The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, September 20, 1887, Image 4

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)t Hattsmontl) Dailji Ucralfr.
KJ5TOTTS 13 IS O 3.,
Publishers & Proprietors.
Candiclato for County Judge
I licrthy iinniMiiK'it in If an ;i r;iiniiiat
fur t llM ollico nf i'olirrl" .;ill:;a of Oil's CitliDly
suhject to tin? Ji iull mii oiinty Convention.
Willii'I' 1 ' n t k n ; v. I : .
A Salisbury Dentin, In Ilock
vmmmI IS ii i t2 2 la f?.
IiciiiMiibrr tomorrow is ( hildn nsday
fit tin? fair.
.1. J. Strode rctiinicil lust evening
from Lincoln.
M. O'ltourke left tlii.s morniii" for
(Jlenwood on a business trip.
Missis Tress and Kate llomplc enter
tained a few friends last evening.
Vtm Hkst. 1 iiriusiied rooms, corner
of ith and Granite strteels. S-tf
Leave orders for wood with John
Tutt at IiYnnett's ;rof:ery store. bt f
Mrs. (!lo. K. Dovey returned this
morning from her visit at Pullman, 111
Capt. II. E. Palmier left this morn
ing for City to he gone the greater
part of the week.
Jlr. F. 15. Seeh mire and wife left
last evening tor the lakes and other points
cast to begone two or three weeks.
Mrs. Hake who has been visiting
with Mrs. .1. C. Eikenhary the last few
davs. went to ll d Oak this morning on
a visit.
Mr. F. 1). Palmer, a cousin of the
Dovey Eros, returned to Indianapolis
nst evening after his family, to brin
them to Plattsmouth.
Dr. C. L. Sigginshashis rooms fitted
up nicely and is prepared to wait noon
nil customers, he is to be found in the
Sherwood block.
Mrs. Dillsbv of Fremont. Neb. and
Mrs. Chauncy Hemming of lirush Creek
Iowa, arrived this morning to visit the
family of C. E. Wescott.
There is a
Locust and .1th streets that needs fillin
un. It was caused by the settling of the
At the Fair.
Nothing of interest took place today
at the fair, as it wa the opening day and
all the exhibitors were arranging their
displays, and the secretary and his assis
tants were kept ImiHy making entries.
While the board of directors were every
where all at once alloting ground and
overseeing things in general.
The street cars are in operation ami
make regular trips about every 4 min
utes, over a nice smooth road. The presi
dent assures us that the fair is opening
up to be a grand thing, provided the
weather stays nice. The exhibits arc of
excellent (piulity and worth seeing.
young rough but Murphy is a paofession
al villain and is worthy of the peniten
tiary and would undoubtedly have killed
Mr. Fitzpntiick had he obtained the
revolver. John Fitput rick is a brave
Preparation of tho Sardine.
To prepare tho Bardino in its perfection
it Hhould be boiled alive in oil, liko an old
martyr. If this cannot Ih done, then it
should bo cooked as noon after death as
possible. It Li alleged again.;t some of
JBl 3& 2C X3T
man to engage the three Murphy, Erown the patent nets that tho fish dies at once
and in such a combat, unaided their pockeU and iU quality 18 greatly
;m. . , 1 r ii deteriorated. Tho manner of cooking id
ami with a crowd ol cowardly men - i ,
"""-"J simple. Aa soon a.s iossiLlo after tho
standing around. fish is caught it id dipped in a kettle of
At court tins . morning Murphy and boiling olive oil. Cur e must be taken
Erown plead guilty to resisting an ollicer
& B!fiDSALLo.
Women Invonters.
Patents have been granted to women
during the week ending Aug. :)0, 167,
as follows:
Kate "Vr. Eubank, Eutherford, (Jul.,
combined trunk and bureau.
Clementinas. M. Ifayna, St. Louis, Mo.,
Mary Jorp, Salem, Ore., pie-holder.
Amelia il- Lindsey. Pittsburg, Pa., ro
tary engine.
Nannie M. Showman, Newark, O.,
combined hair-curler and crimper.
Mary S. Snow, Sacsamcuto, Cal., um
brella or pora.sol.
Leave orders for wood with John
I utt at Eennett s grocery store. St f
Do not fail to permit your children
to attend the fair tomorrow.
The on the ring tomorrow
amount to $-1q, and the races will be
very interesting,
OUR CITY'S CRAVED. having effectually escaped. They
were a "done up" looking couple.
Erown had two cuts across his forehead
over the right eye and Murphy had both
eyes more or less inflamed. Mr. Fit.-
patriek appeared in court but was pretty
sore from the lucks ho had received on
the breast and head, and his neck bore
.scratches from Erown's lingers.
that tho oil is not burned or used too
many times over, and that tho rush is not
kept in it too long. The implement used
is made of wire, in two parts, something
liko a toasting rake, with hinges, tho
fishes being laid on one side and the other
being closed over them, keeping them in
place. oan i rancisco Chronicle.
Sixteen Thousand
The Thraslicr ami tho Whale.
The passengers and crew of the team-
er Takasago-maru, when on her last vov-
I r ii.: . . . i i tr i
, . iiKjin mis ori, 10 ivooe. witnessed a
ra-.m-Mi-u a uui.v leu uays ami costs, eight often talked aliout but very rarely
i itzpatricK showed pluck Been, it was the great sea fight between
and good reasoningin not shootiu" the a thrasher (tox fhark) and a whale. An
. m . i i ,t , , ? eye witness states that the thrasher first
men, although he would have been justi- kial)ed ,mt of the vatf.r under the
bow of the htenrner. and. risin r fullv
Last year, and it v priecs
will f-oll foc)t
Is, wo intend to sell more
lieu m doing so.
From the past experiences it is plain
ly evident that Plattsmouth has the
pluckiest and best police force of any
town in the state and they are thorough
ly reliable.
The men who stood round and refused
to help Mr. Fitzpatrick were cowards
and do not deserve the name of citizens
of the place f lie oilicer was risking his
life to protect.
thirty feet in the air, came down on the
back of the whale with a Kound that con
vinced one of tho terrible force of tho
blow. Every time the whale appeared
near the fitirlace tins scene was romatcd.
and it continued until the-conibatajits
were lost sight of fully two miles dis
tant. Our informant states thn- the
scene was most exciting. Yokohama.
Fifty of Thorn Stand by and Look on
Whilo Throe Villains try to
Annihilate John Fitzpatrick,
Cut the Plucky Officer Does Them
up Unaided
Last evening Janus Erown, Janus
Murphy and Charley Kinzer were trying
to raise a piarrel among themselves,
hole at the coiner of Oflicer John Fitzpatrick being unable te
hush them up attempted to arrest them
brown is a great big stout ruilian, and
r ii-iii -
dirt over the water main. -uuipny tnniKs mere is no man in the
O W n.Of,.,, r..P..5vr.,l n teW-im CU,1,-V Vllniil 1,ini in lllC aml is il
. VI -tin mil I U l7.-.f la n linK.l in n . I .
this morninf nnnouncin' the tleath ol am,
- - n
his brother at Eichland. Iowa, he leaves
this evening to attend the funeral.
Mrs. D. A. Campbell returned last
rvrniii" from York Neb. where she has
been visiting her parents, her sister Miss
H.'irnes crime home w nil tier lor a
short visit.
al Eurkel returned last evening
from St. Joe, Mo., where he met his sister,
from Porthsmouth, Ohio, who came home
with him and will remain some time vis
iting her uncle, J. P, Young.
The ladies of the M. E. church will
crivn :i sociable this evenmir at the resi-
t-- - -
di-nee of Mrs. "Wash Smith, on the corner
of 5th and Marble streets. Every body
i-4 invited to come and have a eood
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. "Weed, left thi-
mnrninf for Vermont. New' York and
' o
other points in the east. Mr. Weed i;
supcrinteudant of the store department
r,f thf V.. A; M. shoos. This is his first
vacation for nearly six years; he expect.'
to be frone about a month. 3Irs. Weed
will be goue longer.
and they weic all drunk enough to be
full of fi'dlt.
Fitzpatrick attempted to arrest Erown
first who resisted; John struck the man
with his billy over the right eye a couple
of times and downed him, but Erown
swore he would not be taken alive and
seized Fitzpatrick bv the throat and
kicked him in the breast savagely. The
call of the oflicer for help did not receive
the least response from the cowardly
crowd, and while he was ovcreomin"
Erown, Murphy slipped up and wrench
ed his billy from him and with this
cleared his (Murphy's) way through the
crowd like a person would sweep feath
ers on a nif.rble flour. Mr. Fitzpatrick
then left Erown and followed Murnhv.
and with his gun in Murphy's face order
ed him to give up the billy. Murphy,
told him to shoot and at the same time
tripped him with his foot, but the officer
se;zcd Murphy sis he fell and the two
came down together, with Fitzpatrick on
top, and another desperate fight ensued,
with Murphy with the billy making every
effort to lay Mr. Fitzpatrick out.
At this state of tilings, Bill Ellington
All persons attending the Methodist came to the officer's assistance and took
conference at Li neon, who have no com- the billy from Murphy; but meanwhile
mutation of rates, should ask the II. It. had seen Murphy with the billy
n"cnt from whom they buy their ticket? and called out "I'll stay with you boys"
Mf t itinrr that thev have paid
full fare going; and when they reach Un
seat of conference, call upon the secretary
and get his endorsement, which will en
title them to return for one third fare
i.rovt.lfil there are fiftv persons with
such receipts.
The Kansas E(iuull Suffrage Societies
of Lawrence, Fort Scott, Emporia and
Topeka have decided to each furnish
articles for the Woman Suffrage Bazar
to be held at Boston Mass., that will sell
for one hundred dollars; Larned, Anthony
Lincoln, Chetopa and other points fifty
dollars' worth or gifts: Atchison, Adilene,
Independence and other places promise
to do all they can.
The pTumPuddi'ng a very funny coin
ed on the style of A Parlor Match, A
j -v I
Hag Baby etc. appeared at uie 'i''' I once or twice in the face with his
House last niTht to a highly picaseu au
dience. Miss Sai telle the principal Plum
is voung and pretty, a clever vocalist
and a finished actress The support is
good. Dubwjue Times. The above
play will be presented at the Opera
House next Monday evening Sept 2G
Red pocket book, containing license for
Met. Mfg. Co. and statement of .
Paul, no money. Finder return to Sher
wood's shoe store and receive reward.
W. E. Paul.
Plattmouth Circulating Library at
Warrick's Drug Store $1 per year, 2-3-per
month. d & w Gt.
"Pinntfition " Punch Ciirars at
Warrick's "America's finest 5c. Cigar."
lin of Birthday cards at
Warrick's Drug Store. dCt-w-it
and had in a way lent his influence for
the murderous couple, and even made
m effort to get Fitzpatrick off from
Murphy under the pretense of helping
him. When Ellincrton took the billv
from Murphy, Murphy grabbed the bar
rel of Fitzpatrick's revolver and pulled
on it and came near shooting himself us
the officer had a hold on the other end
his finger on the trigger and in the scuf
fle, the hammer was partially raised the
weapon was a self-cocker but Fitzpat
rick finally cained nosession of the
Lp to this time Murphy had not re
ceived a blow, but now enraged at his
failure to overcome the officer and the
loss of the billy, began to use all kinds
of evil languege and would not give up.
To ovcrcone him Fitzpatrick struck him
and proceeded to yank him along to jail.
The trouble occurcd in front of Blake's
saloon and when Mr. Fitzpatrick returned
Kinzer had disappeared and Brown had
made for the railroad; but mean while
Marshal W. II. Malick, who had
been at the other end of Main street
came along and followed Erown up and
caught him climbing into a box car be
yond the beer store house along the rail
road track. Mr. Malick there captured
him and after a little convincing med-
icine and determined effort brough his
man back.
Murphy and Brown are the same men
who, a little over a week 8go, got in a
sc utile with Marshal Malick by Blake's
saloon, and in bis rffort to doAn Brown,
Malick threw him into a plate glass win
dow and received a severe gash on his (
left arm. From that arrest thev were
ust liberated yesterdav. Brown is a
The popularity of lawn tennis is mak
ing tho Egyptian women lopsided.
Ladies' Good (train Button Shoe for :?l.(0. formetlv sold for $1.75; Ladies'
Heavy (train Euttcn Shoe, the best wear for -SI.?"., formerly for !?.25; Ladies best
Milwaukee Grain Button Shoe, S'-J.Oi), formerly sold for S'J.ViO;. We are offering all
our if'J.oO line of shoes for s'.'.OO; Ladies' Fine Glaze Dontrola Button and Tampcgo,
Goat for S-J.50, formerly ?:J.00. Men II ..vy Boots for oiil.v $1.50. formerly ;M)0;
Men's Best Whole Stock Kip Boots for :'.". 5( formerly sold for :.L'5; Men's Fine
Whole Stock Kip Boot for old y s:!.K, f o .ne; 1 y s Men's Calf Boot, good and
solid, for only S'J. 50, foim el ly ;:',. )0; Men's Fine Dress utton Shoe for only $1.85
formerly $2.50.
We also have a threat many other "ea.h" bar'' lins in Children's. Misses and boys'
that it will pay you to call and examine our roods and be convinced that we ar
selling ch-:apei than any other dealer. .4
A Donlcey Khlo to Abou Seer.
The donkey ride to Alou Seer is tho
hardest on the tour. It in through tlerp
uiinl. and often the tiny donkeys sink
until your fe; t so drag as to impede your
progress. You cannot walk. In mercy
to jour donkey you wish you could.
Your study of the poor animal convinces
you thttt he has great patience. Tho
driver is a model of forlearance; there is
always, however, a 2erfect understanding
between donkey and driver. Although
the poor beast in continually goaded and
his tail twisted to make him go, or else is
pushed bodily to right and left, and even
seized by tho head and lifted to suit the
inclination of the master ho bears it
bin rid ly and seems to feel that he must
deserve it or lie never would be so tort
ured. He is a fatalist, and believes
that, after all. be is always a "good don
key" to his driver. For does he not hear
his driver tell the howadji so, a hundred
times each daj-?
There are nearly a thousand synonyms
in Arabic for donkey, all tender and en
dearing. And then do I not know that
when the noon muezzin sounds the don
key and driver retire to some quiet shade
and have their loving make ups? I have
watched the human member of the firm
as he came with the meal of chopped
straw for his pet. I never saw such
mutual coddling and love signaling and
tender understanding in all my experi
ence. It i3 melting. The boy's face beams
with Pmiles while he calls his donkey pet
names in the softest tones; and the
homely animal go shakes his head, snaps
his eyes, and oscillates his neck as to
brighten his humble physiognomy into a
new expression. Edward L. Wilson in
For the construction of storm wa'er sewer. in
lie city of lMatt-inoiitli. Nob.
Sealed bids will be received by t tie city clerk
of ."ai l city up to noon, Thursday, Oct. r. IsST
or tne const ruction ol Mono water ew?rs as
follows to wit :
Jonathan IIatt
jA. JZX. -fcdL
W. Mauthi3.
J?ll.l::j I'll. ft.
vert ft.
.01 per lb.
About lr00 ft. of 7!i ft.
brieii sewer.
ffidD ft. of 51 i ft. brick
500 ft. of A't ft. bli-lc,
1 MO ft, of 15 inch pipe
700 " ' 12 " iulet pipe
I manholes
21 catch basins or inlets
10,01) lls. frames, covers
and jrrates
Together with the ni?c-asary c ncre"t work,
gravel work, oak piling, piae lamb -v for sheet-
. u n anil pine lumber for sheet pilein. extra
grading, rubble stone weik, brick masonry &c.
In accordance with tlu; I'lan, profi'es ;;nl
specifications, on file in fie office ef the city
nitls must be made on bidilii blanks fur
nished by the city clerk ; a'j! bi'Ks must be
accompanied with a ceilitied check on :t loeal
bank ia the sum or jjl.oo i, as an evidence of
;;ood faith. No bids will be entertained which
exceed the estimate.
ii!e loara reserves i no riuiit f reject aav
and all bids and to w ave d foots.
J. W. Johnson,
Chairnian Hoard of Public Wor:p.
& uw. tlSk eLs y
Sugar Cured Meals, Hams, Sacon, Lard, &c, &c-
of our own make,
The best brands of OYSTERS, in cans and bulk, at
The "Ofllce IJoy" Question.
Our reformers would do well to tako
cognizance of the "office boy" question.
is no small one, either. It aiiects
every branch of business. It is a diffi
cult thing nowadays to get hold of a good
olllce boy. Out of fifty applicants
not more than three or four will bo
worth considering. The boys of today
seem to lack ambition and make little
effort to advance themselves. Most boys,
even at the age of 14 or 15, begin life
sadly provided in the way of education,
beinc: poor writers and spellers and
knowing nothing of grammar. It is tho
lack of earnestness that is deplorable.
They can keep jiosted on baseball, horso
races and prize Sght3, but that's about
all thev care for.
Occasionally one meets with a bright
boy, cpiick at figures and intelligent, but
these boys develop tendencies which
make it unsafe to trust them with money,
so great are the temptations to a boy who
had not been grounded right when ha
was at his mother's knee. This is es
pecially so of city boy3 who aro always
the answerers of want advertisements.
Country toys cannot afford to live in the
city on $3 or $4 a week. Country boys
are much more useful than city reared
lads, because they have plenty of ambi
tion. If they haven't at first, a few
months in the city will arouse it. Alono
in a big city a country boy will naturally
be spurred on by his very lonesomenes3.
I do not think the fault is in the small
ness of the wages paid, as a business man
will pay extra for a good, No. 1 boy. I
am afraid the cause lies deeper. Busi
ness Jlan in Globe-Democrat.
mmm 'mm-uu -.y.-i & r mi
Furnishing Goods
Have anything you vrant from a two -wheeled go curt to a twenty -four
passenger wagon.
All the newest and latest Styles for Fall
and Winter in men's and boys' wear.
with high arm and vibrating shuttle,
sold on time. Easy payments or cardi
3Ianager I'lattsmouth R ranch.
Persian Women Oat of Doors.
The veil, which is habitually worn out
of doors even by tho very poor in all
great towns hi Persia, though its use is
unknown among tho tribes who form at
least a third of the whole population, Is
clung to by tho women as a privilege; it
is in fact a domino. The Persian woman
out of doors ii unrecognizable even by
her husband. She sees without being
seen, and in tho veil it is impossible to
detect the age of the wearer. As tho
Persian lady is nearly alwavs married at
1 i 1 1 .Ji A J i i. 1 i i i
SO she appears 50, and there are only two jhUMiiiut " n h ZL H 1 0
Polygamy is tho luxury of tho rich;
with the upper and middle classes bigamy
is the rule. A man's first alliance is a
mariage de convenance, tho second
either a marriage for love or for the grati
fication of vanity. "When your Persian
brings home a second wife there is usually Commercial Uuion-Englnml,
a scene which lasts for ai week or two: Fire As.sociation-Pt.iladenlifa,
there is a struggle for supremacy, but it
is soon over. Both wives do their best
to please tho master of the house, but
they do not attempt to poison each other,
unless in very exceptional circumstances.
Dut Persian ladies still believe in tho
oftieacy of lovo philters, and many an
abomination is secretly administered to
unfortunate husbands. Happily, tho
lovo philter, though usually composed of
horrible ingredients, is quite harmless.
St. James' Gazette.
Represent the following time
tried and tire-te.sted companies:
American C'entral-St. T.nuis, Assets
Frank! in-Fliifadclphi.i,
Home-New York. '
Is. Co, ef "r.itli America. Pail. '
l.iverpool& London & filobe-Kng
North British . Mercanlite-Kng '
Norwich Union-England.
Springfield !'. & M,-Sprinslield, '
2. WG.314
4,4 15,070
3, -7S.754
Total Assets, 542.115,774
Loaves AustBi rM Paid at t!iisA6iicy
are always kept ready. C;v or tiht earriage.-, pall-licarer wagons
and every thii-g lor funerals lurnL-died on short notice. Terms ensh.
f 3 3 l-p
We s?a
Ixettci t(Gqds, Nole Heads.
Bill Heads,
Envelopes, Business Gai'ds.
Visi 'in ir Cards,
Gii'Ctilqi's, Poslei'?'.
oi( ciy o1gv clciss of pi'intiqa.