The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, November 16, 1887, Image 4

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    )z yiattsmoutlj Path il craft i
Publishers & Proprietors.
A Salisbury Dcntlet, In Kork
vrool llulldliiRT.
Lecture to-night.
Hear Dr. O'Lcary's lecture to-night.
Tlic signal flags indicate clear and
cold weather.
Mr. and Mrs. John Itobbin.t were in
Omaha to dwy.
Mrs. Donovan was a passenger to
Lincoln this morning.
John Minor is moving into his new
residence in South I 'ark.
Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Vanatta went up
to Omaha this morning.
Can. II. K. Palmer left last evening
for Omaha and points west.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Patterson were
passengers to Omaha this morning.
Mr. J. I'. Voiintr left this morning
for Lincoln for a two or three days visit
Plattsmouth now has two cow ordi
nances and will soon have a pound-master
and a pound.
Mrs. M. K. O Bryan and Mrs. S. 15.
Stewart of Smith Hind, were p:issengcrs to
Omaha last evening.
Regular nu tting of the W. C. T. U.
to-morrow afternoon at ' o'clock at the
residence of Mrs. S. A. Davis.
Judge Russell last evening issued a
marriaire license to Samuel O. Ilaeken-
bcry and Miss Klnora II Lay ton.
Pop corn is superceding peanuts as
an article of confectionery, and in some
places the eating of pop corn has become
a sort of craze.
One week from to-night isthescconi
annual ball of the IJ. of L. F. lodge of
this city. It is to be at the opera house
and will be an elegant affair.
Monday night burglars arc reported
to have entered the residence of Engineer
Ueatty, on Marble street. It is supposed
the search was made for his check, but
this they failed to get.
The ladies of the M. E. church have
the best regards of the IIeuaLD compos
ing force for a large sack full of pop
corn, sent by the ladies from their pop
corn and apple sociable last night.
The young ladies of the Presbyterian
church and Sabbath school will give
doll carnival ou the afternoon and even
ing of Nov. 2oth at the opera house and
every ladv is cordially invited to be
A man giving his name as Herman
Strate was brought in from Louisville
last nisrht. held under 200 bonds tn
await the convening of the District court
lie got iu trouble in Louisville and drew
a revel ver on another man. Strate claims
he was drunk when he drew the weapon
Last night atter the lecture a num
ber of reckless boys gathered in front of
M. B. Murphy's grocery store and one of
them was knocked through one of the
larire windows, smashintr the class to
fragments. Officer Fitzpatriek was over
near Sherwood's corner but before he
could arrive at the scene the boys were
We are in receipt of a programme of
the third annual convention of the Neb
Dairyman s Association to be held in
Omaha. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs
clay, Dec. 13, 14 and 15. The pro
gramme is well filled and the convention
will undoubtedly prove beneficial and
A long letter has been addressed to
General Wm. Leese asking him to inves
tigate the consolidation of the B. Sc. M.
and A. & X.. and if any illegal ground
can be found to take action on the mat
ter. Mr. Leese will probably investigate,
and any action he takes will be watched
with interest,
Yesterday afternoon the 4 o'clock
passenger train leaving Lincoln for
Nebraska City was delayed considerable.
At the connection of the Midland rail
way track with the Nebraska City main
line the engine tender was thrown from
the rails and turned on its side. The
engine and baggage car were somewhat
damaged and the people on board got a
general shaking up.
A man named J. P. Ford swore out
a warrant this morning against a man
named Johnson, charging Johnson with
assault and battery. It seems that Ford
is employed as a switchman in the yards
and last evening Johnson became angry
at him from some cause and struck h'm
over the head with a lantern, cutting him
quite severely. Up to 3:30 o'clock this
afternoon Johnson had not been arrested.
The fire boys of the Rescuse hose
team Xo. 3, are very much pleased with
the outcome of their first annual ball
given at Fitsgerald's hall last night.
About 75 couples were present, the hall
was decorated very tastily and everyting
went merily to the music of the Bohemi
an band. The Y. L. R. R. A. furnished
an elegant supper, and the boys are to be
congratulated at the success of their first
Council Doings
The city, council met in regular ad
journed session last night, all members
being present.
A petition from Geo. E. Dovcy and
others asking for the establishing of
several new lump po3ts on Seventh street
was laid over.
A petition from A. Salisbury and S. II
Shoemaker praying the opening of an
allc through lot i, White's addition, was
referred to the committco on streets,
alleys and bridges.
The city marshal and police judge
made the same report of $20 in tines col
lected, which were referred to committee
on police.
The report of the city treasurer showed
a total cash of $(',,211.00 and a total of
$100 in bills receivable in his possession.
His report was referred to the finance
The finance committee reported favor
able on the following lulls and they were
allowed and warrants ordered drawn on
the various funds:
Daniel Burris, killing and hurrying
dogs, $7.50; Mr. Morgan, labor, $75: M.
V. Reaver, labor, $18; A. Carpenter, labor,
$7.ij0: R. Johnson, labor, $3; VS. Wagner,
labor, $12; G. Anher, labor, $17.25; J.
M. Schncllhachcr, repair on hose cart.
$1,25; J. R. Cox, mds, $17,55: A. Madole,
surveying, Sji(.u; Josinson Uros., muse.,
$2.20; Byron Clark, salary, $02.50;
Knolls Bros., printing, $10.50; J. II.
Waterman, exchange on $000.00, 00 cts.;
W. II. Maliek, salary, $50; W. U. Malick,
removing dead horse, $1 ; Moses Dodge,
one cord wood, $4 ; A. Madole, survey
ing and iron pins for i-treet corner., $21;
Gas Co., gas for Oct. $77.50; John Fits
patrick, salary, $ 15; P. Merges, rent of
council chamber, $10; L. C. Stiles, special
policeman, $'!; Gas Co., gas for Sept. and
one lamp post, $00.50; J. O'Xiel, salary,
The judiciary committee presented an
ordinance which was the same as the old
cow ordinance, but more complete. It
was referred to the revision committee.
After considerable discussion the com
mittee returned the ordinance unchanged
and it was finally read a second and third
time and passed under a suspension of
the rules. Mr. Murphy tried to have the
responsibility of the enforcing of the or
dinances left entirely to the city
marshal, but was not successful.
Mr. Madole reported on the
matter referred to him concerning the
grade at the corner of Oak and 3rd
street, lie said to lower 3rd at the cross
ing of Oak to grade and make it passible,
would take about $120, but that the $15
in poll tax now collected could be used
evenly to advantage. After long discus
sion the street commissioner was author
ized to proceed with the work to the am
mount of $15.
Mr. Jours moved the committee on
streets, alleys and bridges be instructed
to go over the street railway and locate
the crossings, to be 32 feat on Main street
and 10 feet long on side streets. Mr.
Dutton said the company Lad informed
him that they would lay the crossings as
soon as they had time, but the motion
A motion to have an extension of the
water mains on Billings avenue run west
one block on Maable street, thenc south
of Billings avenue and then
continue on the avenue, passed and coun
cil adjourned.
Board cf Health Resolution.
Yesterday the board of health met at
Dr. Livingstou's office. The purpose of
the meeting was to pass a resolution sug
gesting the enforcement of certain sani
tary rules in our public schools. The re
solution was adopted and is as follows:
Iiesolrexl, That the board of education
be requested to enforce the following reg
ulations relative to contagious and infec
tious diseases among pupils of the pub'ic
schools: In cases of scarlatina, varicella
in any form, and diptheria. the children
of a family affected with the said disease,
and of all other families residing in the
same building, shall not bo allowed to
enter any public school until after the
experation of at least thirty days from
the recovery of the last patient in said
family or building.
In cases of lm-.-'.-di and rothrlin the
same rule to apply, but the duration of
quarantine shall bo at least twenty days,
ami in varicella two weeks.
Children with the itch to be excluded
until recovered.
Board then adjourned,
A strict observance of the above school
regulations by parents and teachers will
certainly prove a very good preventive
for the spread of disease in the schools
during the winter and spring months
and parents will do wisely to enforce
them at home.
Two Sensible Ladies.
One that f-tudies health before vanity
and one that does not believe all she
reads or hears. Practical experience is
every day teaching that the words given
with Dr. Watson's Specific Cough Cure,
is practically relieving the ph3-sicians
from advising a hopeless case of Con
sumption a change of climate necessary,
to be left to die among stangers. The
Specific Cough Cure is warranted, if di
rections arc carefully complied with, to
relieve, if not cure, the worst and most
hopeless cases the world ever saw. Price
I 50c and 1. For sale by W. J. Warrick.-
William Norton Forges a Noto on
W. D. Jones and Gets Bound
Oyer to Await Circuit Court
About five days ago a man got employ
ment at W. D. Jones' Bonner stables, and
as he gave no name he was called "Bill"
for short. Yesterday morning he asked
Mr. Jones to pay him what little he
owed him, utating he wished to go east
on the morning train, lie was immedi
ately paid the ammount $:.U5 but
did not leave the city but hung around
the stable all morning. A little before 2
in the afternoon Mr. Jones was callgd
from the barn to attend the funeral of
the child of Geo. Palmer of Omahn.
While he was at the funeral, it ap
pears Norton went to Mr. Jones' writing
desk and wrot out two orders, one i n
O. E. Wcscott and the other on Solomon
iv Nathan. Between the time Mr. Jones
left the stable and a quarter to fi.ur
o'clock Norton look the order on Solo
mon Jj Nathan, which was written on a
Bonner stable bill head, to to their store
and secured underclothing to the
ummount of 2.75. The order read as
follows: "Messrs. Solomon te Nathan,
please deliver bearer what underclothing
he wants, W. D. Jones." He then went
to C. E. Wcscott's store and presented an
order written as follows: "Mr. Wcscott,
please deliver overcoat, not to exceed
$17, and oblige, W. D. Jones." Mr.
Wcscott ttoli the note anil suspiciomng
it instructed Ids clerk, Mr. C. E. Reynolds,
to wait on the man, Mr. Wcscott then
took the note and went out on the street
to find Mr. Jones and discover if the
signature was correct. Not being able
to find Mr. J nes he inquired of Mr.
Patterson, of the Cass County Bank, who
had his doubts of his correctness, find
Mr. O. M. Strelght pronounced it, in his
estimation, a forgery as the man had only
been in Mr. Jones' employ a few days.
Mr. Wcscott and Mr. Streight then pro
ceeded down Main street lor an officer
and wire rewarded in meeting Johny
After securing the coat, a $10.50 chin
chilla, Norton proceeded down Main St.
to the railroad, turning north. Mr. Fitz
patriek followed the man and caught
him a little ways up the track, he for a
time played innocent but Mr. Fitzpatriek
brought him back, and Joe Fitzgerald,
who is emploj-cd at the Bonner tables,
came up and identified him as the man.
He Aas wearing the new over coat and
carrying his old one with the suit of
under clothes hi another bundle.
N rton was taken to Justice Mathews'
eoint and here ho played very drunk and
as county attorney Bceson could not be
found Norton was taken to the jail till
this morning when Mr. Jones filed two
complaints of forgery.
The trial at Judge Mathews' court
cani'j off this morning, County Attorney
Beesou for plaintiff and M. A. llartigan
for defendant. To the charge of pass
ing a forged note ou Solomon & Nathan
the prisoner plead guilty and not guilty,
t i the charge of passing one on C. E
Wescott, (done at his counsel's anvicc).
Tiie witnesses were heard but there wa3
no argument, and Judge Mathews placed
the prisoner under $300 bonds for each
offeuse, and not being able to give bonds
of course the man will have await the
the convening of the district court, in
Mr. Norton appears to be unknown in
Plattsmoutii, except a day or two before
election, and cn election day he drive a
team for IV. D. Jones.
At Wescott' s store he took the first
coat that v.' as shown him, it fitting him
micely, and but for Mr. Wcscott's timely
suspicion from iiot being accustomed to
sell goods in such a way, the man would
have escaped with his goods.
Programs and wedding invitations
a speciality at the Heu.u.d office.
An Offcnued Minaoit .
"I remomber ono instance of a seedy look
ins individual, who came regularly every
morning and took a long look at a hmuLsomo
diamond and ruby bracelet, worth neariy
$r?00, and always -.vent away with a satisfied
smile. lie camo regularly for two months,
and nt lirst I suspecsed him of evil designs,
but I soon saw my fears were groundless.
Well, the morning after the bracelet was sold
that man came up and looked high and low
for the familiar object. Finally ho walked
in and demanded of my clerk where it
was. 'Sold,' said he. 'What.'' shrieked
the seedy man. 'sold! "Why, yon fraud,
what do you, mean by putting goods in
your window to attract buyers, and then
Belling them? You don't catch me bu3ing
anything here!' and he stalked off in high
dudgeou. Some other dealer is probably 'at
tracting' his custom now. I have bad many
amusing experiences with the window gazers,
but in oddity this one excelled them all."
Jeweller's Weekly.
Antipodean Domestics.
The servant rirl ouestion in Australia takes
i ou a novel phase. The rabbit plague in that
J country is well known. In three years
j 1S,000,000 rabbits were destroyed and a
bounty of $i-!0,000 ha3 been paid out for their
; destruction. When a servant enters a
; tion she stipulates that at least one day in the
; week she shall not be obliged to eat rabbit.
Dyracus'3 juuj uai. -
An English lock maker claims to have per
fected a door, to be used in public buildings,
that will lessen the chances of accident in
times of panic or real danger. It can be
opened from the outside only by a key. but a
slight pressure from within causes it to swing
opca putworiL ?Jew York Bun.
A Baby Picturo MaUos Trouble.
Mr. C. II. Hodges, a ph.togra; h'.r and
oil finiiher of Council Bluffs ha-; been in
the city with one or two a:iva;::i:.'
agents doing work for the j it f. v
weeks. Their biisin - va.-t to tolled
old, faded or favorif; phulorr.-iiplis horn
people and paint tlx ::i in :: i nil r I'u;
"American water coIu" :-!vie. Mr.
Hodges and his ng.-n4:-. !i 1 ij'uie a icf
itable bi:.-;u;s; and rid w. 1! till 1. -1
night when they pre- .... d i !.:!. th ir
departure. At tli.: '. ,- it I : t vmi;:i-:
thC3' were intercepte.i l.y i';.-n.;.:;i
From what occurred :: .!:- that on
of Mr. Ho lies' agen : 1. i t b--.:i I'm ;;:.-.. ed
a picture of a baby by lh- lady to .-..lorn
with golden curls an t 1 :i:it v. who paid
$1 in advance and w;.s to pay iJ.V ri'.r.
when complete, and lhi;iigh promis; o;
misunderstanding th- lady expected to
receive a frame with il: ;.ictur.; also, ail
for $1.25. hast cvming Mr. limits
and wife and one or t wo In . n and
one of his iig'-nts wcr the d-pot pre
pared t go to Omaha. ;ii I the ( Ivrmaii
lady was there also, the pi lure lutvim
not been returned to her. Mr. llod'r: .
had it with him all p i'i ?e.l and fix. d up
and offered it to the la ly (..; the :in: n
per agreement. Bui -'he rcfuvd to ac
cept the picture without the frame which
she claimed the agent ( wim, of eour-e,
was not present; had j.roii.isr-d her, i.n.!
Mr. Hodges refused tin: frame as he
claimed it alone to b worth :), amlth: t
$1.25 was the price ;.r the picture. Th.
lady fearing the v.'otdd loose the favortd
picture, after consider. :b.'.' tali.iiiT. bur.-!
out trying, and some i.u; lie .r vt:i. lor
an officer to straight-:i t :;!;'; u;. Mar
shal Malick was soou -n :h. ground and
heard both stories a ! Mr. i", !".. f,
ing more trouble lvt ::::.. i He' lady ; d.-d-lar
to her and staite i to hand i. r ')
picture but she slip, -i a v.-: -y ami v.i
gone as soon as she '. ..1 the dr!l:r. Mar
shal Malick now had another side to t hi
story and proceeded f place Mr. Hodges
under arrest for viol l:.!.; the cay ordi
nances doing bush: . iihuut a licet:-!-.
It was now Mr. Hod.;- - : .:.a t. th--defense
and plead, ; i;.'t '.; : did so wi;h
considerable feelim-. Mr. i lodges had
his wife and two ch;b7, -u -,v:tii him :v.-
auoiher one in Oma';.. y-id he was sta; t
ing homo ami his - r -t would i .r.i-:-grievance
from all s: !, and having i:-
warrant for the man n.-:t the mar.-.hal
permitted hi in to g.
List cr" T-o'-tors
Remaining uneiah.std. in the Po.-lofii.--at
Plattsmouth. Neb r l:a. Nov. io It-.-'
for the week ended Nov. 5:
Butler, Mrs. Mattia ' -e r. O.
Dennis, S. S. f. . vs. . fi::i;:-. -, ilie'a .-
Martin, I.ewH i.aa: .oi -,ai ir, V.'.'t..
Purge, Mart (Oreapolv . i -.' .ew -- .
Uolaml, .Iiiies . i. ' ji-, Mi.i. c'Vi J.-v.
stoii, ri:iinp , -., ; ;n,.t
Wi.l. Mr. S. -(:;; ., e -a.
Voune, Wallei j n. u
wV.teirtiai:. .Y-- M .t;
Persons calling for any of the abovi
letters will say 'adverti-ed.''
J. N. V.'i: P. M.
Will J. Warrick v,;:r.ts everybody lo
call and settle their ;;e- , by ei.-h ;
note at once. -Itd&wCt
Hay Fcr St. is.
Three hundred U;; 0i' hay for sale f. r
cash, either delivered ;-r on the g:a uu.l.
Leave ordeis with ?!, 13. Mur.!;y Co.
store L. St till. " 42 la 1 Cheap
Felt slippers 5Sc n;:ih T-V.
Felt slippers, lent iter 50c.
The best felt slip.. -ei-vi, worth 1.25.
Men.s felt boots -v .. i rth s2.50.'
Mcs best felt booN worth '-"l.
Men's rubber boots worih -V").
Men's whole stoel; boots 2 worth ."S2.75.
Men's calf boots 2.50. v.oitli
Women's oil grab
rtii :2..V-:.
Bed Cross school l!:: s. the be.-t sehcoi
shoes made.
Buy your next si:-.- .' at the new sLee
store in Carruth's bi;iidin--.
d tf. wl. T. 1 f . riI!I.T..;...
The sociable glvm by the ladies of
the M. E. church at '.ii j bome. of Mr. n:.d
Mrs. Th os. l")abb, o:i t!: corner of Mr::::
and loth streets, la.-t ;:ig':t one of
the most pleasant of ti:e .---.i.e.:?. i !
att.ndmee, owijig t- tb.r tn i-.-rt ali
ment, was not quit ..-. ;: i usual,
but the house was iill 'd and ev.ry
thing WLiit on pleas :'i
i.:os!i old Mi.l
youug enjoyed tin
i vTS . llii s: . : )
conversation, game- ui.tit the tin
came to closj when ail v.vr.t homo fr. :
that they had spent .. : b-..s.:nt evcuiag
The popcorn furnisl-. ' a ui v. r
sion and was a change that w:ts uol v..:
WEDNESDAY EVi.iCrii:, NOV. lii.
Dr. 05Leary!s Vo: i-lr Licta,
Culture, MaiiDorrf & Beauty.
Training the Body, M.-ntal Traininjr.
Social Culture, Aniir nuit-, Wimt to do
and how to Attain ois..-s be-. t Success in
At the close of the 1 n tera the heads of
six children will be . -;a;'.::u d inrl ad
vice given from the st.iHlpint of i'i::-.-nology
as to their c if. ar:e:i and cailiugs
in life.
Admission, ICe; children under 1-1
years, or.
Private Consult.:! i. n from 2 to 5; of
fice corner Main and 5th - treats over
Mumin's euloen. i
wn - Jewelery - Store,
If aiclios, Clods, Jewelir, Hollow ftare, Diamgnd Jewfllry
And everything in the way of .Jewilry can be found in our well si 1, did slock. We
have purchased a large stock of the above naiiu d goods for the coming
holiday trade, whn h we propose to m II lit reasonable pi ices
and will endeavor to discount Omaha prices 2!'",,'.
Dm- StocL: of WATCHSS io Coraploto,
And can not be excelled. V- have in stock watch moycinenl?
of the lincst makes, Mich as the
Howard, Waltham, Elgin, Hampden,
Springfield, Columbus, Aurora,
And many other makes, inci-cd in the b( st of :rld, coin sllyir. nickel, silvtrinr,
sdverore, silveride and silyi roiii. We .also keep in slock a line of Milid
silver and pkrted spoon.-, ct'-., which will In- .-old at low pi ices.
IT7: ,'-'v" is the tiir.e. t" .-'lc; i vur.i Chi-i-.tiuns ,. nl s i 'u our
stock is s; com ilt-te. ( )i;r is :rc :ll iu-w ttml id' Jutc.-t k-igns.
South Side Main Strcit. DoVBY BLOCK
As ihi3 .-n.-oii i.- ii' at lia, I. iuv la 'u; tiio h(ist
time !',,r tlnise I.ndics wiio iittcivst thcniM Ives In Art Km l.n.i.iery :iml
l'i'.iicj Acedle AVork, v.e Mull enje:ivi)r ive In I hose u I lent lit this
Week. Our stock beit: n,.-,v c.nipli !i- in :ill details, wo would fug.
fcst to lay in yi:r uy.,iv tew, as' lattr ..m our Line will be bn.keli
ami it will be udLc::ii match iNr;ile.-,
Remember (his Sale
SiDglo and Split Z- phyns
Arasene, 25c iloz. Skeins.
Clieiicllc, :No. 1 :i()cl;7i ;
Cliencllf, li lb 25c k
Embroid'i-y silkiOcdoz s)ooi -
Angora Vrool L5C Jxi!!.
Kidor Down oT.'.c "
Pompadour Wool lyy'
Uouclo Chcncllc in all coioisj
Tohair Yv'ool '
.Maeranio Cord '; . "
Linen Flourisl:in:r thread
KEMEMH1UU THESE iJ KICKS aj c i.r lid.; WKEK on I v.
l l Hhiiilminl Ii
Wescott is StiL
1 ivhx'
U ft 0 UB Hi
-U 1 1. - .
-5 alTor.1 unviluw prat .-lion i.
irvrnvn rvrr.TTvn :tip a..iiinij 5LhL.,
And d'jir.'j; husintss .-it the Old Stai.d v.
Furiiishing Good:-, II
ir .1 r.,.T,
. .
also idl ';raue- in niierwear. (,iu-
Fop. Rlint of four rocms.
tf Vanatta a Sox.
The Public Eyo
Is v.lnt troubled many rublishlh.' t.
tiiaciiials of cures, j-, r.-u
demnt'il lv t.i u.fker Tilcdilii" Coin-
paiiv and thoi-j who h.-:ve occasion to
Balycat.n- Ionic for the hiood nrd and Dr. V, : i.son's Xov.- Sr -
cific Coimh Cure are free to F-;c:ik :h.:r '
experience. 2o cure, no j-av r ouir.-.h
Price 50c and 1. For ,de Cr fao fol-
lowing druggist. W. J. V, aiskick. j
and (birililjes
is for his Week Only.
(htiy Fiy, Ccius nn Ounce.
jjFi!!in--silh- '2$c. do;: bheins.
f !''iio Iloa -V.; ';
j Ltciiii,-- bilk -i()c"
f.Bri;.r;;s' ilk :.k-i 'l
I I""iiir.' doss 2(;c Hkcin.
(;eriii:ml(wn 20c.
I CVcv.i! V;-!ii.-. :)0c d
COM J'iJI.-'iS JiVidiV'l
Jetaliic Ml:; in all Conors
i Cli'-nr-llc Cords
i in- ci (.ords
; Embroidi rv Cotton '
rtmg -
ith u v :
it.-. ( ' .-.-
'i t: i:j ; oi' Cioti.i
?. l ie.
. . . .1 . 1 . t .... i . 1 i- I- - 1 : rf ... m
"mil tT.
.... i..-i !,.(... ev.ll
ri'-.K out the- j.icct ofR..-aI Estate' voii
; waat ahd tix-n call for , rice and terms
-c JJavi s. Over Jiauk
: oi . ..-s Co
Hon. H. VV. Crtdy.
St:t:-.sman, Scholar and Trim
, ".'.n;'i"!' ""Vir tXa'"i,le wrthy of re-
v.o,;iids ihut no method. ,xce, t thost
t - ;i l.y Iic.i;:s' Cainl.omtctl Arnica S ivl
ica Salve
ii h i.- sold cn its
merits for anv tiKn
!, nt a 'lve c'in 1,0 scd. No
, "Vr. J W
cure, no
ng drujr-
" :.' t. 1. P;: Si.-" . .
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