A ins ' -ftr i ?&a Us 1 1 1 FIKST YEAIt HATURDAV I3VENIMJ, OCTOV.IJU 8, 1N.S7. KUMIJI3U S t. (Si 1- g 3 GFllY OK.KrGKfS. Latest by Telegraph, j M;iyrr, I'icrk, Treasurer, Attorney, r:ii;:ti:ei-r, r 1'olire .fudge Mari!ill. Cotinci linen. 1st ward, " 2ml " 4th. JUoiird Pub. Work h I T W.J. ii Klcf (ill J I II IlA .1 !l Sir; i -si s j (J 11 i-.MITK I J If SATI- )t..J S' ' 1vi:".n Ci.aiik. ; A Mahoi.i-: IS Mai iiKWri : i j v vi. -KiiAcii An Entire t-uirn;y rOisonod fry tho jo m.!mv'.'b Wif mwl Msthor. I Wm Wi n c ! (?u TTAo.:, Ti i.ii., Oct. 7. News I M It MUM'IIV ! . IS W DiiTli.N Ji.is just riMched t Ills ; it y of the po-;oJrn;j ). : , !f Hi., fnt;,-.. u i,;r.:. II- 1 I..1I. i: Ilfiru. - - - . . - . . , .., m... ns .-.i.wh.ua.v : ()r fOI,r .. I !CI '' I 1 ' awksWokth ; tli.! mcmb. r.i of ll ;i)I!K'!',Vi;i) ANI 8T(i!,K A TEr?RiBLE OHIMt. I i r.t Ku;,h lid. l.iij, ii k' irrod s). '!"r cludiii'j D.ivlil O two chiltlfvii. Tli rl-vtrr-c an.l wifu mil Treasurer. lciiity Treasurer, - Clt-rk, l;jut v ('l'Tk, :hirk of 1 Ji-t net Court, SUi-riir, l.-iiity .Slu rilT, Kurvnyor. Attorney. Siipt. ttf i'iit Sc!ido1h, County Juil'.ce. jtoAitn : aui'KitvisdiiS. JsVl Foi.tz, Ctrm., Vw).iir: Water A. It. T(I1, ... ruiismoiiili A. II. J)r 'KSON", - I'.liilWilDll I . Cam pi:!' i i. I In..-!, i'.. i.i.., Itrecluid puts) c.c. Mri'ii nKs.c; : enr-d to po'.so:i t!io wliolo faniilr .i.e. Kik!:m:.u: l r'iso!Uii;j too': place yc.taril ty iliicl tile ' j; v. Vj'.'m ans j deaths ocean o:l in a few li-'.urs. Tin Sli.;li:nl tlirciit- Tlio A C."!!LD'3 LAUGH. All tin- l.i ll.-. .,f 1,. ,irti ,.,nv. ,.;n7i All tlm liir.h! .,1 I.ve!i m.iy sinlr. All tin w: IVsui enrt'i may ,rirj' All the v.iml 1,11 enrtij i.iay Lrin' All bivuet .suiiii.ls tu;;i Ihcr, t,"t,,!i'" f.;." l!,ii.i all U.iii- 1 I -in-J .1 J.;!.-!. r, t Miihl r.r v.-1 .1 l W.'lrTS I, I. V.-or.l, ii:.l ia vun.i, w!iii p.eat'u r. One U,Uit- y,- tJicns is, that ncce !;'t V!.il tli,; liA-i .,.t;.;,-t unj ef M.'in 1 l!i :-1 !, I I,,. ITivpeit i;i i., :iVL,i In i. ;i't; r; Fcfl mi l si run? .-ma l;!:t, 'ery t uuiiij or very li'Jit, l!e.i.-tl froui ii:oriiii;:s rosiest li.i''bt, . hcti t!..- ,f ull Je!i-Kt l'jlid a chilua ele.ir lauijl.Ur. v'.n-Inburno. I.! H, Am.i-.n' i:i:i..s .?f j coroner h hivcsti'iiitiif the case to-tlav. l.l.W S A I'll Sl'I.VK '" J2 THE AMERICAN IDEA. A rnz7.Io to Poopio Ilcyoud the Atlantic. Opfj.-ttiniti fr i.-vcryboly. TilO Writers JUKI t!,i.,!.r.r.: 1 r.-. .l 41. t f ... .- . wjuim LliO JiL C 1:i;.-'ici.i. , CIVIC SOGIKM'IIcS. rilJtH i.UHUl', Jill. . A. (. (i. V, . .MeeiS every altermu; : 1'ritl.iy eveiiinic :it 'a . S I' ball. Transient lirotln rs are iesiei-l i nlly in Vited to :ttt.iil. I". K. While. Master Workmai! J. A, 'i aite, K i rem a ii ; .. -Morgan, Overseer ; j. ii. Alums, Kewruer. (1ASS CAM I NO. :';.';, MODI'U.N' VOaDMJ-X J of America Mei-n necom! ami fmi h M-n-i ay i-veiiin at K. .f i hr.H. All Iruiisicnt. brotherM me requested to meet with us. 1,. A. Noivci. ucr, Ve.!ier::ile Consul ; W. Willetts, Worthy Advisirr ; r, M:tl'.:s, hx r.ai:!.'.r ; J. E. 1M orris. Clerk. 1?L.VTTS.MOIJI I( I.OUCK "n'O. 8. luueM evry .uii inale 1 iid ty O. tr. XV. i v, itin r :it Jtucktvood hal! at xi-lnc. All rraiis;, il l)ii:lh- ers an; rcspeci fully invited to attei.i!. -I. A. Cutscl'e, .M. W. ; S. C, Creen. Kureiil:!,-. : S. C. Wilde, iJeoorder ; S. A. Nowcomer, Ovi'T-t er. 12. ficCOIHii POST 45 C. lW.iTKll. Coir.itiander, Senior Vice Juiii(r " " Afl.;::f:i:;t, M. Oiiieerof f !. liav. " ;i!;-.rd Seit Main:-. ..iu:irtcr Master Sert.'t. 1'o.st Ci:;lllalil J. W. .iiiirx.sojf . O. .-. Tv. i.vs V. a. Uatk:5 (iKO, Xir.rs... AUit'HT TAIIT.S Malkx 1i:ov (.'HAitLKS Kot:u liK.V.I. J At : ii ( ; O H V. . KM A X Ai.t'ii a V i:i:;rr. Run Cvcr and KUIcti. Er.Kii virr, IikI., Oct. 7. Tin; CJranil Trunk limited express rati over nril Ivillcd A. F. U . d, an :u;c-d :ind caltliy resident of J-Mv,tiiVl.-ii!irj viii;iL;e, a fc,v iiiuoH nortii oi :;erc, i:t-c niiit. iloliai taken lii.s dj;r:;-;htM' to the train to jjo on a visit and slio vas on Jjoard vlien ho Ay us killed. .no in a perpetual maze over the. r.n. jiii-Tous cxainniL'3 of e John Savors Fstv.Uy Dhct at Albion tsy Tvlattiti liaiey, a Young Farmer. Aiiiims, Xtl., Oct. 7. ?.Iartin Halcv - lu re thi-j ail ernoo-i wit! t provocation, S:tycrs dy shot John S;iy o;;t tlm f;li;hl: inrj t v.evt iv " who Was lain. wa.s svn t S.iv o t-ikc i i.ih'v, .1 ilU . r.'ilev. in the eopntiy, tj liis Ik!1! jcctiii;.- to Sayers company, called S.iyc 1 i :: Ol.- a vi!(; nam; city Bayers and drovn 1 "Ci !!.- eetiii, aturuay ovesaajr. rj. ft, icdwai! -DEALER IX- Mas, Clocks, -A:n- fter they L;ot l to aeeonip: to the I'.'.rn. iiV As of ih? ilaky Sayei's Ti;Vj,e h(! iittcmpted n I'aii'ott seized draw him awav. got down from th;' c: lo d:-:ry his ei ii, ) S.iycrsleit shold-r to At the S'ltua iiii)e Jl.de-d.-ew a revolver, i:t nig i:;ree one ot wincn patisino; thioue-n tuo l;vk of th.e ljht lirm (ooic r;. r.-;:Veis v'!:: n.lildVCii : ifit )"i I i.ledical I at ic was 01 no 1 twenty minutes afiii 1 fe.ly started to run but :.'y, and is now lodged ; was :i quiet nnd inofTi ; 1. Haley was considered effect in the lu to a room in V. sistancc summoned. avail, lie vl i tae siiiit.'iiii V!is ca;ltire sive by mane ar. nuntal v deran-rcd, but harm SsccialAtlcnt on EiyeaWatcIi Repair iiis i lc"s;, .IIe ,,!,d oncc ,ccn co:iilacd ia on.it Fs WE WILL 1 1 AVE A 8 3 1 I OA -OF- Ilurlui'tiin; ! on. Increase: HOLIDAY GOODS, Library ALSO- -OF- AT THE USUAL Cheap Prices Noisrosltu ar.cl lowi Pensions WASinxGTox, Oct. 7. Nebraska pen pious: Lucy Ami Pratt, former widow o.r Stacy Shortt, Ilarllngton. Oi-ijrinal: Blaej' Shortt deceased, John Whittemvtr t'v?t Ui Dennio Dorsheimer, Ie:i:J!i. Iowa pcnioiis Mexican y.-ar: G. S. Elis-s Duranuo. Oiiginal; J. J. Poitor. Albia: Frank E-leston, Fairbank; Wil liam C. Catt r, Allan ic; William J. Davis, Iowa Falls; J. II. Sehioiema 1 lonsboi'o; L. C Mcchem, Oenterviilo: Kickalaus Wcbev, Koekdale, D. ll. Ack crman, Liuevilia. Increase: P. C. UewitJ, Leando; John Cherry Holmes, Crawford- ille. Ananeans who hava cast iron, lirns 1 ns of tuoir own Rixa'a! s-sfcm f,,,- sant barners to the youth of their own land. titled jfauprr i, in a juMlee year, mado a htiiU Kra.i... oHicial in thu array or navy, v.-ith i:or:rvie. and tbousauds of un incotno ns tlio fc'Uuncts; tho gTaiulei.iidren of aa cs-soldier arc heavily peasicneJ, even to tho youngest, mil t!:o tlniikcrs? raid toilers hnni tho M niht oil and sweat drops of blood to main tain tuo.so v. holook upontbem as so many Uicrc aiiimalu of burden. The iloxiLility of our domestic institu tions may in these- days of unrest not bo fully rppi.ce.atvd. TLo younj; iRa at work at tho bench or in tho store b some day to bo the lander m the mercantile, political or social world, ur,I tho lad who lights street f.mps or (Uhvers papers id t y and by to lead - ui-j jn-ofotiioii ha has marked cut for him- 'if. Jn " ian;1 ro there r.r.ch or-iiortuuitles for men o, varied mV:u-Uy ;;i Tho cp.,n. i:y ami ca.y trair.mpf of t! 4-. 1 ! .- n,. i.i Li.na Uiiese. r.sai:o 1 At. 1. :c... Keep r.iov-iuy tho peonle. Thero 13 iii tuw no intimation that to b- -Jak of all trades and iMit- cf nono" in tho desidera tum. Tho imn who tlm pragma his courso in scarcely a safe rUh- or uientor. lint those who reach tho front do so from tho very n ces.iitie.5 of tho env; (!p Hebrew slave leads tae sr. arn:o of f.evi'.s out from tho va'!'-y of the plo to tho lanl b.-youd tho Jord-m; tho motlieilvs; boy in the 1-k? c.-ibin nr. v-.a ..,.. tnon becomes the inod.ini MoRt-a to fret ,.', . Ot'O of slaves; tho ..lair, and unalfocte.1 tanner of Galena ij the head of-tho army and twW natio:i' wasistrato; tho boxful lad on tov.path turns it to the White bo-:?:? and fame. Our secular bistorv is tosiam with examples of carpsatera' eons fi-omtuoKaznre-.hsci the world who have left for our bef.fcrn.eut luminous kssous of too Icrgcr iii'e. Chicago later Ocean. ie couuu man will tho "all round" la- X!io .Tan V.iinci Lincoln Feared. i'rciu t.io hour cf VTa?liu2ton en the until tho nirrht of iuc. Lincoln's arrival m 21 of February, 1SG1, April 14. lh55. ho wn tr. -AT- S3IITJI C3. WHEN YOU WMT WI liuiJii -OF- CALL OX Cor. 12th and Granite Street?. Contractor Buih Sept. 12-tJm. Po:-ial Changes. WAS!..XCiToX, Oct. 7. Apostftfiiee war i craablisi-cd at Myotic, Appanoose 0011013 j Ia.. to-day and Dennis M. Vandikc- w.i. I appointcil pnstuiaster. j The postofijfc at Last Chance, Lucas ! county, has been established, with Da "d j V'. Ulan as poi.ima.sicr. ITiic follow inu; dian.s in star schedules . in Iowa were rmnciuiced to-day: Duran- i;o to Luxemburgh: Leave Duranfo dai ly, except Sundays, at 2 p. m., arriving Luiuiu-bnrgii l.y p. in.; leave Ltixera burgh daily, c.cept Sundays, rit 0. a. m., ariive at Dur -.n-o by 1 p. m. From October 3, 157. JULIUS PEPPtRBEBG. M.VNCF.VCTLT.KR OV AND WHOLESALE k RETAIL D::Ai.;:it ix tiii: Clioirost Bratvis of Cigars, inclu.line; our Flor do Pepperbergc.'r?i,r.U 'Uuds FU1.1V LINE OF ' lUUAtuuAu &JlUit.itS AKTICLES very fm t CbbK hilla and Kcrney r alwaya in stock. Kor. 2C, 18S5. S. & C. Muycr'a, the loading clotluer; Tho Anarchist Evidence Copied Chicago, Ojt. 7. T!ie work of copying ihc record in the anarchist case for use in the United Sftt'.s supremo court is iinidi cd, and the c-:py will be now sent to Ot t iwa for com; . ii is: n cet lineal :on by the clerk of tie.- Illinois supremo court. Captain Elack will probr.hly start cast with the record about .Monday. nncr. On tha one hand ho was tjreauv-.?d by a band of conspirators madly l-ento:; seizing his person and spiriting him av.ay t nwgh the Confederate lines; on tho ocner, p.rowlmg miscreants watohed for an opportunity to take iud life-; and thero is no ilouot that ho would have been assassinated ! as before the collapse of the Confederacy b.fo.tbo octant and untiriui; vigilanco o. his fri3ud3 by ni-Lt arr:l bv day. And vet it as a curious fact that, although Hr. Liu co!n believed that his career wonl,l h.a r.,, short by violence, ho was incorrigibly skepti c ti as to the agency and tho agent in tho ev- peeted tra5lr, with cno solitary exception. -elderly residents of Wasiibiton will re member ono Garowsfci, a Foli-h esile, as many believed. Ho was an accomplished linguist, a revolutionist by nature, restless, rc venseful and of a fiery and ungovernable temper. Ho had been emploj-ed in tho stato department as a translator, I believe, but had quarreled with Mr. Seward and was dis-carr-cd. This caused him to pursue Lincoln, oe ward and Sumner with bitter hatred. Tho curious will find in a published diary of hia fantastic classification of his enemies. Tho president Le rated as "third class," according to ma estimate of statesmanlike qualities, lie bad a first and second class also, and t.t,er j v'a3 a ite difTerenco between them. From j this man Garowsfci, and him alone. Mr. Lin coln realiyupprehinded danger by a violent assault, althou-h, as I havo already stated ,7 " iuv ,viis oi iear was like. .u.r. Lincoln more than onco said to me: "So far as my personal safety ia concerned Ga rowski is the only raan who has givoa rae a serious thought of a personal nature. From tho known disposition of tho man ha is dan gerous wuerever no may be. I have some- AN INTERVIEW WITH LONGSTREET. What ire Sai.l i i!0 After tho I irst Iay' I iKlit at OeHymlmrfj. At Gettyslim-K, on tlio evening of tho ttt day's fighttng, when tho Confederates occu pied Seminary i id-o and the Federals con- .em.aio.1 uiK.n ( Vmetery hi!!, J, f,ud Urn Mie-t were ujx.n ll.., rid-e, m.d, aftt.r study. it-'K the situation, I-.n.irwt said to I-,eo- nciuu;ii navt) etiosen a point to meet om pians or opt-rat.u.n, 1 do not think wo coma nave round a Letter one than that np-.n w.ueh they are n-.n- coiieeiitratin. All wo havo to do is to throw our army around l,y their left, and w hhull interpose between tho 1 ederal army and W.-Tshm-ton. Wo can pet strong position and wait, and If they fail to attack us we shall have everything ia condi tion to move l.tiok to-morrow night in the di reeuon of Washington, selecting beforehand ugooa position into which wo can place our troops to reeeivo battle next dny. Finding our object is Washington or that army, tho J ederals Aw ill 1.0 suro to attack us. When they attack wo shall beat tliem, as wo pro posed to do before wo left Fredericksburg, and tho probabilities are that tho fruits of our success will bo great." -no, said (,en. Leo; "tho enemy is there 1 am going to attack him there." I-oiigstreet says: "I suggested that such a move as I proposed would give us control of tho roads leading to Washington and Balti- moie, ana reminded Gen. Lee of our original plans. If wo had fallen behind Meado and insisted on staying between him and Wash ington, ho would have been compelled to at taek and would havo lutii badlv beaten. Gen. Lee answered: 'So; they arc in position, and I'm going to whip them or they arc going to whip me.' I saw lie was in no fm.i.nr.r mind to listen to further argument at that time, so I did not push the matter, but d..fi-- lomeu ro renew the subject tho nest morning." Ho did renew tho subject on tho morning of tiio ad, but Leo would not consider the proposition to move to J.Icado's left and rear. On the mori :ing f the 3d Leo came, to him (uid told Lin: to renew tho attack on Ceme tery hill. Cneo more, tho third time, Long street urged tho movement to Meade's left If It T a ; . ,.. " i .su-.tv.il to Gen. Leo that I bad oeen examining the ground over to tho light. ...I.. luuen ineiuieu lo tUmk the best thin, was to move to tho Federal left. " 'So,' ho said, 'I am going to tako them v.hsro they are, on Cemetery hilL I want 3 on to take l'ic!:ett's division and make tho attack. I will ro-enferea you by two divis ions or tuo i mm corps.' " l nat will rrivo me 15.C00 men I rr.Hnrl 'I have been a soldier, I may say, from tho ranks up to the position I now hold. I havo o m u m pretty much all hinds of skirmishes from those of two or threo soldiers up to wvianainiy corp, an.l 1 think I can safely say thero never was a body of 15,000 u.e:i i.im couia mane that attack success fully.' "The general seemed a littlo impatient nfc my remarks, so I said nothing move. As ho snowed r.o indication of changing his r.lan, I wen. to work at once lo arrange- my troops for tho attack." St. Louis Globo-Democrat A Karaan E.-icycIoppedia. For t wen! y yeara thero has lived on Fifth uvvmie, v.uum a uiscmt toss of Madison square, a man whoso profession is, probably, sni generis. lie is absolutely a human ency- tjui,u.-um a iuuu or reterenea liefne.Mfo.i irom tuo ero u of his head to the soles of his reel wu.i absolute information upon all tho known ologies, languages, professions and trades, lie is of Hebrew blood and an o"- nos.io. lie is now about SO years of bo nl- though ho lo.iks younger and has not grown n rl-iv rl.tfi" in t .-.r-j-.o .... ai.. i , ..-, n".....,uio uuinig ma jjasu Qe. cado. Interested from his youth up in edu cation, ne conceived the idea, some twontv years or moro ago, of turning his gifts of c'u iiiioaMM memory to ms own account, commercially, and to that of his fellow men,' intellectually, and has thrived apace since ho located himself in Fifth avenuo, surrounded by his books, his globes and his scientific ap paratus of all kinds. Aro vou a nhvsicinn with a delicate and difUcult diagnosis on hand? Go to Mr. L. and ho will in a twink H::g place a dozen books, citing relevant eases, before you and elucidate tho respective realist iui rare uirectnes3 ana perspicac ity. Are you a clergyman with a knotty ideological prooiem on liandf Mr. L. will, from his collection, numbering 2,000 works :i theology alone, brush away the cobwebs m a ti ieo and cleave the rebellious nut of perplexity to tho kernel m a trice, And so on, tap this human fountain of nnl- wreal knowledgo at any point, and ho i3 ever responsive, lie comes high. Nothing good is cheap, but he never disappoints, and be has to be sought when tbo need exists. There is no sign upon tbo cuter portals of his study, a:id r.o alluriug advertisement has ever yet disclosed the identity of perhaps tho " greatest of Americans scholars. The . late Dr. J. G. Holland was his pupil, and the foundation of nil- 7T JL-JL A r r I t n X JilvV ' STOfJK. ft. C no USUI ho mo i FROM 3 TO $5. mi EOvIJI Gloali FliOM $2 TO 12. Short In AH Stvk-n. Rich Astriean and F ur A. imming Fixm $0 TO Q4 o I FJiOM m TO $io. if?a r;-,"s l t ' ti i-'i wM3 a g b 1,1 Vi e a We Announce Without Further Notice Urn H k ON ALL fmi Hfi Fin H ih - sw ft ti times thought that ho might try to take my s-ribner's Monthly wa3 built upon the Bolid life. It is just like him to do tucli a thHc rock of thi3 perennial magazine of taforma- TT... , t n- TIT T 1 11 , uon. lj. is iiaturauy a cnarming conver sationalist and on his Lethe day, as his friends Kewspaper Versus Braf azino votaries cau ic, no wui receive every a ,.,,, .. -, , Known cauerwunouc money ana without rriee 1 -ithmtbe sanctum of hisholy of boIioJS magazine, for instance, sue-gests some inter- f rC? , i queries that tbo esting reaectlons. The dozen made e, or JnoModgo Becker ventures to propound. Mr. wLich makeups magazine are selected onfc An Gi'ordue Steamer M.vuKr.Kiio.vn, Ma.--.. Ocl. 7. Tin-re is considerable auxi- ty ir.r.cn; the people ihismorninjr ronrcmin the Volunteer. Obsr.-vntion -.'.as n.ad- frozn Ab'..,tt hall tower tlit--, mc-r::i!i!j, bet s!. csild not be sighted. Si.-- i. - ' id--; .,' K- ,,v. j-duc. Fi : Hi' ,"i to.riftfe:-, d - ,-- iu all 'fades 1oi t :.r ial! wear i rom i.n h.-.ivx v,i.-.:. fven -oa!s ,: the two dollar to (he at or an enormous maa of mittw ci,.;4j They aro usually written and signed by wdl known men and women, who ought to bo more jealous ef their reputations than the sometimes seem. Before being put into tvDo caca nrtieie is read and reread; a solemn con clave of editors is held over ha i.4-i t- word or phrase, with the frecucnt result of sacrmeing tao frc-shne.-s and iudividualitv of a -vriters style to exaggerated ideas of deco rum, llie article is put in type without hai te, aud is read and reread again and again before tho dial publication. Iu the newspaper everything is done with a rush. "Copy" is prepared with great rapid ity, and is often given out without revision is seldom proof read moro than twice, fre quently oniyonco, occasionally not at all, and yet tho comparison between a good news paper and a good magazine is not so unfavor able to tho former. The magazine will bo a little better in respect to proof errors, though, not much. Its English will bo no more cor rect than that of the newspaper, though cer tainly more precise and f ormal. Tho chances are that tho magasine will contain a greater I-erceutage of positively heavy, unreadable matter, cad th;t tae. newspaper wiil bo mcro L. is in manner genial, gracious and sympa thetic. In this era of superficiality it is not a little comforting to know that ono man at least has delved to the very depths of human achievement in the purely intellectual evolu tion of tho God given talents of the scholar and scientist. 2ew York Graphic. Tliackeray's First Glimpse of America. Broadway i3 miles upon miles long, a rush of life such as I never have seen; not so full as the Strand, but so rapid. Tho houses are always being torn down and built up again the railroad cars drive slap into tho midst of the city. There aro barricades and scaffold ings banging everywhere, I havo not been into a house except the fat country one but something now is being done to it, and' the hammerings are clattering in the passage or a wall, or eiteps are down, or the family is go ing to move. Kbbody is quiet here, no more am L The rush and restlessness pleases me and I like, for a little, the dash of the stream! I am not received as a god, which I like too. There Is ono paper which goes on every morn ing saying I am a snob, and I don't sav no. Six people were reading it at breakfast this morning, and the man opposite mo popped it under the tablecloth. But the other mnen i t - - uaz mzvg ncrs? 34 him. ypM Nfp fefw iq TO-DAY, Coniincdicincr JULY 12th, September Iht. r aua coiitmiiiiio. ltHH IifsW lie Orm i .111. AS THIS IS A POSITIVE m r T7i Ti n at, M M Ll BBKa t-a iit tiiu I? hs tz tri w t if i Pli r ft 1271 r without reserve, it will ln tr. tbr. in.i;,.:.i,...i - yji vouuty to take advantage of the i 1 1 n a m 1 1 p I p ri P n pirn I i V S S itfciTbti'.ig, raey and practicaL Consderinn- roar BFProbation. Thackeray's Letter the advantage in favor of the magazine, it I benera. certainly makes a poor 6howinqc in such a I Critical COmoarhiOa.'-.Bi.OQUwn i'imaa. ... Slaving in view the interests or our customer.s, Mlt to ,, tl.a multitude j to share the benefits of tins great so will ur kr ! consideration sell to other dealer, wholesale l,J ol . n " under this clearance sale. r' "lli,latltJ BO M DELAY ! o i 1 loiic sooii to inako t:r Fall I'jivt i. iv ami vre kindly request all ofour ivlvnds imh t call as early as possible mul u.ijust their acH.mis Yours IJe.sjjeei fully, Ctm 5 V n jLld JrX A White-Ft.nt, Diy Gooda Plattsixiouh, Neb Main stcat