i n i n i 1 AT fc) U UulllLp U IL I cow For 30 Days & only 30 Days. Ik-unett & Lewis have just received a car loau oi uour iruiu mc i iicuiuiru Shawnee Mills," Toptka, Kansas. Tuy guarantee this flour to equal auy uiaile ia the Unite! .StaU-9. Duu't for thu brands Topeka Patent- -Shawnee Fatiry aud Eagle. HBtt For joaitive curative t Herts, one bot tle of Ayer's Sarsparilla is worth three of auy other name. wltdi; I'ntil further notice I can bring iui -migrant from Engluud r Ireland to 1'iatUniouth for jj?o.0(HJ. This is a rure chance, and those intending to send for their relntit.ii hoii!l cii.lcjice this fa vorable njni uiuit . 10-Slf M. 0'IONolIOK I H will cl&5 &ui siay &tock of BIAI6WAMI5, HrEWM&, TIM Dnrin., tl.fi c-omil.rr THIRTY DAYS, t liivt Cost, FQR CASH. "VThen we e.-ty gains. lor First Cost, wi? im-.m it. Come utxl secure bar- Plattsinoiitli, Nfl. .s ite Perkins House. Mttlement Notice. On account ol building we arc com i I'L'lhd to call m all par'ies knowiug themselves indebted to it in call and settle at once. 129dtr. .1. It att & Co. I'urloi and bed room i in all fctles at the lowisi pricts al Henrv Difck'n. litf A vegetable product used only iu AyerN Agti Cure has proved itself a never failing remedy for all malarial disasc8. WarrunUd wltdC B 1ST r 1st 1884, Septembe I will sell aaay 05ia43re stock ol Glassware, Lamps, Crockery -A. T 3Z) at greatly rediiaee-sl prices. J. P. HANSEN. HE ELKHD1 OHL XIEADQUAUTCIta FCIl ALE, WINES BEER AND CIGARS, Old Kentucky Whiskies, IMPORTED WINES, MUMM'S EXTRA DRY CHAMPAGNE, NATIVE WINES, ST- LOUJS BEER Always si clraaglit ALWAYS IN STOCK', AT THE ELKHORN Fitzgerald Block - - - PLATTSMOUTU, NEB. Commission Merchant, iiiS.xiGi'crjK.TEiie.s fob Billiards and Bar. II. M li nt has adiied to hid saloon rooms two new billiard tables of the latest patterns; bai furnished with the best brands Oi' whiskies, wines etc., Anheuser beer, botiled beer, and best brands of cigars always In stock, (jive us a call. IStJtt II. M. Boss. M O Connor keeps on hand the eel ehrated Anheuser Uurcli St Louis Dot tied Beer and always ready to pay pac ticular attention to his customers. 155tf The largest and best assortment of foot apparel of every description, from h coarsest Plow shoes to the hnet Frencll at tue verv lowest cost price, at Merger. Cwtl These are Solid The best blood purifler ami ?-'!em regulator ever placed within the reaclt of suffering humanity, truly is Electric Bitters. Inactivity of the Liver, Bil iousness, Jaundice. Constipation, Weak Kidneys, or any disease of the urinary organs, or whoever requires an appetiz er, tonic or mild stimulant, will always rind Electric Bitters the best and only certain cure known. They act surely and quickly, every bottle guaranteed to give entire satisfaction or money re funded. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by J. M. Roberts Jand&wly. A Startling Discovery. Physicians are often startled by re markable discoveries. The fact that Dr. King's New Discovery for Cou sumption and ail Throat and Lung diseases is daily curing patients that thev have given up to die, is startling them to realize thcii sense of duty, and examine into the merits of this wonder ful discovery ; resulting in hundreds of our best Physicians using it in their practice. Trial Bottles free at J. M. Roberta' Drug Store. Regular size 81.00. Important to Travelers. Special inducements are offered vou jy the Burlington route. It will pay you to read their advertisement to be found elsewhere in this issue. 47tf Johnson & Co, of Council Bluffs huvc Opened out u lir.t class laundry on lower Main street, vh-re they are prepared to do all kinds el' tine work in that line. Atrial of llieir work is requested. lOltf PaCFJSSIOttAL CARDS. E. W. COOK. M. TJ. Fhvsician and Slkoeon, OFFICE At Fisher's Dura Stoke, riattsjaouth Nebraska. kkg. s. with, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Hill practice In all Courts or the Stale. Otnee in Mtzuerld block. MUiKASKA. FLATTS MOUTH, Al.l t ltKKSOW. A. N. SCI-LIVaX. 11CKM)X & I.I.I VAX, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will give prompt attention to ail business intrusted lo iliom. Ot tlce iu Union Rlwck, Enl iiUf. fLATTSMOUTH NKBKVSKA. Farmers. The best place in the city to get your dinner, is at the Cot tage House, 6th St., near Main, Platts mouth, Neb. may20wtf. Carruth's third watch club has still a few vacancies. Call and secure a chance. ,4 129dtf Money to Loan. O i farm, personal and chattel eecu lity at most reasonable rates by the. w48t3m Louisville Bask. TEATS THE Tonsorial Artist Will be found In OARRTTTTT'S Ra-ompnt wnere newm be glad to meet all his old cus lomers aua as many more as want a GOOD HAIR CUT AND A - CLEAN easy SHAVE FRANK H. WILSON, Basement of Bank of Cass County. ConBR p.'l and Main Stkkkts. Articular attention pived lo the preparation olggXiZr ?. r-a.entK a..d Registration ol iade Marks and labels. Juttire of the peace. Elm wood viio iind eoecialty and prompt attention wood Neb. Xeb gives P. O address Elm- M. O'DOKOHOE ATTORNEY AT LAW & OTAKY PLBUC. Fltzj;erald'B Block. l-LATTSMOUTH, - HEBKA8KA Agent for Steamship lines to aud Iroia Europe. dl2w52ly lit. HC11 1 1. li. X KC HT, I'ract i cin g Physician. Oftlce. Coraer Main and 7th Streets., PI.ATTSJ10UTH, KEBEABKi. H. K. lilVI-M-hTC, SI. rnTSlCIAM & hUWiKOa. OFFI E UOL'RS, troni 10 a. in., to 2 p. w. Examine Surtjeou fur I). S. heuaion. 3 O II J . CONSULTING ENGINEER AND ARCH1TKCT, PLATTSMOUTU, - NEBRASKA. I'lans. estimates .ai.d bpifilicatioiiB furnish ed lor biuiKef. roolfc. railway rou.structiou cars machine ii-ps. piivaie builtliiigs. or other structures in iron, steel, wood ana foundations ttt. II. 3IILLER, TIIYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Can be found by calling at his office, corner 7th aud Main Streets, iu J. It. Waierman's house. M-ATTBMOLl H. tUltASKA. J Art. . 31A TK- VH ATXOiU.tV Al LAW, Oflice over Baicer & At wood V store, south side ol Main between tin auo mi stieri". Utt HfKOUK A .-.iUK. ATTOKNEY.S AT LAW. Will purxtice iu all the Courts iu tha Stale. District Attorney itJ Aodrrti Public. I have In mv emDlov Professor LYONS, one oi uie iiN.sr AKiisis iu tne proleston vi aiiu see us. S. B PLATTSMOUTH. YEATS, NEBRASKA. A X D Uttiglaest Csusli palee paid for An nnexcellod line of FLO (HI alwaxs in t-tock, corner i'.ih an Main Streets, opposite First National Hank PLATTSMOUTH,- - NEBRASKA MIKE SCHNELLBACHER, BLJ1 CKSM1 Til HORSE SHOEING & WAGON REPAIRINt i ( All Kinds of Fan imDlements Mended will Neatness and Dispatch. KINKEAD BH0S.. PAINTERS & DECORATORS, KAI-SOiIIN'I N. PAPER UAN(iIN(i. AND .... FINE GRAINING, Leave your oiders with them fr First-Class . Work. PliATTSMOUTlI. XeBRASO. "Wli8t causes the great rush at Will J. Warrick's Dr'ig Store.'' The free distribution of sample bottles of Dr Bosanko's Cough and LaugSjrup, the most popular remedy for Cough, Colds, Consumptions and Bronchitis pow on the market. Regular sue 50 cents and U00. Sept.?8e6wlyw. ROBERT DONiSELLV'S Til, A Jli SAf ITHll SHOP Wttffon, Buggy, Machine and Plow pairing, and general Jobbing I a, now prepared to do all kinds of rep&irinc ol lanu and other tnjuhlii pnr sa lrt . , wj. w UVAO a a guuu xaiue in my saop. PETER RAUEN, The old Reliable Wagon Maker has taken charge or the wagon snap Ue is well known u a NO. t WORKMAN. .w Waziu sad Hassle m.mi t Order SATISFACTION ttUAR HT Horse, Mule& OxShoein n short, well shoe anything that ha tour ieei, irons a zeora to a Giraffe, Come and see us. 2sTEW SHOP Pitta St. between Mnin ml Vina Rot. Juki acrosg le corner from the Nkw HEKALO vr r ii n. HEADQUARTERS FOR THE BLAINE AND LOGAN AND CLEVELAND AND HENDRICKS. CIGARS, A flrt class quality 5 cent Cigar, every body Invited to try them at H. SPIES. ficnth aide Main &tet bat Third and Fourth W.ifitodaw PM-TrsattHUTfl Kp. COLLECTION'S ii ay'SCJALSJ . ATTORNEY AT LAW. Real Estate. Fire In surance and Collection Agency. OflH-e Union bldcjc i'laltsuiouth Nebiaska. '2ni3 u. tt, WUKISL.EK A CO. LAW OFFICE. Iteal Jtiite, Fire and Lift in surance Agents, i'lattsuiOdlfi, Nebraska. Co -lectors, tax -payer. Have a a: ,cjit te abutrui i of titles. Buy and sell real etHCf. negjtiiiu loans. &c. ltl MMES K. Jtiti6ai. Notary Public. ATTOitSJpyAT LAW. W'll practice in CaS4 and adjoining CWitln ; i?ivesppeciai attention to collections and abatr s pf title. Office id Sherwood Block, Flattpnuyvii, Vraska. i7yl BOBKBT MS. WXIHA3I. otary Fubilc ATTORN KY AT LAW. Office over Carruth's Jew elry Store. Flattsinouth. - Nebraok M. A. HARTICAN, Ii A W Y K K . FlTZQEKAX.U'8 BLOCK. T l S340UTH Nib Prompt and carefu' fitili'ii to a general Law Practice. lili. A. MAUMU'HV, DBHTIST. Jfflce over Smith, B'liu !; Co's. Drug Store. First class dentistry at ren'onitble prices, 231y Dr. C, A. Marshall tSuwesiiur to t:iutiir Marshall,) BEHTIST ! Preaervation of natural :eett a specialty. Teeth extracted without pain by use of L.aughu,g ffjs. All work warranttd. Prices reasonai;e FTTZOKRAI.n Rlr-K. - PLATTSMOUTH Jf HAX. A. '. fiUEfiNCJt.E Architect 1511 Farnham street. Omaha. Xeh Specifications, plans, etc.. of all kinds of bpildinsrs furnishel. Personal super vision of construction ctven when re- floi" D&W-lmo K. DRESSLER, Merchant Tailor. PLiATTSMOUTU. - - - NEB. 2 to ft O f5 TffJ ft v. 2 3 CD W ft H 9 N 4 mat 00 00 urn ft ft CEJe mi Wi ft Wi ft Wi g ft Wi ft Wl ft 3i ft ft 9 3 ft ca tdo 9 89 s v ft idsj e . HI (S3) G19 4 n n Z i