...... ... A VOL. U. PLATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 13, 1881. NO. 1 10. m nans iFfi PLATTSPDTB HERALD. IT HUSHED DAILY AND WEEKLY a $sar stocte f somis will be The Flaltsmoatit Herald PablisMiic Co Tp TD AtoMt la -Sept 4MI ICE! DAILY, delivered by earner to any part of the city IVrWoek 1 I'er Month 'cr Year WKKLY, by mail. One cnjiy aix months W Out-copy one year 0,1 Keiristtied y.t lue PostOfliee, Plaltsmoutli, as secjutl class mailer. i 1 X JOSEPH V. WECK.BACH. IlKAI.Ki: I. j National Republican Ticket. ion president, tames ulaixe. of Ataine. l'OK V C K - P It E s n EN T . JOHN A. LOU AX, of Illinois. lv. Kamliv Groceries, Carpets, Ka, Euv AT TH33 "DAYLiaHT" STOEE, PLATTSMOITTU. XKli. I'KN'T :AL MAIN STIfEKT, jCall for Republican Judicial Conven tion. The rf -publican electors ol the second Judic ial District of Nebraska are requested to send delegates from the several coumies to meet 1m .....,.. i at t iMttiuiMiitli Tuesday. Aintust 1 ui ia. ut in o'clock a. in., for the purpose of placing in nouiiuation a caudidatejor District Mtorney, selecting a central conunittee and tiieli otiu-r business as may properly come be fore the convention. Ti.e several counties are entitled to representation as follows, being ii:LHeil iiDon the vote cast for J. M. Hiatt. re- iiit. of the university. Kivinz one delegate at large, and oue for everv one huudred and fifty u..tuU unH m i inr trrtion thereof : iviltf t . 1 . ' ' J - . I ' . . .j j.f.unt M ..... ... 1 V ...1.1 .V.UU . J - - - .......... - I -i m-nt;t.r nulllltv ... .. ........-..I Otoe county 1 T0(,a 4." It is reco'minViided that no proxies be ad mitted o the convention unless neia uy per sons rexidini; in the couutirs from which the proxies are given. I'iattsmouth, Neb., July 1.1881. 1. H. Whkelf.r, J. B.Stkour, thais-ntan. Secretary. The Old HeliaHe Cigar Manufact'er MATT. SCHLEGEL, Rcpulilican District Convention. Tii imtlio:in Klintor9 of the Kirt Con gressional Uistrict of Nebraska are invited to send delegates from the several conntiei" ti re- r. .i.nv..iit inn lit I lent rice on Wed nesday, August 20, sit 2 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of placing in nomination a candidate for Congress, and fi,r the transaction oi su;n other businei't as laity conieboloie tlie oiiveu- tlou. . , The several counties are entitled to retire sentatlon ii follows, beinir h:ised iit"n llie vote MMnr.l. M. Hiatt. Iteiieut of llie University irlviii.rinn ilnlmmre at farire. and one forcveiy one hundred and fifty votes and the ltiajoi frac tion thereon Counties Douglas Cage Johnson I.aucaster... . Nemaha Otoe Caes Oounties Pawnee Uiehardson. . Sarpy 2i:Sauud'is. .. ..1U ..111 Total.. ..13! Del. ....iy .. .11 ! Del 1 ...13 .... 5 . .12 ...138 t la pnmmniiii tuit no inoxios be admit ted to tlie convention, except 'ueh as are held by persons residing in the counties from which proxies are giveu. . C. A. Holmes, Chairman John Stfkx, Secretary. Liucolu. June 20. Hi I. MAK.SS The ediiorial comment of the cjour nal U simnly au e.iliibitioa of anger . I ..- r over the yrcati repuoacaii cimpaiijii winces '. Bin ;mil Lop Cim Tlae fecst S cent Cigar manu- facturcd anywhcie. Aho many ether 1 nnuls that have become popu lar, sucli us tlie OLD GOLD. flo 11 de alma, pride of xei iiaska, silver ad gold tiger, ;oc::y sciilegel leaders Fril LEG EL'S ASTOMS1LLI; i table, a rout, tlx column paper -.in tl otliers which are all strictly iirt-.-la-:,. lie also keeps the hut- J will be the rr..le i.i t:.c emtor, uut a Mn. "W. li. White bad be lived would have bcea nominated for State Treas urer bv acclamation. 1 lie lie-la now seerrs to be an open one. Ed. J. Hal- the "Vuhoo:T: Greeubavk'.-t.i. his dor I .1 Tie Crete i' .ily years has niu be ierest3 ot 0 ioi with eenback- kness our that complete stock ot Smoking vm. Che.vi ig om be t'oui.J nnywhe e. ToIkn'co, Rir-'-'-i oc Spec ial a tentioii pail to correspond. -nee. F 1 riee?. call or id Jre-s-: M ATT.. SCHLEGEL, Plattsmouth, xSebralka. 1. S. Ak lor Sclilegel's Rlaiue anl Logan Cigars, and I m ill ':iarraiitee yu a gotxl smoke. 6REAT SACRIFICE iii3!ics to tue pocket books of the pub i-hin j compaiiT. Such is the life of a daily paj er in the glorious clia 'ate of Nebraska. The preseut state neasurrr, Phelps D. Si urdevant, of Fillmore county, is to be the democratic candidate for gov ernor if the state prevails and U not broken. We trust the fcUte will re- nain intact; after election the democ rarv w ill!wouder what bos become ot their candidate anyway. C. G. HEROLD, is expected to remove 9iis stock and w ill for tlie ns' m "r jh 0 ell (Dlotliiiiic: at uniform prices Siiito retailed at wlaolesale rntea, iment door east of court A. J. Weaver will be re-uominated for Congress by acclamation. He wnl not only be re-nominated but re-elected. and the democratic party in the big First may bring Mr. J. E. lloyd forth and spur him for the race. A3 Ajax de fied the lightning so Ajix may defy Boyd neither of them are dangerous to our Ajax. Thk republican county convention at Louisville will be a harmonious one. It will be a body of representative men who do not desire personal ens and person at spites to jeopardize the interests of the whole pai ty. It will be republican in all the length and breadth of the term, and it will nominate a ticket that will represent all parts of Cass county and thBt Cuss county will elect, 1876. BLAINC. 1884. The Republican nominee for the Presidency grows in 8frength every day, and we re-ptoduce the el'M,.jnti tribute puid our next President by il at gifted orator Hon. Robert G. lngerscll, at the Cincinnati convention e:ght years bince. What wad true of Mr. Blaine then is truo now, with tlia a J -dition that tho intervening jears has biought experience in state-craft and politics. That Mr. Blaine is the ablest po--iti"al leader in the United SUiea i3 beyond dispute, even by the thinking men of his adversaries. With his po litical admirers everything that akla to the lustre of his fame is rcud with avidity. A perusal of the following is commended te our young republicans : Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen:-Massachusetts may be sathlied with royalty of Benjamin PI. liristow; so am 1 , but if any man nominated by this convention cannot carry the state of Massachusetts, 1 am not satisfied with the loyalty ot that state. It the nominee of this convention cannot car ry the grand old commonwealth ot .Massachusetts Dy 75.LJ0 majority, 1 would advise them to sell out Faueuil ball as a democratic headquarters. 1 would advise them to take from Bunk er Llill that old monument of glory. The republicans of the United States demand as their leader in the great eon- test oi lb7b a iiiuq ot mtellieerce, a man of well known and approved po litical opinions. They demand a states man ; they demand a relormer alter, as iv ell as beloie the election. They de mand a politician in the highest, broad est and best sense, a man of superb moral cou 'age. They demand a man acquainted with public affairs, with the wants of the people; wun not omy me requirements of the hour, but with the demands of the future. They demand a man who is broad enough to comprehend the relations ol Jiis government to the other nations of the earth. They dtniard a man we) veisi-d in tne powers, uuti-iie ana pre rogatives of each aud every depart luent of this goverinup?it. They de maud a man who win r.acidly pie serve the Qnaiie al honor ol tr.e Liuted States; one who knows t:'-ugli to know that the nat oiiHi fujiit i;it:St be p.iid throuuh the l'MiSMtni oi this peoi !c one who kuovis enough to knoA tuiU all the lin:;t;oiul Uimji le in llic world cannot nde-in a 6-ngie duilar;UH v, lu kuows eneuuli i knuw that I'll of ii;e money must be ukuIc, i.t by l:iw, iui by labor; one wiiu kuows euoan to know that the people of the United States have the industry to make the money, aud the honor to pay it over as fast as they make it. The republicans of of the United 8 att8 demand a man who knows that prosperity and resumption, when they come, must come together; that when they come they will come hand in hand through the golden harvest fields; hand in hand by tho whirling spindles and the turning wheels; band in hand past the open furnace doors; hand in haud by the chimneys filled with eager fire, greeted and grasped by the countless sons of toil. This money has to be dug out of the earth. You cannot make it by passing resolutions in a io!itical convention. Applause. The rtpnoucauj ot the united btate want a nmu who knows that this gov ernment should protect every citizen, at home and abroad ; who knows that any government that will not. defend its defenders, and protect its protectort s a disgrace to the world. Ihey mand a man who believes in the eter nal separation and divorcement of hurch and school. Tbey demand a man whose political reputation iz as potlcit? as a star, but they do not de mand that their candidate shall have a certificate of moral character signed bv Confederate congress. The man t ho has in full heaped and rounded measure all these spienaid quaiuica- tions, i3 the present grand and gallant leader of the Republican party Jaes G. Blaine. Our country, crowned with the vast and marvelous achievements of its first century, asks for a man worthy of the psst and prophetic of her future; abks for a man who his the audacity of ge nius, asks for a man who is the grand est combination of heart, conscience and brains beneath her flag such a man is James G. Blaine. Applause. For the republican host, led by this intrepid man, there can be no defeat. This is a grand year a year hlled with recollections of the rev&iuuou; fillet! with the proud and tender memo ries of the past; with the sacred legends of libertv a vear in which the sons of freedom will drink from the fount.-da? of enthusiasm; a year in which the people call for a man who has pie- served in congress what our soldiers won upon the field; a year in which they call for the man who has torn from the throat of treason the tongue of slander for the man who has snatch ed the mask of democracy from the hideous face of rebellion; for this man who, like an intellectual athlete, has stood in the arena of debate and chal their General upon tlie field of bat Apnlause.1 James G. Blaine is now and has for vars the bearer of the uacred ard of the republican nartv. I eall it sacred because no human being can stand beneath its folds without becom ing and without remaining tree. Gentlemen oi the convention, m tne ouiiie oi me great repuunc, tuts wuiy republic that ever existed upon this earth ; in the name or all ner uerenners aud of all of her supporters; in the name of her poldici living; in the name of nil her soldiers dead upon tlie field of batth. and n the name ol those who pencilled in th skeleton Clutch of famine at Andcrsooville and l.ibby, whose sufferings he so vividly remembers, Illinois Illinois nominates for the next president of this country that prince of parliamentarians that leader of loaders James (J. Blaine, ilF.G.Fricke&Co. J. M. ROBERTS, Will kep Cuiit:iiitly n li n.J full juJ com p!e'.c i.cll ul puiu DRUGS ANl MKIH'IK PAINTS. OILS, WALL FA FLIC jn;l ;i (nil lini; ul IUUJGGISTS .SI'NMMKn. PVIIK LKJUOUS ! "or Mft.iie.iii rurMi-r Thk viscious exhibition of ar.ger ex hibited by the Journal over the great republican meeting of Monday even ing shows that the demonstration must havejpuuetured his obtusn con ception of a great meeting. Calling members of the Yound Mens Republi can club malicious liars, and applying opprobrious epithets to the demonstra tion is a maguificent argument in favor of democracy. Special allroUwii srnuliuu . ;iri, In ( 'niu i 1 1 : 1 1 1 ' u 11 I lull f. BANK. Advertising Cheats ! ! ! " It has beome so common to begin an article in an elegent, interesting style "Then run into some advertument that we avoid all such. " And simply call attention to tlie merits of Hop Bitters in as plain, honest terms ts possible, 'To induce people ''To give thm one trial, which so proves their value that they never ue any thing elue." "The remedy so favorabely Tiw'i. e-i in all the papers, Religious and secular is "Having a large sale and is supplan ting a!! ether medicines. "There is u denying the virtues of Hop plant and the proprietors of Hop Bitters have shown great shrewdness and ability "In compounding a medicine whose virtues are so palpable to every ones obscrvnt'o :." Ilia Sue SIe THE CI 11 Zi: N't. J3 j9l ircr j23L ! I'l.ATISMOl' t;i. .M-.l:f ASK A. CAPITAL, - S7t. Ot )0. (. . . k.k JOU.N I'.UtK, .'lUNIv l AKKL IH, frssitlnt. Viiy-l'n-u n-ti! w. u. rr.Mii.N'ij. C;ii-tii" HIICKi"l'OKl Joliu illa -k. W. n. Cashing, l'r;iiik .v.ri uii .f. A. Connor, Fidl I1hmi .iiiii, J. W. .loliu ou, K. K. i lUiiniiiUii, l'ct r M uinin Win. V'ettf iiiii, iry H-rck Timisa.'LH a ji:ii-i'al 1' inkinu I'. i !in--.-. A! who Imve any UiiuUini; Dii-iiiii-s !u li.uisacv ar invileU to call. No ni.ill.i-r Inc. larH or mnu'il iu lrai;i-;ii-tion. '..'f!! ii-et'ivi: our 'aiMil i1 li-iilinn. .vi! pr.iniis.' always coiii teous treatin'-iil. 1 ..lit- .'riiiio;tt-;s of Unuosius bwriw; inliM .-.i H'JVb.iihI si-lN Foreign Kx-liiinc, Couulv ijidCilv ei'uritiex. Joa.N t-'lTZfSKU At,l, rrfesidct FIRST A. W. Mrl.AUGlfLI Can hi oi, NATIONAL.. " She aud i liiinf-away a.i 'e " 'J he doctors doing her no tfood; ' And at last wai cured by this IIo; Bitters the papers say so much about, Iudeed ! Indeed ! " How thanklul we should b-.s lor that medicine." A Dauslitei-' Misery 'Eleven years our daughter suffered on the bed of misery. "From a complication of kidney, liver, rheumatic trouble and nervous debility " Under the eare of the beat pbysiei- JB J JSH' ! t-K I'l A TTSMOCTil. NKHKAHK. . f.'t-.-i-" r;,a very best facillti. rut til" jiroiiiji lraijc;i.-ilfiii ol' li'il'.inat BANKING BUSINESS. 1 sull'ereii uioiig. i ikiocks. BoudH. Gold, tiovuriirnfiit jim.1 Loca :..,. r.. ......r "! heciiritien noucuta:iu Si time for iar, ' HI11 i:fcl(;al m!1oW4 t Sold. Oboill i ei-ei t- weU on time Cert IB - . atns. 1 rui in a m wu, Kvailable iu e n y par: i tiie l i.Li Hiatt nai ai. the Ji ni':i.Hl tuwui ol Europe. Collection made & promptly rtmitUd HltMiffct iliot prices paid for County Wr Htate a lid County lioudr. an 3 I gave her dhease variotif DIRECTORS : John FiL,fcia.ld John it. Clark. A. W McLauKhlln. F. . W,ii. WEEPING "WATER Who names, " Dut no r dief " And now she is restored to us in rood health bv a siuple a remedy as - . . i Hop li.tttrs that we hait siiuunci lor ; years b;fore useing it." j , The Parent v i Fatherly Ketiln tfell " My daughters say : " How much better father is ince he ucd Hep Hitters 44 He i3 getting well after his iong suffering from a disease declared in curable." " And we are so glad that, he used your Bitters-" A Lady of Utica, X.Y WEEPING WATER. - NKJi E. L. REED, President. D. A. GIBSON, Vice-President. K. 8. WILKINSON', ('.wider. TCQUGH i?y.j u. m mm) ABSOLUTELY CUKES AV IIOOl'IG ooi': It Ish l:arrol-!H veitaMe Brap.vny d-'v tin- t;isie. HelUves at once aii'l is a jll:v. WINTER and BRONCHIAL COO. .. are tuti-1 bj- tLla c-xceilrnt retufy. Li. rcr '-.-. J in l-ii latuj'toyt acrv.:ipn I 'J 1 1-'.' WBLGOB iminr nuuunc ABSOLUTELY CUBES AH. DISEASES OF TTTE BLOOP. STOMACH, B-i-el5 ai'l Kldneyd: for all diseases oriTin rf .-' In impairment of the oIk.. Ann-niia, ("iiK H'.f i '' . Nt-rvou-:iP, tma! Wenitiif. Liv-r V?-M-:i'iit, lvrtwi. Ja.irk, K.!Sou'i" m.-i K - i'-v :.i"!s-i', tni- cMIi-irie !.'iiMfl.imit. j .:i-i ii-.!. :i;- ili-! r: t contnlii Tiv iii'-.t.-rl. if ti-'-c -ij i-. .-,!aM. r. inr tl: :.! I" a li ' : v . . v-ii' ''.. I1--.:. ' il trX'-i.- .- -i ?'.i T .' ; :v 'f :''. :. ' - i'..- ""rc.' ' ' ' ?,;:;.!.: fc. cc-.. t::!CAvO "r. .? ii.5! &5f ALL U2t?G.PVH TOR SALE BT WILL. J. TVAKUH K. a GsacTdi unm zmmz Tnmitb. UK1DMITH Keceived, and Iiiturest aliowi.-ii o;i l imn Certi ficates. UKAF1N -M Drawn available In aiiy pnrt of the CMteii States a,it r.!! tie' piincipal citirmot Kur.ip;. Agcu! for the celebrated Mm, Line of Steamers. Bank Cass County Cotncr Miia and Sit!i Street. 1 I n. M. I' A KM KI.E, fresldent. fACLEKSuS. Casliier. f lenged all comers, and who is still a total stranzer to defeat. Applause. Like an armed warrior, like a plumed knight, James G. Blaine marched down the halls of the American cougress and threw his shining lance full and fair against the brazen foreheads of the de faraers of his country and the malign ers of hia honor. For the republican party to desert this gallant leader now, is as though an army should desert Trie Ice Man. Jos. Fairfield ha established an of tlce at Monarch billiard hall, w here he will contract with c msumers to supply ice for the season at the lowest term. 8m2 Fresh Blackberries and Blaeberries received daily at Bennett & Lewis'. 12Qtf Transacts a General Bantinjr Mimi HIGHEST CASH Pit ICE Paid for County and City Warstntt. COLLECTIOXH MADE tsid ptomptly remitted for. DIBECCTOftS . It B Wiuiham, J. M. Patterson, C. H. Parirei F. It. Gutnmann. W J. Agnw, A. B. Smith. Fred Oerder. Bsnnstt ot Lewis have just received a car load of fliar from tho celebrated "Shawnee Mills," Topeka, Kansis. They guarantee this flour to equal any made in the United States. Dou't for the brands Topek Patent -Shawnee Fancy and Eagle. 118tf Well Rewarded. A liberal reward will be paid to any party yho will produce a cae of Liver, Kidnev or Stomach complaint that Ele ctric Bitters viil not speedly curt. Bring them along, it will cost yo1. nothing for tne medicine if it fai to cure, and you w ill be well rewarde ! for your trouble beside. All blo'K. diseases, Biliousness, Jaundice, Consti pation, and general debility are vuickly cured. Satisfaction guaranteed 0 money refunded. Price only Gf ty cents per Lot Up. For sale by J. M. llobert Dec. 27 eCwly. Call and see l. I wisii to notify the public that I am now open tor business, at Joe McVey 3 old stand, where I have ia stock a ful. line of Kentucky whi6kies, St. Loui-' beer, wines and cigars &c, as good as the best. f57dtf H. M.Bo: Hurrah for Blf tt irrmpjren. y, I v -x . I tndJt--T ' 1 Eaotaoe. i .-fldatlon ' - : -li.