aWiVnu AT cSTltiS i LIT OS Tr For 30 Days & only 30 Days. ff will else &wt vny &lock off Hnrin.r tbo Pi.min.r THIRTY DAYS, at iilit cost, FOR CASH. When wo say for First Co;t, we menu it gains. rktUiiioutli, Xcb. Oji;iosito Perkins House Come and eecure Beunett & Lewis have just received a cur load of flour from the celebrated 'Shawnee Mil!," Topcku, Kans.. Ihmy guarantee this flour to equal any made in the United States. Dou't for- the brands Tupeka Patent- -Shawnee ; For positive curative itler-tH, one bot tle of Ayer'a Sarsparilla ia worth three of any other name. ultdlM 2eftleraeut Notice. On account of building we arc cn pilled to call on ull parMes knowing thi iubelvtb lnUeoteu to u I o can settle at once. ' 12Mtt. .1. IfATT&Cd ud Tarloi ami bed roont 8l in ull styles 1 at lb- low-t prif s at Henry. Ilu'ck's. listr Kntil further notice 1 can bring it migrants from England or Ireland to I'tHttDmouth for jSUoOO. This is a rare chance, aud thoe iiiteuding to send for their relnticn3 should eu.braee tl;i fa vorable oip iitinity. 10lf M. Ul IdXOIloE ill A vegetable product used only Avei's Ague Cure has proved Itself a never failing remedy Tor all malarial diseases. Warranted wltdO Billiards and Bar. II.' M. B )us bits u'i'ifd t hW saloon rooms two irrw billiard tHblet of the latest patterns; bar furnished with the best' Tu'Vwuia4 of Idikicd, wines tie., A t lie user beer, bottled leer, and bttt brands of cigura always in stock. tKe us a call. 133tt H. M. Boss. You f-ive money by buying your bolf, times aid tlippcia at Merges', where -u have t.'i 'largest assortment io .-eb-et from wtf COHN L'nli pipos iu every styl S'-hipg-r.r." tt at PROFESSIONAL CARDS. 3 tt yrss 1 TE ! w A2SB 7VOYV Sept ember Is 1884, S. waSS sM Easy Glassware, ntiw sttoclcoff Crockery amps, -A. 1ST ID n J. P. Bl AWSE3T. ELKHORr IIEADQUA5TSF.S rOR ALE, WINES BEER AND CIGARS, Old Eontacky Whiskies, IMPORTED WINKS, ilUAlM'S EXTRA DRY CHAMPAGNE, NATIVE WINES, ST- LOUJS BEER' Always cia danglit fALWAYS IX STOCK, ATj Fitzjreraid Block PLATTSMOUTII, NEB. M O Connor keeps on hand the cel- ebri!?d Anhei.aer Jiurch St Louis Bot tled Beef aii-J Hlways ready to pay pac- li.Milar attention T; Jds customers. 155tf The largest and best assortment foot apparel of every description, from hfi coarsest Plow shoes to the finest French kid, at the very lowest cost price, at Merges'. wil These are Solid Facts. The best blood purifier and system regulator ever placed within the reach of suffering humanity, truly is Electric Bitters. Inactivity of the Liver, Bil iousuess, Jauudice. Constipation. Weak Kidneys, or any disease of the urinary organs, or whoever requires an appetiz er, tonic or mild stimulant, will always Had Electric Bitters the best and only certain cure known. They act surely and quickly, every bottle guaranteed to give entire satisfaction or money re funded. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by J. M. Roberts Jand&wly. A Startling Discovery. Physicians are often startled by re rnarkable discoveries. The fact that Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption and all Throat and Lung diseases is daily curing patients that they have given up to die, is startling them to realize thcii sense of duty, uud examine into the merits of this wonder ful discovery ; resulting ia hundreds of our best Physicians using it in their practice. Trial Bottles free at J. M. Roberts' Drug Store. Regular size 81.00. Important to Travelers. Special inducements are offered vou !y the Burlington route. It will pay you to read their advertisement to be found elsewhnre in this issue. 47tf E- XV- CO UK. M. D FHVSICIAN AND fcLliOi.ON, OFFICE At Fisukh s Duio S'ioke. Plattsmoutli Nebraska. Farmers. The best place in the city to get your dinner, is at the Cot laye House, Gth St., near Main, Platts mouth, Neb. nay20wtf. Carruth's third watch club has si ill a few vacancies. Call aud secure a chance. ISOdtf Money to Loan. O i farm, personal and chattel 6eeu lity at most reasonable rates by the. w4St3m Louis villk Bank. "2" EATS THE Tonsorial Artist ATTORN t AT LAW. V. ill prjtettee III all Court ot the Stale, utile in iutzgeild Uluvk. PLVrTSMOUTU. - AKttKASKA. N ItKKSOM . A . i SI AT10RNKV8 At U W V ill g've lumpt . . . i k. rtenti.m tu ail bu-iuei.s ln'' lu ' flee lu L uiou UlucK, trtl Btu? . fLAXTSMOUTH . (..nTt-K; FRANK. H. WILSON, uu..n..i. nf Kuril.- .if Cass County. I Ci.BKEB Sixth ano Maix stkkkts. UOTAB.T X- XJX.IO Particular atteutlou ijlved Io the preparation or paper lor Caveats, Faieuis aiiU llei;lsiralioli ot AruUi Alatkbttiiil L,.-ttel. Wm. UELLKti. Jutlr of the Peace. Elm wood Collections a specialty and give prompt attention. P. O addresi Elm wood Neb. M. O'QUNOUOE ATTORN E' AT UW 4 MJ'UBV PCULIC. Fitzgerald's lilock, rUATXSMOUTH, - KKHKA81U Agent lor Stes'iisLip lines to and trom Europe. dl2w521y " lU. U . H. Vtl I L 1 i KC II T. Vra ci icing Physician. Oilice. Comer Main aud 7th Streets.. PLATTfeMOCXH. ------ EBBAKi. U. II. LlVi.l.KrO.. 31- 1- PHVBICIAN & gliUUEC N. OFFI E HOURS, trom 10 a. in., to 2 p. ni. ExaiikintT.ii Surgeou lor U. S. tension. CONSULTING ENGINEER AN1 ARCHITECT, PLATTSMOUT1I, - NEBRASKA. riaus. estimates ,:n.U specifications furnish ed lor bilufees, roou. railway eoubtructliU cars macliine flt'-px, private or OlUer structures in Iron. tei 1. wood auu lounaatUu.s U"lt. H. JtiLLLR, PHYSICIAN ANI SURGEON. Can be round by callin at his office , corner 7th and iitUu SUeets, ui J. H. Wuifiuian's house. riAXXSiii;H' I MHASKA. ATXOUIfSi AT LAW. I Ohlce over Alwood alore, math sjd. i ATTORNEYS AT LAV. . V. Ill prrcttce In all the Cpurts in the Stale. Uislri?l Jtt!n'J ''-at 'iarn Pulilie. Commission Merchant, ;?TTTn A T-)O.Tr-A.3?ta?S!B.S FOB A N D PROVE "K& JULigSaesi CasSa price ssisI for 'An uncxcellod line of FLOCTR always in stock, corner Kh an Main Streets, opposite First, National Rank. PLATTSMOUTH,- NEBRASK A KINKEAD BROS., zobez? donnellv: Will be found in rARRTTTn'9 RsvmAiit where he w Hi be glad to meet all hU old eu. tomers and as many more as want a GOOD HAIR CUT AND A - CLEAN easy SHAVE, COLLIZCTlGrV fi ATTORNEY Al LAW. ilcol Estate. Fire In surance and Collection Ofiite Union block I'lattMiiiouth Nel raata. 3Uci3 l. H. HlltiaEH tit CO. 1.AW OFFICE. Real Katat?. Fire am! Lilcli. surauce Agecis. i'lui.tAiuil!, NelrwkH. Ct l lectors, tax -payers, lluv w :;iote abi-tiact of titles, buy ami sell rii! eMkte, uegatiuif loans. &c. (& I I have In my employ Profeosior LTONS. one w iue iwtat Attiisis ia me proiestou vii auu see us. PL ATTSMODTH . S. B. YEATS, NEBRASKA. MIKE SCHNELLBACHER, BLJt CKSJUI Til HORSE SHOEING & WAGON REPAIRINt MI Kinds of rarmliDle(ieiits Maniel will Neatness and Dispatch. PxMXTERS & DECOUATOKS, K.VLSO MINING. PAfLi: JII ANOIN'J, .... ANI .... FINE GRAINING, Lave your orden with them tor First-Class Work. Ir.UlIAKA. Tv-. i f. v.-.. PLATTSfOUTIT. " Whit causes tue great rush at Wi': J. Warrick's Drug Store." The free distribution of sample bottles of Dr Ucsmko's Cough and Lttug Syrup, the mcst iopular remedy for Cough, Colds, i.,.n.tinni and Rronchitis now on the market. Regular size 50 cents and l well known as a 01.00. SePLS8c6wl j w. SQ , WQBKMAN Oranges and J.emons as tucu - . hatisfaction caraht Lewis'. t I1LACKSMITII SHOP. Vaffjn, r.nrgy, Machine and Plow t -2airi:i7, aivj general jobbing 1 aY PrPi,Ml to do all'ltlnds of repajriu ot farm nai other ir-achb.ery. as tfiere Is a good lathe in my shop. ! '1 PETER KAUEN. The old Reliable Wason Maker hsstaJMa charge or the axon after Horse, Mule & oxhocin n short, well shoe anything that bar four feet, from a Zebra to a Giraffe. Come and see us. istew s zero tp ,F','Jf between Main and Vine Sreets o.T08 le 'roro the Nw HERaLD Notary Public. ATTORNETAT LAW. Wl practice in Cass and adjoining Cuuutu? ; gives special attention to collections aud abtriw.-?ie .of title. Oilice iu Sherwotid lilock, Piattwnoiii i, Jigl-raska. Hyl BOBKttT It. AVJIHAm7 Notary Public ATTOsursy at uw. OfHce over Carrutb'v Jawelry Store. Plattsmouth. .... Nebraok M. A. HARTiCAN, Tj a w y s b . Fitzokkacd's Block. P;.attsmouth Neb Prompt and careful ituntim to a general Law Practice. DB1TT1ST. 'Jffice over Smith, R!a-k i o's. Drug Store. First class dentistry at i nucAtle prices. 231y Dr. C. A. Marshall . , Successor to nun -i t- Marshall.) HEADQUARTERS FOR THE BLAINE AND LOGAN AND CLEVELAND AND HENDRICKS. CIGARS, H. SPIES. Scuth aide Main Street bet Third and Fourth Preservation of natunii u-th a specialty. Teeth extracted tritJul pain by use of l.aughtirj (Jas. All work warranttd. rri..-t-s reasonable FTTWJUR T.Tl RWX. t'l.ATTBMOnTH.N MAX. A. T. nOKHSCkE Arcliiteet 1511 Faruham Btreet, Omaba, Neb Specifications, plaus. etc.. of nil kinds of buildines furnished. Persons! super vision of construction given when r. quired. D&W-lmo K. DRESSLER, Merchant Tailor. PlATTBMjOUTIJ. - - - NKB. as awe KM ft e. aa 5 CO P o pi 2 ft M ft e 13 ft ft ft ft tend pi m t:.m r- r. Ca7i " I ft C ul tS0 a ft ft ft 49 ft ft ft 0 ft 89 P 3 Ss (C ."TIBJCOLTB MSB. AO. t