v .A i. 4-. .. f (l)e piattsmoutlj Datlg tterali) KITOTTS BBOS., Publishers A Proprietors. A Salisbury Dentist, In Rork rood Building. O, where is my wand'rlng boy tonight? (Jo search for him where sou will. He' on a Jury that's In a plight, . They're stuck on a string bean bill. M. McElwain wan in Cedar Creek to-day. W. Q. Meicer left last night for Hastings. Ada C. Bittenlender returned to Lincoln this morning. -Miss Lela Thomas returned this morning from a visit to Glenwood. II. C. Sullivan, of Atchison, Kas., assistant chief of the M. P. It. It. was in the city to-day representing the road in court. --Ladies who have articles ready for the bazaar of St. Luke's Guild will please leave them at Mrs. Liyingston's on or be fore Tuesday, Dec. 13th. Two men were before Judge Math ews this morning charged with petit lar ceny. One was discharged and the other was fined $11 and costs and went to jail. The members of the W. 11. V. are requested to meet at the G. A. II. hall Saturday at 2 p. in. for the purpose of preparing for the bazaar, to be held Dec. 20th. Parties contemplating the purchase of wall paper will do well to wait and see the stock of O. P. Smith & Co., which will be here on or about the 15th of this month. There was a rumor to-day of Omaha parties coming to Plattsmouth and form ing a joint-stock company and establish ing a packing house, and also an ice house. - Doc. Lavis last evening had a hear ing before Judge Russell, on the charge of selling a glandered horse. He pled not guilty, and the trial was set for next Tuesday. Graders at work in South Omaha have came upon the dead bodies of sev eral men which were buried without a conin and apparently recently. An in vestigation is probable. The bazaar of St. Luke's Guild will take place at Fitzgerald Hall, Thursday, Dec. 15. Admission 10c, supper 25c, tickets for dance $1. A cordial invita tion is extended to all. A very enjoyable progressive eucrc party was held last evening at the resi clence of u. t,. Dovey. Hie king prize was won by Miss Mia Gering. while the booby prize was awarded to Mr. Bert Pollock. This eyening the yonng ladies of tin Presbyterian' church give a social at tin home of R. Ti. Windham. In addition to the usual social programme the young ladies will have a table of dolls which will be sold at pleasing prices. All an cordially invited to be present. The proceeds are for f he Sunday school. George B. Shaw, a B. & M. switch man at Lincoln, was yesterday morning at 3:30 instantly killed. He was making up stock train No. 24 for Omaha an1 some way fell between the cars, with hi:- neau across tne rail. 1 lie lieaa was severed from the body by the wheels'. Mr. Shaw was lately from Bedford. I?. Charles II. Lincoln, a trusty at the penitentiary was yesterday sent out into the country for a load of hay, with a mule team. He took the team and mad his escape. He had come from Dougli county and had served one year and had three more months yet to serve. His crime was burglary. $50 is offered foi his capture. Last evening at 0 o'clock the argu ments in the case of Win. Giliuour vs. Plattsmouth Canning Co., were finished and the jury was locked up. They agreed this afternoon at 3:20, lliuling in favor of plaintiff to the amount of $(6. 50. M. A. Hartigan, attorney for defend ant, says the case will be carried to the supreme court. The weather for tne past three days has been somewhat "murkey" but the beautiful frost work on the trees and bushes has tended to brighten the aspect and in the minds of the little ones it calls up visions of Santa Clause t'.ie old folks have predicted rain or snow but Uncle Sam comes out in white and black and says it wili be clear and colder tc morrow. As provided by law, the Nebraska State Board of Agriculture will hold its annual meeting at the city of Linco!u, on tli3 third Tuesday in January, 18$f, the 17th, commencing at 4 o'clock p. n?., at the State University Chapel room, in the old building. The Winter Ccr.i Exhibit will be made in the Geological Museum . Rooms, same building, story immediate ly below the Chapel. Entries for this exhibit can be made with the Secretary, at Brownville, any time before, or dur ing theforenoon of the 17th, at his office in rooms where exhibit is made. Com mittees will be appointed, awards made, and premiums paid during the meeting uf the Board. i AROUffO TOWN. Facts Found in a Day' a Visit Among the Business Men of Plattsmoth. Still on the move west we meet many courteous and clever business men. Amidst the clash and clatter of the clerks, the rustling rumbling roar of talk ers passing in and out from place to place, we saw in the face of every one a deep satisfaction of their existence in the flourishing populace of Plattsmouth. The prcambulating people that thrwng the streets of our clamerous little city, are of the right push to make Plattsmouth en joy a boom at no distant day. One that will make the surrounding sledges of stone in the steep side hills shake and quake. Plattsmouth is a Gem City a sparkling jewel. But we are off our text and must get back where we left off and first mention Julius Pepperberg, the cigar maker, where we found fifteen men moulding leaf tobacco into fine flavored cigars. Hundreds of these, perhaps thous ands arc manufactered daily at their own factory to supply the demands of hun dreds and thousands of smokers. One door west of Mr. Peperberg is O. P. Smith & Co. drugs, wall paper, a fine supply of Christinas goods now on hands. Gault and Vasa watches, clocks & jewel ery. M. B. Murphy dealer in staple & fancy groceries, crockery, willow & wood en ware, flour, feed and provisions. Mr. Murphy located at Plattsmouth twenty three years ago. At that time the red man had control, and was monarch of valley and plain, and few then to dispute his rights. We called in at E. G. Dovey & Sons' double mammoth stores where, you can get anything you want in the way of dry goods, notions and groceries. F. S. White, dry goods, groceries and qucen3ware. When we got into the large furniture establishment of J. Boeck, we are struck with profound awe to see the piles and stocks of elegant furni'ure. We are invited by Mr. Bocck to step into the elevator and ascend to the second floor and behold the hand some upholstered chamber sets and sofas. Once there we are amazed at their beauty. Mr. Bocck has by far the mos'complete and extensive stock of fine furniture in the city. From Main st. we turn north on Sixth st.', pass the National Bank, and the first door north we make a pause, and were confronted by the fact that T. R. Thomas was opening a new meat market, where he will be found with fresh meats of all kinds in season. Next is the Union Meat Market, then B. F. Baumeister, groceries, provisions and flour a good supply continually on hand to meet with the demands of his large trade. Across the 6treet we found I. Pearl man opening out with his entire stock of household furnishing goods which he had removed from east Main street. Continued tomorrow. Chalk Talk. At an early hour last evening the M. E. church began filling with nn eager audience to hear Mrs. Ellen A. Blair, the National Organizer of the Juvinile De partment of temperance. 2JBy the time of opening, the house was well filled. The Juvaniles came march ing in led by Miss May Cranmer, singing a beautiful little temperance song. The front scats hatl been previously vacated and were giyen up to the little folks. The meeting was opened with an impres sive prayer by the Rev. Alexander and song by the choir; then Mrs. S. A. Dayis introduced Mrs. Blair. After a few ap- prop-iate remarks Mrs. Blair began with her charts, calling on the Juvinilcs who responded very promptly to her questions. Chart No. 1 illustrated the ammount ex pended annually for different articles; the liquor bill reaches the vast amount of $900,000,000, and next in order, meat, $600,000,000 while the third largest bill for tobacco sums up $400,000,000 with bread standing 4th at $300,000. - Fifth, steel and iron a trifle less than bread, the cotton and woolen goods down the scale to educational expenditures which foot up only to $85,000,000. The compensa tion for clergymen is next tothe smallest while home and foreign missions are at the bottom. Any person has only to compare these figures according to sta tistics anel they will readily see the enor mity of the one great plague, the liquor traffic, that is cursing what might be happy homes of our land. Chart No. .2 gave an illustration of tbe good shepherd leading his flock ef sheep. Mrs. Blair explained to the children how the good shepherd cares for his sheep and that our Heavenly Father cares for His people in the same manner in which the good shepherd cares for his sheep. Space forbids us giving a detailed ac of Mrs. Blair's talk. Suffice it to say her lecture throughout was of extraordinary interest and gave evidence of careful thought and her winning and expressive voice ere .tes a deep interest in all. Her natural characteristic is to impress the thoughts on the minds of the young with the iuir o.ttncc of leading moral and temperate lives. Dr. Black's Rheumatic Cure has cured more case) of Rheumatism in the last ten years in this city anel county than any and all other medicines put together. For sale by Smith & Black. The Doooket. Monday in the case of A. E Alexander vs. E. II. Latnbson and L. E. Skinner, default of defendents, judgement ot $157 for pla'stiff. J. P. Young vs. M. P. R. R- Co. was set for to-elay, and went to trial this morning. Thoi. J. Thomas vs. Oscar W. Carter, E. R. Todd and S. L. Thomas, set for Dec. 16. William Gilmour vs. Plattsmouth Can ning company called yesterday, jury out over night and till 3:2o p. m. to-day. Thos. J. Thomas vs. Plattsmouth Can ning Co., set for to-day, was settled by the Canning Co. paying'one half of the amount prayed for. J. B. Holmes' vs. Plattsmouth Canning Co. set for to-day. Simon Oberaultar vs. Jonathan Edgar, ct for Dec. 19. W. T. Allen vs. W. B. Porter et al Cause set for trial next Weelnesday. A. Bicket vs. A. Heober, set for Dec. 20. D. P. Pitman vs. H. Mathews and C. B. Hadley, set for to-day. Simeon Leeser vs. Barbara Leeser, Dec. 5, default of Barnara Leeser. W. S. Wise vs. Joseph Newaturey, set for Dec. 10. C. E. Hcndrickson vs. Beeson & Sulli van, set for Dec. 19. Chas. Metteer vs. Belle Mcttcer, Dec, 6, in favor of plaintiff. J. G. Sharp vs. M. P. R. R. Co. set for Dec. 19. Ella Metzgcr vs. G. Metzger, Dec. 5 in favor of plaintiff. Betty A. Mostin vs. W.n. Mostin, deft given till Monday to plead. Wm. B. Buster rs. M. P. R. R. Co continued. Connecticutt River Savings bank vs. Samuel Schlottuaan, set for Dec. 20. Gilbert F. Hobbs vs. Janeway & Co., set for Monday. Stephens and Dobyus vs. Ed Coope and Phillip P. Williams, set for Dec. 21 The case of A. E. Alexander vs. City of Plattsmouth was submitted Wednesday and Byron Clark, attorney for the. city, filed a demurrer to plaintiffs petition this morning. Judge Chapman sustained the demurrer and gave; leave to plaintiff to file amended petition. Eloped. Scorer-Willard Comedy Company, an able and popular musical comedy combi nation opened for the first time last night to a good audience in the musical come dy "Eloped," brimming over with come dy sketches and musical specialities. The whole performance is of tbe light, laughable description that defies criticism and myites hearty laughter. The com pany is good in every respect, and wil undoubtedly have a successful week. New York Clipper. Scorer-Willard Comeely Company in "Eloped," is drawing large audiences at The Standard. . the Comedy is full of music. St. Louts Qiobe-Democrat. A fine entertainment don't fail to see it at the Opera House next Monday night. The young ladies of the Presbyterian church and Sabbath School will gire a social at the home of Mrs. R. B. Wind ham on Friday evening Dec. 9th to which all are cordially invited. The ladies will have a table of dolls which will be sold at remarkably low prices. Proceeds for the benfit of the Sabbath School. Inconsistency Accomplishes nothing of worthiness. The Quaker Medicine Company ask trial of Dr. Watson's Specific Cough Cure and request you to reportyour experi ence to your druggist, neighbor and suf fering humanity. No cure no pay re quired. Price 50c and $1. For sale by the following druggist: W. J. Warrick Men's velvet slippers 75c at T. H1 Phillips'. Hon. H. W. Crady. The Statesman, Scholar and True American, set an example worthy of re flection fox all True Americans. Healing wounds that no methods except those used by Heaps' Camphorated Arnica Salye which is sold on its merits for any use that? a salve can be used. No cure, no pay. For sale by the following drug gist Price 35c per box. W. J. Warrick Plain Talk. Neighbor, if you are troubled with your kidneys, liver or chronic indigestion you will find Balyeat's Fig Tonic strikes at the root and removes all impurities ot the blood. No cure no pay. Sample bottles will be furnished to any physic ian desiring to try it in his practice. Price 50c and $1. For sale by the fol lowing druggists. W. J. Warrick. N e w Meat Ma rket. I have just opened up a new meat mar ket on Sixth street, first door north of First National bank. The citizens are cordially invited to call and see me. T. J. Thomas. 9BOO Reward. We will nav the above reward if.r n case of liver complaint, dyspepsia, sick headache, indigestion, constipation or costivencss we cannot cure with West's Vegetabla&iyer Pills, when the directions are strictly' complied with. They are purely yegetable, and never fail to give satisfaction. Lanre boxes containing 30 sugar coated pills, 25c. For sale by . all druggists. . Beware of counterfeits and imitations. The genu ine manufactured only by John O. Well & Co., 813 W. Madison St. Chicago 'its SbM by W. J. Warrick. BARGAIN COLUMN. Finest display of Mufflers, from 25? to $3.50. Elson, The One Price Clothier. Go to Cahrutu's and see the DIAMOND RING SOME ONK WILI. KT FOR ONE DO I.I. AH. Acnis skates only one dollar at Johnson Bros. el 2 w if you want anything in the line of gold watches, c1iains, rings or fine goods do not fail to call at Frank Carruth's before bcyino. Unfurnished room to rent, enquire at this olTiec. Call at Frank Carruth's and see the fine display of rich and fine holiday good.v. Mens Overcoats $2.00. Childrens " 1.75. At Elsons's the One Price Clothier. Pick out the piece of Real Estate you want and then call for j rice and terms upon Winham & Davi 8. Over Bank of Cass Co. 18tf. T. II. Phillips is sole agent for the justly celebrated Red Cross school slices. They cost no more than other brands and will out wear two pair of any other school shoes made, Radiant Home base burners at great ly reduced prices at Johnson Bros. d 2 w Goods must be sold, regardless of cost, at Sehlater.s jewelry store, Platts mouth. All of the velvet, gold and fine FRAMES BELONGING TO THE STOCK OF II. C. Johns, photographer, will be dis POSED OF BELOW COST, PARTIES CAN GET BARGAINS BY CALLING AT THE GALLERY. For a fine selection of ladies' gold watches, sold at bottom prices, call at Schlater's jewelry store, opposite the opera house, Plattsmouth. 27 w 4 O. P. Smith & Co. have an elegant and varied stock of Christmas and New- Years cards. Purchasers should not fail to call there. The laigest stock of Books in the city are on our 5-10 and 25-50 aud 99 cent counters. Will J. Warrick. dlWwSw Use Dr. Black's Rheumatic Cure and throw away your cane and crutches For sale by Smith & Black. A fine full blood Birkshire boar for sale. For further particulars cull at this office. We call your attention to the fac? that tbe Viena bakery keeps constantly on hand a fine line of nice fresh bread cakes anel pics. They have just receiyed a new stock of fancy candies for the holiday trade. fid Buy Dolls now. We have a very large line and our prices are very low. dlw-w4w Will J. Warrick. They are Here. The largest stock of Holiday goods in the city and at prices that defy competi tion. dlw-w3w Will J. Warrick. Remember Warrick makes very lo w prices on Al bums, don't buy until you see his stock. dlw-w3w. Eldredge sewing machines only $30 on the installment plan at Johnson Bros, d 2 w YOU CAN GET A GOOD AMERICAN WATCH FROM $5 CP AT CARRUTH'S JEW ELRY STORE. The largest stock of Books in the city are on our 5-10 and 25-50 and 99 cent counters Will J. Warrick, dlw- w3w Use Dr. Black's Rheumatic Cure if it don't do you any good come in and we will give you your money back. For sale by Smith & Black. W1.L. BROWNE, XjA-'W- office. P rsonal attention to all Business Entrust- to my-eare. XOTARY IN OFFICE. Titles Examined. Abstarcts Compiled. In surance Written, t eal Estate Hold. Better Facilities for making Farm Loans than Any Qtlxer Agency. Plattsmoutli, - Nebraska. Dr. C. A Marshall. BE-MTISTf Preservation tf natural teeth a epeeialty. Teefh extracted trithout pain hy me of Laughing Ga. All work warranted. "Pi ices reasonable. OUR-HOLIDAY-GOODS. Our line of Holiday Novelties would advice Good, Useful, Common Sense Presents to look over our assortment before purchasing. G-ElTTLElvfElT O For your Wives, Daughter, Sweethearts, Sisters, the following line would be suitable gilts: A sett ot Table Linen, we have them lrom $5 to $10 a sett. A beautiful Cloak at our Keduced Price. A Combination Dress Pattern at $10, reduced from $13.50.. Party Fans from 75c to $35.00 each; tho largest line in the City. Kid Gloves, Silk and Linen Handkerchief, Silk Mufflers, Plush Toilet Sets, Plush Manicure Sets, Plush Work JJoxcs, Plush Handkerchief Poxes, Plush Glove Coxes, Plush Papateries, Prass Crumb Set, Prass Mirrors Brass Plaques, Leather Hand Hags, Leather Purses, Leather Music Rolls, etc., etc., etc. IE-J mm ITD mil -hJ S For your Husband, Sons, Lovers, Brothers, Cashmere and Silk Mufflers from 25c to $3,00. Silk and Linen Handkerchief, an end less variety Kid Gloves, Silk Umbrellas, Knit Scarfs, Brass Whisk. Broom Holders, Brass Ash Receivers, Brass Match Safes, Brass Ink Wells, Brass Thermometers, Brass Picture Frames, PLUSH CUFF AND COLLAR BOXES Plush Hand Mirrors, and full line of Ladies and Gents Initial F. HERR Tie Lar -EVER OFFERED IN MEN'S Mm BOY'S ARCTIC Only $1.00 per pair. Now buy your goods while wc arc selling th'-m at a CASH" SACRIFICE REMEMBER DELAYS ARE DANGEROUS. IB- T un- nwn - Mim " mm mm u.-" McleslflcksJeweliT, Fellow Fare, mm Jewelry GOLD PENS, OPTICAL GOODS ' Vnd everything in the way of Jewelry can be found in our well-selected stock u have purchased a large stock of the above named goods for the om n holiday trade, which Me propose to sell at reasonable pricw T and will endeavor to discount Omaha prices 20 Our Stock of WATCHS is -Complete, And can not be excelled. We have in Hock v.;ch movt m-1 ts of the finest makes, j uch as the Howard, Waltham, Elgin, Hampden Springfield, Columbus, Aurora. And many other makes, encased in th,; best of Void coin mIv. 1 -t fiilverore silveride nnrl Mlrrr.M W l i ' -. 1. Hilririuie, snverore, siuiru e and mItciu.,1. We al.o keep , Me k a f ?0lid silver and plated spoons, tie,, which v,:il be scld at low pries jg-Now is the time to select vor.r ChrLtmfl r.vnc.f, ...i.:, stock is so complete. Our goods GAULT & VASS, JEWELERS, South Side Main Street Hard dry wood $4.5G per c rd. Leave orders w ith John Tutt at L. D. Bennett's store. The standard remedy for liver com plaint is West's Liver Pill; they never disappoint you. 30 pills 23c. At War- rfck'a drupe store. is now ready Tor inspection and wo those in search of Handkerchiefs 0 E o are all new and of latent "designs. DOVEY BLOCK Hard .dry wood 4.56 per cord Leave orders with John Tutt at L 1) Bennett's store. ltcl estate and abstracts." dtf S. Wise. -Call for Michigan eating apples afo KraiiS" Yc'k Cltlr at PliilllP r i; i ti -! H