The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, November 10, 1887, Image 4

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    Till-: IMILY 11EUALD, 1'LATfsMOtlTll, .NEBUASIvA, Tl t U JiS 1A V, iS; ( VKMlUSK lo, 1867.
gjljc piattsmout!) Dail llcraU)
publishers & Proprietors.
A Salisbury DcntlEt, In Iloc k
vrootl IIullllii?
K. IL Todd was in Omaha yester
Prof. Zolin and wile- were in wiuh
- C. Ti. Graves, of Itock liluiTs, was in
the city to-day.
Kd. Carslyle, of Centre, was in the
city last night.
W. II. Ncwtll made a flying trip to
Omaha last evening.
Chas. Whitney, Dr. Livingston and
A. W. White were in Omaha to-day.
"A l.
Children' and boys' fur caps Bold
elsewhere at $1,50 can lie bought at S.
& C. Slayer's for DO cents
.-,00 dozen fulled mitts and scarlet
brown, Hold elsewhere at 40c. can be
bought for 25c. at S. & C. Mayer's
The street railway is progressing
ami the cars now make regular trips from
the corner of Main and th streets.
George Kogerrt, a hotel clerk at
Council Bluffs, has fallen heir to $53,000
by thedcuth of an uncle in Portland, Ore.
The Saint Lukes' Guild will give a
concert at Fitzgerald's hall to night
- which will be followed with dancing.
w;n T AVWw Ic wants everybody to
call and settle their account by cash or
note at once. 4td&w2t
Mrs. Elizabeth Davis, of Hillsdale,
Iowa, who hai been visiting her son Meek,
of Eight Mde Grove, returned to Iowa
this morning.
The county attorney of Pottawatamie
county, Iowa, at Council Muff, has im
paneled a grand jury and will investi
gate charges of vote-buying.
The best thing for Gov. Oglesby to
do to-day and to morrow is to do noth
ing but stand still and see the fulfillment
of the laws.
Dr. O'Leary's lecture at Itockwood
hall last evening, was very instructive
and interesting and was delivered to a
fair audience.
- -Scarlet underwear sold elsewhere at
75c., can be bought for 45c.; all wool
scarlet underwear sold elsewhere at $1.50,
can be bought for $1.00 at S-& C.
Mrs. M. L. Cafferty, of DeWitt,
Neb., arrived in the city this morning
and will spend several days here visit
ing her son and daughter, Mr. 13. S , and
Miss Minnie Cafferty.
The young ladies of the Presbyterian
church and Sunday school are requested
to miH't at Miss May Cranmer's rooms on
Saturday at 2 o'clock to make arrange
ments for the carnival.
Lost. A dark red cow, spotted white
on right side, two white feet, small horns,
tip of tail white. Any iuformatinn con
cerning the whereabouts of such animal
will please be left at this office, d & w
Miss Mattie Vickers and company
presented the play "Jacquine," at the
opera house last night to a very good
audience. The entertainment was ex
cellent and those present speak very high
ly of Miss Vickers' stage qualifications.
Those who can appreciate a really
jrood lecture, should attend Dr. O'Leary's
lecture on the Urain and Serves, at
Rockwocd Hall this evening. It is well
worth listening to. "We say what we
know, for we have listened to th : Dr.
on this subject before.
The best sample of democratic re
form which has come to our observa
tion in the past three years is the fast
mail which plays between Plattsmouth
and Nebraska City. It only takes
twenty-four hours for a piece of mail
matter to come from Nebraska City,
while it only takes sixteen to comu from
Fou Sale On reasonable terms my
residence on the N. W. corner of Elm and
11th streets. Said property consists of
i block with a good story and n half
hcuse of six rooms, two wardrobes and
one pantry; good well and city water;
twenty-seven bearing apple trees, and an
abundance of small fruit of all kinds.
tf P. D. Bates.
MIssissipDl Shaken.
AmENs, Miss.. Nov. 9. A severe
shock of earthquake was felt at Corinth
Nebraska Postmasters.
"Washington. D. C. Nov. 0. The fol
lowing fourth-class postmasters in Neb
braska have been appointed: Joseph J.
Campbell, Druel, Keith county, vice,
Drary "W. Airman; Bennett JSeymorc,
North Loupe, Yalle county, vice, Roman
II. ralmer.
Has filled many a i-rave. If an in
valid suffering from Consumption will
use Dr. Watson's New Specific Cough
Cure and follow his directions it will
cost him nothing if he is not Wncfitted.
Price 50c and $1. For sale by "Will J.
Th Wedding of Charles H-Collins
and Miss Alice Jean a
Brilliant Affair. 3S3
At noon to day a large congregation
of friends assembled at the M. H. church
to witness tha wedding of Charlas II.
Collins and Miss Alice Jean, both well
known and respected in Plattsmonth
At 12::J0 when the friends were all
assembled and waiting, the brides and
groom entered the churc h, marching up
the aisle took their stand litforc the of-
liciting minister, Hev. W. 15. AloxanUer.
and the ceremony was performed, Messrs
T. 11. Reynolds, J. A. Davis, G. R. Chat
burn and A. It. Knotts olliciating as
Miss Jean was elegantly attired in a
light cream colored surah silk, cut en
train, with a white gau. J veil, a wreath
of beautiful cream colored r.js?s. and a
llDdlU t O f the same in her hand. Mr.
Collins was attired in a lino
suit with Prince Albert coat
Mai k dress
a fiv.r tlw ,rrn nnitv of friends had
come forwad and extended congratula
tions and good wishes to the weddet
coui.h:, a number of intimate Iriend:
and relatives accompanied the bride and
groom to the home of Nelson Jean, father
of the bride, several miles south of
town, in carriages which were in waiting,
and here a bountiful repast was
dulired in.
The IlKiiAM) extends congratulations
with other friends,' to the couple, wish-
ing then long life and happiness
Lingg.the Chicago Anarchist Blow
His Head to Pieces.
The finding of the six loaded bombs
ia Anarchist Lingg's cell Sunday whicl
,..c,.,l mnrli cx.-itcnient and vanee
c nmc-nt and theories, and the intendee
use of which was decided not to have
bji n suicidal on the part of the anarchists
was certainly this morning proven to 1 e
;e !,.-. mKt rflhibb telerrrams c:in It
JJI U I' 1 - - - - C
trusted for the truth. This morning Dr.
c..i:.i.ri. riTPlvpil fi teleirram from
Omaha, stating that the news had jus
been received at Omaha of the suicide of
anarchist Lingg, by blowing his head to
nieces with a loaded bomb.
The number of men to be hanged to
morrow numbered seven and the six
bomls found and the one Lingg used
makes seven, so it must be true that the
.nr,.!iwU ;t-iul((l cheating the "allow;
auiiivui'' tj
bv takiti" their own medicine as soon
thev became aware that clemency would
not be granted, and Lingg becoming dis
pouraifcd and having the only weapon
!((. .,,r.,;tt rl bis last act on earth
leavin" his companions to their fate.
n.i T.l.irk vrsterdav made his last
appeal before Gov. Ogles
,bv for clemency.
presenting petitions and pleading in per-
son fOP the lives ot the scAen into
List of Letters
Remaining unclaimed, in the Postoflice
at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, Nov !, 1S37
for the week ended Oct. 21):
Anderson, Meritt
Boy J. J:r
Brown, Jea
Bri-ijie. Wm
Coh. Kobei t I.
Gibson. Mrs J.Tary M
Gul;ion, William
Hisgins. M 11
lir.l. Frank
Hall, Win K
Ji.'.'nson. Mrs Mary
I.ituv.-ich, Harris
Loiiij. ViV-;on
Miinon, .Miss Nellie.
Mil!i-y. Mrs. John
Morel. K. G.
Vu'ii OaviilJ.
OilxTii. AVillii:m
I'eiisull. K. V.'.
slnnt. M;s Sary B.
Sulivaii, N. 5.
SKiof.i.T, Hiram
Smith, Mr. E1U
Smith. W. B.
Alfore, J M
r.aiker. Mrs Matilda
Bailey, Chas H
t'aro, Sol
Cook. Mrs J A
Gohlina, Isaac
Howard. Mr Mattie
Hosart .las
Jlanton. Mr l'l ankie
leu son, Mr
Kenn.ird, Mrs 'J P
Jouis, Gtortre
Murih.v. Mi3 Olana::
MoOoralil, Mr.
McCawlcy. Joe
Key ion. Havid
Obi iue, Teter
I'fi ifer, Kioli
KoMrts, Mrs. Vina
Smith, Hubert S.
Kiiii h, Ni ison A,
Svino::, r. J.
Schrumpf, Christian (2)
S.'i ith, T.
Wat --on, Charley
Tvircll. Henry
Young. E. E.
Persons calling for any of the above
letters will please say "advertised."
J. N. Wise, P. M.
Plattsmouth Markets.
Nevember, 10 lb7
Wheat No. 2, 4S.
" 3 40.
Corn, 2 27.
Oats, 2 18.
Kvt-, 2 3.-,.
Tsiilc-y, :jo.(i":3.-5.
lio-s $3.80 1.00.
ritP sa.ooc'a.oO.
ti ton,l.nrv ot the market is down
Something Cheap
Felt slippers 5Sc, worth 73c.
Felt slippers, leather sole oOc.
The best felt slipper 1, worth $1.23.
Mcn,s felt boots $-2, worth $2.50.
Men's best felt boots $2.50, worth $3.
Men's rubber boots $2. worth $3.
Men's whole stock boots $2 worth $2.75
Men's calf boots $2.50. worth $;1.23,
Women's oil urain shoe $2, worth 42.50.
Red Cross school shoe, the best school
shoes made.
TSnv vonr next shoes at the new shoe
, - j j
store in Carruth's building.
d tf. wl. T. IT. PniLMFS.
Real estate and abstracts.
dtf "W. S. "Wise.
Hay For Sale.
Three hundred tons of hay for sale for
ensh, either delivered cr on the ground.
Leave ord -rs with M, B. Murphy & Co.
store IaSIuIL 42 mi
Onl v One Democrat is able
to Withstand Hie
And Lleiljd Every Man Hut One,
Tho lnt. nrcf int. Tinton. was heard
- - 7 - 1
from this afternoon and she comes to the
front with a republican majority for every
candidate. Majorities from that precinct
are reported as follows: David A. Camp
I.aII C.r ti-iirrr 1 7. which Swells his
majority to from to 500; W. H. Pool,
f dopds 2(. which jnves
him a total majority of about loO; Bird
Cntehiield, for county clerk, 20,
which gives him a majori
ty of :)0; Calvin Russell, for county judge
30, giving him a majority of about 330;
ir T Kiivi.ri.r for clerk of the district
- - o "
court 2G, giving him a majority of 18;
J. C. Eikeubary, for sheriff 24, giving
him a majority of about SO: Maynard
Spink, for county superintendent,
rriulnrr liim 51 ''Odd maioritv: Henry
C . o - - ,
Cceck. for coroner 29, giving him a ma
jonty of 300; George Young, for county
bommissiouer 19, which leaves him be
hnA his bmorratic onnonent, Louis
Foltz, by about 100 votes. Mr. Foltzbe
in"- the only democratic official elected
on the county ticket, A. Madole, rcpubli
for rnniitv suvovor liatl no
regular opposition.
This victory is so complete as to com
pletely squelch all democratic enthusiasm
out of that party in Cass county, and the
elected the best ticket
over placed in the field in Casscounuy
The official count of the vote of the
county w ill be made as soon asthebollots
are all in and not till then can the exact
table of votes'be published.
a wire ror waKofulness.
Many a middle aged man who is in the
habit of going to bed after eating a hearty
meal i.-i puzzled when ho finds himself waking
up i:i tho small hours of tho morning, day
after dav, and unable to get to sleep again.
He knows that this wakefulness is unnatural,
but it never occurs to him that it is duo to
hi-: stomach. It took me several years, dur
ing which I lost mouths of sleep, to find this
ouT, but now I know it. If thu victim of in
somnia whom I have described will rise from
his bod when he wakes and drink a pint of
water lie will go to sleeo again immediately,
and will notwak-j agaia until his ordinary
hour. Mai. E. H. Foster in UiolxvDeniocrat.
Apotlieo.sU of Paper.
We know it -would come. Tho announce
ment lias been made that a pajier coffin ha3
been invented and put upon the market. A
ma?i may now build his house of paper, cat
his dinner from paier plates, wipe his faco
with a iMiixir handkerchief, buy his wifo a
pauer piano and goto his grave iu a paper
coiiin. Tho coffin may be paid for with a of paiH?r and the death published on
another piece. There are few things more
useful than paper. Philadelphia Record.
Tho Smoked Ilerriiigr Monopoly.
The island of Grand Manan is the home of
cut and dried monooly that would be bard
to match. Grand Manan puts up annually
more than 1,000,000 boxes of smoked herring,
and controls tho market.
is tho paradise of newspaper
How to prevent ami enrr Headache. Neural
gia, Fidgets', Hysterics. Paralysis. Nerveous
ness. Debility, Backache, Sleeplessne3, Hal
lucination. Insanity an! other nerveons dis
orders. Extensiv.ely illustrated with Skeletons
Humpback Skeleton. Sku'ds f Men and Aci
mals of Gorillas Models oftheHumsn Br.iia.
Kerve?, ar.d Spinal Chord. A new ;:nd very
fine r.alvaiiie Butrery, and a bit' ing and
Weighing Machine, and a Ur:;- ins Machine,
all free to thoie who v. i -li to aniUFe themselves
and try their po wer of nerve and mm vie.
Bojs, to Secnre Attention,
A 1$elt of Hulil'orous Deposit l'uro Rock
halt I'rpixT I'irld.
One of tho visitors to the minos explained
to Mr. Kly that there wiw u U It, of saliferous
deposit in Louisiana extending from liK.sicr
and Hieiivil'.' parishes, alvo K.-d river, to
the Gulf. Tho largest of tlieso deio.-uts up
Itars to ! tti beds of nncicul exhausted
l:ikes. Salt springs wtro known to on
l'etito Anso island from the cutr!ic.:t. 'ato, but
the works wi re abandoned until tne bt K-kado
luring tin? war raised the prico of salt w
high in the !J.utLn rn stat s that JIajor Avery
reopened tiiefii for I he u-e of the Confeder
acy. It was at t hi-i t ime that ho caijio uuex-
pectfliv upon tlit- enormous stiiitum of jiure
r-K-k s;dt, v.!:i:-h underlies the soil. lake tho
i:-iard of )i i:n:;:, in t!. l'ersian gulf, Petite
Aiss.r is appnreni ly oni v a niige rm-it in sail.
The mines have now been, in opi ration
about twenty years. The salt is excavated in
l:.rge masses by blasting with dynamite. It
is so pure that it is prepared for tho market,
not by melting and it 'lining, as in the Eng
lish mines, but simply by grinding into the
ivquisite grades of fineness. The nativecrys
tals di tae'i I by Masting are as clear and
translucent as gla;si. -Mr. Ely went down into
the mine, i.:.d wandered through its far re
treating corridors, h) pillars and lofty
arches rfmiii- with a s;.'ft silvery ra'isnv.
When the lights of tl'.etei-ehi-s strui-k into the
darkness overiiead, th-? domes li;uhcd back
wii-.Ji splend'.rs of color that it seemed to
Mr. Eiy r.s if had ( l.tered one of the caves
underground where the lrolls have storeil
all the jewel.; of the world.
"This is all a surprise time,' said ono of
the isii or.. a stoiii jrofcsor from some col
lege in Intiianu as he stei ped ll.e ele
vator into the upper air. "i actually did not
know there was a mine of s-alt in tho l-muil
'And yet," said their guide, quickly, "you
have no doubt u;;ed our bait o:i yoar table for
yeai-s. We ship it to every large town in iho
north and west.
This little island of Fetite Anse furnishes
pepper as v. e;i as salt to our uiuies. louasco,
or the dist :1k d 'ayennt, dear to tho hcarcs of
goursuuii'Is and chc-fs, is manufactured hero
out of a wil l pepper jicculiar to Louisiana.
Two r three liviils 1 roiluco enough of tne
cultivated pods to send their essence to all
rarts of this country and to Europe. It i:i
one of tho liuiulicrks minor iudui tries -nhii-h
have sprung into life throughout the south
siui-e the war, and which hint at tho strength
and vitality of that long sterile soil. Re
becca. Harding Davis in IJurix'Fs Magazine.
A 3Iass of Ambergris.
Tho fact thp.t a schooner, which had ar
rived at Gloucester, had picked up ofT CajKi
Sabla a mass of air.b'.rgris, weighing V21
pounds, hr.s started iiiouiry as to tho nature
and market value of the substance. Its use
in Europe and tho United Myites is entirely
confined to perfumery, although it formerly
occupied no inconsiderable place in medicine.
In the east it is u.-ed 1:1 plii-niK'.cy and as
flavoring material in cookery. Its value is.
from $18 to i:: per ounce, according to
quality. It is a solid, fatty, milammable
substance, of dull gray or blackish color, the
shades being variegated like marble, and
possessing a peculiar sweet, c-arthy odor.
This substance is lormrd m the mtcstines
of tho spermaceti wh:i! , lvi:ig morbidly se
creted, and l'.oats on the water. Vcsiwls pick
ii up in the At 'untie ocean, on tne coasts of
Brazil Madagascar, on the coast of
Africa, East Indies, China, Japan, the Ba
hama Islands and sometimes on the North
American coast. The largest lump ever
heretofore found weighed 182 pounds. Tho
whales in which it Las boon discovered were
either dead or much waited, and evidently in
sickly condition. Hut it is believed that
ambergris, from the position m wmeh it ex
ists and its chemical constitution, is a biliary
concretion anaiugous to what is found ill
other mammals. Boston Trr.nscript.
.Superstition on the Stage.
"There is as much superstition among ac
tors as there is among s;a!or.'-,v remarked a
member of the profession to a reporter.
'They forever on the lookout for signs.
and theso are construed into all kinds of
meanings. The placing of a chair on tho
stage in a peculiar position will bo taken to
mean something i:i connection with their suc
cess, while tho action of a single individual in
the audience will have a decided effect upon
their future course.
''It is while rehearsing a new play that tho
greatest amount of superstition is indulged
in with actors and managers.
'One of the most not iceable is tho effect of
the lines upon the members of the company.
If a laugh or even a same is provoked by tho
witticism of tho author it is regarded as a
bad omen f r the sueecs. of t lie piece. If a
pathetic pa .r.go causes a remark regarding
its licauty, the conclusion is at once reached
that the play will not bo a 'go,' and when tho
effect is ia tuo opposite direction their spirits
rise and tL.- V.vlk.C is entertained that all will
ho well wi'ii the play. There are probably
100 other signs upon which actors hang the
fato of themselves or the play to bo pro
duced' Philadelphia Bulletin.
Causes of Premature Ieatb.
lo:;t of those who dio between 25 and CO,
urdcFi they dia by accident, die by some in-disc-retion.
It is the over iadulycnco of appe
tite, or the neglect of food v.-hen needed, or
t!ic overstrain of business, or exposuro to
changes C)f temperatare without coi-respond-in'5
change of clothing. Most people of
thc:-x rss iiro co:i.:rio:u; of the error after it
has been made, or ethers are conscious of it
for them. "Without undue captiousness wo
can note changed conditions, and adapt our
selves thereto. Multitudes die prematurely
by reason of an indiscretion which might
havo been ca ily avoided. It is intelligent
caution that saves sickness, and this caution
ought to Le in poscsiion ar.d exercise before
middle life. It is so much easier to prevent
serious sickness than it is to secure recovery
from it. II. ace it is that so many that aro
deficient i:i vigor iu early life outlive the
vigorous una tne carc-iess. Necessity com
pels them t i study their changing conditions
of health, and so teaches them the benefits of
adaptiveness to conditions and circumstances.
Ziot a Good Memory.
For some reason. I don't know why, people
expect to hear sensational testimony when
ever Im put on the stand in a political case.
But they don't hear it for a very good rea
son: I am so jeculiarly constituted that in a
political campaign I never remember a trans
action in which i am concerned for twenty
four hours afterward. I never write letters,
I always bum those I raceive, aud I don't
make notes in a memorandum book or diary.
"Politician" in Globe-Democrat.
Advice to a Son.
"My son," said a careful and observant
father, "live an honest life and you will pre
serve your self respect, though you may fail
to win the respect of others. Cut if in an
evil hour you should deviate from the path
of rectitude, struggle to escape detection un
til you have salted down enough money to
purchase justice. Don't make a mistake and
take too little; justice comes high." New
York Tribune.
Town - Jewelery - Store.
Mies, Clocks, Jewelry, Hollow Ware, Diamsod Jenelry
And everything in the way of Jewelry can be found in our well Bclcr ted stock. Wo
have purchased a larje stock of the above mimed tfoods for the cominif
holiday trade, which we propose to sell at reasonable prices
and will endeuvor to discount Omaha prices 20".
Our StocL: of WATCHES is Comploto,
And can not be excelled. We havo in stock watch uiovt-mrnU
of the finest makes, nuc h us tho
Howard, Waltham, Elgin,
Springfield, Columbus,
And many other makes, encased in the
silverore, silveridc and silycroid.
silver and plated spoons, etc.,
i.s the timo to select
stock is so complete. Our gUOiU are all new and of latest designs.
South Side Main Street.
s3?eoiaxj "V- Hi Truro in
Towel?, Quilts, Table Covers and Handkerchiefs.
Lot I Fancy IJorelerctl Towels, size l').3fi, at 20 each.
Lot II Fancy 1 ordered Towels, Knotted Fringe, size 111x38, 25c.
Lot III Handsome bordered and Knotted Fringe, eize 21x43 J, 50.
Lot IV Open work bordered and knotted fringe, size 22jx45, 50c
Tbese Goods are Solid Ileds and Solid Iteds with Jilack r WhiU
Borders and are extra good values in price and ejuahty.
5-4 at OOc each. 8 4 at $2.00 each.
(5-4 at 1.00 each. S-10 at 2.50
7-4 at 1.40 each. b-12 at 3.00.
White Toilet Quilts.
Our OOc Quit is 2 yds. wide and 2 long, Hold everywhere at $1.00.
Our Derby Crochet at 1.15, usually Pold at 1.50.
Our "Bates" at 1.25 is extra good value.
Our Bolton at 1.50 well worth 2.00.
Our Marseills at 1.50, 2.50,
kre n i
Lot I At 17c or C, for 1.00, worth 25c each.
Lot II At 25c, are Fancy Embroidered and are o;ood ralne at 3.
Lot III At 50c are Fancy Embroidered, worth 75c.
200 setts Linen cuffs and collars at 25c per sett, wortli 5'J..
One Door E. 1st National Bank.
- W eseott is Still in the Ring. -
,tat6mA rrf nt that fa will outwear J I to pate I
And doin business at the Old t.-;nd with a very complete line of Clothing and
Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Gloves, Etc.
"We sell congress chest shield undershirt and double seated, drawer,
also all grades in underwear. Our prices and goods will please ju.
C. E. WESCOTT, The "Boss" Clothier.
Ct n3rai Grant's
Fame will always grow brighter Wi
age. Balyeat's Fig Tonic requires on 7
a trial to illustrate whether the enfeblc
constitution will change to one of stou
or robust form and the ruddy jjlow 01
perfect health will appear where disease
ence was. No cure, no pay. Price 50c
and ?1, For sale by Will J. Warrick.
Pick out the picet, of Real Estate you
want and then call for j rice and terras
upon Windham & Davi' s. Over liauk
of Cass Co. 18tf.
best of iold, coin silver, nickel. silvriuf,
We also keep in stoc k n line of solid
which will be sold at low prices.
your Christmas presents while our
jkvj:y J1LOCK
i.1"' c uixiucu uai "n us.
rrmann 4
Hon. H. W. Gratfy.
The Statesman, Scholar and True
American, set an example worthy of re
flection for all True Americans. Healing
wounds that no methods except those
used by Heaps' Camphorated Arnica Salya
which is sold on its merits for any U6e
that a salve can be used. No cure, no
pay. For sale by the fallowing drug-
Price 2oc per box.
W. J. Warrick
Astrachan coats an . I vesta eold else
where at $18.00 and $21.00 can be
bought for $15.00 at S. & C Mayer