Opera House J. S. HARTMAN, Proprietor. Also n c(m;!ot(; lint- of tin- TOIJACCO, n.'xt .. 1.. i EASTWARD. Dally Express Trains fr Omvlia. Cli!i':ir. Kaunas City, St. Louis. :inl iill points Iv.st. Through Car via Peoria to Iti'l.anaiMili. Y.W gant riilltuan I'alaoe. Cars and li:y coae'ies nn all tliiouli trains, and liiii!i; c.ii. v.al of Ais ouri river. jVJb ST1 w F S M mm 2 23 si tike AllfelaasSa of ;-. r.v tiPrT.';- - Jjivery, and vK -J, SsSi mui cj- tVhKY DESCiPTIOK PAY OR NIGHT. i-jluhuuu i. i lii-uiA. i - SINGLE AND DtI .' Travelers will fiud com !-! Corner Viue and Fourth Streets, Jonathan IIatt iiiiffenNor. tt A. O I y 1 It U O 1 r mi irir.ii in ii 11:1m-; i- cnn r vi r i and all other articles kept in a iirst-clas meat market. AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. The Highest Market Price Faid lor Hides Wool, Pelts, Grease, Etc. o Fre6hULake Trout!! and White , Fish ; Every Thursday Morning, Billiard Ha naaection ln. - . - t O iU:iIitv el UUiAKb, a Oi'iTa Iloiii-e JJlock. WESTWARD l):iHy Fxprcs trains for Denver connecting i;i Dej-ot fcr all points In Colorado, Utah, il'oi ii i; :v I lie entire Went. The advent of ' tns lii.c irivt -: tiie traveler a New Koute to the v.VM, with scenery and advantages unequaled l isew li'-rl. Jeil 9 lb .4&JBef IPorl f ' . i - - - - -.crc Sale Stable, ii; UET TEAMS IX THE CITY J3LK i AK'KIACES. cutlits by calling at the iXATTSMOUTII. NEB. J. W. Makths. UTrnn mm i. II ATT. 2fOXi CHOICE r.-ir. i ; i k-mns am n Aimo . 11 ! J T 1 l t ill wm BEE JL SMI II ..---.ssj and Veal PLATTSMOOTH HERALD riTBI.ISHKU HV f iii; Piattsnioatli fleral Mll&m Co. Train Time, Under the ehane in time passenger trains leave the depot here :is follows: No. 1 went, 8:1." a in. No, y vt-8t, fi:ro p. m. K. C. St. J. & C. 11. north 5:l.r a. in. " " 44 44 44 C:-J5 i. in. C. H. k. Q , north, 7:45 a. in. Omuha fctuh nortli 8:55 a. in. 4- 44 5:10 p in. Trains arrive ltd follows No. 2., lit-nvei express 0:25 p. in. No. 4, 44 DA'5 a. m. K. C. St. J. & (.' ea-t 9:15 a. m. . tt . i . g.:-j n!i C. li. Si Q. Omaiia east 5:."0 p. m. Mei er ie If you are suffering with hrv arid depressed sprits, loss of appetite, gen eral debility, disordernl blood, weak constitution, !e id.icii'-, or any dese;tse of a bilious nature, b ail itie.ns pro cure a bottle of Dicctric llitieis. You will be surprised to see the rapid i in proveinent that will follow; you will be inspired with new life; strength and activity will return; pain anp misery will cease, ahd henceforth you will re joice in the praise of Electric Bitters. Sold at fifty cents a botrle bv J. M. Rob erts. Jan. 3 eGwly For lame b:ick. Side or Cheat U9e Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Price 25 cents, SllIEOiFS COUGH and Consump tion Cure is sold by us on a guarrntee. It nres consnmption. SHILOH'S VITALIZE II is what you need for Consumption, Loss of ap petite, Dizziness and all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle. CROUPE Whooping Cough and Bronchitis immediately relived bv Shiloh's Cure. Sotd by Smith & Black Bros. Dec.20eowdwlv A (ireat Uiscovery. That is djt.il v bringing joy to the homes of thousands by saving many of their dear ones from an earlv a rave. Truly is Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs, Cli3. Asthma, Bronchhitis, liny Fever, Loss of Voice, lickliiig in the ihruvt, P:iin in Side and Ciiest, or any disejise. of the Throat and Lungs, u positive cure. Guarante ed. Trial Bottles free at J. M. Roberts. Drug Store. Large size .$1.00. Jan. 3 eGwly Fence Posts. 5000 dry feuce posts for s-ilo, .ntjuire of W.S. Wise. 19tf. PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS, h Joint resolution was adopted by the Legislature of the State ot Nebiaska, at the Eighteenth Session thereof, and approv ed February 27th, a. i. 1883, proposing an Amendment to Section Four (4), of Article Three (Z of the Constitution of said State, and that said section as amended shall read an follows, to-wit : " Section 4. The term of office of members 01 the Legislature shall lie two years, and tliey shall each receive a salary of three hundred dollars tor their services dining said term, and ten cents for every mile they shall travel in going am returning Irom the place of rreeting of the Legislature, oil the most usual rmite. Pinrtrlcd, however, that neither members 01 the Legislature nor employees shall receive any pay or perquisites other than their salary and 11. ileae. fcaeli session, except special sessions. shall he not less than sixty days. After the expiration of forty days of tho session no bills nor joint resolutions of the nature of bills shall oe introduced, unless the Governor shall, by special mesnaue. call the attention of tho r.fi- islature to the necessity of passing a law on the hiiiijeci matter emuiacea in tne message, and the introduction of bills sha'.l r e restricted tnereto. " 1 lie ballots at the election at which said Amendment shall be submitted shall be in tbe fol!owlng;form : "For proposed Amendment to the Constitution relating to Legislative De partment." "Against proposed Amendment to the constitution relating to Legislative Department." "WHEREAS, A Joint resolution was adopted by the Legislature of the State of Nebraska at the Eighteenth session thereof, and approved February 28th, a. d. 1883, proposing an amend ment to Section One (1) of Article Five (5 of the constitution of said State, and that said section as amended shall read as follows, to wit : Section 1 The Executive Department shall consist of a Governor, Lieutenant Govern or, Secretary of State. Auditor of Public Ac counts. T.easurer, Superintendent of Fublic Ins-ruction, Attorney General. Commissioner of Public Lands and Buildings, and Board of Railway Commissioners. Ti e oilicer9 named in this section stiall each hold his office for the term of two years from the first Thusrday after the first Tuesday in January next after his election and until his successor is elected and qualified. Provided, however, that the first election of said officers shall be held on the first J uesday succeeding the first Monday in No vember, 18S6. and each succeeding election shall be held at the same relative time in each even year thereafter. All other officers that mav be provided lor bv law under the provis ions of this section, shall be chosen In such manner and at such t'lnes. and sha'l hold their offices for such length of time as may be pro vided by law, and shall perform such duties and receive such compensation as tray be pro. vided for by law. The Governor. Secretary of State. Auditor of Public Accounts. Treasurer, Commissioner of Public Lnds and Buildings mm Aiiurury general, snail reside at the seat of government during their terms of office, and :y-i-i nir; puuue recoius, oooKs and papers i" cum inc iMiiLris neieiu named snail per such du'ies as mav be required by law " Tne ballots at the election at which such Amendment shall be submitted shall be In the following form : "For Dronnsed A ,r.nn,i ,. ,,. t to Section One (1) of Article Five (5) of ti e tuiuuiiuiiiii, cuuiieu - executive Depart ment.' " ''Against proposed Amendment to section one i) Article ive (5; ot the Constitu tion, entitled. 'Executive Denart Therefore. I, James W.Dawes, Governor of ui ciiaic uncurasiia, uo uereuy give notice In accordance w ith Section One (1) Article Fif teen (15) of the Constitution, and th i,riii,. of an act entitled. "An Act to provide the man ner of proposing Amendments to th '..ticti- tion and submitting the same to tne Electors of this State." approved February lath. a. d. 1877 that said proposed Amendm- nts will be submitted to the qualified votors of this State for ratification or rejection at the General Election to be held on the 4th itav ,.f -v ber, a. v. 1884.. In Witness Wheriwf, I have hereunto set my band and caused to be affixed the Great Seal of the State of Nebraska. Done at Lincoln, thi 18th day of KSeal. j uij, a. u ios4 me tignteenth year oi tne state, and of th pendence of the United Oi ne Hundred and Ninth By the Governor, JAMES W, DAWES. ATTUT : EPWAHwD r. SOOEV, Bucklfn'i Arnica Sqlve. The Ilebt Salve lu tho world for. Cuts, Hrueea, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fe ver uores Tetter Chapped Ilhiids Chill lahi9 Corns and ull Skin EruptioiiH and poaitivly cure I'iits or no pay retpiired. It is gauuanteed to give perfect f-atis-iaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For Sale Hy J. M, Uob erfs. Nov. 2T 188:1 ly The Eest Couch Medicine In Hie World. b AM PEE MiEE OF CIIA11GB. Call at Warrick's drug store, and get a sample bottle of Jirowu's Expec torant free of harge. It curcn Coughs, Hoarseness, Whooping Cough and Cou fcuniption in its curly stages. It is a bcientine preparation, admirably adapt ed lor the cure of all Throat ami Eung Diseases. Ii is pleasant to take ami entirely harmless. Try it; it costs you nothing. It'-giilar Mzebottlen, fiQcetits. and 51.00. For sale by W..I. Warrick. Juu. i d&wly Free ! Free! Free ! NEW DIM OVKRY FOR PILES. A uew lenu dy lor this dreaded dis ease, iiiis bf-jrii di.-c'V-re.l by Dr. Dening A Hinii- pi'ii' :it !;,; v. ill convince the :n..st ft ep:.( -f its u.-or-t wonderful i-ct.liii'i iv. c-i . i;t i.i'ding on W.J. Warrick Ui ugist, u tan i!:iin a sample box free of ctiaie, which will satisfy you of its curative totalities. J an :i j'Xwty Iu the Future When you have a cough and want ic lief, think ot Kemp's Rnlsani lor the Throat and Lungs; a guaranteed reme dy for those diseases. Price 50c and $1; trial size free. Respectfully, apr 3 4m W. J. Warrick. Pasture Two hundred and forty acres under fence, with running water, and one half mile from the city. Apply to 51 tf W.S. Wish. All the best houses in Plattmouth will sell you Eremner's choice crackers at reduced price by the box or bam 11, and don't you forget it. Get these and you get the best. tf Some Foolish People Allow a cough to run until it pets be yond the reach ot medicine. They often say, Oil, it will wear away, t..ut in most cares ii veai tin m iiAVay. Could tln-y be it, d'.cfcd to try ti e succeetful medicine c ! ! Kmi.V JJ-lam, -hat 1 sell a po.-sii. e ai,;.:aiit e to tun-, , they woniu unr; c :;i.te s. e t e ixcel lent eifect aftn- Wikii.g .1 e t!rst dose. Price 50c and SI; tiiid size free. Rpsp'y. faprS 4n-l W. .7. Wat rick. COTTAGE Gill PLA'J -ir-lit SI Hi. NF.i -LA Ilrtwi g - ta' . ti c" aree rf the Cox- tagk Louse, I i 11 try to furnish all patr.:-s with ct ml' rtuble quaitcrs and keep the taides tt.t j lud with the best in tte market. J lai.sient custom anil board by the da or week foliated. may 17dtf. ED. FRAZIER CITY HOTEL. This beautiful three etory brick structure, on ower Maid street, has just been finished and tted up for the accommodation of TRANSIENT CUSTOMERS, ANll REGULAR BOARDERS, S7EFJ THING KE ASD CLEAN 4 GosdDar -tvnt "if. FRED GO(S. Propr W. H. 31 A LICK, P CARRIAGE G aiming: am iriiiiii SIGN & ORHAMEUTAL J?lJ JsrTTJSTGr, All orders left with me will receive prompt attention. COR. FIFTH AND VINE STREETS, PLATTSMOUTII. - NEBRASKA. M.O'COriNOR. At the down-town saloon.'1 PPOSITE THE PERKINS HOUSE, Keeps a complete Ine of WJL 1ST E3 Liquors, iND CIGARS, BOTTLED BEER, ALE AND PORTER, DRUG'S OKAEA BEEE ana trie oest iraiias o PI "biskles "rpQti PHti Ho, ma ICetitucfcy j. PARLEMAH, Will BUT ana c?rj;.;. hi kinds of FURlTITtniE METALS TR02T RAGS AND FURS Will advance morjey on all SALABLE GOODS, on jower juain street. One dcor west of Beck's Furniture sore PlatUmouth. Feb. lat. 183 46tf. 8 e s & 8 ft & ft Nil y-M ft ft ft r-f 61 S M ft & BB few M (R B ten fe?71 ft e 1 pa 65 ft ft g 52 4Bk e ft it S e 22 SI ft ft JS1 mi 3 l 1 i 1 tV 1 I " 5 6 fTi'"- 3 a w