The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, August 18, 1884, Image 3

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Jificui- rirKKor tiik city.
Cass County Fairs.
THS CASSCOUNTV PA IK will tie held at
riiittxmoutti Hpt. 25lli. Will and 27 lu. W, H.
Wik, Secretary.
at Weeping Water. Sept. lOlli, 17th aud lttin.
. O, VV. Aottrox, Becretary.
Young Men's Republican
II. M. BUSH NELL, President.
1st Vleo Pres. 2d Vice Tre.
Secretary. Treasury.
M.j.Min-t every Tuamlay eveulugs, la tlielr
ruojM iu Klt7erall': block.
Circulating. Library t Varrik
llruj; wture. mi
C. 1. Narwhall, Dentist, iuc
resr to Clutter & Marshall.
Teeth extracted without pain,
by ue oi'Mtroun Oxide Gas.
t l. Mui:burj. Ueutlnt.
Advertisements under tnta bead, tbree ceut
i per line eacli insertion.
MONEY TO LOAN On real estate by A.N.
I9ARM FOR SALE ConnlstliiK of 168 acre.
Kood timber, splendid orchard of bearing
trees ; one ! tlie most desirable I.-trni! in Cues
L'ounly ; Hitnated near Ml. l'luasant. Inquire
of 15c" boii & Sullivan.
FOR SALE A one horse buggy and harness
almost new. enquire of
T,K)ll SALE-My residence and four lots;
-P house, barn and fruit, and In excel
lent condition ; also two improved farms, also
2-story brick biiHkuess house 40x80 feet, on Main
street, and oilier desirable laud and lots.
L. II. Whkklek.
HMH ALE Houses, lots and wood land by
.lohu lions s sou.
1.1 OR SALE Several residences, cheap. In
r niire of i. H. Wheeler & Co.
fio R SALE Scratch Tablets in all sizes, at
ttnsoiuee. ltf
1MR SA-LE alot la good location. 1'articu
lars at t1''' 'Olce 7tf
X.iOR SALE An order for a new American
- Sewing Machine. Inquire at this ofllce.i
I.iOK SALE 1,000 cords of wood. Inquire of
X W.3. Wise. tf
FOR SALE Id papers fotOe at this office
at 40 cents er hundred or 5 cents per doz-
nn. 11
mii'v t ir Four lots together In eeod loca-
JC tlon in thl city. Inquire at this olllce tf
POR RENT. The northeast room In Stadel
inanu's buildiujj. after August 1st. 'ihis
room is suitable for millinery or dress making,
or for a small business of any knid. Iuq uire at
he premises. Ultl
UOOM TO RENT. A furnished room for one
tOKtwo gentlemen, In good location. Jn
qulieattuUolttoc. Htf
t "POR RENT or sale on lone time, a house
I A and two lots with good improvements. Ap
ly to R. 1. Windham.
FOR RENT hoif09 of four rooms,
irood water, trood garden int. 4 per
month In Shaferville. W. II. Hhafkk.
FOR RENT The north stora room In Nev
ille's bleck, aud 8 rooms stairs. Good
location for restaurant or boarding house, rents
cheap. Apply to Wm. Neville. inff
OST A po.d cull button with :u;ate set. The
li Under may leave at this office and be re
warded, tf
LOST-A loeket one side black enamel set
with pearls ; pictures of old gentleman aud
I.tdV insult, r inner murn n nusn n.vy
er at lr
W.nter.teen's or leave it at this o"f-
W'ANTED A Klrl to do house work. Iii
" quire at the residence of
15 It i. It. B. WINDHAM.
u uj
To the SMOKERS of
Blackwell's Genuine
Bull Durham Smok
ing Tobacco.
The genuine has picture of
BULL on every package.
For particulars see our next
.... AMD ....
Leave your orderslwith them for
First-Class Work.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska .
Choice Plants.
W. J. Ilesser has now ready for mar
ket a lot of very flue Cumberland,
Triumph. Sharpless, Crescent seedling
and. late Glendale Strawberry plants,
at 25 cts Per dozen, 73c per 100, or $o
per 1000; the above grown in inch pots,
atronff Dlants. 50c per dozen. Samples
of fruit on exhibition at Bennett &
tLewis where orders may be left.
Calllefore the list is completed.
Lu t char ce to get a $55 watch for $35,
at f 1 per wees.
12 itf L. C. Eavxif.
Carruth' third watch club his still
a few vacancies. Call and seenre a
hano. lHdtf
J. P. Young is in Oma.Ua today on.
J. A. Conuor Las gone- to his Madi-
ron County ranch.
Trains were delayed
Saturday evening.
a 6hort time
A heavy wind and ruin last night,
and today the weather is promising for
Deputy Clerk Browne, who has been
on the sick li-t the last week, is im
The official proceedings of the lto-
publican Couuty Convention takunuch
space in our paper today.
Some fifty to seventy-five- head of
mules and horses were brought to the
city yesterday for work on the Oreapo-
lis double track.
The right of way for the two miles
and a half of track .between this city
and Oreapolis cost just two hundred
and eighty dollura.
The little babe of Mr. and Mrs. D. J.
Tuubenal died at 8 o'clock last cveuing
and the funeral services will be held
from the residence of Wm. Randall to
morrow at 2 p. m.
"Peanuts" on the train Saturday ev
ening from the west, attempted to jerk
Hank McMaken around a little. Pea
nuts has a swelled head now, but he
knows more than ho did.
It looks as though the culverts the B.
& M. are putting in at the mouth of
the public creek through this city lack
greatly iu capacity to carry away the
water in times of high tide.
B. F. Myers, of the C. B. & Q. pat
tern shops, St. Joe, Mo , eon of Capt. D.
Myers, foreman of Herald office, pass
ed Sunday iu Plattsmouth.
P. W. Wilcox, the Mcndota carpen
ter, who will speak at the opera house
on Wednesday evening, is reputed to
be one of the ablest campaign orators
in the country. Ho discusses issues and
principles rather than candidates. He
will explain the position of the parties
in rtl ition to the business and laboring
interests of the country. Every labor
ing man, every business man, and ev
ery other man, or woman who desires
to giln a clear idea of the issues -between
the republican and democratic
parties in this campaign, ought to go
and hear him, Thoe who have heeard
him, speak tho highest praises of his
ability as an orator. Let every think
ing, lea Hug citizen of whatever party
affiliations, go and hear what he has to
say. The laboring men and mechanics
Of this comruun ty ought especially
to go and hear him. He is a represent
athe of that class and haa made a spe
cial study of il.eir Cuancial interest,
and by giving hint iheir attention for
au hour or b.-, thin- uiuy learn what
would require wevka and mouths of
hard study to net otherwise-
A Turbulent Flood or Very Short No
tice. Saturday was a rainy day. Every
half hour or so trooping clouds would
pnss by and empty their contents upon
the er-rth, but it was not until about
4 :30 that the waters fell in all their
power, sufficien t to raise the creek run
ning through the city to an almost un
precedented height, and before people
were aware of it, the cellars along the
south side of Main street between 5th
and 3d streets were getting an unex
pected benefit. Up on Chicago avenue
tbe waters covered streets and lots, the
tent of the Adventists being swept
away and down with the current; sev
eral cellars were filled, gardens in low
p'ac;s washed away and general havoc
created. In the low parts elsewhere in
the city, the same scenes were enacted.
Peter Mumm's basemeut room had four
feet of water aud liquor 6tored there
was lost and injured to the extent of
tnree hundred dollars. The heavy fall
of rain atd the water, c msed ft ie a ea
wall along the west side of Fitzgerald
block to fall in, and against the build
ing; five hundred dollars will not more
than cover the damages there. Water
man's lumber yard was cut directly in
twain, tie long culvert through it being
shattered and swept away; one thous
and dollars will not pay for the lost
lumber and necessary repairs there
At the B. & M. depot the culvert could
cot carry away the water and the yards
were flooded, tracks swayed out of
place, and the bridge to the water tank
sunk down: the company's damage is
not estimated. Altogether the flood
was disastrous in many quarters, and
it will cost the city much expense to
have things as they were before Satur
days rain.
Johnson & Co., of Council 'Bluffs
have opened out a first class laundry
on lower Main street, where they are
prepared to do all kinds ef fine work
in that line. A trial of their work is
requested. lOltf
ClotLes, Hair, Nail and Tooth Brush
ea, Combs, &c, nice line, at Fisher's
east Main street, -. 49dtf
Proceedings Republican Co
Pursuant to call of Republican coun
ty committee, of Cass county, M. M
Butler chairman, a meeting or the re
publicans of Cass county assembled in
the town of Louisvil!e in said county
aud in accordance with the provisions
of said call, was called to order at 11
o'clock a. m. on August 16. 1884.
Dr. M. M. Butler in calling the
meeting to order congratulated the cit
izens of Cass county on the representa
tive men selected as delegates, and felt
assured that under their auspices,
ticket would be nominated that would
sweep the county in November, and
rdacc the local nominees side by side
with the distinguished rational stand
ard bearers, Blaine and Logan, in their
majorities at the polls in Cass county.
On motion duly seconded, a tempo
rary organization was effected, with J.
11. Fairfield, of Plattsmouth, as chair
man and C. D. Clapp, of Stove Creek, as
Mr. Fairlield in a neat addreBS,
thanked tbe convention lor the honor
bestowed, and declared th convention
duly in order for the transaction of
Motions made and seconded to ap
point a committee of five each on ere"
dentials and resolutions and a com
mittee of three on permaneat organiza
tion. The chairman announced the com
mittees in pursuance with said motions
with the following chairmen :
On credentials. W.I I. Pool, of Elm
wood, chairman.
On resolutions, 11. M. Bushnell of
Plattsmouth chairman.
Oq permanent organization, M. B.
Murphy, of Plattsmouth, chairman.
The chairman requested the delega
tions from the several wards in the
city of Plattsmouth and the precincts
throughout the county to come for
ward and hand the certified lists of
delegates of their respective places to
the secretary, and this being done, on
motion an adjournment was ordered
until o'clock p. m.
Convention assembled at 1 o'clock p.
ra. pursuant to adjournment, J. H. Fair
field, as chairman, and C. D. Clapp sec
retary. The chairman announced that the
first order of business would be report
of Committee on credentials, and the
committee through their chairman W.
H Pool, submitted' their report, de
claring the following named gentlemen
duly elected and accredited as dele
gates to this convention and entitled
to seats as such:
First ward n M Bushnell. F H
Wilson, L C Stiles, C II Smith, J C
Second ward J n Fairfield, II C
McMacken, J W Barnes, George S
Smith, G W Rennie, (II C McMacken
proxy) J P Calhoun.
Third ward F M Richey, (J B Strode
proxy) A B Todd, M D Polk, M A Ilar
tigan, Wr II Newell, S Dutton, O M
Strcight, C M Holmes, F II Steimke,
W II Pickens, E Frazier, (M B Murphy
Fourth ward J W .lennings, F M
Dorrington, Frank Carruth, Washing
ton Smith, Daniel B Smith, Matthew
S L Thomas, .Chas Warner, James
Ihomae, W A Barnhart, T J Thomas,
A J Price.
W II Royal, Wm Brown, J W Ed-
mons, A Root, J McCounaha, G E
Fleminsr, J Root, S M Davis, S G Latta
W Lloyd.
L J Pollard, J Lynn, J Cuirent. Geo
LaRue, Wm McCarroll, L G, Griffith,
N G Douge, J Murfln, A. N Rose.
Sam Barker, M Williams, C G May-
field, George E Say'es, John II Eecker,
B G Ilasaemeire, G WaUlradt, H Inhel
A Coleman, R K Leyda, J Philpott,
William Barbour, G Young, P Reed.
J L Hutchins, E Hepner, John Da
vis. W Rose, A Sheldon, and Walker
Ed Twiss, J P Ellis, J A Hassemeir,
(Alex Mcintosh proxy) C F Came,
George Mayfield, Louis Eickoff. J M
centre. .
S A Ripley, William Carlisle, G W
Gilmore, Simeon Rector, Bird Critch-
O Burgess, AV Wald(n, N M Satchell,
Ed Williams. J II Haldeman, Charles
Cochran, A L Root, S W Coglizer. H D
Travis, S W Orton, J T Marshall, Dave
Woodard, George Malcom, Edward
Ammerman, T Able, W D Crawford
D Sweeney, R G McFarland, J Craw
ford, D Wilson, S Long, Q H McCain,
E E Day.
T Zlnk, A W Searl, M Cavey, W P
Burrows, (W II Pool proxy) S Cox,
Eveland, N Moge.
F M Striplin, K A Stopher, J N
Mathews. E Door. A B Dickson. S D
Ells. W Delles N R llobbs. J Clem
ents proxy) O D Clapp.
G W Clark. (E C Coleman proxy(E
Jearj.W Coleman, J V Carnes, J
Saunders, N Sheffer.
J Eiicson, A llaller, G Traver, I Mid-
dleton, P Spencer, G Weidmann, Geo
Hanson, P Linen.
II C Wolph, William B Arnold, C
Hanson, T N Bobbitt, W N Trumble,
A S Cooley.
On motion o' George S. Smith, of
Plattsmouth. the recommendations of
the committe were adopted, and tho
gentlemen named were declared dele
gates to the republican county conver.
tion of Cass county.
The chairman announced that the
next order of business would be report
of committee on permanent organiza
tion, and M. B. Murphy, chairman of
that committee, submitted a report
recommending Edwin Jeary, of Salt
Creek,as permanent chairman, Frank II
Wilson, of Plattsmouth, secretary, and
Wm. H. Pool, of Elmwood, assistant
On motion duly seconded, the report
of the committee was adopted, and the
gentlemen named were elected to serve
the convention, and the convention
was declared under permanct organi
Cqairman Jeary called for the report
of committee on resolutions and the
following was read by II. M. Bushnell,
chairman of eommittee on resolutions,
and unanimously adopted :
Whereas, The republican party be
ing confronted by the same old organi
zation, whose principles portend evil,
and who in power, would be deroga
tory to good government, and the in
terests of the whole people, therefore
be it!
Resolved, That we, tho republicans
of Cass county, possessing an abiding
faith in the principles of our party,
and leaving behind those things that
vex and annoy, renew eur faith and al
legiance to our party, and move on to
a common victory in national state and
county affairs.
Resolved, That we, the republicans
of Cass county, endorse the national
platform ; endorse the policy of James
G. Blaine, as outlined in his letter of
acceptance; endorse most heartily, the
soldier statesman for vice president,
and we pledge to them and republican
candidates on every field of battle, our
cordial and united support;
Resolved, That A. J. Weaver, as
congressman from this district, has
been watchful and faithful to his trust
with the people, and is deserving at
our hands a re-nomination and elec
tion. Resolved; That as republicans, halt
ed in our march of progress as we are
by the party of human slavery, state
banks and banking, anti homestead,
with its anti war record in our dark
days for national supremacy, we will
carry our cause once more to victory,
and invite all men to loin us in this
grand work ot Civil rights among men ;
a sound finance; the protection of ;our
unsettled lands for homes of the good
aad loyal people from all lands, who
come among us to assume the pleasures
and responsibilities of Amencan citi
zenship. The reading of tbe call for the con
vention was then asked for in order to
arrive at its obiects.
H. M. Bushnell, of Plattsmouth then
moved that we proceed to the selection
of a candidate for state senator, which
being seconded, was adopted, and the
chair declared nemmations In or
Geo S. Smith, of Plattsmouth, then
placed in nomination Reuben W. Hy
ers, of that city.
John Murfin, of Liberty, placed in
nomination Lawson Sheldon, of that
The nomination of Reuben W. Hyers,
was seconded by J. B. Strode and M.
A, Hartigan, of Plattsmouth, and the
nomination of Lawson Sheldon by
Judge II. C. Wolph, of Tipton pre
No further names being offered
on motion, duly seconded the nomina
tions were declared closed, and the
chair directed to appoint four tellers to
receive aud count the votes as polled.
and that each ward in the city of
Plattsmouth and precinct in Cass coun
ty, through their representative poll the
vote of their delegation upon the call
of the roll by the secretary.
The chair appointed the following
M B Murphy, and A B Tood, of
Plattsmouth, B O McFarland of South
Bend, and Alex Mcintosh, of Louis
ville, and the roll being called with
the following result:
Reuben W. Hyers reciving 104 votes
Lawson Sheldon receiving 41 votes
Total vote 145.
The chair announced that Reuben
W. Hyers having received a majority
ot all votes cast, was nominated as can
didate for the office of state senator by
this convention, and on motion of John
Murfin, of Liberty precinct the nomi
nation of Reuben W. Hyers was made
Dr. A. L. Root, of Weeping Water,
moved to proceed to the next order of
business under the call read to the con
vention, the selection of foar candi
dates to serve as representatives of
Cass county in the lower house of the
General Assembly, which being sec
onded was adopted.
The chair declared nominations now
in order, and the following gentlemen
were placed in nomination:
J W Thomas, of Weeping Water, by
J II Haldeman, of that place.
J M Uobertson, of Louisville by A,
Mcintosh, of that place.
Anderson Root, of Rock Bluffd, by J
B Strode, of Plattsmouth.
Geo W Clark of Salt Creek by Nel
son Sheffer, of that place.
11 C Wolph Of Tipton by T N Bob
bitt of that place.
James Crawford, of South Bend by
David Wilson of that place.
The names above stated being duly
seconded and no further nominations
offered, on motion, duly seconded, the
nominations were declared closed, and
the same procedure directed as ob
served in polling tho vote for candidate
for the State Senate.
On motion of J. B. Strode, of Platts
mouth, duly seconded, it was resolved
that in preparing the tickets for the
candidates for representatives that four
names be written on each ticket and
the four candidates receiving the ma
jority of the votes of the convention be
declared the choice of the convention.
A ballot was had with the following
J. W. Thomas receiving 97 votes;
Anderson Root 1125 G. W. Clark 104;
James Crawford 105; J. M. Robertson
54; H. C. Wolph 33; Blank 2.
The chair announced that J. W.
Thomas, of Weeping Water, Anderson
Root, of Rock Bluffs, G.W. Clark, of
Salt Creek, and James Crawford, of
South Bend, having received a major
ity of all the votes of the convention,
were duly nominated as candidates for
representatives by this convention.
A. Mcintosh, of Louisville on behalf
of J. M. Robei tson moved that the nom
inations be made unanimous, which
was ordered.
II. M. Bushnell of Plattsmouth now
moved that the convention proceed to
the election of a candidate for the office
of County Commissioner of the Second
Commissioner's District, which was or
dered, and nominations being declared
in order, the following gentlemen ware
placed in nomination :
J. H. Becker of Eight Mile Grove by
M. B. Murphy of Plattsmouth.
Levi J. Pollard of Liberty by H. C.
The nomination of J. H. Becker being
seconded by Alex Mcintosh, of Louis
ville and M. A. Hartigan of Platts
mouth ; and, of L,. J. Pollard by John
Murfin of Libert : No further names
being presented it was ordered that the
nominations bo now closed.
A ballot -as had, proceeding as in
election of State Senator and Repre
sentatives, and resulted in
J. II. Becker receiving 75 votes,
Levi J. Pollard M 70 "
Total vote, 145
The chair announced that J. II. Beck
er having received a majority of all
votes cast, was nominated as candidate
for the office of County Commissioner,
Second Commissioner's District, by this
The chair announced that the next
business would be the selection of del
egates to the State, District and Judi
cial conventions.
On motion of M. B. Murphy of
Plattsmouth, duly seconded, it was or
dered that the Secretary of the conven-
ion call tbe roll of wards and precincts
ancrlhat each delegation name one of
their number to serve oa a committee
to select and report to this convention
the names of gentlemen to be elected
delegates to the several conventions, as
prescriDed in the call of the County
The following gentlemen were elect
ed a committee under this resolution :
1st Ward J. C. Eikenbary.
2d Ward Geo. S. Smith.
3d Ward J. B. Strode.
4th Ward -F. M. Dorrington.
Plattsmouth Prec't S. L. Thomas.
Weeping Water Thos. Marshall.
Center Bird Critchfield.
Liberty A. M. Rose.
Rock Bluffs Wm. Lloyd.
Tipton W. B. Arnold.
Greenwood Philip Linch.
Salt Creek N. Sheffer.
Stove Creek C. D. Clapp.
Elmwood T. Z:nk.
South Bend R. G. McFarland.
Louisville Alex. Mcintosh.
Avoca A. Sheldon.
ML Pleasant R. JL Leyda.
Eight Mile Grove Sam Barker.
On motion, duly seconded, a recess
was taken lor twenty minutes to euable
the committee selected, as above, to
make their selection aud report.
On re-assembling the convention, af
ter recens, the committee to select the
names to be recommended as delegates
to the State, District and Judicial con
ventions, through their chairman, J. B.
Strode, submitted a report recommend
II. M. Buhnell, J. W. Barnes, 1L E.
Palmer, S. L. Thomas, N. M. Satchell,
L. II. Critchfield, L. Sheldon, Samuel
Barker, J. M. Cramer, Itaac Stone, J.V.
Cams, J. M. Mathews, P. Eveland.
Frank Carruth, Thomas Wiles. S. W.
Orton, Simeon Rector, Johu Murfin, S.
M. Davis, C. D. Clapp, M. Cavey, E. E.
Day, C. F. Came, W. O. Ogdcn, A. Cole
man. J, McLain.
J. C. Eikenbary, J. W. Johnson, M. B.
Murphy' F. M. Dorrington, Wm. Mur
ray, II. 1). Travi?, Wm. Lloyd, A. S.
Cooley, F, M. Striplin, Samuel Long, J.
M. Ward, J. Philpott. C. a. Mayfield.
On motion of M. A. Hartigan of
Plattsmouth, duly seconded, the recom
mendations of the committee were
adopted, the gentlemeu named elected
delegates, at reported, aud the commit
teo discharged.
On motion of Geo. S. Smkh of Platts
mouth, the Secretary was directed to
call the lifet of wards an 1 precincts, and
each delegation be requested to name a
representative to serve as member of
the Republican County Coiiimillee for
the ensuing year, and on calling the roll
the following named gentlemen were
elected to serve on said committee, as
provided in the resolution :
1st Ward Frank II. Wilson.
2d Ward Joseph U. Fairfield.
8d Ward Michael B. Murphy.
4th Ward Frank Carruth.
Plattsmouth Prec't S. L. Thomas.
Weeping Water O. Burgess.
Center Simeon Rector.
Liberty Lawson Sheldon.
Rock Bluffs S. M. Davis.
Tipton W. B. Arnold.
Greenwood Philip Linch.
Salt Creek W. M. Coleman.
Stove Crack A. B. Dickson.
Elmwood T. Zink.
South Bend R. G. McFarland.
Louisville G. W. Mayfield.
Avoca J. H. Davis.
Mt. Pleasant R. K. Leyda.
Eight Mile Grove Jesse Burnett.
A motion, offered by F. M. Dorring
ton, that the County Committee elect
their chairman from among their num
ber, was lost,
On motion of M. B. Murphy, duly
seconded, 8. W. Orton of Weeping Wa
ter was elected by acclamation chair
man of the County Committee, without
a vote in said committee.
On motion of John Murfin of Liberty
it was ordered that a vote of thanks be
tendered to Dr. M. M. Butler, late
chairman of the Republican County
Committee of Cass County, for the able,
earnest, efficient and conscientious dis
charge of the responsible duties devolv
ing upon him while serving in that ca
On motion of Geo. S. Smith of Platts
mouth, duly seconded, it was resolved
that the thanks of the convention be
tendered the citizens of Louisvillejfor
their hospitality and the generous wel
come accorded the members and visit
ors iu attendance at tbe sessions of the
convention, and also to the trustees -of
tbe church who so generously placed
the edifice at our disposal for the hold
ing of our convention.
On motion of M. Cavey, duly second
ed, an adjournment was ordered sine
die. Frank IL Wilson,
The credentials of delegates to the
District Convention, to be held at Bea
trice on the 20th of August; will be
forwarded to the chairman of that con
vention in charge of Frank Carruth.
The credentials of delegates to the
State Convention, to be held at Omaha
on the 27th of August, will be forward
ed to the chairman of that convention
in charge of IL M. Bushnell.
Cast County Republican Central Com
The members of this committee are
hereby notified that a meeting will be
held in the town of Weeping Water, on
Saturday, August 23d. at 1 o'clock p.
nx. Business of the utmost importance-
demands the attendance of every mem
ber of the committee.
S. W. Orton, Chairman.
Dissolution Notice
Notice is hereby given that the firm
of Boyd & Larsen is this day dissolved.
the undersigned withdrawing, who will
hereafter continue the business of Car
pentry and Building on his own ac
count, r RANK UOTD.
The Latest News.
J. F. Beaumeister will on and after
August 15th seU at cost for cash, two
car loads of flour, consisting ot the best
brands of Kansas, Minnesota and New
braska flour, at tbe corner of Main and
Sixth streets, Plattsmouth, Xeb.