fill. ii gije-pittttsmoutlj Daily ilcratf) KUOTTS ?a IE2, O 3., Publishers 5c Proprietors. ,r-IKKA1LATTSMOTTTir- yr:iilIASKA- at:;j:da v, x)vemi.ei r,, isst. PERSONAL. A Nallsbury llcullet, In Rock wood Ilulldliig. Where to Worship. Catholic St. Paul's church, Oak be tween Fifth and Sixth, Father Carney, pastor. Services: Mass at 8 and 10::50 a. in., Sunday-school at VJiIiO with ben edict ion. Ciikistian. Corner Locust and Lighth Sunday school 9:!J0 u. iik. Eriscoi-AL. St. Luke's church, corner Third and Vine. llev. IL IJ. Kurgess, j)astor. Services 1 1 a. ni. and 7.:50 p. m. Sunday school 2:30 p. m. German Mktiioihst. Corner Sixth and Granite. Key. llirt, pastor. Services 1 1 a. in. and 7:'.i0 p. m. Sunday school ':C0 p. in. kkshtteiuan. Main between Sixth and Seventh, Rev. J. T. liaird, pastor. Services usual hours morning and evening. Sunday school U.iO. Fihst Methodist. Sixth street, between Main and Pearl. Iiev.W. 15. Alexander, pastor. Services 11 a. m. and 7:45 p. in. Sunday school 2::J0 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday andThuisday even ings. 1 human PuKSKYTKitfAx. Corner .Main ami Eighth, Rev. Witte, pastor. Ser vices usual hours. Sunday school O.-JiO a. ni. Sweedish Congregation a?,. Granite between Fifth and Sixth. Opera tonight. "We, Us & Co.' tonight. at the opera house The 11. & M. band discoursed sweet music for about an hour last night in front of Morrison & Thornburg's Ron Ton restaurant. The company to play "We, Us & Co." will arrive on the G:10 train this evening and will present the play at the opera house in grand style. 3lain street, and in fact most all the streets were very disagreeable to-Tay on account of tne dust. The sprinklers would do good service on such days. W. II. Raker held an auction sale at the opera house corner tin's afternoon of a portion of his household goods. He is preparing to remove to California. F. S. White acted as auctioneer. The sociable given by the V. W. C. T. L"., last evening at the home, of C. E. Wcscott was a pleasant success. The C. II. Parniclo returned from Cedar Creek to day. Capt. and Mrs. II. E. Palmer were in Omaha to-day. II. .J. Streight went to South Bend to-day. Mrs. Geo. Ilouseworth went to Omaha this morning. md Mrs. Judge C. Russell went to Weeping Water to-day for a two day' Visit, .Mr. A. nccson went to Louisville this morning, to look up evidence again a horse thief. Mrs. Moore, Mrs Lessie Hunt aiu " - r . . - w w jiiss J luiue Holmes were i)ar.senrers to Omaha this morning. O jjis. ij. n. JiurKe, ot .Lincoln, ai med this morning and is visiting at th home of her nephew, Mr. Frank She pp. uinu oiuitu, oi oinaini, jti, Messrs Ed. Lockwood and John Stewart oi c namon, lowa, are Tisihr.g Miss Orac Anderson. . TiiJ A mm T t ' , , Fulmer, Miss Julia Hermann and Mr: Roni.ely left for Omaha this morning I spend the da'. -Mrs. ii. 1 4. Austin returned thb morning from Evausville, Indiana. when fiic w. ijl some time ago to attend the wedding of her brother. Misses Edith MeGee and Till Ivnotts ot IiKlian.ola and Murray, Iowa. and J. I). Knotts, of Parral, Mexico, wen I.. I 1 . . . . 1 . . i. 1 . - .. ni iin; eir, i.asi ingm visum-- 1 lie proprie tor of the IIkkai.d. Mr. and Mrs. Lou Chalfant of Mis souri alley, wno have b-cn visiting fri- mis in Plattsnioulh for some time, returned home this morning accompanied by Mrs. James Kennedy. tO THEIR TASKS ACAIN. Tho noma for the Feble Minded at Beatrice a Poor Job. i lie oeaiiicu j-j-prtss complains very Ijitteiiy -against the loose i.nd careless manner m which the stone and morter to be used in building the stats home tor the feble minded at that place is bs ing heaped together. Tl e fallowing is clipped from an ar ticle in the J-J.rp reus concerning the structure: "In places, and there are many, the walls show gaping holes that it "is ex pected are to be tilled with mortar and rubble, stone, but which will detract rather than add strength and solidity. There is no uniformity in the cutting of th..- stone. Window caps and sills varygreutly iu 'thieknjss from end to cm t. The joints arc not broken and in places can be seen continuous seams run- parlors were filled to overflowing by nlnur irom the foundation to the water young people, and refreshments of cake ta,J c- aU(l cracks in the walls are hie vita- and coffee were served on shingles. The ! u -T " f- th,U '"""l ,. , 'ion .all which now oniv bears the l'iu"u" 111 iiveiy games anil weight of tlu partly cemphted will reflect credit on the young ladies of J structure is already cracked. Standing on the inside or the build ing one can look in any direction and se super- the union. A. O'Leary, M. D., who was here about five j-ears ago and gave such an interesting series of lectures on anatomy, pnysioiogy, liygene etc., arrived in this r i f r licf n'iii. 1 ii I t 1,. Ollt-, .1 t h;,t (.,,, nr t!, series of lectures on the same subject inch-s pf space is left for "backing up: next Wednesday evening which will be I and it looks as though the workmen. The Women of the Homo Mission ary Society Separate for Their Various Fields' SAUVf l-se, N. Y. Nov. 2. The con vention closed last night, Eoslon to be its next place of meeting. Bal timore sent a cardial invitation to have the n xt meeting held there and we had to li e. and "be counted" threj times be fore ,,e could tell which poitit had the pre if. rence. Mr - . Rutheford R. Hayes was again unanimously chosen jiresident, and Mrs. R. liust cor. sec. liu ingthe last afternoon session rrcet mgs -., ere received from Mrs. V. S. Grant and v grets that she could not bo pre -cut. Tii society has greatly enlarged upon its p! an of work nnd taken up new iklds. Thi:; year we will build an emigrant's in Castle Garden X. Y.. take up n Glasco, New Mexico and among lians in Colorado. r correspondent represented the of our frontier work which appeal people pledged to hear t! em. '.'ig in Brawn memorial ch-ipel in niuing also representing tiie we t :i Tuesday night in the First M. E. PLOKii3!l iC:i TICKET- ItOii., v.or! the I. Vr lleeii- to t: I-pe:,: the ; tie i chure For J. Rci," Uitti ict state T;c.'i;i-. ( of th- S;i(Jr .n: j C urt. i;. s. a i::o7. ot fl; v:.-.t - I-,,' -rsity. v. .;. i). Ni;. r.r.L. V. II. S. lilii'd.v. r s Si-con 1 .In.iii District. a i a c. ij!tt::!;::.j)er, c. iii;ii'tiic::v. i'"'-r (. In k. .' '..'ir;.!. cAtti.Vf.i-;. r'or i? ce:'il. .-. y l. tu;::: : 'i': e:e ur"r. A M. F For Sail F. P. i AY. lil'TCJIIXS. 1 or istruction eep. Clee Rw ye;;t id ;, Woman's Nome Missionary society :ded its interesting and pru'itahlo ; in Ii;3 city hist evening, but vr.ri- umittees were in secret seion i:i' 'nlght in order to cmiplete liuir o as to leave for their homes ei.rJy orning. A number of delegate inaiii in tovrn long enough to ac iiMnccllor Sim's invitation to attend - services in the L'uivcrsity io-dny. iiarles Bechman dismissed the co:i- l at the First M. with a prayer. E. church Nn- HIGH SCHOOL NOTES. the ronyh, ragged, and irregular surface of the most miserable specimen of mas onry that ever disgraced a community or state. Li places such large stones are used on the illustrated with maps, pictures, mar ikins and models. DrED. Charles Henry Farnsworth, of Elmwood, age 30 years, 2 mouths and 8 days, died .Vj?day, Oct. 30th, 18S7, at 4:15 p. m.,t-typhoid-malaria. fever ac companied with a general congestion, and was buried Wednesday at 11 in the Elmwood cemetary, services being con ducted at the Christian church by Elder ! .Sumpter, assisted by Rev. Rird and El der Cyrus Alton. This morning just before train time a Herald representative while waiting eoni ractors are not held respcn-ible by a on the depot platform heard a "Teat -'ufii eient bond, let it be placed in hands hubbub and loud talking in the b.v"'arre that se5Mire tli0 completion of the i , . o structure as it should be. room and stepping around that way ht. -i e e i - i ii o lI,al " Mr. C. A. Sweet of this cirv. who is found an excited traveling man s -ntcd superintending the work, when his at tri: on a box, talking in an emphatic manner tion wis called to certain def-cts in th to a few bystanders. A few mom'ii's of const ruction, admitted that su -h existed, patient listening disclosed the fact ihat J-xced himself and .the contra. -:ors ,-,,, bv s iriiiir that the siiecifieati ns c .-diet; the man had called at the post oiffco for for oieh work, nnd said that Mr. F. M. his mail. Driseoll. tho architect. v.-:ik to blam for them. Re tliit as it mav. soriibody i- certainly at f.inlt. and the E-ore. calls for -in investigation that the blame may I fk t -.T -.-..-. fl TT-li. rn if lif .1 .- ii rv3 o:..1 tlio r.mi . -j - . v i jw .iw..;--, itiii 111. i.iii- edy if there is any, applied." nor Having stone ot the reou;-ed size at tian.l, have used linck ior tue purpose set on edge. Again, who ever saw or heard of a contractor carrying uo one side of th w.tll of a building at a time, ;:s Lonve 'i' Krone are here doing i L'st:a-.l of excavating to the same depth ail around the building for th foundation, in places thesam.' describe.- an absolute step up. What does this create hut a weak spot that is sure to create a crack in the wall? Th:? half cannot lie told of trie un soundness of the work and needs 1." seen to be even faintly understood. Stop too work at once, and it Tv, months of school have passed and the ti chers are once more made happy by tie advent of pay day. I have some times wondered if our Plattsmouth s teach merely for the money or if re philanthropicall inclined and lie rising generation for the love ar them. Rut, be that as it may, is needed to keep the teacher ist as much as it is needed by auy other -ei.-ifs of people, and till they (the tear-In ;) are generally the most poorly paid ...r their wook, considering the time ry to qmuify themselves for the of the position. The carpenter s his three and four dollars a day, eklayer receives live and six dol V'ou may say these are skilled lu , so is the teacher a skilled laborer, e best business man 3011 have in the school room for one day iirst priman-, if you choose and it would be the effect. He would .- another day for 20. And still her is expected to remain there ter clay ami mouth, alter month g away her strength and patience .nere pittance. And further by ing Plattsmouth with other towns iate I find our teachers are anion- rest paid. Why is this? Are we to properly educate our children ? or pay certainly means poor teach L consequently po'or schools. I 'ten wondered how the Platts ichools have attained such a high song the schools of the state when persistent in paying poor sala lie only theory I can give for this act that the town is fortunate i;i g one of the ablest of men as its .endent. teach they teach they mo:i' al i ye nect lec.i the 1 ort 1 i'ut t town n tue ee w! 1 j r he t lay ; Weal i 1 or tOlDV. in tie tiie p. too l.t Fop els : ll IV. . liioii! : r.i;:': : she u ries. is the ri-l-di ' At a ie - ... 1 -.; :,; . , national . ...;-.:. im.. .. ; lowing 1 ,. vlrj. .. a v, s- r.t to ti. ; i.f ;h,- mittccs: ( ii am; . .:. ' N o v. . . iu of .. Velitioii. of local i. . . ; CullVCllti-. . ...1;: 1 . oeeii seen ; .. . ! ; city com: ' . :. . have bet" . ., : . illt'llts to ,:.e.;. '.. !!, s -.". the adva: e-i i eb ine; ; fore the t . As a j): . -.ry : ; (fj(. take the . .-i. e. ;., appeal to . ee . : , call your.. s'o ti. fo'.'c Oinali ; --" : :n tii. center of a.;.! te every -om r tie- . twelve tr: . - ,' ..!., .- 112 passe 1 b: . a..--. ing cii eh- . e !'" :i ail who n :. : i :r. ! r- turn. W ' . 10 if,-..-i el 000 Onial -. . y is ib? b. in the we: wit', te ii, : 1 oulevai;-' . 1 ij.:' !-" -. o-ie i I somest cit' ' A;:: ""'ee, A facilities r ' e . . ...o-bi 'ov. ' may come " ' ; " ,' ) position I' " v. ! "1: 1 ii, v the iirint-i :! .'u.teV, v di : .. people. The pre -e .f : ' , will he pr -i -1 ! . tie; ;i mitt at its : . ::.b, r iv-.-i' von desire - : - v. 'will 1 e f : ' ; , 7 wit!; p hope you v. T: nve (o.--. co esidi rat' -.. .- :v '': .: ! hear from oa tbe v.r ', respectful :v. lb lb DAKIEL II. WlTEMT.Ei:, tho a .zno f the Om-- : e the foi . e .1 ordered . end com- MfA, I'eb., .10 xpub- state eon- in lavor i.-pu'iiH-an . 'lUe.-st has trade and mir.iittecs nrrange--. and place .'maha be- rmimittee Individual ; -peefully .'.'ing facts: eraphieal . a cc s.ilile .e.ry. Tlu with their :ei depart- : eiiities to ii-f conven- over 100,- .-tve'.l city d streets. tiie uanct- .ple hotel v all wl o The ex- blocks of e.. .t 10,000 a in detail iial com ;:-. Should " 'iiwhile it . ere. We : favorable i eas d to : . Yours M "!AY, Chairman Wana make F HI fvAD lv T V Hi: A , F EK'W- Brown, LlSt MM Mill IB mf o m L at Tl;oy have i akt ii 1! lidvo l lie .'inusl liny of lrL'uued to hike your nicttsm'c ;uul 1 Iu; so! (j at'tMicv I'ov litis i;nn, j I lu ll stiiiinli'.-; to ;-r!ccl from, and 3 0 . 1. aiivlhiii' It will pay yon to rail and :rci tlicir low nricos. Is 1 T 1 V.i ir. U' to Jj 9 IS s Hill H f--, m-u ! V ri 1 . 1. P : V-? I. r i s.- a 1 ,r f 1 m 1 S i ? i 1 i l Hi Pi 5 nrnn ovf f B In o en U a U ssti-chtin Clolli:; 1 yarn. in Mitel-:, HQ in. wide at $3.00 & M.QGn vd irv.ii irown " ; ()) 4 50 ixed " navy hiue. L';j m ' trimiHin-s, 2 indies wide, all color, only ;ray;i! i.f() " 3.50 iOe. 1 in- tiimnnno-s all widths in black, brown and gray. I. . X J i 'A A very largo assortment of the lafpsf.;.,. with ornaments to match in all the leading .-.dW beaded sets at $..50, $2.00 and 82. 7r, liv.Xi l,",. aues at . sokl cvevceve i'mj. r. , . , .... .f. , . . , ,t sum the Jeauin:: Clonic striped silk velvets in all )(! yd, worth J ,7j. civet with silk stripes, colored and Id.-w.- orth 2.00. : it. ft In J.cO 1 ties rHttsmouth is enjoying a reason of rest from police court proceedings, rdar shal M dick inform? us that in all his offici.d career he Ins never noticed so little drunkenness as lias occurred in the last two months. The dance given at Fitzgerald's hall last night was a complete success. The following is a lift of those present, the music being furnished by the Uohemian band: Messrs T. Phillips, C. Morgan, Bert Pollock, F. A. Murphy, Dr. C ok, F. W. Zerbach, James Patterson. iJert Sage, Mathew Gering, W, J. Streight, F. Kennedy, Fisher, Geo. Lsnhof f, Ed Seliul hof, Henry Ilerold. Ed Johnson, U. Cov erdale, W. Stadelnian. J. P. Lockwood, . iteiniiackel, A. Jteinhackel, Eigen- H asthd A Sitcattox. A young man broadt, Geo. Oliver, I). McEntcc,C. Mor- with several years experience in oflice rison and Geo. II. Chatburn. Mioses work and a knowledge of fpieensware Julia, Kate, Georgia and Maggie Oliver, and f.-mey goods wants a situation. IJest Jo Morrisey. Mary llawksworth, Dora of references from eastern house. Ad- Ilerold, Gering, Gering, Ilattie She.Tcr, dress II. Hhrauj otlice, Plattsmouth, Anna Jlurnln, Maggie Streight, Grace Xeb:as.a. Anderson, 3Iaud McCoy, Maggie Camp bell, Myrtle Lathrop, May Lathrop, Laura u li" cVcr heard of such a thing be- Ileinhackel, Henrietta Schulhof, Ilattie forc as a tn:,!ls father shoe for 50c, a Latham, Emma Johnson, Tressic I Temple, pair can ie had only at Phillips', the Herrmann and Flora Donovan. Mr. and cheapest place in the city to buy sloes. Mrs. Sam Hinkle, Jlr. and Mrs. W. Mil ler, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Patterson and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morgan. There were a I bi:-i eU I..:'- do ti e the r . on? e.-, out ! 0 I he. Who . iar ;: i o.Ii-r are e.i-.. ... . roo:; " who . o; g.v the ;,i th- n. : hoys ie c-rature ir consideraide comjda'.nt Iron.' men about town of certain boys ve a habit of loafing about tie moking, swearing and in other -iking themselves .dsagreeable. It ,dn:on that for fueh I'oys our O.-V eil'lf;.tiin:i! l:iv.- s iim if li ' I. If our comie.oi; sci-ools can 1 no good they should 1 e sent to I'm school. It is gating so bad hardly go along the street with r insulted bvtheje bovs. . often noticed that those hoy ".y at lionie nights help thei; ann reau me newspajiers fn: od periodicals, ar; the ones who ys foriuo.-t in their classes nr.d ..y. grow to manliood I cert tin I v vill make the best m'-:: the men orn ve ni-iy depend - the men ! step forward and take the helm rnment wh.en the helnismen of ent day have retired. Let us, '.cliers ana parents, inspire the t.iy at home, to read proper lit md to make mon of themselves. CJ.AK.V Vri!.SO". of our low Epsom Glauber Borax S Pe t K ii Uosankc 10c. Bosanko only i0e. Kemp P King's Z Warner". St. oa eo Castoria Jayne . Iviils ir, The abo . ot!i:r 1 -rices. 'i' Has f-d valid sun us Dr. V C:re and . eo-i ie I'riej o0e ; dtf Astra, where at iinnrr! , e ; i v v !'e:'d t: i'lusbe.s in all sliades j: , - . i ; i v i i e:-:lra iieavv Quilted satins in ail t l.0 '; 'K- blacl- i': "ze only size for G0e. only Toe o; Jy $1. ' "ie. :dv ;JCc. V. 'I. " i; A t ! rJ, t-3 : vci i c w ' ' ' ' y' a y i , ili i Ou. :. vd. or o Pi 1 W" the ie r octs. -i h pi ices. . ::kick. rn m ion will C .nub - it wiil :ffit Wid J. H it. !1 j 0 ' e V. iSl'4 - Weseott Ph:"ips is offering a ladies kid house slipuer r.t 4Sc; a felt slipper, leather sole for 50e; an all felt slipiier for T8e; these slippers can't be bought elsewhere for less than 51.00. tf --Sea let underwear sold elsewhere at 75c, cm I e bought for 45c;. all wool scarlet underwear sold elsewhere at 1.50, can be bought for 1.00 at S. & C. Mavcr's ( l.i'.drens' and boys' fur caps sold clscw! cr at $1,50 can be bought at S. & C. Mayer's for 00 cents Hay For Sale. Three hundred tons of hay for sale for cash, cit tier delivered or on thf m-nnnrl few others whose names we were unable ravp nrflpr, wwi. Ar n xr.tZ c- ,J to learn. Lut ef.,n . S'.vcLt Michigan cider on Phlij Krause. tap at 500 dozen fulled mitts nnd scarlet brown, 'old elsewhere at 40c. can be bought f, r 25c. at S. & C. Mayer's Greet, discount sale at Btek and Walsall's. Call and get a discount bill. or Every goods and an elegant Christmas I. f '' ' -.d a - i yufl ISE- 1'''-" 'u!,Ji'i:t0 H a c I . j 'ITJ4(1 :e. , ,1,1 j :-- YJ . . ,.,;:'" p7f:y "' - can be lit i nr n frn" , Frj ..:.'v-'-.vV-1 EL; '- - --. . -t.iyir s t I I 1 ; - . j4 -t.., 251 ' a -.lo.t.-ir-; v."orth of t " v- V tjr' -':--;''.. . G O O D , I.:S3fg r.g iniiH !:? to be drawn eJ - ? - .r- ROOIi VVcDNuSi Con. IPotjij: a. r; Anatomy P" Life, Ilea: t- Illustrate! : of French T Skulls, rare ings, Instrii!.: Doctor froir ial jiurposc. kind in Am-; ' hlg : t o o't loe!r. -5 9. HATS and CAPS BACK VI EW w. j i v -T1V -ox- ';;r.-r';tii, !. MarriiiLr-. , i ii an e -;Lc:i !!V Laws of , Cul- :,.-e c dlection . . t Kteis Mceletons ".!"'!- sp:cl;::t-rs,Paint .vC, ii :. ;il it-il iy the . i ir.r.ce. for this spec f:n.'t collectl...! of the Adnd.-icr. first Lec- YTo sell congress chct shield undershirt ui.d tt:r. iho till nades in underwear. ()nr prices a.d r , (i . C. E. V"ti-COTT. Tj:cA-JJol: nted -otliier. te. drawei-. 5aiwciiiiii'innii ""i""'"w,rrT The Hon. H. Stat -sman. W. Crady. Scholar and true : Famn -n-tn i : . , .. ! "'.tys irriiw l.-:..i . American, sec an example worti.y of re- a-e. I!a!vr,rs vi,.V . ""SIJMr ith neciion ior an i rue Americans. 1 - Xl. -4. . 1 -t uuiicis Liiat no ineinoiis excel; usedbylfeaps' Camphorated Arnica Salye j or robust form nnd r cf sto which is sold ou its merits for any use I perfect health will n'd.(1' &'W of l... .i i. -i -v- "sj ' -ir uirr .1:. uiui.i Miiuuii ut useci. io cure, no v.ns. jo ciirp . " "aease "aHng i a trial to illustrate whX Ui,eS OU 1 those constitution will a' Grant's s 'ir ionic ham iure lice; JJ,.js to secure attention, 10c. V". A. EAiiL, Manager. lay. For sale by the following drug gist. Price 25c per box. W. J. Wakhick Men's Congress shoes only 1, worth ?1.00, at Phillips'. tf anrl For faie bv v; V r,CtJ -'Cc - ' ,J- arrick. -Pick out the piece of Re d rvf want and then call for , , ,te 'd upon Windham & Dav 8 C"nd tc of Cass Co. s' vcr Uauk 18tf. 4 ( ) (I ::ct :rc in It - sr" "'.a 4 A J 1 Bhxck in all at ;i vd, At X).