- r i r IK b v. r. ru riSMii iiiifliLD i if ::;t ok niK city CITY" InTJUWS. p ... . -. Cass County Fairs. 1H1 Cvssi ni'NTV TAIl: will held at iMU-.iiiiilli Sept. 'ftth. -I'l Ii and .Ttli. W. S. Wl-tk. Sieietaiy. lilt: V Y.V.l'l N'U WATER FAIR will e told at U'.cfiiK Water. Sept. 101 Ii, ITtli and isili. U. . iNoiiioM, Secretary. Young Mcl's Republican CLUB. .!. IllSIINKLI... President. 5. UKLl'HKI, 2d Vice Pre. CAMPBELL. Treasury. Fttr.. tl Vice) I'l. l.Hh. 1'. 1 II N a-. r-i ! trviiknt. la their Xerald'-i Uiock. l,irar" Warrick lHt bra; Ur. 4' 4. l.arU;ill, OentUt, wuc-t-s- m to Clutter & 31aruall. '!': til f xtiacled without uiu, l mm- iltrou Ojtlde Hit. . s:t:urjr, OentlMt. mi;ci L Nonets. All per 1; jvvm-tilH under tni 'i-it'l .,- l ll I'lSelllOll. it(i:V TO LOAN -On real estate by A.N. Mt.iivaii FX. -4 I'll. .T.Al-r. .- .v... V,,d timber, splendid orchard ol hearing ... . . o . I iViti.LtinJ f 114 irii tr .e- : one u iur ui'i - c. my ; situ fed near Ml. Pleasant. Inquire of ! ' Sullivan. r,M C Vl.K - V one n rse "lV ana iiurnc j ., :. , s. ""'""aiVs. A. SC1ILKGKL. i s .l " . . i n i" S Vi.iC 'dy rciidenco ami four lo!t ; ! A" i-. l ii mil-. iKira ami fruit, and in exoH- I .u.iiti..i also two liiiprv-tl larmit. also l Imn.i. Ji'i ftHl till Mmti I - -.'1 : ! r 11 'Mirnuir i.tiiiB 1) ti. W HKK.I.klt. I vi v iioiws.l:iiinl wood land ! ! i:n H.'U-i 4 Sua. ,,,,1.1 i,ic Sral reildii;f. ciloap. F l!airVot i- It- W I & C"' In- -.r.i A vI.E -Scratch Tablets In all V ti. - .t.flcrt. Ultf Particu aTtf L'OU SAt-K a lot In good location. Jt urJ at tUis ottleu si ! V.-v. ln Machine. Inquire at till oOlce. , IMi:;SVLK l,WWcorit.swf wood ! v.. s. Wise. luouire oi tf iu)i:sALE Id paptir Tor Hale at th! cre , at 0 cvul ei tiutdied . r ct-nts per : ti IMlt-" 4.1 F I our lots tig'HUei In gO.nl ? t'io.iVa thl city. iaqWc at tin, oil) ged ioC-x- 1ti,t; pifv T I'lie uei'tueaal loom In SidJel- j t iu inn's buildiiii;. alter Auu-t ll. I ins room is suitable for iniUluery or dress makiue, oi f "i a small buiuess of any klud. In u.ie at tbe premises. inn Koi iI TO KEMT. A fu.oUUel room for one vv'to Keiitleinec, In good location. In quire at this office. ll FOliKKN'Torsale on lona time, a house uad two lots w lib good Ui.nvtuisut i. Ap ly to it. Ii. W tndbain. r -..id water, cood same-i suots. ii per mis KPN iOOd.neVi H.l-'Si (.1 iuui IW1M3, M v . , ... . j 21 - K'ud water, cooa saiMt-i .... Til.. T 4u i ryu oioulii lusuweituio. " lOlt KEN T the nortli store loom In Ne- location tor resiaurant or boardiu hou3,venti VUtiK i ...u..t. Inn VIU III. iicmir. LOS C-Rod cut! button wUli at;ate sei. riuder way leave at this office au.l t- U'tlP.Ull tt The te re- wunted. LOST - locket one side black enamel set with pearls ; i-lctures of old tjentb inau au.l lady Insid... Finder please reiurn to Miss Say erat Ur. W.ntersteeu or leave K nt tins of fice. IVAN I El A Klrl to do Uouhh work. lu- 1 1 more at the residence of 1JUI. K. B. WINIHIAM. Ii. Of JP Meets every Tuesday evening at thes Castle Hall, la Rockwood Block. V -itiuo: Kuizhts are invited to attend. H. M. Boxs, C. C. W. 1. DYKKS. K. of 11. and S. A Run On a Ueug Store. j Never was such a ru9h made for any Drug b ore as u mw i auu-us mi iuaoy lor a trial Bottle of Dr King's New Discovery for consumption, Coughs and Colds. AU persons affect ed with A9thma, Bronchitis, Hoarse ness, Severe Coughs, or any affection ol the Throat and Lungs, cau get a Tri al B ttle of this great remedy free, by calling at above Drug Store. Regular fti2e 1X0. Doc. 27 e6rly THAT HACKING COUi II can be so quickly cured by Shilohs Cough. We w arrant it. WILL YOU SUFFER, v ith Dyspepsia and Liver Coinplaiut? i loh's Vitali zer w gaarauteed to cure you. SLEEPLESS NIGHT, made niiser ablv by that territde cough. Shiloh's Cure i9 the remedy for you. CaTAHKH CURED, health and sweet hreath secured by Shiloh's Cat arrh Kemdy. Price 60 coats Nasal Injector free. For sale by Smith & Black Bros. Dee.lSeowd&wly Well Rewarded. A liberal reward will be paid to any party who will produce a cae of Liver, Kidnev or Stomach complaint that Ele ctric Bitters wiil uot spcedly cure. Bring them along, it will cost you nothing for the medicine if it fails to cure, and you will be well rewarded for your trooble besides. AU blod diseases, Biliousness, Jaundice, Consti pation, and general debility are vuickly cured. Sitisfactiou guaranteed or money refunded. Price oulv fifty cents per bottle. For sale by J. M. Roberts. Dec. 27 e6wly. Call and see I'h. I wish to notify the public that I am now o?oa for business, at Jye McVey's old stand, where I have in stock a full liue of Kentucky whUkies, St. Louis leer, wines and cigars &C-, as good as the best. f57dtf1 II. M Box3. You save money by buying your boots, Bhoes and flippers at Merges', where you have the largest assortment to select from flwtf Republican are especially Invited to meet at Schelegel's and try the BUtoa and Log&o cigar. 98dtf '. To the Great Met" fine tonight Torch Lights, j Triinsjaienoie.-. ! Fire Work'-, I Music hv the Bands, Speeches unci (Ilee Cluh Songs. Come ewrv lie. Lsulies Invited. Uup ot tli niccsl , cleauest imJ most oin i!et in-Tii raurki-t in tli: Sti to waa ocn'il out 5-.y tl-u l'ctcrsou l'tt. in tlielr if'T u . v r Mitiu "t., last l'li.Jav. KO. Oliver, an i-xpt-rienoeJ luchfr, i Phm a input iiitirk t in tii xiUth room of Iht Neville bltk toiuorrow. Ed. U w-ll known l-ere, and will, wllhout doubt, Ul full sliar..- of tbe pwtjon Jifc'4. Wn. H. l.rtr, jr. his jut received one huudred and fifty choice grade calves from the east, the host lot doubt less ever brought into the county. I'ar ilea wishing to purchase would do well to doe hi in. The lollowiug wt-ie she ddeg.ites elected to the county convention trom .South liend and El in wood prtcint3. South liuod Geo. II. McCain, E. E. Day, Sain'l l.oi.jf, Dau'l Sweeuey. J. Crawford. );ivid Wilson, U. G. McFur lau.l. Ehuwood A. Seail, Turner Ziuk, W. I. Drirne, .John lieurd, l'etcr E iv 1 iiid, M. Cavey, S. Cox. Freijht8 aro Moving. In the twiity tour hours lucludiuy fcj'tturday :md .Mur.rdav uih:,oer 700 cars were crossed ovtT tho l'latt--ou h brii.gr at tliis p-tuif, l.i'.ly Ha;.itll at- uniay ijighb rrossing tliree hundred bound ea?twH..l, and sonic one Jtundred ami fifty for the weal. A thu rate of truffle movement fi, it will be but a very short lime until a thousand cart? a day will be the average crossings of tha C. Ii. & Q in their freight movements e-ist :u;d west through this city. Attention All! 1 l.fc uieinbers ot the young mens' re- I nl.:ii.ii ..till ..II nl a M..!ra an 1 meet at the club rooms at 7:30 p. m. tonight, freni which rcint the torch light parade will move. There are ea: tra torches and transparencies and any republican who w5s!ie? to hear arms in the parade will please ccrae forward and meet at the club room. f .r tiie march Capt. Hytrs wiU fena the liue of march at ai'out 6 p. m. and every man should be present prior to that time. Commencing Work. John riizg'-ral'l, the coutiactcr bor double tiack line between this city and OreapolU has sub let the work to other contractors, the fitt lot ol graders ar riving ou the Heme yesterday, and pitching their camp up near Oreapoli, commencing Work in the grading to day. The additional l'ne of tiatkwill be built alengide and just south of the present line, and the work of its con struction will be pushed forward a ' rapidly as possible. i Pboceeding.s of tee Republican pri ! ruary election at WecpiDg Water. August 9th, 19S4, to elect delegates to attend the county convention at Louisville, August 10th, 1834: The meeting w as called to order by N. M. Satchel. Motion by J. W. Thomas that N. M. Satchel be made permanent chairman. Carried. Motion by A. L.Root that G. R. Salis bury be made secretary of the meeting. Carried. Motion Ly E. L. Reed that no one be permitted to vote for raid delegatts ex cept those that- support Blaine and Lo gan. Motion by A. L. Root that said mo tion be laid on the table. Carried. Motion bv E. L. Reed that no one be allowed to vote except republicans. Carried. The meeting then proceeded to elect delegates, and every man suspicioned of being a democrat was challenged and not allowed to vote. The followed named delegates were elected : W. fallen, O. Burgess N. M. Satchel, E. Williams, J. II. Ilaldeman, Charles Cochran, A. L. Root, S. W. Coglizer. II. D. Travis, S. W. Orton, J. T. Marshall D. Woodard. Geo. Mal com, C.Rivett, E. Ammerman. T. Able, W. I). Crawford. On motion of E. L. Reed the meeting adjourned. G. R. Salisbury, Sec' v. Died- At rive o'clock Sunday morning. Au gust 10th, 1331 of spinal disease, Clara S , infant daughter of Joseph V. and Kate.Weckbach, aged five months and twenty days. The funeral occured from the resideuce of the parents at 10 o'clock this morning, a large number of relatives and friends attending the services, in this way attesting their sympathy with tbe sorrowing parents, May Queen fine cut tobacco, at War ' rick's. . iS7l3 I Ci unit'1 from the Tent. - August 9, 14. ft... ;? abba In question proceeds the number in attendance increases; not appaicutly from display of elo qut nee on the part of the speakers, however. Tiie question, a matter of fact sub ject, Is treated in a commonplace man i.er, but with great accuracy and con cisi ui S3. Tbe Bible evidence being very fully presented nt every j ossible point. Moht people Lwp the first day ot the wei-k as a Sabbath, while some keep the seventh day. Bth cannot be right uuleas the Bible presents two Sabbaths, and as there is but one pre cept for a weekly Sabbath, Exo. 20:8-11 iu holy writ, one muBt stand corrected. Well, say some, we have decided to close the Old Testament and live alone by the new. While we thiak the Old and New Testaments are firmly weld ed together at almost every point, and are each as indispensable in making p the groat body af Gospel truth as the hands and leet of the body, yet we are willing to test the Sabbath bv the New Testament, and abide by its decision. A beautiful harmony extends thro igh out the Scriptures which is truly re lishing to consider. If we accept and folly practice the precepts and follow 1 tue Lord Jesus' example, duty will not be neglected. The rest and worship day of the New Testament wai con sidered again last night, and as New Testament Christianiry is the Chris tiinity for this age, or should be, it hud a direct application to us. Mauy facts not in universal poses .sion were elicited. The term first day of the weektie us.?d eight timet in the New Testament, six times in narrating tbe Lord's resurrection, once in stating how to lay aside for charity and the support of the gospel, 1 Cor. 16: 2. A careful examination of this will reveal, .he necessity for tbe posting of books and casting up accounts and po fixes that as a secular day and once in speak ing of Paul's farewell visit at Troas; Acts 20: 7-14, where Paul traveled 19 miles on foot on the first day of the wetk, and his comrades rowed about forty., starting anew, after a week's rest oil a Ioua journey, marking it also as aa ordinary business day; but says one, did they meet at Troas to break bread? Yes, and is not the breaking of biead as proper on one day as another if our hearts are right before God? Was that exeicise a3sigued to any day in partic ular? you say no; very well then, we will proceed to gather crumbs. The resurrection day was an acti ve day for Jesus and his disciples, also for the women who prepared spices and ointments on the crucifixion day, rest ed on the Sabbath, and came the first day of the week to anoint their Lord ' i Lukr)23:55 57, and anxiety is indi eaed, for they come very early. Luke 24 : 1, as though they woull embrace the first proper oppurtunity to do so. Thus ends the New Testament his tory of the Cr3t day of the week, com moaly called Sunday. But some "kick"' and say did noi Christ change the wor ship day to Sunday, does not the New Testhment show the first day of the week to be the Sabbath, if any such change did occur it being important. certainly should appear in the record and any Christian having a kcowledye of such a text, cannot innocently with hold it ; for souls aae now entering t he valley of dtciiion. The crumbs gathered thus far, prove conclusively that Sunday, the first day of the week is not the Bible Sabbath now, nor has it ever been. Well then, what should be regarded as the Sabbath ? The crumbs gathered will form an other article on that subject sometime in the future the New Testament being a. lowed to rpeak. Saturday evimia'a sermon on "WLo Changed the Sabbath," was well re ceived, and mo;e than sixty voted be lief in tbe ancient Sabbath by standing up in tbe public audience, thus tbe honest thinking ones who have defied their garments of prejudice, exhibit their moral courage. It is wonderful how much light will come in when the cork of prejudice is removed from the bottle of judgment. Obedience or practical religion was considered Sunday, at S p m. and a delineation of prophecy and history at 8 p. m. The subject this evening (llth j will l e The '1 wo Lanes." 'I here was an animated caucus and convention held by a number of bour bons who chanced to drop into a sour.n side of Main street saloon, in which the new dinootatic club, organized by Bro. Connor, was under discussion, and the question as to what Concor had in the wind anyway. One suggestion was that it was a Blaine and Logan club in disguse, that would Come out for them before the campaign was over; anothei suggestion w as that it was intended a3 a club to disrupt the Bourbou Cleve land and Hendricks club, and still an other i lea advanced was that it was a personal movement of Bro. Connor's to elevate himself In high places. The 1 speakeis wen- iticch agitaiea orer lite f outcome. AL cat tins lliu- u iiitin'.er of ih new r-hib Mi-'ioed in and IefuteJ i the Idea that liro. Connor w aated auj thing at all, but coupled his remarks witli tbe statement that If he should want anything the new club stood ready to oack him, however iheuew club had a desire to have some iccognl tlou fr themselves in aflalrs political and that was probaMv the prune cause of their organization. Tli City Pmnarie. The republican primaries held in this city Saturday evening were entirely harmonious in every aard. and resulted iu the selection of good representative delegates who will attend the county convention at Louisville Saturday next. FIKiT WARO. Iu the First ward the attendance was uot large the number of votes cast be ing twentyfour, of which votes the folio wiug ticket which was elected re ceived 18: C. II. Smith, F. 11. Wilson, II. M. Bushnell, L. C Stiles, J. C. Ei -kenbary. second ward. The Second ward primary was well attended, some thirty or forty being present, aud the following ticket was elected by a practically unanimous vate: J. II. Fairfield, J. W. Barnes, Geo. S. Smith, II. C. McMakeu, George Rennie, John P. Calhoun. After the election ot delegates a vote was takeu for member of the central committee for the ensuing year result ingin the selection of J. H. Fairfield for the position. TIIIRD WARD. The Third ward primary waa the most harmonious ever held iu that precinct, noted for its contentions, which is cer tainly a good omen for the success of thu ticket to be nominated at Louis ville next Saturday. The number of votes cast was 41, which resulted in the election of the following delegates : F. M. Richey, 41 ; S. Dutton, 41 ; C. M. Holmes, 41; A. B. Tcdd, 28; M. D. Polk, 40; O. M. Streight, 39; Ed. Frazier, 40; F. II. Steimker,40; W. II. Newell, 40; M. A. Hartigan, 3C; W. II. Pickena, 33. FOURTH WARD. Some twenty-five voters were present at the Fourth ward primary, and the following list of delegates were elected from that ward: J. W. Jennings, F M. Dorringtoa, Frank Carruth, Wash ington Smith, D. B Smith, Matt Schle gel. Thsre was no question cf candidates raised in any of the wards, the univer sal sentiment beicg that the city dale gates would present the name of R, W. Hyers lor State Senator, aud support him for that position at the convention. The delegation from the city will work as a uufiit for a successful ticket for the campaign. PLATXSrUOUXH PBECINCT. S: L. 1 homas, T. J. Thomas, J. W. Thomas. Charles Warner, A.J.Pierce, J. Barnhart, Ed. Miller. SALT cksek: G. W. Clark, J. V. Caines, I. S. Sauu ders, Ed. Jeary, Wm. Coleman. Nelson Sheffer. WEEFISO WATEE. The Weeping Water delegation elect ed after a spirited contest, is soiid lor Dr. J. W. Thomas for the House, the Tbouixs delegation receiving 92 votes, and tue opposition 70. Tue following are the delegates: W. W alien, O. Burses-. N. M. Satchel, Ed. Williams, J. Haldeman, Chas. Cochran, A. L. Root, S W. Coglizer, H. D Travis. S. W. Or ton, J. T. Marshall, D. Woodard, Geo. Malcolm, C. Rivett, E. Ammerman, T. Able, V. D. Crawford. MT PLEASANT. Geo. W. Youug. J. K. Snyder, John Philpor, Allen Coleman, P. Reed, Wm. Barber. LOUISVILLE. L. Eikhoff, J. Robinson, G. W. May- field, C. F, Came, J. P. Ellis, E. T is?, T. A. Has-emeir. AMUSEMENTS. NATURE'S OWN MUSICIAN. WATERMAN OPERA HOUSE THURSDAY & FRIDAY. AUGUST Uth and IZth. The Wonder of the Musical World. The Eestles", Wearing Musical Curiosity. Blind Boone The second and Greatest ot the two NEGRO MCSIC4.L PRODIGIES, You c;m't afford to miss it. We carry our own GRAND PIANO. Price of admUMon, 25 cts. Reserved Seats. 25 cts. F.est seats in the house, ii cis. Standing room, only 23 cts. In short It will only cost you 23 c tVe will give you morn cood music and riii Vjng ry a BLIND NEGRO, than you ever had for 25 cents. Come out &nd hear him ac the the Opera House On THURSDAY & FRIDAY Night. , xvovsx u IS. dL-cua-.i n revcah J th- l i t that tht Ordinance No. 48. - . , onntV -a VCF creatiuf & 1'oard of H-altu. Bo It ordaiu..l by the Mayor aud Counciluit-u of ihe city of PLitts iuuutU : Secliou 1. Tnal u board ot health, consisting of from three (ii) to live resilient freeholders of tne city oi l'lattsmoulh, a majority of whom nhall be regular physicians in good tauding it hereby created; uid burd of heaitu ilnll be elected by the city council ut its lirat tegular meeting uitc-r the pua age of this ordinance, and thereafter said board of health shall be elected annually immediately utter the ap pointment of tbe standing committees in eacti municipal ear. Sec. 2. It Uuif be the duty ol the said board of health at Its lirtt ujeet. ing alter the meujl'ers thereof are elect ed by the city coiiulIi, lo elect one ot its membeis chairman, and the city clerk i hereby mad.- the clerk of aald i oard of heal.h, and the city marshal is hereby made its police otlicer. It ahall be the duty of tl.eclciK to at tend all meetings of fcaid board and keep a full and accurate record of all proceedings in a bok to be provided for that purpo-e, and it shall he the duty of the poiicc olHcer to attend all meetings of said board, aud to faiih lully obey the directions aud order ot said board in the law till discharge of its duties. Sec. 3. The chairman of said board of health ahall be the health olhcer ol l he citv, befoie W hom all complaints of nuisances iujuiioiis to the health of tha city shall be made by any citizen de siring to debate the same; duriug ihe recess of atid board, and the health of ficer is hereby granted authority upon any such complaints being duly made in writing aud properly sworn to be fore an otlicer authorized to administer oaths, aud laid before him, to direct the police officer of said board to abate said nuisance within a reasonable time, and all such ordeis issued by the health officer during the recess of the board, bhail be in writing properly signed by him, aud he shall report all such ac tious to the board of health at its next meeting together with all the papers pertaining to each complaint. Sec 4. The board of health provid ed for in this ordinance shall meet on the 2d aud 4th Weduesday of each mouth for the transaction of such busi uess pertaining to tne health of the city aa may be brought before it; but if in the opinion of tho c.iairman ol said board, or any two of it9 members it is deemed expedient to call a special meeting, then the purpose and O'jeo of said special meeting shall be reduced to writing and properly signed by the chalt mm of said botrd or any two oi its members, and placed tu the huds of its police ottlcer, whose duty it shall be to immediately serve saiu uouc oi a special meeting upon all the members and officers of said board to meet iu accordance with the provisions of said special call, and upon dus service of said notice to meet, it shall oe the aut y of all members and officers of aid board to comoiy with the call, and meet at the time and place specified la said notice of suecial meeting. Sec. 5. It shall be the duty or saia board of health to draw up and recotn men 1 the passage of auy ordinances, which in its judgment are required lor the preservation of the health of this city and submit the same to tne city council for approval, and the names ot all members of said board recommend ing the passage of such ordinances shall be affixed in their own handwrit ing to the recommendation accompany ing the same. Sec. C It shall be the duty of the board of heal.h to cireful'y examine into auv alleged nuisances wit! in i he city, and for this purpose they are clothed with authority to summons parties before them for the purpose of examination, provided, however, that hefore any examination of parties take place the clerk shall swear said partie in the U3ual form before hearing their testimony, and all such testimony shall be reduced to writing. Sec. 7. The board of health shall have change of all matters pertaining to the health of the city, aud relating to the sanitary condition thereof, and shall make any recommendation they deem proper for the interests of the haalth of the citizens thereof, to tbe city council, and ad such recommenda tions shall be in writing, and signed by all the members of -the board and at tested byrits clerk. DurinnSe prevalence of contagious disease?, said boir-J of health siiali submit to ihe city council such regula tions and quarantine laws for approval as in ifs iudgineut is demanded and for this special purpose haul regulation and quarantine laws, when approvfd and ua8cd by the city council, shall extend and be In force within five miles of the citv .-r M Tn p.vprr instance whpn It 1 becomes known to auy member or of3- i cer of the board of health, that any le gal health ordinance of this city is be ing violetcd by any person or persons within said city, it shall be the duty of such member or officer to file a proper information befoie the police judge of this city, whose duty it shall be to forth with commence proceedings against such parson or persons. (if ec 9. It shall be the duty of tbe City C'erk to read the proceeding of said board of health to the City Coun cil immediately alter the reading and approval of the City Council proceed ings. Sec. 10. All fines collected by the police judae or city marshal against any persons tried for a violation of auy health ordiuance, shall be promptly paid over to the citv treasurer, who shall keep an accurate Account of he same under the title of board of health fund. Sec. 11. Each member of the board of health shall receive br bis services at eich meeting of said board at which business is transacted, the sum of two dollar?. The clerk of paid board shall receive for his services the ame as the members of the board, aid the marshal shall receive for hla sprvicea for each meetine of said board at which he Is present and when business is transact ed, the sum of one ckrllar; axid oaJd ser- I-fssh-dl be pdd for in warrant drawn by the order of tbv city council upon the proper auditing of such uc couuta for services on s:id bvaid. Aud all uch warrants ahall be drawn np u the board of health fund. Sec. IV This ordinance to take ef fect and be iu tore frjm anil utter its passage and put Itcntloii according t' law. Passed and approved June 7, 1273. It. It. LIVINGSTON, f Attest.) Mayor I'UKLr'S Pa1.NL, City Clerk. 0RDLNA.NCE .0. 60. AN OR I NANCE proviJim; fca-iitsry regulation and to ki-cure tin- gvueral health of the city of PI it Isiuoulh: Hi it ordained by the mayor mi I COUncilinen of the CUV ot i'l lUsnmtllh Sec. 1. That it -hull be mdiwlul for any person to eat or leave ciposi.it in any street, avenue, iui., lot, wuin Coarse, t any ot her p.'u e. j i h ."i (he limits of this cil, th-.- r;ui..u .! any deid animal, or any pu'iiel or uuvund meat, fish, vegelublen, or any other srifj stance which might bccui orfeuaive, or to make up, u-ic, kep, or permit in his or her houe, mIhoi, st.re. factory, workshop, oiithoiisi', tiitin, Muble, cei lar, water clo-t , piivj, v;'r'l, 1 't, m any other place within ilo hunt. f lh' city, any iioia'unf ir ofi'efitJiv e liq quids or any o:her substance, whi h might becom" annoying to the neigh borhood, or iujurii"4 the health ot ihoMi citizens resi tio,' m ;r ir Ire queutly p is-in by bin h flVb.'dv e liq uid or oilier substa" i; or t j throw any tilth or on.il, or auv ui u- liquid r -oli.i offensize substance into any stmt, ave nue, idiey, lane-, lot, wr coi.rc, or auy other place w it hin tlie limits of this citv. Sec. 2 All public st )lcg, pig pens. pig yards and cattle r stock yard3 with in ihe limits of this city shall bo kept in a cl"vn coi.diiioi., mi l no accumula tion of filth ehall ) permitted at, in or near the tame; ami piivati- tahlcs. pig pens, pig yards ami cattle or Hfock yards Khali be kept in a rh'-uily and uon-ofleusiye condition. Sec. 8. All water doseta and privie are hereby required to be kept in a clean ami wholesome condition and no accumulation of tilth within the same shall be permitted at any time to reach a point nearer the surface than four feet. It shall be the duty of the pro prietors thereof to throw a feulticienl amount of o;no disinfecting agent, which li'ia been approved as sucti by the hjard ot" Health, iut such privit and water closets, at itujt twice in each week, to-wit: on Wednesdays and Saturdays to thoroughly etisiufect the oiiai. Sf c. 4. The decision of the board of health on the question of cleanliness and cou-ofTensive condition mentioned in this ordinance shall be final and binding upon all parties concerned Sec. 5. The city marshal is hereby charged with the enforcement of the provisions of this ordinance, subject tv the order of the board of health. Sec. 7. All persons violating- tf.o provisions of this ordinance, or railing to comply with the requirements there ot, shall upon conviction befoie tLt police judge of this city be fined not less than five (5) dollais nor more tnan one hundred (100) dollars: and In de fault of payment of the fine adjudged thall be committed to jail for such per iod aa tbe police judge shall in accord ance with the law, adjudge again it such party or parties. Sec. 7. This ordinance fhall t&ke ef fect and be in force from and after its pasf-Be and publication according to law. Passed mid approved June 7, 1S73. Signed. R.R.LIVINGSTON, Mayor. Attest: PiftLrs Paine. City Clerk. Pz-iTTsaocTH, NtB., June SO, 84 To tfte Citizens of Plattsmo.t7t .- Ordinances N8. 43 and CO have been published by order of lli Honor, tht Mayor of Plaitsmoutb, at the buggss liou of the Board of lle.ilth, to the end that no one can plead ignorance of their existence. It is your duty to com ply with the provisions of these ordi nances, and whether you do or not, you can rest assured that they wiil be en forced. By order of the board ofbealth twenty day. s' ci jtice to the citizens of Plattsmouth is hereby given to put their premises in a healthy condition At the cxpir ition of that time a thor ough inspection jwill be made of the entire city, and ariy person found liv ing in violation of the ordinances will be prosecuted, witnout regard to color or previous condition, am the board proposes th t no guilty mau escapes. By order of the board of health. R R. Livingston. J. D. Simp-on. Pres. Clerk. TIIE CHILD'S FRIEND ,1 Doli'jhtful Remady Jot Diarrk f and Summer Complaint. Marsh's Tonic 4 itrisoent is the Child's Friend. It tpeedly arrests the first symptons ot Diarrhoea and in pro tracted cases such as summer compla int for children when reduced in strength and body by the continual waste it proves itself to be without a rare expection the child's friend indeed By its TONIC property it strengthns the system inci eases the appetite aids digestion and givts a healthy tone to all ot lifes forces thereby enabling it, withs it Astringent power to resist the morbid action of the bowels and restore the healthy functions of exhausted nature. Marsu'o Tonic Astringent is for sale Smith & Black Bros, druggist's, Plattsoaoath, Price 50 cents. Use Marsh's Cathartic Liver Pills for Billiousnesa and Constipati on. Tor 91 bcr Smith & Blaok Bros. I ' '-.w--V.