PLATTSUODTH HERALD OPITICIAL PAPKUUr XII K CITY CITY UEWS. Cirealatiag, Ldbrry at Warrtck.' 1U CJ. A. tfarMliall, Dentist, Hue censor tu Clutter & Marshall. Teeth extracted without pain, by use of Nitrous Oxide -. A. Salisbury, Dentist. " 1 Kcltel Thousands. niuTri iiiu iuiiu rtic nuts c3 tasywver Dr. K'um'a .New IHcovery for Consumption. Their unlocked for recovery by the timely use of this great life Saving remedy, causes them to go nearly wild in its praise. It is guar anteed to positively irure Severe Coughs Colds, Asthma. Hay Fever, Bronchitis, 1 Hoarseness, Loss of voice, or any aflec tions of the Throat and Lungs. Trial Buttles free nt J. M. Roberts Drug Store. Large size Dec. 0 lyeCw. For lame- back, Side or Cheat use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Price J5 cent.-, S1IILOIPS COUGH and Cousunip tion Cure is sold by us on a guarmtce. It cures consumption. SHILOH'S VITALIZED is what you need for Consumption, Loss of ap petite, Dizziness anil all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 and cents per bottle. CUOUPE Whooping Cough and Bronchitis immediately relived by Shiloh's Cure. Sod by Smith & Black Bros. Dec.20eowd&wly These am Solid Facts. The best blood purifier and system regulator ever placed within the reach of suffering humanity, truly is Electric Bitters, inactivity ot the Liver, bil iousness, Jauudice. Constipation, Weak Kidnevs, or any disease of the urinary organs, o"r whoever requires an appetiz er, tonic or mild stimulant, will always find Electric Bitters the best and only certain cure known. They act surely and quickly, every bottle guaranteed to " give entire satisfaction or money re funded. Sold at tifty cents a bottle by J. M. Roberts Jand&wly. A Wide Awake Druggist. Mr. J. M. Roberts is always w ide awake in his business, and spares no pains to secure the best of every article iu his line. He ha3 secured the agency for the celebrated Dr. King's New Dis oovery for Consumption. The only certain cuae known for Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Asthma, Hay Fever Bronchitis, or any affection of the throat and Lungs. Solp on pos- itive guarautee. Will give you a Trial Bottl free. Regular size S1.00. Dec. u. lyeGw A Startling Discovery. Physicians are often startled by re"" inarkable discoveries. The fact that Dr. Kind's New Discovery for Cou sumption and ail Throat and Lung ili;iip is dailv curimr patients that thev have given up to die, iJ startling them to realize their sense of duty, and examine into the merits of this wonder ful discovery ; resulting in hundreds of our best Physicians using it in their practice. Trial Bottles free at J. M Roberts Drusr Store. IJesruIar size Sl.oV. r1 IN CASH GIVEN AWAY ATTENTION, SMOKERS! All contestant for the 25 premiums aOTregat ine above amount, offered by Black well 6 Dur ham Tobacco Co., must observe the following conditions on which the premiums are to be awarded: All bags must bear our original Bull Durham label. U. S. Revenue Stamp, and Caution Notice. The bap must be done up securelv in a package with name and address of sender, and number of bags contained plain ly marked on the outside. Charges must be prepaid. OmtfM clon November Si'tu All pack ages should be forwarded December 1st. and must wach us at Durham not later than Decern- ' berlUh. No matter where you reside, jend Tour racVape, advise us by mail that you have done so. and state the number of bags sent. Names of successful contestants, with number " f SS returned, will be published. Dec. 22 in tfiSSffia W York. Herald; Phitadel- - fhia. Times: Durham. N. C. Totxuro Mant: New Orleans. Time-Democrat : Cincinnati. In qitirer: Chicane. Daily Xev; San Francisco, chronicle. Address. Hi.vKWii 'f Durham Tobacco Co., DrRHAM. N. C. Every genuine package has picture of Bull. AsT&ee our next announcement's The Ice Man. Jos. Fairfield has established an of rice at Monarch billiard hall, where he will contract with consumers to supply ice for the season at the lowest terms 3m2 Pasture- Two hundred and forty acres under fence, with running water, and one . half mile from the city. Apply to 5ltf W. S. Wise. M O' Connor keeps on hand the cel ebrated Anhenser liurch St Louis Bot tled Beer and always ready to pay pac ticular attentiou to his customers. 155tf You save money by buying your boots, shoes and fdipperg at Merges, whert? you have the largest assortment to select from 6wt ClotLes, flair, Nail and Tooth Brush rt, Combj, &c, nice line, at Fishers, east Main street. 49dtf it vou want to eet you a broom that n. ill enve the best satisfaction for the paroe money ask your dealer for Dor tc fc'a bnjjjmfi. 4?8liU9. Wanted -A few more names, on the watch list at L C Erven's. No. l was three hours late yesterday morning, caused by eastern washouts. Peterson JJros. are putting very substantial sidewalk in their new building. down a front of F. Carruth puta this office in under obligations for Minneapolis papers con taining accounts of tho great reunion' in progress there. j Mr. T. iiuiior, manager of Blind Bonne, the ireat. colored musical nrod- igy, h t t13 cUy today making ar- rangeinenU with TUnuger Young for l'i3 appearance hero. . The I'lattc river has a large channel cut through the Oreapolis bottom that is running full of water, and many pre dict that it is only n question of time until the whole river changes its ctmrsc nt that p'dnt. The sratleiing reports thai come in from points along the line of the B. &, M. are in effect that the hail districts are not as large as first reported, and that there will not be the general loss that was at first supposed. W. B. -Porter and wife, of Flatts- mouth, father and mother of Mrs. Ed. Cooper, matle her a visit on Saturday. Mr. Porter, returned on Sunday, but Mrs. Porter will remain two or three weeks with her daughter. Weeping Water Eagle. One of the most exciting base ball contests is now iu progress between the Evausville, (Ind.) club and the Union Pacifies, of Omaha. A largo number from Plattstuouth, who were in that cny yesterday, were spectators at the g une, which resulted 10 to 3 in favor of the Union Pacifies. The B. & M. are doing a large amount of substantial ballast work on the line between this city and Omaha; the larger part of this summer's work being above Bellevue. When the B &M rock ballast a strip of road in any loca tion, they do a job ol work that is sub stantial and that will last. The B. & M. are building a new de pot at south aena which was very badly needed ; the old one there being a very poor accommodation to the traveling public. The old depot will be removed to the Newton side track between Waverly and Lincoln and will b i used for a telegraph station. Mr. James Thomas left in the Her ald sanctum today a little branch not more than 31 inches in length which the wind had broken off one of his ap ple trees, this orancn or twig was overloaded with twenty-five large summer apples, almost ripe, and is a fair specimen of the manner in which his fruit trees arc burdened with finit. xoiepaughs circus ana menagerie which showed in Omaha yesterdaay, had twenty-four elephants in the street parade, a giraffe and ether curiosities. FujIv live thousand people gathered inder the great canvas to see the per formance in the afternoon, aud yet there are people who eay circuses are humbug?, and things of the past. Let not republicans deeeive you, be lieve in Cleveland, believe also iu Hen dricks. State Democrat. This is very good advice; but there is an ugly tale told of Cleveland, in which a Bufialo lady believed in the bachelor governor to her eorrow. It's asking a great deal of such victims to belieye also in Hendricks. For Thirty Days. Geo. Smith, a young man well known in this place, and who for the lat two or three years has been at work off and on in Jones' stable here,. was lodged in jail today for a period oi thirty dayf. Some time since Smith stole a silver watch from the City Hotel; he was suspected, watched, and yesterday Sheriff Eikeubarry brought him down from Omaha. He plead guilty to petty larceuy iu Judge Russell's court this morning and met the abovo sentence. Fremont Newspaper Jokes- ' The persistency with which the Her ald editor defends Cleveland, a fellow bachelor, reminds us of a celebrated casa in which a certain man was on ttial for stealing a hog. Fremont Tn- ouoe. To which Nat Smalls, of the Herald responds as follows : f Yes, were guilty we don't deny it! Us kind of men ought to stand togeth er V Important Notice. For the benefit of my customers X have decided to sell 35 Boss gold filled watches with fine Elgin or Springfiell movements, for $35. Terms of sale, $1 per? week . This is a rare chance to se cure a fine watch, as I will only 6ell 35 at this price. Call and see samples. -?i L. C. Erves. Se, swift, and sure to regulate the bowa, are Ayer's Cathatic Pills Recommended by eminent physicians. . -i wld6t Telegraph Dots- The cholera In Toulon, is decre.H&i" The prohibitionists nominated St. John for President. Indians in New Mexico are on the war path. A colored man died at Lockport, X. Y. aged 113. W. II. Barnum is re-elected chair man of the national democratic com mittee. Scventg-iive thousand strangers arc in Minneapolis attending tho great re union. Tornadoes and cyclones doing great damage are reported from Iowa and Wisconsin. Ex-Gov. Hendricks visits with Gov. Cleveland in a short time to arrange for campaign work. A very severe drouth is prevailing iu Central and northern Ohio. Trie Democrats of West Virginia arc in convention nominating a state ticket. Seven persons were bitten ly a mad dog at Newman, Kans. yesterday. Mary Anderson, the great actress, is announced as about to enter a con vent. Samuel Long and R. G. McFarland met with quite an accident las Friday night. They had been out in the coun try and were caught in the storm and put up at John Storey's, until, as they (supposed, the storm was over, when they started home; it being dark they had a lantern lit. When about a half mile north of Story's where the road runs near Fountain Creek, the rain had cut away one side of the track in which one of the horses fell, drawing the oth er one over her and throwing both the horses and carriage in the creek in six feet of water. Mr. L was thrown out under tho horses ana came near being drowned before he could, extri cate himself by the aid of Mr. Story and Mr. Rodonce, who were soon on the ground with a light. The team and carriage were saved with but very little damage. Mr. Long lost his gold watch in the operation. Ask Sam Long what time of day it is, if you want to see him get worked up. Louisville Observer. Remember the picnic tomorrow af- temoon. Thc best thing for the complexion is Ayer's Sarsaprilla. It brings the bloom of health to the wan cheek. d6 The supreme court reports announce the admission of Mr. T. Byron Clark, of this citj', to practice in the supreme court of Nebraska. Call before the list is completed. Last chance to get a $55 watch for $35, at $1 per week. 124tf L. C. Erven. If your hair is getting thin, the ap plication of Hall's "Vegctablo Siclian Hair Benewcr will promote a thick new erowtn. wiuo Division Supt. Thompson was down from Lincoln last evening attending to comnanv business in tins place ana across at the Junction John B. Finch, who is a delegate from this state to the national prohibi tion convention at Pittsburg, Las been elected chairman of the national com mittee. Today is another of the scorchers that are visiting us the present month, aud it looks as if July this year was going to discount any month for hot weather, heretofore on record. The call is out for a meeting of dem ocrats iu Neville's building tomorrow evening to organize a Cleveland and Hendricks club. The democrats should all be present and see to it that . due enthusiasm is created. The wail come9 acrosss the broad Missouri from Pacific Junction that no beer -or liquid refreshments of any kind, can be bought there, which (hows that prohibition prohibits in some lo calities at least. Mr. Hall, of Mt. Pleasant, one of the thorough -going young farmers of Cass, was in this office a short time today He states that there is very little dam age done to crops of every kind, and that wheat oats and barley are a fine crop and the promise lor corn never was better. Pio Nic- Remember the pic mo on Saturday the 26th iuat. at Smith's grove. The children and teachers of the Christian church Sabbath school, hope to meet all their friends upon that occasion. Baclly Lacerated Willie Tabor, son of Calvin Tabor living near Manley, on Saturday last while no mg the lead horse attached to a reat er was thrown off, the horse being frightened. The sickle passed him cutting bis face, rigu arm and . . " .. 1TT.II Dones oroseu. jjis- inomas ana nwi auu sewcu uu mc wouuub on oaiuruay. lue dov ia UUIilg HSll. niJlKCWUipuuttUiI ire somewhat diafiirared. . The Young boys u the Jerry Snyder place north of town, will build a new house and barn this fall. A number of the boys in this viciuify could profit by the example of Ed r.nd Walt. Re publican City Topic. Theo. Livingston ar.d Charley Par mele were morning passengers to Lin coln. J. A. Connor, M. D. Polk, Sara Bark er aud J. McWilliams were among the west-bcut.d p;3Bengers on today's train. Mrti. .1" n Waterman, Miss Alma Waterman, Miss lliu k, of Ottawa, LI. Mrs. .. N. Wise and Miss Evclvu Wish were in Ouvtha os'erd-iv, stopping at the Piixron. Mrs. Wade, of Cleveland, Ohio, and Mrs. MeCrea. ! Pail field, Iowa, both of whom : sisters of Mrs. W. D. .lone-, auiv. d PbitNinouth from the east i.i-- vcmii'' and will visit the coiim.;- v-k wiili the Jones'. Mrs. ALitt. Sehlegl and daughter Louisn, of PI iitsmoiilh, wejG in town Wednesday, the gufsts of the Misses Lizzie and Anna Ah. Loniaville Ob server. Miss Ella Fiemau, who has been on quite an extended trip to the Rocky mountaius, returned from Plattsmouth last evening after having had a pleas ant time. She was accompanied home by Mrs. Sch'.agle, of Plattsmouth, with whom the was visiting in that city. Bee. Dr. W. F. Whittemore was iu Oaiaha and Council Bluffs yesterday. Geo. Ma j field, of Louisville, is in the city today, and called at these head quarters to discuss the weather. The theme was tin exhaustive ore and well handled. UNSURPASSED' A rUasant, Safe and Reliable )tem- edy for ISowel Complaints, i "Please send three bottles of Marsh's Tonic Astuingent, by ex press, to my wife, iu Waverland, Indi ana, where she is visiting friends. She writes me th-it our little girl has the Summer Complaint, and that she can not obtain the Astriqent there. Please send it immediately as we are anxious to have it get there as soon as possrtble. We have more confidence iu it than any other remedy."' John E. Petty. Fort Scott, Kas. Marshs Tonic Astrinoknt is for sale by Smith &. Black Bros, druggist's Plattsmoutn. It quickly cures DiarrLe i,Dyeseutry, Cholera Infuntum, and all Bowel com plaint. Price 50 cents. Don't fail to try it. FiFTy cents will buy the Marsh's Ague Cure liquid or pills. Never known to fail. For sale by Smith &. Biack Bros. Marsh's Catbaric Liver Pills are mild, thor ugh harmless. For sale by Smith & Black Bros. JJr. C. D. Warner. ! Heading, Michigan. ' Dear Sin: I can cheerfully recoai-! mend vour German Hop Bitters lor the ' cure of Sick Head Ache and Dyspepsi, j mvseit ana wile nave ootn used it and would not be without the German Hop Bitters in our house, and would cLeer tully recommend it to our fellow man. x ours truly, w!9w4t. Rev. J.B. Slack & Wife Xo Chance To Counterfeit De Land's Chemical Baking Powder, for it is put up in c ins ocly, bearing their nalne. You cui.i;ot; be pure what brand you are buyiu when you purchase bulls U-ting rowder. IJfcw Lease of Life The aged and weak declared after using Speer's Wines tbey felt as if they had a new lease ot" life by having their system renovated by this pure strengtl ening wine, made by Alfred bpeer, of i'assic, is. j. For sale by W.J. War rick. wit Until further notice I can bring im - migrauts from England or Ireland to Plattsmouth for $35.00. This is a rare chance, aud those intending to send for their relations should en brace this fa vorable opportunity. I03t M. O'Doxouoe. Ranted. a. gooa girl to do housework ih a small family, Wa?es, $2.50 per week. inquire at residence one-half block west ot M. B. Murphy s, Chicago Ave. ulSJato H. J. JonNsON. Uruers tor hand made brooms at tended to promptly at the Western hroom factory. d28-lrao Ilepubucaivs are especially iuvited to meet at bchelegel's and try the Blaine and Logan cigar. l3dtf Fne i'osts. frf - . m qvu ur ieuce posts ior sale, inauire or v. o. wise. latr. a tit . " . . I " 21 111 Daceo. it Is bv far th finest r,lnnhsr ing maae, Aiait tcniejrei sells u. Itf TTnrraK Tt! a t I Hurrah for Blame and ogandgars Horrlble Death. From a letter received here from KIrwin, Kansas, we are pained to learn that Eddie, second son of Riley Rector, son of Samuel Rector of this place, met with a horrible death at that place on the 10th of this mouth. He went to water some horses that were staked out. lie took the rope and mounted one of the horses to ride where the wa ter was. It is supposed that ho must haye thrown tho rope over his shoulder After he had got on the horse it com menced to run and then bucked, throw ing him off. The rope in some manner got fastened around his neck. The horse ran from one place to another fully one-eighth of a mile, dragging the boy, before he stopped. His father was absent from home, but the poor mother witnessed the horrible eight. When she reached the spot where the horse stopped, the boy appeared life less and the rope was so tightly knotted about his neck that it was almost im possible to release it. After it was re leased the boy began to breathe. lie lingered along from Thursday, the day of the accident, until Saturday, when death put and end to his sufferings. W. W. Eagle. Its highly conceutraated curative powder, makes Ayer's Sarsapilla the best and cheapest blood purfier known. wldCt Spearhead tobacco is all the go new. All chewers seem to be anxious to get that farm, which will be given away in June next. Call at Matt Schlegel's lor a circular. itf SPECIAL NOTICES. Ad vertisements under this head, three cents per line each insertion. MONEY TO LOAN On real estate by A N Sullivan. FOR BALE A one horse buggy ;utd names almost new, enquire of 85dtl. MRS. A. SCIILKUEL. "POR SALE My residence arid four lots , good house, barn and fruit, and in excel lent condition ; also two improved f;u iiih is,, 2-story brick business liou-e 40X80 leet.oii Main street, and other desirable land and lots. l. II. WHKHUH. TORSALE Ilouses, lots and wod land bv -1- John Rons & Son. FOR SALE Several residences, cheaD In quire of l. II. Wheeler & Co. V' FOR SALE Scratch Tablets In all sizes at this olrice. IO R SALE a lot in good location. Particu lars at this ollice j,;, POR SALE An order for a new American a- fc-ewuig Machine. Inquire at this oMce.a fORSALE 1.000 cords of wood. Inquire of w. s. Wise. POR SALE t Id papers for sale at this offlc en -v. w bCUM JJCr UIIA- tf POR SALErour lots together in good loca tiun iu thi city. Inquire at this office tf FOR RENT. The nertheast room In Stadel lnanu's buildiug, after August 1st. This room is suitable for millinery or dress inakinir or for a small business of any kiud. luq uire at the premises. liitf ROOM TO RENT. A furnished room for one ; or two geiitleraeu. In good location. In quUe at this office. fjt- FOR KENT or sale on long time, a house and two lots with good improvements. Ap ly to K. B. Windham. POR REN r Good, new houses of four rooms. - g'Hid water, good garden spots, er month in Shafemlle. w. 11. Shakek. POR RENT The north storeroom in Nev- file's 1 black, and 8 rooms up etairs. Good location for restaurant or boarding house renta cheap.AppIy to Wm. Neville. lsatr TjTTA' RO d 9ufr btton wib agate et. The AJ Under may leave at this office at a be re warded, tf T OST A locket one side black enamel set JJ with pearls ; pictures of old gentlf man and lady insid. t nider please return to Miss Sav r at Dr. Wmtersteen's or leave it at this of fice. VANTEUA K"rl to do house work. In- ' quire at the residence of I2tf. R. JJ. WINDHAM. tou mow That water will not run up hill, that a kiss is sweeter than it looks and looks hetterafter dark, YOU OUGHT to KNOW that irood CILOTTMIT IVtf u best, and cheapest to buy, that money can be saved, and a square ucai nuu at myescotVs. the Boss Hiumicr, us ne noes not deal in the inferior lines adapted to the fixed purposes ol bankrupt and assig nee sales. We avoid all gag schemes, sell to all alike and treat our custo mers with theutmost fairness. A seasonable clothing and furnishing goods on hand, and we are prepared to con- vxnee all in doubt that our statements are correct, that our goods arc tae best, and that it 13 to your interest to trade with WESCOTT Late styles in Straw and Fur Hats, Novelties in Neckwear, full line ot Irunke, Valices, &c, &c Everybody welcome. ' Xo&w Block. THE BOSS CLOTHLEB Sabbath School Pio Nlo. Next Saturday the Sabbath School children of the Christian Church, their teachers and friend, will hold a basket pic-nic at Smith's Grove, on. North Hill, adjoining the residence of Mayor Smith. Everybody interested In the prosperity of the Sabbath School work is invited to be present. The school will meet at the church at half past 1 o'clock next Saturday. Parlor and bed room sets in all styles at the lowest prices at Henry Bo ck's U8tf Young Men's Kepubiican CLUB, II. M. ltUSHNEU., - lTesld.-nr. FKKO. 1'UUMSS. K. 8. (JltKl'SKL. 1st Y lee ProB. 'JU Vice ITew. II. N. JOVEV, I. A. CAM 1'ltKI.I,, Secretary. Treasury. Meeting) every TiieH.lay evening. In their rooms iu Fitzgerald's block. GREAT THROUGH ROUTE BETWEEN THE East, West, North & South. THIS GKKAT THUOUOIf ROUTE IS NOW COMPLETED AND IN FULL OPERATION RUNING THROUGH PassengBr Trains Daily -A follows: THREE SOLID TRAINS EACH WAV lletween Columbus. Iiidiuapolls and Peoria TWO TRAINS EACH WAY U Between Columbus. Inilinapolis and Decatur TWO TRAINS EACH WAY "icaiur. Ret Sandusky, IndianatioliK. I'eoria and ducal 11 r TWO TRAINS EACH Way attalur Between Sanduxky, Dayton and Cincinnati THREE TRAINS EACH WAY ""-innail. Between SandiiHky Springfield &. Columbia FOLRTRAINS EACH WAY Alumnus. Be't Coluinbui. KprlnefJM, Dayton & Cincinnati TWO TRAINS EACH WAY " '""-nii4ii lie't Columbus Springn'd Indlaiiapolls&ClilcaKO WITH- SUepiny an nHnlvg ('hair Cnrn on tul,t Train ami Klcaant I'arUtr and M,nUrn Day Coal ites im zaif Train. Itn track is laid with Heavy (Steel I'a'U cue"Kll'y ballaHt;d' wiln ea8y trades and few Traversing as it does the heart of tho thren frreat States of Ohio, Indianaand Illinois, uni 1 "B in close busmen relationship the caiTlui cities of the first and second, with the ec liwl city of the third, and pansing through Ktm number of the most important citieiTand town, it the Uh a!1 Us ceutral Nation makes Mkorteftt and Most Ielrable Route between the Kant and Went. Through Tickets and Iiagyage Checks to all Principal Poirts NORTH. HOlTH,KAHTAI WF.HT. can be obtarned at any ticket ofI!ce ot The I li LW- KJ : a,!" v' th' " at all railroad offices throuuhoiit the country. Rates ti L "ts as low as the lowest. sunay Don't purchase tickets to any point without, first consulting the agents of The I.. B. &. w. 11. '5V '.Yi-ouvnte 'fa '.! 1 arucularadvantacsoflnvl to Western Km- Si byii"nvaiinefOUritt l " C. E. HENDERSON. H M. BKONSON. Gen 1 Manaircr. Gen'l Ticket A fft m "