The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, November 21, 1887, Image 1

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xumishic (i.
l'oiie! .finite,
Mara hall,
Couiicilmcii, Is; ward,
Lincoln. Neb.. Nov 4. Governor
' I: n1 smith ! 'rm,r issued the following procla
-it U
I'.Ylti.N l I.Ai: K
.IS .Math kw.s
( .1 V Wiriu'.ACii
I A W V 111 IK
I I) M'.IN-H
'l VV.M VVk.II" It
.. j M It Ml nriiv
I S W Ull I T ' N
.. ) V. H (ilCKliSKI.
1 Mi;C!a1.:.i . I'iikh
. .1 W.loH.NS .,1'HAIll.M A.N
State or Nkkkak , i
1 K.X K.t'L T V U Dl l'AllI M KN I".
At I Ins season I I In! year wlien . In; fill I h lias
K.vci. I.nlli an aliumlniil increase; wncn u e
' harvest have heen ltllieied, aiei icallin
that the year, uliicll is now drav. i to it elos;
lias hecii one ol i ru-iiei iiv. health an. I liaiol
! I1C-.S H tile lit lie of iNel'la .k i. It i li:oel llial
! I ,i'V mase Iiuinbl-- ackiiott leilLM-lnei.ts
; t i our Heavenly Father for liii wirjeak.ille
: pmil ness.
li aceorunnce Willi ati ui;Ppriaia ami mn
(.1 W Johns ,,1'iiaium a.n , , 7luai:,: "m', -
p,,,,,i jvltJ - iiku Cmiiii'i- Iniiioiftl vi!s:oin. ami run I. riiiiiiir Hi l.oe
Boaid 1 l. Voikj r)l17",,;;:'svr(,.nl ; tarnation of the president ot ll,e lnitc.1 Stale-,
I, John M. 1 haver, novernoi ol ine slate ol
Nehr.e-ka. o heieliv .set ao.Ut 1 ln:rs.l;i , l in
lib ayot Hum in. ml li a a Hay oi I naiiki"-
COUNTY" Ol'l'KiKlJS. .viI.-r:V.r,y,.ra..U prais.,!.. th.- M,p.'..:... nil
J i,: Hi..- universe for his nc-ii anil tnauiluui b!e
1) A ('All iosr.l.l. ! 1 r. c k-ihI 1'l.lT. oi! Ilia! (lay. Hie peopir
Ti'i'n i .,'. k' i I v ;;s! ( tln-ir usual ::v-.ic:'.!!uis. sitnl, :tSH-in-
J ! Uo'-.i S'-kv : l'li i i llifir :icrii'loii:cl plate il" . o'.cd ti
f . m,. .i...,.. i i iin-tlaii W..I- In i. li-iib-l- 'o ilr.ii the i.oinaiii'
iv ' r sii.i w a i ti. if ! "I rialcliii be:. it lor the iiiiii:uiera!)!c faois
I I ii;i. v'i-ii.i h.- Ints voui'saleii to to in as a i o.le.
it' i. v.. ..w , A! 1 wiiilelL !lollt l. a (lav of ii-okm::u'
a 'i!t.)ii.- "ion 1, imlrcil iinil others lolij; separateil.
Al.l.KV J'.l.KS N ' unite air. ii'i ii jovoiis leiminns. I in; j-o..
" M wv iv 1 1. i v i; a;nl ne.-l v sli )iibl be boi in Uiuii!..' l-iiie.ii
' ' ' i-.-..,-,.. i b;ainv. tlnis i' in-' tile exano'... of cm
' i ilivine in :!er vvliu Mhllca noo!l Ibt! (ja)'tll. Wl'llf
i:.)ASi : sui kkvisoiim. ai-iuUloia-ko.i.'i.
I.oirit I..I.I. tii'ni.. Vteejiiin; Water JN WI rXKSS V!I K ;:!: f I lia
A . I(. ll. - - - i'la; Isni'iii' h j b'-rvlo s-.'t my ihtiel , a'l.l caii-n'".
A. l 1I IC-O.. - K eiWiKiil , t he !,-reat si al of th" Slate to hi
ICAI.. aili-..- l iiere;.). Jlune at Line on
-"- I ii is Jn-.l .lay of Novelnber, A. 1.
liytli -'ovrrnr: J :: f '!. Til AV .r,
(i. i, i.AW.s, .-ceiei-.rv Ol MMC,
I i.'i.uty T.-e t, -
Ji 'puiy I'l-'vic.
t !-::. of imi-u h-.; ;it'
Ileput.y Itci tll.
Sil;t. of I'd') rclio-il :,
('oiluty J u h:e.
1ASS I,()!l
pvery K- !
trai .iiit X. i ;j t
everv a'.i er.i
lia.t. t i.
Vlleil to a' l. ii.l. I',
l:. ., ait v l'..:e . .
J. K. M lis, i
1 1.". I O. O. - Meets
!.:u ' of e n 'i w !; . . ! I :
p re.-in-.-tliiiiy invilei! t
7 uiUoi
by Telegraph.
. SI. A. . 1' V M-Tts
i -"riil:y n eniim al ! . of I'.
ilhei-1 are l"iie-t I n. ly in -
. Wliiie, M idler WoI k:;.. ill ;
: b'. .1 .1o:j;.iii. Ovel'r et r ; i - "
i! huov, ki axu sro'wi;:;.
i 1ASS CAM i'
u f Aiiiern1 t - ! . ! .D'.ii a:n! fourl n M-mi -
il ay veiii:i!l at l. ill I". ball .Ml llal'sieiil
brother are re H !el to i:ee wiib n. A.
JCowen el-i". '.-!-T le I' -nsil; !. i '. Nii-f,
Woriby ilviser; I , IJ. Smitti, i. ilanlvt r ; V.
C. Willi Its, ( IiTa.
wTxkx wooiimfx ! Stilak IH THE CHANNEL
1 i,.vns.t)r rn mid;; k no s. a. o. i. v.
Meet every a '. : eraal.? Kriday evening at
ICoekwood hall a! s .'el .es. .!! transient l"-t It
ers are respeel f .ii:.. invii' i! '.( atteii:!. J. .
Juts:lie, M. V. ; .-. v", ;re 'n. V. .rei.i in : S. ('.
W'il.te. K-coru-;.-: A. Ncwe.rner. ( ver t r.
PrlcOOZilHi :J03T 45 G. A. 57-
J. V. Johns v t .
it. S.
F. a. IJat-s
Afiit'sr Taiim ii...
Malum Dixon
(.'HAHI.M V K1
ItKNJ. HKAll'L.1".
J i:iji ; -rll .;:1AX.
AM'llA v i;ii;o r
Two Gie.iitiships C;i!ic!o Off tiio
AnAppailinin2:Lo33 Of Lite.
Dovkk. llii'j;., Nov. 2Q. Vesterd iv t!i
st- :i::; r V. A. Stholti.n left Kotterdaiii
for New York, haying on li.iard v; iy few
saloon uassenoi-rs, but aliont r.e hun
dred and eighty st.-erago. It steansci!
jfeetiii4 Satur .y yveaia;!.
I :
fo'iimaader. ! t.nvar.l t!i- st;-.n: of Duvit ill thn thiek.
..Set!i;r Vice " ! .
..Iuai..r " ; hizy weather. '.vineh):ened to a heav
Ailj'.ita'it, j , .. . .1 i
M. fog as it was apjiroacliing the Duvei
'--mwr or t no -j coast at 10 p. m.. Saturday night, about
.Seri;t Major. I tcn miles southeast ot South Sand Ileao.
..ijtiartfr Master M-rn'i. , .... TT
rot ciia-iiaiii a rew miles from admiralty pier. Here
the Uosa Mary, a small screw steamer
i f mm I T-.irt1i.ttiiil v:i nt. nm-liol. when tin
Seholten, running at slow speed, ran in-
I to til.? Kosa Mary, striking lier on the
port bow.
J j Tlie story is best told in the following
i narratiyes which your correspondent ob
tained from the lips of the nariator-.
OWPlF'U' I onlJ resident or rew aorKaooani
U Ii Oil j I was I-awrence Oeaken, sub-agent of the
I company in New York, who had been
! i. 1 1 i .: l
j Home, in iioiiei tain tin iiui-mes- nun
ZT 'WSS j lurc, and was returning to New York.
i He said: "At 10:i0 she sank gradually
r. in- i r-tu n-::,., ! 'v tlie head. Two life boats were low-SUSCialAt-entOailTBttWatCllReBaiMlerea
and overcrowded. There was
r1 sj a
-d::aleu in
Watcliss, Clocis, Jewelry
r? I
riire:-: Liiie
1 1 .
51 ;
Gh.Qm Prices I
mmi a black-s.
U L Uo
Li m
. j
no to lower any other ioat.
I We sent up a rocket of blue lights
! for assistance and blew our whistle
sisrhted by the steamer Ebro, which came
into the middle of the wreckage of the
j sinking s-hip, took aboard the passenger?
of the two bo tts and so many others as
! wen; found floating. Our boats and the
; Ebro's boats rowed around for four hours
j ami picked up all they could who wen
' struggling in the v.nt r, and, as nothing
j r.ioro could be found. wcQtiine into Dover.
It would have been useless to have
! st nd miv longer, .as the tide would have
; carried t'.ie others too far awi.v for us to
q j rrn C ! f :l"y assistance."
Uittilir- i Oiu of the cr w of the Scholt. n
wh was s ive.l. s aid: "Tiu collision
I i:.iiiia,' i tae x noiteii on in:' poii now.
!t:. ii . . i: . -..-l. i; . . v...t
rr.j ; t;r- ;vsa . i try v, as ir'a iini; ai aiie-.iii
th.; tim?. Nearly a'lth-; j)ov
v. r. ti h-s were a-Iecp b.lovr. Our ship
sank in twenty nii:;r.tes. There was
i;:r:.t (;ion r.iul more have been lost
t;i.:n saved, going down v.ith the vc-.-el.
We !:ad enly time to lower t wo life bo-its
Hud was a great n:?h for these, th'-
C: ij. tain doing all he could. Many jumped
j iie in the dead hous?, including the chief
; ofueer, fourth enainc-or and second stew
j ard. The remainder have- rot yet I ecn
j identified. Th. imi'aot wiii be h vd to
! morrow ca,-ly in the morning. The pas-
. sengers w ill go to the de-i 1 house and try
R.-'nres:it lollowin ri:r.C- i recognize of their unfortunate
! reaatives.
trim! and ii.e-tested. comiaiv.o: j The cu.n.r5nt-.-nle it of the sailors home
i i . i .- i
!,, S ASets S1.25S.0f'l j v. n:en is nuuie a teiupo.iiry i:n ri;ue, sain
2.v..3i4 ! all had be;n conrus:on to-day, but
4,41). ..6 : ,li;iaiij,ct-i 0 fccj tl u tho home. Some,
.-.u-.ioc ! . , ,
7. 5.50a howeyer, hal ta sleep out. l.veryone
8,47.:-62 ! anoe -rs to'erablv cluerfu7. Almost all
c.133.781 , are wjt10Ut bo jts. hrdj an I ot! er artxlcs
America:! ' en!
Commercial Union - norland,
Tire soc . to -i'lili: delphia.
hi i.
Franklin-P 1
Hoiae-X w "
Ir.s. ".-. ' N...- rie'ia. Phil,
f.lverpool&bondim i Globe-Eng
Jrth r.rit -oi i Mereantile-Eng
yoria Uiiioa-l'iK'lanrt.
"1.2V..I6C ! of clothing. Tlu wcat' cr was bitter
3,014.915 : cold.
HyrinjucM I, ft l, -Springfield, "
Total Assets. tTTT T,u? total nU "1tr ? CrCW and V'
! gers reported to h ive been ou board was
210, thus leaving 130 mi s'ngnn l doubt-
0S3? Afiju'ilsl aid Palff at tiiisALeii)
les drown I.
Tho Beautiful Nebraska Villas
Suffers Heavy Damage.
YoitK. Neb., Noy. 20.--X disastrous
lire broke out at 7 o'clock this morning
in Sinick's billiard hall, in Union block,
and before noon the Union and Masonic
blocks, containing seven stores, one hun
dred feet deep, had gone up in flames
and smoke, involving u loss of over
100,00i). The whole south side of the
blocii facing the court house is laid
waste with the exception of tho opera
block. The buildings were owned by
Anton Simmerer, of Nebraska City, ('. J.
Nobcs, Hamlin Uros. and M. D. Eiiw!,
who have only a partial insurance. Tho
heaviest losers are the owners of the
building and the following occupants:
Carl Simmerer, general meixh 111 lice;
Uarr liron., furniture, F. D. Whedon,
postoitice; W. C. Frank, news and books;
Smick's billiard hall; Vail fc Greene,
boots and hIkis; S'nger Manufacturing
company, sewing machines; Kwin Hut
ler, dry goo Is; Coles oc Thomas, groc r
ies; W. H. Cowell. law ohiee; Jasper
I IolT in 111, law oiiit e; Hamlin liros., loan
ollice; the sh ' riff's olliee: the large and
beautiful M i-onic h ill, tlu Ji-.iest fur
nished room of tlr; kind in the state; the
ork J i,ni 'i'e, liiciiuling a power
press, engines and a large stock of paper
goods. Joseph Kulbert, tiilor. lh L-i
derkr.11. hall and a number of privat
dwellin r rooa.s. Th :h j'c and l idd -r
company made heroic eff : ts to save th
block and alter liirhtinir tae names
against fearful odds succeeded in subdu
ingthe lire. Cluet A e berry and Ins te
nartmcnt arrived from Lincoln after the
lire h id b.;en g 'tten undea control am
did good work to qtunch th; ll
V. K. Williams clothing; leader Iiros.,
& Co., confectioneiy; Ira A. Smith, jew
eler, and th-; Citizen's Stat-; bank, oceu
pants of the opera block, are jIs heavy
losers on account of moving their stocks
into the street. All the county offices
were in the opera building and narrowly
escaped being destroyed w ith all the val
uable county records. The loss falls very
heavily 011 some of our most entcprising
md nublic-spirited citizens. The blocks
lestroyed were nearly new aud comprised
the best business front in the city.
The origin of the fire is as yet unknown
but is believed by many to be accidental
A prominent physician reports that he
was returninir from the country at 4
o'clock this morning and saw a light
and men playing cards in the billiard
hall. As the fire started in this room, it
is the generally accepted th 'ory that
ome of these men dropped a cigar stub
that ignited the building.
There is a widespread opinion in fav
or of the theory that the conflagration
was the work of an incendiary. The ar
gument in favor of this theory is that
after the fire had gained headway in the
Masonic block a blaze was discovered in
the district clerk's office in the opeia
building which must have be;n set by-
one who broke torough the back window.
which was found broken open. Post
master Whedon saved all the goycrnnu nt
jroperty and mail matter in the postof-
tice and has the office located in another
room and will be open for business to
morrow morning, it it impossible to
night to arrive at the amount of the in
dividual losses or the insurance, .but it is
believed that the insurance will net cov-
r more than -lOper cent, of the loss.
i'iie city was almost wholly without wat
er, the city water works being only fairly
egnn, leaving the firemen with only a
:.-v cisterns for a water supply. The
leaviest losers take a philosophical view
f the calamity and will probably all
reMmu at once.
A Fire at Stuart.
Sitaut, Neb., Nov. 21. A disastrous
ire stai ted in the block occupied l y J.
Ilaight, Friday moniing. A furious
scale was blowing at the time, and sent
the flames through the block in a lew
minutes. In addition to the Haiht
uil ling. with a large stock of groceries
and hardware. .T. C. Jordan's blacksmith
hop and agricultural store Woods' livery
barn, Chambers' saloon, the Frt3 office,
a barbt r shop and butcher shop, Dr. I'oys-
berry's office and dwelling, (I. W. Har
vey's law office, and Mr. Humphrey's re
si lence were burned. The total loss will
reach $30,00 w ith little insurance. The
vigorous work of the citizen saved the
town from entire destruction.
Hog Cho'cra in Ot0 3 County-
Talmage, Neb., Nov. 2 1. --Farmers
in the vac'nity of town are suffering com
siderable lo s from s -called hog cholera.
Ilog raising i carrie I on extensively
here and the raid spread of 'this giant
dottroy'er is causing much alarm.
Tho Greatest Atzsreatlon on Earth
j Devoured by Flames.
J Hundreds of Animals Killed
1 ISuiimsm'OKT; Conn., Nov. 20. The
j main building of liaruuin & Dailt-y's
j "greatest show on earth" was destroyed
i by fire this morning about 10:V.'0. The
alarm was sounded and in less than
j thirty minutes the building, which us
j 00 by 200 feet and two stories high, was
! entirely consumed. The fire originated
j from the explosion ot a lantern (rallied
by a watchman in the horse building,
setting fire to the hay and straw. He fore
the first sdarm ceased sounding the w hole
building was enveloped in flames and no
one dared approach it, being fearful of
the crazed animals. Three elephants
were burned up and thirty-six broke
from their fastenings and dashed through
the sides ' f t!i3 burning structure. S;x
elephants and a large African hippopot
amus rushed hbout the streets preventing
a sickening appcarancw Their sides
were burn-d and gnat ph ces of flesh a
foot Miliar; fell off. Thirty elephant.
and a large lion have started t'cross the
country toward Fairfield and Easton.
(I rent excite. ucr.t ha seized many resi
dents t'nd they have barred tin; windows
and doors of their houses. In the horse
room were all the ring animals, trained
stallions, ponies etc., and ull were burned.
In the cat room v.cie birds, monkeys,
rhinocerousc?, hyena. tigei-. lions and
al! th ; nr. -lingerie, which also fell prey to
the flumes. A great deal of valuable
tent and other property was burned.
The tot d loss is estimated at if 700,500.
with but 100,C0') insurance.
iy.Ti-:iJ. it is now learned iliac me
wat' hman di.-covered the fire while mak
ing hi rounds, and statted to give the
alarm, when torn; unknown person hit
him on the h?ad with some blunt instru
ment, felling him to the ground. On"
of tho elephants burned was the "Sacred
White Elephant." The lion which es
caped from the place at the time the
fire broke out was later found in a barn,
where he had killed and was dcyouringa
cow. He was shot.
Hi U 17. 1 A A " I TV ? I I n ( on (r T7.
JL 1 AIL A.J J. X litLV A. X X V1(J
1 fl
FIIOM :t TO 50.
:: 1 k
TO $12.
Rich Aaclm anl Far IriiiiiniBp.
FKOM ;. To :;..
A full lino oi
Shsllenberger Acquitted
the Charge of Murder.
Lincoln, Nov. lit. The Final act in
Nebraska City's celebrated murder ense
has ended, and Mrs Shellenbergcr is a
fre? won. an. The- district court room
woas crowded all day to witness the last
hours of the trial. The defence had a
large delegation of ladL's fromN- braska
City summoned to testify to the character
of the defendant and her treatment of
the murdered girl. Several of ths state's
witnesses, who had been subpoena -d to
appear yesterday, were not on hand end
last evening the judge issued attach
ments for them, tiie officers returning
from Nebraska City this morning with
the delinquents. Mrs. Thomas Wyman,
Mrs. Ollie Ihuebraker and Miss Edna
Gilson were ladies among the number
brought 0:1 attachmci&ts. In the giving
of this testimony a noticeble fact was
that numbers of the witnesses evidently
desired to make the testimony as light as
possible against Mrs. Shellenberger.
The last evidence was given early in
the afternoon and the arguments con
unv d the time until 4 o'clock'. Judge
Chapman charged the jury at 5 o'clock
aud the twelveoien retired. After be
ing out three hours they returned a ver
dict of not gnil'.v.
The crime for which Mrs. Si.ellenl e -
ger was on trial was the murder of lu r
little daughter. Her hushand. who h id
already been convicted of the same of
fense, it will be remembered, was lynched
,t Nebr.isk 1 City last spring by a mob
of neighbors.
el1.IT - mnis
FKOM 2. TO $10.
J0C. V. WECKB" Ci 'S
( )f our lirst fcj Ics
Opening lYJonday Morning Uov. 7.
Velvets and Velveteens
Fifty pieces Silk Velvet?, all shades, at si. 00 per yard, iormer
price 1.50 per yard. Twenty-live pieces Silk I'ltish at si. 2 5 per yd.
1.75 to your choice at si. 5. Twent v-live
Wr.mei fSurg'ars.
Fremont, Neb., Nov. 21. The con-
stable of Dodge, a small town in this
county, brought three piisoners to Fre
mont Saturday and confined them in the
county jail. Their names are Kcka Dc
hcrandt, Wilhtlmena Smehcl, and Fred
BeherancTt. One of the women has with
her a young child. They had a prelimi
nary hearing before Justice Hasson for
burglarizing Jas. Glenn's store at Dodge
a;.d held in $o00 bail in default of which
they are confined in jail.
former prices
pieces Velvete?ns at 35c, 50c and Toe, formerly 5w:, .t5c and Si
Ten pieces sueli siiks at 75 centi and S5 cents,
worth sl.00
$1. '25. Twenty-live pieces gross-grained ilks at 75 cents and
cents, worth $1 and l.:J5- Moira .silks at 1.3J. worth 1.75.
Loavitton the Stand.
Sioux City. Ia., Nov. It). Leavitt has.
been on the stand in the Arensdorf trial
all day, but hero was noth:ng of import
ance developed not previously known.
rhe day as a whole, wa unfruitful of
incident?. The facts brought out by the
defense in cross-examination are the same
as those of the direct tr -st:iony but the
defense laid a foundation for the impeach
ment which they have said they would j
nml-n l.itpr I
As the Prices indicated above are Kemarkably
Low, the goods having been purchased at a sacrifice sale,
wc are willing to share the benefits with von, do not delav
yjhiteFronf Dry Goods House,