r 1 V I TIU-: DAILY HKWALD, PLATTSMOUTir, XEDKAfrKA, MONDAY, NOVEMbEFw 14, 1887. i)c yiaUsmoatlj Dailn Iterali) KJSTOTTS IB :e, O Publishers & Proprietors. Abstract of Totes Foiled a Cass Couaty? Kcbcastai, -Tttcsrtar November 1.887. Miiiiiie District Jiidfje. lu-j-ciiif if University, jj Yil'-ik l.tUl M1 1 jj i 1'iinty ' I ':isihvi I. ..i. in.. i .la k I li'il; tl I'ist. r.niit I'UIJ i v Mhi in. l t mil) Ml't. I i niiiy i- in vi -v 1 1 , I Ollll I y l ui out r. 1 1 i wuii. y l f 'lllllll.HH'll V- t-i R i 1 c r. I ' - g- i 5 ? ! r ;- I i ; ! " r. ' : i H n ' C a : h r p a ' c : s ? w : ! : . . I n S ', . 7) I 7t Si r : " : i i : ; M MM; : : : : : 1 1 : I v I tr. tl !! A Salisbury Dentist, In IlocK uuod Eiiilltlliig. FJIKCIXCTS. 12 i Lecture to-niglit. Council meeting to-night. Jerry Farthing went to Lincorn today. M. D. Polk, went to Omaha this morning. Mrs. Cant. If. K. Palmer was in Ouiaha to-day. TJic Omaha police lowered another red ilag yesterday. Mr. J. K. Lcesley was a passenger to Omaha this morning. Dr. Job. II. Hall, made a (lying visit to La Platte thi.s morning. "Who is O. P. Smith fc Co.? Just keep on reading in this column and you will find out. Mrs. Oov. Thayer, arrives from Lin coln this evening to visit with Mrs. Capt. II. K. Palmer. Mi.ss IJelle Wendell spent Funday zt home, returning to her work in Omaha this morning. Will Streitrht left this morning for Curtis, Nfl., where he rocs to work for the Ii. A M. It. 11. Dr. O'Leury, will deliver one ol his interesting lectures to-ninght concerning the stomach and liver. If you want to her a very instructive and beneficial lecture, hear Dr. D'Lcary at Rock wo- d hall to-night. The Omaha foot-pails and sneak thieves got in their work last evening on account of the lack of light. Messrs. Prank Iiarcloimli and Grant Ilulsi.er, of Omaha, spent the Sabbath in town, guests of Ned Bucll. The ladies of the M. E. church will give a sociable to-morrow evening at the residence Msss Jennie Dabb. O. P.' Smith & Co. are the popular drug linn of the city, who can suit you with handsome Christmas presents at the lowest possible price. Ilcscue hose team, No. ',, of the Fourth ward, rive their first annual ball to-morrow night at Fitzgerald's hall An invitation is extended to all. Tickets 1, supper extra. I. ass ijodge JSo. 14( 1. U. U. are prepairing for a literary entertainment, together with a dance on the evening of Nov. 30. Look out for a good pro gramme and a first class entertainment Sheriff Eikenbarv held a sale this noon at the court house of lots 3 and 4 block !, in Yovng and Hayes' addition, and lots 10 and 11, block 9, Plattsmouth city. F. E. White and J. Ii. Strode were the purchasers. The pay car arrived at 1 o'clock this afternoon. It means a lively business for the merchants. The fine autumn tv rather has staid with us up to date and those who have not prepared for our usual November co!d wave and storm will have a chance to do so. Ilev. Joseph Mills who heldjservices at the Christian church yesterday, for the colored people, is encouraged at his suc cess and is making an effort to arouse enough interest to establish a church here. This is a worthy enterprise and deserving of liberal support. The foot and wagon additions to the U. P. bridge between Omaha and Council Bluffs are complete and ready for use. Operations have begun on another bridge above the U. P. by a home company. Jt is to be a foot and wagon bridge and will also have a street car line over it. Governor Oglesby made a request to Governor Thayer recently to have the Nebraska quarantms established in Aug. against Cook county cattle raised. Thurs day Gov. Thayer refused, stating that he preferred being over cautious regarding tie disease than have it introduced into Nebraska. Miss Francis Baker, whose home is in the southern part of Michigan, spoke at the M. E. church yesterday, both morning and evening. Her address in the morning to the ladies of the church was very complete and eloquent, show ing the result accomplished by the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society and a strong appeal to the women of Christian America in behalf of the women of heaihea lands. Her address in the evening related to the grand results of missionary efforts in the last century, and the hopeful outlook -for the future. Miss Baker is giying her entire time to this work without any pledged support whatever, taking whatever the people generously contribute to aid her. She comes to Nebraska from a tour of the Illinois and Central Illinois Conferences, and after filling a number of engage ments throughout this state, will -o to Colorado, where she will represent her work; and from there to Kansas in the interest of the cause she so eloquentlv advocates. From Plattsmouth she goes toi Weeping Water where she speaks this evening. hi; K5j mi! ion '"I !1'l n.l 1-1! 1CV 1 ir, ii.- . 4j! m: m . w. in;!. 13; 12'.! II.',; Ml' r:i! f.9 Liberty ; Mt. n ;u-..i: i J'IhM!i:o:i:1i I'icirilict,.. i H;iUsin -nth (' ty- IkI Ward.; ri;it!sinoi!tli :i;y '.M Wiinl.ij I'UTtMiioul h i'lty.'.il Want.;: I'latlsmoutli ( ily-411i Ward; I ' l;i:k I'.Iutr I fralt Cr.-ck I Solltll llrlicl : Stove Ciin-k 'itn I Weeping Water, ; 113 73 IV I j'l Total I'lnralil ill!! ii -IiU 1G7!I; OMAHA'S BIG FIRE. Terrific Exolo3ion artl Fire at tho Cas Yvorus From th 15.e. S.ituidav afternoon ahout o o'clock a terrific explosion orcurred at the gas works an I the frighteni-d peiile .or blocks around rushed into the street to discover the I milding a moment later a sheet of flames. Tlie fire alarms were sent in and in a few minutes all the lire companies in the city were on the scene romhattinir the devouring elemcn.. Thousands of people gathered and watch ed the flames roll near the great tank lu l of "as the explosion of which would enta'l teniMe destruction. The two valves opening into the tank were secure ly closed and the firemen turned nine streams of water upon the building and did all in their power to stay the progress of the flames. The coutinu d explosion of gas pipes and '.the ignited escaping "as made the lire a most dilhcult thing to fi"ht, and it was over an hour and a half before the flames were fairly under control. Dunn" the course of the fire it was found necessary to open the tank of naphtha 0:1 the north side of the build- in" to prevent it from exploding. The escaping fluid caught fire and the flames leaped up in a startling manner, causing a general -stampede among the spectators. The ground w here stood a group id hr men was covered with oil, and iu a mo ment the men were enveloped in the flames. Piiieman Cassady, of iNo. 1, was badly burned, and MeGuire, Patton, Crowley and Miller of the same company had their clothes set on "fire and vcre more or less scorched. It looked for a while as though the tank would food be readied by the flames, but Firemen Mcliride, Grebe, Turner and Xoonau rushed bravely into the face of the flames, and after a desperate fight succeeded in quenching the fire in the es caping oil. The oil caught fire a second time and was again extinguished. By a quarter of 5 tho lire was out, and half an hour later the workmen were busy removing the debris and making preparation to repair the damage done. It was discovered that the explosion re.-ulting in the fire was caused by tho leakage of gas from the generator into the blow pipes. In the explosion the blower was torn to pLxvs, but foitunate ly no workmen were near enough to get hurt. Mr. I?aac IJattin, the superintendent of the works, hopes to have the damaged machinery repaired sufficiently by Mon day to rcume the manufacture of gn. To economize the present scant supply. Saturday night the street lamps iu th' city were not lighted, and shortly afte: midnight the gai was turned off entirely. About $20,000 damage was done In the fire, but is is all coyeredby insurant . "Keep in de middh; ob de road" i t!ie order in Omaha after dark. The street cars can now go as far a? the turn table on Third street. II. A. "Waterman & Son are 'erecting a brick oilice at their lumber yard. A portion of the old Boyd packing house at Omaha is being remodeled and fixed up for a fuel gas factory. A ca pacity of 15,000.000 cubic per 24 hours, is.to be tlic size of the plant. The gas will be made from water by what is known as Reinhold Biecklcn's improved process, which consists, in the main, in passing super-heated steam into a bed of incandescent coal, and it is claimed it can be make for ten per cent less than the actual cost of of coal, extra of cost of hauling, etc. This gas is also said to be superior to natural gas and can be fur nished cheaper. The company erecting the plant intend to supply all factories, etc. in Omaha with it. aud hope to start about Jan. 1. Miss Baker who spoke at the 31. E. church yesterday experienced a severe fall caused by a loose board in the side walk, from which she received some severe bruises, but we hope no permanent injury. She was somewhat lame when she went away this morning. It seems there should be more care in keeping up the walks along the main gthorouh fares of the city. A few more damage suits may mike the city both poorer and M iser. Avoea, Outre Kii;)it Mi!j Drove ICIin wood, Ireeiiwonil I.nui'.ville, 'l: Mi :;' nil 2 In'-' I r,;; V ' 1m:.' ' i'.fl . .; i;e! ...j !o:j: ... , 131 j 11 ; 14:; 4 1'Jl 4 t 205 7 i 120. 11 11 ... 1 VI r, i v.Ki 13' -0 16 ! -M t . 1 1 n: 1171 11 1 101 1 7 HI liui lull 12.7: Rxj R.r, 11U SJ 4 w i C7 1' . 41 ni C.Y . ry. 124 E, 104-' ll.r.: 7i ro bi (i2 4Ki i V ' 4! Ill 2 1 ii 2 : 10 ...I e Sri 74 91 1 1M im .in oi ; :7 74, eo: nc . Wl 37' 111! Mi 0T 113' 120: 13; iM'j 1 1.7 11:. I r 73, r.a; no 79: f.H: or.j K1; Ml Ml til' 9 121 ! 17d 104 ll'J, 111 !'l 87 251 SI'. 'JO 1(10 t;r. in Ul 104 7 112! 100' i;7 ll:M 118' 117! nr.: 123 117 El! t2; in.-. 7f HI 91 'j lsu, 1.77! 10' 6: 4 8 5. 4 12i 16 y ' 6.1 3 13 ... 1 5 11 1.7 na 178; i.rs 1H 72 in; 27!M 114' 113 73 U5 ill 278 Ul 2:5:5 200S IKOO.ll'.frii ioo! i I I U4 2120 2121.1075 1C74 102 Mf! TM - Wescott is Still 'Mi" "Chest. UNDER SHIRT. ltlhnlT garnrnl that 1 1 alfartls a)olui protrriion totbs Front Viw. -LUZERNE KMTTINQ MILLS,- ColoJI'fra. And doing business at the Old Stand with a very complete lin-: of Clothing and Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Gloves, Etc. Vre sell conp;rc:?s chest shield undershirt and doubio se:i!cd drawer, also all "lades in underwear. Our This morning Jerry Hitter's little 2 year old girl put her fingers into the wringer mid got them washed, the bone of tho thumb was broken. The Public Eyo Is what troubles many Publishihg tes timonials of cures, unknown is con demned by the Quaker Medicine Com pany and those who have occasion to use Balyeat's Fig Tonic for the blood and indigestion and Dr. Watson's New Spe ciuc Cough Cure are fuee to speak their experience. No cure, no 2)ay required. Price 50c and $1. For sale by the fol lowing druggist. W. .1. "Waurick. The continuous decrease of crime ia England is very remarkable. So recently as lfGO theprisons contained no less than 11,000 convicts. In July last there w ere only 7,-1-11. What is also very interesting ilie education act marked the turning point in tho history of crime. Since the pa?sage of that act tho decrease of crime has been steady. A Military Revolt in China. The Chinese frontier town of Dub lashan was a short time ago frightened by a mililary revolt. Four officers, with one general, were killed, and three forts set on fire. The commander-in-chief fled to the lakes. The panic was indescriba ble. Although the mutineers had not touched anybody or anything in the city the entire population took to flight and the governor of the neighboring Russian posts made ready to meet an attack if the Chinese should pursue the townsfolk. But they did not. They seized all the provisions and every cent of money they could find in the barracks and decamped. Chicago News. Swiiullcrs of China. Tlie native merchants of China are said to be inveterate swindlers. A foreign dealer at Tientsin recently contracted for 1,500 bales of camel's wool, guaranteed free from dirt and sand. Whtn the iirst installment had passed through the clean ing machine 35 per cent, of its gross weight was found to be sand and gravel, and besides that the wool had been wet to make the dirt stick in and also to make it heavier. Foreign Letter. Cutting: California in Two. A scheme is on foot to make two states out of California, the lower half to be called Cor onado. The new state could begin life with a population of ir3,000, a property valuation of 6 100,000,000. and 27,000 square miles of territory. Chicago News. I'orce of Heat and Cold. The amount of force exerted by heat and cold in expansion and contraction of metal is equal to that which would be required to stretch or compress it to the same extent by mechanical means. ROCKWO0D HALL, MONDAY EVENING, NOV. 14. DR. O'LEARY, OX TI1E STOMACH AND LIVER. Eating. Drinking, Digestion, Dyspepsia, Heart-burn. . V aterrbrash, Biliousness, Headache, Yellow Eyes, Xuddy Skin Extensively Illustrated, Dissections of Stomach, Liver. Bowels &c. Circulation of the Blood Cold Hands and Feet Dizziness, Whirling of Head, Nightmare, Dropsy, Bloating, Sudden Death &c. Dissections from the Manikin. Admission, - . 10j. Children under 1, - 5o - I j.i ii. K' r.c. s.r) i'ii 111 i.S '..- . . C.i". l '.Ml li7 7; i. . 75 127, 71 13- . S'. lt.l , 1 ii Hi. llh 137: Mo is:' :. iS l :. mi . 02 1 K: ('.- 3.7 !'!! 1IM', 1!'.' 7i i' Ol'.' M ! lis lTOi ).". 12.-1 l.C: . iMij '.'.7 !71 11:: : u. in : i2!i 7o' l 2 I ,' i l-o. 71 : U p.i' K7 li'7 f.7 IT la; 0 hC. '.'7 1:71. 11 111"' . 111.. 1 '-: 11: !' 11 f. 4 li 4 4 I 13 4! 17 15 112 li:-.; t-c; 7'J C.t 7i , ::i; 11 4 ' 4 1! 12 17 241 12:: i li: , 2e ' k:i' 2007 1 1 ! 7.7 102 il'.KIG i:h;o' 2i-i-'-i;-; : i i7 in the Ring. - rt.-... .... o m . tie US ' -Xarr f Donblo hfld kidney y If mmm , Will outwear Pl t wjmrf Wj. -LLiriiLii LJliiUU liLLo, prices and "nods will i.!ear.:e tou. C. E. WESCOTT, UW'-JW v ivllder "Will J. Warrick v n:ts everybody to call and settle their account by c.-imi or note at once. -Itd&w2t -Ileal estate and ab:i'.rar.f dtf W. S. Wisi-:. Hon. H. V. Grady The Statesman, !Sciu!ar r.nd True American, st-t an example worthy of re flection for all True Aiucricu..;. ileal";::" wounds that no im : :: i.t tin used by Heaps' Citiin.-iioraKd Arnica Salvo which is sold on its r'.;s lor any use that a salve can I e u -d. No cum-, 1:0 pay. For sale by the fo'i-j v. ir.g drug gist. Price 2oc prr b x. W. J. Wahwck t-icy Fcr Saio. Three hundred tons of hay for su:e for cash, either delivered ( i- 011 the giound. Leave orders with M, 13. Mi:rpliy Jc Co. store L. Stnll. 42 m 1 Cometh!n.'j Crimp- Felt slippers 58c, worth 75c Felt slippers, lenth. r 50c The best felt slippt r cL v.-. i t!; C-l.x'5. Men,s felt boots :. v.ji-th k,50. Men's best felt bouts C.50, worth Men's 1 ubber boots s:j. woitli n:5. Men's whole stock i d.;s -2 worth S'2.75. Men's calf boots v.50. worth -:;.-". Women's oil grains!:!- vv. worth 62.5i. lied Cross school sl.tr-s. the best school shoes made. Buy your next shoes a!; the new s.hoe store in Carruth's baiMiiv..'. d tfv wl. T. I f. PlHLI.llvs. Two Sensible Ladicc. One that f-tudics he::!th lie fore vanity and one that docs n. t believe all she reads or hears. Practical experience is every day teaching that the words given with Dr. Watson's Srecifie Cough Cure, is practically relieving tho physicians from advising a hopeless ease of Con sumption a change of ci.'mat.: necessary, to be left to die aiiicnir stangi-rs. Tho Specific Cough Cure 1 warrant vd. if di rections are carefully complied with, to relieve, if not cure, tho worst arid must hopeless cases the wo. 1.1 r.v. Piie. 50c and $1. For sale by W. J. "Warrick. -OF- -L 10.37" CALL I- Cor. 12th and Granite Streets. Contractor niul Bullucr Sept. 12-Cm. Dr. C. A- Marsha rresenatif)n -f iiatr.rwl a spr.-i .ltj-. Teeth txtraclcil ivithvut pain ! j v.-c f I.aujhir.rj All work warranted. Prices reasonable. Fitzgerald Clock, rLAiTj.iiouTH,KEiJ. I ; 7? -3 'j 2 77: 2; H .2 2i hi Mo 7Ji 2 1 02, Hi 4 i.'. or. i l fc-. r.i' ii !.. .,i M7! 1 : v; W 1 a.' In.- ... : :. Ill' !' or. j i' loo lin: J ; 117 ;! til ion 41 7i lo.. . i :j uv 4H ?: t;i; hi 3 t? 41; 2' f.r. 3; 2 :'. .!....': o7, :.! 2 C'.' Si 2 u; no . ! '.'' i h ..... 123 '.mi i ml a 12" 2 U2 .:;: j . ijv k,! iu i tot;, l .. . ion inoj y 75 vjr t ;-. 77' ! 77. 0.7. -! 77 1 7'.'l '.! i Mi tl lo.li Dili 4! h' 117 1: I hs 2' j i'l! ! K7 loo 11 i'a llo!... :; 77: lll.'i : H-.. 7 ! -.; 100 ! '.'' I li!-: 111. j ii- jo no 1 1 i2i; it'6j in ; v.r. U 11 17-.ii 20 :; : l.;:j j ic; 6i 10 4 ; 1:1 In.-., 01 K7 ! ft l.')3 l;.2. .", l?$i, j I.'.' 4 lr.l I I. & 122. 4 ; loo 122 4 1211 11.0 r, , 110! ni 7 111 1 110 111 7. 1 ic 115 7 101 -. i ; II ,: 7h! 13 113 1 , 111 7:i 14 j 114 70 13 .7S 73... 70 f-r.: ....'. 73 7-: Mi... .'.j 72 50. . . '.'! 4; 12- toj -1' 12:i... j' Hit; 711 i I 67 121 4 00 1 l! il! i.V (,' Ml 4 ; ll C.'.'i 12' h5 67 12 n:3 it;; ;::.c. ss. i 2; ... 271! r.- 20-: ion n-s 15 l'.iiT 18.-.':: Hi 2140 1070' hi 2!.u3 2') 2U'fi':ii VjC'.HW VJ'-'J OeS j ; - - 1 I ' - : - i J j . I - I 101! I ,1 .:;-j' I : ."ir.n I r."-' 1 : I i:iii C2! 117 l-.i l! 13) .1 lo1 3 r.:i , w; 3 : i 37 1 2 f..V l.V)' 2 '4, 112! t 7iii r,y 75: I2i 4 y- in!... ill. 100, K 17X iiSi 4 83' 101 i 3 H ia.-.' 7 10.: H2i l., '.'. . us'. .. ill :-b! Hi;' c-ji y-, loy. 1 - ll i2: ir,:.i 17' OS 10 h'i '' ln7' 10 74 5R: 121' i'.2' i 4 : 1)1 : ji;j 4 U ' ho r.4 li i 1 ; 231 i 120 1 Li ! 21:51 1. Jl lHS 131,0 !- I i Sj 1 M It l own - Jeweler? - $to y J1 Wins, Clicks, JowiiirF, ilw fare, Wnm Mi GOLD PENS, OPTICAL GOODS, And everything in the way of Jowi-lry iiave purchas-l it i.irg.i- steel; of ;iie ab.ive l .-.n.-d -u:.ils fur the i-dining holiday trade, h:c li We piopose to at n.volial lit prices and will endeavor to di-ci usit Oi:'iIia prieis 0yo. Ow Spools of WLTOSTZiS ic Ccmplots, And can nut be execlll. 'c, have in ftock watcli mov( Hu nts of the lincst males, ueii as the Howard, Waltham, Elgin, Kampden, Springfield, Columbus, Aurora, And many other makes, encased in the h st of gold, coin si! y. r. ni !:el. siJ vcrinp, -silverore, sdveiide and sil-.a roio. We a!,.o J.;, , ; f .,0i,l silver and plated spoons, etc., v.i.it h will I..; hold at low pii; m. Dl9'"-Xov is il!i)fj I,, -: -I c -c-.t y.u;:- C';-riti,,; ,-. uv. a-nl;, wii!o our stuck is so comj.ioto. Ottr ;r-' !; mv ail i.cw umi of hit; :-i uo:,i"iis. p ATI? 'V 0 '? .. '- - ' ? ' South Side Main Street. 1 3 T I i s t - - r 1 r-' s i cU IC l v j j v v i s 1 v , , 1 ) ij, y y tw f As the HolMay S:ion U iic-m- nf h-u. 1. :!!id 55uV. ,t;i: ,jM, j,eat h:nc lor th;so La-lies wlu, hxtvyi (Lent . In Art K;!,n.i(lorv nnd !,vlllT ee,,!e YvorV' w; -h;lH "'-''v:ys t. -i.;'vi; l, fj,-,,,. u ni-ik thi eek. Ur.r stock 1,oin-i,ov.'(-o.;,r!,;.-; I:: ;;'! ;.;,.;!;:, ya xvouhl hut. gc-st to l:.v in your supply now. as k(,o,r i.i!!(! v.il! l;u Un.kZn and it will be dilucult to mtitch Sli-.!o; f .!o:-!it a--;. Remember this Sale Is for ihis Week Only. vna. jwnrwja.-. urn ia Single and Split Z-phyrs Only ::iv.: Cents an Ounce. Arascne, 2ac doz. Skeins. PFIilin;; sill; 2rc dcz Skeins. CheiiGllo, o. I :)0c doz j Vh fic-ss JfV- Chcnello, 2 lb 25c i! ': I l-i:ir:" SiP; Embroiu'iy silkiOcdoz spools ? Jh-i ? ;-:ik ,;(;t. a k Good Quality Knitting silk 25c a Ball. Angora V,rool 15c IJall. Eider Down 37?,c Pompadour "Wool 15c'-' OUR STOCK OF CAXVAS C)MI'i:iSES EYKIIYTJILVG New & Novel in the Line. Boucle Cheuelleinall colors.pI(.t:1iiic Silk in all Colors. Alohair Wool Macrame Cord Linen riourishin- thread-' OUR STOCK OF METAL 01 PLUSH ORNAMENTS - lO livilVt l- UEMEMU.LR TliESiU I'iaCES a, e for ibi, V ;-: r a is TLe same quality of ?ods 10 rccr.t cheaper than any Louse Weet ot the Mississippi. A ih never be undersold. Cull and convinced. can be found (.;:: ua li s. lected sWk. Wc JOV EY I.LOCK l-ahy Ho.-s liOc- Skein p.Ii:Iiii;;it (iermantown 20c. C-rewei Varn.s oOc doz. Clieiielle Co:'ds " Tinsel Cords it j Embroidery Cotton it cnly. 0 n H-J l tfw v - r- . nH HUH i k 0 Lihl I'.f. It ; i: f v ... .