PUTTSHOOTfi SEnu.3 VCI'K'IAli FAFKU OK TIIR :ITV CITY UEWS. Ad mrtlsftiiiaiils under this head, three cent per line each Insertion. Clrriatatlujc Library Warrick. Ilraj(ur(. J. A.. tlurHliall, Dentist, mic ceHHttjr to Clutter & Itluraliall. TeetU extracted without puiu, bjr ue TNltroun Oxide CastM. A. Salisbury. Uentlst. t ONKY TO LOAN Oa real estate by A.N. in Mulllvan. IV A KM FOIC SALK OimtstliiE of ICR aer.-s. vuittl timber. mjIii1I1 orcli rd of hearing tree": one t lh most desirable farms In comity ; situated near Ml. Pleasaul. luuuln t Uc tuu & Sullif au. lOli SALE My residence, and four lots ; k.iU house, barn and fruit, ami In excel lent condition ; also two Improved farms, also t-Htory brlk business home 4oxM feet. on Mam street, and other desirable laud and IoIh. u H WlIKKLKB. IrujK 4 Al.K -Houses, lots and rood laud by John lions & Son. IiOK S A l.K Several residences, eheap. In ' Ulre of D. II. Wheeler & Co. rOli S A LK-Scrateh Tablets la all elzcs. at this o nice, wti .lOUSALKalot In good location. Tartlcu ' lar at this olllce iJOK SALE An order for a new American fe-.vlmc Machine. Inquire at this onlce., tOi: SALKl.oeO cords of wood. Inquire of A W.rt. Wise. .SALT" Id papers for sale at thl office at 40 cents ler hundred or 5 ceuU per doz en. 11 IJ-oi: SALE Four lots together In Kod !cca A lion iu thi city. Imiuiru at UiU office ti 1 BOOM TO RENT. -A furulnht-.I room foi one ur to gentlemen. In good location. In quire at this offioe. nl IpOK ItltN C Good.new homes of four rooms. ' KMd water, good garden spots, l per month iu Shafervfllo. VT. II. Shafkk. XiOlt KEN T The north store room lu Ner - iile's blck, and rooms up ialr. Good location for restaurant or beardinB house, rents cheap. Apply to Win. Neville. lJtf HELP WAN-ED-F'maloiJ 'VANIEO-In every town, eity and county 1 an intelligent, enerceticot ladygood ad dress and some business ability, to introduce to the trade and consumers. Madam Okax.hkl, xbka rKD spm a Li'rroHTio couHKr. rtpien did'v advertised ; highly recomeuded by the Uadmi: Modistes, the fashonaele dressmakers aud the most eminent Physicians ef the United fctates aud Kurope. Liberal pay. Agents are utln. 15 to m $fuffi2i K A Co. yjo Broadway. New York. Cures (duurautecd. DU. W A UN'S SPECIFIC No. 1 C?rt.ilnCure for Nervous Debility, Seminal Weakness, luvoluutary Emissions. Sperma torrhea and all dls.-ases of the Kdiiito-urluary ercaus caused by sel(-ab"se oroverludulueuce. i'nee $1.00 per box, six boxe 5 0i. pit. WARN S SPECIFIC No. 2 For Epileptle Kits. Mental Anxiety. Lobs of Memory . Sof teuing of the Brain, and all diea- of the Kraln. i'rioe I.W per box, six boxes $5.00. DU. WARM'S SPECIFIC No. 3 For Impotence, Sterility in eiiJiersex.L-'Asof Power, premature old aee. a-i-l all tho diseas es reuuliliiE a thorough TavLrailiit ot the sex. ual o?Kaus. Price tl.So per b ,x, six boxes $10.00 Dlt. WAP.N'S SPECIFIC No.4. Fr Headache, Nervous Neuralgia, and all at-ute diseases ol the nervous system. Price 50c per box. six boxes $2.60, DU.WAUN'S SPECIFIC No. 5. For all diseases caused by the over ue of to li icco or lliu-r. I ..is remedy is particul .ry ef ficacious in -vcrtuu palsy and delirium trem ens. Prie $1.00 per box, six boxrs $r..o0. Wo guarantee a cure, or aj.-ee to refund doub le t he mo.iey paid, c'ertidcate iu each box. This euaiantee applies to each of our ttveSpe-cilli-s S.Mit by mail to any address, secure from 'observation, ou receipt f price. Be care ful to meniiou thu number of tpeciflc wanted. Our specifics j.reonty recomended for specific diseases. Bewore of remedies warranted to cure all diseases with one medicine. To avoid couuteif-iis aud always tccare the emiine, rder only from F O. FHICKE A. CO., DRUGGIST & PHARMACISTS, TJXIfrN B LOCK, PLATTSMOUTU NEB. Dr. Schildknecht was called to attend a young daughter of Mr. Oault, who lives near the Fair grounds, this mam ing the young Miss being reported se riously ill. The Dr. found her suffering with symptoms of neuralgia., aud eradicated the seat of the disease by extracting eight teeth. Toe patient is now rapidly convalescing. Mi.k3 your arrangements so as to be able to attend tht entertainment at the Opera Hou-e, next Friday night, by the Louise Sylversttr Company in "Freaks," the funniest of all plays ever presented at the Opera House, and by a very steng company. Remember next Friday night, Oct. 31st, and go to the Opera House, where you Will be well entertaiced by a fin company, direct from New York City. R. W. Hyers, candidate for Senator from Ca3, was a visitor at these head -q'tatjers yesterday. He speaks encour agingly of the campaign. Ashland Gazette. Reserved seats so on sale tomorrow moruing at J. P. Young's book store for the Louise Sylvester Company. Prioe, 75c. Photograph ie Nw Hrocess. Oar Imperial Portraits all tylee fin ished ia tli finest, manner. Oar por traits of cbildtm cannot, be equalled prices very reasonable. At V. V. LKONARo's Photograph Parlors. At Carruth'a, all tlie latest styles in initial pins and names, new designs, and a large assortment always oa hand. 178 tt The public are .cordially iuviud to call tt the Palace Billiard Hall, at our new location in the Orera House Mock. Ererything strictly first-class and p'easant for visitor. letf ' CHAS. HgKMAKX. V 'uuacturimj ;and repairing at P. 1 TLe Pawnee Republican r.v ls tlie followiny good ftilvice: To bob tlie large number of b;ys in thnsr time jjwar upon the treet8, one wouU be led to bdierc that free Hchoolxdid not exist, aud Unit education wan uot of mucli importunca. The ratheis and mothers of the boy. of Paw nee are :i? well educated aud know the lmjxirtunce of at leust a common Bchoel education as well as any other com muuity of tho likesizaiu theStatc, yet the fact stares us in the face that many of theyi pay little heed to thceducatiou of their children. It seems to be a mat ter ul' little importance to them wheth er their boys are loafiug upon the streets or irc at the school room. It they have no control over the action- of their children, it is hiti time for the btato to take the matter in hand for them. Nearly one-third of the child ren of Hchool ages iu district No, 1 ure to-day out of school and wasting prec ious time iu idleness. Have parents no regard lor their children or interest iu their future well being V It would seem that some of them are guilty, or ther would not be bo many boys per mitted to loaf upon the streets dining bchool hours. Right to the Point. The following from the Fremont Tribune is open expressive and riht to the point and if not political is 'Vhuck full" of truth. The following letter written by one of our citizens and foi warded to liro k lyn, N. Y., expl tins itself. It likewise hits the nail squarely on the head. Fremont, Neb , Oct. 11, 'Si Mi;s. II. W. Bekcuer: I have read Mr. Cleveland's letter to you; I would liko to suggest that you go and nee the woman, foiaakfrn being, or send her such clippings ua you sent tin man who disgraced her and see what answer you would get from hor. 1 think if you could hear what the rank and file of the party say about it you would not waste so much s) mpathy on the man. They say hia ''laiaoi?' that is not the name they give it) with the "Dutch girl" will do uo harm but will make him plenty of votes. It has always been a mystery to me why your sex has so much interest to sustain the man and so little feeling lor the woman. Can you explain? Truly Yours, M. F. Seelet. Another Precinct Heard From. The republican yeomanry of Liberty precinct mst at Folden school houss last Saturday evening, and depite the inclement weather, tho meeting was one of the most enthusiastic held un der the auspices of the ReflubJicnn Couuty Corum.tteo duriug :he present campaign The meeting was organized promptly oa iiuj with Mr. Geo. La Rue as chairman, who iu a neat ad dress thauked the speakers for braving the elements to keep their appoint ment and cogratulated the energetio workers for an "honest ballot and fair count" on h&vig abaadoned their fire sides iu uch numbers to listen to the "feast of reason aud flow of soul" pre pared for tkem. Dr. J. W. Thomas wa introduced as the first speaker, and in one of his neat little speeches made a friend and sup porter ot every voter present. Hon. M. A. Hartigau and Wm. L. Browne, Esq., Deputy County Clerk, followed in the order named, and made a thorough review of the platform of principles of the republican party and platform of expediency of our moss back opponents. The audience paid close attention to the arguments of th speakers and appreciated the sound, solid truths of honest republicanism given them to reflect on in tho short time between the meeting and election day. The war of eleaienla prevented our democratic friends from holding a meeting they had announced for Tay lor's school bouse; but what was a dirge to their rapidly decUnieg hopes, sounded lilie a sweet lullaby to stout republican hearts. Democracy speak ers and principles are better houed ia such weather as we were visted witn on Saturday they will not wah -but republicau principles and supporters staai the crucial test without flinchiiig, and stand lorth in bright and glowing ce!ors even under this class of adver sity. Big Rally at Council Bluff. The President ot the Y'oung Men's Republican Club this city, has received an invitation for the duo to participate in the great rally that the citizens of Council Bluffs will hold Friday sven-in-jr. Senator Ingalls. of Kansas, Hon. Clark E. Carr, of Illinois. Senator Wil son, of Iowa, Senator Manderson, of Nebraska, and other men of national repute, will be the speakers. As the rally tliere occurs the etme evening thit Gov. Dawes aud Congressman Weaver sptak in this city, Plattsmocth cannot well be represented, but the sffair will be one well worth attending, and in all probability will be the greatest rally ox is campaign la this section. THE NANCE COUNTY MURDER. Tlie Search for Furneval, From the Omaha lire. On Saturday afternoon last James W. ZibU-11, sheriff of Nance county, the scene of the quintuple tragedy, ar rired in Omaha from Lincoln in this State. Ml. Zibbcll is itill in pursuit of Furneval, tho undoubted murderer of the fivj victims atul is still in hope that i.e will overtake him and bring him to justice. Early last week he re ceived a telegram from the authorities of ae of the Interior towns of Missis sippi that the perpetrator of the infa mous crime was in that vicinity; and asking for a full aud complete descrip tion of him. Mr. Zibbell telegraphed a reply, giving full particulars of his physical appearauce aud the marks up on his person, by which he coild be distinguished An answer was received the following day, confirming their statemeut that ho was there and urging Mr. Zibbell TO COME IMMEDIATELY. He accordingly started from Fuller ton Saturday morning, going to Lincoln and procuring from the governor o requisition upon the governar of Mis sissippi for the extradition of Furneval. Not being able to get out of the capi tal city for the south oa Saturday he cuQie to Omaha on the evening train and left for Mississippi at 4 p. m. yes terday. Mr. Zibbell feel3 very confident he is tlie man, having thought ho had gone into the south ever since Furneval was traced to Omaha. The feeling of Nance county's people, the sheriff says, is still most bitter aud revengeful, aud-fchould he be brough back into his shrievalty, nothing but militia would be able to save him from tha violence of the mob. It is also Mr. Zibbell's intention, should the Missis sippi man prove to be Femeval, to leave .him in some place, probably Lin coin, until such time as would be neces sary to take him to Fullortoa to appear before a magistrate for examination, er be put upon his trial in the district court of that county. Au investigation iuto the circum stances, and the motives which led to the crime gradually brings to the top hidden facts, adding to the atrocity of this fiendish deed. For a long time af ler the murder was committed nothing could be found of Mrs. Percipal's un derclothing, although a vigorous search was made for them. Only a few days pgo parties looking through the bouse found her woolen, jacket and chemise rolled tightly into a bundle and hidden away in a corner of the room. Both these articles of weariug apparel were cut down from the shoulder across the breast by some dull instrument and torn from the bo'ly of the murdered woman. This circumstance, ia Mr. Zibbell's view of the case goes miirc than ever to prove the theory of an out rage committed upon her, aud that she was one of the first, if not the FITIST VICTIM OF THE TRAGEDY. In the opinion of the people who have been at work upon the case, the circumstances attending the murder point-toward others who, if they had no hand in plotting or executing the crime, knew of it long before it wa discovered and made known to the world. It is now known that some of the neighbors visited Fumeval's place on the Monday of the tragedy, or the Tuesday following it, and from the na ture of their errand there, it is pre sumed they must have discovered the terrible crime which, up to tbat time, was known only by the perpetrator him self. Administrators have been appointed for the estates of all the decased, and one has also been named for that of Furneval. 1'prcival was qaite wealthy and his estate is valued at several Miousand dollars. Coo- H- Pendleton. The Herald learns that lion. Geo. H. Pendleton of Ohio who speaks at Boyd's Opera House Omaha has been secured for a speech in this city at Waterman Opera House tomorrow uisjht. Mr. Pendleton is an orator of National renown and one of th ablest Democrats in the country whose speech here will be a notable event aud the Democracy of this city are to be con gratulated upon securing him. OtYon the Hunt This morning at 5 a. m. the Missouri Valley hunters left for the north. At 8.15 the party who hunt at Kenesaw and Lowell departed. At 10.10 tho Percival crowd left for the south on the K. C. R. R. aud apout noon Smith, Jone?, Richey and others went over by team to Wabonsa. On the K. C. train to night the Corning delegation go south and tomorrow morning fire commen ces. Nebraska City sportsmen are haying their fall bunt at White Lake below Percival and if they should run across the Flattsmouth" delegation down in that vicinity we hope the salutation of the go ernors will not be forgotten and that the usual amenities instead of shots iill be exchanged be tweed the two delegations. Worth of filegree Silver Jew e-lry.on se lection, at. CARKTH'S, fr tlie next 10 days. L-idies are invited to call. 201 Big Sale. 1,0 0 U.S. of u;cc Extraetei Honey for sale ai 122 !"'r This honey is warranted to lu absolutely j ure. For further pal titular cull on or add teas J. M YOUNG, wollinl. Hock Bluffs, Neb. The genuine liurtohuc at Merges'. REUIH 1 L'A TJON NOTICE ' Notice is hetel.y given that I will s-it for registration of th! voters iu the Fourth ward of the city of Pbittsmo'ith at Council Chamber in s:ud ward on the yrith day or Oetoder lr-in eleven o'clock a. in. to 7 o'clock p. in. j:d ut the aMino hour of each day following until noon of November 3rd l.t4. At w iiicli placu and dm ing which time all vol rs w:ll call an ' s.-f iii.it tlic-y ;:r properly regialcrfd iu the rcg'stra'iou book of said wai d. WM. WINTEilSTKEN. Iiogistrar. 4th ward city of Piattt-mouth. REGISTRATION NUT I CJ'J Notice is hereby given that I will hit for registration of tliu voiera in the Third ward of the city of I'laltmouth at Hichey Hrs. lumber fii :e in said ward on the 25th day of October from eleven o;lo'!i a. in. to 7 o'clock p. rn. iul at the saute hours ot each day fol lowing until noon of November 3rd .S84 at which place, and during which lime all voters will call and see that they ire properly regi;-.trred in the registra tion book of Pfei ward. P. 1'. GASS. Registrar 3rd ward city of PlattsmouMi. RE (f Ii TRA TI ON NOTICE Notice is hereby given th:it I will sit for registration ;" tlx; voters in the First ward ot tin; city i.f I'lattsmouth at my agriculi und itiiplimtnt torH in said ward on liOih iay o! October 1SS4 from 11 o'clock a. rw. to 7 o'ciock p. m , and at tlie same hours of ach day lol lowing until noon of November 3 1 istd t at which place and during which time all voters will call aud see that they are registered in the rcgifetratiou books of j aid ward. F. GOHDKIt. Registrar. 1st ward cily ol Plattstnouth. REGISTRATION NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that I will sit for registra'iou of the voters in the Sec ond ward of the city of Plattsmocth, at the office of Haisel's mill, Washing ton ave. in the ward on the 23th day of October from 11 o'clock a. m. to 7 o'clock p. m and at the same hours of each day following until noon of November -2.1 1S3-1, at which place aDd during which time all voters will call and see that they are properly regis tereb in the registration books of said ward. II. C. MoMAKEN. Registrar 2nd ward Piattemouth. AM USE ME XTS . WATERMAN OPERA HOUSE ONE NIGHT ONLY. J. P. YOUNG, Business Maxg'r. Friday Evening, October 31st, 'S4. Q? jEEC 3! Lenise Sylvester Comw, For the first time in this city. In tne fuu niest play of the day, "FREAKS," IN FOUR ACTS, FUN, 22 CARATS FINE." To a dyspeptic man it U better than Mediciue ACT I. FUNNY. ACT II. FUNNIER. ACT III VERY FUNNY. ACT IV. FUNNIEST. NO ADVANCE IN PUICE.S. Reserved Seats. - - 75 Cents Admi!-sion, - - - so Gallery. 35 Reserved Seats on Sale at J. P. YOUNG'S H. SPIES, Manufacturer and dealerjin Fine Cigars. NONE BUT THE BEST TOBACCO USED, Patronize home trade and get Fine Goods. Remember tbe JPlace Ob Lower Main Street, opposite the City Bote K. B-Ctgsr ChfpVa;3 for 30 ftm) a pnm BOOI "We've heard ul tlie Ohio boom, And the Logan Ihmjiii, And tli 3 Loom for Jas. G. lllaino, And tlie Cleveland Looni, Aud the Uelva'ti boom, And the boom fur-whatVliis name, Iut of all the booms that are boominc now. Mil 1 liiougli inanv have The rarest boom, I, the boom, ah! TTIie HSoss Clothier and rusher for trade. Our Stonk will mil you. Our mode of dealing will suit you. Our stock is complete Our campaign has opened earl v and we propose to keep it up late. Our Clothing is the 1JKST made. AVe own it at the least possible cent it can be touched in America,,and it is marked in plain figures us low as any body bells it in any honest way. Full Line, Underwear in every grade, Fargo's Custom made ISoois, Gloves of every description, Novell ies in Neckwear. Ibjl fact oiar stock is Slew and desirable, and doirt forget that we can down them all on good goods, and Low Prices. lEvery article sold on its own merits, at an honest price, and without misrepretsentaii ;:. C. B. WESCOTT, THE BOSS CLOTHIER, Rockwood Block, P LATTS MOUTH, NEB. J. D. SIMPSON, AI lie Pis I&eeps constantly on S&ancl a full and complete line of the FINEST (Jl AKS and TOUACCO, CHOICE CONFECTIONERY, and all the News and Peiitdicals of the day. A. new and compiete stock of FANCY GOODS, of every description just received. Our etock is NEW, and we are offering bargains. 0T. ID. SIMiF-SOKT. POLITICAL. 1 I Young Men's Republican CLUB, H. M. BU3HNELL, - Tresi.leut. FUEL). FURXI3S. E. 3. GKECSEL. 1st Vice Tres. 2(1 Vice Tree. H. N. DOVEY, U. A. CAMPI5ELL. j MMti!S , .,..J1.7Sj TdOitm ia tnzeiiiia s uiuck. PLATTSMOUTH BLAINE AND LOGAN CLUB. JOSEPH W. JOHNSON, Prceideiit. Fkko. M. DoRuisuToy. Wai. Ha y i s. 1st. Vice-Fres. 2d Vice-Pres George W. Fairfield, Daniel II. Wheiler. 3d Vice-Pres. 4th Vice-"res. FRANK. H. WILSON, Secretary. A.. W. McLaughlix. S. W. Dutto.w, Treasurer. C; 1 talo. Meetings every Saturday evening, at 7 o' clock Countj Central Republican Committee. S. W. OaTox, - Chairman and Trewurer. Fbam H. Wilsox, - - StcreUry EXECCTIVE COMMITTEE: S. W. OrtoD, Fran's H. Wilson. S. II. I.avis, Simeon liector, A. K. Dicltou. RF.FItSSENTATI VES : Flattimouth City, I t W 2d 3d " 4;U ard, Frai-k H. W laon, Joseou tiU'uela, " M. li. iluip-.iv, lra.uk Cairu'.u. ' Samuel L. Thomas. 0. Burge-s. binieou K-ctor, 1. asoa hiiel Jon, .". M. 1-avis. W. B. Arnold, Philip Linch. W. 51. Coicmac, A. K. Oickfou. T. Zink, K. i. McFarlamt, Geo. W. Mayfield. J.H. Iavis. K. K. Leyda. Jee Burnett. PlatUmouth Trecinct, Weepuig Water Uo Center. do Jjberty Kock iiluf Tipton iireenwood halt CreeU Stove Crctk Klniwood South B'-nd Louisville AVOM do do d do do do do do do do Mt. Pleasant do Elkht Mile Grove do Manufatturitii: and repitrioa at J?, jrone to teed, jou will ull allow. 'tin indeed. IN WfOfolTfD' JO IOO TONS .OK CARVER NUT COAL Now in the jarda of tLe Whltebreast toal Co. And for sale, delivc-rt-.l at t4,00 per ton. Leave orders tit J - iro"crisrc3-3. riiOPOSALS FOR GRAIN. Headquarters Dkpartvkxtoftpk ) Platte office Chief Quartriiiater i Omaha, xkb., October 2nd. Umil ) SeMd inoo-'-' in triplicate, subject to the rsual conditions, will received at thr, oflice until 11 a. m. Nov ember 4tii. 11514, atwLich time and place they wiil be opened in the presence of bidders for furiiishinjr and delivering at the 'mahi juai tniiafiers Ocpot or at itaiions on mam lm5 L. P, toy., at and east of North Piatte Neb. fjo.roo pounds com and COO.O 0 pound oats. Also, i'r 300.000 pounds corn and 20 000 rounds oats at siation.s on Fremont t- E'khorn alley K. it., between Fremont and Va catlne Neb. Preference will be d v-n to articles ef rtome t:c production and rnttiiu.'ctuie, conditions of price and quality being t.jual and such prefer ence vvilibgivn to articles of American production and manufacture produced on the Pacific Coast to the extent of the comsuu-otion required by the public ferric- there. 1 he GoTerniuent reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Full particulars ai t bidding, blank proi oeals and liders -..zrnrSj cln be obtained on application at i. w vu.ci- Envelopes cntainng proposals to be t ,arked "proposals for graln"Viid addressVd U -he un ders sncd. c. B. UaND t'. Chief Qaartermxster S50Q REWARD! mTZZZZ 0T-y- CntiTM.-, nrisir,wi a. -wtt ttrtctly oompi4 wuk. Ttmy mn fattif ntnuli. urf 'yagW pai.SSerati. rm ml tj il dnsfi. Cvn. F. G. FPjrsi. & co., DRUGG1S1S & PHARMACISTS, TOfctor Tsujvts, Px,ATT5annrn, Xxb Soli