The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, August 08, 1884, Image 1

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    7 :
&x J.4
NO. 130.
VOI,. 2.
41 1 Ef if
Olnta? Family Gruels,
cent.ial main street.
The Old Reliable
ill Mpi
saw v -
Hi mill Lop
fjT5ae S cent Igar uasiim-
faeturtMl anywhere. Also many otlr iirantl.; tliat have become popu
lar, as tue
and others which are all strictly llrst-class He also keeps the most
complete of Sm .king ami Chewing Tobacco, Pipes, &c, that
c.m oe butul anywhere.
Special attention paid to correspondence, lor prices, call or ad-
rc & s .
riattsinouth, Nebralka.
I. S. Ask tor Schlegei's Blaine and Logan Cigars, and I will
truarrautee vou a good smoke.
Ou account oi buiUiii'? wi- arc corn
polled to rail i.n all knowing
theiU'cNea indebted to us to call a:ut
settle at uuce.
129-ltr. T- Hatt & Co.
Ayr's Sarsptnlla cuics Liver Corn
plaint. Foin:.le Disorders, niitmnatlsm
sail all diseases' of 'li blooil.
Bfnrjettfe Lewis have just received
a oar lotd rf rl-nr from the celebratert
Shawnee Mills." Topeka, Kanaa.
Tht-y enir""tee this tt ur to equal an
ni::de !n tin? United t ?os. Don'c for
the brand- Topek Parent- -:mwnee
Fancy and Eniile. UStf
- Ji linsou O')., f Couucil 'Bluffs
have 1 1 poned out a iirst cLiss laundrj
on lower M.tiu str et, where they are
prepared r do all kinds ef fine work
in that line. A trial of their work is
reqiH'std. lOUf
Carpets, Rags, Etc
Cigar Manufact'er
A lJltasait, Safe ami Reliable ?iem
cly for liou-cl Comjjl'iiutii.
"Please send three bottles of
M aksu's Tonic Astringent, by ex
!re-r3, to ray wife, in Waverland, Indi
ana, where she is visiting friends. '.ie
writes me tlat o:ir little girl has the
summer Complaint, and that she can
uot obtain trio Astrioent there.
I'leHee send it hn'iiediately as we are
aux'mua to have it jr t there as foon as
pcstible. We have more confidence
i-.i it than any other remedy.'' John
E. Petty, Tort Scott, Kas.
Mars us Tonic Astkingest is for
sale by Smith & Black Bros, druggist's
It quickly cnre3 Diarrhce i.Dv osentry,
Cholera lulnntu, and all Bowel cou:
olaitit. Pii'o50 cents. D.m't fail t
ry it.
Fiftv cents will buy the Marsh'r
Ague Cure liquid or pills. Never
known to tail. For sde by Smith &
LJiaek tiros.
Marsh's Catharic Liver
Pi!l3 are
mild, thorugh harmless. For
Smith & Black Bro-?.
sale bv
Tlie Ice Man.
Jos. Fairfield li established au of
fioe at Monarch billiard hall, where he
will con fact with consumers to supply
ice for the season at the lowest terms
Carruth's third watch club has still
a few vacancies. Call and eenre a
chance. I29dtf
Its heh'v conceutraafed curative
powJer, mikes Aver'a Srsspilla the
best and cheapest blood puiner known
A A a a S ST"
r. .1 H H
me Plattsmontlk Herald PntMiii Co
DAILY, deUvered by carrier to any part of the
PerWwk t 13
PerMoi.tti o
lt Year w
WEEKLY, by mall.
One copy lx months ?l "0
one copy one year 00
Ketstered at tue Post OEco. Flattumouth, a
scond olaas mailer.
National Kepublican Ticket.
of Maine.
of Illinois.
Cull for Republican .Judicial Couven
The r publican Hector of the second J mile -ial
Oistiii-l il Ni br;i"kuiion ij'i''r.ieili(i send
delenutt-f from the leveral euuniies t n.eet In
conVfiilviu af, lliitt-iinoutli. fiienlay. Auyu-t
19. 1m1 n o'clock ii. in., f'r tl'e iiirnis? t
j'liiciiiK in noiui;t Hlou a caii'tiiiatifor Ol'-trirl
Alu-riiev, itifi a rontral c-iHuuiitt' aiul
sucli utiii-r liu-.liK-ss us iii.iy pr'"''y come
fnif tin; convention. l',.c ucvcr i. count hh art
fliiitlril to ivj'l-Hfiitatiili rt follows, being
la-fil upon the cms: for J. M. Uiatt. ve
ijcu' of l r.uivciMil y, (fivint: out' ilrlewte at
;.u'. ami on-for f v-r one lialred tuu llfty
votes anil major .ruction t.icrcol :
I'ass county 13
Lancaster county A
Otoo couuty 11
Total.. 4
It is recornintiiiled that no proxl be nd-
mitted .o the convention imies.-t neia oy jier
foun rt'fidiny iu the couutifd from which the
proxies are given.
1'Utt.siuoulh, Neb., July 1.1881.
D. 11. WllERLF.R.
J. fl. Strode, Chuiruian,
RcpuMioau District Conrentiou.
The Kepublican Electors of the First Con-
LTesslon.-il District of isebraska are Invited to
send delegates from the .several counties there
in, to nicei in convention ai iseaince on eii
iiemi.iv. Aunust ai. at 2 o'clock u. in., for the
purpose of placing iu nomination a candidate,
lor Congress, and f r the transact lou of sueli
ther btsiues as may came neiore tne louveti-
uoii. . . . counties are entitiea n repre
i'iit Miion a follows, being based upon ilie vote
ast for J. M. Hiatt. Ket;ei:t of the University.
ivini him .lelew.iie at larire. and one for every
i.e imndi ed auU tlfty votes and the major frac-
ion thereon :
Del. Dountk'S Del.
....19 Pawnee 8
. . .li ;tichardson 13
t- Sumy 5
21 Saunders 12
Jouglas. .
i.iKe . . .
JollUSOU .
emitha u;
toe I'
Total ...13s
Tt ! nv iminniled tn t no nroxles e admit
ted to the conveiitlou, except ucii as are held
bv persons residini m the counties iroia wuicu
pioxieb are glv5n. .
John' Stf.f.x. Secretai-y.
l.iucoln. June 26. 1&4.
TnEY are estimating Blaine and Lo
gan's ninj rity in New York already at
from 50000 to 75,000, and the campaign
is scarcely pent d.
3Ir. Bee; uer is out wi,n a s'atc
rnent announcing his re-allegiance to
Mr. Cleveland. Mr. Cleveland has
evi ttntly been whispeiing a word in
Mr. Beecher's ear.
Tin- TnnT lpnf I'hittmou'h will hear
a speaker of such ability Monday night
. . 1. 1
that it is a sa'.e assertion mat no aoisr
niie will be heard In this campaign.
The speaker is P. W. Wilcox, of Illi-
A Ft:w more Cleveland and Hen
drirka t-ub ii.eetinss like the one Ja?t
night, coupled with a speech of a erj.--Itod
and rtnimfited nature from the e i-
ltor of the Journal, would sever it in
twain. No club could stand it.
Me. Clevelam has left the wi-
tion of his letter of acceptance in the
Lands of his fr5tnd, and has gone flsh
intf. About next November the en
tire party of which he is the head, will
want to be engaged in the fame busi
ness. Dr. Miller is howling to call off
the rcan-lal dogs, and forge's entirely
that G rover Cleveland's sublime record
w s fi.-si published to the world by-
democratic papers. BepiibUcaa papers
in speaking of it are but voicing.the
news Irom good democratic authority .
Tiik Congressional situation ia this
State ppr-ms to be a re-uommation by
acclamalioa for Mr. Weaver in the
big First. The defeat of Mr. Laird on
too much Fi'z John Torter in the Sec
ond, and a good, old fashioned, free for
all right in the Third, with Dorsey,
Thayer, Loran Clark and Valentine,
the mo"l conspicuous at this writing.
Philip Phillips' great book containing
his travels arouud the world, illustrat
ed, and one hundred of his popular
songs, arranged for piano and organ,
for sale orly by J. P. Young. No one
fchould ba without it. 134t2
the codeen club last nioht.
Cliaik-s Whopi er Sherman delivered
one of his thrilling orations to the
Cleveland and Cobden Club lst night.
Away into the fctill rmall hours "Ayant
tho Tvvul," could be heard his U-rcinp,
soul-ftining, appeals for Billy Neville,
Col. Joe Connor, Col. ItulTuer, Barrister
Crites and Backer Ilamsey, and Uncle
Fred (J order, to rally to Crover Cleve
land's standard and beat back the giant
Protection. This giant, Chawles, con
ten Jed haunted him iu his midnight
bourn and lay upon his mental cadaver
like a fall cucu uber on a dyspeptic
stomach. Chawles related between his
broken nigh, sobs, and copious show
ers of tears, Low IJreeley and Secretary
Chandler have been tuking advantage
ot the North Pole expedition to im
port cheap labor fiom the Polar regions
lor Studebaker Bros., th ceiebi alcd
horvp-pole manufacturers of Indiana,
an purpose te degra-'j. democratic la
Oor. In putu'.,c tones Chawles, inquir
ed of Wlieailoy Mickelwait and
.orottt), "if such things could b "
Chawles pledged tin Daily Journal
to tak" llii lead, jirovided dutnes Gor
dou lioiiut'i t u-'d itis ller.d'1 wo'.iii! con.
s.ftit tu lodow, in lUvestlg -ting an i tx
pismg the North Polo expedi ion, ani
ilso Ine il -o.-ier maiiuiHt-tuicf.s iu itit-ir
rjetarioua schemes-o euad a protect -iv
tariii' fr tho oucoura;'eiue.t f
c.'ieap la'ior in Indiana. Nw:tiier t-t:r-bug
Morton nor Doctor Miller were
pret-t-nf, but Whopper pro
ceeded, deupiie the' r abseuut', to mark
out a plan for the National campaign,
by which Mr. Cievt land is certain to
carry Cana la, the British possessions
and Ohl Aiexic , with a very strong
probability of raking in Cuba and the
Dry Tortugas. Chiwles effort waj the
uiustbrsiroke of the season find was
marred only by his rapidity of utter
ance and vehement gesticulation,
which, in his momenta of exaggerative
excitement overawed and carried
away (?) his audience.
The Liov. J. E. Gilbert, D. I), fr
iiu:rly a reside nt oi" Bjllh?, now pastor
of the -M. L. h".rcli, Giand Itupid.
Mich., well known in i his section as
Superintendent of Lake Bluff Sunday
School Assembly, addressed three of
iiis old friends making inquiries con
cerning Mr. Cleveland's morals and
received from each confirmations of the
recent scandal. One of those letters we
are permitted to pub.'lsh. It is w ritten
by the liev. W. S. Studley, D. !., pastor
of the Delaware avenue M. E. church.
Buffalo; the church is the chief one of
that denomination in Western New
York, acd its pastor is esteemed in all
circle., as a man of high character and
good judgment. Here is the letter tn
tirn :
Buffalo, N. Y., July 31, 1SS4. My
Dear Fr'und: iir. Ball knows ids sub
ject when he talks about U rover Cleve
land. I have no doubt of the correct-
t ess of the statement published iu the
Evening Telegraph of this city in re
gard to Mr. Cleveland's immoralities.
I dou't think there is an intelligent
man iu the city who questions the sub
stantial truth of the terrible story.
Yes! Mr. Cleveland's very candidacy
is a disgrace to the general public. The
election of such a man would be Indeed
a national calamity. We want no mor
al lep?r in tne White House.
Yours Truly,
W. S. Stcdlet
"Yes, sir," said an enthusiastic citi
zea of a new western town; "we've got
a right emart town stranger. "Why,"
he continued, its only six months old,
and its got two hotels, forty-eight beer
salooup, twenty-seven gambling place?,
four drug store?, to say uuthin' of gro
cery and clothing stores, and one of the
bf it half mile tracks west of the Mis
souri." "Any churches?"' ssked the stranger.
'Any what?"
"You mean them Liluiu's with n long
pint s ickin up in the ai-."
Te .
"No, ve lmib'i got any ef them. Thar
was some talk about building one, but
we finally allowed it would look too
He was a forlorn, ague-shaken, sal
low complected, woe-begone one-gal-lowsed
refugee from the Benscn dis
trict of Franklin county.
'Greely found?" asked he, as he
heard two gentlemen on the, corner
of Main and St. Clair discussing the
rescue. 4Ye8 6ir. found in the Arctic
oiear." "The h 1 you say. I thought
he was dead long aco." Then, after a
pause: I voted for him onc't but
damned ef they git me to do it again."
Frankfort Yeoman.
A whaling b'g Ptalk of corn Whstalk
iug politics with a consumptive grass-
j hopper. "We are going to elect Cleve
j laud," said tho grasshopper, "and in-
I otitiit - an nrn nf r(Virm "
The corn Waived its leavoi in. disdain,
and replied: "If there were 4,000,000.
000 more of you, and yon had a drouth
to back you up, then you might talk
But when 1 feel well I'm a rustler; and
this year I feel well. A big corn crop
meaus a republican president."
Hearing this the grasshopper drew
his cloak over his head, fell on a Canada
thjqtlo and expired. Denver Tribuue,
Vital QiieMlIoiiM I :
Ak the most eminent physicou
Ol auy school, what is the be-t thing
in the wyrt4 lor ousting Hnd ailaving
all ir'' ,inn nf the nerve, itiid curing
ii-i Iroi't- ni ui'rvfi, coiupiaints, glvittg
n.-tUm.l. cliiliilikc i ft t- u i 1 1 1 1 k sUtp
ul wa - ?
And rh-T willteli on tn.hi' a'i'igly j
-.So:. f.,r. t t Hop! ! '
H A I'T hit I.
Ask ,ili V T ull of tin- no t oiil iriellt I
I'hjpicHiiH : .
-What i." Mi
bef it tul only n-ud i
that can be roiied on
of the HpiiK'Vs mill
to i't .ll il as p
iiriliarv oiiati:
sucli iif BriMi a ihiifH":-, in .ete,
retention, or iuabildy to n !-.!' uriut-,
and the diseas" and al'mi'-id peculiar
to Women"
'Aisd they will tes! yo'i xnlirt ly und
; I'lnithxlically " Hue ha ! ! ! "
Ask the i,;ti;ifi !i K'loliS
"What is the most rdia; a?id hurcst
cure tor liver dis'.ae- or uy-ponsia;
cotih'ipation, inigestion. billioti-ueH8,
malaria fever, ague, &c..'"' iid 'hey w.'i
tell you :
Mandrake ! or Dandelion I ! I
Hence when these remedies are coin-
binded with others equally vauiahle.
And compounded imo Hop Uitteos,
such a wonderful aud mysti-riouH
curative power is de velojwd, whicli is
eo varied iu its operations that no
disease or ill health can possibly exikt
or refcist its power aud yet it is harm
less for tho ni st frail worain, weke9t
invalid or smallest child to tue.
'Almost dead or nearly dy irf-
For years, and gave up my phyM-cian-J.
of Bright's and other ki lii.-y
liseases liver complaint?. 3ev. re cough?',
called conumtpion, have been cured.
Women gone tu arty crazy I ! f
From aonv of neuralgia, nervou
sness, wake'ullness, aud v;:ri"u
disarses peculiar to woman.
People draw out f ishape from
excruciating pangs ot rheumatism,
ihflammatory and chronic or suffering
fiom scrofula.
"Siltrheutn, blood poisulng, dysepl
indigeting' and, in fact, almost fill
diseases frail'
Nature is heir to
Have been cured by II jp B iwr
proof of which can be found in v?rv
nc-iyhboroood In the known world.
lifm None geuinj without a buuc.'i
of gre-en Hops on tlie white label.
Shun all the vib poisonous stuff with
"Hop "'or "Hops" in their name.
J tine 23 1884 dwlm
M O Connor keeps on hand the cel
ebrated Anheuser Burch St Louis Bot
tled Beer and always ready to pay pac
ticular attention to his customers.
The largest and best assortment of
foot apparel of every description, from
he coarsest Plow ehocs to the finest
French kid, at the very lowest cost
price, at Merges'. 6wtt
It you want to get you a broom that
will give the best satisfaction for the
same money ask your dealer for Dor
ick's brooms d?3-lmo
Orders for hand made brooms at
tended to promptly at the Western
broom fctorv. d2S lino
Blaine and Loan, Cleveland and
Hendricks 5c cigars, for tale by J. P.
Young. G- and fy thrrn. 13U2
Chew May Queen fine rut tobacco,
the best in the m-irket, better than
Fountain. Go and try a sample at
Phil Young'3 and be convinced. 134t2, Hair, Nail and Tooth Bruh
es, Combi, &c, nice line, at Fisher's
east Main street. 49itf
Important Notice .
for the benefit of my customers I
hove decided to sell 35 Bss gold fille
watches with Gn-? Elgin or SpringSel i
movements, for 835, Terms of sale, $1
per wee . This is a rare chance to se
cure a fine watch, as I will ouly sell 35
at this price. Call and see samples.
Ti. C. Erven.
Ayei'b Cartharic Pills promptly re
live the stomach correct foul breath
and aa uupliant taste and cure con-
smriiitlon. S
Call for Blaine and Logan cigars
wherever yon deal, as they are the best
nickle cigar in the market. If your
dealear does not keep them induce him
to get some. Sdtf
If your hair is get tiug thin, the ap
plication of Tlall's Vegetabla Siclian
Hair Renewcr will promote a thick
new growtn. wld4
F.G.Frickefi. Co.,
Will keep c-iDxtantly on a full and
eoiuplcli; stock of purn
(and a full lino of
Kor Mertlcan Purro-.
Speelnt atteut'o-;
s'-ilptlon .
iveu to 'o'Hpoindlr:n Pr
dioa.f. HANKS.
1,'t H! M
... I ll f M
.'i.'ank AKitt;ni.
f lee-rrol.lenl.
'.'.-!llX. ( nihier.
jiti ni..
tU ilK'.TOItH
J'jhn BIm'. -V it. 'i!ihinK. Frank Carrutb,
J. A. ('vtiior. !' ed l!,-n inann. J. W. Joliu
ro.i. 1'. I', i J.i; . -.lii'iii. I'eter Minnin,
vi'm. VV ei m e i.-ii;, tlinry ll'eck.
Tn.'TjMHetK it G"ii. r.i! Hanking Un Iness. .VII
W ii n.ive any i-iuiikiu linMnes to Iransji'-l
ui" in, il-vl to c-.l. Sti iiuiltt-r ho
l-iive or hiimll tin; t huh union, It
lil r.'i.-cive our ;:ti-Mn aitention,
:iiji! o proinMe alwuneoiir
t)'il 1 1 extineni.
ir-io.-.- iVi'lUij ites of Oe osits ItortikK Inter est
lluVHand sellrt Foreign Kxcii:mg, County
and CUv seeuiitieH.
John kitzokralu,
- W. McLacoiilin
(rfemtbe very best facilities for the prompt
traueatton of legitimate
Stocks, liond-i, flold, Government and lyocu
Wecurltie Hou;hi and Sola, Ueuoslts rcit .
yl and Interest allowed on time Certlli
ettee, Iirattn drawn, available in an v
pur', of the United Stat en aud all
the principal towu- of
Collections made E promptly remitted
Bljilit rltet price paid for County War
Mtate aud Couotv Hondr.
I'.r-n FlfzgM-aid
John It. ClarK
T). Ilawkkwoitb
K. H. White.
A. VV McLauablln
E. L. REED. President.
B. A. GIBSON, VIoe-Prej,ident.
R. S. WILKlXSOy. Cashier.
A Qgril mtm immi Transactsd.
Received, and Ictrest allowed ou Tlmr Certi
ficates. DRAFTH
Drawn available In any part ot the Ucltetl
Stat" niut all tbe prlacip&l cities of Eaope.
Aytrnti for the celebrated
Mm. Line of steainera.
Bank Cass County
Cotaer Mala and Sixth Streets.
.(-.. H. PA KM ELK. President,!
1 4 M. PATTKKSOM. Cashier. (
Transacts a General Banlring Ensiness
Paid for County and City Warrants.
and promptly remitted fer.
B B Windham. J. M. Patteraon, C. H. Partite
F. R. Guthmann. W J. Agsew, A. B.
S nirh. FrM OoMer.
A. Htndom01fk
Go to Scblater's the oJ-i jewefer, op
posite the opera hoine, aad buy goods
for cash to the amount of ten dollars,
aad yoa will receive a ticket gooi for
one chance ol obtaining a lady's 14
karat, solid gol J, hunting case, stem
windipy witch, American make; tick
ets limited to 60; whenever all thetick
ove been disposed of. notice will
gtren ia the daily and weekly
pjatumouvh papers, for the ticket
holders to met on a given day and
placs to select the party to whom the
gift shall be tnado. 126t3 19U
Fresh Blackberries and Bluebenle
received daily at Bennett & Lewis'.
Fence Posts.
8000 drr fence posts for sale, Inquire