i'Ufi'SMOUTB HERALD oK'i:ii oi- -run ;i rv CITY" NEWS. Cass County Fairs. i A quiet day for business. ... - - - - - Wiitch drawing tonight at CmruthV. Prank Cirruth is lib Minnesota trip. home agiin from ASM l.OUNTY FA IK will he held J.t ! riattsnmutli Sept. rth. Willi anil 27th. W, S. W is-, iSeeretaiy. 1IIK WKKI'IM' WATKIt FA IK will ! h.-hl : a.: Wiepmu Water. hfi. 17lh and isiii. ! W. auuion, Secretary. Shi r.ff Eikt-nbary was engagid today wilii a real estate sale held at the court llOU.iC. Vt;ik on the foundation wall of Hail & i '.' building ' h ":-' pushed r;'"idlv forward. Ordinance No. 48. Young. Men's Republican CLUB. : II. M. lU'SIIMKl.L. - I'n'siduit. KiCKii. lb IlMSS, K. S. H KKt'Slil., I I-,t Vice I'll-. 2d Vic; IT'--", j 11. M. DOVKV. 1. A. CAM l'HKI.I.. j Sceiet iry. Treasury. ! lii'!tin; every Tuesday evenings, I" their i r-u is in Kii.cer;ild's block. J Ll'iMry t IVarrick'n C 4. Uir!iull, IjU'iitlst, sue vrsv io (Jltitler & JIaiNhull. Tenth xlr:ic(el without pain, by use ol'Mtrous Oxltle an. 4. Salisbury, Wenilst. Secur. vmir seals lor Philip Phillips' i cnti Tlainirienr. Tickets en sale at the j r. . lii.ws df pot. ; lie i Mia heat that is given us tins j JtfM nom will icinind un iliat the heat ; ed t t i:j is not oyer. i Jlii' rdngirig pilgrim at the M. E. ! rl.i n :i Monday ami Tuesday evening-, ai'.Miitl, good entertainment. A huge number of ihe members of In: p it? nicu's clui will go forth the l.'ni- '.f tliB month after chickens. Re v. Dr. MrKai, of Lincoln, will occupy the pulpit in the M. K. church tomorrow, morning and evening. simwial no i m:i. i VI vritlse'iients under till" hi Iti'r iiue e,t;:U insertion. a.l. three cents siit e by AN. s.liv.oi. WAUM KOll SAI.K-l'on-lsMii of l ams. i' mmI timber, splendid .n h .rl of hearing trr.- ulif l tlie most .lesirahle laiina in i.'ass r. 'lily ; situated nt-ar Ml. I'leasant. Inquire of I5e Sullivan. Foil HlLK-A one horse huy and harness :ilmsl new. eunuirr-of .,, .... , TT-OU S.Yl.K-My reldene and four tots ; A koo.1 lions.', ham and fruit, and in exvl l.t eoi.ditiou ; also two impr.-ved lanu-. also a--tory l:i 'lv business liou .e 4u.yj leet, cu .data street, aud oilier duBirable land and h.ts. " 1. 11. VV IlKKl.KIt. VOUAKK Houses, lots and wood land by F John Bons & Son. cheap. Iu- tt IaoitSALK Se.eral residences. ' ouire of 1. 11. Wheeler & Co. . ,,n. i i.- ,.r itrli T:iMeLs in all nies I1 .r..J.;?i. fill VOKSALKalot In good location. I'ariie'i Jl lain a,l thiJ nrtieo st i-'OUSALK An order for a new American ? ewuiK Machlue. In.iu.re at this olllue. s iOKS VLK t.OOU cords of wood. Iaijuire f ? . ri.Wi.se. IsollSAI.K i lit papers for sale at this oftlce ' t 40 cents ler hundred or 5 eeuts per tlo.- Miso.s Clara and Minnie Clift, of Sutton, Xi I) , are visiting Miss Flora i liurtou, !;it v. ill re.'iiaiu here a few I da h. 1 ho ttiit ii)eetiii";s now held on the ; avruit'.f are being largely attended, and ! tli oae i r -ent !a-t Pveninjr report the ineetinr full of int-re.-t. tf you RALE Four lots together In Rod loca- tuni in tlii city. Iuiuire at this hiee FOlvKNT 'he nrtheast room In Stade'-inan..- buil-.liiitf. sifler Auu-.t Int. 1 his t.Miin is iu4rle for millinery or ilress making, or fr a .MuaVi)usin,:ssof any kind. Jntjuire at the premises. Hltf ItOO.M Ti KKNT.--A furtiishe 1 room for one ortwo sent leiium, in pood location. In -quire at t hit ollice. 71o PUR KKNT or sale oa h-nc time, a house ami two lots with -aod Improvements. Ap ly to ii, 15. Wtndhani. IiOIt KEN Good, new hoa?os ef four rooms. it'o.l water, it.d t;ardeji s.,0ts. i per is.onlll iu SlLiferville. W.i. SlIAKK. ilt kkn T Ihe north store rvm iu ev ' l.l-nk. ami S rorans UP suirs. (iood location for restaur uit or boarding 1 use. rents i-iieap. Apply i" jp.hi LOST co.d eu!T button wi'.h asate -t. The 'tinder may leave at this olllce and e re warded. " LOST V locket one side black enamft. set willi pearls ; pictures of old rentl manvid hidy inside- Finder please return to Miss Sv er at lr. Wintersteen's or leave it at this o lice. IVAfTED A K'rl to do house work. In- quire at the residence of 121tf. U. 15- WINDHAM. k:. of s Meet9 every Tuesday evening at thes Castla Hall, ia Uockwood lilock. V itino; Knights are invited to attend. II. M. Boss, C. C. W. Li. Dykes, K. of II. aud S. . ran dfat her la! hows, father of Mr. .lai.u-8 S M ahi w -f is ftf Moiisly i'l. :..a is rejiortrd'ii IHU bolt it ihis aflo: nofiu Dr. Hall the attei.dinpf physicini!, said to the IIkkm.u reporter lst ev cing, llat Mr. M itlu.'w.s trou'; v.;ii ,uite serious. In .Jii.sMce Newberry's court today Mrs. Robinson has had a lad arrested for assault upon her boy. aud if tire facts as stated in the bill of particu lars arc provca in eourt, the boy .v.'-iinst whom the complaint is uia.'e deserves his punishment. The hovs who have been actinir so disgracefully around the tent i.ieetinifK nn fiiii-prrn avenue, are known, and their arrest will bo made at the first retietitiun of the offense. Their arrest - - x is necessary their place. it FF-erns to learn them A Startlins Discovery. Physicians are of teen staitlcd by re inarkable discoveries. The fact that Dr. Kind's New Discovry for Cousiinip t ion and all Throat and Lung diseases is daily curius; patients that they have tiven up to d"u Is tartlin them to realize their sense of duty, and examine into the m-r'ts of this wonderful dis covrrv; reuitc! in hundreds of our best Physicians uin it in their prac tice. Trial bottles free at J. M. Rob erts Dru"; Store. Regular Size -fl 00. "Dec. 20 lvefiw. use For lame b ick. Side or Cheat Shiloh9 Porous Tlaster. Price 23 cents, SHI LOU'S COUGH aud Consump tion Cure is sold by us on a guarrntee. It cures consumption. SHILOirS VITALIZEK is what ou need for Consumption, Loss of ap petite, Diziness and all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price 1 U and 75 cents per bottle. CROUPE Whooping Cough and Bronchitis immediately relived by Sniloh's Cure. Soi by Smith A Black Bros. Dec.20eowd.twly The children's Missionary Society will meet Saturday, August 2d, at the resUleccu of Mr. Pollock at 3 o'clock Important business to be considered, demanding a full and prompt attend ance (if a 1 members. New members received bv tho payment of 5c per mouth. The Third ward comes to the front today at Mr. James S. Mathews, where a tine ten-pound boy was added to the T-r.r.ni.ifion. Dr. Liviuirstou informed i w i thellEKALD at noon that Mrs. Math o-r?. babv and all, were doing finely Tha includes Lawyer James S. Math tws-who is reported to be halting be tween he names Blaine or Logan. The Republicans of South Bend or ganized a Blaine and Logan club, by electing the following officers: E. E. ry, president; II. J. Streisht, vice president: W. L. Wells, secretary; R. G. M-.Farland, treasurer; Sam. Lorg, N. WT. fUneff, II. J. Streigbr, Geo. A. Hay and j. "W. Coou, executive com mittee. ' i Rev. J. WitNnbcrger, who for sev eral years has en the pastor of the Germau Presby tt-Han church in this city, leaves toJay lr hts new field of labor in Thayer county Rv. Witten borger has been a faithtl and earnest laborer in the field here, aid his church and people have prospered and in de parting he may feel assured that Lis la bor has not been in vain. These Are Solid Facts. The best blood purifier and system regulator ever placed within the reach of suffering humanity, truly is Electric Bitters. Inactivity ot'the Liver, Bil iousness, Jaundice, Constipation, Weak Kidneys, or any disease of the urinary organs, or whoever requires an appe tize , toriic or mild stimulant, will al ways find Electric Bitters the best and onfv certain cure known. They act surerly and quickly, every bottle guar anteed to give eutire satisfaction or money refunded. Price only Gfty cents a bottle. For sale by J. M. Roberts. Dec. 20 lye6w Call and ee Us. I wish to notify the public that I am now open for business, at Joe McVey's old 6tand, where I have iu stock a full line of Kentucky whiskies, St. Louis beer, wine and cicara &c as good as ih txt. JfTdtf IL M. Boms. The sportsmen had a very largely at tended meeting last eveniug, and made full settlement of accounts of the tour nameut aud other business, leaving the club with money iu the treasury, and a Tree end enthusiastic membership ready for chicken shoo3 aud annual hunts. J. II. Fairfield havintr rrtisrned as secretary, cnailey 1'arnule was elected in his place and the club ad journed until such time as it may be called together by the president. Cood Bye to Ail. Many thanks to all my German and English speaking friends, by whoae help I was enabled to sow good seed, which will bring forth good fruit in the future. Even what is left undone, v. "auiui loiiimon interest among the Germans, permit me to go in hope that I can do more in my new field of labor. With good will to all. J. W. NotCullty. Donaldson, the yonng man wated by Jerry Hartman for embezzlement, had his hearing this afterucon. The judge found him not guilty and taxed be cotU up to the plaintiS! AX ORDINANCE creating a Board of Jlcultli. . Bo it orduiued by the Mavur and Cotiucilinen of the city ot i'latts mouth : Section 1. That a board of health. consisting of from three (3) to live (.") lesideut freeholders ot tiie city ui Platlnuiouih, a majority of whom shall to regular pli ysicimia iu good blauding ih tiereliy roiled; said board or hcultn fh.dl be. elected by the city council at Us lir.t regular meeting alter the pus sagu of tins ordinance, and thereafter i-atd bo;rd of health shall be elected annually ntiiiicUiatcly alter t'ie ap pointment ot the Bland lug committees in each municipal year. Sec. 2. It khull be the duty of the said board of health at its liitt mee'r- nig after the Jiietnhers thereof are elect eti by the tity council, to elect one of its members chairman, and the city clerk is hereby made the clerk of said i oard of b -aKh, aud the city marshal id hereby mute its police otfi'.er. Il a hail be the duly of Umcltik to at tend all meetings of said board and keep a luil and accurate record of all proceedings in a book to be provided lor that ouri o-e, and it shall De the duty of the police officer to attend all meetings of aid board, and to failh- iullvot ey the directions aud order of said board in tho lawful discharge of its duties. Sec. 3. The chairman of 6aid board of health shall be the health olhcer ot the c itv, befoie whom all complaints of nuisances injurious to the health of tho lty shall be made by any citizen de siring to debite the same; during the recess of said board, and the health of ficer is hereby giauied authority upon any such complaints being duly made iu writing and properly h worn to be fore an otiicer authorized to administer oaths, and laid hefore him, to direct the police officer f said board to abate said nuisance within a reasonable lime, and all such orders i.-sud by the health olricer during the recess of the board, shall be in writing properly signed by him, and he shall report all .such ac tions to the bo.ir J of health at its next meeting trgcther with all the papers pertaining to each complaint. Sec 4. The board of health provid ed tor iu this ordinance shall meet on they'd aud 4th Wednesday of each mouth lor the transaction of such biui uess pertaining to tne health of the city a may be brought befoie it; but if in the opinion of tho chairman of said boaid, or anv two of i:s members it is deeim d expedient to cull a special meeting, l hen the purpose and o'ojeet of said spec.al tueeti eg shall be reduced to writing and properly signed by the chajriiMti ot said board or any two ot its members, and placed in the bauds of its police officer, whose duty it shall be to imu?e liateiv serve said notice of a special meeting upon all the members and officers ot said board to meet in accordance with the provisions of said special call, and upon duo service of said notice to meet, it shall be tha duty of all members and officers of said board to comply with the call, and meet at the time and place specified ia said notice of special meeting. Sec. 5. It shall be the duty of sai l beard of health to draw up and recoai mend the passage of any ordiu tnc, which in its judgment are required lor the preservation of the health of this city and submit the same to the city council for approval, and the names ot all members of said board recommend ing the passage of such ordinances shall be aflixed iu their own baud writ ing to the recommendation accompany ing the eame. Sec. C. It shall be the duty of the board of heal.h to carefully examine into any alleged nuisances within the city, and for this purpose they are ciomeu wiin authority to summons parties before them for the purpose of examination, provided, however, that oelore any examination ot parties take place the clerk shall swear said nartiej iu the usual form before hearing their testimony, and all such testimony shall be reduced to writing. Sec. 7. The board of health shall have charge of all matters pertaining to the health of the city, and relating to the sanitary condition thereof, and shall make any recommendation they deem proper for the interests of the health of Uie citizens therpof, to the city council, and all such recommenda tions shall be in writing, and signed by all the members of the board and at tested by its e'erk. During the prevalence of contagious diseases, said board of health shail submit to Ihe city council such regula- ; Hons and quarantine laws for approval as in ira iudgtueut is demanded and for this special purpose said regulation rmd quarantine laws, when approved and pa sed by the iiry council, shaJl extend and be in force within live miles of the city. Sec. 8. In every instance when it becomes known to any member or offi cer of the board of health, that any le gal health ordinance of this city is be ing vioietcii by any person or persons within said city, it ?ha!I be t :e duly of such member or otlicer to file a proper i.-ormatiun befote the police judge of this city, whose duty it shall be to forth with commence proceeding! against such parson or persons. Sec 9. It shall bo the duty of the City Clerk to read the proceedings of said board of health to the City Coun cil immediately after the reading and approval of the City Council proceed ings. Sec. 10. All fines collected by the police judge or city marshal agaiust any persons tried for a violation of any health ordiuauce, shall be promptly paid over to the city treasurer, who shall keep an accurate account of the same ULder the title of board ot health fund. Sec. 11. Each member of the board of health shall receive for his services at each meeting of said board at which business i transacted, the sum of two dollars. The clerk of said board shall receive for his services the same as the members of the board, aid the marshal shall receive for his services for each meeting of said board at which be is present and when business is transact ed, the sam of one dollar; and said ser vices shall be paid for in' warrants drawn by the order of tha city council upon the proper auditing of such ac count for y.Tvic" o i i aid board. And all juch w iir uiit, 8!i;;!i drwn upon the board of ,i a! Ii fui.d. Sec. 12- 1 his (.;.hii:ine to take ef fect and be in fore- Ir-jm u'nl alter its passage and public wion according to Jaw. Passed aud approved June 7, 1S73. K. It. LIVINGSTON. fAttest: .Mayor. 11 IK LPS I'Al.VK, City Clerk. A NARROW ESCAPE. John Legan and Bill Zad Have on Unwelcome Visitor- ORDINANCE .NO. 50. ai uiu.A.Mh providing sanitary regulations ami to secure the general health of the city of Plattsinouth Be it ordained by the mayor and council men of the city ot I'l.iiismoulh Sec. l. 1 hat it shall be unlawful for any person to caul or leave exposed iu any an eel, avenue, lane, lot, w ater coarse, or auy other places w ithin the limits of this city, the carrcass of any dead animal, or any putrid or unsound meat, fish, vegetables, or auy other sub stance which might become offensive, or to makij up, Use, keep, or permit in his or uer house, shop, store, factory. workshop, outhouse, bain, stable, cel lar, waiei cioset, privy yarn, lot, or auy other place within the limits ot tins city, any noisome or offensive liq- quids or any other substance, which might become auuoying to the neigh borhood, or injurious o the health of those citizens residing una: or fre quently passing by such offiinjive liq uid or other substance; or to throw auy tilth or offal, or any othe liquid or solid olfensie substance into auy street, ave nue, alley, lane, lot, water course, or any oiher place within the limits of this city. Sec. 2 All public stables, ig pens. pig yards and cattle or stock vards with in the limits of this city shall bo kept in a clan condition, and no a cumula tion of tilth shall be pcrmitlt i at, in or near the same; aud all prival stabl'-s. pig pens, pig yard and cattle or stock yards shall be kept iu a cleanly and uon-offensive condition. Sec. 3. All w t t closets an 1 privies are hereby re-juirod to bo kept in a clean and wuuicsomc conditio:! and no accumulation of li'th within the same shall be permitted al any time to reach a point neater too suriacu than four feet. It shall be the duty of the pro prietors thereof to throw a sufficient amount of some disinfecting a-'tnt. which has been approved as such by the board of health, into such privies and water closets, at least twice iu each week, to-wit: on Wednesdays and Saturdays to thoroughly disinfect the same. Sec. 4. The decision of tUe board of health on the question of cleanliness and non offeusive condition mentioned in this ordiuauce shall be final and binding upon all parties concerned. Sec. 5. 1 he city marshal is hereby charged with the enforcement of the provisions of this ordinance, subject to the order of the board of health. Sec. 7. All persous violating the provisions of this ordinance, or tailio" to comply with the requirements there of, shail upon conviction before the police judge of this city bo fined not less than live (5) dollars nor more than one bun lred (lOy) dollars: ai. d in dc- tatilt ot p iyment of the fine adj-idged sdiall be committed to jail fi r such per iod as the police judge shall iu accord ance with the law. adiudcre asrainst such party or parties. ! Sec. 7. This ordinance shall take fi fe ct aud be in force from and alter ils j passage and publication according to law. i Passed aud approved June 7, 1873. LSigned R, It. LIVINGSTON, Mayor. Attest:! PiiELrs Paixf, tiiy Clerk. Saturday evening after John Leguu and Bill Zatlo had rclircd to theircfiich for the night thev elent iu a -iiiiiar - - o J i on toe fui ia of Mr. S. Johnson, three I miles south of tow n they were aroused j by seeing and hearing that terror to an rensible people, lightning, play ing about their place of repose. The light ning struck the roof and passed down through the floor and out. Consider ing these men were bleeping in the building at the time, and the building being small, it really seems as though the hand of Providence had interfered in their behaif. The boys weie not overstocked, but, if their friends can bo believed, and we believe they can, they were tho worst scared boys in Cass county. They say they are thankful ior pasl favors, but don't want more In theirs,'' please. The same evening about 9 o'clock the lightning struck the rebidenco of Mr. John Schlater, living a few inilea south of town, but luckily no damage to speak of was sustained. Louisville Observer. I The Watch companies of this conn- try seem to l e at iriiii. Piites i J movement have fallen w ithin the Ul j thirty days sroin 25 to .OH per cent. The undersigned olur the Wallham or El gin movements in gold, gold filled and silver cases, to the public at the pres ent reduced price--1. Now is the time to bsy a good watch cheap. I furnish gold filled, Hti iil W hiding w ah hen of American make at 10. 1 heso cases have the I de-t improvement, extra heavy gold shell, and seymd p.uu made of solid gold, t'in movement have expansion bdat.ee and patent pinion. C. ' :t my slop: and ascertain prices and ; i: id ,.iw money. 1- los. III.ITKK. OppO.si- I.'-" ( t ej;i 1L,ii;i. and Lid: r ' pol- 'any Elder Burton f this e Ilardnrin oi (!-i . o !, . pitu the coming Sabbath, i: v. nr,i,j man preaching in the Christian h'u , 1, this city both ni:i mng and evening. The A uxj'iarv society for the lwicii'ile-.s, v ill Geo. S. Smith's s..t md.tv four o'clock. Mii.s. ,. N, Poll Tux. Every citizen subject to road duty is compelled to pay a poll tax of $2..00 per capita, lou can work it out. "eutle- men, on the streets. All you have to do is to call on the street commissioner and y ou can work ibis tax out iu your own neighborhood. Other wiao your money goes into tho improvement fund. You save inouev bv buvinc vnnr boots, shoes and slippers at Mi-nxV. where you have the largest assortment to select from Owtf Orders for hand made brooms at tended to promptly at tho Western broom factory. dtt lmo f '.It.: I '"til lui e ut Mi s. A i'gie.1 -J, al Wisf, Sec. :.cls. J liese are Snli l 1', The best h'.-.I purifier arid systi-m regulator ev i pla . d within the n- ich of suffering !i,i,iiaid! v, (nil is LI.eifj,; Bitters. Inactivity of tl,(: Liver, 1 ; I ioiisncss, .Jaundice. ConMip -tion. Weak Kidneys, or any disease- o'l the uiinaiy organs, or whoev..r n"-uir j.p appetiz er, tonic or in... i tiuoii nit, will always find Electric Bi iters the le:,t und only certain cure known. Thy n.;t Hiirejy and .juiekly, every hottlc guaranteed to give entire- aati.-daction oi money r,.. landed. Sold ):t fifty cent i bottle h v J. M. Roberts j I,-. ,wJy. M O' Connor keeps on h.tinl the cel ebrated Ai.h... sei linrth St Lomu J;,. tied Beer and aiwi.yh rcadv to pay par ticular attention lo J.i ( T. -f.-c.ers. ir0tf BENNETT & LE WIS, AUGUST 15th, 1884, To the Sew Waterman huzM isigj South side luaifiA 4rect5 next to Weill9 meat market. IHE '84. Plattsmouth, Neb., June 30, To the Citizens of Plattamouth : Ordinances Nos. 4a and 50 have been published by order of Ilia Honor, thj Mayor ot Plattsmouth, at the sugges tion of the Board of Health, to the end that no one can plead ignorance of their existence. It is your duty to com ply with the provisions of these ordi nances, and whether you do or not, you caa rest assured that they will be en forced. By order of the board ofheilth twenty days' notice to the citizens of Plattsmouth is hereby given to put their premises in a healthy condition. At th- expiration of that time, a thor ui'.h inspection will be macie of the e.ire city, and any persou iound liv ing in violation of the ordinances will be prose uted, witiiout regard to color or previous condition, aun the board proposes that no guilly man escapes. By order of tho board of health. R It. Livingston, J. D. SiMrsox, Pres. Clerk. AT QfuDDafs&only 30 Days. 2 will ciose out my stock of w jzlm&ms, IP1B MIPS, c&e Jhrnn- the coining TIIIISTY DAYS, at first cost, FOJi CASH When v.-o ,ay for i'ut Cost, ux- mean it. Corne and fvcure bar gains. 1 Plattsmouth. Xeh. Opposite Perkins House. Important Notice. For the benefit of my cu. have deeid'd to sel B .- watches wi:a liu? Eigiuor S movements, for Terms per woe . T his is a rare ch:.; tocuers I rAd fiila ringfel 1 f s ue, f 1 .ce to se cure a die watch, as I will o:,y sell 3o at this price. Call and see sample,. L. C. -RVKS. Ayti's Ciirth iric Pills promptly re live the stomach correct foul breath au i an un 'lea-ant taste and cure con sumption. Call for Blaiue and Logan cigars wherever you deal, as they are the best niokie cigar in the market. If your d'.alear d-es not keep them induce him to get some. PSdtf If your hair is getting thin, the ap plication of Hall's Vegetable SiclUn Hair Rcnewer will promote a thick new growth. H j.jq (JICElWfElSWARE At L'ost and JLcss thais Cost ! T CJLOS1E WiF'S'a I am closing: out my Kro- Consequently we will cc-ry btoc-k, '11 all to go out of that Lusines. The large.it and best assort mnt of foot apparel of every description, from he coarsest Plow shoes to the finest French kid, at the very lowest cost price, at Merges'. 6wtf CEillES & QUEEMSH, tor the next thirty days at cost tor CASH. Farmers and Citizens Mill find this a good onnor- tnnitv tA SPurP tliolr rr.A a it 9 1 ir rroocis at first rosf-. WJJI IHIJEI31LIII.