The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, September 20, 1887, Image 2

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TTlK TATT V T1T7T a T n 1 A'lTKiiiiinitr i,
: lUAiJommuji, J'.lillAHh A, I UKSDAV, SK 1TI
tfljc tJlattomotitlj Dmrn fjcralb.
KNOTTS 1L3 -1 O S.
Publishers Proprietors.
Call fortho Meeting at Lincoln in
'I In- K'-imlili r;ili eli-etc.n of tin- st.'it" 'of Ne
:i'aka itrc i''in-!4t-i i soiul lrlej;ntes from
Hie hi counties, to iik'cI la ;onvi-ittiiii at
t lie opi-ru house. In tin; Hi y of .Lincoln, Wed-IM-Hiliiy,
OHoIft !", l.7, t k oVlork p. in., for
f Ik' iui'iior-of p'.-tt'ln iii limn in;tl ion -amli-l;it-
for our asorialr jusl i r of I lir sn pn-nie
l 1 1 ( . :il I' I lor two IiiiiiIii-is of tlir I m .i ill ol
icrnts of t lie t-l.-if niilv-i'.sily, hihJ lo I rans,
sik-Ii oiln i liisiin--s as may In- pr-sriiti'l lo I In;
con Vint ion,
T1IK A i-i-oictio.m KNT.
The rrvcia! ')Uiit M-n are tlililli-d to icpre-
ft'iilntion as follows, licinx hasi'd upon tin
votr ;it for lion. John M. Thayer, noveiiier.
in lrt;, kiviiik ore delegate to rarh nriv
county, one in lc;;alr-at-la!K'- to caeli county.
:ii!l our for each l.'o votes ami the major frac
tion tlu-reol" :
r;tU,cr "usmg incident ocenred I the necessity of reducing the burden of
tne oilier fVfiiing on Ts.o. 1, at Culb.rt- its public indebtedness.
son. Nome one wishing to gt t rid off. An inmiiiy into the character of tho
yellow cur dog, put ii tag on it, then princip.d ,icm roiimosin.r f,. debt of tho
,i: i i .... i ,f i
""I'l"" aiomiu an. i iicu it, on u,e ironi I l.nited Sl-.tes and (Snu,!... KS.
Antelope ...
Krciun ..
i :nsi er
I a wi s . . .
I ion
I toiilai
I fiiWSOll
i losper
:rtnt ... . ..
!ru lev
1.1 .e!f. rsoll
H .tollll-oll
1 Kearney
Key a latin
7 Ki-itti
K nox
M jI'Iicivoii
.Men ick
( Moc
I'll dps
Ke.i Willow
Wa-.liinjjl on
Whet ler
Unorganized I er'y
eixl of the baggage rar VU,n the train
started, the conductor, on the lookout
for tramps, discovered the dog, and took
him into the car. On oik; side of the
tag was written "Brnvcr or bust!" mid
below this was "Hector Cleveland. My
pa for president of the United States in
lsss." i,n tie; other side' was, "John
-Arkans, IVcs. of the :;; Muniihiin
JYrr.s. I Mease announce my arrival. I
"! boat the blind luggage from Omaha."
I lu: was taken us lar as Stratton,
another tag put on, and sent back to Cul
bettson on No. L On one side of la"
was written: "Agent at Culbertson." On
Hit; other: "Unit Kisley, (Uilhertsnn Ji
rill. Please announce my return to
Culbertson. I was bounced by the H. A.
II. before I got two miles from town.
I lector Cleveland's pa w;;nt get there in
1 sss. nM,-.Cwk (lazzdlc.
.. o
A Div ision has just been rendered by
the Iowa suirt nie court which will raise
an important ipiestion to be settled by
the sujireme court of the United States.
Suit was brought last sprint; against the
owner of a distillery to enjoin him from
man u fact ii rin ; alcoholic sjiirits. The
owner of the distillery defended on the
ground that he manufactured entirely
for export within the state and that no
portion of his product was sold in Iowa,
and that to interfere with a business car
ried on with citizens of other states
would be to .attempt to regulate interstate
commerce and thus to encroach upon the
domain of congress. The court, how
ever, granted the in junction, holding the I
right of the .state to prohibit the manu
facture of alcohol to be absolute no mat
ter what may be the destiny of the pro
duct, and that interstate commerce is not
interfered with because the manufacture
II is rccon'im'c'n'.ledthat '..V, i.VoxieVlVJadliVit- of llw liflI,or is Invented before it be
ted to the convent!" u except such as are held conies a subject for transportation. This
hy persons rosid'nn in the counties from which is the case w hich has to be passed upon
proxies bv the court of last l-esnrh Thr Tnv.-,.
decision, as will be seen, gives the policy
power of the state a wide potency.
Republican Primaries. Ihurfstrcit.
The republican county convention for
Cass county, will meet at Plattsmouth vided upon the question of its revenue
Oct. 1st, lssT, lor the purpose of select- policy. This is a fact which is made ap
ing 11 delegates to the state convention parent by a comparison of recent utter
to be held in Lincoln Oct. 'jth, 1SS7, and ances of state conventions of the party
15 delegates to the judicial convention, in reference to the tariff! Take, for ex
to be held at the same place and date; ample, the tariff planks in the Penn-
also, to place in nomination, candidates J sjlvania. and Iowa platforms which have
for the following county olliccs: been out forth w ithin the week. The
County Treasurer. County Clerk, lJcgirter of Pennsylvania olnnk j.llh-.ns rim ,1,1-!,.
tions made by the convention oflsso
Nearly all the indebtedness of the former
has been a legacy of the civil war, while
the latter has never had a war worthy of
the name since the establishment of the
confederation. Neither of the tiu. i:i. 1
insurrections, of course, can be dignilied
with the title of war, any more than can
any one of tie; half dozen contests which
the United Slates has waged aga'nst the
Indians in 1b; past twenty years. A
l irge part of Canada's debt is the result,
of subsidies to railroads-. The United
States, too, has made large subsidies to
railroads besides granting them immense
tracts of land. lint the amount of this
expenditure ha-, in the case of the United
States, been returned many times over in
the development of the country's re
sources which the assisted railroads have
brought, while in the case of Canada the
-xpenditure still continues to bo virtu
ally tin productive.
A Terrible Operation A Worried: and
I. 1 Doctor A CrlsU.
I have rtlwavrt maintained that it ia!.!; for any man to Us a c-ivat sur
geon if ho is destitute, ewn in a con
siderable decree, of tho fuur feelings of
our nature. I b.-.vo often lain awake l-r
hours the night before an imrortant
operation, and .siiilVred great mental dis
tress for days after it w n.-i over, until I
was certain that my patient was out of
danger. I do not think that it is possiMc?
for a criminal t feci much wor-t ho
night before his execution than a nn
geon, w hen he knows that upon his s'dll
and attention must depend the fate f f a
valuable citizen. husl,;ieil, father, i;ioti;- r
or child. Surgery under such circmii
stanees is a terrible taskmaster, feeding
like a vulture upon a man's vitals. I!
i S
In Order lo Keduce
Stock, Wo r.liall riaceon
:i Ci-inpiote Line of
.Mir Center C ;tintcr
Children and Infants Husalin Under-
surged)!! m
;:tlain to a. n
surprising any
jiraetiet; hould ever
aid ; old age, r,o great are the wear and
tear ot mind and i;ly.
The world has t-vi n r.ianv a sad ulctnrf
T ;n .1,.., ,i ' 1 . ; .
uiuii v)ii; un surgeon. H is
mi I. ley; the sun is bri.-.rht ami beautii'iil:
all nature is redolent of joy; men and
women crowd the .-tivei, arraye 1 i.i tiair
l c;;t, and ::ij,ap i)t y js p(.JX0 .;,
j.imsLi within and without. In a large
bouse almost overh.-mHm' tins t iv..f- .',
Although Canada contains only about full of life and gavetv lies uoon a couch
one-twelfth the population of the United an cmr!fi:i'('!l figure, onco one of the
states, its ratio of increase in number of iZr. Z?,
inhabitants is much less than ours. The adored mother of 'muni irons c-hildreu i,o
debt of Canada today amounts to about fuhject of a frightful disease of one of
?;i) for each man, woman and child in ,1(T lun'3 or' lfc r')n-v l;C- c,f ber jaw, if
,i., n . i -i o not a Etui more imtovlant part of hi r
the Dominion, while the per capita of bo(ly. In an n.HulnL,: iwu is V: I . , '
gt-on, with his jusi.-tai.ts, fj-rendirg out
hi,; instruments and getting things ia
readiness for the iiapending operation,
lie :::;signs to each his iipprcpriate place.
One administers chlon form; anolhi r
tikes charge of tho limb; o::e scrrews
down the tuurni vot vpon the principal
artery, and jinother holds himself' in
readiness to follow tho kr.ife v.itli bin
sponge. The flap are toon formed, the
Gkokok W.
W.m.tku M. Rkki.y, Secretary,
'.I'liTM.x, Chairmae.
tett in the Lnited States is about 2.'3.
If an inaccurate comparison could bt
made upon wealth, the disparity between
the weight of the debt burden which
the people of the two countries rrspec
tively are called upon to bear would be
tound to be much greater. And while
this burden is steadily decreasing in the
I listed States, it is growing at an alarm
ing ratio in Canada. In, view of these
facts it is not surprising that the volume
of emigration from the Dominion into
this country, and the causes which pro
.1 :. i t i-
nuru u, nave oecome a sui ject ol "'ravt
concern to Canadian statesmen.
The United States-long ago became im
pressed with the great truth that a debt
: . i i ...... -it
is as uurciensonie ami depressing to a
nation as to an individual, and the pol
icy ot tlie leading American statesmen
has been, and is still, to pay it off at the
earliest practicable moment. Canadian
Oone revered, tue vessels tied mid th
huge wound approximated. The v.-r.;;-:u
is pale and gh..sdy. th,; pnlsa j.:.n;!v i er-
ceptible, the skin wet with claminv '
spiration, the voieo -nskv, tle siirht in
distinct. . fcJoiiio on-) whixneru in !!.
of tho busv sui-:
wear Dress Cloaks, etc., etc..
, IK ki Ji fi ?? i if
I his
Child! ens "White and Colored
at 'ic, worth ")0e.
Chihlrens White and Colored
it .")"e. woilli from 7."c to .si.
Chil.lri n-; White and Colored
it si, v.orih from si.oi) to s:.
Chihln ns "White and
d isl. :d. worth from s"j to n'.'.O.
Chihlrens "White r.nd Colored
it worth from s:;..".()to
Infants I J-lies at f;h.1() worth
" li 1.75 .Ao.
" i- c--.- i:- .i r..,
s .)
Dressi s
Dress, s
I )r esses
" " !?2.7.') " ?:5..r)0
Inf nits Long Si-irts at ;0e worth 7i'5c.
7r,c " 1
" J)0e " SI. 2
Infants Lour,' Skirts nt 1.10 worth
Infanls bong Skirls at SI. 25 worth
Infants J lobes at worth $1.
" !?:i.2."i 1 HO.
' " :5.r,o " S5.
" " St.
ic.-.i, !.- ijii. a.: .io; aiiv.: ; ere riU:i::n
istered, the pulse srraduallv ri;es. :u;d
aficr a few hours of hi: id work rnd ter
rilla anrciety react ir-:i occurs. The ;o.r
woman was oulv fint fn:n tho ii i::t in-
fiuenco of the an?sth.-tic, shor-Ic and Iks
of blood. An assistant, a lu'iid of sen
tinel, is placed as a guard over her, with
instructions to watch her v.-iih the e!o3
care and to send word the r.ioment the
sliclifrst. plianmo f.-vv l-i t-.i.. -. ......
- . . , , , , , l j C5 v .vi;t; 13 lt.l -
pnldicists, on the other hand, have been ccived.
Deeds, Sherili, County Superintendent of In
struetiim. t oimty Jud.e. Clerk of District
Court, Coroner, Surveyor ami County Connnis
Fioner, 2nd District.
The primaries will be held at the re
spective places throughout the county
Saturday, September 21th, 1 8s 7, for the
purpose of selecting delegates to the
county convention. The representation
of the various precincts will be as fol
lows: riattsmoutli l-t Ward, i: votes.
Jnl ' 0
;;rJ ' n
4th " 7
l'retinet 7
Kock mints y
1iherty 8
Avoea 9
lit. I'leasatit fl
Ei'ht Mile tSrove 7 "
Louisville 10
Center i; "
Weeping Water 20
Btove Civek D
Klmwuod 8 '
Souili I'.i-nd 5
Salt Creek 10
JreeiiTvood S "
Tipton 7 "
Ttal 138 ,.
Sec3 Chairman.
and recommends, as a measure to pre
vent the accumulation of the surplus, n
"wise and prudent" reduction of inter
nal taxation nnd of duties on imports in
accordance with that declaration. The
convention of lssij declared in favor of
"a fair revision of the revenue laws,"
which would not deprive American la
bor of the ability to compete success
fully with foreign labor, nor impose low
er rates of duty than would be amide to
exponents of the vicious and demoraliz
ing doctrine that a national debt U a na
tional blessing, which is still dominant
in many countries in Europe, especially
France. Tho steady and alarming rx
pansion in tho liabilities of the Dominion
is one of th principal factors in the re
cent growth in the sentiment in that re
gion in favor of annexation to the United
States, while its influence on this coun
Tho surgeon goes about his business.
visits other patients on the way. rnd ; -t
length, long after the usual hour, he si's
down, worried and exhausted, to his cold
and comfortless meal, with a mouth al
most as dry aad a voice a3 huskv or, his
pr.tient's. He eats mechanically, ex
changes hardly a word with any member
of his family, r.nd sullenly retires to his
saidy, to prescribe for Ins patients never,
during ali this time, forgetting tho poor
muiuacc-u object ho tclt a tew hours ao.
Infants' Lon Clonic, worth 3 ."() lo 15.00, now $2.50 to 12.00
ChiMi-en's Short Clonks, worth in. m 2 to slO, now $1.50 to $8.
W3 Hp ffi 'l
try is naturally to make annexation uu- repose after the s-v-re toil of the day
m r& id
1 mm.
T.trri-. fTrrrnrr-trrlri. t
popular. fit. Louis Ghbe-DeinocraL
Tmk Hastings CiazMe-Jouruul is set
ting forth tho necessity of paved streets
to the citizens of that place.
when suduenly he a loud ring cf tho
oeil, and a servant, breathless' with ex
citement, begs his immediate presence at
tne sick cnarnucr witn the enchmiatioij
"Ihey think Mrs. is deim-." TL,
hurries to the scene with r;:nid i ace ch!
anxious feeling. The stuniD is of u crim
son color, and tho palier.t. lies in a pro
found swoon. Ail artery has suddt-nlv
given way; the exhaustion .is extreme:
and stimulants are at onco
T1 - . ft rt
rou sai.i. good larm wagon
a strong set of double harness; auewcov
cred buggy with good double harness cordia
and a good horse. Enouire of E. U. bought into requisition; tht-Jreesh:
tuu'1 a"y mereaseu cost ot prottuction Sampson or J. (J. Eikenbarv.
which might exist m consequence ot tue
higher rate of wages prevailing here.
This result is regarded as a victory for
Mr. Ilandall and for protection. In Iowa
on the other hand, a very different
plank has been put in the party platform.
The followers of the administration
there declare in favor of the immediate
-I r . , . v ny Mliey Acquitted Him.
reduction of the tariff to a revenue basis, , ,
,t, , .. , , A revolutionary soldier had been m
"miuvuI U1U leteiuion or tne internal dieted for passinc counterfeit money.
revenue tax on intoxicating liquors and Charles M. Lee defended the silver haired
tobacco, and nrotcst airainst its proposed veteran on Ins trial. The evidence
l : j. i -i
reductien as a means of maintaining the
R VH Ef-iSJ l'l
rOjWl - 2 -73
fay m m$ rl
hy.? knis
y Lm km
- .-.T--K I O!-.,! A I -
. j-iiiini.y laii-u. . wiuiu, lUln 111 COlll II 1 Ul'lC lllflV
t on ! The vital current ebbs and flows, re- bo lltUl for S 1 50. Purchaser 111 .IV l )'i v -ill In .-i-l, ,v,.
- J Schlater, jeweler, opposite the action ia elHl more tardy than before, lrilfrh l! n oM,n, 1 ir ' 13 'J1' l mil
Opera House, has just received a large and it is not until a lato hour of the night 1 c.tlM1 l,'C -llCI Hall 111 OliC year; OP, Olio third casll, lal-
supply of ladies and gent's gold and ,tIlc1T?n' V' cut in 'f1 iut two years; or s25 cash, remainder in moinh-
siiver watches which he offe, sat bottom "'lT ly installments ofLO; or, any one a-recin- to construct a
prices. Give him a call. 20 w 4t d G tries, but he cannot close his eves. Ilia 1-deilC0 WOl'tll S2.fj0i) and Upwards will be -''iveil a lot V'if li T
. wi:hlii3,J)afct: ho h cry olU further consideration. to
pane:.,: no Hears every
footstep upon tho pavement undvr hi?
wir.uow, and is m momentary
tion of the riu:
mg of the lii.-lii
Lcil. Ho
ia disturlx-d by the wildest fancies, I
tariff. The two wings, it is evident, are
no nearer together than ever. li raci
al rectx.
Tin: motto of the Manitobans seems to
be "A Red Kiver Valley road or burst."
Two Schools of Finance.
A good illustration of the operation
The corn palace jubilee at Sioux City of opposite tendencies in finances is
found in the recant history of the United
States and Canada, respectively. The
following figures show tho public debt
of each year of the two countries twenty
ycars ago and now.
1S7. 1SS7.
U. S $5,008,151,211 i?l,2jO,774,3Gi.
Canada.. 100,000.000 .100.000,000.
The figures for the United States are
Tni: sentiment in favor of tariff is those of debt of all kinds, less cash in
grow ing rapidly in the south, the cause I the treasury on July 1, 18'J7, and on Sep-
promiscs to be a fine success. The enter
prise is a novel one and is attracting na
tional attention.
Mus. S. Ii. TJoudex. of Tonica, 111.,
died last Sunday. This makes the total
number of deaths, eighty, caused by the
awful Chatsworth wreck.
of which is the increase in value of the
property: in the last seven years the in
crease is over $000,000,000.
W.. E. Conference.
The Nebraska Conference of the M. E.
church will hold its twenty seventh ses
sion in St. Paul's church at Lincoln bc-
tember 1 18S7. The figures for Canada
are close approximations for each date.
It will be noticed that within two de
cades past the United States has reduced
its indebtedness almost one-half, while
against him was clear, and there was not
a shadow of doubt of his guilt. Still, he
was a man who had followed Gen. "3Iad
Anthony" Waj ne up tho craggy steep of
ttony romt, on tiie dark night of July
15, 1779, when that fortress was carried
by storm.
Lee summed up the case with rare
vehemence, graphically described the
bloody attack on Stony Point, and, with
tears dripping down his cheeks, implored
tho jury to acquit tho old soldier. It
was uot then known that the foreman of
the jury had been with the defendant on
the perilous night. The jury wero out
an iiour. v hen it returned, the clerk
"Gentlemen of the jury, have you
agreed upon a verdict?"
"We have."
"Do you f.nd the prisoner at the bar
guilty or not guilty?" '
"Not guilty, liecause he helped to
storm Stony Point!" shouted the fore
man. Henry B. Stanton's "Random
Kecoilec tions."
City and Country tabor.
Between the shop and the factory tho
better life of thousands is cround into
me tieot ot tne Canadian Confederation dust as oetween upper and nether mill
in the same period has been tripled. stones- Tll? factory by day and thehoard-
The preblem in the United States has
ginning Wednesday, Sent. 21st at nine been how to spend the revenue which
o'clock aud will continue over the fol- has been pouring into the treasury with-
lowing Sabbath. This meeting is of in- out paying off the debt too rapidly,
tercst to many people throughout south- The problem in Canada has been to make
eastern Nebraska. receipts equal necessary expenditures.
Bishop John P. Ilurst will preside, 1 caving the debt untouched. Canada, in
and representative men and women of fact, has been following the system in
the church will be present and speak at vogue in most of th ; countries of Conti-
diffcrent times. The forenoons 'will be nental Europe in dealing with its debt,
devoted to the business of the conference It can hardly be said, of course, that the
the afternoons and evenings to meetings United States method has been patterned
on behalf of various Methodist enter- after England's, because this country
prises. An interesting feature will he adopted the policy of paying off its obli-
thc Lay Electoral Conference which will gations as rapidly as possible long before
meet on Thursday. I Great Britain became actually alive to I
inghouse, the streets and tho cheap and
tho baneful allurements of the town by
night makes a poor school in which to
train the fathers and mothers of a coming
generation. Possibly if the lalior re
formers who are trying to remedy the
evus tnat oeset wortingmen and work
ingwomen in the struggle for life would
turn their attention to those mistaken
jolicies which offer inducements to
life in the town in preference to
the independent and wholesome life
in the country they might make town
and country life both more tolera
ble. There is an excess of labor tliat
keeps lalior down. The country life
needs invigoration through ii diversifica
tion and enlargement of industries natu
ral to the country and tho improvement
of the methods of rural labor. Piiila
delphia Record.
Goes tiia most terrifio objects, r.nd as be
rkes early in the mornim; lo hasten to his
patient3 chamber, ho feela that lie has
been cheated of the rest of which lie steed
EO much in need. Js this: picture over
drawn? I have sat for it a thou-.uid
times, and there is not an educated, con
scientious surgeon that will not certify in
iis accuracy. From the Autobioi-ar.hv
of Dr. Gross.
2a "i Xss? V V
to select your residence lot
contemplate building at once
even thou:
;h you .should not
One visit to South I'ark
Edvrln Forrest at Was hi 1:5; 1 011.
One night, during tlie war, Forrest was
at AVashington. Tho 'play was "Riche
lieu. " President Lincoln", accompanied
by Forney, Seward and several prcme
ncnt members cf the administration, was
seated hi a private box at the left of the
stage. In i clitical opinions Forrest was
directly opposed to them. When the
grand apostrophe to the pen occurred
Mr. Forrest rose, solemnly and deliber
ately, facing tho president's box. With
pen held majestically aloft, his eyesfinsh
ing tire, tho tones of th::t won:krful voice
vibrating through the theatre, and speak
ing with unusual deliberation and empha
sis, he gave such a rendering of Buhver's
lines as must have astonished the presi
dent. the rule cf men entirely creat
The pon is niipchtier tiaa the sword.
Take away tho stvoivl,
States can be saved r-ithout it.
LTc looked tho whole party squarely in
the face, as much as to say: "And that's
my personal opinion, too." Th;.1 shot hit
its mark. There ensued some wlusnc-rcd
remarks between Fornev and Lincoln.
and a deprecatory shake of the head on
tho part of the latter, accompanied by
dubious elevation of the eyebrows, as
much as to say: Well, I never heard
that passage read , that way before."
Dr. Kane in Baltimore American.
wi'l convince the most skeptical tlmt it is the most desirable
residence locality in the city, and we will add, that the most
suosiantmi class 01 buildin-s of. which J'lattsmouth can
( Px If .1' T ll VOll
- - - - s...4 vtvyiU ill I IN
indsonic addition.
i re as
-of :,ros'.
1-! ""S BDJU' fOSKWj
around and through the
entire tract.
Any one desiring to can.struct a cottage
or a more preten-
Tliere is but one way to give: to phnro
as children of the same Father that por
tion of the riches of the world and trust
it to one care. Nothing else is tine giv
ing; it is merely tossing a bone to a dog.
The first Look containing musical char
acters wa3 issued in 1403 from the pre?s
of the celebrated "Wyhken de Worde."
i.uu." iiueaef m souili i'ai ic, can examine a Jare selection
of plans of the latest style 01" residences by cailln- at our
oillce. Anyone desiring to examine )ro?erly uiTh a viev
to purchasing will be driven to the park at our expense.
nam or
CASS CO. basts:.
t .