The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, November 26, 1887, Image 2

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SATTIihAY, XOVKMliKi: "io J8S?
l)c jJlattjiiioutl), Pailn tjcralu
Publishers & Proprietors.
It is gratifying to know that Prsidcnt
Cleveland is going to take lessons in tite
healthy art of horseback riding; but it
would be very much to his advautagcif
lu: would take lessons in statesmanship.
Thk republican party of New York
will not do its duty unless at the coming
session of the legislature it passes a
stringent lhpjor law. Gov. Hill will
doubtless veto any such law, because of
the compact between him and the liquor
dealers; but the republican party of New-
York has nothing to lose by drawing the
line sharply, and good government will
eventually train thereby.
Doth Sides of an AbsorbingContro
versy Clearly Stated.
According to "Scribner's Statcstical
Atlas of the Census of 1880," there was
not a single death from kidney disease
in the entire United States from 1870 to
nut can tins lc possible It we an
to believe the articles of one of our best
What It Coatj to Put "Uargulu" I'rlre
Marks on Wrarln Apparel Daur
of th "Slop Shop" T ratio A Uuluc
Needing Ventilation.
I'lUtllllUTH )N (MOW IX (J.
The prohibition issue is growing in
this country. This fact cannot be dis
guised. It has been remarkably rnp'd
every where. In some states this senti
ment has mown more ramelly than in
others, but in all it has crown. The
radical, religious, moral type of prohihi
tion sentiment is a very different thing
from the great volume of public senti
ment which has so rapidly gathered
against the saloon as :i publit; business.
Naturally the most radical type, that
which is the product of the enthusiast's
ardor, was the first to manifest i'self
notably. It was so in the nnti-slavery
movement, and it lias leen so in all re
forms. Perhaps it must be so in all re
forms. And right here is the significant
feature of the temperance situation. The
popular disposition to authorize the sa
loon has passed far beyond the enthusiast
or religious phase. This is so because
other relations of the saloon ques
tion arc coming up so prominently into
view. the political relations The or
ganized social corruption, acting through
the saloon, is to-day holding the balance
of political power in our larger cities.
and thus actually holding the balance of
power in the nation as matters now stand.
This is a situation which is producing a
popular revolt. It matters not in what
way the prohibition sentiment manifests
itself, whether by local option laws, by
high license or by state-wide prohibitory
laws, the tendency and ultimate result
must be the same, viz.: the utter extinc
tion of the public drinking saloon. And
the cheering sign of the times is that the
sober, practical matter-of-fact sense of
the community seems rapidly coming to
the conclusion that public necessity re
quires the abolition of the public saloon.
Tho blop shop is the biggest thing in tho
ad vcriiaers, kidney disease, and diseases cheap clothing trade, and the slop shop kec;-
ari-ing from kidney derangement is ac- "" naraest uumnnen oi too ixr
I Oil vrvi nf t.tiA nutrmy)lifi I a miTM'tit urn ill thH
luanv responsible lor me majority oi n.til;i clothins business has brought this con-
deaths! I dition of things about. Besides, th whoh
Wl.v v,.l, .V, system on which tho manufacture of cheap
' " ' J clothiuir in carried ou Lias bad as it can be.
Fortunately for these people their stute- and it continuance ij a mcnaco to public
incuts are confirmed. I health and a danger to the general welfare of
.... . . . . i I the community beside which the much
I he suspicion is nourished by them, talkwl of . houdo manufacture of
and we confess with good reason, that I cigars is nothing.
because the medical profession is not able rhcro an comparatively few clothing fac-
iui m iu iiQTT tun, iuunb jh. nuad cuulojia
such are simply shops where the cloth is cut.
It then goes, each sort of garment separately,
to tho "tailors," so called, who have thcir
slioiw all over the city, but chiefly in tho most
densely populated tenement house districts
to cure extreme kidney disorders, the pro
fession oflicially disguises from the pub-
lie the fact of their prevalence; mean
while it.? journals are tilled with regrets
at this prevalence and the impotency of and ia the very slums. One tailor will take
the prcfussion to treat it successfully!
Why is the public misled!
These advertisers, shrewdly say it is be
cause the profession, if it concedes what
thev claim that kidnev disease is univer
sal, fears that the people will desert the
powerless doctors and usu the advertised
We do not know but they are right!
But what should the people do '
Do'? Read the evidence and guide
themselves accordingly!
The advertisers claim to have cured
hundreds of thousands of cases of lhijdit's
disease and all lesser forms of kidney,
liver and blood derangements. They
offer $5,000 for proof that their state
ments of cures, in every quarter of the
globe, are not true, so far as they know.
these statements are from prominent men
and women all over the world, and the
closest scrutiny is invited !
If a physician cures a mm and he
knows it and says it, people believe him.
If Warner's safe cure cures a man and
he knows it and says it over his own sig
nature, it is just as conclusive evidence
in the latter case as in the former.
A few years ago, after having broker
down prejudices in England, Canada, the
United States, Australia, India and China,
the owners of this great remedy applied
for the privclege of its manufacture and
sale in Germany. The laws of that great
country are very stringent, and nothing
can be manufactured or sold until it winr
permission from the government, and
this w ill not be granted until the govern
ment is satisfied that the best interests of
the public and its indiviuals will be
served by such a preparation.
out hundreds or thousands of pairs of panta
loons in a week, another carries oil the coats,
and the Testa go somewhere eL-ie. If these
men or women have any shops at all they are
simply their living rooms in tho tenements,
where they hire girls to eomo for from noth
ing to a few dollars a week and work at sew
ing machines making up the garments, In
many instances men insta-ad of girls are hired.
esH?cilly on heavy work, but iu either case
tho people are crowded as closely as tho ma
chines can be put together, often four or five
iu ono small room where all tho household
lives and all tho domestic work is carried on.
In these places, reeking with all the vi!
odors of the tenements, with dirty chil
dren crawling over tho filthy floors, play
ing among them by day and sleeping upon
them at night, in an atmosphere, in short, of
dirt, disease and death, the garments are
finally made tip. They may bo 'finished"
that Li, ltavo tho buttons put on and the other
hand sawing done in the same place, or this
work may be farmed out to still more abject
slaves than thoso who toil over the machines
--to women who are prevented by invalid
husbands, young children, or other reason
from leaving their homes, and who are there
fore obliged to take up for their work what
ever pittance tho slop shop barons will dolo
out to them, and trust to charity for enough
more to stave oil starvation. In tho bar
ren rooms of these lowest, of slaves
the garments havo a chance to g.-t
a now variety of odors and disease
tjerms. Then they go, most likely, to th-r
buttonhole factory, where they touch shoul
ders with similar lots from dozens of other
tenement house shops, and when their own
odors and germs havo thus been amalga
matd with the odors and germs of all tho
tenements for half a milo around, they go
back to tho original slop shop, and theueo in
tho course of time to the alleged manufae
turer, who sells them to a wholesaler, maybe.
from wham they go to tho retailer, and after
all different hands have taken their
toll the general public is invited to como in
and look at the wonderful bargains in cloth
Often they are wonderful bargains indeed,
ia spito of the numerous profits that have
been made off of them; bat if they are cheap
it is lieeause women have turned their sinews
into thread and their blood into sewing ma
ehiuo oil in the making of them. They aro
aired and fumigated, and cleansed, maybe
before they aro sold, but a man in the bud
Philip Leldesdorff has been in business for
eighteen years. His brother is with him now,
:icl 1 1 icy nave a buttonhole factory. They
c '- ! I
m -.fty---. jp 1 'r 'i
. xv
Information to Capital Seeking Investnci.t.
ca :i.
over lb
plovs 4
" IU
tliis poi
dis burs
limit oi 1
K. C, i .
ment o
about t;
chased :
are can
ride to I
coin A
ter. St-
id' tlie 1'lattc, at a point about
nvt'i', only ! vo liours by rail from Lincoln the capital, swh! lorty minutes
It is the jrateway to the great South Plattecoun ry
It Is situated on the .Missouri Kiver at the m-' '.!
half way bstwecn
from Omaha, th
the State
,! niion about 1U)00 and rapidly' inereasinr.
iu! i t!:e fini- t systems of Water Works in the State.
- ; well li'bted by pas.
ft railway in operation.
c the sjreet- established, and bonds voted tor the purpose of constructing eeweiage ami
Iain Street, work to commence thereon in the sirit)j of 1SSS.
iin" four sl'.i v higli school building and six ward school houses. Aside from business hoii-'
: -.-idr-m-es have been constructed during the year 1887.
'p. ra House costiii"; 50,000.
:4:a Tre.-e; ve and Cannino-taetorv. I'ai.ihd S1 ?. 000 u.ncitv H00.000 cans tht vear and ein-
O T X 7""" J 1 "' J '3 I 1
' lid Ten;-. W.jiks, cajiital -50,000, capacity 10,000 bricks per day, employs thirty hands,
iiotjth ("anninir Factory, cutiital 30.000. cnoncitv l..r00 000 cans ier vear and employs 1
. 4 over in one years business about $100,000.
i.tily ptipers; ne Republican and one JJemocrati
'. ibacht-r buo-M-y and wagon factory.
o ilierg's eiiar manufactory, employs fifteen iiands, and largely supplies the trade of eoutliwtst
v vo s. new
:er.f (!. C. Q. Kailroad machine shops, round houses, storehouses, Arc, are maintained at
or the use of its system west of the Missouri Kiver, employing many hundreds of hands, and
,7 employes monthly about $.'30,000.
- i th; finest railroad bridges in the United States spans the Missouri Itiver at the Southern
M,- city. O
-.000 miles of railroad conveys its freight traffic into and through our city,
is.engor trai'is leave Plattsmouth dailv for north, south, east and west over the C. IJ. & Q.;
. .Joe & C. U. ami the li. M. II. II. in Nebraska.
cheapness of thi land around Plattsmouth and its nearness to Omaha markets together wiih
j-.d facilities, make it not only a pleasant place to reside, but a desirable place for the establi. h
:!lhy. b'gitioi. te manufaetoring enterprises, the citizens of Plattsmouth would doubtless m:.l
inducements t . secure their location, and eorrespondrnce is solicited.
' estate ;ii:ies are growing firmer each day. yet there i- nothing speculative or fictith !'..-
and gio ! re-'dence lots an be bought at from to ?'o50; land near the city can be pi r-
m SLOO to SJ00 rer acre. Within the next twelve months our cilv exptcts lo welcome 1 he
ific and the Omaha and Southern Railways into its corjxnate limits.
i:icis jii-e lven without exaggeration and the prospects tor the future prosperity of t:r
than above indicated. Parties seekimr in cstments in Rraliv
'y requested to come and make ersonal investigation. While here you v. ill be given athi:
h Park, the most beautiful and desirable residence locality in the city, Mhcro lots may I e
:t from .sl."o to $200, each. This picturesque addition is accessible by cither Chicago or'l.;;:
or ly So: th Dth Street and may be reached in a ten minutes walk" from the business c , -i
Park is m re rapidly building uji than any other part of the city. . Correspondence solicitt u.
Packinr House.
1 1
i ove
Tho medicine was chemically and mi
liAVIXGS OF AN EDITOR OYER j croscopically analyzed (ns accuntely as
A JSOUQUET. I possible), the formula; were examined
I . - . .... a.
f From the Madioou (Ua.) Madisaniau. I (with perhaps a secret prejudice against
Going to our sanctum late last Mon- them), by the government cheu-ists
day morning, as we climbed the stair our I searching iuqulry was everywhere made
inind was burdened with care, and filled I at home and abroad to viifv its nast take t lie work after those who get it from th
" j I 1 1. wi it .M-U.w.. .........j ..... -i i,e LuUonnoIes for so much a hundred.
T ! 1 IT '- .11." . . 1 1 1 ll . . . .
umur Minns. Hanging over us was me i iriumpnant even untier me most critical "inii tenement nouso worn,-' lie sa3s, "is
responsibility of gettins out a paper at I examination, and full permission was the 11,1111 of tbe tIo""S busmess, and worse
-,f Iai- i t i . f lit tir r I --' "ro ui 1,1130 uiub num uii lit,
i a ci, una uiKing puy in coiu-woou, given to niaKC ana sen n arner s sai- 8orjo tUly people will wako up to what this
cow-peas and potatoes. With coal and I cure iu the Fatherland the only life I cheap clothing business means. Go into
board bill, printers and rent to pay; I privilege of the kind ever granted to !J10 V1. tenements and you 11 find in
..... : , ... . , I . . . . I some of the little rooms a whole family liv-
with the awful uncertainty as to whether I any American proprietary preparation. in- and three or four eirls workintr atma-
a ingti compliment intended would be I Lnprcjudiced people will say thnt this
taken as an insult instead; while the favorable consideration of the merits of
weary weight of advice from those who I Warner's safe cure by the German gov-
"can run a tip-top paper and make it I ern men t was a very significent as well s I could see once the vile holes in which the
popular" still burthened our spirits and L very distinguished compliment to its M?"!1?, flfft "KP they'd never buy any
when it comes here to have the buttonholes
put in. It gets aired and cleaned before it is
put up for sale.
world, where nothing succeeds but sue- J ly won universal public approval, because girls to come and learn tho business. They
cess, and we paused with a hand on the I f their straight forward course in tro- I nia-io them work six weeks for nothing, or,
f-JS- If nnn I-nnw irhunt Iir; 111 I I fm 1 a I r V t i ?' rT II
i' - vuvu i ini i , . .12 mm i f . . a
1'HVK Iwwn ihov nm-or. .,,rr I I1W1 JMl-U. K4. UulMll.
chines all day. They take tho goods from
the tailor's and mako them up in tho rooms
where they cook and sleep. Why, they use
the clothes for bedding, even. If neonle
clouded the sky of a usually buoyant I merits, and so it is.
nature, a feeling of lunliness came over I The evidence is all in favor of these
us. and we thought of the cold pitiless I intelligent advertisers, who have certain
knob, while wondering if we really had claimiug the merits of their remedies.
a friend on earth, there came stealing
through the crevice the scent of roses,! &UXDAY DI2T2iE h'S.
sweet violets, geraniums ana heliotrope, I Gn the Sabbath the busy housewife
maybe, $'J a week for their work, and they
pack just as many of them as they can get
into one room, along with tho children and
tho cooking and all tho rest. That way they
make a little money for themselves at tho
expense of tho girls, but it don't do them
Flor de
always :
Fou Sai
11th street
i block w i
house of s'
one pantry :
Real c
? JJraads of Cigars,
including our
epperbergo' arc. Euds
i .-stock. Kov. ', 1SS5.
- On reasonable terms my
i lie X. W. corner of Elm and
Said property consists of
. :t gootl j-tcry iP.i l a half
ooiiis, two v. a rd robes and
mi. dwell and city water;
i beaiing apple tr ; s, anil an
.' small fruit of all kinds.
V. D. Bates.
.ite auil abstracts.
W. S. Wise.
WK MAKK A:SP;:ri,IfV (IP I XK Ti( KKfa
i mm i m mi ii ii mmj i ifumr?ua:
M. B. MURPHY & f0
that seemed as if it had been wafted should rest, expand her soul, aud let the much good, for pretty quick the manufac-
from some fairyland and borne on the s-eet hallow e liiillu'ences of that holvd iv turf 6rinds own V"K priee ?noth,er PeS.
, , . . . . swcei naiioweainnucncesoi uiaiiioiyuaj and tho more they grind tho girls tho more
....j ..... .-j am- i nit her mind above the evcry-Uay cares tho manufacturer grinds them, until nobody
dent a mortal brow. Softlv pulling the I nf Ufr. Sbo clmnl,! rrf-ivo tlmt onirinml I is making more than a bare living. The
latchstnng, we stepped inside, to behold strength aml comfort which tnable pbtitSSS
on me wiiiuow a lovciy oourjuet 01 sucu
with high
sold on
u nn;l vibrating shuttle,
(. Easy payments or cash
'Mamgcr I'lattsmouih Branch
"exquisite beauty" that at a glau.-e we
knew it had been arranged by a woman's
p. t 1 mi "l a
son nauci. inc ciencate blossoms bo
beautifully blended it seemed that the
goddess of morning had lost from her
bosom a favorite sprig, that had caught
iu our window sill. Anel the world
her to meet bravely the trials of another I house people for prices, but, of course, they're
How much better to have our chiklrcn
remember that mother set apart that day
for soul culture, for long quiet talks
with her little ones, impressing upon their
young minds that it was a day of rest,
but not of iellencss. In some respects it
seemed brighter mid better and purer I is a huy iUy for us but how plke a
that ilay fiom the kind remembrance of
a frienel whose face, like the tlowers, is
bright anel beautiful.
Hut soon llie?e flower will pale and wither,
Tis tlieir doom.
May s!ie, unlike them,
Be arrayed iu perpetual bloom.
A 1'retty Conj.ii'rt Reply.
Young Mr. Sissy (to his pretty cousin)-
your matrimonial shing, Maude, if you
should make a catch like me, what would
you do?
Maude Throw it back in, Charley. The
Tobogganing Male E.iy.
Among the features at Parlor Rock
this winter will be two huge toboggan
slides. Besides the exhilarating exercise
of sliding down bill, tobogganers can ex
perience the sensation of sliding up again.
A bvdraulic licit, or chain, running con
tinually, will be used to attach to tbe as
cending toboggans and slowly draw
them and their occupants up to the top
of the slides. The water power of the
lake will be used to run these elevators,
as well as to run the dynamo machines
for electric lightning. S"ev Uaven Reg
ister. . . , . .
oasis in the tlesert is it compared to six
days of labor. I prepare our Sunday
dinuer on Saturday, and if you will try
my plan once you would scarcely care to
ro b;ick to hot dinners. I bake a loaf
of bread and a cake, and prepare meat
in some form, ham, beef, tongue, or
chicken. It is then I use my preserves,
jellies, pickles anel canned fruits. There
are so many dainty ileserts to be eaten
cold, and with iced tea, milk or lemon
ade, and excellent dinner can be gotteu
up on t-hort notice. I often stew a chick
en on Saturday, seasoning with salt, pep
per and butter, but omitting milk. When
nearly done, take off, anel set in cellar,
covering it closely. Sunday build a
biisk fire of kindling, put on chicken
with milk, add thickening and let it boil
up, or add drop-dumplings if likeel; this
makes a good relishable dish and but lit
tle trouble. Then cook a can of corn or
tomatoes, anel you have an excellent din
ner. Woman' Work.
cleaner. II it wasn t lor them prices would
bo a good deal higher in the city. New
York is the worst city in the country for
sewing women. In Philadelphia, even, they
pay them a good deal better. It s all oa ac
count of this tenement houso work, and it'll
never lxs any better till they pass laws mak
ing ii illegal for more than ono machino to
be put in an ordinary living room."'
'There's another thing," said David Leides
dorfT, a brother, "and if cholera or any such
disease ever gets a start in this city people
will iind it out mighty quick. These tene
ment house factories would spread the dis
ease through tho whole country. I've always
said that if cholera ever got a start in New
York I'd drop this business and get out right
away, and I'd do it, too. They have a board
never been in a city yet, and I've been all OUll
4 W
. h and Gr.tnit" Streets.
; i g r an u E wilder
over tlio world, where they allowed such
things as they do here. Only last winter, at
a place in a street right near here, tho chil
dren ia a family were sick of smallpox in the
same room whero tho clothing was -eing
made i:p and sent out every day. These peo
ple do:i fc have any more regard for the laws
or for o.her people's health than they do for
their own health, and if you havo ever been
ia any of tho holes where they live and work
you know how little that is. This whole
business of tho manufacture of cheap clothing
needs a showing up." New York Sun.
Sept. 12
Soreness of the Feet.
When tho feet aro swollen from walking or
long standing, tho soreness may bo relieved
by soaking them in the following: Take some
wood ashes and cover with water; let it stand
for two or three hours; strain oil the water
and place the feet in it. The soreness will
disappear almost immediately. -Boston Budget.
Tv. Soncibbj Lad." 3.
One that ; uuies health before vanity
anel one th ' !-rs not believe all she
reads or h- : -. Pr .i ti experience is
every elay .'sing that tho voiels given
with Dr. W:.isou"s S;ecilic Coimh Cure,
is practical;, relieving the physicians
from adviing a hopeless cass of Con
sumption a ; '.: -Lgr of climate necessary,
to be left t among stung- rs. The
Specific Co -!i Cure is waiTHn d, if di
rections ar arefully complied with to
relieve, if not cure, the worst and most
hopeless ca-'r- the world ever & tr. Price
50c and 1. For sale by W. J. Warrick.
CLOCKS : Of all f-izes, makes :;rm price "Warrai.tcd.
"WATCHES : liocldorel, FredY.jjia,, Aurora
All are warranted.
CHAINS : In this line of .;oo!.s 1 Jiave evervtlu'n almost if - , t
quite. Ladies' and Gents' Aun t or ion- eliaine; folid. rolkd til-le ",Z
any other kind. Also emblem pins ci tll tlx- fteiet orders J.nn,
lockets, rings, cuff buttons, -oid pens etc. '
&UA'EUVTAUE ot every dtveri; tion at ensv jirices.
W'i. it ii A
&m 8 ml.
Jonathan Hatt
M-t i. ! i-r-i
Sugar Cured Meats, Hams. Baco .n, Lard, ,&c,
of our own make. The best brands of OYSTERS, in cans and built .i