The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, October 20, 1887, Image 1

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riJV f fill
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first yi:ar
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roiin.fc: utrmic
Slay or,
I- lmiiifT,
l-olic? .Illll'',
I'biiiicilnicii, 1 ., v. ;.r 1
i .1 V Johns
,J II S I M -S
J H M Vi lli. W
.1 V Vied;
'i W Win i ic
S D M Jonks
I W.M WH'. ' IC
i M II Mrm-iiv
s (Utri r-. i-
. I M1'(!M.1.I'N. I'lUCS
.1 W JoHNS ,' ll AIll.M N
Latest by Telegraph.
iiouitovi;i ad wioi.u.n.
! A . ' Mi'r.i:i.i.
I'.I'M. fOi.l.'M '
.1. m i:u! i.-.HN
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V. . '. Sin ' A l. Tl-.l:
I.e. 1 1-. i- n r. M:
I:. I'. V i :! r-s
A. el aI'oi.k
MnN A i: 1 -S I'lN K
f: UU'Sf.l.l.
I li'llT I H'.HUI -
ore - .
,"ii;y i !:.
( i.'ik .if i.-l-iiu-t. (' ii.
. i;i I T .Slr-i ia.
Miiet. ! I t i v''.
Count Jn i i.- ' .
,,,, ,, k . VillX
fllASS 7oV.'-'V'o .'iVo. O. I". - Vi-rls
Ivv.tvTiii-:.-0' .v. !!. - ..f a-!i week. Al
ir .i M-'i.l l.r.t!M:.i:.i' i. Ht,(. tiiiily n.vU.d to
it i It. i .
fV'MO !.OlSK N. t. A. o. !i. V-.: Meets
1 rvi-rv it!M-ni.. l'M'i.i evenum ! '
li i' t'i -ii,sK-:.t iroihiT-i r."' n-: ' M.!y n
vi'e.lti.allo".l. I', i: White, a aster ;
it. A, ' atlc. Kmc .na-i ; I1'- J -Miilt". Over-eel ;
J. ii. .MorrW.'i'.
j'.lt a All :i:nl f'urt Ii :...i.i-
.i i.r lit W nl 1". h:ill. All tlallMflii
I nilii r- al'- H"i:i-! -I ! '' A- .ii.iM-r; r. .U.-rc. hx-o:i;ii;ti ;
M . 1 1 i ;. Clc; .
-cii.viTST.rrn k!;:k n-. :t. a. . w
1- M,-.-:- t'vrv iiM i nati; I- ..iy v. i..i!-C
K.u-l-.-.v...t I.-.!: Al -l-.-. All tniMsn -a L-i;-..
rs an. iv.;.-.-it;.!!y i-ni!-.! . :.tti-:i.!. A.
;.i(m-!i.-, M. W. ; s. ;.vi. l.iviiin : s. C.
ViM. j;-0'r.lT ; ;!. . Novt.m:t. vr-f.T.
McCt?JlKjE POST 45 C. A. R.
J Y. .Ii.ii xs i.v '.,:iiiii :i.U-r,
"' S T.vis U:o
AlCi triii MltuiMiiy rvi'iimsi.
a, ft, Mctiwain
Watches, Clscis, Jewelry
Ej)3&ialAt:6nt on iiTcaWatcli RcnairitE
a OB
hne:-: Lioe
Library Lamps
A Bad Flro
Lincoln, No!.., o. t. -T1.:j vill
of Wiivwly, wist tw-lv.i! J"H.s fiom Lm
colii, was visitol l.ytlic iii-.-t tl-htni-tive
lire in its history tliis iu..min-. About
J o'clock flic was Uiscovc-i-Ml i:' 1,1 ro,;C
oT on of tli: lYumo Mon: lmil.lin's in
the v;il:i-c IL is snppos-il llnif the lh:
oiinatf.l from l--fiti ve Hi"', l
tlioiiirli there h i-l l' u "l ''1!V 5:1
l.uil.lin sine; tlu: cviimi- 1l1o:c. A
stroiij; w:is LI .win- I'otn tlf
smith nt tli.- t in- tl.- llun..s were aiscov-cn-.l
an.l it was s: n at om-t: thai, a Li-
:.... i..k iiiiiiiiit;-!!!. TlulC
coiiii.ii;i ai i"11
w is no watrr with wln.-h t-.. li:;HL iii.'
names, no tirn 11' tttin. nt, ami wlu u it
w.i disco vorc-a tli it oth r building wore
ccitain to Liim, the L:.ncoln !i.o l- part
inent w is trl.-;.rr.iph-d for and r -J ;.oi;d-'d
by wndiii'J on tli;: H o"ci"ck j..i-s. n-r,
tli-j hook and buld.-T truck and six tin
men. When l'n ilim'M v.-i-rc Tuially
brought undi.-r control it was found that
tlirci.- .stoics, a bank, m-at iniirkct,
-.hoj. and thivo dwcllin-s had bc n
consumed, bo-ido several smaller buihl
intrs. Tim losses arc n.i follow:
Alice Fo'.vl r, loss on buil-ling-. S V'00;
n insurance. V. W. dmmerni-U!, 0;
mMirancc, $:?00. II. We lls -eiu ral m r
chandise,!?r,o:); insurance, 3sii". The
Wavcrly Ilccord, 1,00; no insurance.
Isaac Tiycr, ii:); uo insurance. Among
fio lesser amounts are tl:e 15 ink of Wuv
crlv, Sullivan IMabrook, Menry Co!
liiN. .Tosenh i'att -rso.i. J. L. Atkinson,
' 1 .... . r
Dr. Chandler and oth e.s. I he lack oi
water rendered it very dithtnlt tor
Lincoln fire boys to ti-ht the Haines, but
they stuid with t'.u work until it was nil
under control.
Coiliciori ofTralns.
Lincoln, Neb., Oet. lf. Two Ii. & M.
trains came tu-i th :r n-ar the little town
of Woodl iwiL four miles north of this
city at 3 o'clock this morning, coinnk-Uly
... in.rhi. s and a tlozen
cars. The wreck immeilial-ly took lrr
All the train m:n jumicd rxci lt Isaac
Davenport, the forward n
vr a j. iv;is on tlie temler of the
Murine of his train when the wreck oc
currcd. His riht knee was ciudied to a
iellv and his riiht foot was f an;-ht be
twecn-the iron of the tender and an iron
i. ... 4b.if ;f ivnfl Miiii.Kiltlr to rt'loac
tr. man. The kcom hiuvl ti ' were
drawim; near him e.ncl the only way left
to release him was to cut his foot from
i,U l...r v.hh an ax. The terrible ordeal
was sustained by Davenport, ami. mang
led as he was, he lived to roach the City,
v.-lre :L was found necesiary to amjiU
iuto lh, stim.' le-' "above the crushed kner.
This was ouicklv done, but the terrible
shock was too much for him ami at noon
, . . iv i n,,.r.i,,,,rt mnlli 'l' livei at
lie tin ii. ii.uuip'.."
Kearney and she was at once te'.-graphe
r.. tl no.linif can so of tic wrecK
in., jut-
was the north bound freight pulling' di
i'.,. f,tlnT fivi'-'ht without
U '11V lilt." - - - -
noticitVAthat the train had not registered
The conductor of the train causing th.
.-. ,-,..,,.. i s;tviif;'r who is now in
in lv .a.- .
ilif, ;v. He claims that he ini-toohtln
figures' on th.' register and that, th act
dent occurred on this a.-coiii.t.
Dr Hanco Acquitted-Lin-coln,
Neb., Oet. I'J.-Dr. Uiy;
l.ri.thcr of cv Coventor N ancc, who was
arrested for th- murder of Willis Forney
at Eldorado Kan., w:n ac.piitted y est-r-day,
on the ground of self deb use.
ThaC'nolora Ships.
Qir.uf ntin.:. I--lni, X. Y.,ct. 1'.'.
Health Ollic; r Smith states that all are
well at island. Eight of tin
Alcsia's passengers now at, th.; lu.vpital
are. able to n-luvii to Hon'maii island.
The pasa-ngers -f th- lhi'.ar.i.'fi aiv all
will. She is now being th .roughly
clean ;, d ;:i:d ili-infe. led.
I7o i:MM I'i-iiiii l!io i:;lli:il M . it ton
Almost A loin- A 'ri'.vl Wailing lor
tIo i:iiiu ror Illi A i ji ar;iii:o it tl.o
"k itnlou s 1 :n I inisiitviii.
The eirm.-roi- has eoici Iciii", IVrlin is
r.gaiii a city of Ko- i.ii'l liitle, .-in.l tli.-; !-
mail iM.w.l n-'iiii il.-.ily :':i!liers I iio r o -n
. M to !-i-n its lx-.v.-.l l;::U r -ei.. ! I !im
Shoiinaitors Quit Vw'ork.
l'i.iLi...Li iii , ;. L III. ib' order d
the Sho makers as- iu!. ly .v.. .o, ,...
land engaged in He: manufacl are of
shoes tpiit work to-day. ami iwcniy-ioa.
factories paid off then- hau ls an i
closed their doors. '1 h.s means .nai
tli: situation v. a not looked upon by
t lie m-inul'.'.cturers as a sink1, but :
Lost cntiio Grand Banks.
I', Mass., Oct. 10,-Tho
fishing schooner Kcbceca Niciiersoii.
... . . . 1 1.1 M
which s-.ileU iroiii nere i i-t .h.ij 'ii
(Jrand Hanks vovag-, and has not been
hoard of since, the hurricane of September
has been given up for lost by her
-i ... r..: i . w...
owners. ::e earnea a crew oi mi.a.wi
Cneap Jnees
Dynnrnlto by Express.
Eo:-;to.n, Mass., Oct. A package
exploded in the Adams express oiiiee on
Court street tonight, slightly injuring a
watchman and. breaking a good deal of
da.-s. No trace of the package is 1. It,
mid the officials sav they do not know
what it contained, whence it came, or to
whom it was consigned. Tiny arc in
vestigating the matter with the aid of
Bread Riots in Loanon-
London, net. lit. This afternoon a
..,.,. ..u;..,! fri!n llvdii nark into the
streets, followed by a forca of police
Tl. . li ir.-iilcd thl'oll'ril a
number of streets in AVest End and made
riotous demonstrations. Several fights
occoured between them and the police, in
which a number of persons were miurcd
and many rioters taken into custody.
A Terrific Storm.
Nfav Orleans, La., Oct. 19 A severe
storm has prevail "d here since last night,
with a rainfall of two inches, and the
wind reaching a velocity of forty-eight
mihs per hour. Trees, fences and build
ins were blown down. Eeports from
the i Jantations all a long Morgan's rail
road from Morgan City to New Oilcans
show that almost, all the sugar cans has
been blown flat. The rear porticn cf
this c:tv is inundated to a considerable
5".U -sl i
Ecpvoscnt tlic following time
tried ami fire-tested" iompanie.s:
Aiiiprican ( entral-SC U'ii s. Aets rcl
Commercial L"nlor.-Krs:aiJil. "
Fin; AMila io:.-Pai : Ueli'Lia, " 4,4ir..o7G
Frai.kin-r-ili"e:;I.I-.. " -VIM'.:
Il.inte-XeW Yick. " T.s-5.r('j
I r s. C. f Ni-nli me i.-a. PhlT. " -Ti
X.iv-ril&I.oiidoii &. :iobe-KnK " c.iJ3.Tsi
North ):riti-h Vcre:ui::le-Ki s ",r!7.:54
-..r"u-!i Unain-Iau'l i ail. lS'.liC
Pin in-r.e'.d v. & -v,-sp iii-f :d. 3 i'.oi5
Tota' Assets, ?12.U3,77i
Nebraska and Jov.a Pensions.
w...voti,v n. f. 10. The fallowing
Xl -braska pension h ive bcoi grant.
Ori'dnal Dav'nl Elaekburn. Newark.
Increase tluslus D. W. Kodder, l'Ur.n
t "Mi-vi.-an war Eailcv
lima j;, ii.n'ii... - -
Shelley, Eloomfi-ld. Original Mses
McCleary. DeN ter; Mich id Toser, Bluff
Creek; W. II. V.'ilson, ?d. A. Ayr, Lozier
Wr. rrudden, IJurlington; Danid Starry.
Olive. Increase John Hid, David City;
George W. Combs. Creseo; Isaac II. John
son, Scranton City; Alexander Mel). Meek
Lime Springs; Fred trick L. Dennis, Lies
ton; John Ca!oii3. Waterloo. Eeslorcd
and reissue Kendrick V,. Erown, Ames.
Tho Vcstorn Union,
7C..-W Vop.k. O t. 10. U a inciting
of tho executive committee of the Wes
tern Union b legral.h company to-day it
was resolved that no aunine.' .n
.....,i .,.!.. i.vco.t in 10 or 15 cent
i an. i '- "'ill' ? v i--
........ ...ilrlowiiici! the haliuiimr
it: I ! M I ' I V J ' ' ' -
of business at those rates has b -en mail
.;1,.,l,.l.-!e less. The officers of the ccm-
..,'l 1o reiluee tli'- rates
;iliV Cliargoil Hiii ir-vu J
m-iitsuc'u reduction sliould bo made.
wiu.low mill l .iiviiii'l Miiil" l i t'i
oises Adjusted M Pail Aattt'sfient J
An 0:c! ManShoiDawn.
ArnoiiA, Neb., Oet. 10. -Andrew
D.dke, a Swede residing about tighten
miles northeast of Aurora, was shot Mon
day night at about 10 o'clock at Ids home
by some unknown person. The assassin
fired through the win-low when the vic
tim was counting his money. The shot
was fired from a double barreled shot
ijnn loaded with bu, kdmt, two balls
t king effect, one entering the leftdioul-
W nn.1 Mm :-.r,d iVeother tlie face. Mr
rtnxc n Rot Cot OfT.
A loy named by the monitor was ordered
to "stand out." I le took Lis place clear of the
Lsk in the fcan;?v.ay of the school, and, with
the certainty of punishment hanging over
l.-. i i,i miil; nr.til :i file of tuilcers had
i i.m . o-lectod. When the- row of the con
d-.:mieil had Lccomo somewhat long, and
when there was a pause in tuo occupat ion of
tho autocrat, tho chastening began. For this
offense tho sentence mostly took effect on tho
lalms of tho hands, and tho two strings, ono
of culprits coining to the ordeal, tho other of
victims with quivering hands tucked under
their arms, ai d howling, groaning, or with
difficulty suppressing their emotion as they
wound their way back to tht-ir seats, might
possibly have been objects replete with inter
est to a student of human nature, but were
too common to excite much attention among
TiitrA wns one littlo imp. as I remember.
who used bkillfully to skip across from tho
advancing to tbo retreating column, hug his
hands, and howl as if he had been smitten,
and so to get back unscathed to his place. It
was a dangerous trick, tho penalty of which,
if it had been detected, I dare not contem
plate. I know but of this one boy who tried
it. Blackwood's Magazine.
-li hu:.-ie coiuiiig, ii It hi -4 I v . i in nil j;- ;.li
!'., was i i simple fnsh:i v. pi l.'i tiio
o.vd tl at aw.iiti il b in.
ll.j w;.s ioc.nil" i.l froiil i;i Palie! I.ei-g
1 III".
pal.-..:-,., n. -u- I 'hs 1 i-;i, mi l;our irn.u i.eiiui,
i Aug. ii-' vieii'.d r: rr: vi' at 1 :' eloek,
t.u tii-.! !,.ii.-i' e;i uii: v i.e.-.-.- ill" ;.;.t.; e iii-
1. ! the c;vu .1 ;.-al h. rle.; I her,, ;;s early as
y o eloe'..;. 1 !;ev waile.i i;.ai- niiei ii"iii,
hoi'lill-.r l' gOl'll liO!!l:ll ll-U, Ol.iei.,
i;n,v:ii -r un and down tin- I .imit-n.
Tin) crov.d belon.' liie eli.p. r.'i s pal:'..-,, is
.i'i every day seene ivh' ii Ii" is i.ere. J no
)eop!o never tiic of it. 'i he fee.iii-i ;!. .us
e.iih th" v.-urs oi the old :-"'.-i re- ,u, i-.r
w t i i ; r, a man p-e-. :- i c."t id-1 0' to Miiiio
i,::d bow to them Ir.iin hi; win.: .u imieli
te.:i;;v:-. Ti:o Ca-maii crowd ii'i ' l n J!1''-''
oil". J L pu- :-.e -i.-ni'l .- ej aiiiia. s an-i i . . i i-ijueii.
ra do. On 1' ether htm i, ii, i-; le.l noisy. 'I I:
... , .. .i ... i .....
people V. ill s. an 1 1 1 v iv.o or I .:i ee i .11. .s 1 - -i
Hie -u:p ror s palace, patioiiliy v.aiting, ami
nimo .t sil. n:. They vi!l pu..'.i i.nd prc-s for
c-I i-- i ! '.-- iila'-ep. but without, any words. II
tiie ieo;;!o eliow.,.' to stand before the p-daees
all day, they may do m, provided they do
not encroach on the drive. They usually fall
back t the open sparu about ih" bl; eoues
i,.;.,n t-.te" of IVed'-riel; the Great. Jlero
tin- poli.-e d not, perhaps dare not, interfere.
'ihis i.i directly m lieut ol tno t-mjieror s win-
do'.vs. Sit-.t 011 tho day cl t he le:; .;-r s 1 eiiirn
lhe crov.d was much too Iarg- for t!i" pro'o c-
tiou .f Frederiek tho (Jivat.. It spread ail
1J011;' the Lhiden, where th.- kaiser orove from
the station.
T!IK FA! I'.'Cr.Oll S !'.;'.! v" A
"How will the Clin ror eonu f 1 asked of a
German workman standing ii'-ar by.
'Oh. like any bod v els.'. Alone, perhaps, 111
his plai.i ctirriag.', y..u knov.-."
A little later a pla.n, open victoria ana
:.:r of blue!: horses left tin- pakiee gnt.-s and
drove to the station to bring the emperor.
Tho emperor was 110!, i;;ti!e alone. His fa
vorite uido, (.'. .'.nit. behi'ii- loi ll", who is usually
wi:ii him, sat on h.s ! tt.,v.-e:.r:e.;; tiie oriinauc
uniform of th" (Kirde du Corps, his silver
heimet shhih'.g out from th.;li:it of white
feathers. The emperor's uniform was tiiatof
uu iufantrv general and was strikingly plain.
It was of dark blue cloth, the coat ulono re
lieved bv collar and cuTs of scarlet cloih. JIo
woro a cap of dark blue cloth, w ith a band ot
seark-t cloth around it.
As he slowly drove along tho Linden, smil-
in", his hand raised in salute, looking not at
all like a sick man, but quite wed, the cneers
broke forth, and, like a wave of sound, roiled
011 after him, swelling into-'IIoeh! lloch!
Iloc-h:'' shouts of delight and sat 1st action.
And when the carriage passed on to the pal
ace dour tho crowd rushed across tho street,
closed in about tho portico, and the police
mado an elfort to stay the tide.
Tho kaUer stepped from tho lowly victoria,
not us a man of W, but as ono twenty years
younger might. A little stoop of tho shoulders,
but otherwise tho tall form is erect. The
kaiser has never used a cane, and will not
use one now. IHit his step does not show the
feebler., ss and uncertainty of extreme age.
J.'o footman was in at tendance. Count ls
li 'udorll pus ed around the carriage to 1 ho
emperor's side and wr.ited f .r him to go in,
then followed into the palace. Th" trial
voting coachman in black and silv. r livery
drove sl;'.v!y back to the ::n!o. h.-urlliiig the
ribbons with conscious pri !'-. The crow d
watched the carriage in pleased sil"iiee until
it di-aopeared behind tho gates. Th- ii i'.io
p -ople moved about to rest them.c! ves.
P.ut not. to go away.
They wr.i!: d neariy ar.oi h r hour. The po
lice told them that tho emperor would hardly
Co. .;e to the window; that he was f.-t l;.;i!. i .
.1 : id must :' t Well re-it'.'-l for the' review t.Ui
next day. I'.nt. the 1 pi" knew b.tbrniid
wnlfoil. Uliitjl-ellas were put. down to
pive an uuob ;t ruet. d view of the corner win
liow, where the eiiim-roi- leo-t oOen .-q-pc-irs
All l.(. babies were h"is.. I on tie -.auuiilers
of the::- fathers, or raised as hi;:h as p
P, 1 ;,..;! t:v .1 ii"t-s' nrew, ana the smnil ooys
squee-; -d into every opening along the froii
of tho crowd.
Tiicn the emperor c:ure to th" win. low, a
hf-v kr.ew hi- woui.l. lhey tlirew up l.:.-
vn ved handken hief.-, and shoii' e 1 an.'. ...:-;i
....... -::"-os 1 he si re t to -.--l i;"n. er 1 lie
I .v -
, 1 r , . l . I ; .1 ?
wiedoW. 1 in. 11 - JHH-.:: i'O-n. Jio-n. .
ii-essin:' t:i-J h' i .'hto: ti -rm-n -nt husiasm,
out find t!i shouts mast have peii"-
t rated the very waiis of lk" .ala.-e. 1 he
l-i...:tv feee at tho wind w iic::i:i'il wil.a
C....-I..I- V,i l'ji.iicst minute the ol 1 kr,i 1 : had
1,;, !.nv,'!:i rehi; f up waving it :dth" crowd
Then lhe men and women lau.-.-hed with de
light, the babies clapped their hands, and tho
11 bovs. irrcpres-sibk' iu Oennany as else
where, vented their joy in shrill whistles. It
was enough fer 02:0 day. Tho kaiser was at
home, the '"ptcple were satiatied, and the crowd
t. o,-:- in tho afternoon the empress came.
drivim' cuietly from tho station, unattended.
to the palace. Her open carriage was drawn
I,,- n iv'o-nf b-.-own hoi-ses. and the coac-hmr.n.
a smooth faced 3-ouug feiio-.v, were silver and
brown livery. The empress is fifteen years
TraiioiT than the emperor, but looks more
than lif teen years his .senior. Few i-oplo
ivev about, and the tmpn s' arrival caused
no demonstration. Xew Tork Simu
A nmiiirsv AVavin-r a Handkerchief.
It is a custom among railroad men whoso
nre situated within view of their pass
ing trains to be always 0:1 tho platform of tho
nnil to salute their wives or other mem
bers of tho family, who are generally at tho
window at the time wuen tue trams pass
. 1 A. .
V?;;'--ei -:P
H 9n G
r rT
si n K
1 1
I'I MM TO ij:.-,il.
FJiOM ': TO f' l'J.
- Wilis
Rich A.traclian anl Fiir Trimuir-Ej.
FKO.M (i. TO f5.
A full lil.C ed
Dlhlltii - JiiUiBii)
FIiO?-I Oi?. TO s !(i.
J A Z 7 rr z' r y n ff
J . m 4 . C lu v 1 -v Lj V.4 I I d
DAYLK5IIT rTid!;'.
I (?) n fa m !tf
T1-E DIlYIilQlIT S'l'OlE.
tr.-i rj
1. 1 (.: e.-i
V L .-Is u us ia sVytiil w
The citizens of Cars count;
coi;:.ty roo.-tid'
eooiiie at a phnice that the above bird is fi Cass
i loud and over tin-victory gdn'.d by
an c'k N;i11dq
mm ii umm wm op ii
'vnibited oyer all cr titer--. The award is ngnihcant i
stvle, value ami qnau'dty and will command your In
when v.-c t.-tii find, we have t iii- -'-nsoti t!r
:::nl mo.-.t varied line of
n point of supieinaf y'
aity f oi:c:i: r( nee
: oiainlcsi
W liiiliai-
mm, cenot?, isisiii
rLiiiiiSUiim, u
To bo U-.wvA in th
fi f 1
ladies of Flattsmomk ar.d vicinity are respectfully invited to call and inspect
some cf the wonderful Manufactured Textile Fabrlqucs of the age.
- m -m -m
This y-Ao v.ill ccntinue t!::.? and :.ll next week. Great bargains will be offered.
-llQ i The conductors and brakemen have co:no to
owner no- -,r.l it nj a dutv on the part of their fami-
sQ... 1 .
A Valuable Cherry Tree.
Six hundred dollars seems n largo prieo for
ono cherry tree, but that was the sum paid
f cr ono in Santa Clara county. It was re
quired to be removed to make way for tho
M.nn.lon vnilro.ld. Thd OWTlCr do-
ii, ', riiiti .viii, . ...v ...... ..... . . . . .. -. - - ,
n.iP ; "fiv Ko or sivtv v-is old and! manded $900 for it; experts were appointed, 1: ;o be at the window. A conductor on a
Dalke is ott-!ie or sixty v oia ami , . .,, tr. fr, vtnr, I o i i, 1 i i,Mr Oi-nn-o
r... - (i I il. i lb 1'. J'1- :, .".w". - .
is yet alive but cannot rct ovt r. 1 .ic : TjcUedthe owner crops of fruit which sold J -x. verv particular to have this custom vr
deed was not t'.tno for rol b rv. as no i for sums equivalent to tho interest on the 1 gved'and only discovered the other day that
. . f Tt 5 cv-i, ".-I to bn : amount claimed. By a compromise 000 was j Li wife, for an iaJcfmite ieriod, has boon
money wa, taken. It is sj,..h.,, a to ct occeplcd for the trec. This give our cil.CUTUvcnt:ug Lim by havmg a dummy
the outgiowth of an old f -u I among his i castorn friends some idea of the valuo of fruit ; ,i,x-sc-d in her clothes near tho window with
neighbor or relatives Officers and a trees and the profit derived from them in a Eutiering handkerchief that gave her hus-
physi'clan left hsre tp-uight for the rcene ' Cl"a vulley.-Kono O'ev.) Gazette. b?lld t idea she was there waiting to saluto
" J '- ' - - -" liim. iS'iwaili ew-s.
of the tragetly. v
Vc ;iro vt-t;i
2To;it n;.-ii :i:-A
iiiipos.-i bic. but Iroui tn:
l:tt'- ;:, j,
- ed'
bltCJ WiltCil
our roo.-ter i'i the p-rc-li ovinij to the
making (-.iiiM-r :ir.7:tiiK-e!ncnc
our ti.'iverti.-cinc-bt :t'.:d jirclit
ft. lOdo
TTTlTifc. T.-r-nf Tlrv flnorls TTnil?.G.
X i lit'w'-' x 1 u j vjiw." .
Main street