1 V - 1 ? 3 f v Opera House "I I I J. S. HARTMAN, Proprietor. SSvrytlaissfg' Mew. Euar Eew babies. AUo a complete line of the le.t .juality ol' CIGAIiS, and TOBACCO, next dour tu I O. Opera. Houe Block. EASTWARD I lily Kxjn-f Trillin fir Oiit:. 'liic:r-. If -in. .m I'iiv. St. i.iiin-t. ti-t .;M I -:iits l'".-t n.r ,h iv.ix vi:i ! .ni.i t .1:1 .in.i.i.um. 1 4i:.i u .: 1 I V r.,;r'f-. .. til tilt on ti't'ralua. ; 1 tl' I iir;'- .. '- 0 st t,i --- aourt river. W OBHTBAL V. Es the piiee- wl2.er c st& all times ftTTirnrlr rkrr!Wffi jjVir?Si T?-rii -i 1 1 vaa .n r-m, tl m rrf i 4 Isivery, and Sale Stable. RIGS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION DAY OR NIGHT. EVERYTHING IS FIRST-CLASS Til E 11EST TEAMS IN THE CITY SINGLE AND DOUULE CAHKIAGES. Travelers wiil find complete outfits by calling at the- Corner Vine and Fourth Streets, J OXATIIA-V IlA'IT grk. Mutton ajra . - - - y NurrcMKor i A. HrE.JDQ,T71?T3IS FOE CHOICE Sugir-CureJ Hams, JJacon, Salt Meats of all kinds, Lard Bologna, and all other articles kept in a first-class meat market. AT WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL. The Highest Market Price Paid lor Hides Wool, Pelts, Grease, Etc. Fresh"' Lake Trout; : and White I Fish;? Every Thursday Morning, Billiard Ha ' ' ' - WESTWARD 1'ji'iv F": ;?'" train for JsnvT 0'Mie tiiig . I i.i ii i it fur nil ii;iit? in I i.lorauo, i v,h 1 lif.: 1:1 u;.: me ei lire efi. me amem m - 1 - . i tiii- IM es t he traveler a f eW i.C-ljte to tilt' A .si. Jil. mrwtj am. atvaui.-y: j UQcqutUm' I-KtwLot. LBKE I LATTSiJOUTII, NEB. J. W. JMaeths. rttF H?iTi I BVAl jfj V 1 II L m PLATTSMOUTH HERALD PUBLISHKD BY 'lie Plattsmoiilii fleriil Pnlilisliint Co. Republican County Convention. The reuublicun eiectms of Cuss Co. Jureby ciilU-d to n-ucl df lt'Kut-s from 1 tie uiiic-iuut prtciucu tu the county, to meet in couuty couveutiou At LOUISVILLE, PATUKDAY, AUO. lGl'II, ut 11 oVlock a. m., for tho purjiose of cl-ciini thirtveu (Id) delegates to tbe state convention, ttiirtfeu (13) di-lc-ates to tle congr ysiouai con vt ution, inirtuen (13) delegatus to the Judicial convention, also to tiiace in nomination ouij candidate fr atate senator, four ;nudidU-s tor representiitives, and one t-;iuJidate tor county commissioner from the aecond coiuinissiontr's dis trict, the buais of rcptcseutauon being one delegate at large from each ward and precinct and one delegate for every 15 votes or major fraction cast for J. M. II i.itt, lor regent of the state uni versity. The several Wards and Precincts will be entitled to representation us follows: Precinct. iJelegntes. First Ward Second Ward Third Ward Fourth Ward 1'lattsmouth Precinct Veej. ing Water Centre Liberty liock lilulls Tipton Greenwood Salt Crewk Stove Creek Elm wood ...0 . . .1 . .10 ...c . . . 7 ..16 .. .6 . . .0 ..16 .. .5 .. .0 ... I . . .. South Bend. 7 Louibville 5 Avoca S Vit PleaHHUt 0 Eiht Mile Clove Totj.l., 144 Train Time. Ur-iJer lie change i tia:i pti, -! tiaii U'-iNi- tho depot .-: tt.l.'owt: No. 1 ve -r. J m u No, 3 west, C;.o p. in. K. C S:. J. A- C. B. conh o.l.i a. in " 4 - " " ' 6:3-j p. m. C. B. k Q. , nortli, 7:45 a. in. Omaha stub nortli 8:55 a. m. 4' 5 :40 p in. Trains arrive as follows No. 2., Denver express 6:25 p. m. No 4, " 9.25 a. in. K. C. St. J. tfc C. B. eat 9:45 a. in. M t u 8:35 p. ni. C. B. & Q. Omaha east 5:30 p. m. CORN COB pipes in every style S-hlegei's. Ittt Trytha Btuana plu? chewinz to bacco, it is by fur the finest plug che w ing made, Matt Schlegd sell3 it. ltf Diamond Dyes, at Warrick's. I37t2 Base Balls and Bats. $1.50 balls for 1.10. l.oo " " 70c. 50c " " 30c. 25o 20c. A big cat on base ball goods, at War rick's. . 137i2 Choice.Planw. W. J. Ilesser has now ready for mar ket a lot of very fjue Cumberland, Triumph, Sharplesn, Crescent seedling and late Gleudale Strawberry laiits. it 25 era per dozen, 75c per 100. o $5 per 1000; the above grown in inch pots, Lrong plants, 50i. per ''ozen. Sitmphs of fruit on exhibition at Bennett & Lewis' where orders may be left. llSdiwtf Carruth's third watch club has still a few vacancies. Call and eeoiure a Chance. I29dtf A few Piattsmomh maj s at co-t. at WarnckV. 1S7i2 A vegetable proluct used only in Ayer's Ague Cure has proved itself a never failing remedy lor all malarial diseases. Warranted wltdC Croquet sets at 70c and $1.C0 at War rick's. 137i2 Warrick's is the cheapest place in the county to buy paints, Wall paper, &c, &c. 137d&w2t For positive curative efl'ects, one lot tie f Aytr'a Sar?parilla is worth three of any oih;r name. w ltd6 Just think of it! Lubricating oil tor 2oc per ual'on; castor machine 90c per gal., at Warrick's. 137dwt2 Pasture Two hundred and forty acres under fence; with running water, and one half mile from the citv. Applv to 5itf ' W.S. Wise. Pailies buying S10 worth of goods for cash will receive a ticket for the gtnd draw iug at L. C. Erven's. 115dJtw2t Call before the list is completed. Last chance to get a $55 watch for -3.r, at ?1 pei week. I24tf L. C. Erven. j Hl)(.arheai3 tobacco is nl the go new. All chewers seem to be anxious to get j tLat farm which will be gJven away f -T" next. Call at Matt Schlegel's j u'r a circuian Until further notice I can bring im -mierauts from En eland or Ireland to Piattsmouth for 835.00. This is a rare chance, and those intending to send for their relations should embrace this fa vorable opportunity. lOStf M. O'Dosohob. Rucklen'a Arnica Salve. The Best Salve In the world for Cuts, Bruees, Sores, Uloi rs, Salt Hheuiu, Fe ver sores Teller Chapped Uunds Chilb lains Corns and all Skin Eruptun and poaitivJy cure Files or no pnv required. It is gaunai.teed to give perfect i-atis-faction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For Sale By J. M. Uob erfs. Nov. 27 1883 ly The Best Couli 2e&icine In the World. bAMFLE t UEE OF CIIA11GE. Call at Warrick's drug store, and get a sample bottle of Brow n't Expec torant liee of charge. It cures CoiikIh, Hoarseness, Whooping Cougn and Con sumption In its early Hinges. It is a ficientitie. preparation, admirably adapt ed lor t lie cure ot all Throat and Lung Diseases. It is pleat-ant to take ami entliely harmless. Try it; it cost you nothing, llegiilar t-ize bottles, SOcent. and Sl.OO. For sale by W.J. Warrick. Jan. 3 ujtwly Free ! Free! Free ! NEW DISCOVERY FOR PILES. A new remedy for this dreaded dis ease has been discovered by Dr. Deuinji A single application will convince the most bkeptical of its most wonderful healing powers. By calling on W. J Warrick druggist, you can obtain a sample box free of charge, which will satisfy you of its curative qualities. Jan 3 UAwlx In the I t; 1r. re When you have a cough ai'l want re lief, think ot Kemp's B.iNaui for tin Throat and Lungs; a guaranteed reme dy for those diseases. Price 50c and $1; trial size free. Respectfully, apr 3 4m W. J. WaP-HIck, NebKAPKA TATE GaZETEEK ANI Bl's-lxKs.-i DirpcT(i:y to be issued in July. 184, piife 4 50. J. M. Wot.FE, j.ubii-lur 12U S. I4ih St .Oinalia. l3tl All l"ne btat houses in Phitt3iroutl, will ell vou Bremner's choice cracl ir at reduced piice by the box or bnrrll, ami don't you forget it. Get tutno and you re? the best. tf S.iue Foolish I't uple Aliow a rough to run until it ets be yond the reach of iiudici"n. They often say, Oh, it will wear away, .ut in most cases it wears tlitm away. Could they be induced to try the successful medicine calltd Kemp's Balsam, that I sell on a positive guarantee to cure, they would immtdiately sie the excel lent effect after taking the Gist dose. Price 50c and SI; trial size free. Resp'y. aprS 4m W.J.Warrick. WITAUE ;H0LSE. lli Stt Xtar IKaiu, PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. Having - take n charge of the Coi taoe HoufeE, 1 shall try to furnish all patn r.s with -mif -rti:Lle qumtus and keep the tal les supplied uith the b-st in tr.e niatkct. Ttans-ient cistom and board by the day or week solicited. maj 1 7dtf. ED. FRAZIER CITY HOTEL. This beautiful three t-torv trick structure, on ower Maid street, ha" Just been tnlslietl ace' tted up for tbc accommodation of TliA X SI EXT UUSTOJfJCRS, ASH -- REGULAR BOARDEliS. VERY THING NEW ASB CLEAN Good Dar iD ci)ijii'.""f.ii!i v: i:use. FRED GOON. Troyr W. H. MALICK, P CARRIAGE G ainiii and tri SIGN & ORNAMENTAL PAJL2VTIWG; AH orders left with me will receive prompt attention. COR. FIFTn AND VINE STKEET8, PLATTSMOUTH. - NEBRASKA. M. O'CONNOR. At the down-town saloon.? PPOSITE THE PERKINS UOESE. Keeps a complete Ine of "VSTX NEIS Xiiquors, CIGARS, BOTTLED BF.FR, ALE AND PORTER, DRUG'S OMAKA BEEE aLd tbe best brands of Kentucky Pi whlNklfs, Will BUY ana SELL all Hnds of FURNITURE METALS IRON RAGS AND FURS Will advance money on all SALABLE GOODS, od luwer Main street. One dcor west of Eeck'a Faruitore sor Plittamooth.Peh, 1st. 1SS3 tt ft pt & ka!t w to Til B E" 5" N Si ODD r7i (BD izi ft di ted kae Pi tea M WES 3 "B9 tera ft pa I ft &1 Si ft 5 3 tea ft 5 ft et e &1 S Ct3 g5 13 3 i COD CD c COD irMi W I. ! -1. i IN