Opera House J. S. HARTMAN, EverylEansag Mew. Also :i ci!Mj!'!; line of tin; TOlJACUO, nevt .l.j.ir U. !. 94&&&t?.: t-,',,;.. IV iiy l Mr " ' i..: Kai.o.i-. : . m. I 1 linn; j:: ( ':' V: t .Mill I'll'!: .lis ' i" '.. ' nil till I'.: 1' -' .-!! . : 1 oUll rliri I t ;v! !;-! ..' . t - '; ..-In" a rra Gi3 V EiiS JLU-i... -3, 4Sas p3siec9 wl:..i5c at slS times ysi5as2 iEfid tSae jbtS8eef9!PoL'k Mat6ia afiftE IFfcIi IFlsia. JLMIiiaaels of gpsme in season. it XT?, t liivery, and RIGS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION DfiY OR NIGHT. EVERYTHING IS FlIKT-CI-ASSTIIF. RKST TEAMS IN THE CITY sjiNGLE and doi:dli: . aiiriages. Trsvt-lers wiii liij.l c-iuj let'.' outlits by C!linij at the Corner Viue and Fourth btrtet?. Jonathan II ait ffeiois to i. IIATT. Sugw-UareJ Hams, Uacon, Salt Meats of all kinds, Lurd and all otlicr articles kept ia AT WHOLESALE o The Highest Market Price Paid Ui eaSy, FreM Lake Trout ! and White Fish Every Thursday Morning Billiarc Ha Proprietor. IPoiiip Kew Tables. U.tIity ot CI(jAKS, and O. Opera House IJloek. tA-H V: Ei'l'W j m I- f I- 'V '.i I l i -a i.i .l I it 1 i- M . ' : liii'V i s:. " J.t Sf.-..t-r U' t' 3 Sale Stable. PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. J. W. Marths. utton and Vea I ti 1 1 i rrt 4i a first-class meat market. AM RETAIL. lor Hides! Wool Pelts J r-.LU. , m PLATTSMODTH HERALD Pt'BLISIIEO KY The Flattsmoalii Hcral PutMiBi Co. ! Kepublican County Convention. The republicuu electors of C'asa Co. are breby cnlled to t-eiid deb'atei fruiu tbu difTcieut ireciucts in tbu couutv, to meet in county convention at LOCISVILLK, EATlllDAV.AUO. lC'IlI, Mt 11 o'clock a. ui.t for the imrjtosc of electing thirteen delegates to tbe state convention, thirteen (13) dele gates to the congressional couvention, thirteen (13) delegates to the Judicial convention, id so to place iu nomination one Cnndidattt fur Htate bcnatur, four caudldateb lor representatives, and oi. cinlidate lor county cotumissiouer from the veeond comniisbioner's dis trict, the busisi of repreaentation being ouu delegate at large from each ward and precinct and one delegate for every 15 vote or major fraction cast for J. M. Iliatt, lor regent of the 8tute uni vereity. The several Wards and Precincts will be entitled to representation us foll'JWP: Precinct. Lcle;:ites. First Ward Second Ward Third Waid Fourth Ward Plattsiiioulh Precinct. . Weej in Water Centre Libert v. ii k lilulls Hpton Urt u .voixl Suit C'tcik Stove I'letk T. . . . Limwo South Mend Louisviile. Avocii Mt Pleasant Eight Mile Grove .6 .1 1J . G .7 .16 .0 . . '' .!G U -S Total The Primaries in the duT r cincts will be hi-.J Saturdi;-. 9lh, at the followti.vc time ;;;-.ti primaries In th- city to r. a u one hour: TiptOll -i.:n:-l. .. : ; l 'I - I p. m. Greenwood Ri.-'iey II 7 p. m. Salt Creek -Gn-eii-.v....; Town --7:0 p. in. Stove Creek Stove Creek h. 0 ;0u p. m. EiWvo:t!- E njuovd Centre 8:00 p. m. Soulh Ueutl South Ri-t d s. h.--7:C0 Weeping Water School house 4:U0 p. m. Centre Grand Prairie s. h. 3:00 p. in. Louisville Oaseukop'i Hall 3:00 p. m. Avoca Hepner's s. h. 2:00 p. m. Mt. Pleasant Gilmore s. u. 3:00 p. m. Eight Mile Grove Ileil e. h. 3:00 p. m. Rock Bluffs Eerger s h. 3 CO p. m Ibety Folden s. h.--8:00 p. m. Plattsmouth Precinct Taylor 8. h. 3:00 p. m. FLA TTSM O IJTH CITY: First ward County Judge's office 8:00 p. m. Second ward Ward s. h. 8:00 p. m. Third ward Sullivan's efUce 8:00 p. m. Fourth ward Cotircil chamber 8 :00 p. m. 1 ho usual rule ijt regaid t) proxies will be hild in. force. M. M. Butlkk, Chairrxiau. "W. S. Wise, Secretary. Train Time. Under the change in time pas-seoger trains leave the depot here n. toll.iwi!: No. 1 west, 8:15 a, in. No, 3 west, 6:50 p. m. K. C. St. J. & C. B. north 5:15 i ' l it , u & .or a. m. m. C. B. & Q. , north, 7:15 a. m. Omaha stub north S:55 a. m. '! " " 5:40 p.m. Trains arrive a9 follows No. 2., Denver express C:25 p. m. No. 4, " - 9.25 a. m. K. C. St. J. & C. B. east 0 :45 a. m. . . .4 . U g.35 p m C. B. & Q. Omaha east 5:30 p. m. Trytho B'liuiua plus chewing to bacco, it is by far the finest plug chew ing made, Matt Schlegel sella it. 1 tf ChoiceJPlants. W. J. Hesser has now ready for mar ket a lot of very fine Cumberland, Triumph, Sharplese, Crescent seedling and late Glendale Strawberry plants, at 25 cts per dozen, 75c per 100, or $5 per 1000; the above grown in inch pots, strong plants, 50c per dozen. Samples of fruit on exhibition at Bennett & Lewis where orders maybe left. 118djtwtf Parties buying S10 worth of goods for cash wilt receive a ticket fur the gr-r.d drawing at L. C. Erven's. 115di.w2t Call before the liAt is nmr;f.7 Last chance to get a $ 55 watch for 3. at per weeK. 124tf L. C. Ekyex. Spearhead tobacco is al1 the m nrw. All chewers seem to be anxious to ppt that larm, which will be elven wnv in June npxt. Call at Matt Schlesel's for a circular. itf TTntil further notice I can brine im migrants from Enelaud or Ireland tn Piattemouth for S35.00. This is a rare chance, and thoie intending to send for theS uiwe opportunity. lOStf M. O'Doxohoe CORN COB Dint s In ererv atvl 8iilcyera. utt iluckleus Arnica Salve. The Best Salve In the world for CutB, Uruses, Sorett, Ulcers, .Salt Rheum, Fe ver sores Tetter Chapped Hands Chilb lains Corns an l nil Skin Eruptions and , positivly cure Piii r no pay rtquired. j It is gauaanteed to give perfect atis- j faction, or money refunded. Price li' j cents per box. For Sale IS y J. M, Iiol- I ert's. Nov. 27 lbs:j ly The Best Couch Hedicine In I be World. b AMPLE Y 11 EE OF CIIAEGE. Call at Warrick's drug store, and jjet a sample bottle of Urown's Expec torant free of charge. It cures Couhn, Hoarseness Whooping Cough and Cou tuniption in its early stages. It is a scientific preparation, admirably adapt ed for the cure ot all Throat and Eung Diseases. It is pleasant to take ami entirely harmless. Try it; it cwt you nothing. Regular size bottles, Socentn. and 31.00. For sale by W..J. Warrick. Jan. dAwlj Free ! Free! Free ! NEW DISCOVERY FOR PILES. A new remedy tor this dreaded dis ease has been discovered by Dr. Dening A ningle application will convince the most fkeptieal of its nio?t wondciful tienling powers. l!y calling on W. .1 Wnri it k druggist, you can obtain it -ample box free of charge, which will ais!'y you of curative qualities'. h.-n :; ! iw l- II! t!e I I! '.tiff i i : i Vi'U ! :t a fi.Ji, I: a', i '. ' .) :.tLk ! K nip's i ! in for t; '!'!:. M and Lungs; a gtiai a:tit :-n-!-tir ' r thote diseases. Pi:c . t: -rial size fre. K-ki ttiilv. -i ; t 'i -lin W. .J. W.uir.n k. N El: lIAf-KA PTATE flAZrTl Kit AKIi IJl'MXI-bf DlKHCToKY to he i.-fcucd ill ' July, li-J, price $4. ;0. j. M. Wolpk, ! pubi l.ir 10 S. I4ih M. omaha. !o.l All ti e List lou-.es m. I'-at Limotilh i will st-i yon lin mneiV choice erafker- j at reduced piice by II o box i t b.-ur. .1 . and don't you forget ' , (.U-i :i.et'. mm ; you ct.t the best. If Soiit'.' t nidi-It PevpJe i Allow a cough to i;;n mud it .i :s be yond the reach of n; dici' e. They often say, Oh, it will wcur awny. ..ut in most cases it wears thtm away. Ct.nld they be induced to try the siiec . sful medic ine cal'ed Kt nipV Balsam, bat I sell ou a i)ositive guarantee to t rr they would immediately see the extel leut tfftct after taking the lirst i! sc. I'ri.'e 50c and SI; trial size free. Resp'y. fapr3 4ni W. J. Warrick. COTTAGE SHOliSE. OtSi sr. car 32nfn, 1 LAT l'SMOUTII, - NEBRASKA. ll;tirg laen charge of the Cot t.agk IiOUE, 1 rhiill try to furnish all patrons wish comf rtt:ble quaiters and keej the tables supplied with the best in the market. Transient custom and board by the day or week solicited. may!7dtf. ED. FRAZIER CITY HOTEL. This beautiful three story brick structure, vv ower Maid street, ha Just been hnished antt tted up for the accommodation cf TRANSIENT CUSTOMERS. AND REGULAR BOARDERS,. E7ERY THING NEW AND CLEAN A Good Bar lacoum'&rlththe ?tf. FRED GOOS. Trot r W. H. MALICK, P CARRIAGE G afoul aid trlmmia SIGN L ORNAMENTAL tjPjLlJSrTTjSTG-, All orders left with me will receive prompt attention. COR. KIFTII AND VINE STREETS, FLATTS MOUTH. . NEBRASKA. M. O'CONNOR. At the down-tcwii saloon. PFOSITE THE PERKINS HOUSE. Keeps a complete Ine cf Liquors, kND CIGARS, BOTTLED BEFR. ALE AND PORTER, DRUG'S OMAHA BEER and tae beet brands of Kentucky - Pr.ATTTrt J. PARLEMAK, Will BUY ana FURNITURE il kind8 of METALS IRON RAG3 A1TD FURS Will advance money on all SALABLE GOODS, on lower Main street. One dcor west of Beck'g Furniture eore Plntksuuulb. Tet. 1st. t&34ett. S3 Nat e 61 ft fi -ODD 5 S ft p t:.. & ' -fa. XJ i i- m S3 to Ml Itsa ptiA m i 32 s 'Si. PA tad 2 N ft 5 m 9 tot &t e 82 ft ft S?" 5 6E 33l UWilaM JUii ii'.l r CD j - 3