A 1 Train Tim-, Un.ler iLe change in time passenger trains it-uve the depot here as follows: No. l west, 8:11 aj m. BENNETT & LEWIS, o s u uj mmmm S3 i p. -AUGUST 15th, 1884, TTo the Mew Wcat&fi'Efiian build 1ns, South hM. I?Ialsa $ticet, next to 'jSI1S waesit market. AT 3 For 30 Days & W eUs I will dra&e out my .ntock of During the coming T11IUTV AVi, -.a iii,t cost, FOR CASK When we say lor First Uoist, v.o mem it. Come and secure bar gains. A. - IS. HM. Plattsmouth, Neb. Sepfernbe 5 will seM em v ff3 ICifWlZt? "Ss IS vT Glassware, Lamps, Crockery .A. IsT 3D at area itly red J. IIEADQUARTEnS ICR ALE, VINES BEER AND CIGARS,- Old Kentucky Whiskies, IMPORTED WINES, aTUIIM'S EXTRA DRY CHAMPAGNE, NATIVE WINES, Eruff's Omaha Beer Always osa f ALWAYS IN THE .EliKHORN Fitzgerald Block - - - PLATTSMOUTIJ, NEB. 3. W. MUMJESiriBDS, Commission Merchant, J9t ash price paid for only 30 Daya Oj losite Perkins House. 7 esntSre stock of need mices. JM. P. HANSEN. ST- LOUJS BEER dtEight. STOCK, AT in .stock, corner 6ih an 884 SALOON :'o, 3 weat, 6:50 p. m. K. tj. St. .1. & C. B. north 3:1. a, in. 4 " u 6:35 p. m. C. 13. Q. , north, 7:45 a. m. Omaha btub north 8:55 a. n " 5:40 p.m. Trains arrive as follows No. 2 , Denver express 0:25 p. m. No. 4, " 9S5 a. m. K. C. St. J. & C. B. eatt 9:45 a. m. .. i. m . . 4. 8:35 p m C. H. & Q. Omaha east 5:K0 p. m. It Of J Meets every Tuesday evening at thes Castle Hall, ia Hock wood Block. V itiiijf Knights are invited to attend. II. M. Hons, C. C. V. L. Dykes, K. of li. and fcj. MAX A. T. IEOi:ilN( KL Architect 1511 Faruhf.ua street, Omaha. N-l Specifications, plans, etc., of all kind of buildings turn ...Led. IV-rsouul super vision of construction given when re quired. D&W-lmo Billiards and Bar. II. M. Bons has added to his saloon rooms two new billiard tables or the latest patterns; bar furnished with the best brands of whiskies,, wines etc., Anheuser beer, bottled beer, and best brands of cigars always in stock, (jive us a call. 133tt II. M. Boas. M O' Connor keeps on hand the cel ebrated Anheuser Burch St Louis Bot tled Jieer and always ready to pay pac ticular attention to his customers. 155tf The largest and best assortment of foot apparel of every description, from he coarsest Plow ehoes to the finest French kid, at the very lowest co-t price, at Merges'. 6wtl These are Solid Facts. The best blood puriflei and system regulator ever placed within the reach of suffering humanity, truly is Electric Bitters. Inactivity of the Liver, Bil iousness, Jaundice. Constipation, Weak Kidneys, or any disease of the urinary organs, or whoever requires an appetiz er, tonic or mild stimulant, will always- find Electric Bitters the best and only certain cure known. They act surely and quickly, every bottle guaranteed to give entire satisfaction or money re funded. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by J. M. Roberts Jand&wly. A Startling? Discuvery. Physicians are often startled by ro markable discoveries. The fact that Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption and all Throat and Lun diseases is daily curing patients that they have given up to die, is startling mem to realize meir sense ol duty, and examine into the merits of this wonder ful discovery ; resulting in hundreds of our best Physicians using it in their practice. Trial Bottles free at J. M. Roberts' Drug Store. Regular size 81.00. Xotice to Contractor I will receive bids for the grading of twelve hundred and sixteen and six- tenths (1216,6-10) yarda of earth on Oak street, between 4ih and 5th streets, for cue city or Flattamouth. as per specifi cation now on tile with the city clerk. Mas opened at 7 o clock p. m. August nee, tne city reserving the right to reject any or all bide. Signed. Jos. II. Fairfielp, 182 tlO Ch'n Com. S. A. and B. Important to Travelers. Special inducements are offered von by the Burlington route. It will pay you to read their advertisement to be fonnd elsewhere in this issue. 47tf Trytho Bina-ia plug chewine to bacco, it is by far the finest plug chew ing made. Matt Schleel sells ii. ltf Republicans are especially Invited to meet at Schelegel's and trv the Blaine and Logan cigar 93dtf Farmeks. The best place in the city to get your dinner, is at the Cot tage House, 6th St., near Main, Platts- mouth, Neb. uiay20wtf. Carruth's third watch club has still Call and secure a 129dtf a tew vacancies. chance. CD S erf 5 5" e-t- CD W -S 2. S3 SB CD 5" CD hi hi l D X2 S GO o H c w o o 6 Orders for hand made brooms at tended to promptly at the Western 14-oom factory. UaS-lmo CORN COB pipes in evry styl R-hletper. htt at ClotLes, Hair, Nail and Tooth Brash es, Combv&c., nico line, at Fisher's 0 pi b'BBa IN CASH GIVEN AWAY To the SMOKERS of Blackwell's Genuine Bull Durham Smok ing Tobacco. The genuine has picture of BULL, on every package. For particulars see our next announcement. Wm E. WhiMemorf, M. D., homoe paiLic phjhicii.il and surgeon. Office in Fitzgerald block. Residence south west corner Pearl and luili strot ts. Of fice hours 10 to 1-2 a. in., 2 t . 5 ami 7to 8 p.m. w8tf Parlor and bed room u-ls in all t Ij's at the lowest prices at Ilenrv lUi-ck's. 118tf PROFESSIONAL CARDS. E- W. COOK. M. D- Physician ash Sckgeon, OFFICE At Fisher's Drug Store. Plattsmouth, Nebraska. CiKO. S. hJWITIl, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Will praciice in all Court oi tUe State. Office in Fitzgrld Block. PI.TT9MO:TH. - KKBPASK. Al.t tV RKEROX. A. N. SUI.LlVJf . 11UF.SOX & Sl'LLIVAX, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will give prompt Attention to all business intrusted to them. OI Aoe in Union Block. East side. PLATTSMOUTH - NEBRASKA. FRANK H. WILSON, BasfMnent of Bank of Cass County. CORNER SIXTH A3SD MAIN WTKBBT8. ZEsT O T 1-ST PTJBLIO particular attention Kived to the prepamtlon of papers for Caveats, l'aienta unit Ketistration of rade JMarkauil 1-tbrls. Justice of the peacet. Elmwood Collections a specialty and Neb. gives prompt attention. 1. O address Elin- wood Neb. M. O'DONOHOE ATTORNEY AT LA W & 'OTAKY PUBLIC. Fitzgerald's Block, PLATTSMOtTIf, - NEBRASKA Agent for Steamship Hups to and from Europe. dl2w52ly I:c. W. 11. MCUILURXKCUT, Practicing Physician, Office, lrncr Main atwl 7th Streets., PLATTSMOUTH, - KEBRA6K. K. It. LITIS tihTOS, M. PHYSICIAN SUBOSON. OFFI t HOURS, from 10 a. in., to 2 p. Examine.: hurgeow lor U. S. Pension. in. OR. H. JtSLS.KU. PHYSICIAN AND SUKUKOS, Can be found bj calling at bis ofilce, corner 7tb &ud ilaiu Mieete, m J. 11. Waterman's House. PLATTKMOCTH. NEBRASKA. JA.H. . MATMKlVh ATTOBirKY AT LAW. Office ovor Baker & Atwood's store, south side ot Main between 6th and tith streets. 2ltf MTKOUK & ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Ct.lltli. Will practice In all the Courts iu the Mate. District Attorney and Notary Public. COLZ.CTIOJVS 1 merfif I. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Real Estate. Fire In surance and Collection Agency. Ofn e Union block Plattsmouth Nebraska. 22ci3 1. 11. WHEKLEU A CO. surance Agents. Plattsmouth, Nebraska. Col lectors, tax -payers. Have a complete a be tract of titles. Buy aud sell real estate, negotiate loans. &C. 16) I JAMKS K. jJiiitlNOX, Notary Tublic. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Willprastlce in Cas9 and adjoining Counties ; gives ppecia: attention to collections and abstracts of title. Office in Sherwood Block, Plattemouth, Nebraska. l"yl IM12i:HT il. VI.MIIA5I, Notary Public AITOENiY AT LAW. Office over Carruth's Jewelry Store. Plattsmouth. - ' - - - Nebraska. hi, A. HARTICAN, A W Y E It . FlTZOEBAL.n'8 BLOCK. PLATTSMOUTH NEB Prompt and careful attention to a general Law Practice. Ua A. HALI8HI K V. DBUTIST. Jfflce over Smith, Black Co's. Prag Store. First class dentistry at reasonable prices, 231y Dr. C. A. Marshall Succes'sor to Cluttor Marshall,) SJESHITIaST ! Preservation of natural teeth a epeclalty. Teeth extracted vHthottt pain by use of Laughing Gas. All work warranttd. Prices reasonable. - KTTZ0FRI.T BliWK. - PLATT8WOCTH.N K. DRESSLEK, Merchant" Tailor. I xn B O 0 m m CD o ft 00 ft8 "3 0 5 5 CO tS0 kxa I 8 EL ft ft a 2 r ( 3) ( sssm e 3 f3 tlo fc-1 is) r- J) 3 TV J i il i t 1 i ; .- 4 i