The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, August 22, 1884, Image 3

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    L FAP
ti&vpt. '
Itrtary. f
' Watr. ttepl
-r i
Wt Vic Vtih
very T.o-
t . .
Cass County Fairs.
Til'. COUNTY KAIK will 1 liell at
riitiiiiii'iiitii Hf)t. iith. 2sili and 27tli. W, 8.
Wi-K, s.M-ictiiiy.
lit W.y.lnK -WaN-ir. H t. loth, 17tU and mil.
t. w." .no it ion, secretary.
Young Men's Republican
FlllCD. FUKNI.H.S. K. 8
1st VUi8 I'r-!t.
2d Vice I're.
11. N. DiiVKV, IJ. A
Mo.'tiii' v-ry Tiied iy evenings, lu their
ru .14 iti Kli .erald Mock.
C'" i,tlii
Or 4 x "tri.
Library t
t:. 1. vlariiliall, UeiitUt, mic-
..ressir l tiuiier & .;irftn.Hi.
Tcelii elr:tctel without pain,
13 ue ol'ftllrou Oxide Cum.
A. SiillHlmry, SeutUl.
"Aiverii"in-iil- undr lain bead, throe cenU
ljr liiie fiuiu ii.hitihmi.
LOAN -Ou real estate by A.N.
FMt.M FK SAl.K CoiifistinK of liw acres.
KiM.-l timber, splendid orchard l bearing
r2 . oiie 1 the most di-sirable lanus in t.'an.s
co-'Mty siruareil near Ml. rieaa.uit. inquire
of lie null .V ."MllUvau.
Y?OIt H VLli A une linrxe butjy aud harness
IiMJlt S VI.K-'My Muldenee and four lots;
U'.d b''ise, harn and frujj;. and lit excel
lent ,C4indltiou ; also two Improved farm. as
treet. aud other desirable laiidaiid Iots.
IK)lt - Vl.K flouses. lots a iid wood Ian
1 join; lions fii Son.
voitSAl.B 8evt5r;i1 residences, cheap,
XT ti iire ol l- H. WhcelHf Si Co.
i.'OK SAl.K Scratch Tablets Iu a)I hubs, t
tlDHolUee. ""I
1Mit HAI'K alot in good location.
- al lbu ollloe
rMli sxl.llXn i.rdsjr for a
A- vill Mivuhlne. In-ii.tio
new Ainoricaa
to ;:f, t;;:so!i:?.j
X'OK VM" -1.0'JO cords oi wooa. inquire oi
X ..s. Wise.
I'OH .-;a!.E Id papers for sale at thin ofllce
- at -t' cents er hundred or 5 cent per tloz-
Ml. "
s.OKSALK KoiltitS t'VOfherfn gnml loca-i-
lion iu till city, liniu.- i,i thw ofts tl
nou KKNT. The !iirthe;it room in Stade'-
iiiiiii'i's building, after Auuu-t l-t. I his
r.nini is xint;i!!e for millinery or dress inakiiiir.
or (or a small l;i-iiKSjof any kiud. luq uire at
the premises. liitl
JfOOMTO UKXr.-A furnished room for one
- or two tieutleiiiuii, la food location, In
ijulre at this oliico. ?jff
TIOK UKMT or sale on lonsr time, a house
JC and two lots with good improveuients. Ap
ly to U. H. Windham.
FOR KKNT Good. new houses of Four rooms.
K'od water, ttood sjiotf . .$4 per
month in Shaferville. '.V. H. Siiakkk.
"S.iOIC KEr The north storeroom
in Nev-
4- Pin's bltieic. and 8 rooms -ii stair.
location ior restaurant or bo;.idi:iK housp renU
phe4p. Apply to V nt. Nemn. lD-Uf
IOST-Agolil culf button. tinder please
J leive at this of'tce or with A. ft Sullivan.
LOST A go.d eutf button with anate Bet. lhe
Itnder may leave at this office and be re
warded, tt
LOST A loo'iei one side blaek enamel set
with pearls ; picture of old i;entl"man and
:dy iii4ii(it. Kitider nlease return t- Mish
,.r at Ur. yp.tii''e"ii's it (eaye u i,t 11,1$ o
,;ce. rAN'TKO A girl to do hou.
" t aire at the residence of
work. Iu-
lallt. It- R.
9 W
To the SMOKERS of
BlackweU's Genuine
Bull Durham Smok
ing Tobacco.
The genuine has picture of
BULL on every package
For particulars see our next
F. M. McCourt the gr cer wiil about
tte 1st of September, move into the
south room of trie Union RIock wheie
he will open out the urnst ct mplet line
of staple and fancy groceries to be
found in the city. Until then, howev
e.', you will find him at the o'd stand
selling the b--st goods cheaper than tl e
cheapest. Extra inducements will be
offered for the nextten days to reduce
stock. Comer of 5th and Main street.
' dw2w
' Fresh Oysters and Celery, Sa'u:day
inorniu?, at Bennett Si Lewis'.
Ed Morley,
At his new Tonsorial and Itath Rooms,
invites the public to call and see him.
- Good and satisfactory work in the bar
ber line always our aim.
After Friday of this week our bath
room 3 will be open to the public, and
thev will be found the finest in the city.
Shop and Bath Rooms basement of
"Waterman Opera House.
Ed. Morlky, Prop'r.
All the lest houses in Plattsmouth
will sell you Bremner's choice crackers
at reduced price by the box or barrell,
and don't yon forget it. Get these and
yon get the best. .tf
Passenngcr travel is :apidly iu
creasing over the 11. & M.
The soldieis' reunion at Fremont
Nebraska, is j jst at hand, and we hear
of many from this si-ctioa wlio will be
in attendance.
Wm. Nevil'e says that tlic democrats
here sent to Havana especially for the
banl that is in the city today. It is
good campaign story.
Train men on 2sro. 2 last night
brought the information that a man
was killed yesterday morning near
Amboy by some passing train.
Wm. McCauly's remaining twin baby
i at the point of death, and no hopes
of recovery can be given by Dr.Schild
knecht, the attending physician.
For positive curative effects, one bot
tle of Aycr'a Sursaparilla is worth threw
of any othe name. 148Gt
The homo nine and the Sherman ave
nue boys of Omaha, are contesting the
merits of the clubs in a base ball con
test at the fair grounds today.
Workmen are busily engaged re
fill King, papering and decorating tin
room lately vacated by Bennett aud
Lewi", which after August the 2Sl1i or
thereabouts, will be occupied by J. V.
Lalies! Ayer's Hair Vigor is a su
perior and economical dressing. It has
become an indispensable article for the
toilet. I48t6
The (lermaus organize a Cleveland
aud Hendricks club tonight, aud the
proaputt now id, that there will sou
be more organizations than members
but any member can join all the clubs,
and it will make a great showing.
The Couvei ttd Jew in l'lattsniouth
W. M. Iiernhard, the converted Jew,
will speak at tha Christian church, to-
morrow eve haturdav, Aur 2ii, at b p,
ni. A coroial invitai'.on is extended
to all, the Jews included.
W. C Reynolds, formerly of this city
and formerly with P. S. P.ufnes, at
Weeping Wuer, is bow in tho drug
budnc-s for himself at Talmage, Otoe
cot:nty, wiiere ne is making money and
building himself a brick store room.
Iihr4p iallalijjq, of XJoston, is c.t
nert:d to preach in the M. E. church
this city Sunday, at 7:43 p. in. lie has
arrived in Omaha and will t: reach
there in the morning.
Ths democrats haye swung a hand-
Force thirty foot Cleveland and Hen
dricks flag across Main street from F.
S. White's store to Fitzgerald's block.
But speaking about fl lgs, wait about a
moutli, and we thnJl see what we flip.U
QPecnwood is to trganize a Blaine
and Login club Me n-lay evening next,
and the Maine and Logau Glee club of
this ciiy will be there to lend their as
s:siiuce. Some speakers from tlrscity
will als'i be in, attendance.
From reports from all sections of the
county, the republican ticket nomi
nated at Louisville, Saturday last seems
O give the best of satisfaction and that
ticket will be elected every man of
The h rae of B. G. Hoover, of Louis-
j Hi' , nuairuiicu iu icai UI'LUIIIOIIOU
l?.t Sunday morning, but "Ben." says
it was only caused by this great repub
lican corn year of peace and plenty
furnishing new recruits to that grand
old progressive woi king man's party of
free homes and protection the republi
can party. It was a 10-pound boy.
The lecture of Prof. Drummond on
Monday evening at the Institute now
in session, it is said, proved very inter
esting. The Prof, has the happy fac
ulty of saying good things that from
others wouia ue ary, almost stale, in a
way most pleasing and iateresting,
causing laughter and other expressions
ot being indeed entertained.
The debate last evening was of a most
interesting cLaracter, eliciting consid
erabl3 discuss;oa but resulting in the
decision '-That the occupation of a
school teacher does not unfit a man for
any other profession or any other busi
ness of life." Weeping Water Eagle.
The democratic Connor Cleveland
and Hendricks club met at the Court
House last night, the Rock Bluf& band
making musio for the meeting. The
Heraij) regrets that it had no reporter
present, but as a meeting was rumored
for Richey'a lumber yard, we could not
be iu two places at once. Dr. Livings
ton, the sole orator of democracy in the
city, appeared at the club meeting, and
as there was no Herald man to warn
against the coast was clear for a great
effort, and the general demolition of
Mr. Wilcux, , which democrats today
assure us was done. It is the easiest
thing in the world for democrats to de
molish a speech like Mr. Wilcox's.
They can shout ?it aiut so," and in a
democratic point of view thattsttles
Prohibition State Convention.
The prohibition electors of the State
of Nebraska, and all persons who are
willing to pledge themselves to Tote
for John I St. John for president, are
requested to meet at lied Ribbon hall
in the city of Lincoln, Thursday, Sep
tember 11th,' 1884, at 2 o'clock p. m.,
for the purpose of placing iu nomina
tion Ave candidates for presidential
electors; also candidates for such
State offices as may be required, for
the selection of a State central commit
tee, and for the transaction of such
other business as may properly come
before the conventicn.
This action is made necessary by the
attitude of the old political parties to
ward the question of prohibition; one
of them being in alliance with the liq
uor traffic, while the other has for
years ignored the positions of thou a
ands of citizens for the submission of
prohibitory constitutional amend
men! b to the vole of the people.
Thri basis of representation shall be
one de'egato for each oue thousand iu
habifiuts, to be elected by mass con-
venticns called by the several countits
f the State, under the same conditior s
is provided herein. Where no call is
hsust! for such county conventions by
local committees, the electors in sym
pathy with this call will convene r.t
their respective county scats on Satur-
:ay, September 6th, for the purpose of
olecting delegates to the State conve:
Prehibitiouists throughout the state
will immediately form St. John clubs
or aggressive work, and send the
names of their officers to one of the
Parlies desiring reduced fare can pur
chase round trip tickets at their point
cf starting. Such tickets can only be
obtained on certificates signed by C. F.
S. Templiu, Nebraska City, to whom
application should be made at once.
John B. Finch,
C. F.S. Temmjx,
State Ex. Com.
Frank Carruth is in Omaha today,
figuring on his projected skating rink.
J. W. Johnson arrived home laBt
evening from Beatrice and the Con
gressional convention,
Wm. Elkenbary has been visiting
down in Nemaha county, so savs the
Auburn Post.
Prof. Drummond is engaged the pres
ent two weeks at Weeping Water, in
the County Institute in session theie.
0, M. Wead of the store department
went to Burlington on last evening's
train on company business.
T. B. Clark and Geo. S. Smith re
turned from Lincoln this moridn"
where they Btopped while enroate home
from the Congressional convention.
A. M. Rose ot Factory ville is in
Plattsmouth loday. Mr. Rose says
there are several democrats in Liberty
who are out for Blaine and Logan.
Charley Graves, postmaster at Rock
Bluffs was up to this city last night
accompanying the band.
Charley West, of Lincoln is in the
city today, attending to the interests
of the Lombard Investment Company.
Mr. West is a number one business
man and a gentleman.
To be Held at Friend. Neb,. August 27,
23 and ZQ, 1834.
A purse of 500 will be given away,
to be divided as follows: First prii-e.
$250; second prize, $1 50; third pris.e,
$100. An entrance fee of 5 per oentcf
purse will be charged all clubs com
peting ; six or more to enter to compete
or prizes: entries to be closed on Mon
day, August 25, at 12 m.; entrance foe
to be deposited at First National bank
of Friend. All league clubs barred. In
case cf bad weather games will be
Special rates from all points on the
B. & M. railroad. Rates for ten and
less than twenty, one and one third
fare; for twenty or over one fare lor
round rip.
J. Newer, Pres.
II. F. Ajexaxder, S c'y.
Iteicrence, First National bank of)
FrieLd. .
The Latest Boom.
Frank Carruth yesterday purchased
of Wm. L. Browne for CI. 000, the lot
west of Dr. Livingston's office, and to
day he is in Omaba securing pluns for
a skating riuk 44 by 80, which he
will build at once, and have in readi
ness for the opening of the roller skat- !
ing season. The rink will be a nobby
one, and just what is needed in this
Our thanks are due Mr. A. W- Hall,
the gentlemanly host of the Hall House,
at Louisville, for favors received at the
late Republican Co. Convention, and
also for substantial encouragement re
ceived by the Hkrald collector re
cently. We can recommend the Hall
House as fully up to the standard of '
Cc3 betels. '.. .
In etitute Note.
The ofTenin ;ettiou of the Cass couc
ty teachers institute whs htld in
school houe on -Monday evening, Prof,
13. l). Aiartinualc delivering the intro
ductory address.
On Tuesday, the work of the insti
tute was begun iu earnest, the regular
daily exercises being adopted as fol
low? :
School law, tluorv . and practice, by
Supt. Alton.
Physiology and arithmetic, by Prof.
W. W. Drummond.
Orthography and writing, by S. L.
Geography, by M. 0. Weed.
Uuited States history, Prof. J. IV
Civil government, by Prof. Alex Mc
intosh. Tuesday evening the time was t2
m J! . I
"P tvuu a "iiccuhsioii, ou in question
Resolved, that teaching unfits a person
lor other avocations."
The chief disputants were Supt. J
ton, for the affirmative, and Mr. J. 'J
i-t . .
mnoert ror the negative. The subj. ct
was very well handled by both sid: .
judgmont being rendered in
favor wf
I he negative,
The attendance yesterday embrac ' J
some sixty five teachers, which is ta d
to be the largest number that ever f. .
tended an institute iu the county. AV.
W. Republican.
C, A. Keith Lies.
The State Journal this morning, 1:. s
a reply evidently prepared nnder t e
dictatiou of the news man, which r
ply is in answer to an article in tlx
Plattsmouth Journal upon the difficulty
on the train the night borne from the
convention when a "smart" news man
was thumped. This news agent, it
seems , had his home in Lincoln and
bis name is C. A. Keith : he gives the
State Journal a statement in which he
imposes on the Journal man with a
pack of lies. The Uekald man was on
that train himself and knows whereof
he speaks. There were no druuken
men on that tram from among the
Plattsmouth delegation. The car was
crowded and the news agent had his
wares spread in two seats. Mr. Mo
Maken made room in one and sat down
lie paid for his ride, and be had a right
to a seat. This news agent, Keith at
tempted to jerk him out and struck
him. At this Mr. J. B. Strode
reached cut and felt in under
Keith's ear, and if it hadu't been for
the intervention on the part of Mc
Maken's friends, there wouldn't be any
impudent news agent named Keith
running on the trains now. Thi
Keith rushes into print to insult the
whole Plattsmouth delegation who
were on the train and lie about them
lnis big headed train rooster may
wake up some fine day and find
that the li. & M. authorities have
kicked him overboard, for the officials
of the road aim to treat passengers de
cently, and w hen such chaps as this
Keith occupy two or three seats in a
car aud attempt to run the whole train
they need a little attention from the
company itself. Keith had better be
watching his job than publishing lying
explanations. State Journal pier
An Unequaled Remedy for Bowel Com
plaints of Small Children,
"We have used Marsh's Tonio A
trixgent in our family several tin e,
for Diarrhceea, Dysentery, etc., and in
every instance it proved successful.''
Geerge W. Moore, Ottumwa, Iowa.
"I have used Marsh's Toxic Astbi.t-
gent in my family fcr the past fear
years, and can cheerfully recommenc it
as a never tailing remedy for Diar
rhoea, . Dj'sentery, Cholera Infantt m
and all bowel disorders. It is a sife
and pleasant remedy for little childre i.'
Samuel J. Cook, Kansas City, M.s
souri. Marsh's Tgxic Astejxgent is for
sale by Smith & Black Bros., druggists,
Plattsmouth. Price 50c Don't fail to
try it.
For rheumatijm, Neuralgia, bruises,
etc., use Marsh's Cream l,iniment.
Fifty cents will buy the Marsh
Ague Cure liquid or pills. For sale
by Smith and Black Bros.
Religious Meeting.
Elder Robert M. Elvin, of Nebraska
City, representing the doctrine of the
Latter Day Saints, began a series of
meetings at the old German Lutheran
church, and will continue oyer Sunday,
he strongly opposes polygamy and the
Utah Mormons. All are respectfully
invited to come and hear for them
selves, as no man is prepared to render
a righteous judgment, until he has
heard the evidence. Come and bring
your bibles.
J. M. Schnellbacher is turning
tome elegant new double wagons.
f eaee Posts.
5000 drv rfnee nrmtm for b1 . InnniH
AUGUST 88fth,
To the room formerly occupied by
Bennett & ILewis, one door W
of Sherwood's Shoe Store, wherr
you can find a
Line of School BOOKS
supplies, stationery, news, confec
tionery, toys, fancy and holidnv
goods, cigars, tobacco, soda wntor.
fcc, &c, &c.
Thanking my
patrons for their
and hoping to merit a continuance
of the same in the future, in my
new location; selling you nothing
but the best goods, at the lowest
prices- Respectfully,
Advertising Cheats ! ! !
' It has become so common to bcin
an article in an elegent, interesting
"lhen run into some advertisment
that we avoid all such.
" Ana simply call attention to the
merits or nop Bitters in as plain,
nonest terms as possible,
"To induce people
"lo give them one trial, which so
proves their value that they will uever
use any thing else. '
"The remedy so favorabely noticed
in an tne papers.
Religious and secular is
"Having a large sale and is supplan
ting an oiuer rneaicmes.
-Inere is no denying the virtue? of
Hop plant and the proprietors of Hop
Bitters have shown great shrewdness
and ability
"In compounding a medicine whose
virtues are so palpable to every ones
DidSlie Die.
"No !
" She lingered aud suffered r.long,
j ining away ail the time for years,"
."The doctors doing her no good;"
" And at last was cured by this Hop
Bitters the papers say so much ubout,
'Indeed I Indeed !
" How thankful we should be for
that medicine."
A Daughter'- Irlisery
''Eleven years our daughter fu3ered
on the bed of misery.
" roin a complication of kidney,
liver, rheumatic trouble and nervous
" Under the care of the best physici
" Who gave her disease various
" But no relief
" And now she is restored to us in
eood health by a sinple a remedy as
Hop Bitters that we had shunned for
years before useing it."
The Parents
Father is Get tin Well
" My daughters say :
" How much better father is since
be used Hop Bitters
" He is getting well after his lonsr
suffering from a disease declared in
curable." " And we are so glad that he used
your Bitters" A Lady of Utica, N.Y,
Cass County Republican Central Com
The members of this committee are
hereby notified that a meeting will be
held in the town of Weepinsr Water, on
Saturday, August 23d. at 1 o'clock p.
m. Business of the utmost importance
demands the attendance of every mem
ber of tne committee.
S. W. Orton, Chairman,
California Fears and Grape just re
ceived at Bennett & Lewis'.
Dissolution Notice-.
Notice is hereby given that the firm
of Boyd & Larsen is this day disaol yed.
tne undersigned withdrawing, who will
hereafter continue' the business of Car
pentry and Building on his own ac
count. - Frabk Botd.
-t m m
full and complete
many friends and
past imtrnnnra.
Good Music
The City Hotel has beea enlivened,
today by the attendance there of a Ba
varian band, seven in number, who are
part of a regimental band in the Ger
man army, and who are traveling on a
year's leave of absence, which the lead
er of the band informs us, expires Oc
tober 1st. Their music is simply mag
nificent, and a large number have had
the pleasure of hearing them. They
will remain over the day and night in
Of All Descriptions.
ot a., s.zes, ready made and sold cheap fcr caab.
Wita many thanks tor past patrons ft.
lvite all to caU and examine my
Or U P