f- J - LAmMOtlTB MMJ) I ......... SPIIK I'lTV. . CITY" ITEWS. Cass County Fairs. JTHI CASHCOITNTV KAMI will be held V IMatlsiiiouth 8ept. tlitli. Willi and fiia. W.d. Wimk, Mecietary. THE WEEPING WATER FA III will be held . Ht Wf eiilnx Water. Hept. leth, 17th and lain. U. W. NoitroN, Mecretary. Young Men's Rerrubiican O L TJ B. II. M. MUSHNKLL, - President. KKKll. Ft KNIS3. K. H. GKEU3KL, 1st Vlca Pres. 2d Vice rres. II. N. IMiVKY. U. A. CAMPBELL. Secretary. Treasury. M.iiinjt every Tuesday evening. In their u lu Fl:eratd's block. Hrry t WarrieU'e Wruj loro- D. . Haraliall, Uenthl, sue cesr lu Clutter & Marshall. Tee i a extracted without pain, l use ot Nitrous Oxide Cia. 4. Salisbury, leutlt. Si'KCIAL NOTICES. A'lvrrtUiels under tain head, three cents pr li" eaU Ifcurrllou. . lONEV TO LOAX-Oral estate by A.N. nuiiivan. FVl'M FOU SAl.K-Comdstlntf or lfi acres, 'irood timber, plendid orclii.nl ol beariu;; . one if the most desirable larins in Catts i'.Tiili situated near Ml. Pleasant. Inquire ul lio b u,V Sullivan. J- almost new. cu.iulre of HidU. A. 8CIII.KGKL. .. . i i .....i ..... i.... . Ko.jj b '. bam and fruit, and in excel lent udlti.ii ; aUo two improved farm, also iiri..it ItiiHiiieiH house 4oxH'J feet, on Main Street aud other deniable laud and lots. street, aud I). 11. VVii UKbF.lt. moil A. I.K-Houses, lots and wood land by - .lollU UUU4 ouu. H.vI.E Several residences, cheap. Iu- if uuire of U. li. Wheeler Si C. ..... ..ft. 'I .. a In oil uilliu at Hcraicn juwh i I? tii. jnlee. "UI nouSAl.Kawt m good location. j arucu- y;it A Ur at this oIuim toli SALE An order lor a new American i? lu Machine, Inquire ;it tl"MJ;e. i vK 4.LK 1.000 cords of wood. Inquire of t ' .. Wine. " IOK SILK " Id pi.r for sale at this otllce al liM'eiit .l buudred or 5 cei.ts per doz en. - Inn; SVLK l our lots togettwfiu Rood loca 1 tlmiullii city. liiuutr -atthi onlue tf TTOltltKN r. The iiHitht-ast room In Stadel r l.nil.lui after Aiuii-.t 1mI. '1 his laiilM llllllil-l iw ni." iii.niu, . . .-. ; i ir od water, tt.iod garde-i snot, 4 per fljoniU lu Hhaferville. W. II. Siiafkk. l'0t HMST The norm storeroom in Nev l' IUe's blttck, and 9 rooms ': i Htuire. ;ood lcaliou for reraurant or bo.ulin house, rents cUeap. Apply to Wm. NevllK;. IH-Uf T tST A nold curt button. Finder please 4 Jeve at thJ o:e Qf witlj A . N. Sulliyan. LOST KO.d cult button wr.li ai;.te net The tin ler may leave at this office and be re warded. l LOST A locket on side black enamel set with pearls ; pictures of old gentleman :mm1 lady insiilf. Finder please return t Mis Say Ll a'r F4r . Vinter-ilivii" orWvj it at tliis of 8L ' ANTED A Rirl to do bouse work, (ex it eeotinir w;ishing. Inquire al the Otllce or residence of XI. K. WlSiSliAM. Ulll. IN CASH GIVEN AWAY Prla t:$oo 8200 i-tiro 100 890 $Sd S70 40 $30 $20 $10 Smokera of Blackwell'a Genuine Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco will . receire Premium as follows on terms and conditions her specified- 1st PREMIUM. $5,000 2d " ft2,06d 3d 44 $1,000 22 other Premlnms as nere shown. The V rremlums will be awarded December S3. 1884. 1st Premium froes to the person from whom we rs. c'ivc tue i&radrit uiunfcM Qf out oipty tobicac) bms prior to Dfc.li. ' 2d will be (riven for the nest busiest number and thus, in the order of the a umber of empty baits received from each, to the twenty.flre snooemful con testants. Eaca b must our oritdoal Bull Durham two. . . Revenue stamp, and Caution Notice. Bars must be done up securely in a rack, with name aTid address of sender, and number of baxs coutain ed. plainly marked ol the outside, and must be sent, charges prepaid, to niackwell's Darfcam Tobacco Co., Durham. N. C Every irenuine package has picture f BulL See our next aaaoi in cement E4 MoflbVj At hn n-w tongorial and bath Koom?, Invites il.e public to call ami see him. Good and s ttisfactory work in the har bejvline always our aim. KAIX WATER BATni. fter Friday pf th.i week ou bath jQoriis will t3 opn t the public, and thev will be fouud the finest in the city. Shop and Batti Room9, basement of Waterman Opera House. Ep. Mort.kt, Prop'r. All the best bouses in Plattsmouth will sell vou Bremner's choice crackers at reduced price by the box or barrell, and don't vou f orcot it. Get thee and you get the best. tf Dissolution Notice- Vtice is herebv civen that the firm of Boyd & Larsen is this day dissolved. thA undersigned withdrawing, who will hereafter continue the business of Car- Ti.ni.rv and Building on his own ac count. Frajik Boyd. 144d&wlmo For positive curative effects, one bot tle of Ayer's Sarsaparilla is worth thrt pfftnypthe qarae. 146t s j ' m Fence Posts. 6000 dry fence posts for sale, Inquire r toi4-C'n "i any kiijd. in.j "(if at i'li: premises. ' " 1 f"" KoilM TO ItKN T. -A furnishe l room for one ol t. liontlmeij-, ill (food ligation. In-,-ro at tUU vtW'if. City CouncU tonigiit. in regular pes- lon. Attend the lilaino uuJ Logan unit ing at Itockwd Hall tonight. The public schools will oien the first of the month, aud the long summer holidays are about ovor. A Nebraska City doctor was arrested Friday charged with murdering a babe. After an inquest by the coroner's jury and a hearing in the county court, the prisoner was discharged. The Catholic society have traded the frame tiouse building adjoining the chnrch to Vil. lUucn, and the same ii being moved away. We understand the society will build an addition at once to their present school building. The Cass County Agricultural Soci ety Directors met at W. S. Wise's office Saurday, and transacted business per taining to the Fair. It was passed unanimously to invite Hon. A. J. Weaver, of Falls City, to deliver the annual address. Wiggins' Museum from San Frau cisco. wont through via. the C. IJ. & Qf this morning to Oskalooso, Iowa, and from there it goes to the State Fair, at Omaha This is one of the finest mu seums in the country, aud tha collec tion of live birds in it is very fine. The II Kit ALU is soiry to lt&u hat Sunday Dr. and Mrs N. li- IIobl8, of Elmwood, burled their baby, which has been lingering at death's door for sev eral days. A very lartre number of friends were present at the funeral, and their friends in this pity all ex'end sy in path y. The County Central Republican Com mittee met at Weeping Water on Sat -urday last pursuant to call, and elected Frank II. Wijaun, of iattarpouth, Sec retary, and si. W. Orton, of Weeping Witier, Treasurer. The meeting was an important ojjp, aqd Afc-srs. Uyera, Clark, Hoot. Thomas and Ifccker, the candidates lately placed in nomination by the Republicans qf pass cpunty were present, and participated in the delib erations. The following executive committee ts hrjve full charge, oi the campaign in Q!d ("lass tya$ appointed: S. W. Qrton, Frank II. Wilson, Sinon lioclor, If. Latvia. A. U.. Iiicks-m. Am one the Sipk. Mrs. Veseott, mother p,f 0. H. Vsa CQtt, is very v and her physhians, entertain little hopes of her recovery, 1ha aircoud twin bale ol Mr. and Mrs. McCau ley, that has beenlvingat the point of death, is much better. Mr-8. II ;rry It-eso. the IIpR.fp l Jqtsc; hi - uui-h hfttcr today, and Or Sc!iidkiu'fit pninomirfs her on tl e road to recovery. The little? habt i.f Mi. and Mrs, W. II. Pickens that ha been very lp.yr. Ut feetter today, and ii.-pei aio entertained for its recoverv. Biaine and Logan fclub. The call is o't for the orgauiza ion of a Blaine aud Logan, cjub at lock Vf-ood H&H toaisht. This cull is signed by some one hundred citizens exclu eieof the members of the young mens' republican club, and they will form a strong organization, for 53 i s pain worfc. Jt is requested that i a iuauy no possible attend, that steps may be taken at once for active work. FERS0 AIm T. W. lurhydt, Jr., of the Perkins! House, passed Sunday with friends in ! O riaha. Miss Tillie Peterson who is attend- ing wytnans tjommeriai uonege, Qtnahs, was do here over Suuday, Gen. Dilworth, of Plum Creek, was an Omaha pessenger via. the B, & M, Saturday. Mr. Dilworth js prominent as a candidate far attorney general. Mrs. Gregory Amann of Iliawaths, Kansas, sister of Mrs F. M. Dorring ton, is in P!at?mouth for a week's visit. Mrs. Itockwood, with Tommy Char- man, is in Weepirg Water, for a visit with Mrs. Jnue Black. Geo. House worth look last night's tram for a hurried visit to his old home, Burlirgton, Iowa. J. II. Berge, who has been visiting out iu the county the past week, is back to the city again and his duties in law yer Smith's office. R'.'V. Mr. Patterson of Omaha is in Plattsmouth today, a guest of Rev, H. B. Burgess.. County Commissioner Clmeuts, of Stove Creek, is in the city today. S. J. Alexander, of the Nebraska and Iowa Insurance Company, was in the city Saturday on business tor his com pany. Ladies! Ayei's Kair Vigor is a so perior and economical dieesing. It has become an indispensable article for the I'LATTSMOL'TII, Aug. 22, 18S3. Kuitou IIf.uald: After reading lor tho pant three months the malicious editorials that arc to be found daily in the columns of the Journal, "patience ha ceased to be a virtue;" the vials of indignation so long corked must at last utib..ttle, a part at least, of their con tents. Siuce wouder and iudignatiou was fust aroused by au ignorant fetate ment found in one of its earlier issues to the effect that "Fitz John Porter has at last had justice done him, as Con gress has just pordoned him notwith standing the president's veto." This has daily increased with each new edition, uutil we are forced to the conclusion that its editor is either a very narrow minded. Ignorant species of mankind, or wilfully malicious, misleading, id fuct untruthful. The climax was reached the other night in reading the Journal's article headed "The Wilcox Speech." He commences by speakirg of Mr. Wilcox a3 the "Mendota carpenter," thereby insinuating that a "carpenter" is not sufficiently intelligent, high-toned enough, for some such reason, should not bo "launched, at the defeucelesa deuizoas ot Plattsmouth." Now, Mr. Editor, we submit to you, is not a first-class carpenter as intelli gent, of as good social standing, as a onc-horsc editor of a two-by-nine pa per? Ha further speaks of the gentle man's ad4res3 as a 'harangue." Uav iug listened to such political orators as James G. Blaine, Carl Schurz, Iloscoe Coukling and a host of others we might mention if necessary, and we have no hesitancy in pronouncing Mr. Wilcox a very earnest, matterTof-fact speaker, and a3 such commanded and luhl the attention of liia large audi ence Irom the moment he made bis first utterance. And this fact of bis hold ing the attention Of bis hearer- Was tho most positive proof of his qualifi cations as a speaker. Perhaps we are not sufficiently familiar with the signi fication of the word "harangue," to judge whether the bold, confident ut terances to which we listened should bo classed as such or not, therefore we would humbly request a plear explica tion $f the word, if the editor of the Journal will be so kind. How sad it is that no opportunity can he- given this brilliant wielcjer oi a mighty pen to personally exhibit to the poor, benight ed "demons of Plattsmouth" his defi nition of what constitutes a great speech. Do you know this editor torci bly reminds one of La Fontaine's Fa ble, The Frog and the Ox." For fear he may have forgotten the tragic end of the frog we will relate it for his es pecial waruingi "There was a frog thut used to leave his accustomed mud retreat every morning for the purpose of sunning himself upon the bank close by. One eventful moruiujr while so doing his at tout ion wm attracted by an. 05 feeding near, tjuoth the frog UU'-u himself, what a line, large animal that is. How I would like to be as great. If I could only swell myself up a little each day, perhaps J roifcht at tain to the same jrojQition8. From that he began oach day to draw himself up and swell his sides, nntil at last one sad morn he gave one gigantic endeavor and in so doing burst!" We are muck alarmed for our poor Journal man, who, unless he keeps more in his "ac customed retreat," and stops gazing with envious eye at the magnificent proportions of the Republican party, may find himself at some future time in the same condition as the little frog. To again quote from last night's arti cle he eays: "He informed ths editor of this paper, with many an ominous shake of the head, that hd proposed to wave tug en?,gumed garment all he liued, and whenever he wanted, and de (iod. any investigation into his own pri vate record." Our wonder was excited at the fact of ho speaker's no omin ously shaking the editorial head of the Journal, which treatment he richly merits because of the article, penned by him a few evenings ago, derogatory to Mr. Wilcox's character. If the democrats of uasa county would only be advUed, they would, polit'cilly speaking, give this imperti nent child of taeira, a good spaukmg aud send him to btd lor the rem under of the campaign. . CITIZEN. McCouihie Post No. 43, G. A. R., held a spcciul meeting Saturday even ing for the purpose of perfecting ar rangemcuts for the Post to attend the re-union at Fremont this week. The Heraij reporter Is informed that a majority of this Post will attend the re-union with their teats and camp equippage; also that the Post passed a resolution requesting uen. a. ii. i-iiv- ing9ton and Messrs. C. W.Sherman and S. M. Chapman to attend this re-unioa an a Rnenial fommitR on behalf of McConihJe PirT ursre concert of ac- tion n the part of the J. A. R. of Nebr 'a in laying the claims of this StatVfeefore the CommissionerV.who under the act of Congress will locate tbe New Home in one of Xbe several SAates mentioned in the law.authoria -UNION. The F vQ'it??" .1 Com Jl.'-l,'t ia- ArMniiad lv ih the Lh1 Moling -ft. union Not, rW a aiirx - -i ,u.in.!ll. a lUHi smivi t-isuuuibiee, Having in charge Jl the details of the big iralli ering in fieptembe?. met in this city on Satunlay, with ij, following members presoiit: CornuuudiT Palmer, Messrs. John Hammond, I. P. Gage, secretary, E. N .Morse, treasurer, Geo. W. E. Dorsey, chairnun, and Frank Parcell, quarter master. A large amount of business was transacted and the Jetted programme as published btlow was agreed iipnh. MONDAY, SEPT. 1, Gathering of the ho It, Mooting of stato'orgauizations. Establishment of intelligence office under the manager of Past Department Comraat.der J. C. Bunnell. Formal turning over of the camp to Commander General John M. Thayer. Cnip lire In the evening. TUESDAY. Continuation of business of previous day. Organization of volunteer regiments for service during reunion. Drill and dress paiade. Camp fire in the evening. WEDNESDAY. 10 o'clock a. in. Grand parade and review by the school authorities, teach ers, and pupils of tie Fremont City schools. Afternoon Reception of Lieutenant Brainard one of the survivors of the Greeley p lar expedition, and who has been nearer to the north pole than any other living man. 3 p. m. Children's camp fire. Night attuck and repulse. Camp fire in the evening. THURSDAY. Forenoon Meeting of state organiza tion. Afternoon Grand sham battle. Reception to Gen. John A. Logan, the famous commander of the 15th J army corps. "Cartridge box and forty rounds," Camp fire in the evening. FKIDAT. Forenoon State reunions, and election of officers of state organiza tion. Afternoon Reception to Command er-in-chief Gen. John S. Kountz, of Toledo, Ohio, aud other distinguished guests. Evening Grand naval battle, gun boats passing the forts at night heavy firing, SATURDAY. Breaking camp. Adieus, good-byes God bless you. boy s ! Break ranks ; march I Old Shiloh fighters will be glad to know that Qeu. R. M. Prentiss will be here; Commander Palmer has his posi tive promise to that effect. JUDGE LYNCH. H Hangs the Mexican Rape Fiend in Lancaster County. Luciano Padiilo. the Mexican who was lately dischared from the peniten. tiary wliere hi had served a sentence for rape, aud who a week ago outraged a thirtceu year old s;irl in Lancaster Co. was taken from the officers Satur day and bung to a tree. The man had been confined in jail at Lincoln smce bis capture, but Saturday the officers were notified that the victim of the outrage was dyinsr, and they started with the prisoner across the country. that the girl miht identify the prison- J er before she died. The -officers took the man to hc house, aitd the cliild at once identified him, but .e was never to see Lmeotu ajr.:n. The cornfields were alive with men on horseback, and when the start was made back for the city, forty determined men gave chase, overpowered the officers, took the Mexican to the scene of his crime, and after giving him five minutes to pray and confess, they strung him up and left him dang ing in the air. The of- ficeis did all possible to save the prig oner, tut they were powerless to cope with the lynchers, who numbered some of the best citizens anl who made lit tle effort to disguise themselves ; J. M. C&ig, the postmaster at Crete, bemg a leader among them. The sentiment all seems to be with the lynchers, who ren dered certain and speedy punishment Bishop Mallalieu. Bishop Mallalieu of Boston is in the city, and will preach this evening in the M. E. Church. This is a rare occasion to hear one of the ablest members of th-3 reat church. and our citizens shoujd not the opportunity. I Adjudged insane j Vm Coburn, of Stove Creek precinct a well to do farmer, was brought to J this citv yesterday by Sheriff Eiken bary and Commissioner Clements. This morning he was taken before the board nf insane examiners, who adjudged I him Insane, and tr morrow the sheriff will take him to the asylum at Lincoln His trouble seems to have arisen from BLAII AUD J. P. YOUNG-, : WILL. REMOVE on or ABOUT AUGUST 28ik To the room formerly occupied hy Bennett 4& ILewis, one door West of Sherwood's Shoe Store, where you can find a full and complete Line of School BOOKS supplies, stationery, hews, confec tionery, toys, fancy and holiday goods, cigars, tobacco, soda water, i&c., fcc, &c. Thanking my many friends and patrons for their past patronage, and hoping to merit a continuance oi the same in the future, in my new location; selling you nothing but the best goods, at the lowest prices. Respectfully, A Surprise Party. About forty girls and boys gathered together Saturday evening, and went up north Sixth street, to Capt. Myers', where they tendered a surprise party to Minnie E. Cogblan. A merry time was enjoyed through the evening, and Miss Minnie was the recipient of many handsome presents, the day being her birthday, and the party in honor of that event. One of the party contrib uted the following, which is certainly worth reproducing: MINNIE K.COOULAN AN ACROSTIC. Minnie, may thy life be ever bright In thy youth and in old age . No night, but days ail liht. No blot upou thy title page ; I write these few lines for thee Ever may thy birthdays happy bt E'en through all Eternity. Calm on the bosom of tbyGod. O glorious hope of perfect love. God has said forever blessed ; Heavenly Father, Sovereign, Lord Lift your eyes of faith and see Angels from the realms of God, Naught but happiness may there be for the. Debate. Eider A. J. Cudney, of Fremont, Nebraska, and Elder D. R. Lucas, of Des Moines, Iowa, will hold a joint dis cussion at the tent on Granite street, near Chicago avenue, on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, Aug. 26th and 7th, 1884. Subject for discussion The Sabbath Question. Debate begins promptly at 7:S0. No admission fee. Everybody invited. If stormy, bad weather, to ba held at Rockwood Hall. Notice. Since the dissolution of the partner ship existing between Boyd & Larson, I will saj to the citizens of Platts mouth and farmers in the surrounding country, that I will continue to con tract and build buildings of all kinds as usual, and I am prepared to execute work of all kinds and give satisfaction. I refer you to men I have -dealt with for six years, also to some of the lead ing business nten in town. Very Respectfully, Yours Most Obediently, d&w2vks L. G. Larsox. The insane man from Otoe countv is still in jail here, the authorities of that county failing to pay any attention whatever to request of officials here to come and take him away. This after noon Sheriff Eikenbary will take him before the insane commission for their judgment as to his sanity, and the RhprifT haa telegraphed aorain todav to I the Sheriff of Otoe county to come and CLEVELAND ! 1 sf. .... ... i Advertising Cheats ! ! ! " It has become so common to Legin an article in an element, interesting style. "Then run into pome advert is men t that we avoid all such. " And simply call attention to the merits of Hop Bitters in as plain, honest terms as possible, "To induce people "To give them one trial, which so proves their value that they will never ue anv thine else." - j "The remedy so favorabely noticed j in all the papers, I Religious and secular is "Having a large sale and is supplan - ; ting all other medicines. -There is no denying the virtues of '; Hop plant and the proprietors of Hop i Bitters have shown great shrewdness and ability ' "In compounding a medicine whose ! virtues are so palpable to every ones : observation." Did Slie Die. " No ! " She lingered aud suffered along, yiuing away all the time for years," "The doctors doing her no good;" " And at last was cured by this Hop Bitters the papers say so much about, Indeed I Indeed ! " How thankful we should be lor that medicine.'' A Daughter'.- Misery 'Eleven years our daughter suflered on the bed of misery. ' From a complication of kidnev, liver, rheumatic trouble and nervous debility " Under the care of the best physici ans " Who gave her disease various names, " But no relief " And now she is restored to us in good health by a siuple a remedy as Hop Bitters that we had shunned for years before useing it." -Tiie Parents- Father Is Getting Well " My daughters say : "How much better father is inca he ued Hop Bitters " He is getting weU after his long suffering from a disease declared in curable." "And we are so plad that he used your Bitters-" A Lady of Utica, N.Y, CORN COB pipes in every styl S'hlegelV. ICtf Sheriffs Sale. Bv virtue of an exicutlon Issued by W. C. Sbowalter. Clerk of the district Court, within and for Ca countv, Nebraska, and to me di rected. I will on the etn nay oi September, a. l. 184, at 10 o'clock A. M.. oi sain day at tn Fitzzerald Forty, in the city of Plattsmouth. Cass county. Nebraska, on the west side of Chicago Avenue, sen at puo'ic auction, in following personal property, to-wlt : 8eyen teenbeadof Hoes. fWe Cows and five Calves. 6 months old. one wbite Mule, and one two horse Waon. The same being levied upon and taken as the property of lobn Fitzzerald. defendant : to satisfy a judgment cf said Court recovered by John k .- Fitzgerald plain tUU. azalnst said defendant, J. C. ETKEXBAi " Sheriff Co,. Neb. at of W. 8. WUe- . . . toilet. HSt luff its location. - 1 all animation of the brain. take htm away. P'atUmentb. Neb.. Aue-3. D- 130