- . 2 - '- $l)c Jlattsmoutl) Pail!; Qcralb 2INOTTS BEOS., Publishers & Proprietors. CoMiKKsw commenced lo-day. Wokkint.mkn need to learn, ns long ns they vote to sustain the saloon, they will lc the tools of monopoly. Tin-: democrats. .Saturday, had a free fight over who shall lie door-keeper of the House of Representatives, blood was drawn from no noses. As Omaha is bo near the center, geo jraipliicly, of the United States, we say let the National Republican Convention of be held there. A c.i.imi'sk at the bright and vigorous pages of the Irish World these times, will do the soul of a Blaine man a power of good. Patrick Ford is evidently not a mug wump. District court con veined this morning with his honor Judge Chapman on the bench, who will hold court this week, next Meek we learn Judge Field will dis pense justice. The republican party should take hold of the prohibition question, it should not be content to fight on the old lines, but should grasp all the lines as fast ns they come in sight. Saui-Caknot, is the name of the new president of France. Little is known of him in this country, but he has been an active force in French polities. He is a staunch friend of the republic, and has a fod record. It is reported that 2,000 Belgian min ers have been engaged to come to this country and take the place of the striking millers in the Lehigh coal regions. The miners ay that if the Belgians conic there will be bloodshed, and that they might as well die fighting as starve to death. We .acknowledge the receipt oi a handsome printed card asking for the National republican convention to be held at Omaha in 18H8, it states that Omaha has a population of 110.000, and guarantees $00,000 for expenses and pledges itself to accommodate 00,000 people. The election contest is being considered nnd talked about a great deal on the Mrc-tts and The Hekai.d finds an almost unanimous opinion urged against the policy of it being done, especially on the j)art of Mr. Robinson; it being held b most people that Mr. Slreiglit had a precedent on account of Mr. Robinson's first beginning the fiyht. THE VALUE OF LYING IX BED. Nineteenth Century: For those who cannoi get a sullicient holiday the best substitute is an occasional day in bed. Manj- whoe nerves are ccu-tantly strained in their daily vocation have dis covered this for themselves. A .S-ani.h merchiint in Barcelona told Lis medical man that he always went to bed for two or three days whenever he could I e spared from his business, and he laughed at those who spent their holidays en toilsome nioun'ains. One of the hardes-t worked women in England, who has for many years conducted a large wholesale business, retains excellent nerves at an advanced age. owing, it is believed, to her habit of taking one day a week in bad. NO MORE WATCHING AND WAITING. Teaks of Great Altitutlc. Although Dr. Meyer has succeeded in making the ascent of Kibo, the highest peak on the Kilima-Njaro range, there is no occa sion for any noted Alpine climber to s-it down and v.-eep because there are no other moun tains to conquer. The Alps, the Andes, Mt. Cook in New Zealand and Kilima-Njaro are all giants, certainly, but they are dwarfed by some of the Thibetan mountains. Mr. CJraham ascended one or two of these a few years ago, but ho failed to reach the top of tho Kinchin junga, v.hich is 8,000 feet higher than Kibo, and Mt. Everest, tho highest peak in the world, is still virgin soil. In tho Himalayan range there are more than fifty jx-aks that rise to a greater altitude than Kilima-Njaro, which Dr. Meyer estimates close upon 120,000 feet. Tho Alpine clubs should establish branches in central Asia. St. James' Ga zette. I "or a Lost Grave. Recently wandering through the village cemetery I noticed a granite slab leaning against the white board fence and inquired of a bright eyed, rosy cheeked 10-year-old girl, who had volunteered to conduct me safely through tho cemetery, the meaning of tho tombstone leaning against the fence. "That," the replied, "is for a lost grave. 4iCut what do you mean by a lost grave?" "Oh, the story is that years and years ago a little boy died, and the family didn't have the money to erect a monument over the grave. So they drove a stake down and after n whilo moved away. They are wealth- now, lut when they came back with tho monu ment and were ready to put it up at the grave of the little boy they couldn't find the fxave. Tba I J the story. Isn't it a Bad one .'"Toledo Excessive Cigarette Smoking Tho unusually large number of young men who Lave lct n committed to the state insane asylum of Michigan in tho last year and a half has led to the discovery that almost all of them smoked cigarettes to excess. In many cases it is said to be absolutely certain that cigarette smoking was tho cause of tho insanity. It is also reported that a promi nent society young man in Detroit has been made deaf by cigarette smoking. New York fcjun. . . To-Ditrlit ns I walk on tli lonely shore, Aixl list to Die mournful surge's l:-ut, I think of the music ilmt falltf on your ear. Of the Ix-iititiful MossoiiiH that Jii; at your feet. Ar.'l 'tis j-y to know that no grief of mine t '.-in l:trk-ii n lii-ow so bright and fair; Yet 1 t;oiiii-t imcs f:tney my spirit cau feel A li-uiu from I lie glorious radiance there. A Iioat will lit" shortly on yonder wave, TIk: iK.atumn Ik; druuinx toward the shore; Hi.-; r;il! of warning I soon nh;ill hear. And the soft, low Kplabli of his ready oar. lie will lienr me safely, his nrtn is si roup, 'J ill the wnlls of the golden gate 1 see; And wlu n 1 reach it your task is done. There i.i no more watching and waiting for me. Th Argosy. A BARTENDER'S MISTAKE. Why it C onooetor of ?.Iixel Drinks I.ot Jli-i I'laeo ut the II oilman IIouHtt. A man who achieved considerable fame in the vie-nity of Wall street as a concoetor o' mivil drinks wax transferred to thu Hoffman house not long sineo and put Ijehind tin gorgeous liar, it was the ambition of his lifa to !.; t there, and he was so elated at his suc cess that 1:cj was more or less nervous and per-turix- 1 on hi lirr.t urrival. It chanced that ho I. .id y.v-t put his apron on whenadistin gui .In d pirty f,f politicians stro'led in, titl!c iii;; eoali loiitially about tho rec;;:it appoint ments. In the party were, several famous Hic i, and ns the bartender gla iced around final I'm cc to face ho was moro or Ires 11:1 pi '--; I. Commissioner Hess, who was in th; party, waved his hand and said shortly: "Kce what the gentlemen will take," and then went, on with his conversation with tho men who .stood next to him. The bartender asked several men in rapid suvc:;siou, and they indicated their prefer ences iii the usual curt manner. Finally, he le:;iied over the bar toward amen with vliito hair juid a black mustache, who stood talking ecrnest 'y. For a long while ho could not ciu:!i the inan' ear. It was Edward S. Si -i.'.vs, tho proprietor of the Hoffman house. The bartender pjx.ko to him a second time, an-i, linully raising his voice, said respect ful): 'What will you have, Col. Fiskr S. - kes whirled around as if he had been pi:;,; and a dead silence fell on the group, whilo t he h irlender flushed and caught his br :;th. Ho had lieun thinking of tho Fisk Kl ' es assassination, and it ran in his head so long that ho got the two r.:imes mixed. For a.i instant Stokes did not sneak, then he turned abruptly and walked out of tho bar room, whilo the others pretende I to continue their conversation, but all the while follow ing with thoir cj'es the retreating form of Stokes. An instant later tho si perm tendeut ru.'.hed excitedly into the place, gkincetl for a moment hurriedly around, went behind the bar, stepiicd to tho new bartender and two men hastily disappeared. Another bartender itoppcd forward and a moment later Stokes returned to h. croup, smoking and as calm ond rercno as ever, but that bartender never put foot in the Hoffman house ogam. Tl' proper bartender of today approaches is nearly to machine like accuracy ns pmsi We. XdVii drink i?i great haste and have little time for conversation The loss obtrusive the bartender the nearer lie approaches perfec tion. Dlakelv Hall's Letter. Sir. Uerjih's Office. Th scene was the mam office of tho so ciety, and th-.t background was one which should by all means be chosen for tho ani mals' friend should that famous gentleman ev r i:av(! his portrait painted. Upon the wall, immediately behind him, hung the two phctograplis of little "Mary lillea," whoso mircri-JS gave birth to the Si -ciety for the I'lvve.ition of Cruelty to Children. The lirr;c ih .;.'V-''aph represented her as thin, emaci ated mid ragt-d, with her bare legs and bare fi. 'j covered with gashr -, Iroiv. the wiyjors wii'.i which 1 ho Connolly woman uscl to mal treat her. Tli. seeoi:d photograph showed her v. !! dressed, fat and happy, and lhr f i nio::s paii -of ,m.-soi's Jiung be; .vee:i tho two pictures. I;i a glass ease t'nah va a snow wh:'" p: ;con covered with bloo stufiVd and n:v.:;ited a- it vs? when t'ying. Next it was another .and a very hard c:;s". It was a white bulldog c.-ptnred ia a do;; ;';;hl'i?.T raid, with iis brc";t, head, fore levs hi.td fooi chewe 1 into mince liv.ai. It V.-.W p.s it stc-xl ia the l it when tu !::!!. and a rictwl list tf th men c.r i .-:ed l p:i;:ished hung ovc:- it. Next it v.r.s a l"ng c-ase containing a gir n.t Variety of article-: ii-ed from time to time by thouht le3 or brutal ;rrn i:i torturing aiiiir.aLs. c re v. tre hoof'. hoi:.tvi from hfrres by rail : i -witches, leather desks j;iudd.CV with i;tk-n fi,-:n liar cs" mouths; Vspilre'' 2r.!--, tho..' fx:b'uh instrumcuts used by sl;..-;t $ ; jhted t-raiuers ia hi-.kjav dogs; k'..:':. s and d;:l-s used iu l ating ' horses, luau;-d v.-hip.-, skulls of 1'ghtiag dogs which had liOt-iiihot. nails taken fro;n hoi-S'.a' feet, r.uil numerous otiu.t cm-iositie.; of a similar civ.iv.cter, the whole being an c-bKt lesso'i i:i ?.ni..i,il cruelty that told itself. Mew York A: I'nineer's foocl I'crtcAC. About ten years ago a certain engineer, w"..IIo ij icducid circumstances and almost without hop.e lor the future, found himsc-lx i.i a bwatiful valley of ban Luis Obispo. Khabby and moneyless c.s he was, a great de sire crept into his heart tis he oljscryed the Le.ii.ty and value of the position. 'If ever I i.!:ouI.l b-.eomo rich," ho said, "th" ilrst thing I would do would be to come br.ck h: i rr.vl buy thi.5 valley." t.'o,:i thereafter he j 'f'.cd a -crty of pros jn t i's thc-ir way to tho A: aeho haunted boril r of Arizoiui. Their friend::, iu a spirit of uui.c, adviil t!ie:n to tako their tomb stone.; v. i'.I: hrs:i, fur tv-y would need them. fj:;t the loci;'. i rospeotors wvyt on their v.r.y, and after the discovery of the v.ondcrT fi:l lodt called the "Tough Xut,'" which bioi?;'"ht them their fortunes, name?! the town tht rang tj around them "Tombstone," hi d-.i'isivc I'efcreiiee o tho pdvice that had b-m j;ivcn thtm. As snoii as tho eitginef-j could r. aii:: ? his gool fortune, he Ix-thought biiii, !i' of the lovely valley, and going back an i ihidhr; it still ojicn to purchase, soon lie caiae tl:-j prou i oviii?r. Ever since he has Lec:i 1;lov. !i among our wealthy ranchmen as the i oTM-ssor of the "Gird" ranch. 11 Sterling Cummins in Cosmopolitan. Italian Lavo f'harms. There are ro.r.c pretty love charms in p.a pri. To v. in :. pirl's heart tho lover must bttal a hair from her head and tie it to ouecf lihj own. So long cs tho knot holds firm his love i-; jt turueil. This resembk s the charm ust J the sacred hill of JZonto Vergine, near rap!e.-. There betrothed pilgrims fast en broom twigs together with a strip of rag, and until the twigs part their love cndiucs. Hags Hut or on every bush along the path to the f.:eat sanctuary, and married couples ofttnrttr.ru there to examine their united twi.rs. Ill matched pairs probably scorn to renew the pilgrimage. Lovesick maids ci:d , men mix a drop of their blood in a little j w ine and J ersuado the object of their aifee- ; tions to iii ink it. This is an i.ifal'.iblo lova ' pl..lttr. A man may ai-x) win a girl's heart J by pricking her name upon a fig leaf and let- tfn the v.i::d blow it away. Ilngliih Illus- ' tati'd 2iaazino. i ITINERANT ITEMS. I'aru;;r.ph of Interest to Aluiuitt Efery liody Clipping from the Kxrhangra. V.'I.cri the sniokestack of the Allen town thread mill is completed it wiil be 227 f t-t high, the loftiest in tho United .States. As a prevention against trichinosis -mall quantities of pig's meat coming lrom Poland into Silcbia aro now exam Lied at any of the toll stations at a fee of lid. The Chicago board of education lias 1 cidt 1 to name one of the new public Ecbooli iii that city "the Washburne school," in honor of the late E. B. Wash burne. A t .wer now bring erected on the highest point of the Mount of Olives by the i.ussians will be so high that the M"i;.: rranean and Iced 8eas may be seen from the top of it. S n:i Jones, the revivalist, had the auduciiy to say lefore a Boston audi enco that he did not believe in "culture wkli a big 'C " And Boston now be lieves in Jones with a small "j. There is a strange natural curiosity in Fa ti:! county, Indiana, known as Shaky Ildl. It comprises about twelve acre9, and is occasionally subject to tremulous movements affecting several acres of land. This phenomenon has been noticed for It; iy-seven years. A n American dentist has been fined in Berlin for putting the title "doctor" on his ends. Tho judge said the law ap plied t' all foreigners; he would fine even the crown prince s doctor, Dr. Mackenzie, if he attempted to use the title "doctor" in FniLisia. The remains of John Oaklv were dis interred and reburied near Albuquerque, N. i., recently, and it was discovered that his face and head were covered with a thick growth of hair, although when ho was burled ten years ago he was both bald and beardless. Mr .;. Craik was prompted to write her last book, "An Unknown iCountry, which discusses the condition of the poor in the north of Ireland, by overhearing tho remark of a laboring man, who, when rallied upon helping a little girl across the hired, replied, "Ay, but a 'andful of 'elp is w ortn a cartload of pity. Poultry men say that pullets hatched by i in abators and raised in brooders lay much sooner than those hen hatched and raised. A Trenton man has one of these artificial young hens that began laying when 10 weeks pld, and has laid an egg a day ever since. A t a public auction of old furniture in one of the Lancaster, Pa., market places the oiher day, a claw foot mahogany sofa that had belonged to Thaddcus Stcviiis was knocked down for 10; a three legged table that once occupied a place in "Old Thad's" office brought only ."!, ai d an old quaint looking glass that had belonged to him sold for $1.50. Tlio Guild of the Iron Cross is a new Cati:( iic organization having for its ob ject the spreading of the principles of lent i. ranee reverence, and chastity. Fa tlier Field, of Philadelphia, the guild's cliri l 'in general, has just returned from a sue essful tour in the west and in Can-:i-!a, and reports 2,000 members, 117 prie. is and 7 bishops connected with the .i-m"d. It is stated that a German steamship rece: ly took to Colon from Africa 700 Lib. - ins, men of gigantic stature and ov.viful physique. They were half n:i:.e.:. carried queer looking bundles upon their shoulders, and spoke a lan t;t:::;; which no one else on the isthmus ussier tood. It is said that 1,500 more iv iii ' jIIow, and that these men will work on the Panama canal. CMef Drummond, of the United States, :-ccr. t bervice, in reporting on a band of li;:!i;:.i counterfeiters now operating in this e untry, has called attention to the : ice of a formidable 6ecret organi zr.tii .; originating in Sicily, but having l ivn i lies in New York, Boston, Chicago, St 3 uia, St. Paul, San Francisco and st:u". I other cities. The members of t!.i.-. ciety are described asassassins and vi:.'a; h of the worst type, engaged in all sorts of priminal schemes, but especially in the counterfeiting business. Ucbto oil tho Hjinlc of Sense. The way to have a good credit 13 to hoc i out of debt, 'io he intelligent is to be honest, kind and ;:vxd, Yi i have as much right to put your hand into another man's pocket as your nose into another man's business. A kind word posts you nothing, and tho return of it may come at a time when you i ced it most. Trust no man's appearance. Tho roughest bark covers the soundest tree an 1 'ho tjimnest ice has the smoothest SUI'f;:t:6, lie who longs after good precepts is quicTened in his imagination and fatrcvcthened in his expression. The vine vhki grows in the sun is the fullest of sap and sweetest of fruit. A good souled child is a fortress of sin:: th between its parents and sin. Tho barest stump is beautiful when over j ii n 1 y the honeysuckle. There is no such thing as a hopeless life. The bouI could no more exist with out hope than tho body without breath. American Commercial Traveler. ?I. issonter's Paralysis of the Thumb. M. Meissonier, the French painter, is suffering from paralysis in the right llmr.il. He was working as usual in his ftnui.i at Poissy on the great water color which is to be entitled "1807," when his thumb began to tingle, as though becom ing !ciiumbed, and remained in this state, notwithstanding hard rubbing. A th cb i was 6ent for. He spoke as en couragingly as OBsiblo, but told the artist he v.-.s having a first warning of paralysLi niid 'i .adr.o chance but in a long rest. St. J.anes' Gazette. Wind nd Electricity. Orej of the latest attempts to harness the forces of nature for the service of man is the adaptation of a windmill for the turning of a dynamo, the electricity thu : obtained being stored in suitable batu l ies and afterward used in lighting beacons for the benefit of the maritime interests. There is a station of this kind near the mouth of the Seine, and con-bit- t able success lias been obtained. Chi cago Herald. WHO SHALL DE FAIRlST? Who . Who: Who shall I). Khe a Wliei Bearing thro Chai Frier: Angel of life. She y She y'. She shall be . Who Noli! Named hut -. He, t Wht. On Glory's 1 I-'cn: Tol Looking no: ' IICK . Ilet lie shall be 'vol bo fairest? '1! In; rarest? ;e-e. in tins soiijjs that we sin? i i kin;!fit I r!iiri" t lilitidcr.t, i uirifr the iiloom of the spring; . . .' our Kladii'T.s, i ' f oar si;l!it;i, . '.'.vu its pli iisuivs take whist ! lie fai:-t-t, :..".!' he rarest, . ,L iii the tioiij that v.e aing! :i be ti' arest, ;.ad i!e;ir, :-:t, i-ami priilo evt rmore? en humti-J, L:.:nier i.s planted i raniui'U and bnttlementa hoar; 'f !::!!-';, '. ii d it :,s ranir, Ik . U:; theru'ti duty liefore! .1 he nearest, : : dert.'.t, ia i i:r hearts evermore! A COUNTZf.FITER'S STRATAGEM. nis wild A ' No man Brown, ki: "Chief of 1 This band bogus moi escaping j The band . and, wit ha', dence to si. where else : crime at t: ways forth n esses who nity for v Brown one Pa., to Bof. tance of al Tho oflic home, a f. They arres n esses swo; tho day pi On the del good witnc rise the mt horso was f it had not court held . ' the distant him. But how it was, be arrester! '. tain night, animal a; out on his -first thirty -steadily U '. by tho irrt that tho t. . faithful bi , At tho n. of whisky i quantity o on the roa i ing more dismount r . passed, Uic . tavern to water. In : along levc hills, and : caution a upoii a pat .' homo befoi was found the jaded : Bhowed hi, Bible, who . land Press. A E .. My gru before I w ing the po: ' also a ph -soi-t, who t tively sma' '. a bluo bill, : patients stylo of thi days of " cured in a . complished : refined st;. . my unfort: putters ar scribing t; water, and every half then out oi . which one sequently ' pleases. I" eician, ant1 cause he c : ablo to tak ho brought much. "Well, I, library, ai: tive turn c those mod; was the m from the c sometimes . had, and s boy of ths in every c grandfath; plaint I w: . torn laid d . was after, ciseo Chrr : . . ;.".e ia tho ir-.; of Bviag iu l'rovtf uu Alihj. I .:s nli!ii lw tter than Jim m i.i .!iio's in: !- history as C untf"rf oilers of Cuyalioga." ' outlaws dealt princijiaUy in .", .'i!;d their favorite way of '. was by provhej an alibi. e; co Minn iou:;, to scattered, : i l".vrJ, that any t-ort of evi- that a defendant was some ... n at tho place of the alleged t' l.e t f its comini". ion was ol- e; from tlio mout hs of wit- -e.-n atood hrja in t !io cominu :ly. To prove an alibi Jim ' horrebae'e fjoin Pittsburg, ej. f.tiiimiit county, O., a dis- . . K;J miles, in tiuo niiht. . c.rrived at Boki, Brown's .. Irwrs after his o.vn arrival. ban. On his tri:;l several wit- they kw Liui :; sundown i i '.a to his urrtit at Pittsburg. ' . e, Brown proved by a score of ; that ho was at home at sun t' f his pm?st, aud that his T: and fresh that dny as though en rid'Iuii for a month. The l L.nvri coaid not Lave ridden in ikr.t timo, an.l discharged ::d rido it, and afterward told ; . Finding biurx If certain to T l.o rtayed in 1'itu.burg a cer- saddled his horse a splendid i looii as it was dark started -id rido of 10!) l.-JL.s. For tho :cj his horse kept Lavely and '.; work. Then Uro.vn noticed : ;ur reach and labored breath . utraiu w aa telnng ujioa his - J.avcni Brown jroeiired a pint , pitting half of it into a small ; :r, gavo it to hij horse. Then ; his willing r.rnmal work- . -.'.ally. At every liill he would i ii:n Lesido his kor.-.e till it was ; and away, to step at the next . . u Lis horso more whisky and .'i way grJiopir.g furiously . i-.::iing on fout ep and down ulati;ir his stcod with all the iwliiul physician would bestow i ei iticrdly sick he reached his break, where i: eonfoderato ' 1 vote Lis entiro attention to se, whilo Brown purposely :..:L to as many liciIibors as pos . liiied as beforo statod, Clove- . -"--.noiiy: ."ilCilicul l .ooks. i-.Jscr, who noco:: arily lived ra for tho purp.of. j of occupy ':. e-r father to my mother, was .' .a ono of the cM fashioned cd and practiced on tho rela- viz and capital of a lancet and who puked and purged his :.:'j f.imple, strong and vigorous o that tried men's souls ia tho . " ;;r.d co:iciuenlly killed or eh fjkoitcr period than is ao .' -e pivjeat iuore rrientijic and . : mecUeal pra.-tiee, which, in :o way of thinking, too often .. lar-iek man or woman, pro ;j :nid tuni'jlers end glasses of ( -nd No. fS to b- taken once Cir,i oi'.u c" e;:e tumbler and i:e:it, uutil tho i r.i.'ent forgets 'i-' -b'd take out of and con or clie.i r.ltothep as she ;;raridfather, I say, was a phy l..n ho died left Li; library L ::' take it with Li::i, not being v-i of this worlil r.r.y more than with Lim, if, ind'sed, he did as . :-cn a boy, had access to bis ! ing of a studious and medita .nad, at times uced to pour over i v. oi i:s in order to ihid out what r wit!i i::g when I w as sick, fcr t f t' to I J I was sick quito often, :h eon:ri2aiutq I ought to have vimos with corajltints which a ;c had no business t have. But v.h.ou I went to my poor dead i boolsa I always Lad the com- . .!, aiid found tiu-.i every symp .1 in tho book fittr-d the disease I r.tico Ilalford in San Fran- 1 :-!y-.i!:o Cat of rifty. In a sho gr.l' ry in Lottiiviile hangs a valuable p ono worth about 100, which i3 the proper' f vLocver wiil ccn:o and take it after fu ling ono trifling condition. The condition ; . ;L Lo shall equal a feat in pis tol shootir. :co performed in this same gal lery. A t : t was &jt up at tho usual di tanco for i ...I r ractice, aiid aVout the white amc-derat ' lro ring was drawn about as wide at ar. ' jint oa the circumference as a quarter of . ". liar. On this ring fifty marks were mad. . that the center of the target was surro t by a circle composed of fifty white spc . Thcso were the marks, com petitors L .vig fifty shots each. Williom llardon, ' f the famous acrobats, is a great pist . fhr-r, and somo years ago suc ceeded in -...-king the remarkable score of forty-nine :t of fifty possible hits. This score has r .-:r been crjualed, and tho beauti ful pistol : . ed as a prize still hangs in the gallery a.-iiir.g an owner. Chicago Tribune. jf;-: erovements in Surgery. A Genr. -.: ; hysician, in an article on the lato Prcf. r La::ge:i'ccck. enumerates tho many imp. orcr.icnts which surgery owes to him. IIi; uvjthods were used during the last war with " '. ,.:ice, and tlianks to this circum stance the: -mis of soldiers now possess their limbs in :-o.".id condition, which the doctors of the old -ehool would have amputated. Cleveland Leader. 5 r. l"i eslily'8 Excnsc. ! f-ternly) Mr. Freshly, this ia r that you have handed in only of written matter, while the rest hand in five. .'! Yes, sir, but struck with a bright idtr 1 1 uso ever so much thicker pa per. Harvard lampoon. Instruct the third t: three page- Of tho cla; , Freshly, Law, Real Estate & Insuranc 1 -OFFICES OF- WSNDHAfol & OAVBES. Mercantile au.l Ueul Kstiite Litgation it Pj.eciulty. CI lections made in all parts of the State through coinpetant attorne : . Persons desiring the Lest ut FIKE INSUKAXCE can get it by i im plying at this oflice, eitlier in the old IMiu-nix, of Hartford, yKtna, .f Hartford, Queen, of Liverpool, .Niagara, Western, Trader of Chics.-". No better companies can be found anywhere, and the rates are as hv as can be had in any reliable company. FARM - INSURANCE .A. SPECIALTY. We have an exceedingly large list of .Realty for Eale, both proved and unimproved, including some of the most desirable n t dence property in the city. Jf property is wanted either within the old town site or in any of the additions to the city, it can be 1; d through this oflice. Persons having property for sale or excha ;;e will consult their best interests by listing the same with us. utia. The loveliest residence locality in the city can be purchased at t i-i office for $150, in payments of one-third down, balance in one i l two years; or $25 down, balance in monthly payments. Anyone -siring fo visit this locality, whether they have in view the purchase f a lot or not, by calling at our office will be driven to the Park free of expense. Remember the place, WINDHAIVi & OAVSES. SENT FREE. SENT FREE. A Sample Copy of the Ten-Page Weekly GLOBE-DEMOCRAT READ READ READ The following comparative statement of a number of the most prominent wed-, i s published in the United Status shows conclusively that the Weekly Globe Democrat is from 25 to 50 percent the cheapest. 'Weekly Globe-Democrat, St. Lnuii We-eklv Kenibli-aii. St. l.oiiis. Mo Weekly I r'buiie, Chicago. Ill Weekly Times C.'liifK. IU.. Weekly 1 ter-Ooean, Cliioa.i, m , Weekly Inquirer. C'nc-innatl.c Weekly (low in rial-f5azf tie. C incinnati, o We kiy Times. New York t:iry Weekly Sun, New York t-Uy Weekfv Wf.rl.i ew Y:ik C'ity 10 s K X 8 x s s 8 I'Wi- s l'.t'es, l.ii;es. 1 l-t". P ies. l'-iae". Pace- 70 Colamn-i r.; Coliinr s Columns M .'! in ns 5 ('ulutii:if ' ('OilWIIilit fi (' I ii Hi ns T,i Coluinii 5fi C'oliimns W .Tnluinns tl Her Y r i r.o per u- ji.eo per ! t)n f .j.t ?l.00 per Yiwr ji.ia per -:.r ar ir 5 .(iQ per l .to per l eo tier ;;r :r .- r :-r Fourteen Columns of Solid Reading Matter in Favor of the Globe-Democrat. PRICES OF OTHER EDITIONS OF THE GLODE-DEMOCF. .T DAILY, per annum, $1?.00 TRI WEEKLY, per annum, r0o SEMI-WEEKLY, per annum, V.00 Postmasters and .Newsdealers are authorized to receive subscript : s aim Et'iKi tiirect to me Glorje Printing Company, St. Ioui -. 1 MilPP! DBALEES I1T Co., STAPLE AND FAHC Z low Wo?o FLQUB. FEED & PROVISIONS. M. B. MURPHY & f0. Jonathan LLatt w jreMAlHAS MATT & o;3 RETAIL CITYRfllEATRia ARKQT PORK PACKERS and healers is BUTTER AND tnc BEEF, POItK, MUTTON AND VEA THE BEST TIIE MARKET AFFORDS ALWAYS ON HAND Sugar Cured Meats, Hams. Baco n; iard, dc, of our own make. The lesr l)r.nicls of OYSTERS, in canj and hnll- .i WHOLESALE An PCTmt a Dalk 11