Y V U IB VOL. 2. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY EVENING, DLOSMIJEK 31, 1-1. NO. 257. '5 siMMPrfrm Its! .:.: fei 7 JOSEPH V. DEALEU IN Choice Family Groceries, Carpets, Rugs, Etc - THE "DAYLIGHT" STORE, CENTRAL MAIS STUEEJ, ' PLATT3M0UT1I, NEB, tno n 4 E Soaps, Brushes&Toilel Articles in general. fP pwfl'F'W BPSP tjsssHsiisiBj sisi. b i r e - i r i e l i While we carry, at vour own price .'-almost, the CI BE A I goods,", that the lEOFMJy, of this - city lias, we Ifave a line ol fwOCJD (roods that he hasn't in stock, nor can t get. IHIUGS, PATEKT MEDICI -NES, WHITE LEAD. OIL, fcc Mm SIGN, East Main St. J. 0, FISHER, MATT. SCHLEGEL " MA1TUFACTUREB OF EUffE CIGAR Tlae largest assortment ol Jrlfietf ever brought to tlilu city Everything in the lineol n lir&t Cigars and Tobacco Store Alwayw to iic found tit MATT. SCHLEGEL'S Main Streat, Plattsmouih, Neb. - 1 Important Notlen. For Him ikxc 30 iit;t I will 10 )crrmt discount ou nil gnotU bought fur cash of L. C. Erven. Mtntion thii luper. Important to Xrarelert. Hpncla! imluoemAnta are ofToroil tou 'jy the nurlitiKtun rouU. It will pay you to read their advrtlaeruent to be fouml ftlAwher In thla Imub, 47tf Bet ilm ta I tto k of 8Um war In Uwn,'btL. CErva't. WECKBAGH. AT - n n t""l ll How lit Your Tlm. Henry Ilieck tai Jtit rowlvoJ a car load of furniture, bought at the rery bottom prloei with low freight rntaa, and will bftiold at tbo lotrott (imrifina. Prrtlct dealrlnif furniture ihould avail Ihemadlvca of tlilaopmiriunity to incur. goods flhetpor thn eer iMd bpforo '"t IlKNKT BOKCK, L. ft Hryn U IttlllBil vwodi Kt mule II l " 111 9 PLATTSMOUTH HERALD. rCBLLSHEI) DAILY AND WEEJUT - v- The Plattsmontl HeraliPnlilisliiDzCo TERMS: DAILY, delivered: fir Barrier to any part of tli. city Par Week... Far Month.. J'sr Year.... WEEKLY, by mall. , Oitn mnr ( mnnttit At An ' UcKiHinroa itl Me Pot Ofice, PUtUinouU, M I ( )I1 A SimV (I..M WMuf 1 lyi Vina singular unanimity ibe SUU press ara dovotlna; considerable space to tbat dreadfully iulitnanagd and for the waut of atteutiuo on the part of bonbt members whose namrs are intermingled with th, lucompetenta corruit ring, known br grace of the statutes, as NoU.uk State I?oard of Agriouliure. Our contoniparartee are earnest in demanding that, the Association be oflicered by couipelent and intelligent men, and that the location of the Stum Fxlr for the ensuing five jeri be givtm liouest, candid, and .impartial cousid erntlou. Ti.isa two Important ques tions will demand the aiteutlon of tlit members of the board at tbo annual meeting la January, and we trust they will be settled in open boatd and not be determined by the star chamber methods usually adopted and dictated by a caucus ef shallow brained veteran agriculturists, whose solo oiijHot in perpotuatinj; tbrmsclvei as in ember j of the board bus been to er joy I'rer postage for members and their families and the free puers usually granted by railroad corporations, who are unable. for lack of time, to diwrluiloate be tween the deserving and nndcierring, fur the develoometit of our treat ami irotperoue prairie State. So tar as the HlIULD is ronoerntd it la ImurUorUI krhere the State Fair U located. We jnly ask ibat when Lincolu, or Grand Island, or Il'iotings oflVr free grounds, aud everything esienllal for holdinir a sucesiful litr, that the ripotisibility of the locullou be not left to men who ft 111 pay a royalty of $2,000 for the use of ground btcauae fuinootli horse rac ing is proQtitble. Th, State Board of Agriculture was oreanizekYuud made the tnot important adjuuut to Me !rufckn' development not to encour.igu horse-racing, nor to build up a resort for f ikir shows, or gambling devices. out to "deliberate and cons'ilt an to the nanlH, prospect and coudition of the Hgrlcultural interests throughout the State " . We invite the attention of the presidents atut delcuatra of county ait- ricuiiural societies to Section 1 Chapter 2 of iheCompikd Statutes of Nebras It a, 1K81, and auggest that, at the mret lug next month, they corns prepared to 'leiibotaio as intlligent citizuni of (bis lireat commonwealth, hafitiir rlshta guaranteed under the lawtol the State, which even our addle pated veterau aiz rieullurulists are buund to rennet t. aud not visit tb. State Capital lo be used as a lot ol pu(ipa:a wtioae only duty la to vote fot a Mate, comprising memlers for two ars aud olhVeri or ono year, prp.mtd by the cnucus end rlog lr4ly referred to In this article. It has been the custom to defray the holi 1 expenses of every member entitled to he present under tho law, nd the ev ernl caudldates for luipuitant offices famish frea transportation at tin ei pi-nse of the railroads. Gentlemen of Nebraska's county agricultural socle- ta( do not barter your birthright for a mess of pottage, but corns with bead erect in the proud consciousness of your manhood and exercise the Inde pendence given you uudr our statuto ry laws. In respect to officerinir the associa tion the Ukrald is tree to admit tbat a lew wise changes were made a year ago. J. B. Dlosmore has made an ex cslleut Presldtut, and Sum. M. Barker. of Silver Creek, with Messrs Jensen aud K 'tit, of the Hoard of Managers, bnvo labored early and late to eradi cate old abuses ami prevent the growth of new ones; genial, energetic Cluls Ilartman, has performed the responsi ble duty of Treasurer In the same ablo uisnoer, distinguishing his administra tion for the paat dozen years, and Rob ert W. Furnas hal brought intelligence, energy, and the benefit of an educated mlud.lothedincharaeof thsdutlesofthe r-ecrftury'i office. In connection ith the Itet named gentleman and the office be so ably fills, we notice that some of mr contemporaries make the grave er ft of thai ging financial disaster of A- ar the late fair to Mr. Furnns nod hit, ad ministration. Rend thoStatuttf, Messrs. Editors, and the rules and regulations of the State Bwsrd of Agriculture ind yon will find that the Secretary is merely the clerk or executive i.ffloer of the State Board or its lioaid of Mana vers. We bae heretofore reminded honest Robert W. Furnan that ho rosy have 'well guilty of a fW errors, the rjJ'isL ijrave being the employment of impecunious and incompetent friend to arsiat him in the Secretary's ofllcs ahcB the work was pressing, about the tine if the State Fair, but we feci that ws only echo the vice of bis eiu cere friends In saying that he never wilfally squandered or mis nulled one cent or the mowers, either l.recilv oi Indirectly under his control as Secretary of the State Botr I of Airiculiuru. NX of the mot available Candida dates mentioned in coun?cti"n with th posliita of chlel clerk of the Nebraska house ia Mr. Frank II. Wilson, of On count, , Nebraska, This g ulluiau is poiasHsed of the qualifications requi site for the efficient discharge of the duties of the ruHpotifiblo poailion. In hit former borne, Xew Orleam, he was prominently and actively identified in the organization of many of the leadinu so ial an I pdl cal so letios and bis repuult anlsiu stood the crmi.l ust of trying (lni through which the party passed In that S ate, whre ilr. Wil 'on was a tried and trusted adviser of tho Laderi. When thu aoveiumeut was sniVendeied to the '.Vblio .eiiu in lS7,e'.Ir. Wilson was one of the lutl to lea , the S'ate house, in company with G.'V. S. B. Packard. Mnte 18S0 Mr. Vi)on hasWn a resident of Ne braska, and excepting the period ot eighte.'a montliK, wheu the citi.i..i oi Denver demanded of Xebr.vkt fie beneBl of his experience in the miui xgemenl 3f the Mining exposition, be hn been one of ti e most euthmtiatliu workers i-,r the development of the re snurce, f bis adopted homn. In the stlmler auii"T."ifl of iiaO he'liiai'visited Omulia, having char;a of th't wnrkii.y force of the Secretary's ollliu I he Nebrataa State Board of Apiculture. Our mercliunta aud citizous will re- member his uniform courtesy mid nnitk and reliable Information in refer ence to ,verything connected' with the omco. curing the la t lami atn, i,t secretary ot tl Cas- co.lnt rejm1 :i can eoraml tee. ilr. W'ilvm critvo bin tlm, to loiiducting of the ciunpilu iu his eonntv. A mo-t Jihoroug'i c-iti-v was made and the luruest rei.til i Ittnsji'lty ever cast evide:ued the arnsstneat and ahili'y with which the campaign Wms toiiductd. The friends of Mr. Win-on are Jenrne.t In bucking hiscandidcy, 'a'id the legi l :urt will have an able and efficient officer if i e is sleeted. Omiiba irepubliean. Or. Home's Electric Dell WlMeure NerrowBe, Lurnbssn. Ehrutna tlni, furnl ni. Neuralila, Nclioii-.i, Kulnay. Hnllif, Mini l.lvwr iH,n!i.i.. n.tn .uii. u...... , . -, , (1..I1MIII, ITI fll, ,,,,,, , i.n-(J-, iiiiMUUMlcy, 1 Ml ill U Inc Hlt1u Antcrifrt tit a immiiIi iliti K pcirlirity roeh.ifcuea la mi tunUm by tlie Client. 91,000 WouM Sot Buy it. OR. IlnnWst T nmnt-A ulH pI.....,si nrf cured by uIuk a belt. Ta Hi.) .me utlhetnl wltli Hint rimenxe, I would miy buy tlorue's Kleetrlc Hell. Any our can cnnfer .villi nit- try rltlna r citllliiK at my rtore, im Dnuirlns :t thnHu, Set.. WlLl.iAM I.V ,N.s. Maim llviPfnc riitu.aira ,..wi i.ai.... - . corner bloek. JLKor aie ny c. F. Goodman's Dniii Stort Biiiaiu e-irf-et tilPKIu, Orileri fllle. J U. O, U. ' Md&iTlm CALL AT THE Old Reliable MBD Wholeiale and ltotall Dealer In PINE LUMBER 8IIINQLE.S, LATH, .S.18H, D0OII3, : BLINDS, AO. 1 f nirth MtriM.1. in rf n( Opera. IIiiuk, PLATTSMorrTIT. . VKl'ilA Jlv.V ranjes, Lemons aul Crauimrrios, Uunuutt Lswls' 1. 1 wmm son TEST YGQR EAHH3P0WDEH T3-DAH r-.n.ls n(Jvi'ili-u us ub-nlt u-ly P'irj CO..V'1'ATtV AMMOWZA. THS TE3TI riflfr n fn l"r (J(m , i oil (i IjhI ct'Hf ).:t)Mlit(1.hJ IVlIti,. Hj. i-jVfi nil I "HMJll. A tMis-nil,! Mill but U n muiea twa.-i.t;cl tho jM-tt.xjinjo ol .aiinoiiMi, 'o..; .'.irwi -made lias I':- DOES '0T Cf)NT,tIX Aiirr.vr. its HKiLTiirLUkss nil nzvtn im oiinTiona In a minion h.mia f.n- .... . Uuud tin i .ii ..' rtii:,ii. (,.(, TKI TEST C 7 VI CVE3. rniCE BAKIN(i r;;v'DI3 CO., Dr. Priss's Scsial PrvrrlEjE Exacts, Th alrr, .(.,.,., rfifrmt ami ..iihiro ' R...r l,.,Hiel i - - - --"- ur IJL.it, ILliliv Hp ..I. Th . Ile.t in -r II. p FO!? CALI C.IICACO. ST. LOUIS. mi mm im Th D' I !-v h i ve in !' ' w :'. Prv' MwJJhy ,h 1 '"" 1 ' 'J I '," .'. '.' it-) .'i (I ,' S'ln.fl lit- O'lp n pr'pl-,rr 3 (liplr.m lf c:u :.t ."yk Price CaV.nj rc-Wdcr CcM Ear.!.-.'! tf. .;a.r' ..i-v." i ;,rx::. C;iic: 1. . t LA.!! ft. ileai is Wssllli ! 1 a 1, "o v i'v . i in V. I A. i.T. U I . VrE'lT'H NiT.V;- j l'TtV. j T.ITAT I U t,h - N.'.'vo n Pro" : r :. .iic ! ytim'w at ,,1 fohi-f). S-1 f. . f -it.l V prefMio:i, h I'lriiM-f C Vz l.:ti n . H:nri:i:rt wnity u::) 1- ti; f r 'u t-ruy n.A u Ulf.. iVi'irdiitrw '. ! -? !! ...tf a - rtpov in ritiu .-!:., l.iv...ofnrv i t ." i,. A i'-i-zinn' ' orrhaivr:iuiLiK,yiiv.r-e.: n. ;ift- hi ..( m. if ah.i.-iottr r nnt . J . i Ljjk uu:i ynoin'.-il'i 0 tt'n'.i :it. f?.' "i l;ox.rf;i oox. lurC3.f.0f(:l.;'tn;; I ,fr t:i i. .1 pcirtt ft DUO x. n i-'ifv.KA.-x::;j rc:; coivs T'CJTr3 rn.: , V'itfi (nrn o-.l' irv( irc'. byv . ft-r r m (;, : -a, wcrn,m -n I v m i 3 ".t.M, r wi f"nl i- f.'in kM r o t v. T'li-'t, jm.f u r. fuii'l fi.t vo ;ty it V '"fin-' nrdut.i;j''trlife tK.'iiy a. a co., 802 W. Mn-jISCM T.T., Clnf ACO, IMS., i.o.o r'ra. i Vi:..;' J.I -c- FOlt'S 'LF, HT Ft 0. F IC t f'O.. I ATT" MiUTII, - UASKA. i. " 6 V I CJ r. - 1- if; K . t ft. .1 j; L ml" - . V-l K CO 'i S3 - mA a -.e-r - a cr R sn 3 t1? 1 B o f-q rt t SI 8 S ! 1 i f x a Still EMli.NT r OTICE, Turl e 1 now inir il.ci. shiv. i i.'ebt. ed in s iei i.t tV Co., 1.1 (, ea e cul ai i unitie oiti.ir l'V ti..ie ir m ne , a-. I nitmt s-il'i) tnv Hicm i ts bv thafiot o Janimry. It .i-i ttnly. d3twi. f. y. striiGIIT L.ii Jrmurana, Oen. W. Turner lua ben.i niipointei1 BL'i'nt fur the We-ti rn Ihmurnlcnt a noci.ttiini of It.'ittrtci' mid Is p pure to write policies in this home enmpan fur any wlio in iyd'-Mc, fo,1 ptnimilar paper or in'' leniiipi'i r. -rdl yg ih plan of liiKiirtnee, cull nr leave word thron. hthe Tout OUlcc. dluM tts W, Tuttm. rvv4 a lias ' 4 -is r S !F.G.Fricke& Co., 6UXKSBon:?ro J. M. ROBERTS, Will keeji eor-ituntly on hnn'l a full and cuiiipietu .nock ot pure, .DliUGS AXI) HEDICIXES, PAINTS, OILS, WALL-rAFER anil a full liuauf URUUGISTS SUNDRIES. PURE LIQUORS F.r Me leau Purpi'eii. peelal ttteut'oii hIvbii to Compounillna Prs- ulltUIUU, tllOjlt. BANKS. THE CITIZENS Hi jel oxr es: ! fLATTSMOUTH. - KEBKASKA. Capital, - 75.000. SKUCKKN OHM bLACK, .'BANK CAKBOTH. l'reslflnt. Vlce-rrenldent W. U. CUSniSJfl. Culler. IIltK(TOKS fiihn Black, W. Il.CusUlng, Frank Carrat'tt J. A. C'ounor, Kied llerruiaiiii. J, W. Joha on, K. It. Uutluiuoa, I'eti r Mi. mm, Wm. Vui,:i.ciiiiji, lieury Boeok. "rnnact a Gen. lui I'm d;li,jr I'.u-lreii. All wi.v li ive any .litnKlng biisiiieNH to uanf.ict are mvln d i Ki,u, ,s ler buw larur nr -mall tho liminiieiiiin, It will rei-eiv.- iiiirc:trmui Hileulluj, and we priiiiiiHt- llma. euur te ui treat ineiit. 'ues ttertltloiit ot Uh uslrs bc-rluK Hitreit BuynaiiU m-!l Ki,rij;:i t-rcu.nico, Couti j ami tit v oetuiuiep. iuw nT7.or.nALU, A. w Mrlnmuit President. Ci-hlir FlftST NATIONAL BA.lSTKZ.l. of FiJv.TiHMorrrrj.fyusKA, p'tVrstli very tri. nvilitiei Mr the Momal traoractioj el leiilihure BAAKiiNG BUSINESS. 'irks, liwirii., (mid, (invrrnii-fu: r.uit ' 0em .Hwjir:f,e reii;M ai.it N.iii, l,i -p.MiL:. ie It. ed xi d IIH.-.. S1 allowed 1,1. i, ( , tlO- SMll'f. l'll.l'('lnttM,llV.tlll . tn suy part ie ijie I 1 it Siiue- Wirl kn (In- pill l-ilml t;... o! t-l.r. itr. i-liki.tii.iu UMit D LH-iKHf.Uij nmi'.Ud Hint 'ket pi'tcen paiil Mr Pneiity War. rotate ui.d louuty Boudi. Dirt ECTOR S 1 "tin FltK Tinj litin K. I'i..rrf W .Mel.Hiu'blln. I). TlB" trurortS 1. I. '6.te. Bank Cass County Cotner Mi,i tl( Mixih stieeK LATU'B TA OTJ TH 3STT3I3 rdnsrrts a Cr.ncral EauJius Bite I11CIIEST CAMi I'KICK Paid tor County and Uity Wutsst.U. ( iiMirniva mauk wd uromptly remttied . ir. UIBIfXTOIili I t II Win ihnm. 4. A. Funrson. O. H. Panral, R. . (Jutlunaiin. vv j Annew, A. B. 8 iii.i. i-',,l Oorir. WEEPING -WATEIl 'WBEPINV WATER, . KEJ) L. REED, President. B. A.GIHSOX, ViCK-I'rPHidont, B.S. W1LKIMSON. CaoLler. 4 General Mtm Business TracatEi. ' Pl'OHITH euelve. and Interet allowed oa Tims CortJ. fleates. 'mwn STatlable In any part ot the Cnltel ies aua all ttie prlnnlpnl cities of Rtirops. j Agents for tin celebrated i Use if ftea M. HcELWiUSf, PAINTER & DECORATOR, KALSOMUs'LYG, rJl'ZRIRLXGWG, AND FINE GRAINING i tMue on short nntiee a,i n , ut manlike nnmner. Lenve orrters WILL J. WAIUtiCK, or at residence, on Ouk St. bet, 6 and 7 aTAS . UJLXUIirUjil-llvUlilT "I si -I ,1 J