The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, January 05, 1885, Image 3

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inn irn
Adrertlwmeuts under tin nead, lUreo cents
ei line euu linemen.
Circulating Library
Uru alar.
C,i, tlrtrsball, Dentlal, iuc
feasor la Clatter & lUuraliJill.
Teetti attracted without paiu,
by us ofMtroua Oxide Ua.
4. Salisbury, Dentlt.
-i. iM--a- . i- i J-iiXUJ
ON KV TO LOAN-Oa real estate by A.N.
a. aullWaa.
FAUM FOrt SALK-Ooninling ot 1s acres,
good tliuaer, sulendid ore.ln.rd ol bearing
treei ; uue il till1 moll ilenriilil farms In I'm
Hi itj ; situated near Ml. riraaul. Inquire
of Be e.iu a rtulllvau.
l.iOlt ULK-Hy residence and four loti;
" gjd hoii.;, barn and fruit, anil In Mi el
lem minilliluii ; atwotwo Improved farm, him
i lory itrlca bualnevt houie .ixo feet.ou Ualu
street, aud other deslrsule laud anil lot.
ti. 11.
VOW -AUK -HwiMd. latiaud wood land by
E JuUnBuutAsou.
(10K8AI.K rte.eral rmldenees, cheap. In-
au rt ol u. a. wneir a i .
l.ioil HAl.B3raUU Tablu la all iun. at
I iliisoffioe. sitf
i'0U4Al.Ralet la good locution, Particu
lar at Ibis ooa Wlf
i'OH ."ALB Aa ordsr for a new American
?ewUyt Machlua. Inquire at iuloluo.
COU8LR l.oeoeerdsuf wood. Inquire of
ifOKHAI.t ' Id pi.??r fur sale at thl ofric"
at 44 huh il hundred or I cent per dot-
OK SAl.E-KourtoM together In good looa
tnMi lu till city. Iini'ilro u till orfloetl
fiirnUlf't renin for one
or H i gmilleiusa, lu good louaiiuu. ta
il i:lrr at thl olUte. "'I
J, m rtS houei .f faur raoinn.
g.wter, x wd gardi"i jii. I"l per
u.uU lirttli-lrrvUle. W. U BHArnt.
VM RUNT benortli More room lu
r iN ,i, m. an l rooms .lit llr. Good
I'xatlon fur ret aunuit or boarding bouse, rente
CDep Apply to Wui. NevUI.. iwtf
Cure tjtuurauteed,
D, WAUX'S .sfhClFlC No. I
O-rtiiln Cure firNerroii" Diblllty. Seminal
WAkn-M luf ilii't4 y K.iifloii, Hp.Tina
lornei. vl a'i du ol the gnlt-urlnarr
ef(ucau-fd hy tell-ib' orovrr luduljeuce.
l'iwe tl uu mr ell .inxei 15 0.
Fur K.ill'nlle Fltt, M"tal AnxltT. I'ef
IIumoi y. Hoiivaiug uf ' he Ur ln. aud l dlnea-
t "I H IU.
frlue el eo iier bt, ell I'oiai Won.
Dlt SVARN'Sbl'KCiriUNo. S
Fer linBitencn.Rtfrllltf lo'Ulirr . Iyi of
Vwt prxuMlurr old ukc. ud oil Uune ditcat.
ft rwiitli h tiior iiinh lavl'iorall'iK ol tin-
val uin uii. l'rili.uu p-r bi, mi liotee
Dlt W A UN'S Sl'Kflt'lC N'o.4.
Fir lli-Kilaeha. v'errom Ni'tir.lU, and all
atr )- di'-" "I til ".'" '..!.
I'rnw pr n U u - i
Dlt tt'AIiS'S Sl't' U-'iC No. C.
For ! P ' emo-l oj lh.' ovr r im of to
Wci'ir 1 (Hor I li rmi-ly l i' iiilcnl ry f-a.-m;litn
I ' TtiUi Jly uii'l il. himm tr'-rn-en
I'N" i( tux. K l'v ' W.
Vf a t vi tiilnea cura.iir t r or. fund doub
le '!! .i"iey paid. rti , in furti box.
Tttiee-tt-anireaiipllfeti" i- i of our tlHi-.
eHK. niif"trr m Ait to a .y .Mri ewure
from "berytlon, on rwrli.t "I ,n io. He ci -fni
l.i iB'-n l lb' uu.nb-r of jMpwIk yi iled.
iiur 4picill" iimoiiIv rwun ii'l,d foriweifle
dl--ur. H-wore uf rn-ilip warrtntel l
ur ill dl4im with -ne no-dklne. lo arnul
(ouuierf i i mid alffay trcuie toe ge ivlae,
oruoi uuiy from
r u. rniCKE t co.,
! ii at iain
w w i m
j. im mtm ant a if
SlaCmll, W WJ Ut Ijw r
rr;-fw. Mi Hr-.W . ImIHk, I Mifii CUM
vt hti WmS yufcM Ut m r n., th tum-
, fell to f9t wjMM. tnw C wlti. Irf. ka.M. (
m-1 K 'k. Mta MM U Inntfc t4
MufefteM, 14 ailMiht. TM fMD BMMrfMtertS Ml, e
tiHM o. xT a tu, m a m v. tM at., omci.
.. ii p. ........ ii,. , i ' -J-- ltn
F. . FkH KK A CO.,
D iUOULSra Jt I'llAltyAClSTS,
UBiOf nuoot. Flatt Mooru. Mti
1 HucUlrn'e Ariiitit nulve.
TIik Hrml 8 tifn lu t'io world lor Cuts,
UruafS, S 'ffa, Ultvf, Hlt ttlmum. Fe
ver s l i Teller Clia'P ol (limit Chill
l iiot U 'rue and rll S h i Uniiiiiiii anl
1.i -tit v' 1'ure Pint ot iiopv r'(jiiir',J.
' is vaueraoieoil to k'iru petfi't atia
it !'ti)u, or uiua"y rrfuudu'l. Price 2-'i
ceuui p :r box. For Sole Uv FilukA
C. Dt:f. 4 id ly
DAM fJilliard Hail.
.J"rr l iiiumii lit- r oi-iied Ijia I i i
lurii II t. iii iii own luiiuing, iaito
tun Ci y 11 'el. and invites the public
1 1 ill and St it Iiilll In In lifW pltiee i.i
pKli.i.e lliataolo ara emir. y refll
11, Hud lift Wl'l keep nil I.Hi J HI H'l
i n fie ben hrititlsol elffsr end 'o
hoto, Hi,d he will tei vu oytli r,'g
f at ail huurs, to the bin sry
tVii end hii, ViiO ltl
A Itraiurkable EtcapHt
Mrr. Uo.C.l'larkf, A Port
lioiiNie, fjuiaiiu, slates dial she
l i u e.-iillm-tl lo tier room fo: a
had mug
time with liial (Veoulul IUeue,
soiiiptmu. 1 bo d eli.rlil alit'iullld
ii. ii i t au (mrly giave, but t'rtu
liHii'ly Him begun laking lr. Kinji'e
w Hiseovery liirl'uiuumptiou, aud,
in a a'lurt Uii)-' he was compli u-ly
Hired. Do,-.v'.j8 nuet, lilea.u wri.e
lr. Cl ' ke and be coiivluecd. Trial' ,ree at Fii' i'H.t Co.'
La-ge kise 1. 4'J-i dw ly
, Tkase Ara Solid I'aots.
, Tlie ltet liiool puntlor autt eytteni
regulator ever placed within the r acli
! of sulleriiig liumanily, truly it Kluetric
Hi l era. Inaellvliy ol the Liver. Hi 1 -lousneoa,
Ja indue, Couniiiiailou, SVeak
U diievs, or any iar h,i of tl o urinary
oigana, or whoi vcr require an appe
. t iiiihl ttl:niilau. will 1.
, y. flnd E eoulc Illttir Ihe beat and
, f nil e-i tain mre knowti. They art
areriy huI quirkly. every bottle go gr
ain t-ed to give euiire allst'iirtlou or
A. sum y riiiuiiilol. Price oily fifty conts
UV.Ie. Vwr ante b Fruse &. Co. 1
r v v Ke
The Two Johns.
Buy jour tickets for the Two Johns,
Grain roeb hero are offering 9 l-Vcts
per bushel far com In the ear. .
ijhewattu weather it now with is.
Kor a truth we live In a world uf
The traffic, from across the river them
days Is very large aud busiiieea la lb
city U brisk,
The political worker It lookiug to
ward Lincoln tlnsj days except those
tf course who are on the ground.
Fay Templotou end Company will
visit riattamouth ami the Waterman
Opera House the last of the nioulh.
The high ichool U not in iggua ta
day Caiue, the sfeaiu heating appar
:ui not lu working onlep. dAwtf
Mr. and Mr. R. Newell desires to re
turn tbatikg to their untny friends who
o generously contributed to their wel
fare on New Year' day
The steam heatiuir apparatus at the
Opera Home Is lo perfuct working or
der agtlo, and toulght all will go at
merry at a marriage ball at the Two
Jnlini' show.
The pxtiibilon at, the Rink, Saturday
evening, was largely attende:!, and was
Intercut Inir and exciting ts well a
ontortalnlng. Thfi- Adams Rro.'e are
eatln their slack wire act, ne tl.y
ex'iii ItcJ la tho opon olr prior to the
rink caterfalnment.
At tho rrKuUr uireiin of the auxil
iary society of the Homo for ih
Frleudles the following fli-lcBati-s wi ra
appointed to attfiid tlin hudimI tuei-t-io;,
to ooureue ,iu Llucoln on Vm U'b
of I lilt mouth, uamely: Mr. J. S.
wiie, Mrs. r, Vslk.r, Mrs. C. M
Holtiirt Hiid ilrt. P. Rnffiicr.
The B. & M., which is not In the
iko1, eximots to run ixfiiitlou tra'ns
from Lliic'ln t Now O'lctua. The
Ircl one, which leave nooie titno out
w-ek will ronint of twenty Pullman
OMci.o;. T'n fare will l only 20 for
tb rnub.l trip, with an addition of
'uut 47 for slecpcra. This it) a vrj
r"aionaUu f;r0 :ind tha opportiinlly douiit, bn ta-.en advaulugu of
'y tho hundreds ol NMirutka people.
A Imrie mid cutter driven by u.e of
he boys at tha Homer siaMe was
ronndinfr Mtin and Cth ilreet corner
this innrninv J ut ae Mr. Tonng Amar
lea on hl tied came costing down hiifh
erhmil hill. The result was th horae
fonk fright nd in two stconds wss in
Hie creek by th- bridge near Paltor
ann'e ban with a well shattered cutter.
No one injured.
Board ef Trade.
Thu annual meeting of the Board f
Trade will bo held tomorrow even
in?, at the Court House. Annual
lection of ofjkrm and other unsineii
will he up for attention.
A. X 8DLLIVA. Prc t't.
Wm. S. Wise. 8e:.
Temperanoe Moating
The meeting at the M. E. ohuroh
laat evening a ld'cited by Mr. Woodt
ford whs yry UrS'dy attended, oery
seat aud the aUlet being Ailed with at
teutive Ihlinert Mr. W.iodf'ord gave
Bint enterUluing leoiure that was el
'luent and logical as w. ll. The inter
est was of I'la hot and th meeting w
tiiiiroughlr euove by 1 who were In
"I he ToJi:.u,a"Cjiin!dy Conipauy
m 1 h John il irl rti.U J C.gieaait tami
i'f'h t r nun wtoit arid tnr ia "-u;i!e
awgy by th- huud, mis. 'Tbla was Con
t'ry tu Ut tuptcigiuus, as it v-as
tiiought that toe wtalndl, bad ilog
iii iw winch pt.tyu I to n(,iv suis dur
l ia i he 41, si eek would txmt adiau
t oas i&4 ncs ov.f lullr tor
o i-e lima fj cis-no. O ily uuli a stro.ig
at.-.ct on a "I .sTwMiiii" uowid
have re laemci Him tin acre's repntiuiui,
I'h'i fatirl.i, rt, S.ewart, audB ihy
Fettle IUb (wh tii tli.t aole all-Id
uouuj,) whe.-e ably anis'rd bf uo et
eeilen uimpany, lu cou-equencd of
'toll th" audlefi:u weiu f iily couvul-s-i
niili Itughier fioin the ihe
curtain want npumll thccui' 1 cn l-d.
The Two Ji'hn Nafuuny plsy, gnu
Cnrt.lnly created a guuiiiii aenatiuii in
The Ttt Johui Cumedy 0mpany
"ill appe4r at ice Watermuu Op rs
House Monday eve, J,iniur6iu.
Life Inaurauoa
Ge... W. 'I urue-r ha lieuii oppoin'cd
agent for tho Wetprn Hetovo!ent Al-
oeiatlon of Uiuirice uud is prepared
to write policies lu this boma company
for any who mny desire, for particulars
piper or information regaralng the
plana af insurauce. r.i or leave word
through the Post Office.
el wo (iea, W. lunuet.
A largo ahica of the fint-at and beat
selicied stock nf plpi-s ever seeu In
Pialisinouth, at II. Spies.
14. B. It will pay you to tee tbero be
fore you buy etaifwnvie. rJSStet
J. B. Strode it in Lincoln today.
D. II. Wheeler wat a west bound
passenger tbla moralog.
Senator Ilyers west up to the Stat
Capitol tblt morning to be la readiness
for the opening session of the leg.tla-
F. M. Dorringlon it in Lincoln, where
hu it draws on the United Slates Jury.
Fred Qorder is Id Omaha today.
J. V. Weckbaebwaa a west bound
passenger this morning.
Jobu Bauer and Geo. Weidman are
in Cedar Creek today making a corn
F. II. Wilson is at the State Capitol,
where bis candidacy for Cltra ot the
House Is op fur actioi.
Prof. V. w. Drammond Is home
from Grand Island, where he baa been
at Institute work the last weak.,
The Two Johns and Company are In
the city aud stopping at the Perkins.
0. W. Mayfisld of the Leulsrillr Ob
server, it doing PlatUmoutb.
J. IS. Creamer, of Tipton precinct,
ii transacting business at the county
T. W. Barbydt, ef the Perkins House
is home from bit work en the road foi
a tew day.
Funniest of tha Funny.
The opera bouse eas well tilled fat'
uight lu i greet the appearance of " I h
fwo Johua' Tlie audience was by fai
the most hilarioua that hu ever gree' ki
play in this city, and the enterta.n
mnit throughout wusagtvat tuct-i.e.
I he two principal characters 1 n
(wo Johns, are ao reuiailiaiiiy alike tu
rlproi ortifU, feature aud eoice, at to oo-
canloi uo end of laughter, by the nu
merous cases of mistaken ideuiity.aini
many laughing luclduuls couuce.eti
lliorewltb. The Uy it somewhat sltui
lar lo one culled the "Comedy of r
rore" aud wat uudotbtnuly suggested
uy it. Johu Stewart and Juno Hart,
are J itt tutted to tbuir parts, aa was
all ihe rest of the company. The en
tertuinuieiiTjrss lntorsperted by tome
Que aiming, eptfchlly a solo by Emily
Nurihioi, and some selections from
"pyfa,wlitch greatly ast xttd in making
tliis one of thu bttt plays that has ever
bete put ou our local boards. To mm
it all up it Is on j of the most laugbeb'e
and mirth provoking comedies ever
written, and a second appearance would
croud the opera botiee lo Its utmost.
Hanting Q ,xeue Journal,
Weather Report
Dcotmeer, 1884.
Mean temjentuie 14.01.
Maximeiu temperature J I, 62.
Miuliuam " 24th, 2T I
Itain fall iac.
Heaviest suuw storm 8' b ; blizzard
19. h, 90th and SUt very chilly days.
December, 1883.
X9 . .
mean irmperatiue warmer
this mouth thau Dec. 1884. No rain
Annual rainfall for 1884. 28J.
" " 40;
Anuual mean tetnperalare for 1884
Annual mean temperature for 18H3,
1U 0.
Lat frost, May 19th ; first frost Oct
9ih; no frost during September.
11 avlett fail of rain or hetvi's
stopu of ti e year 1884. was on Jul
leili, yt, aud on August 4ih, lUe J i
storm ol rain ot 6 ,'4.
On ytsteMay, tho (1st day of ltna
ion leiiuieraiof mm jjm tel"W Z ?
. 1 . 1 .. ,
B,i . i(n mi an iriniH-rature lor Hit
w- 9l.ll below sum; pretty .told t t
inning lor the yr is -16.
Manage' Yurg aasunt the theati
going j.iji.ijthht tu J. verih g.i
nil, a ii. li' be the funnlesi eur 1. - i
in PialinUiii, Ht'id it will keep i:n
audienoe la cuu'iuuoua roar of li'.i
W desire to clone all acce'iut on h'
.1 . . t. . a,v m-.
uir 01 tue wsg 1 ear. i'ieae eif.
h't notice your earilst atteulion uno
oblige Vonri repM,fii!iy,
08 J. WILL J. WAtiF.ICK.
RMerve your n r inc Two John's
Co. Lext Momia) night, uuw on sale at
J.P Young's.
Kara Bargaia.
Qoed brick house sii roo"is and base,
meal and out acre of ground fruit tree
aad gmpiis, for sale or trad for farm
land. Euauir uf
8w Jas. S. Mji-ifZWJ
My residence on Washington Ave
nue. Inquire of
C3dtf. J. S. IIahthax.
K. of V
Meats every Tueeday evening at thes
Castle Hall, la Hock wood Hlock. V
itlng Kuigbts are invited to attend.
u. m. boks, a a
W L. Uyw K. ut SL. vad d.
Gospel Temperance Meetings.
SI tir a 1
ueo. Hoouioro, wno la noiding a se
ries of Gospel temjAritncc meeting in
this city, it arousing our people again
to the necessity of total abstinence,
and the entire renunciation ol strong
drink. He will speak each evening at
theM. h. Church, Hilt week. After
noon meetings will be aunoonced In fu
ture. A cordial and hearty iovitatioa
Is extended to to all to attend these
The genuine Burt 'hoe at Merges '.
Parlies knowing themselves indebt
ed to 81 reight & Co., will pleie call and
settle either by note or money, aa I
must settle my accounts by the first of
January. Respectfully,
d8iwl. 0. M. STREIQHT
Important 'otlce.
For the next 80 days I will give 10
per cent discount ou all good bonght
for cash of L. C. Erven. Mention this
Important to Travelers.
8pecial inducements are rifrWml von
by the Burlington route. It will pay
you so read tbelr advertisement to be
found elsewhere In this Issue. 41tf
Oranges, Lemons and Cranberries,
at Bennett e Lewis'
Now ia Your Tlma
Henry Back has Just received a car
load of furniture, bought at the v, ry
bottom prices with low freight nle
'ind wiil besoid at the lowet mgreiiis
Parties desliing furniture should uvnt!
'herosoltea of this opportunity to set hp
good cheaper than evir mild befur
'MM. Ilmru roECx.
L 0, E vm ia St I, leg oo'ls at J ' '(
. i'lrr'ie(i'l'njll!'!l
J. P. YOUNG, Di'hkkm Mano'r.
Third annual tour of lbs Laughing Cyclone, the
J. C. Stevaris
under the matsgtmert of James rioaaldios
Jr . In i. 0 Hiewaii'i of all
Iuiidj coiLodies, eotuled tbn
rnrup .iohns
I'klaH JOil.N j
J. 0. artwgKt
during, liicldeniai tu l.,e hlav. n.r-r. iL evarW
t rcuum uuoi npvras, soiu auel an auar
Reierved eau.
H C'en'.a
so "
ayjit,awjsy, Mw Uiti an.f il., 1
jmlrlvi, uvd ituornl JoMnu
aa bpw tinejire-l to d . Vlcrtu -f rnr
uf fariuai-doinw i, vi. , m .
Is joo.1 Ujthe ,n ipyibop
rhe oM Kcliabls Waon r
riUtaHe1! ';a.g.i ot the cot iter
Me Is wei! .n.-, j
ew Weiu. 4 san .i 1
SlWSStrTtOK rnilKT
Old Reliable
1 i nwi m
Wholesale and Itetall lealer ta
SAfiH, D00R8,
FiMirth tret.,in"rear of OperaHeuf.
-r off; tha paintiig is dons; an
Tlio Uotm iothier9 wlto with a
double header toek of
Clothing ami Fiu-uih-Inc:
Qooda will oceu.
py th main lino
and all of it
Our ClothiDf ii tU most Substantial. Onr fits ara Peralat
Our prices ara uniform and reason able. We Lara a Complete Una
ot Gloves, Hats, Caps and Underwear in all grades; Uii beat Whitt
bnirt In Wwn, and Clue flannel and Casiiwere sliirti.
Knit Jackets and Knit Coats.
Llntd Duck Coats aud Pants.
Overalls and Oytrsnlrts. v '
Ti uuks, . Vailsts and Bai.
Farico'i Curt, in Made Boots.
A Large Lin of winter Overcoats.
In Fact, Eyer) thin? in
Yourlrade s
ak SSI
we wis: trj.iiucl
ttockwood liloci, PLATTSHOITU, 5f
J. D. &IM?
Il il. n 1 nnn
m i f :
Meeps coufituntly on hand a
lull and complete line ot th FINEST 0 Alitj and TOBACt O
CHOICE CONlECTIONKUY, and all the News and PeiiodicaU
ot the daj. ,
, A new and complete stock of
FANCY GOODS, of evcrj dcscripliun junt reciTcd. Onr etock
is HEW, and we are offerinjt bargains.
0". 33. 3I3VEXeSOIVr.
The County Commissioners are in
setilon totlsy transacting general busi
uets. Th"annual lettleinvnt wnb the
Treasurer t being d'lryed on sc.eunt
of taxes coming lu so lively that
the books are in use almost nigbl itui
Don't miss the exhibition given by
Ae Adams Bra ' at the Rink K itmday
evening, Ou the
't"et at 7:15, thy
givi an exhibitioa free, the lame ieu-
leg, aud you want to watch for 1.
The celebrated Bart ahoe for htliss
aad "sutlemea, at Merges'.
Ple'urefiaiueeand pictures. A' ways
A nice i!oek. At
BulM Oyeiara,
And pa:!s l '.! ttm iu, at the
City ki Murket.
Jo.fATftAM ILrT C.
The f!ei.'ri.t. Bur s.o fg-'adiej
and g'Tlierr .en, n Marges', Plti
All kiniU of J"Wehy wnnf a-.trcl I
riorOir, a' L. 0. h'ven'a.
l' .'. ''.slri,;; m i'Vo
f -. !,. O 1,11 CO. IMl l.f T-
t lot; ,1' t :! i.-- I l ! .
',,'V.' I e?t Hi' '
-1 in 1
I, -if -H nil
') ' ' 1 -
. ' a ''
. i I
Ii 1 : My in i-i.-i I
..eVIUna'- ll- llai" Mil !..
xui. , i
gleuuiie . ol ,.i . a..-.
irieiidsot Die pupiia 10 aho lipi -res
u.ailu iioui term to tim. Uoh a
I mi'ed 01 pupiin v. lu r s ia,ii
bd ciny such as sho a laieut for tl lr
grefeM ol itisli uioe"'e.
'Ju.-ihaiue 'e 911 00 -far 'erm f
10 weeks. A: plicatime y mil is
riAwlm Isaac Kit.isKv,
100 TONS
Now In the yards of the
WkUebrcaat Coal Co.
And for tale, delivered at 1 4,00 pai
UD. Leave ordwra at
J now erery thing 'siiatraakad
AIEAV and EOYi' Wta
solicited, imd
xnern yowrj.
-1- - - J 1 1 -iiej
"EOL'UH ON lOL'Glis"
Ask tor Kouth ou Couglit", for
Cougu fJolJa. am- Throat, llntatu
troches 15o. Lio.uid 25w
iue BOfjt; oi iaE RAiioji
Chudreu stow in derolnproent puny,
scrawuy aud d.i.w uae "Wells
llualiU lUneaer.
Stluh g irriutiou, lnriamaiipa. all
fciduiy mo Lriuarv Compialais eured
I) lluohu-t a-tja. 81.
Piuou. aim strei)gtnlng,impt ;.'. the
beet lor backache, puint lu the cheat or
aide riieuuiiliit Neura'n.. J3o.
Liuggit or mail. 7 dl ;.
If you are luss n ju.i grip on life
try "tVells ua'ib K.neAti. &,,
(i.rtit lo tteaksols.
later. 1 i-li-t'
for K.-ur iij-in 'io.;o-
achs nr-tchc. Ask Toi
luuihahe. ISitiSu. oa
rns:7Tt ho-siie.i,
Lailie aha w ul l iitu ffi.r-ims
ian.iv.v.0.7 D.iii't u i tr; W.Ja,
Heallli lt-ewtir."
"KUHiU 0 ITI ll
"il"u,h in 1 1 b, eu.oi hu mo , eiup-
;M(ii,ttM.i,;u,, ,ir,n.:' rnv. ii), )M.
-I' 'a-t i.u:l''i-i;ui.
Lee. C dly
Tue genuine Uui . tho- a. Mur-cs.'.
AIirs. Halt L Co. ire un- w' l.
Cated in lt,eir libW builJint', WLioh
tlieyliave luiuuh i,. iM ibe Uai pv.i
ole way for the cunvenimice f nHX
work. The Imaement room In tperl -Uy
d, "hI 10 their work, and iu H e rag
of ihe," I ilJlng ihty have bull: a
large auioke Iioumj fur thuirown use.
The fl m havt since they lit ye beta la
l)iialni(i.s, tniiit op a. Urge bu-dnuss, ee!
as ttj.-y aim Uwats to k-ep tne .jt
meats the itiHraetgair.itdt. their LsU
neat it nierh't. and the mark.f
the "City Market" it annreri... l.
all " '
Billiards and Bar.
H M B ui ha. ed.ied l, hit sat..
roonia tan new biliiard tables er the
MUel ns'terna: Imr rurnli,i ii. .k.
W ol whUkle,. w'a.i ... heer. bof.ile.1 l,.r. u,.j
brands of eWast aK avt in stn. L. 1.1
WaoiX' - YM.t
1 :
a "'.)
r , ..
' 1
- ' :
i '. . '
- - -