1 8. Ope ipLATTSnODTB HERALD15 1 PUBLISHED BT The Plaltsmonth Heral PbIIisMii Co. J. S. ftARTMAN, .... lEverytlftlaig: Mew. Proprietor. Republican County Convention. Tbe republican electors of Cass Co. are hereby called to send delegates from tbe different precincts in tbe county, to meet in county convention at LOUISVILLE, 8ATCKDAT, AUG. 16TH, at 11 o clock a. m.f for the purpose of electing mirieen delegates llvAIBl TOOW rU state convention, thirteen (13) dele- Kates to the congressional convention. flnv&iikiitk TT .B7!Ti4rBn m tfAnnAAriAII thirteen (18) delegates to tbe Judicial .-m convention, also to place in nomination Also a complete line ot the best finality ot ClOrAKb, and one candidate for state senator, four TOBACCO, next door to I. O. Opera House Block. candidates for representatives, and one from thu second commissioner's dis trict, the basis of representation being one delegate at large from each ward and precinct and one delegate for every ii votes or major fraction cast for J. M. Iliatt, for regent of the state uni versity. Wards and Precincts to representation as . Rucltlen's Arnica Salve. -- Tbe Best Salve In the world for;Cuts, Bruses, Sores, Ulcer, Salt Rheum, Fe ver sores Tetter Chapped Hands Chilb lains Corns and all hkln Eruption and positivly cure Piles or no pay required. It is gauaantecd to give perfect eatis- faction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For Sale By J. il. Rob ert's. Nov. 27 1883 ly The Best Cpuptii Medicine In the World. bAMPLE FREE OF. CHARGE. Call at Warrick's drug store, and get a sample bottle of Brown's Expec torant free of charge. It cures Coughs, Hoarseness, Whooping Cough and Con- sumption in its early stages. It Is a scientific preparation, admirably adapt ed for the cure ot all Throat and Lun g Diseases. It is pleasant to take and eutirely harmless. Try it; it costs you noching. Regular size bottles, 50cents. and $1.00. For sale by W.J. Warrick. Jan. it djtwly 'lit1' WYO Delegates. Free ! Free! Free ! NEW DISCOVERY FOR PILES. A new remedy for this dreaded dis ease has been discovered by Dr. Dening A single application will convince the most skeptical of its most wonderful healing powers. By calling on VW. J. Warrick druggist, you can obtain a sample box free of charge, which will satisfy you of its curative qualities. Jan 3 DAWly I EASTWARD I Dally Kxpres Trains for Omha, Chicago, K annas City, St. Louis, and nil points Fast. Through Cars via Peoria to Indianapolis. Ele gant Pullman Pahtce Oar and Uvy coaches on all through trains, and Dining car east of biU sourl river. WESTWARD Dfiiiy Kxpreos trains for Denver connecting in Union Depot for all points in Colorado, Utah, California and the entire Weet. The advent of tliis lice gives the traveler a New Route to tbe v est. with scenery and advantages une'jualed tisewuere. The several will be entitled follows : Precincts. First Ward Second Ward Third Ward Fourth Ward PUttsmouth Precinct Weeping Water Centre Liberty dy for those diseases. Trice 50c Ureenwomi " tri1 size free- Respectfully, Salt Creek 6 Stove Creek 9 Elmwood 7 South Bend 7 In the Fntnre When you have a cough and want lief, think of Kemp's Balsam for Rock Biuii3: :;:::::.:::::: :ie J!??.1 ???s9' a guaa.n tee Lreme mmwrnt. I 1 1 V 111 I III I .MM II 'N W ZA. WW I 11 II VI I I 1 Upton 5 and apr 3-4m J. Warrick. IM EERASKA MATE UAZETEEll AND Business Directory to bo issued in "tiiu . . . i t.,i loui . a a r.n t -ii7- i-uuieniie. ... I .... i.i :v. i on a i a .i. c i - i. rv... A AAii . (aiuiiauci o. lull oi., VJIIiaim. you Ait. Pleasant 6 Eight Mile Grove 8 9 eiFs tyt EAT MARKE at all til ICS yoaa lisisl tlae reiIH5cef5IPorl All limels of game in season. Total 144 The Primaries in the different pre cincts will be held Saturday. August 9th, at the following times and place?. primaries m the city to remain open one Lour: Tipton Lave:'. y school house 5:00 p. m. ureenwoou uamej' s. 11 7:au p. m. bait Creek -Greenwood Town 7:30 p. m. btove Creek Stove Creek s. h. 3 :00 p. m. Elmwood Elmwood Centre 8:00 p. m. South liend South Bend s. h. 7:30 Weeping Water School house 4:00 p. m. uentre urana jrrairie s. n. 3:uu p. m. Louisville Ossenkop's Hall 8:00 p. m. Avoca nutchins' s. h. 2:00 p. m. Mt. Pleasant Gilmore 8. h. 3:00 p. m. Eight Mile Grove Ileil s. h. 3:00 p. m. Rock Bluffs Berger s h. 3 00 p. m. Liberty Folden s. b. 3:00 p. m. Plattsmouth Precinct Taylor s. h. 3:00 p. m. PLATTSMOUTH CITY: First ward County Judge's office 8. -00 p. m. Second ward Ward s. h. S:00 n. m. Third ward Sullivan's office 8:00 p. tn. . Fourth ward Council chamber 8:00 p. to. 1 he usual rule in regard to proxies will be held in force. M. M. Butler, Chairman. W. S. Wise, Secretary. All the beat houses in Plattsmouth will sell you Bremuer's choice crackers at reduced price by the box or barrel, and don't you forget it. Get these and you get the best. :tf Some Foolish People Allow a cough to run until it gets be- yna the reach of medicine. They often s.i', Oh, it will wear away, uut in most cases it wears them away. Could they be induced to try the successful medicine called Kemp's Balsam, that I i sen ou a positive guarantee to cure. they would immediately see the excel- I lent effect after taking the first dose. Price 50c and 81; trial size free. Kesp'y, apr3 4ml W. J. Warrick. COTTAGE HOUSE. GIL St. IVearrMaln, PLATTS3JOUTII, - NEBRASKA. Having taken clarge of the Cot tage House, I hall try to furnish all pations with comfrrtcble quarters and keep the tables supplied with the best in tte niaiket. Transient custom and board by the day or week solicited. maylTdtf. ED. FRAZIER CITY HOTEL. This beautiful three story brick structure, on ower Maid street, baa lust been finished and tted up for the accommodation of TRANSIENT CUSTOMERS, ANI REGULAR BOARDERS.' OOSSPL2TE' Livery, and Sale Stable. RiGS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION DAY OR MIGHT. EVERYTHING IS FIRST-CLASS THE BE8T TEAMS IN TUE CITY SINGLE AND DOUBLE CARRIAGES, Travelers will find complete outfits by calling at the Corner Vine and Fourth Streets, TtSLltDlLO. a PLATTSMOUTH. NEB. Jonathan IIatt J. W. Makths. Grand Fourth-of Juiy Poem. Cook and Yeats, the barber mate. The best you'll find in seven states ; It any doubt, they'll And it out By calling in when they're about. With good shampoo and bergamot. They'll slick you up without a doubt. If your hair is curly, they'll cut It stralgli t. Or shave your face at any rate. We'll warrant them to shave with ease, And all their custom try to please. Their tools they keep in extra shape In order to, mens' faces scrape. The Ladies too, they now invite, For them, you know, they must not slight ; They'll cut your bangs just in the style. Now please call, and give them a trial. In the Court House shop you'll always find The doors wide open, from seven till nine ; And Sam and Billy youH find there, too. Always ready to accommodate U. - Yeats & Cook. - K of I Meets every Tuesday evening at thes Castle Hall, in Rock wood Block. V iting Knights are invited to attend. H. M. Bons. C. C. W. L. Dykes. K. of R. and S. E7EBT THING NEW AND CLEAN A Good Iar in conne,,l,u"ewith ttie if. FRED GOOS. Prei.r 3eef-.Pork.M utton and-Vea HnMMnM to A. O. HATT. BDCtrVVrB I ACm.m mm.trm ' a mi3IDO,TT-AJEd.T:KS FOB CHOICE Sii'r-Cured Hams, Bacon, Salt bleats of all kinds, Lard Bologna, and all other articles kept in a first-class meat market." - - -- AT WHOLESALE AMI RETAIL. The Higfiest JIarket Price Paid ior Hides Wool, Pelts, r - : Grease, Etc. . Fresbj Lake Trout and White Fish Every Thursday -:a. Attention Everybody. I will offer for sale on terms to suit purchaser the property described be low: Eighty acres of land, situated in township 12, range 12, sec. 32, Cass Co., Neb. Also one desirable residence and one htore building with a full line of hardware, stoves and tinware situated in Louisville, Neb. Also one set of tin net's tools. Now is your time to ee cyre a bargain. 109tf W. Ctjtfortii. W. H. 3IALICK, CARRIAGE ainlins m trii SISH & ORNAMENTAL All orders left with me will' receive prompt attention. cor. fifth and vine streets, PLATTSilOUTII. - NEBRASKA. M. O'CONNOR. At the dewu-towu saioon. PPOSITE THE PERKINS HOUSE, Keeps a complete Ine of X7V I INT 353 Iiiquors, i.ND CIGARS, ROTTLED BEER, ALE AND PORTER, -'HUG'S 0HAEA BEER ao J the best, brands of Kentucky " whiskies, Important to Travelers. Special inducements are offered you by the Uurlington route. It will pav you to read their advertisement to be found elsewhere in this issue. 47tf Choice Plants. W. J. TJeseer has now ready for mar ket a lot of very fiue Cumberland, Triumph, Sharpless, Crescent seedling ann late uiendaie Strawberry pltnts. at 25 ct8 per doten, 75c per 100. or $5 per 1000; the above grown in inch pots, sirong plants, auc per rozen. Samples of fruit on. exhibition at Bennett & Lewisl where orders may be left. ; " nwxwtr A Hurrah for Blalna and iocran efirara J. PARLEMAN, Will BUY aua zEL.!, all kinds of FUENITUREi METALS IR02T RAGS AIT3 FURS Will advance money on all SALABLE GOODS, on lower Main street, - -One door west of Beck's Furniture sore Plattsmouth. Feb. 1st. 1883 46tt. I ODD p I 1 v Si s Q 2 ? WW w 3D CQ3 ?9 lift r 22 3 (& 3 V