v i 1 a AT TT will Ino 419 n..-r.... i TI1IPTV D A XJ U II Il 11 IU i,UUl I llf 1HI l m - "When w; K:iy for First Cost, w! gains. A. ritittamoutli, Neb. if Ti BETWESM September I I will sell any Glassware, Lamps, Crockery A- 3ST ID stt ga'eaiSy reiiiaaeesl prices. fHF r ?nnn 13 i hq i m HEADQUARTERS FOR ALS, WINES BEER AMD CIGARS,- Old Kentucky Wlr.skics, IMPORTED AVINES, ' IvIUMM'S EXTRA 3)KY CHAMPAGNE, NATIVE WINES, Eru's Omaha. Beer Alwars 03 clrmaarlat. EALWAYS IX THE SLiKHORN Fitzgerald Block - - - PLATTSSIOUTII, NEB. Commission AND Migliest Caslfi price paid far An nncxcellod lino of FLO (Tit alw ays in stock, comer Cth an Main Streets, opposite First Isatior.al Jank. ? LATTSMOUTH,- - NEBRASK A KINKEAD BROS., PAINTERS & DECORATORS, KALSOMINIXG. PAPEIt HANGING, AND .... FINE GRAINING, Leave your orders with them fr First-Class Work. Pl,ATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. " What causes the great rush at Will J. Warrick' Drug Store." The free distribution of sample bottles of Dr BotankoV Counb. and Lun Srop, the most popular remedy for Cough, Colds, Consumptions and Bronchitis now on tbe market. Ear ie 60 cents and a mv stock of VK -it first c ost. FOIi CASH m. m y - " 1 imvui ir. ''.mc ami secure bar IB. rIL7J2&9 Opposite Perkins House. t 1st, 1884, eaitlre slock of . HANSEN. 1L . ST- LOUJS BEER STOCK, ATj Merchant, B0BRT D9NNELLy' AND BLACKSMITH j SHOP ajon, Bnygy, Machine and Plow i pairing, and general jobbing I air. now prepared to do all kinds of repairing ox farm and other machinery, as there U a i,ood lathe in my ahop. PETER RAO EN, The old Reliable Wagon Maker has tax en charge ot the w&jron shop He Is wen tnown as Ira f -'4 Rcnnett & Lewis bare iust received car loud of flour from the celebrated "Viliii u iiui TmuLu 1vuiiQ:1Q Thy guarantee thia flour to equal any made in the United States. Iou't for the brands Topeka Patent- -Shawnee Fancy and Eagle. H8tf For Dositive curative effects, one bot tle of Ayer's Sarsparilla is worth three of any other name. wltdO Until fnrtlinr notice I cm t.rincr im migrauts from England or Ireland to riattbtuouth tor s.a.uu. ltus is a rare thauce, and those intending to send for their relations snouia einurace mis 1a vorable opportunity. lOStf M. O'Donoiioe Billiards and Bar. II. M ltjus has added to his saloon rnnmu torn nonr hillivtrfl tulilpn of the latest patterns; bar lurnished with the hi-t Ijriiaos ot v Huskies, wiuea tic. A ni)user beer, bottled beer, aud beat brands of cigars always in stock. jlve us a call. lS3tf II. M. Bona. il O' Connor keeps on hand the cel ebrated Auheuser Burch St Louis Bot tl.'d lieer and always ready to pay pac ticiilar attention to his customers. 155tf The largest and best assortment of foot apparel of every description, from no. coarsest rinw snoes 10 me uueei Fr'ch kid, at the very lowest coit rv'.cf. at M frees'. 6wtl These are Solid Facts. 'Ihe best blood purifier and system . 1 1 r-f.niiitnr pvor ni&cea wiiuin iu reaen ofuffering humanity, truly is Electric ... . ..... a .1 1 l Li ters, inactivity or me uiver, uh itv.sncss, Jaundice. Constipation, Weak -w - i 1 : .. , . . f ti nrinaro Jv-ineys, or any uiseuo ui j . r ;ans, or whoever requires an appetiz l t, tonic or mild stimulant, will always i:v i luiectric liiners me oeet uu umj contain cure known. They act surely vr quickly, every bottle guaranteed to ,.ta nntirii iintisfiifttinn or monev re- fuuded. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by J. M. Roberts Jand&wly. k kit-il'tlinir HiiunTrT. 1 . ""-J- I'livsicians are often startled bv rc narkable discoveries. The fact that Or. King's New Discovery for Cou sumption and all Throat and Lung diseases is daily curing patients mat tnev nave given up 10 ue, is siumiug tKwrn trt rp)ili7.r Mir Hcnsfi nf dutv. and i examine into the merits of this wonder ful discovery ; resulting in hundreds oi our best physicians using it in tneir practice. Trial Bottles free at J.M. Roberts' Drug Store. Regular size 1.00. Important to Travelers. Ununigl inrlnpnmpntq nra nffprpff VOU ...v , by the Burlington route. It will pay you to read their advertisement to be found elsewhere in this issue. 47tf Pmwvna Thn hHt nl)i-A in the city to get your dinner, is at tbe Cot- tage l louse, om oi., near jiani, naus mouth, Neb. maySOwtf. Carruth's third watch club has still a few vacencies. Call and secure a chance. 129dtf Money to Loan. rity at most reasonable rates by the. imn . T . T . YEATS THE Tonsorial Artist tviii uc iounu iu l Annuiii o ua-riucui, where he will be glad to meet all his old cus tomers and as many more as want a GOOD HAIR CUT AND A CLEAN easy SHAVE. I have in my employ Frofesor LYONS, one o the UN EST A RUSTS in the profeston. Call and see us. S. B. YEATS, TL.VTTSMOUTll. - NEBRASKA. MIKE SCHNELLBACHER. BLACKSMITH HORSE SHOEING & WAGON REPAIRING A:I Kinds of Farm iicleients Msniel will Neatness and Dispatch. Rorse, Muie & Ox Shoein n short, well shoe anything that har four feet, from a Zebra to a Giraffe. Come and see us. 2STJETW S ECO DP Fitth St. between Main and Vine Sreets jiiKt across le corner from tbe Nkw HERALD Okftok. HEADQUARTERS FOR THE BLAINE AND LOGAN AND CLEVELAND AND HENDRICKS. CIGARS, A nrt elaas qnaUty Scent Clear, every body Invited to try them at .. . . Settlement Notice. On nfPdiint of liiiildiiitr we arc coin pelled to call tn tell parries knowing IheinselveB mUeoted to us 10 can ami settle at once. I29dtl. J. II ATT & Co. I'arlor aud bed room sets in all styles at the Iowcm prir-es at Ileitry L'tcck's. A vecctabic 1 roduct ubed only in Ayer'u Aue Cure has proved itself a never failing remedy lor all malarial diseases. Warranted wltdtt Y,m ftvf mfitiHV hv bovine your vri . . J - ' ' - , ,., c)n.fR hlmueis at Merges, where you have the largest as&crtnicut to select from wtf COKN COB pipes in every style at S'-hlegefs. ltt PROFESSIONAL CARDS. E. W- COOK. M. D- Physician asu Sl-kjkon, OFFICE At Fishkk's Dkuo Store. riattamonth, ebra8ka. ATTORN EV AT LAW. will practice in all Courts of the State. OSnce in Htzgtnu niocn. PI.ATT8MOIITH, - KICBKASKA. AIJ KM HKKSON. A. N- SUI.LIVaN. UGCSOX & SI Sil.lVAA, ATTORNEYS AT LAV'. V ill give prompt attention to ail tmsinerts mtriwied to tliei.i. Ot- lice iu Union lilocK, iiaxi si""- rLATl'SMOUTH K.BKSKA. FRANK H. WILSOIn', Basement of P.ank of Cass County. COKNF.R SIXTH AND MAIN STK1 KT3. -TV.-T- nrAT PTTBIj IC Particular alteuilnii tiveu lo tlie pieparatiou of uaperx lordiveais, Patents ana lie istratiou of iiaile Marks at.U Labels. Wm. OKLLKH. J oh t ice of the peace.. zri.mwmnA - Neb Coli&ctious a specialty and gives prompt aitention. O address Elm wood Neb. H. O'DONOHOiB ATTOlEY AT LAW tt JsOTAKY TUBLIC. Kil7i'tr:iid'B li'ock. niiTSMOUTH. - KBttA8KA Agent r Steamship lines to and from Europe. dl2'52ly 17a. W. 11. HCttH.IKKCttT, Practicing Physician. O Uce. Comer Maiu aud 7th Streets., FLATTsMOUTU, yEBKASKA. PHVHK'IAN & BVB.iiB.OZi. OFFI E HOCKS, from 10 a. in., to 2 p. ni. Exaiuiuxc urKeou iur j. j. cua.v. CONSULTING ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT, PT.vi'TSMOUTH. - NEBRASKA. . .., i ,i.,firu-itt inns furnish- ed lor InicigeB, roofs, railway construction cars machine &pii, private buildings, or other "tructures in iron. teel. wood aud fuuudatioi. it a.. . miilkh, it v a t r T A N" AND SURGEON, Can be found by calling at his offoe, corner 7th ana Alain istreei", i PLATTSMWCTH, J KKKABEA. JAB. ATM K W ATTOBHt-V AX LAW. Office over Baker & Atwoort V store, nouth side of Main between 6t h aud tilh street. 21 tf it i A Cii.VUii. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. S iil practice tn all the courts iu iuo DUlrUt Attorac'j and Xrfnru Public. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Real Estate. Fire In- block. FUttsmouth Net.iasKa. fan's I. . WUK15I.KK & CO. UA.W OFFICE, Real Estate, Fire and Lifelu- A . u tlu,lantrkllth NflhrAKks. ' f 1 1 - lMctors.tax-Dayere. Have a ctmplete abstract oiiiuea. ijuy c" v-, --r.------ loans. Stc. 10il JA.12KS k. jioawsoai, Notary Public. ATTORNEY AT LAW. WUi prast.ee m Cass and adjoining Counties ; gives epecia: attention to collections and abstracts ol title. Office iu Sherwood Block, Flatwmouih, Nebraska. 17 yl . ' BO BT 1. WIKUUAM, Notary Public ATTOBH K V AT LAW. OfBce over Carrutb' Jewelry Store. Flattsmouth. - Ntbrask Wl. A. HARTiGAft, Ii A W Y "B IS . FlTZQEKALD'3 T-VOi. K. PLATTSMCUTH NEB Prompt and careful aitntien to a general Law Practice. IMS. A. HALISKFUV. DE1TTIST. Jffice over Smith, Black Co's. Drug Store. First class dei:tistrv at reasonable ir;ce, 231 y Dr. C. A. Marshall successor to Clutt. t a .Marshall.) Pretervation of uatur.il tet-tu a specialty. Teeth extracted without pain by use of Laughing (las. All work warranttd. PrU-es reasonable. FrrznirRAi,n Prrvr-ir. - Ft-attrmotjth.N MAX. A. T. B0EHNC&E Architect 1511 Farnham street, Qmaba, Neb. Specifications, plans, et., of all kinds of buildings furnished. Personal super vision of construction given when re quired., D&W-lmo K. DBESSLER, 2 etui ft V5 o O 2 m 4 a Q (9 5" 2C a ft 5 ft ft TBI (31 pes tea 3 i?5 1. 1 cm Q 1 g cSSB to Q oca .1 V, 7 Na i woTTryi 4 tt, r-i r - ' 17.