I 7 Ooera House J. S. HARTMAN, Proprietor. 2Fc?5ia Sew Tables. 'ysleiS&!LiiBBci!i in ciine&ioii Aioo a complete line of tin; !o-t reality of ClOAIIS, and TOUACUO, next Jr t. i. O. Oju'im Ilwiwe I'.lock. EASTWARD Dally Express Trains for omvha. Chicago. KanMf- IHty, St. I.on'i. and .nil points hut Through iJar via I'eoria to lnl a: miJih. LI" csii.t l'i'.)m;in I'alace O.r and di:y eoaches oi ll Uui nl trains, and liuiug cars east of Jn.t ourl ricr. It CENTRAL EAT Us Hie $iae9 wcji'" nt all times youcau Sisacl 24? besi2ecf JPorls Mutton and IFresli IFIsIi. AlikiisiSs of gpame in season. iSlliil Livery, and Sale Stable, RIGS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION DAY OR NIGHT EVERYTHING IS FIRST CLASS Til -2 HET TEA11S IN THE CITY SINGLE AND DOUBLE (AURIAdES. Travelers will Cud complete outfits by culling at the Corner Viue and Fourth Streets, Jonathan Uait eef- Pork- Mutton and Veal Hnrrmr to A. II TT. HE ADO.T7 ABT KS FOS CHOICE Sugar-Cured Haras, Bacon, Salt Meats of all kinds, Lard Bologna, and all other articles Ve tin a first-cla?? meat market. AT WHOLEiALE AND RETAIL The Highest Market Price Paid tor Eides WooL, Pelts, Gre.ise, Etc. Fresh Lake Trout and White Fish Every Thursday Billiard Ha i WESTWARD I'aiiv Ppet-s train for Denver connectlm ii 1 i. ii vpoi lor all point!) in Colorado. Utah ' eli .r.ia ai d the entire Went. 'J lie advent o his ,r;f tzUt the traveler a New Koute to th e' . villi sctm-rj' and advantages unequal elaeshure. 0TB MARKE I'LATTSilOUTII. SEB. J. "W. aIakths. rUfflBOIRH MBALD Ftp, Flattsnicatli Herat Polilisliiiic Co. Train Time. Under the change in time passenger truuis leave thedeput here as Joilowu: No. l went, 8:15 a m. Ko, 3 xent, 6:50 p. ra. K. (J. St. J. & C. Ii. north 5:15 a " " " C:o3 p, m. m. O.R.AQ , north, 7:45 a. in. (.)iiiu::h otub oorth :-r5 a. en. " 5:40 p.m. Trains arrive a followa No. '2 , Denver express 0:25 p. ra, N 4, " 9.l'5 a. m. K. C. St. J. & C B. east :4 a. m. C. B. & Q. Omalia east 5::v p. m. Illesiiigr to all Mankind. In the limes wlifo our Newepa (i ra art flooiit-d with pxtui meiJiciu H(1veriismi u!s. it 18 gratif injf to kuou wt.ai to procure that will ctrtiul ;uteou. It uiu ar Biliou, biooi out o or:l r, lLivtr initctive, or gent-r lly d. bilitaled, thcro is niiliiii; iu ili v)rWi that will cure you o quickly a- Eleciuc Bitter". They arc a blessing t. all mankind, and can be hail for onl fifty cents a bottle by J. M. Roberts. Den. J3t6wly THAT IlAUiINU COu.II can be to quick l)' red by Shilolis Cough. V u ariiint it. WILL YOU aUFFiti:, .v.n. Dyppppsia .ml Liver Complaint? n oh'a Vitali .er U guaruiuc'ed to cfe on. SLEKPLiiSS NIMIIT, made miser thly ly that terrible cough. SlulohV Cure is the remedv for m. CxVTAHUH CUBED, health and -wi-tM bteath secured by Shiloh's Cat rrh Kem-dy. Price 60 cents Nasnl nioetor free. Foi ale by mitb & Black Bros. Dec.lSeowd&n ly Thouaantltf nay !o. Mr. T. W. Atkin, Cirard, Kan. a rites; ! never hesitate to recom iQeu.l iour Electrie Biiters to niy cue Coiners they tivr perfect Kutinlactioi tnd are rapid sellers." hlelecir'c Bit ter are thn purest and best inedieiio Known and will positively cure Kidney ind Livr complaitus.' Purify the Oloo'd and regulate the bowels. H,. ramily can tt'ml to be without them, f lfy will save hundreds of dollars in doctor's bills jeverv year. Sldat fifty cents a .boU'e by J. M. R derls. Ie 18 ltCw Feuee t'itfc. 5000 dry feuce posts for sale, inquire 3f W.S. VVise. Htf. PROCLAMATION. WilFKPAS, a Joint resdlutlAit wax adopted by tbe L?gi"lrtture of tbft Mute of Nebiakn. av I he K:gkteeuth Session hereof, anil approv ed February 27th, a. d. 1X83, ;;ropobing an Amenomeut to Section Four 4), of Article Three (3. of the Constitution of suld.-tate. ud that said sectiou as amended shall read as follows, to-wlt : 'teMuii 4. The term of offlpe of meinbfr? of tbe Iecis-l ture ehuli te4wo years, and thev hall each receive a salarv or th ,.tUar lor th lr ei vices duiiiig eairt term, and :-.u eets f r every miie tliey i)all tiavrl in ;o.d leturniii from the pla; of eetiu i th'-L(;gitl:i:uie, on the nest usual rouu Provt 'ul. luncever. that neither nn-mbers oi thf -'iit: e in-r eiuployeen h.ll! re-ive anv , yui crquisittrs other than their falai v ai.ii i'e.i--:'. iaeh netsiiin except special -es'ioiiM. li.iii )- not -eiH than .ixiy dajs. After tlu xi'ir.iMon ol forty days ot the cession n Li l ::r joint resolution i the nature of bills cliaii ii inir.l. eed. unien the G vernor fliall. ty -if iai mes-an cult the ait-ul on of the Le- slaluie to 4 he ln-ces-ily f pxsMnc a law od the iiibjeet matier enbrae-d iu the mes-i.re. and lie mtr. .iuetiou ot bills bhall e rebtrictrd r hereto " The bullots at the election at which said Amendment shall be-uluniited yhall be iu tt- n.llowin.j form : "For proposed Amendment t llie 'onptilution relatiuirto Legislative De- annient.'" ''Against proposed Amendment i" the .onstitutiou relatiug to Legis ative icpari ment." W ti EKE 8, A Joirt reoolu'ion was adopted y the Legislature of the State of Nebra-ka at he Mhteenth sesaioii thereof, and approved t ebruary a8t.li. A. i. 1HS3. pr-pnsiug an am- nd ment to Section tine (i) of Artie e ive (ft) of i. constitution of said State, and that said etiou a- amended shall read as follows, to wit : section l The Executive Department ..on viijtui a wuri nr, L.if uienaLt Uoveiu Fi.!-mtiHr) oi j-iaie Auditor OI I'UDIIC Ac uiits. fieasurer, Uupennteedeut of fublic ''! ruction. Atn.moy (ieoeral. Coinmissiuner .ii i uoiic i-aiius huq tSiiliuiligs. tind Boaru in this section s all each hi-ld his oftice for the :erm of two yars fn.m thf first Thu-rday alter .be flist Tue-dav January n-xt afur liis .d"ay Ill IS 1U1IPN. I I p llfl-opn .jmrt "in-""" auu uii i ni -ucct-ssor i e ected nn4 clect on ef said , i ce .sliail i e held on the nrst U'l.u-u. ri ita OUr. tllnt tll hra' uouajr ciiui-reun .tie nrst m- naay in No retMber. IKa. ano eneli ruecet-ding elect hn fiiall be held at the sameie ative tmie in each f ucrraiirr. .aii otner onicer th uav he provided tor bv law under -he provis lonsoiinis section, suall De i tin en In .n-i manner nd : t such t . nd sha 1 ho d their " ir such ii'Kiii ei Time hs mav be iro vi.ien ny law, and hali perforin such duties ituu rereivB .uru compensation as i av e iiro vided lor by law. 1 hf tioveuior. Secretary of flititr. uuin i ii 1114- AvC- UIIiS 1 rehSUP T oninos-ioner ot fublic l.nds and hiiiloiiitrn in1 i j urn- hi, iuaii inie ine eat ef g-ven.rneiit during iheir terms of office, and Keep me puoui- rei rui-. oih ks hiiu papers mere, an in iniiuers Herein named Shall pt Mich uu iff a iumv be 'euuired bv law." The ballots at th ehctioii at which vuh Anier. lnie t shall he submitted sha:l be in the beoii,K fomi : "r.r pioposen An emln ent to Section One (I) of Article Five 5i ol the i. oiiin iiuou. euui.eu - rxecuilve lipnmt. menu" "Acaiust proposed Amendment t section oiie ti Arucie rive(ft; et the nstitu tlon. eiitil'i-.l "Kxecutive Department. ibereiore. I. .ismes w l)awe. Goven or of tue niaie oi eurasxa, no nereDv jiive notice 1 u-coidaiic. with hert ion ie (1 Article f if teen (15) of the Constitution, and the iiinin...,a i an ai-i, en met:, -au aci to t-rovide the man ner of proMsn.g AniennmenU l th Constilu-ik-n id siibir.it! iug the came to t e Hecors of rhis Mhte " approved February lath, a. o 1ST" that said proposed inendni tits will be submitted to tbe qualified voters of this Mt rr r.uincation or i ejection at the General K'ecti n t e held on rhe ith day of e vern ier, a. d. Ln Witness Wbkbk. I have bereunto set my band and caused to Le afixed the Great ial of the e taie of vbrika (Seal. . 1-oneat 1 incidn. thU ltta day of July. a. n 164 the Ehhtxin y -ar of the Kt&t and 01 the Inoe. K-ndence of the V itei States, tne ne Honored and lnth By the Governor. JAMES W. DlWM TT"T. dWl ff, JtOOOKK. . . Hucklr ! ,cu kuv The Best tjl jin the wortd for Cuts, Bruses, dole. Ulcers, Sl 4.huni,- Fe ee hi res Teller Chai l'el liands OhiH lains Corns ajl all bkiu Kniptu n- anil posiliviy cure Pius or no pav required, it is atiaaoteid to give perltcl catL lat-tion, or money retunded. Prii e Uo cents per box. For bale By J. M. Hob erl's. Nov. 2; I88;i-ly The Eest Couph Medicine In Hie World. bAMPLE HIKE OF CHARGE. Call at Warrick s drug store, au get a sample bottle of Brown's xper- lorwiit nee ol charge. It eUIee Cough, lloaifeiiesa, Wiuxipino; Cougti autl C!'-i-umptiou in its early si ayes. It is cieniibe preparation, itdniirHlily adapt ed tor the cure ot all Throat and Euu! Diseases. Ii is pleaatit to take an eutlielj narmleha. Try U; ii costn yot. noihini;. Ite.ilar aizelxtlet, 5)i ent. and $1.0). For sale by W. .1. Wariick. Jau Sujtwly Free I het;! Five ! NEW DISCOVERY FOB PILES. A new n niiity lor ihp rireadeil di ase Las been discovered by Dr. Deuii , A eiuole api'l'u aiiou will convince tin in cat hkepiical of its most Wiuderfii' ealuiir powers. Jly calling on W. J Warrick druKist, you can oli'uin ample box Hee of charge, which will -atisfy jouof its cui ative qualities. .Inn 3 Liwly lu ine fuiure Wrhen you l;av a couh and want re ief, think ot K tup's IMj-mui tor tin Throat aiui Luna;; a guaranteed reine dy for thofe dieeases. Pi ire 50c and i'l ; trial size free. Respect t idly, apr 3 4m W. .1 Wakkick. Clones. Hair, Nail and Tooth Brush h, Coiuba, &c , nice liue, at FisheiV eaht Main street. 49dtt Pasture Two hundred and loiiy acres undet fence, wiili iiinuing water, and on: naif miie) from tne city. Applv to 5itf W.S. Visk. Some Foolish People Allow a'couiih it run until it -ets be nd the reach ot medicine. Thi'x often say. Oh, it will v car aay, ..n! ii most case it weait- ti-t tn way. t( i l lhy be ii, dined totiy tie MictifSlu tnedicii e called Ki-mpV Balst.ni, l a I sell on ii positive uuiiraiiire to up they wi uhl immedialel Ke ileit' lent ell ci alter takii ti e hist lirsi Prt.'e 5tl: alio 91; tiial size fi e. Resp'y Tapi3 4ml W.J.Warrick COTTAGE HOISE Ctb St Rear Baii, PLATTS1IOUIH, - NEBRASKA Ilnvins taken charge of the Co? tagk Houfc. I sln.ll ftv to inn i.-li - atr us with rt nilt r'ubl' qu-iirn ic feep i he ta' les supplii d with tie b in tt e ruai ket. 1 tansient cust rti hi board by the day or week olici'td. mavl7dtf. ED. FRAZIF.P CITY HOTEL. This beautifid three storv brick structure, cn ower Male street, has just been finished am tted up for the accommodation of TRANSIENT CUSTOMERS, AND - - REGULAR BOARDERS. mi THING NEW AND CLEAT AfiftaJ r,it In connection with the UUOU uJil House. f FfFT CfiS. Propr W. H. MA LICK, P CARRIAGE G mm m m SIGH &. ORNAMENTAL All orderp left wih me will receive prompt attention. COU FIFTH AN1 VINE 8THEETS. PLATT8MOUTH. - NEBRASKA. M. O'CONNOR. At the down-town saloon. ' PPOSITE TflE PERKINS HOUSE. Keep a complete ine of W" IISTES Liquors, .ND CIGARS, BOTTLED BEFR, ALE AND PORTER. IIIUG'S (OTAEA BEER anH tee best brands of Kentucky T tvhwiciA i ii...n r. . o yi J. PARiEMAN, Will BITY ann ELL. all kinds of T FURNITURE METALSi IRON? RAGS! AND FURS Will advance money on sJl SALABLE GOODS, on lower Main strwt. One dror west of Beck'a Furniture sr.rfe - rH 2 s s 9 r n ft s ft ft BI M ft SI ft ft ft ft ft QOD M QOD ODD M ft S3 a.4. tail (a ft ft to 61 w ft ft a r5 V V9 S 8S el ft &1 SI e ft 23 3t W V9 ri2 N0 "' f 1 CD do a w a V. tllMtiWV -1