WW STILL AT IT. Tiain Wreckern Suceeel m T fiird Tims in Tlieir Daturtlly Work. cr- raw S u. I it i J ) TT & LEWIS, BENNE - a - AUGUST 15tli, 1884, cn V 7 tl i . A. UU U H next ClS'ISiiSfi 4 4 3 U It . wl , C22at 1122 saa ike J.tU. i fc s-.Vii.ii is w AT E3I t In ; ite of the fact tiiat frii:ceThe Iluubell disaster thrt Republican Val ley road hs Leeu hourly patrolled ly an armed force, the villain who are beut n wreaking vengeance on the road succeeded on Tueniay in throwing the Ciiimou Li til ti ilia from the track Hear Wymorc. tliU being the third train tin y hve wrecked. Th- wreck was caused by an i'iwmi s.vitch. T!ie en- guie an alt t lie cura except trie rear coach Kii t hh t-pT wcri wr- k d an. I ar s'lll lyinj in the- ditch wiere liny were thrown by tlm ai-t id. nl. The BU'coer ant coicti kept tn-raiin aim vtekt through to Alciii-oti live hours l ite. No on- was injured. Tlu matter was kip qu'u t by tin- railroad authorities and fierce li J not transpire in liuie for piiMraiou yes terday mo liing. State Jouruul. m CASH 0 n as v?p r. roses? ,01 11 4 SOI JO Udfo & only M Days 2 J) tiring tt.c c AVI tea v: .tV gaina. Plattsnaoutli, jsk. i liii: it my ftoeJs DA V. IjRO' F PIE i ETuWABE Miese are Snlid Factti. l he beat blood purifier and evstem regulator ever placed witnin the reach of suff rin hiiiiianit v, truly is Ehctric ISitteis. Inactivity of the Livt-r, Hil- ioutiu Hs, Jaundice. Coiistliat ioii, V' hk Kidneys, or any dieise ot the uniuo organs, or wlmever requires appct iz er, tonic or mild stimulant, will a!wav tlnd Electric liitters the best mid nl certain cure known. Tiiey net sure and quickly, every bottle guaranteed to give entire ant it action or money re funded, hold at Ufty cents a bottle b J. M. Robert Jan lwly A Stai-tliit? Discovery. Physicians are often stMit led by re inarkable discoveriew. The fm:t thai Dr. Kind's New Discovery for Con sumption and ul throat and Luli:. diseases is daily curing patients tlm thev have given tip to die, is s-urtlin them to realize tl .-ii vre ct'd uv, air examine into t he iiiei its of t, I i - worwlcr ful ilitfcovry ; re.sultini; in humirt i- our beat lh vsi 3a -is usiiig jt jn tlutt practice. Tn.1 Ho: ties free t ,1. M Kolerta urug store. IJfgnhir -An SI. 00. Notice to t'ontnictors I Will receiv- l ids f.o- ri. j?rtiHig f twelve hundred and sixteen htid i.v tenths (1210.G-10) vards f earth on O k street, between 4ih ami h Btreets. the city of Plattsmouth. as pr eiii cation now on til,- wiih tlm ciry elerW. Bids opened at 7 o'clock p. ra. Autf;i I4fb, the ci'y nerving the right to reject any or all bids. Sign'd. .Toa. II. FAIIiFiKI.r, 1S2 tlO Ch'n (Join S. A. and B. Important to Travelers. S2S1I22 QJOSfc I -y the Burlington route. It will pax you to read their advertisement to hi found l3where in this issue. 47t.f mm AWAY To SMOKERS of Blackwcll's Genuine Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco. Thin Ppeciftl Deposit Is to pnnmntee lbt nnymeiit of l lie IS pn-miumB fully Ucbcribc-d lu our former atiiiouiireiiieiits. Tlie jr'niiiim-' te nl. no natter now sicail the nuuiter of Ijurs returneil n;uy be. . 0'5e BlnrkirrlP P"rhtm T,harm Co.. SrAai, M C, Hay lu. 1B&4. i P. A. WILEY. K-.. . , 'i.Atrr H lt of lrhim, )r'im, fr C Pear H'U We 1i le vou $11 '.ii. which ilea e place ru SiwihI T-f t-t to y n-iuiimi fc.r oorrmi'tv tobacco ay to rrMrmfl l)c UiUl XoUrt truly. J 8 OAKR. I'r lileut. Vflice nf B't-nkuJ lt"Thm, HuThum. K. C, Auy 10. lttttl j J. S C.VP.Tl. Es).. rrf H'irkirr I'll f-rhnm Tnbnrro Ctt. Pfar Sir I have to cknowtxlir receipt or 11 9i (' from von which we have rlaettt moa Stwcial leptlt f"r Uic objoct you ptntp apvQ 'ourtruiy. I'. A. W1LET, CwbicT. Kon- renulno without picture of BCIJ-oa )ckaire. IT l!S -Mil 1. at lust cuot, loll CASH. Coni'j liinJ secure bar- Wm i. i.. .. . ... D.. homoe- nathic plivsiei-m an I suraeou. Offlcj in FitZizerald block. IJ ?idence south west eorner I'eail and lOdi street?. Uf fiee h urs ii to 1 1 a. in , 2 to 3 nud 7t 3 p. m. 8if Parlor and bed room si is in all ftyles at the lowest prices at Henrv Iwck's. HHtf PKOFiSSIONAL CARDS. E. VT. COOK. M. D. I'llYSICIAN AND S-LKOLON, OFFICE At FiauKii'd L)uu StohC Plattsmouth Nebraska. Q ATT KEY " ot t TLAT T LAW. Will' prnrtlee In U -late. Olllce hi t itzyeild liioi k II, - N't: As-KA. I ALU A. M. Ll.IV.iN . Opposite Perkins li.n?o. ccrv otock, sell nil H (1 ! - t V-tl L j-') ic Il r out o:' iliat ba:ibf.'t;. my Conscqueutl)' we will for CASil i unity to ; ;i'' i:i i SWARF :. will fiuJ tliia u g'od oppor- r r 0 HOr oft on i! OnLL Ull .0 j : WIN it t- 3 ; AND CIGARS, OhS Kentucky Whiskies, llPOUTED WINKS, aiuiiars extka dry cuampagne, -NATIVE WINES, ST- LOUJS BEER Auvsayn is slrmasrait. r S"imS5 MISS of CIGARS ALWAYS l: STOCK, AT i!3 ELKEORN Fitzgerald Dlock PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. s ! 3?1 H' Comniissioii viercliant, "T D 13 An nncxeollod line of FLOUR ahvay in EtocI", comer 6h an Main Street?, opposite First National Rank. PROCLAMATION. WHERKAS, a joint r. 'Solution was adopted by the Legislature of the t;ite of N'tbiaskn. t the Kighteeuth Session thereof, and approv ed February 27th, a. d. ifR3, proposing ai' Amendment to Section Four 4). of Artie!; Three (3 of the Constitution of e;di state, and that said section as u mended shall read ns follows, to-wlt : "Section 4. the term of office of mei.iber of the Legislature shall l.e two vear, Hi.il iht- fliall eaeh receive a .s;,huy oi "tint e humiieii Uoliais ior their nervieen ilio iii? u;tid term, aim leu cents for ever) mile Hey sliull navel it. Koina ,u.d returiaiiiK frm tue plao of ireeiin 't the Lejiii-la. uie, on the m. si niual roui. Pruvi hiiuxixr. that neither mcinl.eis oi tli LegiMaruie nr employees shli receive pay or perquisites oilier tlian their alai v au.ri i-Lege. tach teeion. except special t-es'ions, haii be not le than MXiy dujs. Alter liie 'xpiratloa of forty days ot the xeseUm n bnl nor Joint resolutions oithe nature of bills thali be in trod. iced, unle-s the (jovern-r shall Pv special ines-ae. call the a ttiitiou of the Le- l:ouie to - he necessity of p,..snin a law on th subject matter embraced in the ines-s:je. and i lie introduction oi bills shall l e reoiricled thereto " The ballote at the election at which said Amendment shall be submitted shall be in the following for it : "For propo-ed Amendiaeut to the Constitution relating to Legislative Ue lartmeut." "Against proposed Ainei.dn ctt to the Co.i-titutiua relating to Legs alive Depart ment." WHEUE 8, A Joh't resolution wa adopted by the LeglBlature of the State ot Nebraska as the iihteeuiii session tUeivof. and apiaoveu February oih. a. i. lrisa, proposing an am- ud rnent to Section One (l of Ai lie e l ive (5) of thecoueiliutioa of said State, and that eaid section a- amended shad read as follows, to wlt : Section l The Executive Department shallc usistof auvetnor. Lieutenant Govern or, secretary ot State. Auditor of Public Ac counts. T,eaurer, Supenn;endeut of Fublic Il.ls..rufM0.u' Attoiney tieoeral. Commissioner of Fuoho Lands and Buildings, and Board of Kail ay Connnis loner-. i,e orncers seamed lu this seciiou s all each h Id his office for the term of two years from th- first 1 hu-rday alter the flist Tue-day in January next after his election and un 11 hi successor is eiected ami qualified. Proffered, hmvevtr. tht ttie tlrs' elect on of said orncers shad oe held on the first 1 uesday succeeding the tjrst Monday iu No vember. 1KS6. anu eacli tucceeding election shall be held at the same re ative time lu each even year 'hereafter. All other officer-, th u mav be provmed for bv law under che provis ions of this fection. shall be t lio en iu cuch manner and ;-.t uh t n'es. f.nd sh Iho'd their offices for such length of time us may be pro viued by law. and -hall perform such dutie ami receive u-n compensation us i ay te pro. vided for by law. The Governor, Secretary of State. Auditor of I'ublic Accounts treasurer i oinmislouer of Public Luds and Buil(iing,i' and Attorney tien.-ral. shall reside at the -eat of goveniujf'iir t tiring tlieir terms of office, and keep tlie public recurdr. books and papers Ih'-re. aiii-1 the officers iierein named shall per Micli du les a may be 'euiied ty law." The ballots at th eUction at which such Amen line t shall be fUbinilted sha'l be iu the follow n g form : "nir proposed Ao en-i i enr in SecliiMi oie (I) of Article Five (5 of the Constitution, entitled Fxecutive lieiart merit.'" "Agaiist projiosea An ndn:ei.t to section One O; Article Five (5) t iht -ntitu-tiou. enritled K'x-eutive Iepartuf"ut.' Iherefore. I. .lames W Dawe, U ven or of the srate of Nebraska, do herebv uiv notice, in a-coidance wiib Section One (1 Article Fif teen (15) of the t'onstitutioD, and the provisions of an act entitled. "An Act to provide ibe man ner of proposing Amendments to th Consliiu tion and submitting the ame to t e Fleciors of ihiH Mate." approved February l:tU. a. i. 1S77 that said propos -d meudm nts will be submitted to the qualified votorg of thU tate for ratification or i ejection t the General Etectl n to h beld ou the 4th day uf veiu ber, a. v. I. v Witness Whkr7p. I have i nereunro S'-t mv band and caused tt le hffixed the Gieat Meal of the StM'eof ebrai-ka. 18L I'one at Line-In. thMsth dy of July. a. n 164 th Eighteenth year r.f the State, and oi the Inde per4epcef the U ite Stat. the One Hundred and Moth JAMES Y. DAWES. iil.i iU. & M LUV.tS, Ai'HiKNKYN AT LAW. Will :ve prompt .ittentior, to a:l butlness lntru'sted to tliein. Of 11 ci iu Union lil )C.i, Las l side. PLATTSMOUTH NKBKASKA, FRANK H. WILSON, Basement of Bank of Cass County. COKNklU fclXTH AND MAIN STliKUTS Particular attention uived lo tlie preparation of papers lor Caveats, I'uiehl aotl lk.'gi.siratiou of irade Marks and L .bels. " W'ux, III i L. L KM. Justice of tiie t nee. Elm wood Neb Collections a specialty and uives prompt attention. 1'. 0 addreaa Elm wood Neh. M. O'BONOHOE ATTORNEY AT LAW &. NOTARY PUBLIC. Fitzgerald's Block. FLA'ITsAIUUTH, - NKHKASHA Agent for Stea'iiship lines to and troiu Europe. d:2w52l Practicing I'Uysiciaii. j Office. Coiuer Main and 7th btreets , ! CI.ATTSSIOLTU, .vtBUACKl. K. It. L.1V1 I.M Ir 31. PHYSICIAN He SUUOKON. OFFI E HUL'US, from lo a. i:.., to i p. Kxat un.i u Sui'Keou for C. S. I't iMon. Hit M. iiiJ.,t.tt PHYSICIAN A N li S V K . E O N . Can be found b calling at ins oiUee, corner Tin and Main Streets, in j. it. V.';! rman's uoiixe. 1'UTTS.MIkI'TH, N KBKAHKA. JAN. M. JIATIH.HS 1 ATTOKIf El" AT LAW. OCice over Baner s Atwood's store, south side of Main between Mb and oth streets. Ml Cltite. Will practice Is all nfKOPl. l ATTORNEYS Al LAW. the Courts in the Mate. Owtricr A.tt-'iJtj ai.i Xotaru Fuliltc. . tljL. St. S.U. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Real Estate. Fire In-.-uiance and Collection Agency. Od) e Union olook Plaltsmoulii Nebraska. Uim3 . fl. U UKlvl.Kit a .. LAW OFFICE. ICeal Ptule, Fire and Lilei. -aurance Agents. i'latlsiiioiilU, .Scbraska. ( o. lectors, tax -payer?. Have a ccmpiete abstract oi titles. liu and sell real estate, uegjlPue loans. &c. 15) I JAllKd fe. JluiiHlMO.N, Notary Public. ATTORNEY AT LAW. W'U prastice in Cas? and adjoining Counties ; gives rpecia. attention to collections and abstracts of title. Office iu iherwood Block. Plattsmouth, Nebraska. i7yl . uoiii:itr it. wiiiiA3i, Notary Public ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office over Carruth's Jewelry Store. Plattsmouth. .... Nebraska. ftl. A. HARTiCAn, Jj A W Y B K . Fitzoer alij's Block. Platismocth Neb Prompt find careful attention to a cecerai Law Practice. A. mALISUl'Kt. DE2STTIST. F irsr f'tLss dentistry at reasonable prices, 232 y ! Dr. C. A. Marshall! vSuccessor to Clutter A Marshall.) j BEHTIST By tlie Oorernor, attest : Preservation of natural teetli a specialty. Teeth extracted withorit pain by U96 of Laughing Gas. All work wamnttd. Prices reasonable. FTT7fJrATX Binric. . PT.ATTBMOrTH.V K. DRESSLEH Merchant . Tailor. P 01 B o et- e 5 urn W o ft 2 e GO GO (ATJ IBS! IB 2S s 3 ft r pa team .e B5t ft 5 E3 ft tag put & 9 . to ft" ft CD tarn ft v 'n-r- f3 1 1 7.rwT D3 r5 r3 - NEBR ASK A XVWABD Ti ttoKvrjr. X PLATTSMOUTHj