The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, November 02, 1887, Image 2

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I I .
l)c tJlattcmout!) Dailtj jerali
Publishers & Proprietors.
l"or 'Supreme Jmlce,
I'vr 1'nlvi.Tisity U'KMits,
DR..H. 1$. DAVIS,
For JuiJeeof tti-eoml Judicial District,
l'or Clerk
For Keeonler
For Judge
For B.ij)Oi iti t !iili'f-1 of Public Tnstructlou
For Clerk of listiict Court
For Ccuuty Commissioner
For Surveyor
For Coroner
The Republican Stzfto Platfom.
Tilt i'iiullie:iu ntrty of Nebraska, while
Terra etui of property rililH, sunt holding no
sympathy wit!i those who would with the com
muii'it divide, or with the anaix-liii-ts tlextroy.
reastris its determination that the nrat rail
way corporat Ions of this state which hold re
lut ions of closest interest to the people shall
ba the fairly paid servants of the sta'e and not
It-- niasicrs. ill wink of leiHlative control in
thw statu and u.itioti Miall continue until ah
came of complaint of exorbitant rates and
unjiiu (ii'-i'iiniii
localities i-hall ei
resnousiOilit vjurlii
Iihyiiil; original ed all legislation looking to
railroail cunirol and t lie creation of those tri
Icmals or.commir'sioiiM whieii have heen en
aided to ifiapplu with corporate power, the rp
puhlieati party will see to it that by a I needed
wiiiurvmrnis 01 power lliese
Fkom all appearances, it looks as if
the democratic governor of Arizonia hail
fronted a political alliance with the Mor
mons, by which they arc to he protected
against legislation unfriendly to polyga
my, in return for their support of the
democratic ticket in territorial elections.
Snch a combination deserves the sever
est censure of all good citizens; but at
the samo time it is just in harmony with
the democratic party.
"When it is remembered that the fight
made on Allen Field springs from Mr
Field, s independent action in bolting
what a very large section of the republi
can party of Lincoln considered a ticket
unworthyof their support in municipal
affairs last .spring it conies with exceed
ing bad grace from A. J. Sawyer, the
direct beneficiary of that independent
iiction, to be in the field opposing Mr.
Field on non-partisan grounds. Who
ever heard of A. J.. Sawyer bolting a
democratic local ticket? or for that matter
any other kind of a demacratic ticket?
Andrew Jackson Sawyer would vote
for the worst man in Lincoln as a demo
crat in preference to the best republican,
simply because Andrew Jackson Sawyer
is an intense and bitter partisan, while
Mr. Fields' action in supporting S awyei
for mayor last spring shows him, Fields',,
to be exactly the opposite kind of a man
and citizen. Republicans of Cass county!
There can be no good reason for sup
porting A. J. Sawyer as against Allei,
Field unless it be done on extreme, dem
ocratic, partisan grounds.
crease of both Chinese and negroes is
from within only. This cannot be
checked by govei mental decree, even if
it were contidcrcd necessary to check it.
The increase of the anarchists, paupers
and criminals is largely from with-out,
by immigration. The power to regulate
this is an attribute of sovereignty, and
can, in the United States, be exercised by
the people through their servants in
Congiess. Population is one of the
attributes of national greatness. Some
of populutiou, however, bring weakness
instead of sTength to a nation. The
supply of this kind of population which
the United States ha3 already on hand cafo and JJenvor,
is considerably in excess of present needs,
'nformation to Capital Seeking Investment.
It is tl.c gateway to the grcut South Platte conn trj
It is situated on tlio Alieoui-i Uiver at the mouth
of the Platte, nt a, noint about half war bstwccii W"-
1 J
-Qlobe Democrat.
e;ivor, onlv two li.nird by rail tVom Lin,-,.!,, tl. .-mit...! s.tn1 fm-tv minutes from Omnli, the
metropolis o! tJu: .State. 1
The unparallelled enthusiasm which
gre-tol JeiT Davis upon his reappearance
at various points in the south should be
satisfactory proof, to fair minded people
hut the cause for which they once sacri
ficed national honor, has lost little of its
hold upon the minds and hearts of that
rebellious section. From every platform
upon which the arch traitor has appeared
during his triumphal march, there litis
been delivered speech after eulogizing
the confederate Hag, and denouncing as
traitors the men who carried the stars
and stripes.
It is not surprising that these followers
of Jeff Davis should kindly remember
the "lost cause" but that in the year 1837
they should devote their eloquence and
Population about D.OOt) and rapidly increasing.
lias one oi tlte imest systems of Water Works in the State,
btreets arc wt ll libtetl by gas.
A street railway in operation.
Grades ..Ulic streets established, aiid l.oiids voted for the purpose of constructing fcwemgo and
paving of Mam Street, work to commence thereon in the spring of lSsS.
Mas a line- lour story high kcIh.oI building and six ward school houses. Aside from bueinesi houses
over 100 residences have been constructed during the vear 3S87.
An Opera House costing $50,000.
JNeorasku I reserve and Cannii;
ploys -10 hand-
factory, capital 13,000, capacity 300,000 cans per" year and tin-
employs thirty hand.
s per year and employs .125
Prick and Term ;nk: capital -50,000, capacity 10,000 bricks per day, c
llattsmouth Canning I actorv. canitnl ft!inn in i rnnw. .
nanus, turns over m one vears nuim. i . ma oaA " 1
Two pajjers; one Pepublican and one Democratic,
bchnelbacin r buggy and wagon factory.
ern dirEk-r' Ci"lP ,IlanulUctr "nploya fifteen hands, and largely supplies the trade of southwest-
Dufuor &z Co's. now l'acking House.
The great C. V.. ic Q. Pailroad machine tih,m ,.,i i, t i -
. . 1 n;t V. fi i- l '""jw, luiiiiu iiuiim;c, Morcnoi'.M's, tve, nrr iiiaciiaiuuu k
logic to reuflirming the soundness of "li point for the itc ot its system west of the Missouri Piver. enndovin- manv hundreds of hand... and
uisoursing to employes monthly about S30 Ooo ' J
TnE republicans of Cass county should
remember that for the- office of distrief
iitiiii in favor oi individuals of I clerk, they have a candidate well quali
;:it t exist. As.suiiii; tlx- r , -, .. .. - . . .
iii.-h ;fairiy helongs to ir f I lied and well suited in every parttculai
for the position; that II. J .Streight isai
old resident tax-payer ot Cass county,
has never held any pol'tical office, an
l'"tl HIC.TJ t.OUMIIlS.XUII. llil- 1 i ,f .
linual and stall', Pliall be armed for bailie and I 111 1,113 llmc was not a candidate till PU'
lor vi-tory Vlnl; favoiin- sucli ci an-e in f,ir-f,i 1 :.,.! i. i -
without any effort, whatever, on
Ids part. Mr. Streight's opponent
W. C. Showaltcr, is as vigorous a detn
ocrat as there is in Cass county; an ac
tive member of a democratic campaign
club in this city, and a man thnt snares
neither time nor money to achieve and
insure the success of the democratic
ticket, whether he be a candidate or not,
and after Mr. Showaltcr held the offic
of district clerk for eight vears. which
pays a good salary, it seems to the Her
ald that no excuse could be offered by u
republican for scratching Mr. StreightV
name from the ticket and putting W.
C. Showaltcr in odice again ill this old
republican county of Cass, for
four long years more. The presidential
campaign is coming on and there are al
ready enou.h democratic "clubs raised
tlio cotit!t:itio:: of tins ntati; as will permit the
railroad rominis.sioiier.s to he elected ly the
penpln, it hereby voices its eonlideiicu in the
wxit in;; board oi ti-aiis;tortatioii,and commend
its eirorts to obtain for Nebraska the same
taritl of rates for freight and carriage of pas
eners as accoriled to ueinhborinj? states
aiiunariy circiiinstaiiced. It is grossly unjust
aud a previous wrong that Nebraska should
pay more for the transportation of lier products
ami t ne carriage of bur tiupplir a t hau her neigh
bors, iora. .Minnesota a'ld liakota, with its
JU0iilesof easily const meted and cheaply
maintained lines of railroad and t He republi
cans of this state will not utae th . ir elioris
ntil all wrongs be righted.
Wu raiiiriii our a i tit-i uu-e to the American
s.Tsicn oi lariu. under wincli. witli Its br-ad
jtrotaetion of American labor, our country ha
prospered bevond any other, as the business
of the country nour demands revision, the re
publican, alive to the demands or every mate
rial interest, will see to it that such revision
shall bo made at the earliest practical day.
We condemn the action of the democratic ma
jority in congress in that afte'r repeated
pledges of Ins utterly failed
wliilu lii-fine a larce majority in the house ot
rapresrataMTe-i. where t iriir bills must origi
uata. to bring about ouch reform, which mni
aoma train tho party that has ever been the
friend of the American laborer and producer.
The gratafuTtha.iks of the American people
ara due to thoe who defended the union in the
late war an 1 we are in favor of providiii"
auitkble pensions for soldiers and eaiiors who
ii. . . .....
tueir position, is a little surprising in
view of the repeated assertion, on the
part of our democratic friends, to the ef
fect that the "war is over."
Northern democrats apper to know as
much about the patriotic south at the
present time as they did in 18G4.
In a secular, we are glad to note
the progress that has been made in that
once desolate and ruined section under
the intluence of republican legislation,
tnd we entertain no apprehension that
these periodic outbursts will materialize
One of tli
.t .... i j ! . .
u nnwi lauroHU UrKIITCS III tho ITn fnd Rut., 1 H; Ti- .1 a l
limit of the city ""'n'l uiaiw njMiis mu jiissouri jviver ut me couuifru
tf1'" niil.cs.f,t r;liI' conveys its freight traflic into and Ihrou-h our eity.
K C !trrr p"iL east ami vest over the C. 15. & Q.J
K. O., bt. Joe eV' C. 1. and the IJ. r. II. 11. in Xelira-ska
iodInndf? iUld t Barnes, to Om.lia ,arkcU together irith
ment of tnlSS "" a I)lcasUflt P1" to ..irahle j.lace lor the eitahlish-
To healtiiy, legitimate manufictori
tl II IT (Mltp.rni'icoa hrt ;-:.,.-.,.-. 7t..i- l1 .11 i i.i i.
rnnn.,),;,,,!,.,,,,.,, f, i .. i"'. l. I.t. I MIHMUI1 OI!JU UOUOlICSd IIiaKO
-..ri i i l i llM-u loc.uion, and eorresiiondeneo ts solicited.
W Jnle mil estate values are irrowinrr tirmor onM. ,.. i i.. .. .. .. . , ....
ahout them, and ood resident l.- t. i . .. ' 1 y K M '"""" "Pniauvo or nctitions
1 llll I 1 . 1 1 K !!( 'i (ir !17 0 .,4- 4. . .-.1 - , . .-.
into another attempt to impoverish the chased at from ) to ftlOO .-re WW! ; P ' , ' " , " ! ' '.V"J; ,a,ul.PJ4r t,;e ('' ran hi PUr'
war; but weUr;,, : r....:f i i " V meive moni.'is our cify e-:eet.s to wecomc the
i-ciiie. una inu .iiiaua anu outliern I in u-ii- t.,f-. ;tc m..-..
J JJ. 1 L.-l IUI NlJI.IIt; 1III111.H.
country through another war; but
make these bassinir notations to show
that in politics the old spirit still lives
and tliar southern democrats are still
shouting for Jeff Davis and the stars aud
lhe a bore lacts aro given without exaggeration antl the
cit, more lnan above indieatod
without thairfault or vice, become objects of ;loainst tne republican party without
public or private charity and to the widow I nlar-mrr nnr nir. in nK o-
ami orcha"-of tnore who fell initsdefens," I placing anj more in oliice, at this time.
anKn ticket boys and you Britain had toward the colonies when it
amicavora to obtain lor their country the
lapsing oi iree. lnsnrntioim and local self
government. V.e recognie i i Charles Stew
art rarnell and the lit. lion. William E. (ilad
otone worthy chainpions of the fundamental
priacipals ot the JJeelaratiou of Indepen
dance. We condemn the action of the president in
kia attempt to return the trophies won by
ravary on tlie field of battle.
nre e-onuaiiiii me narrow, intolerant and par
tisan action of the democratic partv in exclud
will neve regret it.
Chicago Tribune, 23: Like the orator
at Richmond upon the occasion of the
unveiling ot the Lee statue Thursday,
Cleveland's late minister to Mexico. Gen.
J.ickson, defender of the "lost cause," in
mo icueut speecu at jnacon, ua I General Grant's
placed tlie contest to destroy the Ameri- Fame will alwas grow brighter with
age. Balveat's I'i"- Tunic' rco aires onlv
a trial to illustrate whether the cnfebled
constitution will change to one of stout
or robust form and the ruddy r.low of
perfect health will appear where disease
ence was. Xo euro, no pay. Price .0c
is inro its corpor;
I the jn-ospeets for the luture iiroFpcritv of our
are enrnestlv .en.-.h-.l t l , . . ,u nne.unenM miietUty
1.,-if c i 1 . i"-''onai investigation. Whi o here you will he dven a f reo
coin Avenues or hv South 0 th S ' .1 , 1 " ' C? Ion --!o hj o.thcr Chicago or Lin-'
tor. Sottth V,,-l- L ,,.U r ; ' : " l.y r ICAC"eu'n ;l tcn "i"" n the husinese cen-
'"" '"i","j' 'uiivniii ti) man a
any other part of tin
eity. C rrcro::deneo solicited.
an union on the same footing as the war
Jeclared by the colonies against Great
Britain. The very statement shows its
own absurdity. The north had exercised
no tyranny against the south as Great
IIexhy Gkougk, in a lengthy interview
on the political canvass in New York,
professes to be greatly encouraged at the
progress his anti-rent party has made,
and of the heavy vote which he exoccts
MlfiiS to be Pll!;d r secretary of state.
ue declares mat during the period of the
canvass surprising numbers of voters have
given in their open allegiance to the anti
rent party, not only in the city of New
1 ork, but also in other portions of the
state. The anti-rent m.rtv l
Fowei inert but cix timas during the first fo'rtv I I r ' 1 j. ,
year ..f or national goveniMient. a notver I ,,CIore made so great advances as in such
cities as Utica, Rochester, Albany, etc.,
ivhere the Georgites now have active and
lanlv and induteusible ground of a diflerene.
l. political view. it content with their ef
farts to exclude the negro from the elective
f ranchua. thev now sce-K t.- iimaerii
ligant. pio erous and patriotic people because
vt their political opinions.
e view witn aiarin ths abuse of the veto
power py the president of the United States
A power from the use of which England sov
eremim have abstained for
he people intrusted to the president for the
r"'-"i I'laiciinug natv legislHtiou, lias bv
th present mciiiiibeiit of that cilice been useii
to tawart the well ascertained will ef the peo
la aud to resist their repeated demands. He
lias, in one-h iir of a single term of oftice, iued
tho power more times thin all the predecessors
oombined. lie has sought by all tne prece-jleuff-,1
uv; of axtraonliuary power, to consti-iut-himself
a co-ordinate branch of the na
tional le-ltlature. Ho rrepiently exer
oiaed thlo "one man iimvpr'' l.v tim n..
...f .... i . . .. .".""'""j
"C,1UUU Ul i'ockci veto- uv wfneh import
aut ineaiuras have been defeated without any
- f j "-"a J,'iirii iui willlllOiaing its ap-
Xotiiiso need le ssid in favor of hon
cat, laivin Jiusseli who will succeed
himself in the office of county judge
without question.
iiui Lkitciifikld, the republican
candidate for county clerk, deserves to
be elected to that position, he has every
qualification necessary and is a good re
1 he greatest victory for the nation's
welfare since tha crushing of slavery in
the United States, was the refusal of the
United States supreme court this after
noon of a writ of error in the anarchist
Jeff Davis pronounced thh apostro
phe to the rebel flag at Macon, Ga., and
the solid south makes it a part of
the democratic platform: "I love
it for its own sake: I love it for tlcment3 in ;ts population which it may
your sake: I love it bccaus2 it stands as uuu" i-tuiue m converting into
a memento of what your fathers did and
hoped that you would do."
orgauizat'ons. Mr. Georire
persuades himself also that his party ha
nade rapid progress in the mral districts.
'Experience lias shown," he says enthusi
astically, "that in towns and villages and
it agricultural fairs our speakers have
had the largest meetings held in such
;laces for years, and tha't in every instance
many of those drawn there by curiosity
became conveits." Mr. George professes
to Delieve that his party will be strong
enough to carry New York in 188S, and
he declares that he is absolutely indiffer
ent as to what effect the growth ot his
party may have an either side of the old
political parties. Si o. City Journal
Gex. Francis A. Walker, in an article
mScribner's Magazine on the labor prob
lem, uses these words:
cl i:med the right of taxation without
representation. The south declared war
when it was in full control of tho rov-
ernment, of the presidency, the supreme
court, congress, the army and the navy,
not alone to preserve slavery, but to ex
tend it into the free territories; and be
cause it was not permitted to carry
silvery north of Mason's and Dixon's
line it attempted to destroy the union.
The colonists fought for the right to
govern themselves and for home rule as
against a foreign nation. The south
fought to preserve slavery, to extend it
into th3 territories, and for the right to
go out of the union and import slaves to
keep up what Jackson calls "the
gentlest and by far the most civilizing
and humanizing relationship ever borne
by labor to capital" in other words, the
right to lash labor and its profits out of
the backs of human chattels.
And this is tlie holy cause, this is the
new south of which Grady talks so sen
timentally over his champagne! The
demonstration at Macoa shows that the
spirit of the rebellion is still rampant in
that section; that the rightfulness of
secession is still affirmed; that those who
fought for secession are to be glorified
and those who fought for the union arc
to be reproached and insulted; and that
the southern lost-cause democracy is
disfranchising republicanism in the south
to keep alive this sectional bitterness.
and $1, For sale by Will J. Warrick.
Dr. C. A Marshall.
fe d
low Ws
M. B,
Treservation of natural t; elli a pprci-.l' y.
Teeth extracted without pain Inj uc of LMuijhing
All work warranted. Prices reasonable,
Fitzgerald Block. ri.ATTSMOUTti.NKj;.
jajjg.i ait33sg.ri3aui'mejf mggg
ft-J M v .i-i BY n C ,1--
WHEN you vim
11 II
i..m !r.-iLA... 9 "0
EZ3 Jf IH. 2" ff tfli IT YV
CLOCKS : Of all .sizes, makes and
price.-?, r.-irranfe..
"WATCHES Jtoekford, Fredonia. ColumLiw
A ti . ,... r
;se movements are su well known tbf ih . c. All
All are warranted. J cu 1,0 co U ndafion.
Cor. 12th and Granite Streets.
Contractor and Bainler '
Sept. 12-Gm.
CIIAKNS : In tin, line of goods I :il7(, Vfrvt,.. (r ,
quite. Ladies' and Gents' short or Ion-. d4ns V, V T m "i
any other hind. Al.o emblem, of U' r?
, uunyiitj yoiu peiLs etc.
SILVEUWAKE of every descn'pon aasy pr:cca.
if not
plate, or
! fliarms,
No feeling of svmnathv toward thR
unfortunate of other lands, no sentiment
Indescretion. "
Has filled many a grave. If an in-
V)l 1 1 rl Qtl ffYn n rr frrm fj-mnt : . ;n
"lJ -.wu iuu&e newiy come i use ur. watsons JSew Specific Courh
.v.llltc, .mieiii-aus to permit iure ana lotiow Ins directions it will
Tilsit Mi-n i.. .i--. 1 i I ... .
...v.. unit limioia lO ue ECriOUSIV im- rn.t. nm nnt i no if , 1 fiii.j
paireu, much less the peace and ortler nf I PnV,. nrir n.,ri i -c,,- oi i, tttmi -r
. . I vw u..v A. . A Jl UUIU I' V V j I I -I
w cuuaugcica uy anen i arruic.
This is sensible talk. The United Rooms to Rext
States already holds many incongruous of seventh and ilain street
-Forgentlemen; corner CllOl'ceSt Brands Of Cl'SrS,
in streets. O
W. Grady.
Scholar and
Dowx in Indianapolis the other day
the democratic party which has con
trolled affairs for some time, was com
pletely routed and the republican party
is again in power. It looks to an out
sider, as if things were golmr our way
this time and while we are not j rophets
nor sons of prophets yet we do certain
ly feel that the republican ticket of Cass
county will be elected next Tucsilay.
Hon. H.
lhe statesman, Scholar and True
Americans of a very exalted tvpe. It American, set an example wortliv ofw.
has the anarchi,ts the Chinese and the, Section for all True Americans. Healing
negroes. Tlie mc st dangerous of these rounds that no methods except those
in every respect excej-t in numbers, are v.sedby Heaps' Camphorated Arnica Sal ye
the anarchist. Education and nrrmr. which is sold on ir mm-ifo frr o
l . v . ""J use
tunity an? doing much to elevate the Mhat a ealve can bo used. No cure, no
negroes. Contact with a more enlight-I pay. For sale by the following drntr-
cned and progressive civilization than ! ist- Pce 2oc per box.
including our
Flar de Peppr r'oergo ar.d 'Buds
always in stock. Nov. 20". 1S-S3.
Jonathan Hatt
A! a i.-u ia
their own is rendering a similar service
for the Chinamen. Improvement in this
direction in case of the Chintse is slow,
and for obvious nasons even in the
ase of the negi o it cunnot ba rapid. In-
Every one buying a dollars worth of
igoods and over will receive a chance on
-an elegant sewing machine to be drawn
X hristmas Eve. Peter Merges.
with high arm and vibrating shuttle,
sold on tniie. Easy payments or cah
Manager Plattsmouth Erau
FORK PACKERS axd dealers ix EUTTFT? ,x-T. ,. 3
Sugar Cured Meats, Hams. Each, Ird A
ol our own make. Tlie Wst brands of OYSTTna '
' '1