) Opera House J. S. H-ARTMAN, Proprietor. JEverytlaazaf- Siew. AI.si :i complete lint i"j.!i:; TOUACCO, n xt ..,.r o !. 'EASTWARD. Diiilv Ex prows Trains for Omrlia. Chicago. Kansas "City, St. I.ouis. and nil points K;,:H. Throuuh Cars via Peoria to Indianapolis i;ic Itant Pullman Palace Oars and !i:y oa-he on nil thioujjh trains, and Dining circeiist ot iwis ourl river. l fl I m r ana "V LVJiEAT "W 4P Mutton ssssd ffi'raisla JEfiIt. JLMfclnels offfsaifiic Ssb season. COMPLETE Livery, and Sale Stable. RIGS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION MY OR NIGHT. EVERYTHING IS FIRST-CLASS THE BEST TEA MS IN THE CITY SINGLE AND DOUBLE CARRIAGES. " Travelers will find complete outllis by calling at the Corner Vine and Fourth Streets, Jonathan Uatt Beef- Pork- Mutton and Vea TOimiAI MATT c& EB Hoffewors to A. Suir-UureJ Hams, Eacon, Salt Meats of all kinds, Lard lioloona, and all other articles kejit in a first-class meat market. AT WHOLESALE AND KXTAIE.1? I The Highest Market Price Paid lor Hides Wool, Pelts Grease, Etc. ' Fresh Lake Trout and White Fish Every Thursday Billiart l?o?&r lew 'jTaMea. lc - t iu;iiitv of CIGAliS, ami . I lollO I .lock. WESTWARD l);iliv Fxpress trains for Denver connecting in Futon Iei-.t lor all points in Colorado. Utah, California ;nil tlieeutire WeBt. the advent of this lin- kivi-f the traveler a New Koute to the West . with scenery and advantages unequaled else where. u c&ub m mam SI" 1'LATrSMOUTII. NEB. J. AV. MARTH9. i. II ATT. CHOICE I PLATTSIIODTH HERALD PUI'.USHFD HV Me PlattsmonUi Heral PuLlishiug: Co. Train Tim, Umler lL. change in time passenger truius leave the depot, hero as follower No. 1 west, m;i.", a4 in. No, S w est, 6;50 p. 10. K.C.St. J. A C. R north 5:15 a. in " " " (5:3.", p. in. C. B. k. Q , north, 7:15 a. in. Omaha ttul north N:o5 a. in. 5:40 p in. Trains arrive as follows No. 2., Denver express C:2o p. m. No. 4, " - 9.25 a. m. K. C. St. J. & C. II. east 9:45 a. in. M .4 44 U U it U 8;35 p J,, C. B. it Q. Omaha east 5 :30 p. m. An A newer Wanted. Can any one bring us a case of Kid ney Complaint that Electric Bitters will not speexily cure ! We say thev can not.ns thousands of cases already per manently cured and who are daiiy recommending Electric Bitters, will prove. Bright's Disease, Diabetes, Weak Back or any urinary complaint quickly' cured. They purify the blood, regulate the bowels, and abt directly on the diseased parte. Every bottle guaranteed. For sale at 50c. a bottle by J. M. Roberts. Nov. 29, lyeGvv THAT HACKING COUUII can be so quickly cured by Shilohs Cough. We warrant it. WILL YOU SUFFER, with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint 't Sin loh's Vitali zer is guarauued to cure you. SLEEPLESS NIGHT, made miser ably by that terrible cough. Suiloh's Core is the remedy for you. CATARRH CURED, health and sweet breath secured bv ShiIohs Cat arrh Kcm-fdy. Z'rice 0 cents Nasal Injector - free. Black Bro. Foi eu.'e by mith & Dec.l5ijcwd&wly A Lire Having 1'resent. Air. SI. E. Allison, Hutchinson, Kan.: Saved his JU'e by a simple Trial Bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery, for Con sumption, which caused him to procure a large bottle, that completely cured him, when : Doctor, change of climate and everything else had failed. Asth ma, Bronchitis, Hoarsens, Severe Coughs, and all Throat and Lung dh eases, it is guaranteed to cure, Trial Botttes free at J. M. Robert's Drug Store. Large size $1.00. Nov. 29. 12. wlye6w. PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS, a Joint revolution was adopted by the I.egielature of the Stale of Is'ebiaska, at the Eighteenth Session thereof, nod approv ed February 27th, a. r. 1883, proposing an Amendment to Section Four 14). of Article Three (3 of IJje Constitution of said State, and that said section as amended shall read a folio v. j to-wit " Section . Tlie term of ofiiAa of members of the Legislature xjial. be two ytmro, und they ehall each receive a salary of three hundred doiiars ior tneir services uunng said term, and ten cents for every mile they shall tiavel in Koing aud returunig irom the place of n-eetin of the Leuivlature. on the most uwial rinii. Pntvi'tidf funrerer, that neither members of the i-eifisliimre juor employees shall receive any pay or uern,uisjtes Mffer than their khIiu v and n.ileaKe. Kadi eeBsi, .'w?rpt special sessions, shall he not h-p than si.ty di-Vi. After the expiration of forty days of nation jio biil uor joint resolutions ofth nature offciit ht!l be introduced, unless the t.ovrrnor shall. 1v special niesxage. call the attention of the Le islature u t.he necessity of pas8ing a law on the subject mac W f inbrace d in the mesae, and the iiitroduc tiou bills shall I e restricted thereto. " The ballots at the it.riv..;, fit which said Amendment shall be submitted shaii jn the follow ingform : "For proposed Amendment to the Constitution relating to Legislative De partment." "Against proposed Amendment to the Constitution relating to Leg's'ative Department." WHEKK&8, A joint resolution was adopted by the Legislature of the State of Nebraska at the Eighteenth session thereof, and approved February 28th. a. d. 1333. proposing an amend ment to Section One (1) of Artlc'e Five (5) of the constitution of said State, and that said section ae amended JaU read as follows, to wit : Section 1 1 The Executive Department shall consist of a Governor. I intnn., . or. Secretary of State. Auditor of fuhii Ac counts. Treasurer. Superintendent of Piii.in, couius. ireasurer. Superintendent of Fl H'W?,Uo.n' A"orney General. Commissi, of Public Lands and Buildings, and Boar Kailway Cofcmissioners. The officers na missiouer Hoard of I'll VSllTlAst m thts seetionut lifch hold his office for the terni of t wo year from the first Thusrday after the first Tuesday in January nest after his first i ucciia? 'HTOrcuiug iuc urst jvionaay in Ho veiaber, ISoB. and each succeeding election shall be held at lue ftpie relative time in each even year thereafter. AJJ other officers that may be provided for bvlaw under the provis ions of this section, shall be chosen in such manner and at such t'mea. and 6h'l hold tbetr oftlces for such length of time as may be pro vided by law. and shall perform such duties and receive such compensation as irgy be pro vitled for by la The Governor. Secretary of State. Auditor of Public Accounts. Treasurer Commissioner of PublU Lands and KiiiMii, nuu nnuriKji ueuriiu, suau rxsjae at ine seat of guvernment during their teriof office, and keep the publie record", books and papers there, and the officers herein named shall per snch duties as mav be required by law " Tne ballots at th? election at which such Amendment shall be submitted shall ot (a the following form : "For proposed Amendment to fiction One (1) of Article Five (5 of the Constitution, entitled Executive Depart ment. "Aealnet nronnsrri nniwiIi.r se.-Uon One a; Artwl Five (5) of the Constitu tion, entitled. 'Executive Department.' 't 'Iherelore. I, James W. Vila us, governor of the State of NeDraska, do hereby u.Ue poMce, iu accordance with Section One (11 Artielt) FiL teen (10) of the Constitution, and the provisions of an act entitled, "An Act to provide the man ner of proposing Amendments to tha Constitu tion and submitting tna same to tbe Electors iiiiimwe. -ppiu?ea reiruary inn. a. d. 1ST" that said proposed Aniendni"nts will h submitted to the qualified votors of thW State Tor ratification or rejection at the General Election to be held on the 4th day of ovem- In Witness AVherzof. i have hereunto set my hand and caused to he affixed the Great Seal of the Stat of Nebraska. .Ceal.l Done at Lincoln, thu. lsth day of July. A. d w. the Eighteenth year of tbe State, and at the Djde . pendence of the United States, the One Hundred and Ninth. ' ' By the Governor. JAMES W. DAWES. 4 ITKS T : owao P. Boon ex, -- becretary oT State-, itucklen'n Arnica Salve. The Best Salve hi the worl J for Cuts, Bruses, SreB, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fe ver sores Tetter Chappi-il Viands Chilb lain? Corns auu nil Skin Eruption and psitlvl euro l'iif or no pay required. It is guuajuiteod to (ilve perfect mtls faction, or money r funded. Price 26 cents per box. i"or Sale l.y J. M, Hob ert'B. Nv. 2". HH:i ly The Eest Couch Medicine lullie World. &LK HIKE OF CHARGE. Call at Warrick's drug store, and get a sample bottle of Biowu's Expec torant free of clmrp;;. It cures Coughs, Hoarseness, Whooping Cough and Con sumption in its curly stages. It is a scientific preparation, admirably adapt ed for the cine ot all Throat and Lung Diseases, li is phrnmt to taKo ami entin lv harmless. Try it; it costs you uoihiiirf. Reg-dar f ic i. Hex, SOeents. and t.O.I. Kor siile ! y W..I. Warrick. Ji.n 3 OAwly Free ! Fmm-J I no ! NEW DISCOVEItY FOR FILES. A new remedy for hi. dreadetl dis ease has beeudiscoveiid by Dr. Dening A 6ingle application will convince the uiosi skeptical ot its most wouueriui healing powers. By cnU-ug on W.J. Warrick druggist, ym i nn obtain a ssiniijle ltx free ol chur. which will satisfy you of it curative ipiirtiitics. J:u: A KftwTy . lu the Future When you have a couh ud want re lief, think ot Kemp's Iia Irani for the Throat and Luns; a guaranteed reme dy for those diseases. Priee'SOc and $1 ; trial size free. Reapcetf ully, aprX 4m W.'J. V.buick. Pasture Two hundred and forty acies under fence, with running water, and one half inile from the citv. Apply to 51 tf " W. S. Wisk. ClotLes, Hair, Nail aud Tooth Brush es, Comb j, ice, nice line, at Fisher's east Main street. 49dtf .Some Foolish i'rt-le Allov. a rough tc run until it gets be yond the reach of medicine. .They often say. Oh, it will wear away, vut iu most eases it wear? th Ui tway. Could ti4jf be induced to try the successful iccciicli fJ.s'lcd 'KnpV Balsam, that I sell on a tumuli;' itarnniee to ur. they would iujrj'ftdiviiiU s?f !.,e excel lent effect ut'ftT taking the i.-l uptfe. Price 50c and fci; (ii;il gv.e fice. Resp'y, fapi3 4m1 W. J. Wairick. COTTAGE HOUSE. 6(ti Kir PLATTSMOUTII, KBRAKA. Ili.vintr - t; kec fl a; j.e TAUB JIovpe, I rh..!! y patrcus ct n t r" I ) keep ihe tat les $ , pj;t (! in trie muikt t. '1 .n t board ly the dav oi Y of the Cot to furnish all u:ntrs and v. i'h the best : f-Mtopi and r lintol. maj 17dtf. i !. FRAZIER CITY HO i EL This beautiful thru- -:oi tick Mnietiuon owerHW tucK,. jv.M 1 1 finished and tted up for th.- 4fiitim itiU:l Of TRANSIENT CUtii GXER8. - A.N P - - REGULAR BOARDERS. - ray THING. NEW AND CLEAN li .4 (irtr-ti Keif In ccnj.rftiou with IK flouse. tf FRED not p. Propr W. H. MA LICK, T CARRIAGE aiDlii and trimmin G SIGN & OENAMENTAL AUrrdtrs lefl will, me will receive prompt atlcntion. COU. FIFTH ANT V !.!. STREETS, VL.ATTSMOVTU. EBBASKA. M. O'CCuNOR. At the dov. r ti vr' j-hIood." PPOITfi THE l'KKKiNS HOUSE. Keeps aeompiri, c Liquors, "iND ClGARr O f 1 LED UEFR, ALE ANP fOHTER, iRUG'S OMAHA BEER and tbe 1-fSf braudy t K.iirnobv ' whlskti-s, "Ten J. PARLFMAH, Will BUT ana sil.L, all kinds of FURNITURE METALS IRON EAQS " . wrv FURS Pkl Will advance money on all SALABLE GOODS, co Ipwer Main street. One dcor west of Beck's urpiture apre Plattemoutb. Feb. 1st. 188340tr. s s 5s rP fed ft N I? fci?f tes4 ODD 0 pa V3 ML? &3 0 tea 53 ft a- i CZ1 ( Ch R3 w V tl .-1 ' i V . 1 v. fy