The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, August 15, 1884, Image 3

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'.OI Ati I'AI'Cll (If TIIK i r
Cass County" Fairs.
tne i!HHcni:NTV kaiii will 1 held at
Pl.ltlniiouttl ttopt. .'.til. Villi utl 27th. W, .
Wimk, Hecretary.
fllR WKKI'INC WATKll KAltt will be held
Mt Weeping Water. He.t. Uilh, 17tlt awl ISlh.
O. V. Aoktiim, Secretary.
Young Men's Republican
JI. SfUS!INKLL. - President.
FltEli F0KNI3. E. S. GUEl'SLL.
lit Vico Pre. 2d Vl:e Pre.
Hereury. Treasury.
y.'-i.n;fcery TiteUy evenings, in meir
r..j in
CIl .. Mti lltf
llruj tore.
at Warrick.'
1 trwliull, Ientit, wuc-
cfur Cluller & Murwlmll.
Tecla extracted wllliout puiu,
t9 ine otMtroim Oxide
.sri:i:iAii NoruLs.
AUrti--'eiitH under tin h;td. three cent
per: ! I'ai'U insertion.
I'O LOAN - Ou real estate by A.N
i-,lRt Kilil SAI.K ';; f ItM awet
I' '.......I tiniU.T. ileii.lil oivIit;-.l f bearliii;
ii-h.-i one t!ie umsl lenr:ille lainiM In 1,'iiH.i
i;.,.i'.tV Hllimtwl nar Mt. Pleasant, inquire
..r n.i h.mi & Sullivan.
TTiOlf V I.H - V one horao buy and hariies
VL.. l"" ' MIW. A. SLlILKGKL.
IOlt LE -My renldeneo and four lots;
1 u . hi.u-ti-. Iam ami fruit, and in excel
i..... ....mill l. in : ills. two improved fiirniH. ulsi
., . ,rr i.n.-k luirtiiuiS'i huilie 4ix Main
other land
1 -), ;A.l,fc-Ilouses. iui ....,
Joliu Boll & fU.
vv';.iLK-Several residences, cheap. In
I,. lire of i. H. Wheeler Si Cu.
rt LE-Soratch Tablets lu all sizes, at
? tliitolilco.
TO.tS VLKalot in good location, Fartlcu-
lars at this oOlee 7tf
l.iOU SALE An order for a new American
Mi ewiiin Maehlue. Inquire at thlsonlce.
t i i ........ i 1.....1 i...
IJOKSALK cordi of wood.
lnuuire Of
a v.. wise.
FOK SALE Id papers for Hale at this odlce
at 40 cents ier huudred or 6 ceutJ per doz
en. "
IOU 8 K.Y. Four lots together in Rod loca
! tion In till city. Inquire at this oillce tf
FOK KENT. The imrtheasl room In Stadel
inaiui's building, after Aiiii-t 1ft. This
room I nuitable for millinery or dies making,
or for a small business of any kind, lnq uire at
the premises. liltf
l0 M TO KEN T.-A furnished room for one
-IVurtwo Keiit'.eiiien, lu jjood location. 1 11
iulrl si? this oltice. Till
jTiOUKKSTorsjle on lontf time. A house
' ami two lots with good Improvements. Ap
ly to K. U. Wlndhaiu.
FOB. KEX T Good, new h-'i-e of fmir rooms.
k-hmI water, pood Bar.! -. M.ot- iht
jnoutti in Sliidervllle. w . H b "At eh.
FOK KENT The north st:e room in Nev
m'. hiwk. .mil H munis up stairs. Good
l icatiou for restasir:uit or lo;ndinK house, rents
cheap. Apply lo m.
LOST A co.d cult button wi'h as?at set. The
ii.i.i.t inav leave at tliis otlice and be re
warded. 11
r ST loe'iPt one side black enamel set
i-J with peai is ; pictures of old nentleman and
lady Inside. Finder please return to Miss Sav
er at lr. Wiuterateeii's or leave it at this oi
llce. ll'iVTEl) A Kjrl lo do house work
iiuire at the residence 01
Mill. K-
AUGUST Wth a id loth.
The Wonder of the Musical World.
The Restless, Wearing Musical Curiosity.
Blind Boone
The second and Greatest of the two NEGRO
You can't afford to miss it. We carry our own
Trice of admission, 25 cts.
Reserved Seats. 25 cts.
Best seats in the house. 25 cts.
Standing room, only 25 cts.
In short it will only cost you 25 c
We will give you more good music and sing
ing by a 15LIND NEGRO, than you
ever had for 25 cents.
Come out and hear him at the the Opera House
AUG VST 14 fe 15.
Choice Plants.
W. J. Hesser has now ready for mar
ket a lot of very fiue Cumberland.
Triumph, Sharpless, Crescent seedling
and late Glendal; Strawberry plants,
at 23 cts per dozen, 75c per 100, or $5
per 1000 ; the above grown ia inch pots,
strong plants, 50c per ozeu. Samples
of fruit on exhibition at Benuc-tt &
Lewis where orders may be left.
Call before the list is completed.
Last chance to get a $55 watch for $35,
at $1 per week.
121tf L. C. Erven.
Johnson & Co., of Council 'Bluff s
have opened out a first class laundry
on lower -Alain street, where i hey are
Drepared to all kinds ef fine work
in that line. A trial of their work is
requested. lOltf
ClitLes. Hair. Nail and Tooth Brush
es, Cmbi, nice line, at Fish r'
aat Mala streit. 49dtf
15 ili'J 1!ih)ic :it the
Opera IloilSe to
night. II;ir liim.
TliO lent mt etinns continue) up rn
Cliicao avenue and s:ein to le wll at-
t nded.
V. L. Tucker i- doing a good piece-
of work repairing the walks at the
court house.
C. G. Herol I lias closed out hie stock
of goods In re, anil will fthip thfm to
his store in Lincoln.
ur j-p -cial rL:rter was tlin dern
oCfatic iiieetui"; last evening, ami he no
doubt ciijoye 1 tin; :itli riii";.
Tin; foiifidatiun walls of llatt & Cu's
hr'.ck block ai complete, anl the work
is being imahc'l rapidly forward.
The city delegates to the county cor
con ventioTi will leave on the 8:15 train
tomorrow morning for Louisville.
The republican convention meets ut
Louisville tomorrow, and a large and
(otbuHiastic meeting it will be.
Mr. Frank Barnhouse and family are
very happy over the arrival of a nine
pound boy. Mrs. Dr. Foster is in at
tendance. The store room vacated by 0. O.
Ilemld ii for rent, and we hear Mr.
O'll'iurko, the tailor, is contemplating
losing the room for hi headquarters.
LS.iod Hoone had a very large house
l ist evening, and one of the be.t au !i-enct-3
in many tlays gathered at. the
opera house. Blind Boone gives his
second cutel ta:unent this evening-.
The culvert woik nt the d.'-.ot is be
ing pitr-hed rapidly forward, aud is a
creat improvement. When it is com-
p!et d, and the ground filled, it will
make extra yard room for tlie compa
ny for two or throe hundred more cars.
Charles II. Van Wyck, U. S. Senator
for all Nebraska, passes through this
evening on the K. U. fcr Omaha, whsro
he will register for the night at the
Paxton Hotel, returning tomorrow by
the Fami route for hits cornfields in old
The neatest reply to the brutal as
saults made upon Mr. Blaine by Fuck,
The Vo?t, and Harper' Weekly, with
their tattooed cartoons, was made the
other day by Roseoe Conkling, who re
marked "that tlioy were republican
tears honorably won in the oerviee of
his country."
In another column will be noted the
card of John J. Koulm, the B. & M.
architect. Our citizens are very fortu
natc iu having a man s well qualified,
as Mr. Kotihu 'is, as a resident. His
recommendations from the Pullman
Car Co., the Northwestern railway and
other companies that he has worked
for, r.ttest strongly to his skill as an
engineer and draughtsman.
Th a Journal is very sore over so
miny Herald men being selected on
the Plattsmouth city delegation to the
republican convention Saturday next.
Never mind, Mr. Journal, all that are
on the delegation as well as those who
are not, are republicans, that's the rea
son. However, we don't like the idea
of supporting a Journal man. aud fi
nancial backer in that ct nyentioD, and
nope the Journal won't insist on our
doing 3.1.
"Whv dost thou converse with this
trunk of humors, that bolting hutch ot
beastliness, that swoln parcel of drop
sies, that huge bombard ot sack, that
stuffed cloak-bag of guts, that roasted
Manninctree ox, with the pudding in
his belly, that reverend vice, that grey
iniquity, that vanity of years.' t'rince
Hal in fehakspeare's Henry IV.
A truckling knave, an empty noth
ingness who defiles whate'er he reach
es, and calumniates what to him is un
approachable; a Republican Greely
J Reformer, having an ambition
to di
integrate the party which now harbors
him, most likely under protest, appears
now in a new role, and having his am
bition as an auti foreign immigration
I .1- : J :.. 41 m. ..A os n
apu?ue ucuiu n o uuu, uaw a
lecturer ou responsibility. The Her-
ald representative demeans himself
with his fellow citizens in further ad
vertising this great "What is it," or an
tiquated Grimaldi. but will venture to
sav that the Heraxd's '-devil" has
more responsibility, moral, political
and financial than our fiiend of the
Difference between Blaine and Cleve
I am sura that honorable democrats
alike with honorable republicans will
justify me in defending the honor of
my family, if need be, with my life.
James O. Blaine.
These are the closing words of Mr.
Blaine's reply to a. villainous charge
made against himself and Mrs. Blaine
by the Indiauapolis Sentinel, a demo
cratic newspaper. The managers of
this libelous sheet have been sued for
$50,000 damages, and steps have been
taken to cause their immediate arrest
on the charge of criminal libel; and
I this is the way the republican candi-
I da' e takes to th woods.
Is Man Immortal?
9 N.ilurallv
ll ou ia uuuiiiv - - j i
atArnl or undviu. What U mortali-
..... ,. .; i.i,t t ,lat!i. What ii
...J.." a" trin heinff coDosd of
i.,iw. anui and Biirit. 1 Thes., 5 ; 23.
WTo have usually been taught that
u-i,n it.- l.odv dies the real man does
not die, but lives right ou, thinks, acts,
lovej and hates, iu heaven or hell, juBt
the h.uue aa while in the body upon the
earth. But u this true? Every day
wc hce men die. Did any person see
anything leave the body at death? No,
not in a siugle instance. So far, then.
as actual sight and observation go, all
the evidence is against this popular
doctrin. Reason is against it. How
can a man think without brains, walk
without feet, see without eye", hear
without ears? It it absurd and con
trary to reason, But does not the Bible
teach that the dead are conscious? No,
not in a single text; but it everywhere
teaches just the reverse. If the dead
live right on and go to heaven or hell
a soon aa they die,J . what need is there
of a future judgment? Again, if the
soul or spirit can live;, just as well out
of the body as in the body, and go im-
mediately to a plac of happiness or
i .. . I
torment, what is the use of a resurrec-
tion, a doctrine plainly taught in both
the old and new testaments? If men
do not go to heaven or hell at death,
vou mav ask where do they cot Let
the Bible answer the question. It says,
"they are dead." Death is thus defined
by Webster: "The extinction of life.''
Now notice the following plain declar
ations: "'Your fathers did eat manna
in the wilderness and are dead." Job,
6; 49. "David is both dead and buried"
Acts, 2;2. "The dead in Christ shall
rise first." 1 Thes.. 4; 16. Many other
texts of like character were read.
Several texts were also read to show
that the dead are quietly sleeping; that
they know not anything; that their J
thoughts have perished, etc., and are
waiting in this condition for the resur
rection morn, when the voice of the
archangel will be heard calling the si
lent sleepers forth, at which time "the
mossy old graves" will be opened, all
the saints of God will come forth, cloth
ed with immortality and eternal life.
"Then will be brought to pass the say
iug, death is swallowed up in victory."
1 Cor., 13; 51 to cl03e.
Hence we conclude, if the saints are
dead they are not alive. If they are in
their jrraves. they are not in heaven. If
they have no thoughts, then they are
not thinking. If they know nothing,
then they are not intelligent. If they
are a3lcep, they are not awake. If they
are to be rewarded at the judgment,
they are not rewarded now.
The fate of the wicked will be con-
sideied this evening. Is the death of
those that come short ot salvation,
"eternal life in misery," or does death,
as uied in the Bible, signify ceasing to
live, as usually understood?
Prof. Drummond's Lecture.
A fair sized audience greeted Prof
Drummond last night at the Congrega
tional church to hear his lecture on
nature. Ha spoke in a very entertain
iug way and pre3euted some very good
ideas. His discourse was divided into
three parts, mineral, botouical, and
animal natuie. The theme and aim ot
the lecture was of course to show
what might be gained by a careful
study of nature, how the minds of the
pupils expanded audiiow many of the
beauties bidden trom ordinary view
would unfold themselves to the ejeof
close student. He dwelt upon the
success and failure in teaching and in
lite eenerally and held while oue
might fail in one or half a dozen parti
cular fields of labor he, if presistant
would finally light upon a place o
great usefulness and become very sue
cessful. The lecture was well deliv
ered and highly enjoyed StateDemo -
Our Boys.
Two of cur promiemg boys Mr. Jo
eph Gilmore and Ami Todd Were
walking along the street yesterday,
when they met the Glendale Hoosier.
Jesse Burnett, the trio repaired to M-
B. Murphy's and were weighed which
resulted as follows:
Todd, 227; Gilmore, 242 J; Burnett
245 J,; the total weight for the three is
717H- Who can beat it?
The Young Men's Republican Club
of Plattsmouth had a demonstration
last Monday. A Glee Club of twelve
voices furnished excellent music. The
sDeakers were John M. Thurston, of
Omaha and J. L. Calwell of Lincoln
The meetins wa? very enthusiastic.
Crete Globe.
From the residence of the undersign
ed, in this city, a spotted red and white
cow. about six years of age, medium
size. Any information as to her where
abouts gladly received.
142d&Wtf J. C. ElKENBAKY.
Fresh Oysters and Celery Saturday
mornihg at Bennett & Lewis.
Beltevua Colao.
The IIekaM) h in if bled to I'rof. C.
. i . ....
M. Des Islet. s i rctury of tl.t- V .tcully
Of liellevue UulUw. ot l-l.eVue, barpy
county, Nebnwka. Tljis young iusti-
tution U under the cre"of the Presby-
terian Synod of Nebraska, aud is in a
nourishing condition, having just com-
pleted its lirst school year. TLe next
term will open September 17, 18S4 with
a complete corps of able instructors
filling its various rhaiis. Its curricu-
lum shows it to be an institution
where the best facilities arw offered for
a high classical or practical education.
The new college building which has
been in process of construction during
the past two years is almost completed,
and the frienda and managers of this
institution, are justly elated over its
very flattering condition and prospects
for the future.
AdvertiHlufir Cheats ! ! !
' It has become so common to begin
an article rn an elegent, interesting
Then run into some advertisement J
that we avoid all such
" And simply call attention to the
merits of Hop Bitters in as plain.
honest terms as possible,
"lo induce people
"To give them oue trial, which so
nrnVM7,1(,:rv:dim fhat lf,v : ntvar
use any thing else."
"The remedy so favorabely noticed
in all the papers,
Religious aud secular is
Having a large sale and is supplan-
ting all other medicines
There is no denying the virtues of
Hop plant and the proprietors or' Hop I
timers have shown great shrewdness
and ulkilifv
"In compounding a medicine whose
virtues are so palpable to every ones
Did She Die.
No 1
She lingered aud Buffered along,
yiuing away all the time for years,"
"The doctors doing her no good;'
" And at last was cured by this Hop
Bitters the papers say so much about,
Indeed ! Indeed !
" How thankful we should be tor
that medicine."
A Daughter' -i Mlsery
'Eleven years our daughter suffered I
on the bed of misery. I
"From a complication of kidney, I
liver, rheumatic trouble and nervous I
debility I
' Under the care of the best physici- I
ana I
Who gave her disease virions
names, I
But no relief
" And now she is restored to us in
good health by a sinple a remedy as
Hod Bitters that we had shunned for
years before ueing it."
Father is Gettiu Well
" My daughters say :
" llow much better lather is since
Le used IIop jitters
Ile is getting well after his long
suffering from a disease declared in
curable." u And we are so glad that he used
your Bitters-" A Lady of Utica, X.Y,
For positive curative efiects, one bot-
tie of Ayer's Sarsparilla is worth three
of any other name.
Tonsorial Artist
Will be found In CARRUTH'S Basement.
where he will be glad to meet all his old cus
tomers and as many more as want a
I have in mv emrjlov Professor LYONS, one
of the FINEST AK11SXS lu the profiSton.
Call and see us.
A first claps quality 5 cent Cigar, every body
invited to try them at
Biutn side Miii
Streat bet Third and Fourth
XS1 s
S 8
U 4 H
1 r! m m
ci es a m
l- cS
3 S
m mm In -
Up 3 5 t
Ordinance No. 48.
AN ORDINANCE creating a Hoard of
lie it ordaiued by tho Mayor and
Couucilnicn of the city of I'Jattu
mouth: Section 1. That a board of health,
consisting of from three (3) to tive (.",)
resident 'freeholder, of the
city 01
Flattsiuouth, a majority of whom Hhall
be regular phyeiciaus in good standing
L,",ebv created; said board of health
chull Iwi uluAtm I Kir I l.n iit n ckiitiil ut
iu u t rej,uiar meeting alter the naa
sage of this ordinance, and thereafter
said board of health shull be elected
annually immediately after the ap
pointment of the standing committees
iu eacn municipal year.
bee. 2. It shall be the duty of the
said board of health at its lirbt meet
ing alter the members thereof are elect
ed by the city council, to elect one of
its members chairman, and the city
clerk is hereby made the clerk of said
t oard of health, aoid the city marshal
is hereby made its police otlicer. it
shall be the duty of thecleik to at
tend all meetings of said board and
keep a full and accurate record of all
proceedings in a book to be provided
lor that purpose, aim it snail De tue
duty of the police otlicer to attend all
meetings of said board, aud to faith
fully obey the directions aud order of
said board in the lawful discharge of
its duties.
Sec. 8. The chairman of said board
of health shall be the health otlicer ot
the city, before whom all complaints of
nuisances injurious to the health of the
city shall be made by any citizen de
siring to debate the same; during the
recess of stid board, and the health ol-
licer is hereby granted authority upon
any such complaints being duly made
in writing and properly sworn to be
fore an o&cer authorized to administer
oaths, and laid before him, to direct the
police officer of said board to abate
said nuisance within a reasonable time,
and all such orders issued by the health
officer during the recess of the board,
shall be in writing properly signed by
him, and he Bhall report all such ac
tions to the board of health at its next
meeting together with all the papers
pertaining to each complaint.
Sec. 4. The board of health provid
ed for in this ordinance shall meet on
the 2d and 4th Wednesday of each
mouth for the transaction of such busi
ness pertaining to tne health of the
city as may be brought before it; but
if in the opinion of tho chairman of
said board, or any two of its members
it is deemed expedient to call a special
meeting, then the purpo. 3 and objec
of said special meeting shall oe reduced
to writing ana properly signea oy tne
chairman of said board or any two ot
its members, anu piaceu u tne nanas
of its police otucer, wnose duty it snail
be to immediately serve said notice of
a special meeting upon all the members
and othcers of said board to meet in
accordance with the provisions of said
special call, and upon due service of
said notice to meet, it shall be the duty
of all members and officers of said
board to comply with the call, and meet
at the time and place specified in said
notice of special meeting.
Sec. 5. It shall be the duty of said
board of health to draw up aud recom
mend the passage of any ordinances,
which in its judgment are required for
the preservation of the health of this
T. 4- anlimir Hid cQ m k t r thn ttrr
cil for aDDroVal. and the names of
& members of said board recommend-
ing the passage ot such ordinances
shall be affixed in their own handwrit
ing to the recommendation accompany
ing the eame.
Sec. 6. It shall be the duty of the
board of heahh to carefully examine
into any alleged nuisances within the
city, and for this purpose they are
clothed with authority to summons
parties before them for the purpose of
examination, provided, however, that
before any examination of parties take
place the
in tho usual form before hearing their
testimony, and all such testimony shall
be reduced to writing.
Sec. 7. The board of health shall
have charge of all matters pertaining
to the health of the city, aud relating
to the sanitary condition thereof, and
shall make any recommendation they
deem proper for the interests of the
haalth of the citizens thereof, to the
city council, and all such recommenda-
tions shall be in writing, and signed by
all the members of the board and at
tested by its clerk
During the prevalence of contagious
diseases, said board of health shall
submit to the city council such regul
tions and quarantine laws for approval
as in its judgment is demanded and for
this special purpose said regulation and
quarantine laws, when approved and
Dassed by tne city council, snail exrena
and be in force within five miles of
the city.
Sec. 8. In every instance when it
becomes known to any member or ofli
cer of the board of health, that any le
gal health ordinance or this city is be
ing violetcd by any person or persons
within said city, it shall be the duty of
such member or officer to file a proper
information before the police judge of
this city, whose duty it shall be to forth
with commence proceedings against
such parson or person
Sec. 9. It 6hall be the duty of the
Citv Clerk to read the proceedings of
said board ot heaitn to tne Lity Coun
cil immediately after the reading and
approval of the City Council proceed
Sec. 10. All fines collected by the
police judge or city marshal agaiust any
persons tried for a violation of any
health ordinance, shall be promptly
paid over to the city treasurer, who
shall keep an accurate account or the
same under the title of board of health
Sec. 11. Each member of the board
of health shell receive for nis services
at each meeting of said board at which
business is transacted, the Bum of two
dollars. The clerk of said board shall
receive for his services the same as the
members of the board, and the marshal
shall receive for his services for each
meeting of said board at which he
present and when business is transact-
ed, tne sum ot one oouar; ana saia ser
vices shall be paid for in warrants
drawn by the order of the city council
upon the proper audi ing of such ac
counts for cervices ou said board. And
all such warrants shall be drawn upon
the board of health fuud.
Sec. 12. This ordinance to take ef
fect and by iu forco from and al ter Us
passage and publication according to
Passed Mid approved June 7, 1373.
Attest: Mayor.
1'JiELi-a Paine,
City Clerk.
AN ORINANCE providing sanitary
regulations and to bucuru tne general
health of the city of Plattsmuuth:
Be it ordained by the mayor and
councilmen of the city of Plattsmouth :
Sec. 1. lhat it bhnll bo nidawtul
for any person to cast or leave exooseil
in any street, avenue, lane, lot, w ater
course, or any other places within the
limits of this city, the carrcass of any
dwad animal, or any putrid or unsound
meat, fish, vegetables, or any other sub
stance which might become olleusive,
or to make up, use, keep, or peimit in
nis or her house, shop, Btorw. fuctory,
workshop, outhouse, barn, stable, cel
lar, water closet, privy, yard. Jut, or
any other place within ilio lin.iis ot
tins city, any noisome or offensive lhi-
quids or any other substance, which
might become annoying to the neigh
borhood, or injurious the health of
those citizens residing near or fie-
queutly passing by such offensive liq
uid or other substance: r U throw any
tilth or offal, or any otiie liquid or olid
offensive substance imo any street, ave
nue, alley, lane, lot. water eouis. , or
any other place v ithiu the limns. t
this city.
Sec. 2 Allpublk nlabU-n, pig peim,
pig yards and cattle or stuck yards with
in the limits of this city shall be kept
in a clean condition, and no accumula
tion of filth shall be perm'tteii at, in or
near the same; and ail puvitte stables,
pig pens, pig yards aud cat'le or stock
yards shall be kept iu a cleanly and
non-offensive conditiou.
Sec. 3. All water closets and privies
are hereby required to be kept iu a
clean and wholesome condition and no
accumulation of filth within the sama
shall be permitted at any time to reach
a point nearer the surface than four
feet. It shall be the duty of the pro
prietors thereof to throw a sufficient
amount of some disinfecting agent,
which has beeu approved as such by
the board of health, into uch privies
and wter closets, at least twice iu
each week, to-wit: on Wednesdays and
Saturdays to thoroughly disinfect the
Sec. 4. The decision of the board of
health on the question of cleanliness
and nou-offensive condition mentioned
in this ordinance shall be final and
binding upon all parties concerned.
Sec. 5. The city marshal is hereby
charged with tho enforcement of the
provisions of this ordinance, subject to
the order of the board of health.
Sec. 7. All persons violating the
provisions of this ordinance, or failing
to comply with the requirements there
of, shall upon conviction before the
police judge of this city be fined not
less than five (3) dollars nor more than
one hundred (100) dollars: and in de
fault of payment of the fine adjudcred
shall be committed to jail for such per
iod as the police judge shall in accord
ance with the law, adjudge against
such party or parties.
Hec. 7. This ordinance shall take ef
fect and be in force from and after its
passage and publication according to
Passed and approved June 7, 1873.
Attest: Pit eli'S Paine,
City Clerk.
Plattsmoutu, Neb., June 30, '61.
To the Citizens of Plattsmouth :
0.i!niitifiAa XTfta dU ark A r. O hotrfl linrn
published border Hu, Hoohe
tr.m,ftl pi'i.u at tiia
TCrZ f 7 " ,h ?n
that no one can plead ignorance of
their existence. It is your duty to com
ply with the provisions of these ordi
nances, and whether you do or not, you
caH rest assured that they will be en
forced. By order of the board ofhealth
twenty days notice to the citizens of
Plattsmouth is hereby given to put
t, . premises in a healthy condition
At the expirttion of that time a thor
ough inspection will be made of the
entire city, and any person found liv
ing in violation of the ordinances will
be prosecuted, without regard to color
or previous condition, and the board
proposes that no guilty man escapes.
By order of the board of health.
J. D. Simpson,
To the SMOKERS of
Blackwell's Genuine
Bull Durham Smok
ing Tobacco.
The genuine has picture of
BULL, on every package.
For particulars see our next
Carruth's third watch club has still
a few vacancies. Call and secure a
chance. 129dtf
i- 3-1