i -(Xkt MiMmmik Satin vn 1 J 9 i , 1 .mil. ' . m . ' m . . : , . a ' t ' nr a rnrr.rrvTTrPTT "WRTlTi A STv A . FRIDAY EVENING. AUGUST 18S1. NO. Ii8. VOL.2. u a xx, , 3J Utf. j ot 4 V it Bof vl of I LEV a' 2 ?. I - LI n 1 LlUI - - 1 l'-' nSifv F'. -tbl Ap? ir Ml lUr.i' - tet re ; n C 1 5 I r 1 1 ' 1 -. mmntrnnmn TTTIT I T Tl n In nl In n av 0 up stock of 'inry ootls smtl Tin Ware will be closed out at KEDXJCED PRICES, ffrom now until September 1st tW time of our removal, to the Opera House J Mock., "We can give .you .JJAKGAINS in these lines JESUIT? nirnIELIn Jr"-fi5wilxt JOSEPH V. DEALKii IN Choice Family Groceries, Carpets, Rugs, Etc THE "DAYLIGHT" STOEE, TENT !AL MAIN STREET, TIig Old EeliaMe - MATT. SCHLEGll, Blaine nil Lp Cp, 3IDJfce toest 5 cent CIgai Baaaim- factured anjwliere. Also inaTij other brands that have become popu lar, such as the OLD GOLD. FLOR DE ALMA, PRIDE OF NEBRASKA, SILVER AND GOLD TIGER, NOBBY SC1ILEGEL LEADERS SCIILEGEL'S ASTON ISIIER and others which are all strictly iirst-class. lie also keeps the most COIlipieiU S.UUtv Ut OiHOMIlg UUU can be toui d anywhere. Special attention paid to correspondence dress MATT. SCHLEGEL, Plattsmouth, Nebratka. P. S. Ask lor Schlegel's Blaine and Logan Cigars, and I will guarrmtee you a good smoke. CAM. AT THE Old Reliable PvlBER YA 1. WATEEMiS 4 SDK Wholesale and lie tall Dealer In PINE LUMBER SIIIXGLES, LATH, SASH, DOORS, , BLINDS, &C. Po uth street, m rear of Oera Hous. A Honey to JLioaii. At 6i and 7 per cent on Caw county lands. Time irom 1 to 5 veara. No notes and mort feagfg sieiifd until monev arrives, commissions reasonable. Parties in the IcinitT ot Plattsmouth. can apply to STRIDE & CLA.KK. TRAVIS & CLAKK. H. us, je m,m WECKBAGH. AT- PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. Cigar MarAufact'ei VilUliiJ xtuv.-;v, J. roes, ixc, tliat For prices, call or ad- 9 r1 i I 51 IS -3 w IT, ca Qi 2 . ' 3D S o o. o a jSj s a b 3 4 rS3 c AS a "3 S a a 31 O M 2 8 - v 2 2 11 - e . T3 a . K V CO "3 2 2 c , i.SD WEKKLY Tte Flattsmontk Herald PntlisMu Co DAILY, delivered by carrier to any part of tfce city Per Week IB Per Month WJ Per Year m f 00 WEEKLY, by mall, Oiie copy six months 0 oaeeopy oe year t Ktfglsti ied at tue Pont Office, Platumoutb, aa tiecoud olas3 matter. National Kepublicau Ticket. FOK TKESIDENT, JAMES G. BLAINE, of Maine. FOR YICE-rRESIDENT. JOHN A. LOGAN, of Illinois. REPUBLICAN JUDICAL TICKET. For District Attorney. JESSE B. BTKOOE, Of Cass. UEPUBL1C1N COUNTY TICKET. For Stute Senator. REUBEN W. HYEES, Of Plattsmouth. For Representatives. GEORGE W. CLARK, Of Salt Creek. J. W. THOMAS, Of Weeping Water. JAMES CRAWFORD, Of South Bend. ANDERSON ROOT, Of Rock Bluff. For Commissioner 2d District. JOHN H. BECKER. Of ElKlit Mile Grove. RECENT POLITICAL CONVEFt SIONS, Ninety democrats at Lemon t, 111,, on August 18th, bolted the democratic ticket and oigcinized an Independent Blaine and Logan club. They protest against "unit rule" Clevelaad and free trude. On August 15th, George W. Lucas, i resident of the youna mens' demo cratic club, of Dubuque, Iowa, and al so a member of the executive commit ea of the Cleveland and Hendricks club of the same city, sent in his reslg nation and expects to support Blaine and juoan. The club of which he is president, numbering one hundred and forty, inteni to organize a Blaine and Loan club. In Buffalo, N. Y.; the home of Cleve land, seven Independent Democratic Blaine and Lojran clubs, composed largely of Irish-Americans, have been organized. On August 17th. "NVm. A. Kearney, of Logansport, Ind., vice president of the Cleveland and Hendricks club, and a brilliant young lawyer, withdrew from ail democratic organizations and will stump the state for Blame and Logan. A large number of young democrats in Logausport, will follow his example, atd work for Blaine and Logan. Aug. 19. Col Thomas D. Wright, a prominent democratic writer and edit or, came out against Cleveland and will support Blaine. Aug. 19:h, C:ipt. Thoma? Ennis, a well known democrat in Indiana and Kentucky, joined a Blaine and Logan club in Madison. Ind. Judge George M. Curtis, of .N. Y., a well known democratic campaign ora tor, says in a letter of Aug. 10th, I am going for Blaine. When democrats nominate monopolists to crush labor, and ignore statesmen to elevate medi ocrity, it is time for a person who has a ballot, to vote for a man of brains " The Fulton County Democrat, of Lewiston, 111., hitherto one of the most influential bourbon organs in the etate of Illinois, ha repudiated Cleveland and Llendricts. It is satisfied of Cleve land's moral depravity and cannot sup port him. It Stat P3 that the apologies offered in behalf of Cleveland, sre an insult to the moral intelligence of the American people. And still there is more to follow. The democratic platform, the unfortu nate selection of national candidates, and the bad congressional record of the party since the democrats have had a majority in the lower house of eon gress have all worked together for the good of the country in making converts to the republican party. Let the good work go en. rOKLISUKD DAILY, BY SOLDIER'S HOME. Proeedings of tho Meeting of the Legislative Committee in Des x Moines Ilou. George CarSOn rrl iirn.l l.ict cvcuiuK irora ues Moines, where he had been to attend the meeting of the legislative committee appointed to se cure the location of the lmvf Soldie-s' home in Iowa. TLe coiuniitiee con sists of Senators Carson and Whalry and representative Head, Tuttle aJ Babb, All members were present, a;-o large delegations presenting the cla , of Burlington, Council Bluff- Indiaco la, Murshalltown. Muscatine and At lantic, Al,e committee met Tuesday evening in the parlors of the Hooker post G. A. It, A general discussion mo yiace as to me best method wors io secure tiie home, which was participated iu by Hon. M, Hon. John H. Gear, 1 M. A. McCoid, Crapo, Do Miller, Jo Jm purtment Commander oiiiui, nun. j. ssi. rarfcer and others. Representative Bal)b then offered the foiiowmg te-iolutions i which were adopted: Resolved, That the Iowa delegation in congress be and they are hereby re quested to use all their influence to as sist in securing the location of the new branch home in Iowa, and that the sec retary be requested to notify them of tuia ro8olat:on and also request tum. so far as possible, to meet with us at Dayton, Ohio, on September 18. at the meeting of the board of managers of the home. Resolved, That any point desiring to secure the location be also requested to send proper representatives to such meeMug, not exceeding four in number from any one place. A resolution was also passed return ing tbasks to the G. A. R. and depart ment commander, for their efforts in assisting the committee and requesting a continuance of the same, A further resolution passed request nig ; nepresentative iiabb to prepare a memorial settmg forth the claims of Iowa, and the committee adjourned to meet at the Grand Pacific hotel in Chi cago, on tne morning of the 16th of September, at which time all persons co-operating with them are requested republish tue foregoing from the Council Bluffs Nonpareil for the pur pose ot suggesting to our people, who have been gossipping about securing 1 IT ... irus new soldiers' home for Platls- moutli, that the little dress parade thev have been witnessing over this matter would be much more practical in its application to the question in hand were it backed up by a sensible and or ganized effort in tbs shape of a State move, backed by the influence ofour whole State. ken this matter .first came'up the writer of this mention suggested to certain gentlemen seemingly (?) in fa vor of the securing of this New Home for Plattsmouth exactly tee course now being pursued by the. leading iu flential citizens of Iowa. We advised that immediate steps be taken to have a meeting of the influential citizens of the several points in Nebraska which were taking an interest in this matter and if possible concert of action be obtained in favor of this point and the indorsement of our solid delegation in CoLgress be at once secured. Inst ; id of thi we found we were reported by some of these same individuals as un friendly to the location of this Home in our midst, and consequently felt as sured that our arivi 1jw1 hn - swvu iuij wasted ?n the locality in which we had presuui-.u to icaste it. The Her ald cares i.ot how much cheap notoriety is manufactured out of this matter, if wc could only see intelligent and systematic effort being put forth by our people for this home. Iowa. Kansas, Missouri, and Colo rado have already visited the locating commission, we are credibly informed, and will agair meet with those gentle men at Dayton, Ohio, on the 18th day of next month. Let Nebraska, as a state, be and ap pear there, not witb a brass band and a br89y delegation, but with a repre sentative set of men such as our read ers may see Iowa select in the person of ex -Gov. Gear, Coneressman Mc Coid and other prominent and influen tial men of that state. Kansas has, perhaps, done more than any other state in the district to secure this home. When the present law was introduced, in February last, in con. gress, Senator Plumb, ot Kansas, was already advocating a bill for the loca tion of this Home in Kansas, and if our state imagines it can secure this home by separate, disjointed and iae- ated movements by competing points. in our opinion, we will never secure it. Let the effort be broad as the state, and made for the honest purpose of ee curing this much to be coveted prize CIofLes. Hair. Nail and Tooth Crash es, Combs, &c, nice line, at Fisher's east Main street. 4dtf J. HE uemocratic press and damo cratic campaigners have taken the cue from Mr. Hendricks, first effort, after becoming the tail of the democratic ticket. Hendricks said, a "change" is demanded that the books may be turned over to the democracy for ex amination. There seems to be an ef fort to make it appear that the business of the Government is conducted se cretly, and that the Looks are closed to bo :Cop'le. and especially to the de mocracy. This is foolish, yet some are not sure but the statement is true, that enormous frauds have been perpetrated and covered op in the record. The truth is that the per centum of lots by dishonesty of officials during the at four years is less than ever before in the history of the country It is easy for tl"0 democratic llouee of Representatives to know wheiher such is the case or not. It has full power to bring before it all officers en gaged in the collection of revenues and authorized to disbure them and subject them to the most critical examination. It may see every voucher and examine on oath the person who signed it. It knows the revenues have all been cor rectly accounted for. From 1874 to 1880 there was a stand ing committee of democrats appointed by the democratic House to investigate all republicans both in and out of of fice. That committee had full power to send for all persons and papers it wanted, and it exercised that power without regard to private rights. To say that a page of record was left un examined or a witness unsummooed where there was anything to be found which it was even hinted would be smirch a republican wonld be to do that committee injustice. Senator Davis, of West Va., labored under the conviction that there was an immense deficit in the treasury. An examination was made and the books and every voucher from March 4th 18C1, when the republican party came into power, was carefully examined, and even Davis himself was satisfied that republican officials had been hon est and the book-keepers correct. The democrats have not only had a chance to know, but they have known and r.ow know, all about the revenues and ac counts of the Government which it is possible for any one to know. Yet, there are men, leading members of the democratic party in Plattsmouth who assert it as a fact that the Secretary of the Treasury makes false and mislead ing statements or tne nnancea ox tne Government, and that the only way to get at the matter is to haye achange," and one hundred thousand officers and clerks, selected at random from the multitude of ravenous democratic ap plicants. will be put into places held now mostly by men of tried capacity and experience. Any sensible man can see what the effect upon the conduct of the public business will be. The whole administrative machinery of the Gov ernment will be disorganized atone fell blow. We want no such "change, MatESS TOMS v-'M m it. WHS SKIN CURE. CATARRH CURE, COUGHICURE. BLOOD CURE. FOR BALE BY WILL .T. AVAR RICK. Buy your Groceries and Fruits of Uennett & Lewis . Johnson & Co., of Council Bluffs have opened out a first clas3 laundry on lower Miin street, where they are prepared to do all kinds ef fine work in that line. A trial of their work is requested. , lOltf Gc and see Bennett & Lewis In their new quarters. Strwbrry Plant. W. J. Hesser has now ready for mar ket a lot of very fine Cumberland, Triumph, Sharpless, Crescent seedling and late Glendale Strawberry plants, at 25 cts per dozen, 75c per 100, or $5 per 1000; the abeve grown ia 3inch pots, strong plants, 50c per dozen. Samples of fruit on exhibition at Bennett & Lewis where orders may be left. lltJirtf F. G. Fricke&Co., SUCCESSOR TO J. M. ROBERTS, WiU keep conatantly on Iiar.d a full and; complete stock of pure DRUGS AND MEDICINES, PAIXTS, OILS, VALL-PAEK and a full line of DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES. PURE LIQUORS For Me ilcau rurpujcs. Special attention irlveu to Comnoumlinu ir. bcription. 1 Ki.li f. BANKS. THE CITIZENS PLATTSMOUTH. - NEBRASKA. CAPITAL, - $75,000. FFICHnS JOUN BLACK, .'RANK CAKKUTH. President. Vlce-Presideut W. II. CUSlllNti. Cashier. DIltECTORH John Black, W. If. dishing, Frauk Carruth, J. A. Connor, Fred Herrmann, J. W. John son, K. R. Outhmann, Peter Muinia, Wm. Wetencainj. Henry llcick. Transacts a (ieneiat Haukiuj' i:uinH. All who have any Jtauking bimiims to transact are luvilcd to call. No ni;itt.r how large or small the t..-3act!..it, 11 will receive our carerul attention, and we promise always cour teous treatment. Issues Certificates of Deposits bc:rtu;f lnteMt Buys and uelln Foreign Exchange, County aud Citv securities. JOHN HTZOKKALI, A. W. McLAUUHLIJf President. Caahler. FIRST NATIONAL OF PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA, Offers the very best facilities for the prompl transaction of legitimate BANKING BUSINESS. Stocks, Bonds, Gold, Covernnient and Loca Securities Bought and Sold, Deposits r-(v! v ed and interest allowed on time Coi va cates. Drafts drawn, available ill HI'V ' part of the United States and an ' the principal towns of Europe. Collections made de promptly remitted Highest rket prices paid for County War State aLd County Bonds. DIRECTORS l John Fitzgerald John K. Clarlc, A. W McLauifblln. J. Hawksvrorttt K. E. White. WEEPING WATER WEEPING WATER, - KEB E. L. REED, Tresident. B. A. GIBSON, Vice-President. R. S. WILKINSON. Cashier. A General Basing scsicsss Traarsten. Received, and Interest allowed oa Tunu Certi ficates. UKAFTM Drawn available in any part ot the United States and all the principal cities of Eu.ope. o Agents for the celebrated Haifliift Lina of Steamers. Bank Cass County Cotner Main and Sixth 8treet. PLATT8MOT7TII ,C. H. PAKMELE, Presideut, I 1 J M. PATTERSON. Cashier! i Transacts a General Banting Easiness HIGHEST CASH PRICE Paid tor County and City Warrants. COLLRCTIOXN AI)E and promptly remitted for. DIKECCTOB8 : R B Win Jbam, J. M. Patterson, C. H. Parxele F. R. Guthmann. W J. Agnew.A. B. Smith. Fred G order. Instructions in Music. Mrs. Simpson respectfully announce to her friends and patrons that Ehe will continue to receive a limited number of pnpil3 for instructions in music, the Fall term beginning Sept. 1st. Music rooms four doors west of the Presby terian church. i&jtf K. of I Meets every Tuesday evi?n in t at Castle Hall, ia Kockwood Block. V itiug Knights are invited to attend. II. M. Boxs, C. C. L- Dykes. K. of R. and S. W The Ice Man. Jos. Fairfield has estahliqhAri an f fice at Monarch billiard hall, where he will contract with consumer to supply ice for the season at the lowest terms. 3m2 Fresh Blackberries and Blucherrf a received daily at Bennett & LewU'.