V THE DAILY HERALD, PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, MONDAY, OCTOI'-EK 10 1SS7. Stye plattsmoutlj Drrirn )crali, KWOTTS DROS., Publishers Proprietors. REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET. I'or 'J'ic;iMiriT I. A. OAMI'IJULL. Tor Clerk BERT CIUTCIIFIELD' Tor lleconlT WM. II. POOL. For Su?riutenl!iit of I'ii!ll: Instruction MAYNA1CD SPINK. Kr SIm i !ir J. C. EIKKNBAUY. For JikIk CALVIN IIUSSELL. Kor Clerk of i':t Court II. J. STUEIGHT, Vor County t'omiiilKsioncr OEOIWK YOUNG, l-'or Huryey: r A. MADOLE. I'or Coroner IIENKY IHECK. Minister Mismnu had resigned 1118 position as representative of tlie United Statcsji n Mexico. Mexico haa always been the political grave yard of American ministers. lice. Tx Alabama a new prison coclo goes into effect next month which, it is believed will mitigate soinowbat the hardships of the convicts. These, it is claimed, are much less than in former years. It is pleasant to bo able to record that so far as this is true it is largely due to the efforts of the Christian women of that state act ing under the leadership of Miss Julia S. Tutwiler, principal of one of the Alabama Normal schools. Through their exer tions the first schools for conyicta are now being opened, under a law which re quires the state to furnish a teacher to every camp of one hundred convicts. Another reform they have accomplished is the heating of the county jails. A stove or a fire of any kind is said to have been unknown before now, with the inev itable results of Bickuess and death. In counties which have not taken advantage of the law permitting then to turn their convicts over to the state, the abuses of the chain-gang system, which is practical ly winhout supervision, are said to be much greater than those of the state sys tem. Perhaps the spirit of the authori ties is sufficiently shown by the fact that in several counties the Women's Christian Temperance Union is no longer allowed to hold religious services for the con victs on Sunday. It is singular how many points of likeness there are bet worn this system of slavery and the old one. Difficulties of thfi Law-hreakers in Iowa. The democrats and law-brcakcrs of T .r.. 1 i: r iV ' iowa, iiier iioiiii- lor mauj that "prohibition will not f prohibit," have j 1. ii.oTr t-;n tn 4 ntmosi ten- 1 sion to find methods to make good tbei. f tho chie? ajjents that prediction. One of they have employed on the westsrn side of the stato is a tlick, smooth young man. from Council Bluffs who boiep up his contraband floods in all sorts of wf.ys tc deceive the railroad and- thr.s g;t bis liquors transported to the neighboring towns. Of course no bill for any eucl: liquors can be collected by law and th? dealer in tha contraband. 6tu3 has to trust to the honor of his customers, but such is their anxiety to help break f3 law, and to enjoy (if that is the word) f r occasional -pi-ee with their comrades the they seldom ,":dl to pay, bo thia deals? thought ha "--l ruccecded ia cstabl'chinj; a fine businc?.-, whea, to his horror, th.3 authorities nt only learned of his littl-J scheme, but f---.nd his custoacre and out many or tuer r- jr.ii, fjio y.'ae noor fellow wet to callsci his bl'b c few days ago '-i the towr. cr ueriaa, Shelby co'inf-, rhich was b's mopMucrf- tivo place h':rs lie td siz good c'JsVsra er3, he fonr.- fie Tf!iola els: ia js'l. He slipped beck hov-.e without his money, a sadde" Jd 5 '"icorer nip.n, and -order ing aficr all ? f "t-toh'bit'on would notj prohibit". The purchrse cf c!i3 B. ft C.- telegraph lines and. bas'.ess by .he "Westsr:. Union company practicpUy rjt3 the telegraph ing of the country into the hands of M?. Qould and his as?ociaties. This puts the news, tb.a business, end t a groat ex tent, the fartuaes of the co-mtry into the hands of one great corporation. TVs certainly is the strongest and greatest, and most dangerous monopoly now iv existence. It is possible that th's great po wer'mayjaotbe abused for a season But it is only a question of time till it will be used to the great harm of the masses. There seems to be but one remedy for this threatened evil, and that is, for the gov ernment to establish a telegraphic system of its own which shall reach every busi ness place in the whole country. And while the rates should not be such as to destroy or bankrupt the Western Union company still they should be such as to bring down tho price of telegraphing to the bases of only a little more than its actual cost, and secure truthful reports of the new3 and markets so that the business of the country shall not be affected by the misrepresentation of facts. There is plenty of surplus money now in the United States' treasury to build up eucIi a system in a very short time and plenty more to Bpare. "What a grand t'jHg it would be for the country if the surplug money now locked up in tlj'j treasury vaults could be u.scd for this purpose. That vat amount of money would tt ouee be put into circulation through the pockets of the laboring manse:, r.ud tba country would be saved f.-o:n the dk asters which this dnugerous ."rid uav.' r ful monopoly now threatens. Of course we cannot expect tlie demo cratic party to do the couu'ry ouch a ser vice, therefore we aiut look to the 12 publican party to bring it about f r ;' has always been the policy of the repub lican parly to guard the inteicsts of tlia poor, relievo the oppressed, r.-.d "cscue the couutry from danger. It was Mie re publican party thi.t emancipated. th.3 slaves, saved the county lYoni in? results of treason and rebellion nnd, gave protection '.o the laboring jji':-9"s by pro hibiting the countless hordes oi" cheap Asiatic laborers from landing on our fchoren. The next great act of the pa'ty, f s Boon (is it comes into power again, v,U proba bly be to relieve the country from the grasp of this gigantic monster monopoly. In a SCcamfihip'a Engtno Rooto. My reverie is broken by a touch cn tfco shoulder, and looking round 2 find ta? good natnred captain, who says: "Would you like to go down with r-ic? Up the engines everyday." V,Te rfesc-jr-! to the main deck, nna by r.n iron do-:r o itc the engine compartment. A bans";?, o: cotton waste is placed in errH 1 ana at 1 protection Hga!n?t tbo omn'prestnl oil. Carefully we ilescerd fie 4rcs t tr.rs, Xocp 1ns a firm hold o'. tb balvst'iile, list r srdden lurch of the h!o ebonl. prseip1-ti-.te ua F.rnons th great, lercrr rsnd orr-nlc that wenve wi h rclcntlcs"? byz&L Lik the IiPgs monttem oi n r'gi-t-MSJV, tV.ey would grind their teeth an-f. tear ihsir vic tim limb from limb. At every ttrok" 0-? the piston a. cold shower huh thrown upon the bearings prevents tl? n?' oi metal from becoming hea'.ed. , Through a dim alley in tb told nma the steel shaft, extending frorr ermine to f crew, each of whose sisty r"oli Hans c minute drives the ncrnious 'roc ship sic ir !y tbirry feet aheid In tbesea. I.'era Ji s-ida room arc the clynuir.os ?cr eTtvtrJ'; lights o! ti e ineandes'rent ore paVic;n cis trib' ted 2ron.rl out the ship. "Be careful," says the captain at w cuter a dark passage between tr.t Ivt J..tr naces r.ud a moment kki?r mer!?c Into th glare oi open Are tioo. Stolr.ere strtd 1 to the waist, smeared with coat dust tea I streaked with sweat, are Tcrki.. ft ri- ously. Out they drr.g tbr br.rr.icg cca!a that hisa us they dron on the f oodd nr.t- ings. In they thrust the ficrr g'.vr-i s: food and with a erah of c o;-? doors i J is suddbnly dark. Bade t "!P? F9?3" 1 age and staircase re regain th d.c?r. II ) seems weird to siuMeidy loss the icrcul I of the engine and find enrssiroa i1n tl cold night air, with mity s.g OTC7ie;v;: and wiud moaning in the ccvelajs. j.'jaa "T'ie pursuit of the sword flrh" Pro fessor Goo'lc .says, nv.cn mor? cr- CllDR IRar. onu e.iii ti;ii:-.-s, iu. i- b1es hi-mine; of larps nn!w3 -res. v.e land and ira iates more the ua-irra o.? the chsise. here is no rlow cr cf.-e.-u Vwticft and patient waitin-?. and aprointraent cnn3od capture of worthlesp no . id&B'.'T by tao a? brit straler?. T'afi crania Is P?n nnd followed, rAT.d or.s-.TiV.-:3. arm and skill. The swordf.sh is pc.7cr- us niT-suers' vtssei int.? Varb-)" i-.r. almost sinking, fron. fnjuri"? h- ic flicteci. I h.ve l;nown yc??-:' e? T strcck by wonrded swcflX'sh p.r --V ' tTvaT-.t t'tpes in a sessou. 'T'hers :s ever, the F.r.' cv' p-?3". r-I drPrcr to give svcr tc rici r.vr cscasiona-'iy z: x-.rv:. fa-.'a'-ed Cr-h. Ore ci Csv-wt- was sever rvov ci c V- - f-T.-ccv f'sh- -"hic?j thr'is; h s na;'. t-nip-i. tn-c--K 5?cr c' p, boa cc rrc .-".-v:'- irg, and Depc-tr'teu lith--" ir. ??".V7? men tc ibis j -.Trait; -7"ria L"?r i7 or;- ie rn'JC I- chErrr' Ar. old ' wh?r. he wa? cn t'ii cti?3! ; ff mKfv,'b sii Vis r'-i1c." atsCf-n'i then aites ceili. of hus v, T";see p,rni L.-iii't" HTTsicns into riion-vrr mcciter ; -, ! 4V ,1 f -orf-'ih J3." Nr-vr Yorsc Ila'I Riul Strata of liroohljn fitrt. Th3y are digging for foundations of tha els'" ted railroad on tl.e rna-Je groiuad a th- f coi of Fulton street, Brooklyn. Jus-, ic frcn: of tbe Annex forry houe is a fcol wldch hz.-y historical interest At a depth cf two feet a brick pavement was reached reet-ng immediately upon a layer cf cob ble atot3. This was the grada of a1. tcn street at that poin twenty-three years ago, when turntables were used to r0we7?e the street cars. Four fet bolow l?e gyrfaoe is a pavement of rough round stcces, and this was in use rlfty yecia axo vrhen the old stage line halted there. 2Jjit e?f dov,-n is a deep black stratum sbow'njj the h'gh water mark of tho eld lard'r.g usod in colonial times. The piles will probably have to go very deep to ob tain a fira hold, for all the old ma; Bho" tliat less tlian 150 years back a lifjo bay r?n up Fulton street as far as Front street, and Jewell's mill was out on a point. New York Sun. llaivk and Coyots. A coyote in "Walla Walla was attacked by an immense hawk that liit him fair on the back of the hesd. The coyote would duck his head, then make a snap at tho hawk, but could n't reach it, and at the end of twenty i.dnutes was literally pocked to death. New York Sun. Costa Klca's Mineral. Sprlns. The recent discovery of several valu able springs of different mineral waters in Costa Iiica has caused the government to issue a decree declaring all such to be the property of the state, and ordering that in future none hall be transferred to private ownership. Chicago Times. WHOM EV?.Y30: Who -r TrZtrv cir T. Zlin crazy IvLt; Ott-, 0.' dilefly arrmees I.ir'i"!' 1 Vr!p' 'J- tr&t?d pajru, poeJiiij; joitcri' -aad uoih ing cigrrtttes. The mother of 77. C Qf-trc!!, t'zi noted gijcrnll:, ;tiH .M-n '. :an-i c-:"v O., xr.d fmcly belie-"?. i?er 5dst.il ing and will one dy r turn hoi.11. Mrs. Sheridni "-an "T;-flef;. 09 cn the hnndsome.t ?ron,'.ir ivcn a .rc- !?r.i' adclpbia celebraiioa. Ic:." "j'Ci Are icrg-.. brown and ' .jutif ul, ht ir' r- t :pecial fancy for brw. co.-Ta.,",j., "-i;cl an; nr. &d.nirabIo "ai'cifor tlote i'iract . vc eye3. ISefore Je-iring K; sir gen PrJnc B:-r.--;rck alwaya cet;-i:.'S Iim Trig'it, rnc"' r.o w.;a t'i's y a:- gra.:ii:ed to finI i iiari .vrnaincd 'h-y sar.uo as Ixat e'- iut-r. tiO? j-ounds. li- fora i::.inarck lat.TEtc himself 'jr T3r. I- "hwi-ninsfc h-3 -.vcigcex. forly p-orn .ii uiorfv J. T. Ttow bridge, fho ru.thor, lio." pTOv.n r5cr fn ;im oh.-.;.' ?:id obrw.nt ay. Ac iz one of ths- prn'-iivJ i'.oVrio.tlerr ii' ti'.a co'rpari' v. l.'eV? ovvt tTl tl".o c: ij'; Itjifl creotta ;?s r; S"fcnnjc,cr;, If a. Inr, r: oid rNe i: tho ;rirs o' zr-A v. thaC retort Lnu ?!.' the i-'-cKhoidtrn wealthy. Conirrancr-in-Ch-'.'-' 3V'ro'id, of tno G'a.-'d Aru-T of ilw ji nu'ii t.mokirg, f.ftf-r hcv' !g boon r.ddlstcd ?t ihfe hnLii ni-:i ye:.r?g sspr-h-xsd. abandon d thy igr.mt weed ju.' t ccvce. week ago, after ro hrd orn inform jc by several hyHcianr thai ita continued r.EO recounted for hF-My i::fla.ned UmsiLs, which seriously trorbled hiiv. IIo hus noted n gicr.t iniproTrr .716 n hs conei tion of hit thrf. it, cud Br.ja, ':r, a Toico in which thers is i sJighS tins cf regret, that he hve undoultodl tmohed Li isi cigar. President Crier, of Wi!lf?ni ccllege, thn other day ciiv the members of tho poimon-.oro c!?s th of the trustf C3 rn rims pi-'uii:, r.rid hF.sin.g. IIo in for."n?cT. thrive ti.?t rn o the conditions Tpr."i which th' y '"aokl b5 allowed to re main in ths V-vftli lerut wsia that all cane rv-ahivj; ri.c. J-Jtirfertnca witlt the freshrrfn must ji?'.? y. He toki th-3 clse irftnkiy tha .? a man were caught th ut,!nvsj Ivs -froald evJTer eeTcrely. ii b hoped fae 'c3Uibra.kQ roid bwilrcii'jx cn the bJca o tin liooaao riyev 'sro cle'iml nw." Tha prtsi deni vlito giwe th-v f)rtffku u tlk on snoVhig rxl ArLJUr. "Whan G?r. Jcjp C. Frrrnoni waled into the rcoritM the Pt;i5 rilrcad coiur-iiwi&r. thf? corav t!ss.: or-ic sood up end gretQd him heartily, p.sd the law yers: ens after axy-ther, wr introduced to hisi and ri-!Spcc: h:a M.cv31t by tiia ,,ceb);; Qj f 5-; " b, feicnot . .. , . ' , ? !!' Jcsrr ydn a '3 ??.y vvl a term n BWfilgbu rs ,?heu 'v perva & paihvf.y c?r , Pocky movutftUf! r.evr jl.l Do&Co forty ye-.Ta ,o. bt.ovj- -Lit f na wnftirurs as r.int.iy fcep? as trei? bis Wond locks hi tho dy8 -fbec .s uto6 tfcs bart ci pr-iry Jwla Bon'con; in 5'; it-3 hr fjU.- r p prct9a9. Ha is pasa ing h-h Wv-jin dTt' qjitly down a pv-. Phwat r-s Haw Jci----t 'nrqt biw rsthrtd sbtiui him thsro the mxt-iials ivr r. fiirtcry of hk 111? feat. wrUtoc by bit?!,ir sr.d Wc ehrnning rtf, rtili cloubi-a tt f . ri por. pict- !Vftn of tri1? lis hK ovzj of tLi3 Eisner Tcr.cr.yi: do Sfi-'ofrowx, the ditlon whese Hh.. rs.ii fron ba chitchw e ths Aby-bhi-., c l-azr. 7f. Jid. bat -T ... - iv'Pg hi 1m ("cs-th-: of the , ,"irVs015n-en 6.'i rue: t tin CXT-Zr; -T.-i' -i:?b;rd -roret'it.-? ha co'.-.a rotf tr.'W ?. t.ics"s vap. wps i) io cb?.t-iri hy th. vr. tc rtd of ar. .abyr-iiuj 2ch.fcir, ?o.tVw 'losing chan-d e-'sry vi-. K?-- ksw. c sieop on the "wc --t-tr -107, le :'t ht I'.nder- "tcod; cviv "i.u I'sAtid h;jj cenpnn- lea to rero6. Ia iVo mesarr ho bd to i pi', nr fsLmd or mcTi -rrh.vx it sttftoi tho tTsr Vo Mo? fcs. xnidct of Ids suf-fe-iri';i" t-Jsrt? fy to -fcte -i-.cocQpl9.JJiing ee-j-jLity. OrJy or.io did Jja loea his t?'erc r .ad is EsJcmbni who wrote it .o SftTuxoax'fj mothe? ind that was -"-ben., writes P.h'uibt:ni: "3Iaj. Pianc rnd -Ln-srelf, winri'jd. ovr with our suffer- i inss, disc-.ss?d the cct.nmis.sion of sui- i cide. Then fjiivoiroax ercw ui!rry, and ! I -.0 strong! d's.-i;a Jci iss from Hurt 4vilo tbin:,' r-3 ng c;ui:d IS. that w n-jver epeke cf it &ain.' Mortar TVIiish Iott Ifardaos. An intelligent end practical builde? etates i? r s the result of Id cipcrkr.ee end observation that moristr ia ibe in terior of walk, cspeJally if it he wbs is called "rich"' jnorUr, b liable never to harden, tut to retJtt fej cof ecnsJstncy ; OTen for ciiitr.ri( ; c tba? c.a orly Da the C2S2 wnerc th. i-ntsiicr 9? tLo wa3 L, hermetically ssuls'l nsxintt She axternal air, vrhich meihi'd boti arretis ovpDOra- iso arvJ. shuts c'.. Vt chcmicrl opiration of ths p.tmot-pher?. Th itvci kirn been Etatexl tbit ia England, x-t knf ago, an ; RrchitcS ivg into r ir. 500 years wd of consideiabV thickness, and toch from batwees th Etcnei a pvait'.tT of mcrtr a scfi as it rnwdi ha-ra b3c the ivy thm vrail ws3 built, sjh. discoveries cf h same character ha-ra b?eii wado in s;her places. It hi zL-o 6tatd that tho possibiilt7 of such m occurrence may bo tested in a very erisy -way. namely, by putting some rich moriar into a ghiss bot le jiL btrmeticidiy sealinjr it the fact !einf that it will nvfcr become any harder than when J waa put Into It. Htw York Sun. An Ovmvr Wcatafl. A recent bulletin of tho United States ftah comnussion reports the capture of s, ttodfish at Gloucester, JIas3., la Septem ber, 18S6, which contained a pocketknifo of curious workmanship imbedded in its flesh. Tho knife 1 ias a brass handle curved and tapering, with a elit in the hollow side for the blade, which Is of lance shape. It b six and one-uuarter inches long, and It is thought the owner must nave oeen tome aborigine, cr perhaps a sailor. Tho tnif o was discovert by accident in hand ling tlio cuL Cajatil'a Fatuily ilagazine. r-JOTl.'J CENTRAL INTEREST. IIi-Ticr.v'a ft) iouiid tit pnesent in five p-j'j i'j";! C-iuforida, as lo'lows: Am-;-'. 13icr. D-jrao, Nevada and Th-Ci tlicrnd men l;aro Ixrn cm- j'cvvi cn iho Cai:; vu 1's.ci ic pnow Tl:e b'.gcvl and ' 3 rfr.ro BiT-i'o- E,'tdr' ore acrosa the tk-lkirk and Ij.iy mouiU"Uii3. A cu-To dovi'-o recently gntten uj in IreT YiV L a c'oek iucai-ed in a rt-p-ro-cex.t alien tC a baseball, cowred with : lea: T3 o dial is i.ubcdded in a cut bjC';io.; o.' tho ball. Th? 73oiVE. Avr i i. r ropDrts that Iowa' fci-n-ri-j au wiitlMc to V.-nnont with re garc. m pi'.rcrj--:, fa 'ins there, and it wjo ;hri. rjro.dy t. iovr-ni has set in ?ro:o:i vari-jiii diroctioi.a that bids fair to f et'le hi pobicin of th hill towns of Kcxf England by rcpfHipi'iijr tlieia. A:i o!d tfvnepi'X'" in phown in a Phila delphia wirdew. 'lii" front the clock is sT Ji;e, round wait'r. Tho hours are ranked on a doe'i iyf.:r:diells. A fTnrdl piate: c: r.df.hcd v. ii': slices of lemon, curcc-i .ho wcrh.", ai.d tho Lx'ids are a knife ar.d fork. Tho ruuuiit of invention has leen reached in the meehanical p'aro j.hiycr, by means oi1 wh-eh, as claim d by tho makers, 'anyin.'dy, without the least rjQUsicid knoivlodgo, can jlay any pKco cf mi-6'c" This v. iil shut up tho con serva'.onea and send tho pianoforte tea h cr6 to L!:u .'ooihouw, but will gire a buom '.o pianofurto factories. Bridid parties wlio visifWVtshinfiton are dici'-ppomtod becau -e the.y cannot a.-eend to the tOM of ll.o W':i'jhinjcton inonuincnt. Conrrcsa made no fjij.ronriation fT lur nishi::r bleam jKj-r to run the elevar, vul unless k fijcciid men -ir e ia introduced at tho neat teshion the top of thof-hait will bo inaccfcSfcible during another liacal year. Among other relics of the mound builders discovered near Dovil's lake. Dal:., by Professor JIont;oi.ery of the North li;-.koj-& university, ia what ho calls a hacrifici'd luound, in which. wvcnt-:!ii inches froiu the stirfaco, are wclla eiu-iiy found because of a lining of liiiie about line gidts &sid lajcrs of bark on the bot tom. They ar-s dfcep enough to hold bodies in a wittng posture. The Prussian army list for 1887 con tains two ld miM-.sbi'.Is, theciiJV n prince and Covxt iloitke; lii'ty-nine cavalry aiid infantry gtneraii; tieventy-tix lieutenant gensrali, and 117 major generals. The cavalry stall cocsictsof fifty-live colonels, thirty-eight lic-utemmt colonels, and 20G majors, and i the infantry staff there are 1G1 colonels, 173 lieutenant colonels and 700 majors. The number cf officers ahows an increase of sixty-Eii as compiucd with last year. In 183C the number of persons receiv ing interest from registered United States bonds was 80,802. Wince that time 300, 000,000 of those bead haTe been paid off, and it ia figured thii the numher f holders ha been red; seed to about o), 000. Of these holders 25.6).:i held be tween ?50 and f-00 uch, &tjU 59, "-11 held less than 3,500 each. The New England states held 17ier cent, of the who-ls, the midal states t7 pc-r cent., rhs Tcst4rn states 13 per cent., and tho soudieru etstss 13 per cent. Pvipid photogr; hy h.ta made great progress during tJic lr.t ten years. No where is ii more apparent than Li tlie photo.?r3piin3C cf projectiles. Photo graphs of the projectile from the pneu matic gun a IToi t Lnfaytort?. in New York had or, eh owed an apparent 'cou- denation of ;hs ah ju.-;t r her.d; and now, I mi some rnoiogrpns u projrcii.es ii i fromaYerena.r c:n ntl'ti., Ilungnry, . , , . .-.. a i I projectile aopei: rs io be enveloxed in layers quits hyperbolic in form. Th-J-re one T;-culiar punorslition I Rmcr.sr BteaTntortTren that dees not lose tt?y ot its int6ret uy age. r.enever a j t;-inister e.r.I r. whit" horse happen to j rraVe thi trip at the same t:ne on a j steamboat, tlsro is tlways an Occident of j Eoie.e kind to fo'Uow. )i may not be al- i -ways to Uie Bto-iii'Lc-i'-, b.it it is certain ! to be to the boat or i-cnie of the i).sfcii- gors. This svps? ration is so strong anion.? the dechauds ihvt tliey -viil posi- tire! reuss to go on a hoa, which car ries a niinhiter and a vhite horse. lloinanoe of a I'rsr.ch Cror-us. U. Andre Krcn has decideil to live per manently ?Ji Paris. Thibis an interesting announcement to society, because M. Kron ii one tf the richest men in tlx world, and will doubtle.-s live in a stylt bef ttmg his wealth. The stc-y of hi. ripe from poverty and obscurity to wealth i and honor is a curious one. It was m the reign of Czar f.tctioias. M. xvron was then a young man a tailor's clerk, I be-lie-re in St. Putsre.-urg. One summer ths weather was un'j-uaHj hot, and an epidemic of fevr broke cut in St. Peters burg. People died by thousands. Itwiis; (i veritable pestilence and threatened to depopulate the city. The doctors were powerless to check it. One day M. Kron wrote in one cf the papem tliat t.U the trouble wa? in the water the pecjle drank. It was drawn from the Neva, and ell the Eev. ers cf the j city emptied into tjte Neva; conseouently i tjie rsople were drinking diluted sewage. It is a rema'-hftble cojumentary upon yusi;Mn int'.!.U:enc3 that no one had thought of thi3 before. But now C?.ar Nicholas rerd II. Kron's suggestion and at once ordered n pood water supply to b-j secured, no matter what it might cost. The imperial engineers went to work, but m-L-t with obstacles they could not over come. Nicholas sent them to Siberia and eei others to work on the problem. Tliey faikd, tco. and wore sent to Siberia, and a tliird set of engineers went at it. Thc-y not only failed,"" but they convinced the czar that it wa3 an impossible task, pnd he decided to abandon it. Then 2.1. Hi on came forward. Reorganized acompany and carried the work to completion. Thereupon the czar bestowed a decoration upon him with bis own hand and gave him a fortune of t'Ci, 000,000, and tlie czarina wrote him an autograph letter of thanks. The enterprise was, of cc urse, a profitable one, apart from the royal favor, and SI. JCron i now said to be worth up ward of $30,000: CC0. Paris Cor. Chicago Tribune. Idaho rabbit ears are called "poverty Cat scrip." ... 9 r'iyri rtc?r T?eyy tV fUi tem ktir ivijX 1-iri tiu'd :jJ For the ih-! iev wovks -liIci' of lots in Sull) Park inaj bv hud for w : Piifc!i;i ,it ma y ia v all in vuh; or 011c half cash, the oilier halJ'in iu' year; or, onu tliinl oahli; bal ance in out; anil l sv year.- ; or iV" cash, 1 t inaindcr in month ly installments (!'; or, any one areei;:. to conr,triict residence worth ..'JoiH) aad ujwar.-l will Ik; g'ivciJ u lot with out i'urther consitleralioii. i ; i 4 - ft ' f c-i . r V e ! " i to select your residence lots oven though you should not contemplate lniilding at once. One visil to Soul Ii Park will convince ihe most skej)lical that it is 1 he most desiralilo residence localitv in tho city, and we will add, that tin; most substantia! class of buildings of which Jhit tsmoudi can boast i'or the year 18 V7, arc now beinf constructed in thin handsome addition. U 4 -u L'a UiUi utk mJL ii -OF iiioiuul and Ihrough tin: entire; tract. Any one dciriiuc to c -ib-tnict a collate or a more )rc.'U'n tious residence in S.ntli Park, can examine a lr.r.e f-ele'tion oi plansof the latent style oi residences hy call'm;; at o;:r oJH.'C. Anyone desiiiii; to examine, pi-opeity vitii a vieTY to )i.irehaFip;, will be drive:) to tlie park at our e:ci;cso. South i'nrk i.- it ss tlntii il.icc Iwit!i - oi'u milii JVom )"rsi iluiu-e. Ii caa kc re;i-d:ed Mi!ivua:titly !y eillar Cliicngo r iinci. in Avenues, or t-outh on 7tii tieut:. CALL on T"!i i Tf rjavo anytliincf yoa want from a Iwo-wLctktl go cart to a twenty-four p i.-enCT wagon. are always b ;t rea'iy. (Jab.s o:- tiIit e.irrino.-, pu'I-i-cn'cr wnoua nt;U everytising tbr funerfils l!iri:iicd on i hoi t notice." Tc-nn.- ciuli. r,v f V43f) i X -. y, y-v t;. Covvv -"ii 'T s.uiil jDKALKTIS IK . n J t:'-1 ,v ti ; ' 5 - ; " b-a 'j t 3 -.' W' 3 n tt,.2 SXJILXDIXO- PAPER k m tiH r?rw stfA MOST - ' ' 1 Z 1 . i V y h & fiti iii tzz "r-i . - i frevcntli Slr;ot. ALL KINDS OK f J ! r 2 s .1 5 UUi 3 rf- 7" ir--: r