THE DAILY HERALD, PLATTSMUUT11, JNfcUKABJiA, huuai, Drir,iui dlljc fllattsmotttl) Dailn ttcraltr. is: uotts bbo s.. Publishers & Proprietors. Candidate for County Judge. I hereby announce nivnclt ji a candidate for the ofhce of County uudco ft Cans County aublcct to the llepublicnii County Convention. A Nnllnbary Ucntlst, In IlocK irootl llulldliif? Mr. W. B. Shryock, of Louisville ia attending the fair to-day Rcmcmlx;r tho Cass county republi can primaries meet tomorrow. Miss Ella Gabriel, of Omaha, ia at present the guest of the Missea Wcckbach. Foil Rent. Furnished rooms, corner of Cth and Granite .strtcets. 8-tf James Johnson and wife of Weeping Water, were in attendance ut the fair yesterday. Leave orders for wood with John Tutt at Bennett's grocery store. 8t f Remember Sliakcspcar's great come dy "Twelfth Night" ut the opera house to-night. W. II. Pool, of Wabash, who has been attending onr fair returned home last evening. Do not fail to see' Mario Prescott and R. D. Mclean in "Twelfth Night" at the opera house to-night. Sirs. S. C. Patterson of South Rend returned homo this morning and Mr. ratterson will follow her this evening. Mr. Charles Weckback, who has been visiting his parents here for a few days, returned to Lincoln this morning to resume his work. Mrs. J. C. Eikenbary, Mrs. W. B. Alexander, Mrs. Shopp, and Mrs. House worth left for Lincoln thia morning to attend the conference of the M. E. church which ia in session at that place, Leave orders for wood with John Tutt at Bennett's grocery store. 8t f The Y. W. C T. U. will hold a meeting, in the Presbyterian church, on Saturday at 3 o'clock p. m. Important business demands the attendance of every member. By order of Olivk Gass, Pres. 9-2t Died Mrs. Mary Swoboda died to day from old age, she was 78 years old, and Was the mother of the Swoboda boys who are well known in this city. She was bora in Bohemia, and will be buried to-morrow, services to be held in the Catholic church. Lower Main street has become a dis grace to our town as there are brawls there every night, which endanges the lives of those who have to go into that part of town. Our police force have their hands full every night and do their duty well but the force is too small to keep order and something should be done to prevent honest men from being .robbed in the early evening. A Hastings boy named Riordan. a few nights ago, wanted a ride. Not having a horse, he appropriated one be longing to his father, a harness belong ing to G. W. Lowery and a buggy be longing to II. II. Dean to his own disposal and started out on a lark. The horse didn't like the combination and distributed the buggy and the boy along the streets. As is usually the case the boy was not hurt but he is in trouble. The boys in the office at the Store house, where Will II. Miller is employed, return their thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Ben net for the basket of pears, grapes and cake from the wedding of their daughter Grace, and Mr. Miller. The Herald force wish to add their good wishes and thanks to that of "the boys" for a fine chocolate cake left at their disposal by Mr. Bennet, pursuant to Mr. Miller's good wishes. An Excellent Company. One of the best comedy companies that ever visited Plattsmouth is that of Marie Prescott who have the past two nights played before the plattsmouth people. Last night they played "The Merchant at Venice" with an after piece, "Katherina and Petruchio" or "The tam ing of the Shrew." The stars of the play, Marie Prescott and R. D. McLean brought loud and continued applause from the audience, and the play was excellent. To-night is the company's last night. They will present Shakespeare's great comedy, "Twelfth Night." If you deoire to see an excellent play given by a competent company do not fail to attend. $ 10 Reward For any person giving imformation that will lead to the convic tion of parties putting obstructions the street car track. Mercer Bros. & Co. on examining his pants found the pockets empty. From the pockets of the jeans had been taten $4.50 in cash. Hanging behind the door in his vest was Mr. W.'h watch but it had not been dis turbed. Anda Carlson, a Sweed, was choked and robbed of a watch and some money last evening, between 8 and 9 o'clack on lower Main street. There were three arresta made last night, nil of them being for drunkenness, one of which was a tramp drew a knife on Johny Fitzpatrick, and he should be sent to the pen; such charactersjshould not be allowed to run at large. Court Notes. Ed Hall, Frank Williams, Knight and Foreman plead guilty to the burglary at Weeping Water and were all sentenced to three years each, in tho penitentiary and Foreman and Knight were convicted on thechargc of attempt to break jail a short time ago and Knight was sentenced three vcars for this which makes him six years in the pen, and Foreman was sen tenced two years which makes him five ycari to work for the state. This finishes the criminal docket for this term of coutt, which ia the largest criminal court thia county haa ever had. Sheriff Eikenbarv will take eicht prisoners to-morrow even'ng to the pen itentiary at Lincoln. Court will last about two weeks longer on civil enses. How to Boom Your Town. The following truthful paragraph we clip from the Johnson county Journal, We think it will fit some of our citizens very nicely and hope they will be profit ed by it. "Every one can be a boomer; Keen vour money at home, l'atromze those who patronize you. Spend your money among your home institutions, where you stand a good chance to get it back. Every dollar you spend witli a stranirer is irone forever. Every dollar vou snend with a home man finds' its J way back to your own pocket. A dollar spent in an other town goes to help build up that town. A dollar spent here goes to build up our own town. Figure the thing down fine and you loose money by buying away from home evenMf you get the article for one-half what it would cost at home." Remember this and act accordingly. The baby show this after noon was a grest attraction and several infants were on exhibition, uui tne decision oi iuw judges was too late for thia evenings publication. Up to three o'clock everything had gone smoothly. The races were in pro gress at that hour. We give yesterday's races and all the premium -awards we have time for below. The races at tho fair yesterday were as follows: Free for all trot, best threo in five. Vnn Dnk. Nat Brown 3 3 3 Elmwood Chief, R. B. Kreebo 111 Rillv Ford. Arthur Perrv 2 2 2 Time 2:41, 2:31 and 2:32; purse fl5U, $J0 and $G0. Free for all race,"best threo in Madison, W. A. Ketchum Wh'te Billy, C. M. Holmes Lowry Todd. Piatt Ketchum five: 1 1 2 2 3 3 A Representative Ear. Mr. J, II. Paden has laid on our desk a sample ear of corn from a farm belong ing to Mrs. Paden, adjoining Geneva. The car, seven and one-half inches around and thirteen inches loug, is a splendid, old fashioned representative of what Nebraska can do. The field will yield over fifty bushela per acre. Hastings Gazette-Journal. The above mentioned place Geneva is in Fillmore county in the western cen tral part of the state, and it is quite ev: dent that Fillmore county soil ia about equal to Cass county soil, although there is some corn on exhibition at the fair that will lead the Geneva ear. Fillmore ia also a competor with Cass on the fruit question, although Cass has always borne the reputation of being the best county in the state, and we believe she is. Fillmore took first prize at the Omaha fair on the best and largest col lection of fruit. Nebraska as a corn state ranks first of any in the union, and Mr. Eigenbroadt, of Chautaoua countv. N. Y.. while in conversation with a Herald reporter the other day remarked that such crops and farms aa are common to Nebraska are never seen in his state. on A Juror Robbed. The pantaloon explorer got around to the Goose Hotel Wednesday and found his way to the room of R. S. Wilkinson, of Weeping Water, who is on the regular panel. At noon of the same day when Mr. Wilkinson returned to his room he found his pants taken from the hook and his pen-knife on the stand and several things outjof their proper places, and op- Base Ball national league. Indianapolis vs. Washington at Indian apolis; Washington 4, Indianapolis 2 Pittsburg vs. Philadelphia, at Pitts burg; postponed on account of rain. Detroit vs. New York, at Detroit; New York 0, Detroit 9. Detroit vs. br. Louis, nave made ar rangements to play a series of games in different cities this fall for the champion ship of base ball. Chicago vs. Boston, at Chicago; Bos ton 1, Chicago 2. OTIIER GAMES. Kansas City vs. Denver, at Kansas City; Denver 4, Kansas City 9. St. Louis vs. Cincinnatti, at Cincin natti; St. Louis 0, Cincinnatti 6. Baltimore vs. Metropolitans, at Balti more; Metropolitans 3, Baltimore 6. La Cross vs. Eau Claire, at La Cross; Eau Claire 14, La Cross 5. Louisville vs. Cleyeland, at Louisville; Cleveland 4, Louisville 4. Milwaukee vs. St. Paul, at Milwaukee; St. Paul 5, Milwaukee 0. Oshkosh vs. Minneapolis, at Oshkosh; Minneapolis 5, Oshkosh 17. Des Moines vs. Duluth, at Des Moines; Duluth 0, Des Moines 12. Athletics vs. Brooklyn, at Newburg, N. Y.; Brooklyn 8, Athletics 14. THE LAST DAY. The Cass County Fair Ends To-day. Large! Crowds Attend A Partial List of Awards. The day has been most delightful and refreshing. Although many people were on the grounds the crowd was hardly so large as yesterday. Time 2:04, 2:12 and 2:01; purses if 75, 45 and $30. Gentleman's Roadster, best three in five: Clarence L. C. F. Whiting Sill Nig, Dr. E. W. Cook 3 3 3 3 flpnnr .Tnhn O'Keefo 1 2 2 I 2 Time. 3:111, 3:00, 3:05 and 3:02 J; purses, $37.50, $22.50 and $15. "Rievelo race, half-mile beats, best two j in three: T. M. Patscrson 1 1 Sam Patterson ' 2 4 T. H. Pollock 3 2 J. K. Pollock 4 3 Ed Holmes 5 Time, 1:37 and, 1:44; purses, $15 $10 and $5. A uartial list of tho premiums is as l follows: CATTLE, CLASS 2. James W. Thomas, of Plattsmouth. 1st, ; with no competition, $10. M. A. Haiti ran received on best bull 1 year old and under 2 1st $8 no com petition: best cow oyer 3 years 1st; best heifer calf 2nd, no competition, $2. Moses Dousre on best cow. any age or bred, 2nd., no competition, $5. M. A. Hartisran rccived 2nd, on best cow of any age or bred. J. N. Thomas received on best bull calf, no competetion, $2, and on best bull 2 years old and over. S10, witn no competation. Henry Eikenbary, Sup't. and Samuel Barker and Theodore D. Buck, Judges. BEES, CLASS 7. .Sir. J. M. l oung, of Rock Bluffs, was awarded premiums on the following Bst colony of Italian bees. Best colony of black bees. Best bee hive in use con taining bees. Best gallon of extracted honey, '87. Best comb honey, not less than 101b. Best gallon of extracted honey, '86. Best display of honey, not less than 201b. Best display of the comb from the foundation for brood and sur plus, showing the different stages of de velopment from the foundation to full drawn. Best display of honey extracted All tne above were awaded hrst pre mium. Henry Wolfe, Supt., J. Capen, M. Clemnon and Levi Churchill were the judges. SWINE, CLASS 3. Levi Churchill; Best boar, 1 yr. or over, Rock Bluffs, 1st, $10. Best boar under 1 yr; W. L. Propst, Plattsmouth 1st $4. Best sow 1 yr. old or over, 1st $6; best sow with litter of pigs, 1st $10; best boar 1st $10; best sow, $10; best boar under 1 yr., 2nd $2; W. L. Propst of Plattsmouth. Best sow with sucking pigs, R. F, Dean. Best sow 1 yr. old or over; Moses Dodge 2nd $3. Best boar 1 yr. old, 2nd $5; best boar under 1 yr. 1st, $4; best sow under 1 yr. 2nd $2; Eli Sampson. A. B. Taylor, C. H. Vallery, H. Wolfe Sr. and Frank Mitcheli, judges. FOWLS, CLASS 5. juoon cc itouerts or Crreenwood were awarded first premium on 1 pair Ply mouth Rock fowls, 1 pair B. B. R. Game Bantams, 1 pair Plymouth Rock chicks, 1 pair Houdau fowls, and second on 1 " T" T 1 , pmr mown ijcgnorn ioweis, and l pair Pekin ducks. Fred Ramge of Plattsmouth received first premium on 2 pair White Leghorn chickens. 11. JJestor of Plattsmouth first on 1 pair Plymouth Rocks. Xi. it. muu ui natismoutn nrsc on best pair bronze turkeys. liest pair plymouth rocks, n. Bestor, Plattsmouth, received 1st premium. Best pair light brahmas W. J. Hesser, Plattsmouth, received 1st premium. Jiest pair plymouth rock, W. J. .nesser Plattsmouts, 2nd premium. Best pair brown leghorns, W. J. lies ser, Plattsmouth, 1st premium. Best pair brown leghorns W. J. Hesser 2nd premium. Best pair Pekin ducks, W. J. Hesser, 2n 1. premiums. Best pair Florence geese, W. J. Hesser, Geo. Buchel, Eli Sampson, and W. R. Murray judges. Frank Johnson, Supt. Highest Bonnuiu in aiuvov. Tho highest mountain in th western hemisphere is Aconcagua, which rises 22,415 feet above tho sa, and Is In plain view from both Valparaiso ana Santiago when tho weather is clear. Chlmborazo was until recently supposed to be the king of the Andes, and in geograplues published thirty years ego was described as tho liighest mountain in the world. No ono has ever reached the summit of either monster, but by triangulatlon Aconcagua haa been determined to have an advantage of 2,000 feet over old "Chimbo" in 6tature. Harper's Maga zine. Plattsmouth Markets. FCRKISUED MY W. II. NEWELL & CO. Friday, September 23, 1887. Wheat No. 2, 4G. " " 3 41. Corn, 2 27. Oats, 2 18. Rye, 2 30. Barley, No. 2 40. " 3 30. Hogs, $U54.30. Cattle, $2.y03.25. OECK & AT SALL'S. "WE! SOLID Sixteen Thousand Dollars Worth -of- BOOTS AND Last year, and it low prices will sell goodx, this your. SHOES intciiu to bun Mvv wo Chicago Markets. CnrcAoo, Sept. 23. Whcrt for Oct. opened to-day at 70, and went up te70J, tlm Inn-ost fi!)I fnr Dec: Wheat opened at 73, highest 73, lowest 72. Corn for Oct. opened at 41, highest 411, lowest 40J; for May corn opened at 44J, higlies 44J, lowest 44. Receipts, wheat CB cars; corn 489; cat tle 3.504.00; hegs 4.254.40. Proposals For the construction of storm water sewers in : the citv of riattsmouth. Neb. Staled bids will be received by the city cierK ot said city up to noon, Thursday, Oct, 6. 1887, r tim . finsi i uction of storm wator eewers as follows to wit : AMOUNT. KNGINEER'8 ESTIMATE. About l: oo ft. of 74 ft. bricK sewer. Sll.00 per lin. ft. f90D ft. of 5!4 ft. brick fewer. 7. to 500 ft. of 4V4 ft. briok, sewer. 0-00 " " 14G0 ft, of 15 inch pipe l.ti .," 700 " " 12 Inlet pipe .80 ' ' " 4 manholoi 4.00 " vert ft. 24 catch basins or inlets 3.53 " " ' 10,940 lbs. frames, covers and grates .01 per lb. Toirether with the necessary concreet work, gravel work, oak piling, pine lumber for sheet- ncr and Dine lumber for sheet nileing. extra urading. rubble stone work, brick masonry &c. In accordance with the mans, pronie- ana specifications on file In tue office of tho city clerk- Bids must be made on bidding blanks fur nished by the city clerk ; and all bids must be accompanied with a certified check on a local hank in the sum of S1.000. as an evidence of good faith. No bids will be entertained which exceed the estimate. The board reserves the right to reject any and all bids aud to wave defects. J. W. Johxsos, Chairman Board of rublic Work 8. LOOK AT THE GREAT CUTS IN 1'lilCES WE ARE OFFERING YOU. Ladies' Good Grain Button Shoe for 1.00. formerly sold for 1.75; Ladies' Heavy Grain Button Shoe, the lu-st wear for $1.75, foinerly for 2,2.; Ladies uesi Milwaukee Grain Rutton Shoe, $2.00, formerly sold for2..0: Wo arc offering all our $2.50 line of shoes for $2.00; Ladies' Fine GhizuDongola Button and TatnpegQ Goat for $2.50, formerly $:j.00. Men Heivy Roots for only $1.50, formaly $2.00; Men's Best Whole Stock Kip Roots for $2.50, formerly sold tor; oicua n wi.,i Stn.t n.wit f,r inl :i nn firnifvlc 4 OO- Men s i;aii uoor, uuu. solid, for only $2.50, formerly $:j.00; Men's Fine Dress utton bhoe fo.r only formerly $2.50. $1.25 We also have a jrreat many other "cash" bargains in Children's, Misses and boys' that it will pay you to call and examine our goods and be convinced that wo ar selling cheapet than any other dealer. Jonathan IIatt J. W. .Maktuis. WHOLESALE lITD 23.ZST.AIXa CITYMEATftiARKET. PORK PACKERS and dealkks in BUTTER AND EGGS. BEEF, PORK, MUTTON AND VEAL. THE BEST THE MARKET AFFORDS ALWAYS ON HAND. Sugar Cured Meats, Hams, Bacon, Lard, &c, &c- of our own make. The best brands of OYSTERS, in cans and bulk, at WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. GrIVB MZJE jl. CAXjIj ! STABLUS Stacks -AND Stacks -OF- 0 lU O' HE I 0u ave anything you want from a two-wheeled go cart to a twenty -four -AND- passenger wagon. Furnishina Goods CARRIAGES FOR PLEASURE AND ARRIVING DAILY AT OflUfll nlV&D, nn JLJLl are always kept ready. Cabs or tight carriages, pall-hearer wagons W S G O U feile and eveiTtlnnS lor tuneral3 lurnislied on short notice. Terras cash. All the newest and latest Styles for Fall and Winter in men s and boys wear. -AND- NO MONKEY BUSINESS. GENUINE :-: SINGER with high arm and vibrating shuttle, sold on time. Easy payments or cash F. J. BICKNELL, Manager Plattsmouth Branch. H.LPalmer&Son GENERAL INUSRANCE - AGENTS. THE :-: tfElilLf) HAS THE BEST EQUIPPED Represent the following time tried and fire-tested companies: American Central-St. Louis, Assets 1 1.25S,ool Commercial Union-England, " 2.596.314 Fire Association-Philadelphia, " 4,415,576 Franklin-Philadelphia, " 3,117,1(6 Home-New York. " 7.855.M 9 Ins. Co. of North America, Phil. " 6,474.302 Uverpool&London & Olobe-Eng ' 6,639.7Hl North Itritish & Mercantile-Eng 3.378,754 Norwich Union-England. 1.245.4G6 Springfield F. & M.-Spiinsfield, " 3,044.915 Total Assets, $42,115,774 Losses Aijnstfi ui PaiflattMsAEcaiy PLATTSMOUTH OR CASS COUNTY. We aae ureoisrccl tn el at, oia slaori notice US' 1U WAJSOT AJSTK" Lcettei' Heqds, ofe Ifeads, Sill tleqds, Envelopes, Bqsiqess Cqids Visijirg CcU'ds, Cii'ctilcii's, Posters. oi qiy otliei' clqss of pidqtiqs. IIS ' SEND Y0UB ORDER.