The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, September 19, 1887, Image 4

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j)lje piattnmontlj Dailg tlcralb
Publishers & Proprietors.
Candidate for County Judge.
I licreliy umioitn:e invni-lf a :i -:unlil;ite
for tli olllc of County .finlLrc of Cans County
subject to tliii JicoiiblKMii ounty Convintion.
W 1 1 . L ITT 1 ' n t i : n ; k ic .
The umlirella rei)aircr is canvassing
our streets.
Wanted. A man to drive a team ap
ply at this ollicc.
Miss Josephine Morrisey lias return
ed from JUilfonl, Nek
iMr. J. Itivitt, of Lincoln visited over
A Salisbury Dcnllet, In Itocli
wooil I! ii lining.
spent yesterday
not get
Mr. Dave Mclmte
in Omaha.
Please notify us if you lo
the Daily Hkieald.
Misses Kate and Cane Oliver Fpent
Sunday with friends nt ISellevue.
L. C. Styles returned Saturday even
ing from a trip to Omaha and Lincoln.
The I'lattsmouth Turners will give
a dance next Thursday in Fitzgerald
Mrs. L. F.Kohrell left Saturday eve
ning for Nebraska City, to visit relatives
for a few days.
Three street cars arrived Saturday
evening and were placed on the track
this morning.
J. E. Morris left for Hastings Satur
day evening on business connected with
the O. Ii. T.
Misses Susie and lissia Ilallenger of
Lincoln were visiting friends in the city
Merritt Kerr the ten year old
son of 15. C. Kerr of this city, is quite
sick with typhoid fever.
Mrs. C. M. AVait arrived last evening
from Lincoln on account of the severe
illness of her daughter, Mrs. W. II.
If you cannot attend the fair every
day go one day, and above all do not
fail to let your children go on children's
Will Crehan left last evening f i r
Colfax, Iowa, to meet his wife who has
been there for treatment a couple of
Mr. Eads, Fred Murphy. and
Geo. Lchnhof and Misses Grace Anderson
Sunday with his son Dick.
Will Clark is giving his tonsorial ,M! I,1(:asCtl tl tuke entries in this and any
shop a thorough over-hauling preparato
ry to the fall and winter trade.
Saturday evening the jury, in the
case of Mr. Kennedy, charged with bur
glary, retimed a verdict of not guilty
after being out about an hour.
Sylvester Johnson, one of the
Cakihttii's For the best loaf of wheat
A List cf the Prises Offered by our ,m'au niacic or cass county whent, by a
Merchants. lat,y not exceeding 10 years of age, one
The following special premiums have fi,ie 8old rinS valued at 5.
been offered by citizens of Plattsmouth For tlie ,,cf,t 5-""-l roll of butter,
and vicinity; open for competition at our ma(le ,,v n 5'0U2 '"'ty not exceeding 1G
coining county fair, and should all be venr9 of u"c' one Kct of jewelry yalued at
taken bv competitors. Tli noi rftnrv will I
" . ., ...
Dit. K. II. Livinoston's For the best
daily mcterlogical record, embracin" a
period from September 1, 1SK(5, to Sep-
ember 1, 18S7, observations taken in Cass
county, including thermometer, barom
eter, rain fall and wind gage. First prc-
who suffered from Henry Shrceder's
thieving, in the loss of a hayrack, and
wagon and who liyes near Louisville, is
attending Shro-der's trial to-day.
I ted pocket book, containing license for
Met. Mfg. Co. and statement of W. E.
Paul, no money. Finder return to Sher
wood's shoe store and receive reward.
W. E. Pal i..
other department. Today and tomorrow
his office will be open at the fair grounds:
"The satisfaction heretofore given by
our baby show, induces the society to
offer premiums again for raising good, ""U"1. $"; second premium, $3.
nice babies. Every child Dresented for I Matiikw's For the best and
premium must be dressed in a plain white arcst collection of grains and seeds, all
suit without elaborate trimmings. For I varieties, not less than one-half hushcll
the prettiest baby under nine mouths of of oac'. raised and exhibited by one
age, baby carriage, $0; prettiest baby I,ersoni on spade, one hay fork, one
over nine and under twenty months of J Karden ratc garden hoe.
age, line iaiy carnage, $G; second pret-1 a. diu.ivan s lor nest essay on
tiest, baby carriage, $4; third prettiest, house-keeping by girl under 14 years old,
Sixteen Thousand Dollars
and if low prices will
ell ri(ils,
we intend to sell moro
au un-
gold necklace, $3.
M. A. IIaktigan'h special For the
handsomest twin babies, of any age, born
in Cass count-, $10 gold piece.
IlKititMAN & Co. 's For the handsomest
couple who will be married on the fair
grounds any day during the fair,
Speed Track.
The fair will certainly be
qualified success if wc can judge by the fme silk lress l):ltteni, to be selected by
present indications. There will be an
immense field of horses present to con
test for every race.
Secretary Ritchie informs us that Elm
wood Chief, the winner of the "free for
all trot" at Lincoln, is here, and will trot
on Thursday, also Edgewood VanDuke
and several other noted horses are al
ready on the grounds.
Mr. Thoin. Gray, of Omaha, came in
last night with two flyers, and dispatches
have been received by the secretary
from several other parties with fast ,
horses w ho will be on hand.
one fine gold pen holder.
Captain II. E.'s For the
best and largert pisplayof cattle, in any
and all lots in class 2, made by farmer
resident of Cass county (for six months
and over). Second premium $10 gold
N. C. IlrciriKH For the best and
, i . . -. ii . L i I 'i r i t i ..
tne Diicie. I largest exnioic or nome-mnue nreaa ry
J. I. .Uxuitu's For the handsomest Joun5 latlJ' under HO years of age, $2.50.
couple who will be married on the fair! ,T- C- Gii.morfs For the prettiest
grounds any day during the fair, one up- colored baby under 3 years of age, .?".
bolstered IJritton Brussels patent rocker. I For the fastest running
Koi.kkt SiiKitwoob's For the man I hose team in Cass county, to bo decided
resident of Cass county, with the longest J by a 200 yards race during the fair, a
nose, one pair fine shoes, value 3. I handsome gold badge.
T -mr . -w- ,i , I
iMtiijitiioiA-ior tne man witn J. E.'s For the best display
mo largest reer, one pair rubber hoots, of fruit raised in Cass county, $3 worth
j. v . w KCKr. vcii s l or the lady mak-1 Qf fruit trees.
ing and exlnbitinjr the best five wounds
of dairy butter, and cheese, not less than I Ask your neighbors to take the Dai-
23 pounds, one fine satin dolman.
Ladies' Good (train IJutton Shoe for 81.00. fornierlv sold for SI. 73: LaduV
Heavy Grain Hutton Slioe. the best we.n- l..i- 7.1 f,.n., ilv r.,i- 'r.. T.n1iu
Milwaukee Grain Hutton Sime, S2.0D, forineil v sold for !?2.30;. We are offering all
our s2.0 hue of shoes for $2.00; Ladies' Fine Cl.i.e Dongola Hutton and Tampego,,
Goat for $2.30, Connelly $3.00. Men Heavy JJuots f.r only $1.30, formerly $2.00;
Men's liest Whole Stock Kip lioots for $2.5(, formerly sold for $3.23; Men's Fine
Whole Stock Kip Hoot for only $3.oo, formerly $1.00; Men's Calf Hoot, good and
solid, for only $2.30, formerly $3.00; Men's Fine Dress utton Shoe for only $1.85
formerly $2.30.
AVe also have a great many other "cadi" bargains in Children V Misses and bovV
that it will pay you to call and examine our roods and be' Hint, xvn urn
selling cheapei than any other dealer.
It is a well known fact that in every
city where a fair or circus is holding
forth there is an over supply of lurking
sneak thieves which the police force can
not exterminate, no matter how allcrt and
competant they may be.
PiiTEit Mkuoks' For the lady making J Theplat of the new town Newh aw-
miii cAiuouing ine nest o pounus ol dairy nusmcu m mc county cici ks ollicc
butter, and cheese.not less thau 23 pounds, I today. This new town is about 17 miles
one pair French kid button shoes sec-1 south-west of Plattsmouth on the Nebras-
ond premium. J ka City branch of the Missouri Pacific
V. V. Leonard's For the best por- I railroad, on sec. IS township 10 rang.j 13
trait, or landscape, oil or water color J a m a3i County.
panning, mane oy resiuent ot Cass county. I Some of the young roughs of the
Amateur work only to compete, and pic- citydiave been in the habit of teasing the
Jonathan Hatt J. V. JMautiiis.
53 RRf7aaBT?H
These fellows lay around with their
and Julia Oliver spent Sunday with Miss eye open watching for an opportunity to turc to flt 14xl? framc,one elegant frame, Chinaman who runs a Main street laun-
Craner in Omaha. slip in the back dcor of a store or house vaUie I dry, and yesterday afternoon a company
HM , t TT i -1 . I C-.. -XT . - I .f il i 11- i - i
mere was a picnic yesterday at I at an ungual ucu moment anci appropn- & xNatuak s J? or tnc largest 1 1,1 tnem entered nis snop and began
Nick Yolk's home Jabout eleyen miles I ate any article of value they can lay their I a"d best display of ornamental embroid-1 teasing him. Exactly what happened we
southwest of the city. A good time is I hands on, to their own use. I cry, needle crochet and fancy work made I '1 not know, but the result of their pes-
It might not, therefore, be out of place a,1d exhibited by one lady exhibitor, ten'ug was one of the crowd, a boot
for us to suggest the necessity of a little resident of Cass county, one latest style black, struck the Chinaman over the
extra precaution about fastening your ladies' hat, value $3. left eye with his box. causing a very
doors and windows before leaving the "Wm Harold & Sox's For the best ugly wound. This is a wrong way for
house. If everybody in Plattsmouth exhibition ot Cjuestrianship by young the lads to do, and a night in the "cool
takes an ounce of prevention, somebody lady over 14 years of age, one pair gold cr" without any "guilty" might have a
Sugar Cured Meals, Hams, Bacon, Lard, &c, &c
of our own make.
The best brands of OYSTERS, in cans and bulk, at
reported by all who attended.
Mr. and Mrs. Van Cleave, of Lincoln,
who have been yisitingMrs. Van Cleave's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ilesser, the
past few days, returned home this morn
morning. There will be a meeting of the F. M.
Richey Hose Co. No. 2 at the office of
Skinner & Richey, this evening. All
members are requested to be present as
there is business of importance.
The fair grounds will be encumbered
with side shows, cane racks, knife boards
and a hundred other ingenious devices to
wile away the nickle out of the pocket
of the unsuspecting youth and even the
J. C. Hallenger, one of the main
line conductors is enjoying a well de
served vacation of ten days
will be saved a pound of cure.
Children's Day.
riattsmouth. Neb,. Sept. 17. 1887.
sq., Supt. Cass County
II. C. Ritchie, E;
Dear Sir: At a meeting last evening,
the board of education decided to close
the schools upon the day suggested y
you (Wednesday, 21st inst.J that the
children might attend the fair. Will you
kindly notify mc as to any arrangements
that you may addopt for their admission,
whether by individual tickets, or other
wise; I will then announce the same in
the various rooms.
He went I I have taken the liberty of imforming
I A C . 1 I 11 X 1 T
bold bracelets.
Jim ANTiLi.'d For the best exhibition
of cquestrianship by a young lady over
14 years of age. Second premium 10 1
pounds of Antill's best home made cream
candy, assorted.
O. M. Stkeight's For the best exhi
bition of cquestrianship'' by young miss
under 14 years of age, one elegant side I
saddle first premium.
Dave Miller's For the best cxhbi-
good effect. Mr. Lee is a quiet inoffence-
sivc citizen and attends to his own busi
Rev. W. B. Alexander preached thelast
sermon of this conference year yesterday,
and it may be his last sermon as pastor
of this M. E. church. At the end of the
morning sermon he gave the church sta
tistics for the last two years, which
showed rich prosperit" the membership
having almost doubled. He leaves Wed: I
Supt. Spink, and all teachers whom I
have seen (from district schools, you
Know,) of your arrangement for a chu
rn the country. Yours very Truly,
V. W. Drlmmond,
Supt. City Schools.
Secretary II. C. Ritchie informs us that
since receiving the above letter he has
issued invitations to every school and
directory in the county, and the day will
be made exceedingly interesting for the
The "children's day" plan is a good
one. and eyery child in the county should
be permitted to attend.
west with his family last night. E. II.
Smith will punch the tickets in his ab
sence. The M. E. Church ladies will give
a sociable Tuesday evening, Sept. 20, at
Mrs. Wash Smith's corner of 3th and
Marble streets. Not only the ladies, but
Mr. and Mrs. Smith, extend an invitation
to everybody to come and have a good
The telephone company will have a
wire running to the fairgrounds and any
person desiring to use the same can do so
by the payment of a small nominal sum.
The instrument will be inthe secretary's
office at the gate; this will be a great
accomodation to many.
Mr. Jake Covert, of Evansville, Ind.,
who has been visiting his daughter, Mrs.
Grant Austin the past week, returned
home this morning. Mrs. Austin accom
panied him, also little May Austin, a
niece of Grant Austin returned with
them to her home in Washington.
W. J. Ilesser returned Saturday even
ing from the Lincoln fair, where he had
a large amount of goods on exhibition, ished this afternoon the case of State of
He raked in a large number of premiums Nebraska vs. W. I. Foreman, charged
more than he had anticipated and -'ith assault to commit murder, will be
sold most of his prize stock on the groud ealled. It will be remembered that
and contracted to furnish a new Lincoln Shrccder is the man of Fremont who, on
nurseryman a large amount of plants. Wednesday night of July 27th, stole a
This is one of the greatest benefits of a horse from John Holshoe, of Platts-
fair it advertise the competitors, and mouth. Taking the horse with him he
our merchants who have themselves rep- went from here to Cedar Creek, where
not lack their
tion of cquestrianship by young miss nesday for Lincoln to attend conference
under 14 years of age, one fair leather
riding bridle second premium.
E. G. Dovey & Sox's For the largest
and best display of knit goods, stockings,
socks, mittens, gloves, etc., made and ex-
dren's day; and have stated to them that, hibited by one lady, in both woolen and
in my opinion, it was your intention to
extend the same courtesy to all schools
and to receive his appointment for the
coming year, which his friends hope will
again be Plattsmouth. The meetings
will be held in St. Paul's M. E. church
at Lincoln, Bishop Hurst presiding.
The meetings are public and any who
' BSLSaH?. 3 .-v. --CTr-f--.( ,xrST I litrV j'
cotton, one elegant dress pattern, 12 yards desires may attend; they will continue
au wool cashmere.
Court To-day.
The court to-day was occupied with
the case of State of Nebraska vs. Henry
Shrccder charged with horse stealing.
The following were present as witnesses:
City Marshal Ashbury Townscnd, of
Fremont; Mr. Wolfe and wife, Saunders
county; Carl Carson and Albert Grecher,
Fremont; John Tippha and John Betts,
Omaha. In case the trial should be fin-
resented at our fair will
married. On Sabbath afternoon at
at five o'clock at the residence of Mrs. E.
J. Etler, in the western part of the city,
Mr. Lewis M. Pennington and Miss
Carrie G. Etler were united in wed
lock by Rev. W. B. Alexander. The cer-
he stole a pair of horses and set of har
ness belonging to Jacob Kunzman; from
there he went out west of Louisville and
stole a wagon and hay-rack of Sylvester
Johnson, and then made "for Fremont.
It will also be remembered that Sheriff
Eikenbary did a good piece of
work when he tracked Shrccder to St.
cmony was performed in the presence of Paul, Minnesota, and there accomplish-
a small company of intimate friends of ed his arrest. After his arrest Shrccder
the contracting parties. The bride and tried to fast himself to death
groom started west this morning to visit in the county jail here but his
friends and spend a few days when they weakness overcame his strength and he
will return to Plattsmouth and take up gave the idea up after five days. The
their abode. May theirs be a prosperous evidence is (niitc conclusive and the ver-
and happy journey through life. diet will likely be guilty.
Fred Gordgr's For the best 50 ears
of corn, one 14-inch Furst & Bradley
J. C. Gilmore's For the best 50 ears
of com, one thoroughbred Poland China
C. E. Wescott's For the best croP
of Indian corn not les3 than 5 acres, nor
yields less than C3 bushells per acre,
grown by boy under 10 years of age, the
best fine worsted or all wool cassimer
suit in Wescott's stock' to be selected by
the winner.
J. A. Connor's For the handsomest
baby under 12 months of age, $5 gold
II. C. John's For the handsomest ba
by under 24 months of age, one dozen
cabinet photographs.
J. P. Young's For the best specimen
of penmanship of not less than twenty (20)
lines fools-cap paper, by any Cass county
boy or girl under 15 years of age, one
gold pen and holder, value $5.00.
For the best essay of not less than two
hundred (200) words, written by any
Cass county boy or girl under 1G years
of age, one line inlaid writing desk, value
Henry Bceck's For the handsomest
couple who will be married on the fair
grounds any day during the fair, one
elegant silk plush-covered patent rocker,
or such other article as the bride may se
lect, to the value of $10.
John R. Cox's For the best and
largest collection of pickles, preserves
and jellies, put up and exhibited by a
lady resident of Cass county one family
washinjr machine.
Journal's For the best 5 pounds of
butter, with receipt for making; two sub
scriptions to the Weekly Journal and
$1.00; two or more to enter. The editor
to select the committee, or decide on
the merits of the butter himself, comped
itors not to enter for any other premium.
over Sunday.
Plattsmouth Markets.
furnished hy w. rr. nkwell & co.
ouiuruay, oeptemoern,
Wheat No. 2, 40.
"3 41.
Corn, 2 2G.
Oats, 2 IS.
Rye, 2 30.
Barley, No. 2 40.
" 3 30.
Hogs, 4.25(4.40.
Cattle, $2.90(3.25.
Have anything you want from a two wheeled go cart to a twenty -four
render wafun.
are always kept ready. Cabs or tilit ear;
i ao-e.s,
and everything fur funerals furnished on short notice
pall-hearer waon s
lerm.3 cash.
Oi . s
&k EKJEk
TtE :-: 1-E11LD
Mitels of JT WI&TngrTjnsqz
sa slaoi't notice.
Furnishing Goods
Isggi H Gcids, Note Heads.
Bill Heads, '
Eiytfelopes, Btsiqess Cai'ds.
Aisitiilir Cai'ds,
Cii'culqi's, Posters.
oi ciy oj-leiclciss of piiitiig.
All the newest and latest Styles for Fall
and Winter in men's and boys' wear.
AN8 ?
1 all 'V