Opera House J. S. HARTMAN, Proprietor. S'osip Mew Tables. ySitea'wc&fijBsacIa lea connection A!s. a fom j.Iclt; line of t!i; l.-.,t ijuality of CKJARS, and TOliA'JCO, m;xt !uii- h. 1. O. )or;i lloiiso Jiluck. i lrrrn.5r3?q2C " '.no; Mil EASTWARD. I:illy 1v;t'um Tniins for Omrlia. n.n ;n:;i, Kan-iis 'ity, St. I ouis. am! nil poiM- l:i-t. Ihronli Viix via IVoiUtn lni .i.:i-lis. 1! ttiiut I'liUi'tau I'-daee C:ir. :!nl fi:y :.;icl.-'j ni ll t lw oiijIi tr:iit.s. ;i. I -:i"i ear- it "I ' i.n rivtr. I .ftp 'N j.- ;.- 8 r ukxjt 5 J OOJEPIiSTB! Livery, and Sale Stable. RIGS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION DfiY OR NIGHT. KVKKYTIUXfi H FlUST -CLASS THE DUST TEAMS IN THE CITY SIXGI.E AND DOl iJLJ-1 CAIHJIAGES. Travelers will fiuil c uili.u- r.'itlits by cnlling nt the Corner Vine ami Fourth Streets, Jonathan IIait JMAfMAl " Beef- Pork- Mutton and Vea Narresxor to A. II ATX. XX ID Q,TJ T" ji: i--S FOS. CHOICE Kugir-CureJ ILr.u, Bacon, S.ilt Zvluiits of all kinds, Lard Bologna, and all other articles kept in a first-class meat market. AT WH07.E-5AJJI AND RETAIL. The Highest Market Price Paid lor Hides; Wool, Felts, Grease, Etc. PreshlLake Trout and White Fish . Every Thursday r 3 Mcrningj Billiard Hall WESIWAKB T:iliy l"jve."S trj'.in for iH-iivr cmiof tint I i:icii lit jxi liir all jioiT t.i in Colorado, t't.di ii: I ..ill I :n:l The ei .tin; ei-t. I!;rauvll o ;Mes the traveler a ,Nw l:i:1 1 tin mx-ih rv ni;l au ve-iitaes imeir'aleo Hi- 1 tr lii eil' s T T3 MAEEE 4 ve- sit all times TNT r T - I' I'LATTSMOUTII. NEB. J. "W. Marths. tiff ATT & D.. PLATTSMOOTH HERALD . PUBLISHED kv The Platismoutn Hcral PuMisIiM Co. Republican County Convention. The republican electors of Caaa Co. are hereby called to send delecnten from the diffeicnt precincts in the county, to meet in county convention at LOUISVILI.K, EATUUDAY, Al'O. lGXII, ut 11 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of electing thirteen (13) delegates to the state convention, thirteen (U) dele gates to the congressional convention, thirteen (13) delegates to the Judicial convention, also to place in nomination "lie candidate for state Bona tor, four candidates for representatives, and one candidate for county commissioner from the beeond cominissiom r's dis trict, the basis of representation being ote delegate at large from each ward and precinct and one delegate for every IT) votes or major fraction cast for J. M. ili.itt, for recent of the state uni veisitv. The several will be entitled follows: Wards itnd Prpciucts to representation as l'recici. First Ward Second Ward Third Want Fourth Ward Ptuttsinouth l'recinct Weeping Water Centre Libert v Uoek lilutld Tipton (reeuwood Salt Creek Stove Creek J)elegatej. o a .. 11 . . (J 0 17 0 it; m wood T South llend . . 7 Louisville 7 Avoca ; Vtt l'h'as.int '1 Eight Jlile (Jrove W Toa! 141 i The I'l iniarics in the ditlerent pre- j eincts will be held Saturday. August ' :'h, at the following times and places, pmnuucb in the city to remain open (jm; hour; Tipton Laveity scho 1 houe 5:00 p. m. Greenwood Ilamcy S. II 7:."0 p. m. Salt Creek -Greenwood Town 7:30 (. m. Stove Creek Stove Creek s. h. 3:00 p. m. Eimwood Elm wood Centre S:00 p. m. South licud South Herd s. h. 7:30 "Weeping Water School house 1 :00 p. m. Ceutre Grand Prairie s. h. 3:00 p. m. Louisville Ossenkop's Hall 8:00 p. m. Avoca Ilepner's s. h. 2:00 p. m. Mt. Pleasant Gilmore s. h. 3:00 p. m. Eight Mile Grove Heil s. h. 3:00 p. m. ltock Ultifls 13erger s h. 3 00 p. m Liberty Folden s. h. 3:00 p. m. Plattsmouth Precinct Taylor s. h. 2100 p. m. PLATTSMODTH CITY: Firat ward County Judge's office 8:00 p. m. Second ward Ward s. h. S:00 p. m. Third ward Sullivan's cflice :00 p. m. Fourth ward Council chamber 8 :00 p. in. 1 ho usual rule in regard to proxies will be held in force. SI. M. Btjtlek, Chairman. W. S. Wise, Secretary. Train Time. Under the change in time pa&senger trains leave the depot here as follow: No. 1 we6t, 8:15 aj m. No, 3 west, 6 :50 p. m. K. C. St. J. & C. B. north 5:15 .1 t( t ,1 t g .o- m. in. C. B. & Q. , north, 7:45 a. m. Omaha stub north 8:55 a. m. ' " 5:40 p.m. Trains arrive a3 follows No. 2., Denver express G:25 p. m, No. 4, " 9.25 a. m. K. C. St. J. & C. I. eat 0 :4 a. m. . 4 a , . , 8.35 p rn C. B. & Q. Omaha east 5:30 p. m. Trytho B inaua plug chewing to bacco, it is by far the linest plug chew ing made. Matt Schleg-.-l sells it. ltf ChoieeiPlsnts. AV. J. Ilessf r has now ready for mnr kft a lot of verj fine Cumberland. Triumph, Sharpless, Crescent seedling and late Glendalc Strawberry plants, .it 25 cts per dozen. 75c per 100, or 5 per 1000; the above grown in inch pots, si rone plant3, oOo per f'ozen. Samples of fruit on exhibition at Bennett & Lewis' where orders mavbe left. HSdAwtf Parties buying 810 worth of good" for cash will receive a ticket for th. grand di awing at L. C. Erven's. 115dAw2t Call before the lit is completed. Last chance to get a j5 watch for 35, at f 1 pet week. 124tf L. C. Erven. Spearhead tobacco is al' the go new. All chewers seem to be anxious to get h-t farm, which will be given away n June next. Call at Matt Schlcgel's for a cireutrtr. ltf I'ntil further notice I can bring ira migrants from England or Ireland to Piattsmouth for 35.00. This is a rare chance, and those Intending to send for their relations should embrace this fa vorable opportunity. lOStf M. O'DoxonoE. Orders for hand made t rooms at tended to promptly at the Western broom factory. dlWm itucklen'N Arnica Salve. The liest Salve In the world for Cuts, Bruses, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fe ver sores Tetter Chapped Hands Chilb lains Corns and all Skin Eruptions and posilivly cure I'ilen or no pay ruiuired. It is irauHjmtced to iive perfect satis faction, or rooney refunded. Price '5 cents per box. For Sale IJy J. M, Kol ert's. Nov. 27 ViM ly The Best Coucrli Medicine I nl lie World. bAMl'LK MIKE OF CITAltOE. Call at Warrick's lrug store, and get a sample buttle of Ikowu's Expec torant free of charge. It cures Cough?, Iloarstnesf, Whooping Cough anl Con biimption in its e;irly stages. It is a ftientilie preparation, admirably adapt ed for the cure o! all Throat and Lung Diseases. It is pleasant to take ami ent irely harnih. Try it; it costH you nothing. Iteg.ibir hize bottle", 50centH. and 81.00. For sale by W..I. Warrick. Jan. 3 diwly Free ! hoe! Free ! NEW D1SCOVKIIY FOltl'ILF.S. A new remi d tor this dreaded dis ease has been diM-overed by Dr. Dening A single upplieat ion will convince the most skepticid of its most wonderful healing powers. By calling on W. J. Warrick druggist, you can obtain a sample box free of charge, which will satisfy you of its curative qualities. Jan 3 D&wly la the Future l.t n you have ;i cough and want re- r, , !1. think of Kemp's Baham for the ,v. ; f!;i;i and Lungs; a guaranteed reiue i; jiiv iV r tho.se diseases. Price and i I -j-l : trial jizc free. Bespectf tilly, apr 3 lm W. J. Wakkick. NlBI'.ASKA TATK GAZliTKKIt AND i;r-iM h-i IiiiiM T. uv to I issued in J.:!y. lsi?4, pin-e ! "..). J 2d. AVoi.VK, ; i.i iishii lvu S. 1 S.b Si .On-aLa. l'3tf Aii ii.c its, ho u si's in l'la! iMDoutli a ii e 1 you B:t ijiiier'.s choiee er;tekers t.tiijcid pi ice the bx or bain-11, i'.no (! :"t you hi:;"t it. ie! tl.CHo and vi :i the best. t f So in e I iisli People Alio w a eo u ih t' 'iu until it gets be- yotitl the I each of medicine. The often say, Oh, it v. ill wear away, .t in most cases it we-ns thtm away. Ci.uld they be induced to try the eucecfful medicine called Kemp's Balsam, - hat I sell on a positive guarantee to i. r", they would immediately see the ex cl ient effect after taking -,lie hrsl dt s Price 50c and 1; trial size fire. Kesp'y, apr3 4ml W. J. Warrick. COTTAGE HOUSE. PLATISMOI.TU, - NEBRASKA. Having !;: tl.arpe of the CoT t.uii: IiotM:, 1 :hall try tofurni&h all l alie'is wiih n fortable qunrtf is and keep the ;al 1 s bupplied with the best in tr.e mail:t. Transient custom and board by thedn or week solicited. mayl7dtf. ED. FRAZIEIt CITY HOTEL. This beautiful three ttory hrick Ptructure. od ower Maid street, has just been finished and tted up lor the accommodation of TRANSIENT CUSTOMERS, AND REGULAR BOARDERS. B7ERY THING KEW AP CLEAN A fr,-i3 ii connncti in witii tli tf. FRED GOOS. Propr W. K. MALICK, CARRIAGE G Qiul trdmiiniTi UlMU!i QiiU Ulinilliii SIG1T I 0EWAME1TTAL Ail ordi is hft with me will reet it p.i inpt attention. COi:. t'FTII AM) VINE STREETS, rLATT.5Mi.r-I !f. - NEBRASKA. M. O'CONNOR. At t! flowi. tow't salocc. PPOSITB Hi. PERKINS HOUSE. Keej 'f a c tnj'lete ine of T jLfiauors 5 .ND ClGA.r, I'OTTLED I'EFR, ALE ANi' PORTER. DRUG'S 0-vIAHA BEER an.l iti l"t iiriui.is of Kmtiicky Jiwk:is. -ir r,lt. t-ri.t I'rt-i.f I", ti wM' Tr p J. PAPLEMAH, Wilt r.r '!! .-t: all kinds of FURHITITHH HETALS JEOIT RAGS AITD FURS Will ad v? !' money on all SALABLE GOODS, on lower Main street. One dcor west of Beck's Furniture sore P-attmoutb. Feb. 1st. 18896U. D I ninitrtrY- 1 M 'I! I II 4 to ba ft 2 o ' or ft at H ft & 1 P. Hi ft ft 3 Q6D 1 m pa ft tL ' v53 t,j -1 V.J tot m ft via M tZZl ft m Vlr fata b3 t ra Pi Ml tft ft s n V (45 61 g &1 2 tea ft pa rz-J fcfci ST ft fee 3 ("5 3K V0 ft &t ft 22 8 S3? X ,r Tin m in i.lU 1 1 a r r ( c (Q3J