki-1 mo to fail in xvhat
I undertake to do. It ii not money that
is an object to me, but I want tho people
of California to be able to ihcy.v (hat Claua
S;rccklc3 lyis ono something for this
statu yhen his bones aro at rest. If my
life ij spared. I want to see all the toigar
tlsat i-i uiied in tho United States grown
here, and I xvant to see thia country ex
port ir,"New York Sun,
An Australian Mining Quec-iv.
Tho sensation cf t!u hour in the city ii
the doings and sayings cf the Lady cf the
Nugget, Miss Alice Cornxvall. In a few
weeks she has achieved xve.nder.i, She
has softened tho heart of the $ciutry of
tho Stock Exchr.ugc, fche has shown hc-r
litest finds to admiring archbishops and
bishops at the Mansion house. She lia3
conxinced Mr. Bryant that gold searcliisg
i3 more profitable than watchmaking.
She has held her own with speculators
and finavicioio, and she has successfidly
Hoate-d a company which rejoices in tho
familiar name of Midas. Miss Cornwall
is generally supposed ia Victoria, to have
a Leaxen born genius for mining. The
miners of Ballarat hays given her tho
name pf Lucky Foot and unanimously
named her their representative in Eng
land. In Australia she lias generally
contrived to find ore where everybody
else failed. In London the charming and
astute lady miner bids fair to attraei a
large share of interest hitherto, bestowed;
on lady doctors, ady astronomers, andi
lady bonetmVLondou World.
One cf the Bis Bridge.
The iron railroad Lridgo across. th Mi
soar! river a few miles belov? Salvias City is
ono of tho tig brils cf the world. It is
feet above high water, and its toners are
feet high. '
" -j-:;;--.- .--.-.Tr
w 8 1
Hy the Dry GuoiU Kinjioriinn of
For tho next Txvt-nly Days xvcl.axo iletenniiH'tl to t,lv our Immense
Stock ot choice
Cloaks at 20 per Ct Discount
1-rom btandard price?, xvliic-li
11 were
liriffj Tllftcn trr,...l -
t ....v..,. gW,, iwiisiM uj ui, ulo j:uti si vies in
Cloaks, Imported New Markets,
Astraehan and Plush Wraps.
We also offer special prices in all
Also 45 inch Tricots at 75c, worth
cots at 4dc, worth 75.
this year. Ladies
are invited
the be
Great Sales combined in one, Opening
:02?Z)xVr IOS.lT21TG, NOVEMBER '21.
For Ladies', Misses' and Children.
re are determined to cloe or.t our Entire Stock of Cloak, with
in 30 days our assortment will be found the most complete in the
city and as this sale is especially introduced for rivalry we guarantee
to discount any Sample Lot Sale on record lu per cent.
Slaughter sale on Jhese Goods to
and to close out quickly, great
Ladies Gents' and Children's
Fifty Dozen Pieces.
Astonishing- values will be oflered in this Department for
the next Two Weeks.
ForlJolidaj' gifts, Headquarters long since Establish
ed for useful presents, embracing bilk Mufflers, lace and
bilk Handkerchiefs, Toilet Sets, Albums, Tidies, table
Scarfs, Hammered Urass "Whisk Broom Cases, Piano and
Stand Covers, and fancy Goods. An Inspection is lic
spectfully Solicited.
White Front Dry Goods House,
: 0? :
)(r cent, oil' fjoin last vCHr3
. V .11 .1.1. . .
X! -it..J Ml'. .11 ...,.,.1 rf'
, .iui wii in;.i fin nuui 111
the best in ictM od'en i to
i ...
to call before the rnt-h
of Blanket
The season has been mild,
reductions have been made.
i ;