. .? - t wwfWgBtaiea Jonathan IIatt 4 af 5 -- at vno7jlz.:L - - : Die Hih'; Market Orj. Fresii Beer- ronu 7c 1 o: W Tro-.tt. and Vviii'.o !i F.ery JLj4.A ' h . "i ;i t' ".'4 .'. - ! I-'. l;ii!y Kx,''ns'!'ru'nt..r '.'it.fl'.i. ' 'J iiriih Cm v:.i r'i;i:;i lo i :t.!.t(il'. f .-.t INiI'tmh-i !':.; i-jt' '::ir ::: t.:v itl: f .ioM . n'm. a:irt liu.i.' fit' Ko.ai riv;T ! ft t x XT' i - i- '- .-Wit i. O'vi j 1 1 1 r ' t SIXCT.!-: AND P.I Travelers will fj;j, d n. I. Cc::ic-i- Vhift and fourth Strct?, Ooiiiniission Merchant, IiSADQ,UAT-oTSRS FOB 4 j't- V-.-"I !SBS "v"'",,":' An niicxccllod line of FLO till ahva-6 in stock, corner G'h an Alain Streets, opposite First Isutional l?anl--. PLATTSMOUTHr - NEBRAsk A J. V. .Marths. and Vea! a ?f"v-. VEU U l ; . 7 law. x r. CHOICE kiiul.T, Lunl Bologna, ;;: --da-- ; Moat mjiket. tor Hides Wool. Pelts. Thursday - .. fc ISmM.- - - .; -. 'i jZ. V - -: - ? tr-y V. v. ,.: T.C . : v r:?!s for Jvivor wmnrrtti-.j ;i;;;;-V;-"':' U er-' . 1 -!st' i v. t- W !(. i !! ;.i Cllt OI r;.'. . !-r ;. ,-v- l-'oiMt; :li it all tiKaies ni5 Sale r- . - - . Y OB RIGHT TEAMS IN THE CITY a i'y i-tc; Liiis by Ci'iling at tlie rLATTS'OUTH, NEI?. i J. a1 D paid fop E . .."vt rUYfSIOUTA HiinALii rUBLI8HED BY TL8 Flattsmontb Heral ?m&w Co. Train Time, Under tlie clirie in time pufchcngcr trains leavu the depot here H9 follows: So. i went, S:l. ii in. N, o west, 0:00 p. m. K. u. .'St. J. & C. JJ. north 5:15 a. " " ' 4 - " C:. p. C. .iQ , north, 7:15 a. m. Oiiiuh.'i btub liortli 8:55 a. m. ' " 5:40 p. ra. Trains arrive as follows No. 2., Denver express C:25 p. in, Xo 4, 44 DJ5 a. tn. K. C. St. J. & C. Ii. easfyM. a. m. ., ( .4 i 8.y5 p C. U. & Q. Omaha oast 5::50 p. m in. in. A Wide Aivalic Iriigisl. Mr. J. M. Jloberts is iways wiJe twake in his businesH ilsi):Ir"s uo yains to sccun: the he'Srof every article in his line, lie has tenured the agency ;or the celebrated Dr. Kind's New Dis otiveiy for Cn?uinptkn. Tlie only certain cuae known for Cousu nipt ion, ('itifihs. Colds, Ilotirsenef s, Asthma, tlav Fever Jin nt-hitis, or any ailectiou o: the tl.n.Ht and LuTips. Solponpos- itiv pu.irautee. AVill tive vr.u a Trial 11 I iioiwe iie. ueuiur wze !5i.uu. Dec. . lycOw l'oriaine uhck, ?me or i;tieai ii.c Shiloh s l'orous Plaster. Price 25 cents. Sllll.tJll'S CUL'dil aud Con&unip- lion Lure is eolil Oy us on a guar iitce. it cures coiif '.mptioii. Kllll.Oirs VlTALIZEIi is what you need for Coi'g'dmption, Los 1 ap- pcine, dizziness and all symptom of lyspep; la. i i ir iu and 7;j cents per bottle. CROUPE Whooping Couch ami Isrondiitis immediately relived bv Shiloh'a Cure. Sopl by Smitii & iilack Lros. Dec.aOsowdAwlv Excited Tliousands. All over the land ar rom.r infn one. . r. i-- xV STV. lAsy over Dr. Kings New Discovery ior Lonsuuiption. Their uulooked for . .... , .... rPf!flV('r' llV tlm Iltnlir lien ill 1 1 ; o ,r,. t j . uivij . ' uiiJ i ill me o.ivuij; icnieuy, causes mem to go icarly wild in its praise. It is guar anteed to Positively rurn Si-v M-f f.i,frlic Colds, Asthm i. Hay Fever, Bronchitis, tioarsencss, Loss ot voice, or any ailec tions ot tlie Throat aud Lungs. Inal Uottlcs Irei- at J. M. Robert Drug Store. Lame size $1.00 Dec. G lyeCw Manufacturing and repairing at P. Merges'. The genuine Rurt s,hoe, at Merges'. PROCLAMATION. "VIIEUKAS, a joint resolution was adopted by the Legislature of the State of Nebiaska, at mo li-igiueeiith session i hereof, an 1 approv ed February 27th, a. d. 18S3. proposing an Amendment to Section Four (4), of Article lliree (3. of he Constitution of s;.id stAt.P and that saU section as amended shall read as follows, to-wit : " Section 4. 1 he term of office of members ae L,ci;isirfiure enau ie two years, and they fiiall each receive a salary of three humlretl dollars tor tin lr services during said term, anil ivu ceius iur every nine mev sliail tiavel in going ai.d returning fr.nn the plac of i ecting Vr " 1 r " ,,le '""si usual route i-;oii ico. nmcuer. mat neither members ol th i.i gi.iaiu:e m;r employees sliail receive any in iirnjuiMiitsuiiieriuaii ineir salary hiiU .c.c. j.,ii ii ucr-iiiu. except special pcsmoiis shall he not less than sixty days. After the exniration of furtv il:ivi ut rlia tbtiAn .... k;h.. . . ' " . ' . . . - . ..--..'ii 1 1 1 iy 1 1 1 7 nor joint resoluiions ofthe nature of bills sliail i.iiummrti, I lie t:t?II10I Sllilil. DV ''""in- iw iic ut-u'SMiy oi passu a law on tho. subject matter embraced iu the mese, and the introduction ol bills shall le etli,tt'd iiiririu J lie ballots at the election at which said Amendment shall be submitted sliail be in t!e following form : "For proposed Amendment to tne constitution relating to Lecislative De lartment." "Against proposed Amendment to the Constitution relating to Legislative uepartment." WHEKE4S. A ioict rppollllinn xvaa aitnnl by the Legislature of the State of Nebraska at i ne tignteeuth session thereof, and approved February 2Sth. a. n. ia.r nrnnncinn ment to Section One (t) of Artie'e Five (5) of tup const tuition of said State, and that said section a? amended shall read as follows, to wit : - Section 1 The Executive Department chill li.-i, t ii . . J., l". M'CTPrarV of Stflt A nrliti.p f t'..K;;A ... ,,, , . vv. . iv M MUUU rtl" -v . , -..lift iiiiiriiiii-Lii l J-II one ruetionAttorney leneral. Commissioner ut riihl in I inIs i.,il c. . . v i.iiimn-'iuijfi j i.e oii.fPitf ained in this stii! iii ii i nil ouih it jiii i. ,.frn . icrm of two 3ars trnin the first Thu-rday after i.je tlit Tue-day m January next affer his t-ieciioii ana unui iih successor is elected and elect iii of ;ud otlxei-sshHtl te held on the first lucsday succeeding the first Monday in No- luii luci; ...... ...,.1. j:. j . . "u KM'U 'ui-cet oing election si;ali he held at the same relative time in each "' year 'hereafter. Ail other ollicelv. that ..ii . 1-,.i . , ni.-u jn v iaw liinier the nrovis- '(; of I untinn t:1,.il, I... ..!. .... ... ....... ..nun vnw III M1CU manner and ut Midi t nef. fad sha!l ho'd tlieir o'.-esf,.r such length of time as may be pro vided by law. and -ha!i perform such duties itnu ici-civ- uen compensation as t- ay he pro yided for by law. The (lovei nor. Secretary of unir. Huuiinripj i iHiuc Acciunts Iraniri-r riimmissiiiiipr nf Pnlilin 1 umi. .... t ii. i hi, sij .in i t-i.iiie ;ii Tile .eai y t".r-i i.uir-iu uuiii'g i i.en lertiis i-i iitiice. and "'i' me puoiii- leeorus. ooihs nd papers I 1 li..i-.i ttia ..A:....M 1. : . . l l-io , .... .. me I'unTij iiriein naineij snail per- such du ies as may be reijuired by iaw." j imiiui" ai in - election at which Mich menduipi.t shall be stibmitred shall be In the ..jllnwit.g form : "For proposed Aineudi- cut .o Section One (1) of Article Five (5 of the I .lllstirillioll etititloil l-voi,,, t ; ! ment. "Aeainst proposed Amendiiiet t to I section One (l; Article Five (S) of that onstiru i tion. entitled Kxecutive Departim-iiT ' ' 1 ThA.uf..iv. T T.. ....... ir it.1.... . . .t . Vv ' "" V '"'vernnr of . he Mat- of Nehraska, do hereby give notice I i a cm dance with Section One (1) Article Fif teen (15) of the Constitution, and the piovNioi.s of an act entitled. "An Act to provide the man ner nf tironosirfr A m.rif?iiittit.i t. .1... . ...... - - - r o - ..... ,,p i, v,fii)m- rion atid "iibmittiDg tho same to te Htftors ri-L state." approved February 131 1:. a. i. i iii.il saiu prnposoa a niendiu nt will be jubmitted to the fiiali0ed votors of thi state Jor ratification or leJectioD at the Ceneral r.iecti. n .. ie held on the 4th day of .Navem ber, a. D. 1SS4.. ' I.WVitxess Wherjcf, I have hereunto st niy hand and caused to te affixed the Great Seal of the State of Nebraska. (Seal. 1'one at Lincoln, th! lth day of July. a. i) 18M the Eighteenth year of the State and of the Inde pendence of the tTtited States, the One Hundred and Ninth B A,tST,Cn0 JES y. DAWES. Edward P. Roonr.nr, t tucklen'M Arulcu salve. The West Salve iu the world for Cuts, Druses, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fe ver s res Tetter Chapped Hands Chilb- jam1 t-rii3 aim an rKiu jriipuons ami pusiliv'y cure rues or no pay n quired. It is "auianteed to trive perltct hatis- 1 action, or uionev refunded. l'rice 25 cents per box. For Sale Hy J. M. Rob ert's. Nov. 27 1883 ly The Eest Couch Medicine In the World. feAMl'LE l'REE OF CHARGE. Call ut Warrick's drug store, and tret a saiui-le bottle of lirowu's Expec torant tree of cliargo. It cures Couyha, Iloarseiiepfi, Whoopinjj Cougn and Con Humptiou in its early stages. It is a hcientilic preparation, admirably adapt ed lor the cure ot all Throat ami Lung Diseases. It is pleasant to take ami eutiitly harmless. Try it; it costs you nothing. nefTiuar eize bouJes, aucents and fil.O). For sale bv W. .). Warrick. Jan. 3 dwly Free ! Fine! Free ! NEW DISCOVERY FOR PILES A new remedy for this dreaded dis ease has been discovered by Dr. Dening A single application will convince the most BKcpiuvu oi its most woiuleriul healing powers. Ry calling on W. J. Warrick druggist, you can obtain a ix tree oi ciare, which w Sft,lsl.v ''u -f its curative qualities. -I '.111 Til. IV ample lox tree ot cliare, which will i qualities. .Ian 3 DAtvly Cidli'fi ion Xnficp I'arti S know ill"1 themselves inJebt ed to the f.rm of Streiuht & Co. will please call zn l setHe, as we must have money to run our busiucts. itespectlullv 192 )&w2i. O. M. Streioiit. Z AVe can (rlar;uitee the above amount to good, ..- - ..... . . . w a j in lit, iiipi LA.I I rquil A, 1 C -;innrt.-iiuiu m iitie us tillable US UOur, 11 ells Itscir. It i used every day fn everv family. You do !u,LI,eti,l l" "I'1?1" "? merits. There is a rich naresi iir ho wno eniorace tins jjiilrten oppor- tunity. licutis you only one cent to learn uuri""' ,a au I ip i" ui ami r win sei u yuu oui proHpeci I ... 1 I..M J ' 1 I ua auu lux i pii i icultil s Allfl Yf know Vnll will Afrivs h,ia irnriH tliQTi you have a y iUet of. i .ur reputation as a ma inilaetiirini: ciiinpa'iy in such .liat we can no-. silToiil to daeeive. Write to us on a postal and trive your aiiuie-s plainly ami receivo full par ticulars. BUCKLYE MIG.CO.. Marlnn nhin COTTAGE HOISE. C1L SI, A" car Trlain, PLATTSMOUTIJ, - NEBRASKA. IlaviiiL' filkf-n nl iirnp of 11. a CrT. tagk House. 1 i-hull try to furnish all putit n.s wiih eciiil r table quarters acd keep the ta! Ies supplied with the best in tr.e market. Transient curtoni and board by the day or week solicited. mayl7dtf. ED. FRAZIER CITY HOTEL. This beautiful three story brick structure, on ower Maid street, has Just been finished anc ttec up for the accommodation of TRANSIENT CUSTOMERS. AUD REGULAR BOARDERS. V - v V T - , THING NEW AND CLEAN 4 i.i0iC in connection with the House. FRED GOOS. I royr IVi. U'LUNIVUK. At the dowc-tovn saloon.1 I'FO'Sl'fE THE PERKLNS HOUSE. Keeps a complete Ine of - -.-iAi- mi i i ijr.u nr.r n AND PORTER, riirt !..! n-?io(i8 of Kentucky . n. ; A Kill fi. n y TT.tT A W -mr T CARRIAGE tintiiig ead trimmm SIG17 & ORNAMENTAL . 3?JLljSTTIJSr&, All ordfrs left with me will rective pi.mpt attention. COK K1KTH AND VINE STKEETS, PLATTrOtioUTH. - NEBRASKA. J. PSRLEM&K, Wi?i i ry aia all kinds of :K0N HAGS AND FURS Will advance money on all SALABLE flOODS, ' on lower ilain street. Occ door w est cf Beck's furniture sore e V - ft s 25 a 5? bd ft ft Ej Si mi 9 fi Si 51 .5 Mi i5 IBS ft s 4 & ft 2 ft s "I CS3 5r ft r ft 5 f9 ft &1 i2 ft a 3 CM cod 0-3J ona riattsinouth. Feb. 1st. 188346; A bvvretary A A. J